@Sacramento Kings

Should Keon Ellis start for the Sacramento Kings next season?

Should Keon Ellis start for the Sacramento Kings next season?

everything else but who is starting at the two you have Kevin herder you have Malik Monk and you have Keon Ellis Keon Ellis Chris he drops 30 points yesterday he balls out in the Battle of NorCal and I’m seeing the king’s different Muse accounts right the Keon Ellis Muse the the Sacramento Kings Muse all these accounts saying you’re starting your your starting shooting guard moving forward Keon Ellis will be in the starting lineup and we talked about how okay it’s summer league how much should we equate what Keon Ellis is doing and balling out to summer in summer league to the fact that he should be starting we haven’t even had this conversation me and you because we’re doing it live right here on the radio at 9163 39140 if you want to be a part of the conversation should Keon Ellis start at the two and if not who should it be just straight up very simple Chris as it stands right now with the current roster season starts tomorrow let’s play the game who is starting at the two for you I still have Keon I still think it’s Keon I think that every reason that to to and you know there is a portion of it that has to do with actually Keon and his abilities and and where he’s at in his development and a part of it and I would say a bigger part of it is still that it still makes every reason that we listed last season for why Malik monk should continue to come off the bench and shouldn’t be inserted into the starting lineup even though Kevin herder was struggling at the time it all still applies the flow makes more sense it makes sense especially I would argue it makes even more sense now with Demar D rozan in that lineup if you’re afraid of your your ball stopping and you know the defense being a problem which has been the main talking point since dear has gotten here then you have to start Keon Ellis because if you’re going to throw out a lineup with dearin monk D rozan Keegan bonus that’s where you could potentially run into some potential I wouldn’t call it spacing problems but that’s where hey Malik likes to run the pick and roll with sabonis d rozan more than likely is going to want to run the same thing with sabonis you can’t really it’s not that you can’t but it just doesn’t make the most optimal sense I think Keon being a spot up shooter which he shot 41% last year he’s knocked down threes in this summer league so far there’s no reason to not think that’s a part of his game I think it makes more sense to have Keon out there Keon can defend the best perimeter offensive player so dear doesn’t have to worry about that uh uh D rozan doesn’t have to worry about that either we saw it last year when they go against teams like Memphis you don’t want dearen Fox spending 48 minutes guarding John Morant and trying to put up 30 points we need somebody to take that weight off of his shoulders and you definitely don’t want dear in that situation either so I just think for all the reasons why we listed last year mainly the flow of the game and how these guys like to get their touches I still think of makes the most sense run Keon out there for six to seven minutes sub him out with dearen put Malik in I think you can run a Malik D rozan sabonis lineup or you can take D rozan and stagger those minutes with Fox as well and just run Monk and sabonis and then Fox and D rozan together I think that’s the most fun part about it but uh definitely am still feeling like Keon Ellis is in the front is in the front line right now to get that starting spot even with Kevin herder on the on the lineup because that’s what I was gonna basically ask there’s three options here and actually there’s more than three options and we’ll read them on the text line as well today’s the today’s the day for it but I would say Kevin herder as and I feel crazy saying this based on what I’ve said about Kevin herder in the past but I think Kevin herder honestly you would have the conversation about Kevin herder even before Malik monk with the addition of Demar D Ro in so now the question would be Keon Ellis or Kevin herder Kevin herder offensively oh he’s a shooter he’s a shooter that’s the thing Keon Ellis can defend in a way that Kevin herder cannot defend and then on top of that his shooting is it crazy to say isn’t terribly far behind Kevin standpoint no from a percent last season Kevin hder if it’s if it’s two seasons ago Kevin herder let’s have a conversation but but with what we saw from Kevin herder last season obviously he’s getting that shoulder taking care of no that’s a factor too but it’s a question mark now it’s a question mark as to whether he’ll be better because of the surgery or if he has to come back so I was torn on it i’ I’ve wanted Malik monk to start because I do like to I I do like to reward players for balling out and Malik monk he already took the pay cut he’s deciding to stay in Sacramento he Lov Sacramento loves the golf loves the weather and now all of a sudden he’s still gonna have to come off the bench but the only reason I’m okay with it and I’m changing my tune is because Monty McNair made the move you got Demar D rozan we’ll get into Demar d rozan a little bit later in the show and how that offense will I guess evolve but if it was the same exact roster I would say Chris I don’t care about the oh well we need him off the bench I I think you need to reward this guy for what he’s done he needs to start and you figure it out later you get Demar de rzan you have to have a different conversation and I think Malik monk would also feel like that because he said I want to start but you know I want to do what’s best for the team Malik monk was probably of the mindset of if I take this pay cut you run out the same lineup and I have to come off the bench still then we have a problem I think the conversation was with Monty McNair and ownership everybody with Malik monk hey we’re gonna make a move and we’re our plan is to make a move if we don’t make a move you’ll start if we make that move are you still open to coming off the bench and they went out and they made the move yeah no I mean I think it’s a great point about yeah if Demar wasn’t here I think there is more of a conversation because you don’t have that necessarily that pop that you want and like you said you want to reward these guys and you want to reward thank Malik in a way for saying thank you for sticking with us right here’s here’s a small token of our appreciation because it’s really what we’re talking about here really isn’t that big of a deal I mean the starting spot it means something for Pride it I’m sure it means a little something in your contract potentially as well but you know at the end of the day Malik monk I think maybe there’s a more interesting conversation about who ends these games right because yeah we can start we can talk about oh yeah go ahead and start whoever and then you can Implement you know Kevin herder and Malik and stagger them however you want but you can’t have that conversation last five minutes of the game and so last five I’ll I’ll ask you I’ll just throw it to you last five minutes of a game you have Dean out there you have D rozan out there you have sabonis out there I would think as it’s currently constructed Keegan’s pretty cemented in there as well where are you just going off flow are you got the day or the Personnel you’re going against I mean these are the decisions Mike Brown’s goingon to have to make in real time yeah if if Malik’s been hot that game I I think you have to keep Malik in you know Kevin herder if he’s hot you keep Kevin herder in and if neither of them are hot you go with Keon for defense that that’s essentially what I would say so that would be your your hierarchy would be Malik One herder two uh uh ellis3 basically it’s it’s hotness okay this is essentially what did aboc and fish get in trouble for that and there was you know they were only Hing hot people I would say it’s based on who’s hot between Malik Monk and Kevin herder and then you always have Keon or if you’re trying to protect a lead if you’re chasing it’s Malik or or Kevin herder if you’re protecting a lead you go Keon Ellis one thing I’ve seen from Keon and we tried to do this breakdown his shooting and this was his first year but that second half shooting was not the same as the first half shooting so you have to be okay with that if you’re not chasing if you’re protecting a lead Then I then I go with Keon you have some other other ideas here Chris that are coming through somebody says and this isn’t what I would do but we respect everything and all the different opinions from the 916 they would go sabonis ly Murray D roseen Fox I’m just I don’t think that’s I need to I need to see more from Trey Lyles yeah he’s not a starter to me right now yeah that’s for their starting lineup That would be their starting lineup yeah D rozan at the shooting guard position yeah that kind depends on I guess how big you want to go like you that’s a little bit of a bigger lineup if you’re running a back court of fox and D rozan you you you know you might not have the top end length but you definitely have General length um but I don’t I don’t really love it yeah I don’t think Trey is no disrespect to Trey or I don’t mean any disrespect to Trey but I just don’t really think he’s a starter quality guy and I do think that there’s others on the team that are just more deserving of of getting that kind of role I think Trey could have at one point stepped into that but I I to your point I just haven’t really seen enough from Trey especially in this past year that makes me feel like yeah Trey lyes it’s not crazy to start him it to me it just makes more sense to slide everybody else up or potentially make that I mean you know I think this is the reason why everybody’s talking there has to be another move because that’s the spot that just like are we gonna start Trey Wilds there or what exactly are we doing so I definitely understand why that is the thought process but I just feel like Trey to me is the fourth like I would much rather go I would rather start Malik monk than than go the route of starting Trey ly if that makes sense and and maybe it’s a different conversation next season again this exercise was as presently constructed we still think the we still think that the kings are going to make another move but if they don’t what would you go with this is from the 530 Nob brainers start Keon at the two and then they ask do you think he can be 40% from three next season I mean he’s shooting with confidence I think so and he’s going to get a lot of open looks because they have no choice now the other teams they Keon is the guy that you are okay to let beat you so he’s gonna have that opportunity 279 is not high on Kevin herder at all Keon is better than Kevin top to bottom Keon dogs Kevin get Kevin out of here can’t stand the three guy who can’t hit him he’s not that good and his defense is trash big trash Keon is him start him at the two monk Off the Bench is the fuel we need to push I’m not willing to write off Kevin herder that much yet and I do think we are all very high on Keon Ellis and Keon Ellis had a breakout season and Kevin herder had what was it Chris the second Worst season of his career besides his rookie year or second year in the league so Kevin herder stock is low but I’m not gonna count anybody up that just means he’s gonna come back with a vengeance that’s that’s a training camp battle that I can’t wait to watch either we’re talking about NFL training camp what about NBA train Camp I don’t think anybody has anything solidified yet and if Kevin herder I I believe he’ll be nice and healthy by then so all three of them of you know Kevin herder and throw Trey l in there too why not Kevin herder Malik Monk and Trey L to some degree and Keon Ellis have them all battle it out and Mike Brown he got that extension We Trust his you know his authority and what he’s going to choose to do that’s just what it is that’s just what it is somebody says from the 9 I like a fox monk D rozan Murray and sabon is starting five with Keon Kevin herder Trey Lyles and sometimes Len backing up I think that is what we all we all thought and Brendan honestly kudos to to Brendan Nunes he was first on this that the the feeling around the organization was that Malik monk was still GNA come off the bench this was before the dear D rozan move and we didn’t know why we didn’t know why Brennan felt like this he’s not going to reveal his sources but we trusted Brendan and Brendan was right on I think there’s a a a high chance that Malik monk is going to come off the bench but I think the understanding was we ain’t running it back so that’s why we’re okay with believing that Malik Monk Is Gonna Come Off the Bench because again coming off the bench for a nine seed is a little bit more disrespectful than coming off the bench for a four seat yeah for sure for what it’s worth uh I know the Texs are asked do we think Keon can shoot 40% uh his 2022 23 season in Stockton shot 44.4% on 4.3 threes last season 2.9 threes shot 41% so there’s no reason to think Keon is this is an anomaly last year hey he only played half the season is that really something we can Bank on since he has left College since he has become a pro and Keon is a little bit older too we can’t forget Keon is older than Keegan Murray is uh Keon has consistently shot over 40% since he’s kind of left college and even his final season in college he really turned it up from Beyond the perimeter and Keon told us he has said I used to be an offensive player back in my day when I was in high school or when I was a recruit or early in college I was an offensive weapon and my defense really only came when I went to Alabama because my coach told me I had to and Keon says I just think defensively what would I do as the offensive player that’s how I defend so I think Keon uh really does have a lot of offensive chops that people sleep on him for I think a lot of people assume Keon Ellis is this Tabo sephilia mold where he’s a great defender but you’re have to sacrificing you have to sacrifice the spacing on the other end I just don’t think that’s the key with Keon uh I I definitely think that he’s more than capable of being a three-point shooter one last note too I heard Anthony Slater mentioned this morning uh on the on the question of will Malik monk start he actually mentioned Mike Brown and how that’s where we don’t give Mike Brown enough credit because Mike Brown has the gravitas he has the personality and he has the security Now to say yeah Malik you’re not starting like I’ve never I’ve never once wavered on you being a starter it’s great that you want to be a starter right but I’m the coach and I do have some Authority it doesn’t have to be in a vindictive way or you know trying to put Malik down at all it’s just no like nothing has changed for me if anything we have a guy who has stepped up yeah to show me that he could potentially step in that SP starting role so I think if anything it’s more supplanted now more than ever that that he’s not going to be a star and you know what Chris I’ll liken it to Team USA right it’s not necessarily about hey we need the 15 best players it’s also about fit okay if it was B based on who are the fo

Stiles & Watkins dove into the question of who should be starting at shooting guard for the Sacramento Kings next season. A name mentioned was Keon Ellis, fresh off his 30-point performance in The California Classic.

The guys break down what different elements Ellis brings to the starting lineup, a case for why Mlaik Monk should remain the sixth man, and how important it is to have a consistent starting lineup.

And plenty more!

Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to hit the thumbs up and subscribe!

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  1. NO CONTEST! The Kings need Keon as their starting 2 going forward. They desperately need Keon's defense to stay close or take a lead in the first quarter! Getting behind after the first quarter changes the complexity of the game! It often does not work our well!

  2. Think about it, there is only one ball! Monk would not be the same player and have the freedom to be the dynamic player he is if he started. He would have to defer to Fox and DeRozan and would have less of an impact!

  3. You guys are strictly thinking with your offensive hats on! How important is getting stops in the last 2 minutes of a game? IT IS CRUCIAL! Keon needs to play some of those last 120 seconds!

  4. Lyles is one of our best options. It’s crazy that you guys don’t see that.
    He should play way more than he does.

  5. Keon Ellis along with Murray raised the Kings defense to the point that other teams actually had to pay attention. A nice change, because you cannot constantly try to come from behind.

  6. Of course Keon starts. He was the focus of the Kings’ defensive improvement and he’s obviously taken another step offensively. Perhaps Carter grows into it in a year or 2. If the Kings get a PF with more defense, they could afford to start Monk and bring DeRosan off the bench. That’s what I’d prefer, but need more frontcourt D to bring Keon off the bench.

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