@Miami Heat

Miami Heat New Summer League Star, Team USA Beats Canada, Tyreek Hill Top 5 QBs | Tobin & Leroy

Miami Heat New Summer League Star, Team USA Beats Canada, Tyreek Hill Top 5 QBs | Tobin & Leroy

[Music] you know I I just wish you guys would stop the quibbling I don’t understand uh something how can you give me a by the way before we have not said a word to each other and you were about to uh you’re about to get on the air like what what I’ll say that what by the way if you ever subject me to summer league basketball again why dude was a great time there’s a new condo on Brickle dude that’s not fair that’s not fair that’s that was a great game yesterday that was a great game yesterday I’m waiting for we got a new star can browny do something he just stands in the corner dude he don’t do anything he don’t do nothing he he he’s inbl weird get the get the rebound he had a nice little run in the second quarter of deflections he did got his team going but that dude don’t even look at the basket no think he tried I think he tried like one jump shot because they gave him like the first buck of the game easy layup like all right bronny got his Mojo going let’s see what bronny James has got yeah never looked at the basket again except for like one wide open three yeah that was it but um you didn’t love kha Johnson dude no he was he was good and and Caleb Martin who but but Caleb Martin who who who but here’s the thing listen holy smokes yeah it was it was Brick City on both sides except for uh until the until the last three minutes when the heat went on a 120 run to win the game yeah yeah that was good that was good there was this thing you know it’s funny this alandis Williams who is he was a g-league most improved player last year they call him man man um and he’s kind of he’s got a B kind of looks like Terry roier to be honest with you he’s got like Terry roier to him and there was one place speaking a brony I was talking to Dan day about this Dan day in today by the way for frog boy who left us high and dve not that we don’t love having you Dan day but it was just very strange that frog boy just dipped off the uh the face of the Earth last night yeah but Dan said he knew I didn’t know me neither I was in a car ride with frog boy yesterday I gave frog boy a ride home and then he go was yeah you know I got all these things coming up and I got these comedy shows with with crowd but never mentioned hey by the way I’m out right I was like okay I’m like I’m happy for you buddy I’m like I’m glad you he was telling me he’s got all these bit plans and all this stuff and then all of a sudden nine o’clock comes and rats off a ship just gone gone so uh but great to have you here Dan I guess I’m glad to be here man well it’s good to have we need we needed some soccer expertise as well so it is it is great to uh to have you there but um so I was telling Dan before the show we were talking about bronnie and bronnie had like this one defensive possession because he don’t have offensive possessions all he has is defensive possessions but he had this one possession where Zion pulling one of the Heats two-way guys from Florida he has him then he switches onto aland Williams didn’t really bottle him up but did you know contest tough shot ales Williams misses the shot and uh the Lakers go up I think at that point 10 uh on the other end then Alanda Williams says enough of you child and just like throws a shoulder into him the first time gets a bucket but then dude he puts this move on him in the fourth quarter spin move between the legs off kiss off the window and I was like but poor bronnie got sent flying did he get sent D you need was the music so uh yeah that was uh he I I found it to be an exciting game yes Brick City that’s fair um but you didn’t you didn’t like Kea Johnson I mean I’m G say this he does it all it it played like everybody was just trying to get to the rim right that’s all that was nobody was really shooting or making shots they had a couple of stretches where guys making shots but like holy smokes it it was just go to the rim everybody’s just going to the rim show one-on-one skills go to the rim well uh get to our headlines here brought to you by the new Peta for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store P for we know trucks so uh the heat they do win their final Summer League game they go on a 12 run to beat the Lakers 80- 76 uh really really uh fun ending but yes it was disappointing I certainly when the when the news started that hey by the way none of our draft picks are playing tonight I was like what come on you guys just had two days off baby so instead gets to go in the hands of Kesha Johnson new undrafted gem 21 points eight rebounds three assists three steals three blocks uh and got to do it in front of the only fans in the uh building that were his family which was cool the guy uh I don’t who is that guy do you guys know who that Oldtimer is who was doing the games he he just who thorough he just sounds like Old School uh oldtime coach like he I I don’t know who he was but at one point he goes I don’t like all these Ras matage jerseys I was like wow I’m like whoa I don’t like all these Ras I like them simple Celtics I was like oh indang see where this is going so uh they win they now go on to the Vegas summer league and the news yesterday Leroy Hae hawz Jr is going to play a few games for the heat summer league team I’m going say this okay and I’m G say this with all of that guy played more basketball than anybody in your organization 75 games yep and he’s the one you got going to summer league well I think he just likes to hoop no stop what like you played 75 games your rookie season yeah you’re not going to your organization and say please let me hit up that summer league they asked him to well he was in Vegas he was in Vegas he played more games than anybody you know here’s the thing you know what what old time Tibido franchise what are you talking about really time should change you gota you gotta set the tone this guy so so you don’t have a problem with the guy who played the most games for your franchise plays summer league I have a problem with baby second year you got to still earn some shot it adds up does it adds up he hasn’t played basketball in three months he was just playing with the uh the scrimmaging the select team or SC scrimmaging Team USA he’s playing basketball you’re you’re trying to justify this and you know you’re damn this is a ridiculous out this is why why why can’t he be with his new teammates new teammates let me get this straight you don’t have a problem with the guy yeah who’s played more basketball for your organization when your problem has been guys not playing making him play more basketball no problem with it you’re a buffoon why that’s crazy I don’t understand what the problem is you go he’s gonna probably play a lot with that’s like it’s like saying okay okay here uh you’re a rookie aan you had, 1300 yards uh awesome season played all games why don’t you go give us a couple of weeks in the UFL no that’s not fair that’s not fair yeah if it was if if they asked him though to go to rookie mini camp you know just to again just no he ain’t a rookie ah come on dude what you doing look no I don’t I I don’t see what the problem is you know he’s gonna play with only people that have to go to rooky camp or injured guys and rookies that’s it he’s gonna probably play a lot with kle W don’t you want him to build that chemistry have you seen summer league basketball that ain’t chemistry I’ve enjoyed every everybody get there I love summer league oh my goodness I love summer league going back to the days of James Enis I don’t think look at he could have said no he could have said no really oh yeah no you can’t yeah listen he’s at a position where he’s not there where he can turn down the organization but the organization should know better than him he’s a Hoops adct it does I don’t care do you understand do you understand what you just asked or suggesting you’re suggesting that’s okay now keep in mind what has your team been plagued with guys’s not playing enough games wearing down getting broken up at the end of the season and the guy that played the most games who looked a little beat up at the end you’re going to say go play more basketball in the summer every once in a while you need every once in a while you need to R up the engine I’m not even listening to you Terry roir gonna be there practicing huh Terry roier is gonna be there practicing he’s rehabing at least they with the team no he’s rehabing there’s a difference I said that in the beginning of my comments no so you wouldn’t Mindy if he’s with the team what if he’s practicing with the team that’s fine yeah but not playing practicing basketball is different than playing in games come on what’s the harm you teach you teach Swedish swi a few things I’m not commenting on this like it this this just stupid it’s stupid for me to even think that you would have any idea of what I’m talking about RMS says to’s usually with you and your shenanigans but Triple J should not step foot on a summer league Court minus one Jesus do you not understand how ridiculous what you’re suggesting sounds I’m not suggesting anything no he’s doing it but but you’re saying it’s okay do you know how ridiculous because guess what guess what you’re gonna be the first one in the beginning of the year if he sore and has to sit out a week or two go play too much basketball in the summer what no way hold on let me get this straight if haime hakz would have showed up to the Miami pro league to get some runin that’s different how’s that different because when you say hey I need a break come get he you don’t think they’re G to give him that kind of uh Liberty the in the summer league you think coach Dan bakio is not g to say oh okay no you know what’s G to happen everybody once you get in the game you want to win right coaches players everybody want to win so when you get in that environment if haime is the only one making shots which by the way what I’ve seen he will be the only oneing shots consistently Z Poland had moments I can’t do this let’s go to why because because I like this attitude from Lis haime wear lson KJ gonna be nice in Vegas who cares are we trying to win summer league is that something we’re gonna put in the Raptors dude dude can I just say you guys are ridiculous because here this is how I look at this when it comes January and February and March next year that bill is going to be due and I don’t want to hear not what one of you I don’t want to hear it saying oh when Haim is a little sore because dude’s been listen do you realize how much basketball he’s played in the last year because they go basically straight from college into he’s he got a nice European Vacation he’s good two weeks so you you’re telling me that a professional athlete who plays all those games and all those minutes and Hae played more minutes than anybody because he was the only damn one healthy that’s true right you’re saying oh go take a vacation take a couple of week vacation when you get back we going back at it back at it dude D I wish you know what I wish I could do here’s what I wish I could do I wish I could put your body through that so you firstand understood these guys go he’s a hoop junk I don’t give a rat’s ass what kind of junkie he is’s a hoop too much is too much you got to let your body heal why do we have to have takes about this like obviously he wouldn’t go if he didn’t want to go he loves who really really you think he’s gonna say to Pat Pat I ain’t feeling it what that’s why you got to go to you don’t well let me ask you this let’s ask this hold on hold on hold on we’ll take a break because we got to take a break but I have a question I have one more question with this take a break back after this w e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back everybody toin and Leroy take you up until two here on the program you guys can get us on YouTube and twitch the channel Miami 56 dwq are we gonna fight today because yeah like you already you’re up to a like what is the problem just be now let me ask you this about the haime hawz thing all right because I didn’t think you were G to have this strong a take on it excuse me well let me ask you this sure are they showcasing him and no all right I’m just asking in summer league so you think so like what what else is the theory behind it he’s basically playing in NCAA tournament yeah so how you showcase somebody that’s already played a full damn Seas in the NBA just asking D wasn’t he all rookie but a lot of was he all rookie first team right so what I would like to know you know what I was just the MVP of the rosebowl I’m g go back and play with my high school I would like to know how many I would like to know how many First Team all rookies would have to go have got summer league done I mean he’s probably gonna play one game and when I say one game like 20 not even 20 minutes 15 minutes word is he’s playing a few really word is he’s playing a few what are they trying to gain that’s what I you know what this the Miami tibidos well hard to say oh Ain hard to say well so you don’t I think this is crazy I think this is crazy you you understand all rookie the guys played more basketball as a rookie yeah than anybody else on your team sure already been in the playoff series right yep let’s go play sumary I think he’s trying to I think they’re trying to gel him with kware no why because I don’t know because they’ll probably play a lot on the second unit together I mean I’m not gonna say nothing but if that’s your attitude there a couple other people they should probably go give them like well not everybody would say yes who you think should go name names we don’t need another wow I’m just saying according to your according to your logic right it would be the guy that played the least amount of basketball schan says rumor is they’re training Hae to play the point which would make sense if you want to get him in in a in a little bit of a rhythm with with we shoot that Dynamic do whatever you can action justify two game but I am not sending the guy that has been the most reliable basketball player as far as games played other than bam right yeah to Summer League I’m not doing it he wants to work on things I guess okay yeah okay speaking of Bam by the way and Twan game oh Sparks the us immediately with that lob from Anthony uh Edwards Ant-Man ant bam oh right on the bench together can I just say something looks can say this this time of year yeah is when I hate you the most don’t don’t say that I have to it’s not nice I sometime it needs to be said why because all there is is conjecture and wood ifs I’m talking real Hoops by the way how about Joel embiid fing out in 12 minutes last night what was he ninja well CU he’s he’s a he’s a flop Merchant and they got the the feea refs have a tighter whistle they oh do they do the uh well you only get five fouls first of all in feeba and do you do the uh what do they call it the uh like in hockey embellishment embellishment he like whacks somebody in the face he’s like what did I do what did I do you’re a giant and the guy’s on the floor bleeding the guy’s like we’re playing a friendly that you punched me right in the face why did you do that but uh Canada’s like got a good team yeah but they got humbled yesterday because they got off to a really good start and then once you because because there’s a couple guys on the US team then to look on the sideline say all right d they have great guard they have they have really great guards but my the the uh the US it’s a giant they’re all like too big they could put a whole team out there that’s what 69 610 yeah it’s too big right they’re too big they’re too big um but it was it was noticeable the Symmetry that that ant bam had together because because everybody was throwing the ball all over the place early on and then immediately yeah Anam it was iMed I’m saying Dan this is time of year dude immediately immediately Ant-Man and Captain B America go out there together and they saved America because we were about to be embarrassed and Canada was about to have their revenge for the Panthers beating Edmonton in the Stanley Cup first of all there a there’s enough guys on that team you ain’t gonna get embarrassed oh dude it was embarrassing and keep in mind wait kada is good you don’t think so they’re good they’re good they’re good so who okay who you think the second best team is besides America I’ll take a crack at it if you want me to maybe Serbia no it’s Canada France is good too says the world not you Serbia was Serbia says the world almost won the gold medal last year second R team nah that’s it’s true what are you they’re one trick ponies oh my goodness oh my good Dan what like even facts don’t work with him I mean I was kind of right Spain is number two no Canada’s number two it’s us Canada’s number seven in the feeble world rankings so Canada’s number seven you’re going on Olympic rankings their B their backourt talent is really great no I didn’t that’s the list dude the third leading score is Dylan Brooks I know which is crazy first of all wow you know what’s great about this this time of year how many times have you gone huh he’s French he’s Canadian right speaking of by the way uh Nico yovic uh it was announced yesterday by their their Serbian coach I had to use Serbia Google translate uh he’s he is not going to go to the Showcase games he will be ready for group play apparently but he is still he’s not traveling with the team for these pre games still healing from the ankle he just got out of his boot so yeah so that’s how but he’ll be there but he he play he played a lot too more than he was used to he should be ready to go uh he should be ready to go for that first US game that counts though in group play so keep a note on that for uh our boy yic they got yic they got Joker they got they got two bogdanovich’s do they have two bonovich they have one bonovich I don’t know where buana is from not sure he took a lot of liberties with that comment they have every bonovich but Canada can only olenic you so much you know like he he he tried that fake out pass and it worked like three times and then they’re like all right we figured you out old linck he’s got one trick Kelly keeper isn’t Kelly otic the only big they have yeah I don’t know who the Powell is their starter he’s on the Mavs I didn’t know he was Canadian that’s what I’m saying I didn’t know this is that time of year right I didn’t know this is that time of year had no idea he was Canadian now we also didn’t know that the head coach of Canada is coaching the Nets I didn’t know that he was their new coach you know what’s amazing is that you like like when you get to Serbia and those countries you know the guys that are from there the names right but there’s a lot of guys you go oh canadi yeah not gonna lie Shay gild Alexander shook me a little bit I didn’t know that Ian I knew it last year but I didn’t know they were I didn’t know it took me in the middle of his career but I was like Ohan all right all right is uh wig Wiggins is not play is Wiggins playing no I I don’t remember him playing last night he’s Canadian he is Canadian though he is Canadian Canada’s having a moment right they definitely are having a moment but they need more size the uh the the the American team it’s GI but anyway um second you know a lot of people were mad at embiid last night because you know embiid he could have been on a bunch of teams he’s on America that they start him the starting lineup was Steph Devin Booker LeBron uh Joe who am I missing oh Drew holiday and uh once the second unit came in they were short-handed last night you know they lost Kawhi Leonard not surprisingly and Kevin Durant didn’t play so I think they they only had 10 real players they had some select guys there too but the ban was on the second unit with Anthony with Anthony Davis he looked happy just letting you know he liked playing the four why you ignoring me because it’s that time of year it’s not that time of year you’ve been wanting this really yeah are you going on vacation what are you going on vacation don’t don’t deflect you always do this no when you’re exhausted with a uh when you’re exhausted with a Take You Just You deflect to a new subject because I think it’s ridiculous that ha haa is playing this something I apologize oh it’s not my decision what if they’re trying to get him ready to run the point you had no idea about that to oh you’re enjoying yourself aren’t you take a break hey let me tell you something I’m G tell you right now when he gets banged up or hurt or if some God forbid something should happen he gets hurt or if he’s sore at the end of the year and got boo boos and aches from playing too much basketball I don’t want to hear it that’s not fair I don’t want to hear it how am I supposed to know that it uh how am I supposed to you know he got tired going and at the end of the last year he was sore I understand but how am I supposed to know that that was the cause you don’t know too much basketball SCH smithan also said totally made up the highe Haw his thing sounded good so SM what do we do let me tell you something this is Twitch YouTube he’s usually reliable on stuff like that hey I’mma tell you right now sounds good we need a break yeah y’all everybody needs just calm the hell down mhm right uh although you ever think if schme and schik was like working in the Heat organization like you didn’t know but he’s just been here the entire time like he’s in the video room and he goes checking on my boys just troll them all day I’ll throw him a real nugget every now and then I didn’t we don’t need any additional trolls right I have enough I have like yeah I have enough I have enough like I don’t need 15 deep on the trolling that’s the heat said last night in summer league no draft picks we have enough but they do have draft picks not last night though they didn’t play them are the heat trying to win the summer league over there in Vegas is that like one of their goals organ might you know Dan like it was last year haime didn’t really play in Vegas summer league so may you know so so let me get this straight as a rookie they said he just got done with basketball We’re not gonna play him a lot in summer league but after 75 games you figure okay have at it well he was he was hurt last year he heard a shoulder yeah he looked good in the two games he played though he did so maybe they figured give him more run this year he’ll be even better I don’t know I don’t know what they’re thinking like yeah take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e welcome back everybody so Copa America has its final yesterday Colombia beats Uruguay one nil gonna be a goodlooking crowd Sunday dude uh so they will take on the goat and Argentina Argentina also known as uh on Sunday at Hard Rock stadium by the way salana and wqm will be out at Mickey Burns in downtown Hollywood for a block party for the Copa finals the block party starts at 2 p.m. and there will be live music food trucks love a food truck and ice cold beer specials all day and night you guys can enter to win a pair of inter Miami tickets and go see Messi play and many other cool giveaways salana will be there at Mickey Burns at 2 o’clock you got the goosies D are you excited about this those watch parties are awesome you know I’m limited in how I say that you can win prizes but Leroy they have the best type of beer at those watch parties oh you know what the best type of beer is free yeah it’s th it’s Thursday you’ll be by me this week tonight right of course yeah I live at Duffy on the weekend but Duffy is so good dude du good that Buffalo that buffalo chicken sandwich speaking of free beer come on bye tonight Leroy I got you man free drinks I I know the last time I went we uh played the little uh played the um the trivia yeah trivia and your wife stops and goes how are you going to get home tonight to me I don’t know why she asked that but she asked how are you g to get home you go he’s a professional they figure it out uh well is this the uh the the result you expected D day you are our soccer expert Colombia beating Uruguay yesterday they did it short-handed yeah didn’t they did some Bones Jones somebody in the middle of the game got kind of nasty yeah Colombia as far as the euros and the Copa I think they played better than any team in these tournaments they have been just lights out Uruguay typical tried to pull him into the mud they try to play more fast Colombia Colombia got an early goal and once Colombia got that early goal it’s hard to play in the mud when you’re down so yeah I did expect Argentina because they just find ways to win they had to play Canada come on it what good right so what the hell happened because did you see this Leroy it’s it’s probably gonna be all over television at some point today but uh well I don’t know because it’s I don’t know what ESPN’s rules of are throwing up Fox footage for this but uh yesterday uh uay up into the crowd afterwards and they’re basically we had almost a malice at the palace they’re fighting the Colombian fans what yeah what the hell happened then so I think it’s a little bit of frustration Uruguay upset that Colombia beat them but apparently a lot of Colombia fans were there there was a small section of uay family and friends and the Colombia fans apparently were throwing stuff at them and some of the players saw their family members being quote unquote attacked and with the frustration and everything kind of boiling over they jumped into the crowd and uh started throwing some Haymakers geez that’s crazy can’t say anything though I mean you’re in a way protecting your family so it is interesting though like we have one malice at the palace that like really uh changed uh you know NBA guys still scarred about getting suspended for a year but like soccer hooliganism really is in the the roots of the sports like just just fighting amongst the crowd dude soccer is the most like racist most hardcore like dangerous fans in the world like they don’t skate on that it is nasty uh one guy says condolences on salana and Uruguay’s loss yes yes Columbia it’s an expensive trip for salana to leave that’s tough yeah with his with his feelings hurt Tuesday night fly out the redey Charlotte wake up go to the game lose he’s flying back right now so it’s like Co oh that’s tough yeah that’s tough but congrats to stunt Steve who says worst 45 minutes of my life down a man I expect him to equalizer at any point no so he uh he gets to see his team move on I assume try and uh go see them against uh the goat this weekend and uh we’ll see them versus Argentina Sunday how much are those get in prices for the game that’s a good question man I gotta mat but honestly I’m sure it would have been packed no matter what because international soccer draws down here MH but I got to imagine that particular matchup it was 1100 before the matchup was even set so I’m guessing now with Colombia Argentina so my question is this he flew up there yep but if they had won the game would be here he was gonna go okay so he wanted to go to two games no he’s been to every game except when uay won the other day he’s been to every his pops has been to every single game wow wow okay okay so yeah he was going to go I now is he going to go to the third place game that’s hardcore if you go cheer on your team in a third place game of the Copa is that down here too right now the lowest price I see right now for Sunday is $1,500 on and now oh man wow section 303 so upper is that like a better seat then because no it’s just section 303 that doesn’t seem to make sense it must be like a one-seater cuz like the one-seater uh is 1500 in section 122 maybe it’s a bad view or something like that it’s corner but uh section 303 $1,800 yeah that’s what people are saying maybe you’re more center field in the center of the field I’m wondering how much Spain in England for the final in the euro in Germany is going to cost that’s got to be about $3,000 just to get in that’s crazy got to be a fan even still for Europe because I know in like in Europe usually like tickets is at least in boxing they they’re just much more reasonable on the way they they treat their fans the good Germans have decided who knows I mean this is I mean it’s obviously a huge deal so maybe the times change but I do know this is a oh my God these the I wonder what $3,000 for tickets on in the lower level yes and that’s around the whole there is nothing like soccer now I’m G say that because like like it looks like a fun time verified resale section 148 so mid a little past Midfield row 17 they’re going for nine grand a piece good and it’s gonna be packed wow everybody wearing them tight ass kits wow yeah cause CA I don’t know whether they make him Dan one siiz fits Dan because they all get into the same very tight now I gotta tell you down here not so bad when one when a female wears it MH but when the man is trying to fit in the same shirt yeah right it’s a little uncomfortable looks like a lava lamp sometimes they still think they could run though how much of Marlins when the Mets come to town how much are tickets for those Marlins Mets games compared to that’s a great you could you could you could buy tickets for a whole section for one seat you could get you could probably buy I mean like just the whole section season tickets up into next year and you wouldn’t hit $1,500 for the Marlins now my God that’s crazy isn’t it yeah man all right so Marlins next game for them it’s the Mets a week from tomorrow because they’re at the Reds oh that’s going to be a good one you get to see Ellie De La Cruz play against the Marlins in Cincinnati though they’re like here you go this is what a real Prospect they get the allstar break after that because remember Tanner Scott is our lone representative from the Marlins in the All-Star Game and he might not even be a Marlin by the time he gets there nothing gets uh nothing gets everybody fired up like a like an All-Star reliever which is nothing against him he’s been very good but still so the final is Colombia versus Argentina correct uh by the way $ tickets for Marlin’s Mets on the Monday wraparound series I say you know get better deal you know what give me this whole section right yeah Leroy you don’t have to buy the whole section I want all of Budweiser bar so I can watch of course Copa America while the Marlin can you put it on the big screen so I can can I get whatever they call the Clevelander what do they call the Clevelander now Recess Recess yeah oh really oh okay it’ll always be the Cleveland and they got rid of the pool yep no pool because of you I cannot confirm whether not the last person to jump in that pool Dan I think a gator a snake and a tortoise would had more chance of surviving that water than a human bro it was disgusting it was it was pure filth in that thing it was it was not great it was not great I’m not proud of it but you know I said I was going to do it so I did it what was the temperature of the water death I don’t want to even say lukewarm I would just say soupy yeah it seemed that way like it was just felt like there was a film in there it was just like a skunky beer like it was like it was it was just not good not good at all not proud of it um oh somebody said uh the guy the player from ugra leading the fight was wearing a kyin Murray Tobin sports bra he was they all wear they all wear because it tracks their heart rate in their how many steps they do yeah they all wear it you still have that thing yeah you use it yeah you have the sports bra or you have the tracker the tracker both oh it’s both he has both because he’s like I’m going to get it we’ll do it for the bit and then I’m going to keep it I appreciate that did you wash it after I wear it yeah you don’t wash the whole thing you just wash the little bra do you wear it around when you go like running and biking and stuff like that no Dan you wear it under [ __ ] that’s what I’m oh man I mean you wear it under your clothes no but I’m saying do you wear have that one to the list do like you making like you got me out there you on one today man you got me out there like like I’m just wearing a sports brao no I’m saying do you wear it under the shirt and the jacket when you’re biking or running or hiking I just I I don’t bike I just walk now yeah yeah I can’t ride that bike my my where do you where does it check the data does it go to like your your ghost to your watch yeah all right that’s cool on my phone so the the the thing that goes it has like an that like as an app yeah you put the thing in there you put uh it’s a like a bra and you put the the monitor in there uh in there and it monitors everything we’ll take a quick break our tour is next e e e e e e e e e e e e it’s time for our Tua it’s our to Y it’s our to I it’s our [Music] [Laughter] to Tong of not to tag of Leo A for effort Dolphins quarter T it’s our it’s our t t CH go to hell to a quarter Daddy loves you guys our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history of our tour of the program ladies and gentlemen toin and Leroy here with you 560 WQ take you up until two here on the program let’s get to headlines brought to you by the new palet for truck Super Center Why by your truck at a car store petal for put your mic on dude I mean what we turn our own mic on yeah we know trucks always have no not me not you no look dude you want to hear Tyreek Hill listen I had to take a personal time out because uh Dan day got me going and he wasn’t even trying no no but you uh you you you’re inflammatory language everybody all riled up dude um Tyreek Hill you familiar with him I am he’s good what is he doing nowadays just chilling just chilling traveling I don’t know I don’t know he’s got a baby on the way yeah he does number 10 wow really I they were joking about it but we were doing the math the other day and it’s around 10 yeah he and his old lady uh what’s her name Su vakero they’re having their first child together it’s a girl a congratulations um so you play five on five they maybe they won’t need Hae well uh the cheetah he was on his Instagram and uh bored he gave his top five QBs here was Tyreek Hill this is what he had to say for his top five quarterbacks in the league the cheetah he had five quarterbacks he picked Leroy when you have a top five who do you think would be the most surprising name on this list anybody you think cheetah gives respect to I got one but I would say I would say maybe somebody like Jared goth for Kurt Cousins oh Kur cousins man you have it now Dan we have the Tyreek Hill no it’s all good buddy don’t worry Tyreek hill top five quarterbacks on his Instagram this is what he said Patrick Mahomes Tua lar Jackson Dak Prescot Baker Mayfield no he didn’t swear to God it’s true why you looking at me like that Baker Mayfield dude you think he’s trolling yeah really you don’t think he respects Baker’s game I respect Baker’s game but not top five yeah no no no you you can take I mean first of all the infatuation with Trevor Lawrence and Justin Herbert is just based on how they look sure because if Tua had did the same things in those situations we’d still be having about two so let’s let’s keep it real what Kurt Cousins has done to the league in the last 10 years is make more money than any other quarterback so while we sit here and try to find reasons not to like Kurt Cousins if you look at what he’s done he’s been pretty good same thing with Jared gof and I was off the you know rats off the ship with Jared Goff but he he’s right now he’s having some he’s he’s on the heater boss says where’s buo on that list and I’ll tell exactly where he is not on the list dude that’s not on his list it’s the cheetah’s list here’s what I would say sometimes in your profession you can have a moment right and depending on how good that moment is you can make a career out of it Joe B came out smoking right but the fact of the matter is he’s been hurt a lot and he went to the Super Bowl and everybody is just seeing that Joe burrow and they’re just disg guarding the other Joe B that you got the injured Jo Boro the rehab Joe Boro but he is good so no he’s I’m not listen you can be good and not be successful okay we’re talking about the best quarterbacks so you got to be able to put up some success Joe burrow had a moment a year right all the other years he’s been banged up or they haven’t had success so I don’t know how to view that I don’t know how to you know look at that because that that’s we we we tend to pick the parts of a person’s career to make our point right um Lamar Jackson at some point he’s going to start getting heat I feel like he is okay I feel like he is um mind you I mean like he was on the trade block like his his own franchise right but that’s what I’m saying the other thing is I mean does Josh Allen keep getting passes yes why he just does okay I think he keeps getting past us he’s not but he’s not on the cheetah list no but I’m you know again I’m just going through do you think that Baker Mayfield here here’s my theory why Baker Mayfield if if Aker Mayfield was anything close to top five he still be a quarterback for the Browns yeah but he was injured like you know how that all went down better than anybody again if he would have been in the top five we would have been able to uh justify riding this injury out let me ask you this though if you today uhuh if the Browns could have a doover you don’t think that they would they would trade Baker right now contract and all you don’t have the contract on your books anymore would keep Baker and not spend $230 yeah but it’s not because of Baker it’s because 230 million okay see I’m saying what about just straight up if you could have either quarterback this year Deshawn Watson or Baker Mayfield man it it maybe cheetah’s on to something I’m I’m gonna say Des Shawn Watson for all the reasons that I explained why we just kind of crazy though it it is kind of crazy that it’s Up For Debate but it really is because I if I you ask me okay gun to my head and I had to pick who do I feel most comfortable with at this moment playing football Baker Mayfield yeah okay but like I it’s like you know how you’re waiting for for that that moment that you know a guy is capable of but Baker Mayfield like I get it but he also was like this guy was in like every commercial like he was Ryan Fitzpatrick with those stupid commercials yeah but he had more success than Ryan he won a play G of course he did of course he did but he was like before Ryan Fitzpatrick stole all the commercials it was Baker Mayfield yeah but he was having success all he had was this Brian wasn’t having any success he had this bum shoulder I don’t know what happened you probably know better in Cleveland more than I do like attitude watch what the hell happened here here’s what happens in in I’m gonna tell you this is for all athletes right you’re going out there playing hurt but you’re taking a heat as if you’re healthy and it becomes frustrating it becomes frustrating because you know you’re your team’s best option and maybe you’re not able to do certain things and you’re taking the heat for that and you know every athlete says no excuses that’s not excuse I’m out there I’m playing and it gets frustrating right because then what happens is your team doesn’t acknowledge that and they pile on with what everybody else is saying and they know the truth and so it becomes a hard thing to deal with so I can see how a player during that process could get frustrated and and kind of bitter and that’s kind of what happens with injuries sometimes is that you know you try they want you to hey give me whatever you got give me what you got you got 50% give me 50% and then you criticize them like they’re 100% so I know a lot of players that say if I’m not healthy I’m not playing because look once I get on tape I’m getting criticized like I’m 100% so I’ll wait until I’m 100 per. whoa will you just get up I don’t know top five quarterbacks in the league Patrick to [Music] Lamar that Baker Mayfield he have to look out the screen what do you mean dude that’s not fair that’s I think he me it no d d will you do this Baker Mayfield maybe he just wanted to go back to his cereal or no I don’t care no hell no trolling I don’t think he’s trolling top five quarterbacks in the leag Patrick to [Music] Lamar Dak makeer Mayfield He’s just going back to his whatever he’s eating here’s the other thing and Dak gets a lot of what Tu is getting right because the reasons why Dallas is isn’t winning is not because of Dak Prescott but it’s an easy stand to take it’s the it’s the easy way out and so every year you have the conversation right of is Dak the guy it can Dak get it done Zak can’t win the big one Dak can’t do this okay well no your defense can’t stop the run and once you get to that point in the season where everybody’s running the football your defense gets exposed and you’re about to spend a bazillion dollars on the defense damn it I want them to stop the run here’s my theory as why he this is just and I don’t want to Rattle anything I’m not trying to be but this is why I think he throws Baker Mayfield out there okay let’s just say negotiations hit a snag right oh that’s trolling though it’s not trolling no that’s that’s that’s laying the ground workor that’s a to right there they’re laying the groundwork so he’s like just in case things no no no but wait so a lot of things have to go in order for that to happen because keep in mind CD lamb did CD lamb get his CD lamb didn’t get paid yet no no so I wasn’t even but I wasn’t even talking but I wasn’t even talking Dallas I was thinking Tampa I was thinking like let’s [Music] say up the just up the road so if just if things go AR if things go and the contract negotiations aren’t F okay you guys want Jaylen W will be your number one all of a sudden I got this little parachute area Baker Mayfield I called you a top five quarterback like here’s the deal he’s a Savvy cat here’s the deal it’s a cheetah everybody know jayen W ain’t the number one but here’s why they paid Jaylen wad because Jaylen wad gonna be here longer than Tyreek and so like you take care of it now but here’s what confuses me about this organization it it confuses the hell out of me I’ve had I had two players that are more impactful than Jaylen Wad and I get why they paid Jaylen Wadd and I would have did the same thing but there’s two players that you’ve had in the most recent years that have been more impactful and you decided to wait one of them you lost and now we’re doing it with t two players who are supposedly gonna have a bigger impact on your team and franchise than jayen wad at this moment and and you and you you’re qu and you and I’ll tell you what the interesting thing about that is too is the Dolphins have done this move now right where they get into these negotiations that don’t seem like they’re going so smoothly and they’ve done this they did this last year with with Zack seeler where they didn’t pay Christian Wilkins but we paid Zack seeler which listen I love Zack celer maybe my favorite player on the defense see you know what sucks about having these conversations yeah because you gota when you have these conversations and and you say certain things people tend to think that oh you don’t like the other guy I love zackers my favorite player on the team it’s not it’s it has this has nothing to do with the guys who got paid very happy for the guys who got paid but it is interesting that we’ve had two negoti one with Christian Wilkins at hit a point we’re not paying him we’ll pay his number two and same thing’s going on with Tyreek Hill Tyreek wants a new contract hey maybe he’ll get it we don’t know Drew rosenhouse Chris Greer they obviously have a very good relationship you know but they’re like ah can’t get him but hey we got Jaylen w we got the jayen W thing that’s done so you can’t say we didn’t pay anybody yeah but it just saying what do you think about my theory about Baker Mayfield been on the list for that no you don’t hate it you don’t hate I don’t think you hate it I don’t think now you would you give me the he’s not top five I understand he’s not top five that I’m asking why he’s trolling you just think he’s trolling yeah this isn’t a little political wink just in case Dolphins negotiations go he was real serious with them first four biger Mayfield then all of a sudden he won [Music] [Laughter] more take a break back after [Music] this e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam take you guys up until two here on the program we get to some of your comments here as well um as uh reacting cap for Life says the Buccaneers won the division with Baker Mayfield that’s true terrible division terrible division objectively a terrible division uh one playoff game too right against the terrible Eagles yes they did should say terrible Eagles the slumping Eagles obviously the the they started off and then had one of the crazy collapses last year very very strange by them very very strange that that that went down the way that it did for Philadelphia last year but nonetheless playoff win Baker Mayfield big numbers in that win so uh they have that and uh then had a really wild game against the Detroit uh the Detroit Lions in the divisional round but I I I tend to think that that like my lean on it is I do think Baker Mayfield is is got crushed a little bit too much because of how things ended in Cleveland I don’t think he’s top five I don’t think he’s top five they had the same agent maybe yeah I don’t know if Drew rosenhouse reps Baker Mayfield I don’t know or did Tyreek just kind of get caught up in the air and was like oh I mean he gave it a second of thought he did give it a reaching a little bit I just thought you know my immediate reaction all right I I because I don’t I think Tyreek is he is a known Troll and Leroy is right he’s he’s a known Troll he’s an admitted Troll and I I don’t I always say I don’t call Tyreek Hill a liar I call him a Whopper teller and sometimes he will say things to just gauge and get a reaction because I think as you heard him he like he rattles off his top five guys and whether you think two is or not that’s his guy and I I always appreciate and really have appreciated basically since he’s become a dolphin Tyreek Hill publicly backing Tua I think that’s a big deal I think the fact that Tyreek Hill came here and said that he’s the most accurate quarterback and made everybody enraged with that take ever since he stepped foot here knowing that you know he left maybe the next coming of the goat and Patrick Mahomes but he backed his guy and I think that there’s something to that I think that there’s there there’s a uh an appreciation that Tu probably has that Tyreek Hill has had his back publicly when a lot of people did it and especially in this organization when he was getting hos down left and right and Tyreek kill was here saying no no no Tu has got the the prettiest ball that I’ve ever seen thrown so I I like the fact that he’s always publicly backed his guy why he then goes in the direction of of Baker Mayfield I I don’t know there’s there’s something about me that doesn’t think it’s just trolling I’m just like he’s just covered his bases if he ends up in Tampa and he’s not gonna show love to Josh Allen because he’s in the division I would guess that’s why he didn’t mention Josh Allen yeah can’t pick nobody in your division can’t pick your division do that camp be Division and uh hey what I’m faster than a moped wow you chased down a moped he’s driving down the street where did he go on the moped where did he go I went caught his ass give me my own [Music] bananas I’m like what are you doing n no English so like he can’t even yell because he just smiles I say you know the building’s right there right sorry at least you got your cardio in again I don’t run dude I can’t run I’m be hurting for like three days Robert Smith would have caught them moped faster possible possible possible um but anyway so I don’t know I think uh look it’s I think it’s a cool thing that Baker Mayfield has gotten to uh to where he’s at with that I I appreciate see here’s the deal like for all the reasons we say we have a problem with Tua we didn’t commend Baker Mayfield for that he won a playoff game beat good teams had some moments in games right all these things it just came to a screeching halt because the contract talks and he was hurt m right but and and so like he’s one more playoff games than Deshawn Watson yeah right like it’s a crazy thing with him but in some kind of way you know maybe he was a little more feisty right because you’re tend to be a little more feisty when you haven’t got that money versus being a company guy when you get it well you always talk about like guys in the media and I think he’s like one of those guys basically came into the league calling out the media you know how a beef with Colin coward publicly yeah and so I don’t think that I think that people will be more rats off a ship or will enjoy your downfall more sure you know sure um but it don’t look I hate the fact in sports that people think that as an athlete I needed you for Success it shouldn’t matter what you write about me should not matter what I think about you or what you think about me but it always does so when people don’t like a player it reflects that and it’s a shame that we buy it we buy into it we buy into the beef that maybe LeBron had with skip bis early on in his career and so we all took that and people start saying oh LeBron can’t do this and do that and then you start realizing you know Jordan didn’t win the championship till he was 2627 but for some reason LeBron was expected to win one soon as he got into the league you know he’s no Jordan he’s no J no no of course not you know but like we pick and choose there is no you want players to be consistent with the media well I would say sometimes the media needs to be consistent with the players like your personal feelings because if Dan day gives so and so an interview he shouldn’t be more like because I didn’t and that’s where we are Mario says Baker couldn’t get the ball to his best players that would be funny what if there’s a debate in the middle of the Dolphins locker room from Odell Beckham versus Tyreek Hill on the on the merits of Baker Mayfield you said he was what I said he was top five obj no they they they’ll definitely have that conversation like he said no you know you’re my guy right but if you tell me me right now that Baker Mayfield is a top five quarterback in the NFL didn’t Baker May oh didn’t Odell’s dad tweet out a montage of him missing missing him consistently it was also the same year he was hurt yeah right see like but I get it I get it I I like like me I would have personally gone with see I don’t know what the big deal is with Josh Allen right because as great as you say he is he hasn’t won anything and we can use that excuse for tour well you damn sure better use it for Josh Allen well Josh Allen’s won some divisions he has own the Division oh that’s true it’s very if two had won the division three years in a row you know what the conversation the bar would have just moved probably okay um like I don’t know there’s just a lot there’s a couple of quarterbacks out there I mean he’s gonna have a he’s gonna have a big year as far as Prov I’m a big Matt Stafford fan he’s uh he’s he’s he’s a he’s a huge moose he’s impossible to tackle yeah he’s also a dumb dumb with the football sometimes he also does that like can the person that gets you there be also the same person that you’ll never have a chance to win because of the mistakes he makes at critical times it’s the breath farre thing all over again breath Favre is gonna make some of the most some of the greatest plays you’ve ever seen yeah and then at the end of a game he’s gonna throw have one knucklehead play that cost you right can you can you ride with that that’s what Josh Allen is he was fun though he could be fun it can be fun terrible after career football though yeah not pretty terrible person the uh think about this the I mean you look at Tua the dolin was fun oh it was fun then it wasn’t yeah right so I don’t know um I don’t know see Josh has to carry that team yeah I get that yeah but they they got better with him not carrying the team last year here right like that’s the truth of it like right but but it was because they relied on that defense some they ran the ball more James Cook James Cook they did a lot of things which is that’s what a football team is that is what they should do right honest and honestly with the dolphins this year like they were a good offense for statistically last year but like I would like a a game where you know if the running game seems like it’s going like don’t get too cute McDaniel I would like that but here’s the other thing you need a physical presence in the Run game yeah because here’s where football is now there’s going to come two or three moments during the course of a year pivotal points in in the season where you’re gonna have the ball with four minutes left and you’re gonna be up by three or 4 and you’re gonna have to run the clock out and what has happened to this team when they get those situations they run the ball sideways get minus yards have to throw it the other team gets the ball go down the field do you think most has become more physical than you think though or do you think that they somebody El I don’t know I think there’s a lot their running backs can run physical but the offense isn’t built that way it’s all built on stretching the defense at some point in time you’re gonna have to line up man against man and be physical and wear them down at the end of games you look at all the teams that win Super Bowls that’s the one thing they do well those pivotal moments where we need to run the football they can run it now there are some exceptions to that but you know for the most part when you look at the teams that have won it it’s their ability to run the ball in December and January that is true Isaiah Pacho is a rough tackle right like he like there stretches where he was okay why we kept the ball he was why Patrick Mahomes gets another chance is like we don’t have to just depend on Patrick Mahomes and and and I think because of how they run not that they run they’ve never really had that moment in time where we’re just going to line up and we’re going to be physical and we’re going to go downhill yeah and then just s like anytime that they did get momentum with that too he’d go away he away from I don’t understand that like that is the one thing like with him here’s what you got do you think like that is that going to get better with experience with him or is that just a philosophy because here’s what happens we’re talking about Mike McDaniel obviously when you like and I use my own experience when I first got into the league I wanted to be I wanted to make a splash so every ball I got I wanted to try to go take it to distance now that’s not my game plan right and So eventually I learned that I could make more of an impact doing the other stuff like having a three- yard carry and making it 10 and and playing more to my skill set but understanding that this was best for me and the team when you first become a coach a lot of times you get caught up in my way my system how I do things and then as you get along the way you realize that don’t matter it’s about winning right and you do what you have to do to win that’s one one of the things that people are that’s one of the most underestimate under uh estimated things about Bill Bell right is that that guy will do anything to win he doesn’t give who care who he has on his team that’s why a quarterback can throw it three times sounds like you’re telling Mike m to leave uh to to ceville yeah you have to yeah it’s about winning games not about looking good I did like they look good I mean you know it was it was really fun and the fireworks 70 Burgers I I want I want I really really wish you would have kicked that field goal for the record take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e ah welcome back everybody the mix bag is brought to you by Broward Health well into your future we will get to it here in just a second as uh I a wait Leroy to come back from his Empanada eating which is uh what he’s got going on right now I told him we’re coming back and he went straight for another impanata Well understandable dude oh they got AIA Wilson on right now on ESPN’s first take as continues to uh put for fourth monster number did you see uh did you watch any of t USA’s broadcast yesterday uh D day at all were you up it was up late but uh Grant Hill joined the broadcast at one point and uh Gus Johnson was yelling at him for uh not having Caitlyn Clark on the Olympic roster and he goes I’m in charge of the men’s roster why are you yelling at me he go you know I just just wanted to point it out talk to somebody make some make make some of this happen but before team us say went out there and kicked ca’s ass in a rough shooting game uh the summer league was introduced to a new star Kesha Johnson undrafted from the Arizona wild cats two-way contract for the Miami Heat he is teammates and best friends with Pella Larson Heat’s second round pick although I was watching an adorable thing yesterday Leroy they did uh know your best friend on the Heats Instagram and uh they asked where he was where uh they asked ke shot hey where is Pella where was he born he goes I know it was Sweden he goes Stockton because he’s from CI he goes it’s Stockholm anyway Kea Johnson after his big performance pretty close wait he had to say the city yes who says that well I mean you know oh let me ask you where was y over born in Serbia actually no he was born in London England I apologize no but oh okay who’s born what city London okay that’s the city you’re welcome um here was kead he was on the ESPN headset afterwards and really gave a great interview uh after his great performance man just perseverance perseverance just believing that the game wasn’t over you know we got to get base hits basketball everybody go runs you know we just got to get base hits and try to come out with the win you know he shot Gary saene here and you probably can’t hear me because your entire family is across the court jumping up and down loving it that’ be a great thing for you to play in this game having all your family here what a great sight for sure for sure you know um all credit to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you know um allowed me to be here I wasn’t drafted but Miami Heat they they chose me they bet on me you know I feel like I’m a heat culture guy you know and I just want to display that as I go on this court you know it’s always been a dream to play in um the chasing or now but I grew up with the uh or Corina and everything you know old days so yeah yeah just a blessing to be here especially for my family to see to see me um I just hope I’m motivating people that’s it kead you know you’re headed to Vegas and uh I I really like uh your game your your body your strength your competitiveness your versatility in your game I know a lot of the Miami Heat guys and you’re their kind of guy you you just keep playing the way you’re playing being physical being aggressive good things are going to happen for you my man that’s love that’s love appreciate it I’m I’m excited to head into Vegas you know being at San Diego State for four years you know um that was our home that was our home we w a lot of championships in Vegas you know being at uh Mel North they call it um Arizona so you know I’m excited to go going to uh Vegas and and with with my new teammates you know my new family well kead one more question for you because you got game by game by game here what has led to your increased success here at Chase Center at the California classic man um the opportunity you know um first of all my faith in in God and pushing the opportunity that the coach has giv me the trust that the coach has giv me and just trying to do my job you know I don’t I don’t want to go off the box I know I know my role you know and I just want to perfect that I just want to be the best player for the team you know whatever it takes to win you know they threw me out there at the small ball five you know just trying to trying to execute everything every everything and every chance I get wow that’s Goosey dude that’s Goosey it do I’m happy for him no I’m happy for him yeah I mean it’s weird when you see a guy with that amount of ability how does he go undrafted I don’t know I mean like I always I never know what to believe with GMS uh but Adam Z was he said afterwards he say he was stunned that he wasn’t drafted so the fact that they got both of those guys from Arizona really excited very excited he was good hustle Caleb Martin very athletic Caleb Martin big mistake he’s very athletic forget Caleb Martin dude I mean he ain’t gonna play right away we’ll see no we’ll see dude never know I’m just going with never know okay got that body it’s ready to rol eoy where’s he going to start oh not start no I’m saying where is he going to start his season um thank you you you’re thinking about it you know I’m I’m sure he’ll take some trips to sou falls on do it but Leroy this guy is all over the place I got you blocks steals follow-ups I didn’t say that about Kendrick nun that was Beast who brought up Kendrick nun out of the blue and we all looked at him crazy but he started that year yeah telling you something about him anyway that’s the mix very athletic like no a very athletic Wing those aren’t easy to come by no no Dennis Lopez is right though where he says Adam Simon is the goat that guy scouting Department he’s doing a hell of a job a hell of a job for the Miami Heat and I have that opportunity yesterday too where you know they they sit a lot of the guys they uh they they don’t play uh K we they do not play pel Larson Cole schwier did not play so who’s going to take that opportunity boom you got your answer kha Johnson did poor bronny though alandis Williams did it dirty at the end of that game man they showed the video too of LeBron James was like locked in uh and I think it was like right as the game started and he got that layup wonder what his I wonder what LeBron thought after he got his ankle snatch at the end of that game lero has a nonathletic wing under his car seat no that’s that’s nonathletic breaded Wing oh man I W the Publix the other day I looked at that box I’m like man maybe I know it’s something about that box right something about that box dude the problem is is that I’m I’m not feeling the wings in the Box they something about will you just go with the pieces then like do you just like going with the chicken pieces instead of the the full-blown Wings what do you prefer I I just I’m not feeling no really no I don’t know why I can’t explain why I just haven’t like heaven felt Heaven felt the chicken over there every now and then if I do that I just get the legs and thighs all dark meat right yeah but see here’s the problem when I get fried chicken guess what the first thing I do is what peel the skin off really yeah you don’t eat the skin no why why not never have H it’s the best part no too much you don’t like the crunch I don’t no I love the crunch I don’t like that under Bell the the skin part that is you’re strange man I know and and the thing is is that and and I love papy ice chicken but I do the same thing we were gonna ask this Dan I asked a question yesterday that Leroy thought was really dumb and by the way did you talk to your mother no okay I asked yesterday a question about bourbon chicken and I just you know no judgment Zone I was asking hey was that invented on Bourbon Street that’s a joke right not a joke Dan it’s true I was just he was just asking it and I got mad and it was never heard of it nobody from New Orleans has ever heard that on Google nobody from New Orleans has ever heard that what do bourbon chicken is it have like a bbon bbon in it you ever like go uh to the mall the the chicken they always have on the stick is bourbon chicken oh like bourbon chicken is what would you say it’s like a fourth starter and chicken like you’re never gonna it’s never no you’re never gonna make it I made it before right just um Regular bourbon Chi not the cut up but I did a whole you know pieces Google said it wasn’t man New Orleans but when you go to the mall right they always have B chicken okay and so he asked that question and I gave the same result like now literally the first line in its Wikipedia yeah it says it’s because of Bourbon Street oh it says BB and I’m like I can guarantee you not one person from New Orleans knows that dude it is the first WK this is the first paragraph in Wikipedia bourbon chicken is a dish named after Bourbon Street New Orleans and for the bourbon whiskey ingredients the dish is commonly found in North American restaurants serving cinjun themed or American Chinese cuisine no I’m telling you Street a month ago and I did not see any chicken on the street right that’s what I’m saying I don’t know I like we we’re from there we’ve never heard this okay I asked a question out of ignorance you all judged me and then it turned out that I that that I was right here’s the other thing here’s the other one Dan have you ever let gone outside of Louisiana and had what they deem cinjun chicken oh good and I’m like what does that mean they just basically blacken it or put like season it all over it and I’m like I’ve never heard of this so it’s just chicken huh it’s just chicken to you no it’s just just no it’s it’s not cajun chicken it’s not yeah I’m never heard of that I’m like wow so when you said that right I’m like what like there’s some people taking some Liberties because I bet you nobody from New Orleans knows that well apparently not the only two that I know uh and neither one of you think that what I said was smart but right I apologize I mean I did and we’re not there like we’re we’re eating like everybody in the world is eats so when we say oh I never heard of that it’s not because you’re particular to certain type of food or whatever we eating everything jell says they also think that kjun and creole are the same right exactly it’s not Creo is way different than cun yes which is better it kjun is not like cjun is not food what’s the one that’s that’s always in the mall food courts that’s cinjun cjun chicken cjun chicken no cinjun kitchen cjun kitchen yeah yeah no they just take some Li They’re Taking Liberties they have bourbon chicken yeah of course again dude I have been introduced to more New Orleans dishes outside of New Orleans like understand think about that when you are from a place and you’ve had more dishes outside of where you grew up that say it’s from where you grew up than you’ve ever heard they take Liberties because it sounds good oh it’s called Uh cjun Grill C I apologize sorry wax attack we’ll take a break uh when we come back Bama bio pretty pissed at the media that’s next e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back everybody toin and Leroy here with you 560 WQ who was Chris ever married to I don’t know Greg Norman oh all right she’s not anymore that’s our boy Chris Fowler yeah do you that did you not do the Reese I’ve never been more ashamed of myself he like in a calm voice he like belittled you yeah did you not I don’t know if you could look that up real quick Dan in our system we have Fowler just reprimanding me but it’s a it’s a he like I asked what did we have we had in Alabama Alabama Miami right and he goes and and and for some reason I happen to think that week one versus Alabama great spot for the canes and apparently he goes no dum dum did you not do the research they usually cover by the way I I hate to tell you that you know that that’s you probably have done your research I did not on that no he didn’t you did not do the research I don’t I don’t do Brandon you didn’t do your research they always cover they always I I I know Chris I don’t do research when it comes to the canes I put on the turnover chain and I and I and I I walk around with swag and I throw up the U and and I say that that Leroy is a hater that’s what I always do samies by the way I haven’t learned anything cam Ward is taking us over the top this year baby hey it was to just like I was like he was like you ever just walk into a punch you never saw coming dude I I’m telling you what my new thing on Instagram right is watching bullies get their ass kicked bullies yeah they they’re going they’re going messing and picking with these kids and over and pushing them and pushing them and then man that’s great what did you what did you do did you just hashtag Bully Beatdown like what did you no I just scroll through and it comes up did you ever see when Deontay Wilder did that to a troll no out he invited a troll to his gym this was years ago before I think he was even heavyweight champion a guy had like just been messing with him on social media and goes come to the gym We’ll have it out killed him not literally killed him I mean did the guy shut up after that I assume so I don’t know what happened to his account I’m not positive I’m not positive what happened there we’ll get to our headlines here brought to you by the new P for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store P we know trucks uh for those who did not see the Hoops last night you had Team USA they took out Canada 8672 bam out of Bio scoring in these things like college it was a really uh it was not a uh it was not a fluid game it’s like college right yeah college scoring even even in uh summer league summer league is I tell you what though man there was this one play LeBron got the alleo from Steph it’s still like I mean I can’t believe what he’s doing at his age it’s crazy it really is nuts it’s like both teams are going he could still do that huh it’s wild look see they practice with each other so this is warm-ups right now with with Wimbledon they they do serves and then they hit the ball back and forth Barbara C chova kova kova kova well she is uh getting ready for I think somebody versus somebody from Kazakhstan I don’t remember who the uh I don’t remember her name is what is that uh flag that’s Czech Republic yeah yeah okay Czech Republic that is the home of Yuri prashka of course who just lost Alex paja okay in the uh light heavyweight championship he got knocked out twice end of the first and start of the second gez so it was a continuation his Corner shouldn’t have had him go out there yeah he probably wasn’t clear going into that second round he shouldn’t he shouldn’t have gone back out there but what are you gonna do what are you gonna do the uh see look they like they practice hitting balls at each other that is weird yeah it’s the only sport where you do that I never thought I’ve never I didn’t even know she in serves and watch the girls gonna fake like she’s going to get it you know what the thing is is like I’m not a huge tennis person me neither the last tennis mat I watched was uh was Coco go when she won but uh I’ve never seen like the intro it looked like wrestling like they were following her from theck it took them 15 minutes to get from locker room to to the court waiting for Bruce Buffer to come out there but yeah then they hit they hit like a couple of backhands a couple of forehand and then they flip a coin flip a coin to see who uh goes first and what have you the uh Miami Heat they went on a 120 run they beat the Lakers 80 to 76 we also learned yesterday uh haime hakz Jr is going to join the for summer leag play Leroy is furious I will fight everybody Leroy is furious about that and we also got news a couple of other NBA notes Leroy NBA agreed to an 11-year 76 who billion the NBA oh yeah yeah I saw that 76 11 year 76 billion dollar broadcast deal with ESPN NBC and Amazon Prime so there you go and then Jon Porter has pled guilty to his public gambling Scandal think about that so basically if you split that up amongst the teams and the players everybody’s gonna get a billion a year yeah and they were saying uh I think someone’s gonna like we’re gonna hit like 8090 per year for some of these players it’s pretty crazy good for them but it’s that’s that’s insane but here if I can put it in perspective because everybody’s talking about these players make too much sounds like a lot but you make a percentage of what your owner makes yeah they get 51% if they need you to make the billions of billions of dollars then you can charge the hundreds of millions right right if they were only making 10 million a year then you’d be playing for 100 grand like so that’s kind of how that works you know and and for people to say oh these athletes don’t so what would you suggest the owners keep it but without the product they don’t make that money and that’s kind of how how these things play out it’s the same thing in football like nobody ever thought when I was I genuinely don’t when I was playing the salary cap was less than a 100 million I don’t have a problem with the players making a ton of money the thing that I don’t understand is I don’t understand why we’ve started putting handcuffs on these teams and like there’s aprons and untradeables and you make these kind I would say this like I don’t understand why that why this because and I’ll tell you one thing that that has been weird and this isn’t just a heat thing although I know how you’re going to lead that to me thinking it’s a heat thing but I don’t understand why if a team is good at drafting why they’re going to be handcuffed by having to pay all the guys that they’re that they bring into the to league and then to the point where they can’t really make improvements so like you could draft good but maybe you don’t draft a lead and one guy wants to come to you I just and I think part of what made the NBA fun and what kind of revitalized iiz it was player movement and guys getting to go to different teams and now it feels like they’re really hindering that and I don’t love it here’s what I would say and I believe this in all sports you should not be penalized for Drafting and developing a player at no point in time if you draft a guy or you bring a guy in and you ride him out for two three years in the G League or what have you without him getting picked up when it’s time for him to get his come up that team should not be penalized for signing that guy that means that if you draft a guy and you bring him in I’m talking about like these guys in the second round or the guys in the late first round we’re not talking about the lottery picks the lottery pick guys gonna always play the salary game right but I’m talking about those guys you pick at the end of the first round the second rounders the the two-way guys or whatever if you have them for a certain am amount of time you should not be penalized salary cap wise for signing him to extensions you shouldn’t because I’m tired of the Miami Heat developing players for the rest of the league because they can’t do their job right and so there needs to be some kind of reward or even like it’s such a stupid thing like okay let’s say the the the Miami Heat did want to keep Caleb Martin right right he’s got to do it why why could why like the do you know how stupid it is that Caleb Martin can only sign an extension with the Miami Heat and not test free agency so you can only be in this position to make $60 million up to this date and hope nobody else why can’t he come back and say hey can I get that original deal you know how dumb that is right like why because he opt it out right so the same money count because but isn’t that no here’s why because the way that was set up and this has nothing salary cap it what it does but but it doesn’t the reason why they would be able to do that is because he would opt in and that money wouldn’t kick until next year no I understand but like the fact that he’s penalized right just by not being able to test the market right and the team would like that that sucks right like and I don’t know and I don’t really know who that benefits who’s benefiting by that I guess the Sixers that’s it the Sixers right that’s it not now they get a play who’s gonna make 65 million for 32 million right I don’t know this is uh they write this in the they say in the short term the deals will uh will certainly mean that the League salary cap will rise 10% annually the maximum allowed by the terms of the most uh recent collective bargaining agreement uh between the players and the NBA that means players such as OKC sha guildas Alexander and Luca donic could be making around 80 million in the 2030 31 season that raises at least some possibility that top players might be earning somewhere near $100 million per season by the mid2 2030s yep I can see it uh and they’re also saying that this is also going to imploy with expansion too because we’re going to get two new teams likely both likely Vegas and Seattle right which means the Timberwolves are coming over to the east probably yeah I would think so look you already skman yeah and bam oh would Memphis and Timberwolves here’s what’s crazy I think we can handle the injury bug with these rookies adding to our depth are you out of your bleeping mind right if that’s the case then why would you send your Healthy player to play Summer League I don’t understand why he is there’s got to be something to it though they got a plan I don’t know what that plan is but they got a plan or he’s just a Hoops junkie yeah the guess would be that he’s why cuz he stupid it’s not stupid he’s a Hoops junkie he’s a Hoops junkie I’m sure he’ll talk tomorrow after the game so we’ll we’ll find out he ain’t gonna he’s gonna why are you getting exhausted about this because because you think he’s not gonna say the company line I don’t know you think he’s gonna say look I’m gonna be honest with you I really don’t want to be here played a lot of basketball last year but they asked me to come will you be mad if he says it’s because I’m a Hoops Junkie I would never speak to him again we would do an interview and I would just sit there really I would just sit there you’d ban Hae hakz yes I won’t talk to him no what if I ask him the question about on the zoom and I say Hae did you play in Summer League based on some plan or are you just a Hoops Junkie dude I can ask that why not it’s a little interview question baby why do I have to be your bit every day why dude we get to those bam comments coming up next e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oh hello Jennifer hello Jennifer H Me With Your Best that’s what that’s what we did yesterday with that spider picture you know what that’s not I tried to forget about that took a long time P benitar oh okay beat me too I was gonna say uh heart but I don’t think that’s my bad that was you sometimes yeah it’s also an age thing right yeah because how many times you hear that in the stadium yeah I’ve heard a couple times but here’s the thing see here’s the difference between when I was a kid and when you guys was growing up we had one top 40 and there were no genre separations or whatever so when you listen to Casey cas’s top four 40 you listen to music in every genre and so I used to listen to it on Sunday mornings so that’s how I became familiar with all music now there’s 17 number ones because everybody’s number one in their you know in their field in their uh you know and so that kind of sucks because if you’re only into one type of music you don’t get to hear other music and now now it’s getting confusing because you I personally can’t tell if something’s pop or country anymore uh that there’s definitely been uh as much of an over blending of that than I’ve seen Rec that’s like kind of collabs okay by way can I just say l nasx was that a country song that was a country song really Oldtown road yeah definitely okay but it’s in pop yeah what I’m saying it got so popular it went to pop can I just tell you who who I’m sick of though because he kind of crossed over in the country it’s post Malone it’s enough of him he’s an artist why I just tell you he might be he might be one of the most talented artists out there can I ask something about post he does everything can I ask you talented let him explore is he exploring genres or is he a ramora fish like is he hopping on the biggest country artist fine okay let him he he does a lot of collaps lot of coll that’s what I’m saying like is is he yeah but he has his own music his own music was big before he started doing all these collabs I understand but like you come over the country with your with your face T can I also say this you first of all we already have face tack guy all right it’s jelly roll that’s it but he was face tack guy before Jelly Roll No but jelly roll is the country face tack guy but here’s the other thing you don’t realize a lot of times guys like post Malone are producers and so they’re producing when he do collapse he’s producing crap hate that song what about fortnite with Taylor Swift what andite she’s not really a country anymore though I don’t really consider that so if that’s a song that is out there I haven’t heard it yes you have you heard you’ve heard it you didn’t realize pleas stop I haven’t she sounds like Billy is in the song yes oh did she oh this is her tortured poets uh it is it’s her first single off that album actually oh well you said that album sucks so like I haven’t listened I never said that okay stop putting words in my mouth jelly roll was a rapper first okay so is post Malone but then one guy got to a territory got to a Turf he blew up became the biggest uh one of the biggest things in country music and post Malone says oh I want some of that because my one of the biggest artist though well look what about Nelly also he done that too not anymore not anymore washed oh my God telling you Nelly did it once that’s right oh Nell Nelly loves being out T to Nelly has a top has a top Top Line Dance song with the Florida Georgia Line let people cross over Tobin why you I’ll let you cross over if you’re good if you’re like Beyonce and you have a number one hit but like it’s very clear the only right what the only reason why Beyonce has the number one hit is because she’s Beyonce that’s not true it’s a good song that’s a good song all right it’s a great the only reason why it’s number one is cu the only but the only reason post Malone song is successful because he’s with Wallen that’s it yeah okay what fish should just given the song to Morgan Wallen don’t you want the top stars from E genre to do collabs together it depends you know it sounds like a good idea but sometimes it turns out to be Kevin Durant Kyrie and James Harden it doesn’t it doesn’t just just doesn’t work you made Leroy squeal good [Laughter] analogy is what would you want these comments from bam sure all right so this was interesting so bam is he good enough to make this comments is Bam good enough to make these comments yeah of course H friend of the show yeah well not according to the last interview you had with him what do you mean when you when he asked if he was good enough send me some merch dude like he wants me to have more B representation on the set send me some stuff so don’t be ridiculous you’re good you’re good yeah he’s good not you you’re good he knows that well I got a bone P I’m still waiting on my wine who D yeah he didn’t miss [Music] much another sque I can imagine tell tell I got something for you tonight open up this you well I’m not a Ros fan maybe it was just Ros I don’t know wait Ros is a hitter M I agree so what do you drink red or yeah I’m a red guy right because you like meat yeah right I don’t like wine um any that’s not for me because you know why it’s not even the wine it’s the people that drink the damn wine do you taste the uh I’m like shut up you know Somali you know who I feel like that post Malone when he’s trying to get into country stop it okay go I want to hear I want to hear bam of this already with him I had some and then who do he else he’s got another new song out there I think he got on there with t Swift no no no no not Taylor no he’s like doing the country thing right now well she really does she just sound like [Music] Billy I thought you didn’t know the song but I guess what you know what Billy Al’s new album she picked it up a little bit did she she picked up the face a little bit yeah wait there’s a new album yeah she’ll eat you for lunch that’s her new song she looks like eat that girl for lunch oh he does a song with Blake Shelton yeah was that not okay I I don’t really know it how you know they not hunting him down nah no way Blake Shelton he doesn’t need to do that I’m not the biggest Blake Shelton found in the world is he still married to uh yeah left Miranda lamber high and dry yeah they live on a farm in Oklahoma there’s different rumors about that relationship let’s not go ahead and point fingers yeah Gavin rosdale cut some shrapnel in that one she’s like well Gavin cheated on me it’s like well wait Gavin’s like you left me well I also met with the whole Miranda lamber situation are you blame are you uh blaming the queen of country music I am not pointing fingers but there has been rumors I have surfaced okay can I hear I could tell he’s a dummy how is he a dummy just look at him he’s doing okay though he’s great yeah he’s doing all right I mean he’s got that that old red restaurant oh red yeah we always got a song about old red it’s basically about a dog that chased prisoners it’s true that is true really yeah you can just write about anything huh yeah you really can Dude right anyway I don’t have time to get to the BAM comments couldn’t find them no I have them in front of me but bra you know we’ve been discussing post Malone that’s your fault you literally called him wased I don’t think it is my fault you were talking about Casey Keenum and all that stuff and you know Casey Keenum yeah Casey Keenum quarterback Casey rennial backup quarterback I’m case keum and uh top 40 songs and top 40 quarterbacks is he still a quarterback he’s been a quarterback with 37 years dude they’re like who’s wait they’re down to their third quarterback who’s G Case Keenum it’s every year case Keen says he’s on the Texans he’s still playing he’s still doing it how long is this 15 case keenum’s first season 2012 no so that’s only 12 years we’re getting there he’s back where it started in Houston w d I’m telling you apparently he’s like Houston Texans Brian Hoyer because he’s been on the Texans a lot okay old red is a song Eric Reed wrote about Blake Griffin what are we doing take a bre I get to these I swear to God e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back it’s opening Leroy take you up till two here on the program you all right man yeah getting a little tired from those empanadas all right uh the B I’m shocked I haven’t seen you this week I know I’ve been trying to go in but been caught trains trains trains they’re right in front of my house right now all right the BAM out of Bio stuff so here it was he uh he was talking to some reporters at the Olympics right after his media session apparently he was talking to a small group of this according to Vince Goodwill of a Yahoo sports NBA reporter and uh uh it says in the article bam aabo has been one of the most aable stars in the NBA always accommodating but even he can have his rightful moments of frustration he’s made the all defensive team every year since the 201920 season but has not won the top award finishing third this past year behind Rudy goar and Victor wanyama and tenners were raised when he Shrugged off the possibility of going against the French duo in the Olympics so he spoke about it after his media session to a small group of writers in Las Vegas quote all I have to do this all I have to do is averaged 20110 and five he said to Yahoo sports recently muttering down the hallway of the Las Vegas Bellagio Hotel then he says that’s one thing that irks me it’s not my fault that I’m versatile I’ve been top five and defensive player of the year vot in the last five years and there’s been guys y’all are giving it to over me uh because the CBA stipulates individual Awards can escalate contract values adabo uh won it one of had adabo won it one of these years he would have been eligible for a greater contract extension than the three-year 166 million that he agreed to recently if he had waited he can done a four-year deal it would have netted over 100 million more but you get the feeling it’s less about the money and more about the recognition said quote a point guard got it over me a center got it over me and a power forward got it over me the goalpost move for me in certain degrees it’s me and a lot of undrafted dudes and we still have a top five defense all these other guys have all NBA dudes around them and some of it is they really don’t care about us and that’s fine I think they should pay more attention to consistency because being top five defensive player of the year I think I have the longest streak of all all defensive teams so the goalpost move for me Fair Point re he’s right he is a receipt keeper I think when they gave it to uh what’s his name from the Celtics that really that really pissed him off that really pissed him off and he didn’t make first team that year either right that really pissed him off too that really pissed him off uh he says of those players Vince SC writes he’s the only one with the offensive responsibility and is the hub for the offense US Olympic assistant coach Eric spuler was amused when this was brought up quote we’re still talking about that good he said somewhat sarcastically it’s all how you view it there’s a lot of factors that go into it it’s all about having a great defensive team it’s about anchoring a great defense and making players around you better defensively and having extraordinary defensive Talent he checks all those boxes but that argument we’re pass it now yeah well not the Bam’s not I mean what do you want him like listen yeah I would like for once can Eric sper come out and call the rest of them bums too no Eric I would like that I would like that if he did yeah sure I would like that you know what it’s one of those things where you say we got you bam you know what I’m saying but I think it is interesting like people like I don’t think there’s anybody in the league that probably trusts media voters less than bam aab bio right like so when people are wondering well is he gonna punt on the extension is he gonna go into next year there’s no way he’s going to do that you know put your 200 plus million dollar contract in the bank because you know what if the worst happens you know but it’s it is it is a frustrating thing because it does feel like the rules always change for him and and then I think also like you just get these narratives behind guys um and it’s crazy it’s crazy that he just doesn’t get that uh that respect I don’t know if the Olympics will help with that going into next year because because it’s not the players who vote for it it’s the media it’s not the players who vote for but the media and so like understand what you’re trusting to people right you’re trusting to to some of the moodiest emotion uh ridden people where if you do an interview when they ask you that means you’ll get their vote it’s politics right they don’t they can’t you know they want the players to do their job because it’s part of the deal yet if they don’t like somebody they can’t just do their job so when it comes to like what bam is going through that’s all sports if a writer doesn’t like you he’s never going to say anything nice about you even if you win M this guy though huh he’s so chummy doesn’t but but it’s it’s I think it has more to do with what if you want to get a job in a big Market what if you want to be liked in Boston what if you want you see what I’m saying like it it’s like it I get so annoyed at the fact that people turn on the TV every day and say I don’t care what’s going on in your life just do your job and I have to go and answer questions to a person that you have to treat really nice and be kind to otherwise they’ll write bad things about you because they can’t be that and you know it you know when when people don’t like a player you can usually go back into their history and see the H an interaction where he would answer questions and it all starts from there he is right though the uh the Marcus the bar keeps moving the mar the Marcus Smart one is really annoying yes of course of course because because like that year he guarded more guys more different guys than Marcus well I think the other thing that annoyed me about that year is you know I get it guys who are on the best teams that heat haven’t had the best regular season record the last couple years so I get that goes into award voting that’s fine didn’t have a had a terrible season that’s true well yeah their team stinks right but uh but that year he were the one seed and the only knock that you could have against him that year was missing games because he had a fluke thumb injury so he missed part of the first half of the season the Celtics sucked the first half of that season yep they were terrible and didn’t matter by the end of it oh this is the great this is the greatest defense I’ve ever seen give it to SM I want to know what’s gonna happen with this Jaylen Brown thing it feels like this guy’s really pissed about this by the way yeah are there any updates on his Twitter why would he be he does the same exact things as Derek white except better he posted Jay fig this is what he posted he goes uh he posted to Nike uh he goes so this what we gonna do so he’s implying this is a Nike conspiracy as to why he’s not picked and then Stephen A Smith who they’ve been having a back and forth about why people uh you know Stephen I Smith can get into his beefs um I think what was it was like he said something about oh he’s not marketable or things like that and then uh he ATS Jaylen Brown yesterday and he says do y’all believe me now Jaylen Brown do I need to reveal my sources now is it not obvious how in the hell is a $300 million man now a champion in a Finals MVP clearly a top two-way player on the Celtics and the top 15 player in the world not chosen for Team USA um because his teammate not named Tatum is selected before him come on y’all and uh Jaylen Brown has responded to this saying uh I don’t care who your resources are I’m not afraid of you and your resources I’m not afraid of you and your resources [Music] yeah that’s a you think that’s a Stephen A Smith comes off vacation for that or you think he just waits till he’s back uh oh he gonna keep going he’s just gonna keep going keep going he’s not gonna wait but the thing is is that like and if I take that same that same thing right there right they okay say so Stephen A is saying that he’s not marketable that’s why he’s not on the team correct yeah then why isn’t Caitlyn Clark then why isn’t cait L Clark on Team USA yeah I don’t know see what I’m saying like it this is what I mean about you can but there is something there has you can move it wherever you want there there is there’s got to be something that makes it’s got to be something but I’m just saying that you can move this however you want to make your point and it sucks like there is no reason in the world that a guy who just got a $300 million contract that was the finals MVP that does the same exact things as tooth chipped right don’t call them that what you called them tooth chipped I could call LM what LM what’s that lawnmower mouth or like that movie what Blended you know who you know what nobody is happier about this than Chris Middleton because you’ve gotten off of him and now you have a new favorite he he was Predator but Chris mil Predator he say he say why are your mouth so small but you have 700 teeth in your mouth he does Chris Milton if he lost three teeth they would all he would still have plenty to do you think uh the one thing that’s interesting in those comments from ma’am I wonder if do but like yeah I I have a problem I have a problem with with people saying he’s not marketable this has nothing to do about being marketable you know what they have rules in golf right here’s what you need to do to make the golf the golf team we don’t get voted on you either make it or you don’t end of discussion let me ask you this do you think bam uh n Middleton is big teeth here we go oh mini teeth once you get a once once you get he’s not gonna stop let me ask you this do you think that the BAM hey how hard would you think it would be for them to open up my um if I had a beer can I just go ahead and get me big fella I feel like it would be hard because I feel like the the te the teeth security is not Is Not Great oh but he could open up a can right because those have the little ragged edges on the bottom I don’t want to spit all up in my my vegetables though you know if I get can I ask you something about this quote with bam sure should I read into at all him saying that it’s me and a lot of undrafted dudes he did why wait why we sitting there concentrating on what he saiding about not winning the defensive PL there are some folks that got caught with some Strays right I’m just wondering uh I mean it is facts no at times he’s out there of course right but do you think that do you think that’s a frustration with Heat roster construction or do you think I don’t think it’s a shot of his teammates I think he likes his teammates right obviously likes you know but that’s a reality a fact that’s a fact do you think that’s kind of like a little uh at the organization no he’s just signed an extension no I’m not saying he frustrated but like just one you have that cloud of the organization like hey it’s me and a bunch of undrafted dudes is it it here now listen I love these undrafted Johnson St is it okay to make your point and base those facts on making that point and not necessarily meaning any of the other stuff I think he was just making that point for that conversation but not not uh taking shot Dan do you think there’s a something n he’s just trying to make his case you know you present your case the way you like to present it I don’t think he’s taking a shot at SPO and Pat Riley but I did I did find that odd it it did perk my ears up per your ears up a little bit a little something J F it sounded odd right what were you not listening two seconds ago no I was not what do you do you think that there’s something do I read into anything when bam says the goalposts are mov you know what I’m gonna say don’t read into it because you read into a lot of things and then it Spirals and then people come blaming us for the things that you I don’t think anybody’s blaming us it’s me and a lot of undrafted dudes I gotta find I gotta I’mma do it I’mma do it Stephen say I want to see Leroy first and second Team all teeth please don’t do that I picture this tomorrow like we play the uh the John test and then all of a sudden we’re getting uh your your top forward okay comes in with 35 teeth mouth like a caveman nobody’s on the same team or on the same page what did a shark and the shark left middle turn oh no we got a scrappy one coming off the bench you didn’t think that he could dunk think again they call him bumpy and so are his gums Tyler [Music] Johnson this one played in the finals lost a tooth it grew right back but nobody nobody is in unison braces would help just a little now an Olympian brace yourself brace yourself for Derek [Laughter] W I can’t with you hey this poor man he’s not poor anymore no he I knowmore I know that wow dat South MVP’s most veneers present no he got he ain’t got no veneers no them guys first of all you can tell veneers their teeth are straight so before they do anything about veneers or anything like that we need a little uh straightening of the pallet Dennis Lopez says bam doesn’t have any NBA Allstars around him he ain’t lying it’s not but you don’t even need here’s the problem here’s the problem and and I’mma give like this is the one time that I will give you what you say in defense of the heat all the time or Miami sports there’s some guys that have done some tremendous things down here in the last few years and it goes unnoticed for basketball for whatever reason right then they get into the playoffs and usually they make a little run and then everybody want to act like they been with them all the time yeah now in order for somebody to win some of these Awards they have to be that way all year and they never are right they almost seem like they show interest in the heat when they have to because they’re the only team on TV and that kind of sucks but I will also say a lot of this is the Heat onone doing because you have so many injuries and so many guys out that people lose interest in and say oh well they’re not ready until I think I think another thing too that’s interesting with the heat and I think that has I think you’re starting to hear bam like you mentioned him wanting to be at the four right like he had a comment uh this week saying he’s excited to be on this team the most guys he’s most excited to play with ad and Joel so I could be at the four right um and I think that heat culture if you are a talented star and you’re drafted into that I think it’s hard for you to come out of your shell of like I don’t always want to have to do hand offs all of the things to get everybody up and all the unselfish things and it’s those things are admirable but they don’t necessarily get you the Star Treatment here here’s what happens okay your stars can’t be team players we’re expecting you we’re paying you all the money to win I don’t want my $200 million Guy having 12 assists no no I want you to have 30 and so when you see bam and you see Jimmy and you see these guys trying to oh he getting everybody involved early no you’re getting the money so you can do it so I do get where B where bam is coming from because bam almost has the attitude I want to do it but I’m doing this right so at the four maybe it’ll be a little bit different take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back toin and Leroy here with you five 60 wqam L get a weather update from the demesmin Andover Law Firm your AC free consultation 247 call them up at 866954 more watch your laptop dude you like sent that thing flying careful rolling over to the window Plex I can see we have another day of light breezes cloudiness and stuffiness is hot as hell probably around 90 degrees got a slight breeze coming out of the East but so of the Plains so that means there basically no wind and it’s mostly cloudy so it’s probably GNA rain at some point during the course of the day I can’t tell you when because it looks like it can rain any second other than that enjoy your Thursday go enjoy it everybody stay cool I think it’s going to rain like holy hell later though so you might want to hurry your yesterday I thought it was going to rain a lot and it just was a little nothing sometimes you get those sweeping downpours for literally like three minutes it just says it’s gonna be cloudy for most of the day it’s nothing okay to really worry about you think these clouds ain’t raining headlines are brought to you by the new palal for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store palal no uh the cop America final is set it is going to be Columbia versus Argentina on Sunday it is Argentina and not salana uh speaking of salana if you guys want to watch this game with him him and wqam are gonna be out at Mickey Burns in downtown Hollywood for a block party for the Copa finals the block party starts at 2 pm there will be live music food trucks ice cold beer specials all day and night three fights in the back and you guys can enter to win a pair of inter Miami tickets go see Messi and them boys play a lot of other cool giveaways as well yeah hopefully it just seems hopefully we don’t have any Street we don’t have any fights in the stand that’s crazy uay yesterday uh getting after it with fisticuffs soccer melees never happens at the pinks though it never gets that Rowdy over there does it it seems like more of a party it’s just a party most of these time soccer is just a party yeah I mean they do let you bring like seven piece drums into the stadium I don’t know you got to buy that thing a seat sir yeah what uh what are we going to make yesterday Dan day uh Team USA fired their coach uh what is it bur burh halter yeah Greg burh halter Greg burh halter got the heave ho yesterday a surprise or not a surprise after their uh pad performance in Copa not a surprise I did think they were GNA keep him along just simply because of the Olympics but the writing was on the wall after the absolutely terrible performance at the Copa America and remember he was coach then he went away for a while then they rehired him back and they never seemed like they really were sure of themselves when they hired him back I think it was one of those things they just needed a coach and after that and just the attitude of the team looks like they’re losers they play like they’re losers they don’t have an identity I’m a little sour on the team right now if you can’t tell but uh yeah it had to happen so uh I would prefer maybe tatal Martino he’s done good in Argentina he’s done good with the Mexican national team in Miami bar Ona he might have the right attitude for this USA team I’m seeing a story that Jurgen klopp has rejected an offer to become the head coach Liverpool yeah he was with Liverpool well he’s he’s not a how does that work with your other duties like when do you like coach it’s like the players you step away for your International Duty and do some coaching and then go back to your club team wow that’s crazy soccer is the only sport you can get paid by organizations do the same job right yeah yeah Eric imagine Eric spoler coach I’m saying and listen there ain’t no other sport that you can leave the team that’s paying you to go play for your country other than soccer uh yeah I mean because everybody else takes a break everybody else takes a break Russia I mean U hockey they take a break yep go on over there they don’t uh they don’t have the the scrubs keep it going they know have golf tournaments crazy um so yeah that is uh the world of soccer right now meanwhile in basketball uh Nico yovic for those who missed he will not be traveling with Serbia to their a couple of exhibitions before the Olympic play starts up now I did have to Google Translate Serbian reports um but it seems like they they believe he’ll be good to go for group play you didn’t have to translate what you’re GNA say whatever anyway that’s not true it is saw reports yesterday they were on like yeah I went over I saw some reports on some like heat Twitter accounts and I’m like well I haven’t seen that anywhere so then I go and I look up yovic and then I look at a bunch of Serbian text I’m like well I got to translate this I don’t know who this guy is he could be Serbian WJ he could be some some you had no idea but you ran with it well no then I I saw the footage in Serbian of the Serbian coach His Name Escapes me but he said some things in Serbian but I saw yovich and so I was like oh then you got to be talking about him can I just say what our information getting sucks why he did the research I’m just looking at boy yic it says he’s he just got out of the boot and they don’t want to rush you know get no no rushes along for for yi they got to have he’s GNA be their starting power forward you know Joker and and and and ni haime can I mean uh yic can win the silver medal for his country but can’t get 10 15 minutes with the heat huh well he did eventually yeah everybody else got hurt took him to the middle of the year and then he then he held him to the job I’m so proud of you maybe all that basketball he played for like feba in the off season helped him this past season kind of like I think it did hi May that’s how I got my opportunity I ain’t gonna lie see check out this guy this name is uh selector B you’re not saying it right dude I definitely am saying that right no you’re not put your name up say it again let me copy paste all right is this the coach for Serbia yeah okay Sor pich and he says something about Nico no it’s not something about he either said it or he did well they don’t have the translate button on this Twitter now if I take this and I copy paste I put in a Google translate there’s a Serbian to English translate oh yeah they got everything the coach pesich announced that injured Nicole yic and deand vad vaj who injured his hip during a fall with the Dutch national team will not travel with the national team wait the Dutch national team yeah I guess he’s double dipping wait how’s he then there’s this guy Serbian and Dutch I don’t know you don’t think that’s a more incredible story then just D people du C ship all all over the place you don’t play for both teams why would you play for the Dutch they don’t have a team go play for Serbia get a chance they just said he was missing games because of his let’s see pesich says we’ve been working for two weeks now it’s possible to do everything as plannned d da da da man I hope this is translating right I was going to say maybe the translation is he HT himself versus the Dutch team all right this is from Marco this guy’s got a name you should know these guys how are you supposed to say an L let me see you want me to have a stab Mar yeah I’ll put it Marco this one humo mirovic that’s a l dude no no no it’s an L NJ you pick yeah that’s what I thought jovic mavich yeah well whatever he says on uh Marco you got the Marco right yeah we all know it’s Marco uh we know you nailed that one thank you [Music] Luber nice nice landing yeah you see nailed it you came nowhere close apologize to me hey why y’all messing around okay anyway he tweeted out yesterday now he only got how many followers does he have he’s got he’s got it says journalist as his good that that dare dare’s the name he is Hash luo mirovic yeah mirich mirovic yeah it’s mirovic it’s mirovic it’s not mirovic why because cuz there’s no extra eye you’re adding it you’re adding mirovic it’s mirovic there’s an ie dude you keep adding an extra eye after the eye you’re right you’re right I know I amovic I’m basically Serbian anyway going over to Google translate this was the update that he tweeted out it says nicoa yovic only took off his boots a few days ago and started doing something he stays with doctors and will not go with us on the trip but they will prepare him okay so that’s what that’s what he said this is the dumbest moment in the show no it’s not dude and that’s saying a lot it’s not the dumbest moment we had some pretty dumb moments no it’s not the dumbest moments Leroy can’t read dude let me tell you something I’m say it like this should I get Marco on the show as a professional yeah I struggle when there’s too many consonant together should I get Marco on the show does that make sense I don’t know which one’s silent which one isn’t like so yeah sorry Floyd Mayweather read that better than Leroy no no got to get water when you’re in Miami stay hydrated champ gota stay hydrated do you think Marco would come on the show Marco who morovic wait wait I see you smiling JF you didn’t take a stab at it I’m not even going to try because it’ll become a whole clip for you guys okay I already got one yesterday he’s a podcast host so he’s a broadcaster I don’t know about in English you can probably handle himself I bet he knows the serbians know English oh yeah yeah but can we understand it there’s a lot of people that could speak English but that’s if they talking like you know the whole point of speaking is communicating if you say I know English and nobody understands what you saying that is not communicating therefore you do not speak English did you just do a words mean words the whole point of speaking is communicating yeah I think imagine him as a teacher what are you doing all this time I thought it was just making sounds sometimes when you talk though I do shut you off like peanuts that’s what I hear take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e well dance intro music is certainly not booty music he’s been nailing it today it’s not time for all that Leroy you should know you should know H so so Jennifer the funniest thing toin was trying to tell me and Dan about bourbon chicken that’s right oh nice okay and what did you guys learn from toin evidently it started where we’re from and we’ve never heard of it the more you know something about Bourbon Street it has a bourbon flavor yeah now does it have this is all a lie what if Google’s lying to you guys yes I made bourbon it’s literally the opening line you make it with bourbon it’s literally the opening line of its Wikipedia I was gonna say I know but what if Google is ay it just Sayes you make like a um you you use bourbon but it’s like a syrup that you make and cook it and and and um reduce it and it becomes like almost like a you know you guys like a barbecue sauce kind of you guys want to see a sweet interaction sweet interaction yeah sweet interaction sure you guys familiar with Aaron Rogers Y what is this Tahoe is this like the Tahoe this is like the the the most famous celebrity Tournament of the Year yes so this Jets fan uh runs into Aaron Rodgers and uh he’s he’s very emotional very emotional fan he wants Aaron Rogers to just bring the Jets to Super Bowl I just want Super Bowl please ass man W is that Trevor he might be a grown man he might have some issues he might yeah we don’t know but he uh Rogers did say like in the aftermath he says we’ll get a Super Bowl or maybe he’ll still limping is that Aaron Rogers with the hat on no oh okay Aaron Rogers that that hat yes not because I thought that was Aaron Rogers not that I was like Wow Aaron Rogers he could barely walk now but then I was realizing that that squeeze is a little bit would have been something though if Aaron Rogers did tell the fan like a sorry I’m running for vice president I gotta go I know you look back and say my brother you got to learn how to live with disappointment like uh we have a Super Bowl of America that I’m going after oh my goodness what is wrong with you somebody says that’s flad that’s FL you think Vlad would cry if you met Aaron Rogers no well we can ask won the Super Bowl oh if they win the Super Bowl yeah I mean I think everybody I mean Jets Dolphins anybody in this division that’s not the the the rat bastard Patriots any of them are going to cry I really thought I was going to When the Saints won the Super Bowl and I didn’t I was surprised like I wanted to but I didn’t so I didn’t like I was I felt like wow right and I thought that I would feel differently because I played but I was genuinely like you’re just joyful yes yes I I have a I have a hard time crying when I’m happy right like like there’s no like I it’s hard for me to disting you know like if I’m laughing and joking right I’m happy right if I stub my toe I’ll cry like a baby right difference I don’t want you know like you have been so happy you cried no yes not really no I cried when Joy I cried when Kaylor got back together with that cheating bastard Aaron on love Island interesting yeah I mean like and now she she cries about everything I’m like reap what you s you knew you’re getting into wa she cries listen did you see that video I I don’t want damn crybabies everybody’s playing the game right then when you get your feelings hurt because you ever notied all these front running people doing all these love Island shows they when they got it going on right then they always talking but then when they soon as they get I didn’t know no yeah well it’s a tough it’s been a tough go a tough week for uh Co Cordell Beckham because Odell Beckham Jr’s brother because it appears that uh now he’s going to be without DEA and Serena because uh he had he he got he got greedy he wanted two he’ brought them both breakfast and now they both hate his guts oh so he wasn’t trying to S he he was just he was trying to play play politics he he didn’t just pick one and so then de had enough of his act and then you know I don’t think Serena is GNA take him back either so it’s a tough go we’ll find out tonight I believe tonight is a someone’s getting dropped from the island hey not for nothing what like wow single on love Island no man is an island but you know it’s tough this this is a weird season though there’s not many good couples the only one strong couple is uh is is Kaylor and Aaron and I mean clearly Kayla’s just stupid she should leave him okay no he is he’s a rat cheat I mean like I don’t understand what she’s doing and then she cries like every time they show a video of him cheating on her she’s like oh believe this like what did you think he was going to tell you the truth how did you see the videos so soon aren’t they still there technically no no they’re back they’re back from cmore now they’re showing videos every day jayf in fact it’s a two-part movie night which is oh what it’s like one of the best parts of Love island is C Moore movie night that’s when they show you all the dirty things that they did at C Moore I thought that only happened during um like reunion wait let me get this straight let me get this straight so you have these people who go to the Little Love Shack yep they know they getting filmed yeah they still get into some dirt yeah and then that shocked when it’s on TV when they get back it’s that’s the one thing I don’t get about reality TV like how do you not know that there’s cameras everywhere check know they got cameras everywhere yep so what I would like like to do and what I can do are two different things because we don’t want to see like that couple so let’s figure out a way that we can go where we need to go while not looking like well guess what you already got caught because you have a microphone on well that’s the thing isone I think the biggest I think the biggest thing is that they lie about it when they come back and it’s like well you know how do you lie you’re being watched at all times being recorded I don’t get that that’s we do that to each other right like didn’t you say oh hold on let’s see Boop run it back yeah right like just run it back you’re not thinking about it at the time and then you’ll figure it out when you get there should no you can’t lie no you see here’s the problem look I know you still W to win you still W to win so you got to just figure out right because here there’s two types of people there’s the guy who is just trying to just run up through everything right and there’s the other guy that’s Miguel that ain’t running up through nothing but all the girls want because he hasn’t you got to figure out where you want to be in that in that house now I’ve never watched one episode but I’m just you sound like you do I’m just telling you there’s two types of dudes Right the dude that’s going to go in there look and think he’s a player Y and he’s just going to do what he got to do and whatever right and you just going don’t care about feelings or nothing like that I’m getting I’m on my I’m getting mine and whatever that guy yeah then don’t forget about the uh the real snakes like rob you know who like act like the nice guy but they’re really a scumbag who’s the guy like I would like to know in no shape or form in my life do I ever want him to come across the guy in the house of dragons with the Kane the sneaky guy yeah that’s Cordell uh that’s Kendall Kendall Kendall’s a sneak he’s a he’s a fake he’s a phony he acts like he’s a good boyfriend but then he cheers on all his other friends to cheat on their girls like he’s that guy’s playing the game because he wants to win the hundred grand with his girl no I’m talking about the dud from House of dragon yeah yeah but that is who he is basically like he’s a schemer like the don’t know who Kendall is he’s new little finger okay yeah but I don’t know who Kendall is well I’m telling you who he is how would you be if you were on love Island Tobin how would I be yeah like what to tell you how toin would be to would be rough shot causing trouble yes I don’t think so yeah they call me Hest toes yeah okay I don’t know if I G lie I would see first of all I would I would never right first of all I’m not gonna talk trash with a mic on like but I’ll find ways to get my point across you see what I’m saying saying and I ain’t shacking up with no video cameras so I would appear to be very nice oh well here’s the thing though they get really horny on love Island and that’s why it’s called love Island because here’s what they do they turn the lights out right then they got night vision cameras so they know what’s going on under those sheets so they think wait they haven’t figured out yet that they can see them dude they don’t think clearly when they’re horny and isolated that’s the Genius of Love Island it’s true and drinking do they drink you do have you have like a night in that what’s that room called again uh it’s called the Hideaway which they just first time and would don’t you know it oh so they have a Hideway where you can’t know cameras Oh there’s cameras there’s a camera but I feel like they won’t really show much it’s it’s just you the producers in America no you’re with your couple they in America whatever whatever whatever lady you’re with oh or man so I’m see here’s the other thing here’s the other thing this is just me right we can’t be playing musical chairs right I I ain’t about that yeah so well that’s what happens with Liv once once once if if people I don’t know some somebody who says hey I’m into you or whatever we start you know kicking it and whatever right and then she says you know I decided I want to be with yep right that that happened this last episode then I’m like I’m out so Miguel gonna go in and I agree I’m not gonna entertain anything well here’s what happened so Miguel like me or not bye Miguel was with Leah all right who was with Rob but then Rob went to live and Leah freaked out on him but then Leah voted off Andre who’s from down here in Miami they voted her off so Leah tried to make her way in on Rob but Rob didn’t trust her so then all of a sudden living them you thought they were going to be friendly but then all of a sudden kasura boom so then there’s a whole new crop of ladies that that goes to excuse me KAS they ship in a fresh yeah that’s the relationship so they s there tempations I’m going tell you what like when I came down here for college yeah right I made an announcement yep all you girls in Michigan y’all think y’all tens when we get off that plane you gonna be a five so y’all better find you a man now soon as we get soon as we get off this plane yep and we start seeing all these Florida women I can’t I can’t help you so when oh so so wait the women so when you go to this show you know this is gonna happen you know they gonna s so I don’t understand like and all these women aren’t Lookers no they’re all Lookers they’re all Lookers are they all Lookers yeah they got to be then that means the new patch yeah yeah that’s what everyone on love island is basically a model they all look beautiful so Leah shows oh the mo I was watching the mo we had some linebackers up in there Ray Lewis was up in there yeah so Leah after Rob mugged her off then she goes to Miguel’s a real man sled he’s already make that made out with like every chick on the island that’s what I’m saying like you kid so she ends up with Miguel but then goes to Kasam Mo uh he goes to Kasam Mo he falls with uh what was her name I think uh Serenity I think is her name something like that Serenity yeah yeah so he’s he acts he gets with her of course he’s making out with everybody and then Serenity comes back and they break up immediately he goes back to Leah and serenity now is talking to Kane who was with Liv but every body dumps live and he goes I just don’t feel real real romantic connection with you live and she’s like did you R do no one loves me and so he’s with Serenity do she’s Australian and so like that’s really where we’re at right now going into night two a movie night wait I feel like I’d rather watch your version of Love Island and the one that’s actually on TV right now you’re talking do you go into the voices all the time and she gets bad she loves it she does swear to God we make fun of the Americans because they talk like the Brits like there’s this one Nicole she’s with Kendall and she doesn’t know that he’s playing the game she’s she’s a little bit out to lunch but uh she likes to use all the British terms like she is British but she’s just from like I think Pennsylvania or something like that she’s like I’ve been mugged off like you’re not from Manchester stop talking like that wait what does that even mean mugol is like you’re you’re into somebody and they just kind of do a thing to blow you off it’s like B okay when you cro that guy out you mugged him [Music] off I’m G have to say that was the worst why because he probably still thinks he took a picture with that group you you believe this this Jennifer she mugged me off not even on Instagram anymore love man take a break back after this for e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back Tobin and Leroy here with you Toby Keith the late Toby Keith oh no is this a country song or a country poem it’s kind of like his deal like he’d talk and then like he’d have a chorus you know technically a song is a poem huh technically a song can be a poem yeah but he’s reading it to us yeah Sam hunts into that he likes to talk his song and then like have a I love when he talks his songs whoa all right whoa yeah not gonna mug him off nope uh this was kha Johnson yesterday uh his family was the only one in the building for the performance that he had yesterday at Summer League that he’d posted this on their social media ke show time Johnson here we just got the dub out here in the Bay Area I got the B family in the back [Music] [Applause] brother show time it’s my [Applause] [Music] grandson was the only guy with home court advantage yesterday y had it all going for him cool show from him yesterday he was awesome he is here shout out to 305 man the five the 51 came turned up for the [Applause] 305 there you go from that’s cool Arizona and uh great performance was it just only his family because those are the only people that went to the game or were they only people allowed I think they were the only people allowed they said at the star of the brook is said no fans here and then the announcer St Gene whatever the hell the guy’s name was he was like yeah people all of a sudden there’s people behind the heat bench I think they’re all here for Keesha Johnson yeah I’m trying to think um my mom came to some games in Michigan in a rose bow um I had my my godparents lived in in um Colorado so they would come to a couple of games a year at Michigan I think the most we played the Saints my rookie year it was crazy that was a lot of people that was cool yeah but I had so many people there that when I got my game check it said zero Tob continued on next check so yeah yeah I didn’t make enough to cover the ticket price the tickets uh a little bit of Heat news this is from Anthony Chang of the Miami Herold he says the heat has withdrawn its qualifying offers to Cole swi and Alis Williams they are both now unrestricted free agents and they still playing summer league they are still on the summer league roster as for now but they can now be go they can now go to any team I guess without the heat matching uh the heat are just under the second apron with 14 to 15 roster spots so they cannot sign either one of them to a standard contract without going to the second apron uh and their two-way players they already have filled with khaw Johnson Zion pollen and then strangely JW Smith which is like sweet guy I don’t like D Smith they must like heat culture love him I don’t really understand because I don’t think he’s even all the way healthy he’s not in summer league although he is like 27 so I don’t I don’t really I don’t really understand why there was a need to sign him especially as opposed to alandis Williams or Cole schwier because both seem like they have a lot more upside than he does I don’t really understand it that’s what you say that’s what I say I agree you know I agree I’m I’m saying that you can’t here you can’t give them credit for finding all the guys and then say oh because that’s what I said like clearly they must know something you don’t maybe I but I I have eyeballs and and also if you’re giving them credit then maybe they know something you don’t maybe they do okay but I don’t get it you don’t have to I don’t get it you don’t have to with Drew Smith he has been in the league for a long time right he has been in the heat system for what feels like seven years he has won the MVP like three times in g-league I don’t know I it did yeah like it feels like he’s going to be like the next uh like Bronte Weber I remember him being on the sou Fall skyforce For What felt like five seasons so but he is on one of the Heat’s two-way deals uh crazy uh Gaff man says they need what did he say jfig stability not scoring Alis has to be a featured scorer I understand but like he’s I mean did you see those moves that he put on bronnie yesterday dude I mean he put and by the way that wasn’t exactly he had he had a few nice assists especially finding guys in the post so I don’t know I don’t know I like delis Williams and Cole schwier is another one that doesn’t make a lot of sense because the reason I’d have Cole let let’s say let’s just say some trade comes up right and then you you gotta trade Duncan got Cole swier you got Cole swier you think Cole’s gonna be I don’t think he’s going to be I didn’t say that I didn’t say that hold on I didn’t say that I am not do you understand I didn’t say that man got to 500 made threes in a career quicker than any NBA player ever and you say we just gonna find another one he shot like 47% of The g- League last year I from three do you understand what Duncan has done in his I’m not saying he’s gonna be Duncan Robinson I’m just saying gu you you made it sound like but if you get rid of Duncan Robinson get another intangible that’s not fair that’s not fair I didn’t say that I didn’t say that stop making it sound stop trivial izing what Duncan Robinson has been in the NBA he’s been one of the best three-point Shooters to this point in his career ever but if you have to trade him let’s just say they trade him like they’re trying to like dump some money or whatever Michigan bias no it’s not a Michigan bias these are facts he does hate the C don’t confuse the facts with how I feel about Michigan these are facts but one would say I mean there is a little bit of a Michigan Edge there like you do you love your Duncan Robinson I do too I love the dunkyard dog I’m not saying I want him gone he was you the reason why hold on he’s also the same reason why you invented fat cat no that’s not true he’s not the reason I invented fat cat he certainly seemed to have a lot of pictures with his face on a fat cat I mean he had a lot of struggles after signing a $90 million contract H one had to wonder was their fat cat like Tendencies now I think he I’m sorry what that’s a great what wait don’t forget money he get the money what he read it did it again no wait and then let’s not forget this that one my favorite wait let’s not forget this he looks like a drug dun let’s podcast in more basketball you remember those comments well In fairness to Duncan that was JJ reck’s fault that wasn’t him he had this damn JJ re goes back to JJ oh this is J this isn’t bit this is deadass serious this JJ reedit got in Duncan Robinson’s ear and he’s like podast you podcast you podcast you should all be podcasters we’re all Shooters and podcasters and and Duncan Robinson he took his eye off the ball okay he took his eye off the ball and that’s and that’s that happens you know sometimes Fame and Fortune oh Jason Sanders was OG fat cat that might be right um but Fame and Fortune sometimes you have a lot of Hangers On who like come in your ear and like tell you the wrong things and that’s what I think happened with dun robe can I please say this you understand you’re calling somebody a fat cat when if they’re great at what they do are 40% okay but like that’s crazy but even he would admit that he’s already a 6% failure to be great that’s when he’s his best dunkyard dog just see if I walk off the show dude nobody scared of Jimmy Neutron kicking they ass no that’s not true Duncan Robinson has that dog in him he definitely does I like that I like that that might coming from him that might be one of the funniest lines in the history of dunan Robinson has that dog in him and I will not be told otherwise okay how how does he bark I don’t want to do it anymore D South going to make fun of me that’s our show for today everybody hope everybody’s uh has a great rest of your day stay safe out there and uh we will talk to you Rascals tomorrow

00:00:50 – 00:13:15 : The Miami Heat go on a 12-0 run and beat the Lakers 80-76. Jaime Jaquez Jr. will join the Miami Heat summer league team in Vegas for a few games. Tobin finds a way to make Leroy lose his mind!
00:19:45 – 00:31:40 : It is the time of year where Leroy cannot stand being in a room with Tobin… Are the Miami Heat “showcasing” Jaime Jaquez Jr.?
00:37:20 – 00:48:40 : Uruguayan Players Fight Colombian Fans In The Stands In Wild Brawl After Copa America Loss. Leroy gets a little loosey goosey when Dan addresses the “sports bra.”
00:56:05 – 01:10:45 : Tyreek Hill gives his Top 5 QBs during an Instagram Live: Patrick Mahomes, Tua Tagovailoa, Lamar Jackson, Dak Prescott, Baker Mayfield… is he trolling?
01:18:15 – 01:32:07 : With 2 Louisiana boys being on the show… we get into a Bourbon Chicken debate vs. Tobin.
01:38:18 – 01:50:47 : We get into a Mixed Bag! Keshad Johnson at the California Classic, he may be the Heat’s new undrafted star.
01:58:30 – 02:11:07 : Jontay Porter pleads guilty in gambling scandal! The NBA agrees to an 11-year $76B deal with ESPN, NBC and Amazon.
02:18:15 – 02:28:00 : We start talking about music after JFig comes in singing. Tobin tries to get his unpopular opinion across on Post Malone. Does Posty need to stop genre jumping?
02:32:55 – 02:51:45 : We finally get to Bam Adebayo’s comments… Bam Adebayo tells Yahoo! Sports that NBA voters move the goalposts on him when it comes to DPOY voting. “It’s me and a lot of undrafted dudes, and we still have a top-five defense.”
02:59:05 – 03:11:15 : Copa América Team USA coach Gregg Berhalter gets fired, Jurgen Klopp turns down offer. The next half of this segment is brought to you by… Tobin trying to read Serbian headlines based on Heat’s Nikola Jović and his Olympic Update.
03:18:20 – 03:33:10 : We watch a fan interaction with Aaron Rodgers then go into breaking down Love Island with Tobin.
03:39:30 – 03:48:55 : Video on Keshad Johnson at the California Classic with his family. We receive some Heat news, the Miami Heat have withdrawn their qualifying offers out to Cole Swider and Alondes Williams. JFig goes into the silly sauce files and pulls out receipts on Tobin and his Photoshop liberties with Duncan Robinson.

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM
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