@Atlanta Hawks

Nikola Ðurišić & Mouhamed Gueye Summer League Press Conference

Nikola Ðurišić & Mouhamed Gueye Summer League Press Conference

just how have these few days J how how have these days of training been for you guys you guys PR uh prepare for summer uh it’s been good honestly like it’s been tough especially like the transition from the European style of basketball to the American style of basketball you know but it’s pretty good I think what would you say is the difference between the Styles I’ll say the pace of the game you know the three point line bigger Court you know more athletic players all of this stuff and what have you seen from Zachary in these first few days too I he he shoots the the ball like crazy he can hit some wild shots block some shots as well play defense yeah when you talk about the three-point line I’m can you educate me a little bit is it further back the yeah it’s further back so it’s tougher to shoot by how much like is a couple feet a foot you know uh I I don’t know what I think not sure not sure I don’t know really I know it’s further back so what adjust you have to make as a shooter then when it’s further back H I got to use more of my legs to shoot it so yeah it it’s tough on my legs but I’ll get there what are you looking forward to just kind of show in in summer league oh I mean it’s a great opportunity for us as a team you know for every single player uh to show what we can do and hopefully be the best as we possibly can and maybe try to win it all you talk about the adjustments with the speed of the game and I know you’re taking in a lot of information at once but what have you learned so far in this short amount of time I mean the the game the American style of the game you know I learn my players my teammates the coaches what they’re asking for my teammates how do they move so yeah that’s all basketball is basketball still so what do you want to personally accomplish this summer this summer uh hopefully win the summer league yeah we’ll see is the American style of basketball a little more physical so how I mean I don’t know really like every practice is physical you know even in Europe I need to playing a real NBA game to feel that difference so yeah how’s the terminology different so far between the two games oh it’s very different sometimes like they say something I’m like what what you know like I I don’t understand you so they got to rephrase it for me sometimes but I’ll catch on what what was one of those that stands out to you I mean really cannot think right now one but like they know it for sure what kind of U impact did the the jante Murray trade make on as you guys are trying to to figure out your place in this team and where where this team is headed what kind of signal did that send to you guys I mean that’s like a question for the coaches in the front office not really for me I’m just a player so yeah have you been able to connect with eigor yet and talk with him uh we texted a little bit but he’s right now on vacation so I don’t want to bother him let him have his free time so yeah have you had the chance to kind of get to feel Atlanta get settled in Atlanta uh not settled yet I’m looking for my apartment we’ll see after the summer league what will happen but yeah Atlant Atlanta is nice I’ve been to the aquarium the Coca-Cola factory so I’ve been around Atlanta yeah it’s very hot so yeah it’s crazy hot yeah it gets hotter unfortunately are you clear to play or do you have to wait until you sign a contract or can you just start with the first one no I can start I think I’m a start we’ll see I but you don’t have you don’t have to wait for a contract I sign the contract before you play or I don’t know really I I don’t know nothing really I I’m just listening to them so yeah going back to the longer three-point line does it get trickier in the corners because the lines are closer together like you have to be careful where your feet are Corners very big SP yeah in the corner like corner there with the lines close together n not really not really not really yeah ni what has it been like working with like Kobe Mo and some of the guys who have been on the sky I mean it’s been great honestly you know I’ve been like asking them questions what to expect what to do so they’ve been like really helpful you know they embraced me from the first moment so yeah they’re good guys when did it kind of hit you that you’re on an NBA team with the Hawks like you have a moment like that during practice I would say the first practice Monday like before that like I wasn’t like I didn’t understand what really happened you know so the reality struck like at the first practice so I was like wa oh I was like wao you know so yeah was there something that happened that you’re like whoa uh not not really like seeing all of those guys that’s it yeah have you heard from Trey or anyone yet no Trey texted me also yeah some of the other guys also so yeah you guys saw a little clip with you uh teaching Zach uh a little bit about baseball look like you were trying to teach him about no we were just messing around I don’t know baseball I don’t know how to throw it so yeah yeah I don’t know baseball have you watched baseball at all before I do my first time actually it was fun yeah it was fun what was that experience like just getting introduced to a new game well it was fun to see it you know like I’ve seen like the highlights of it but never the full game so it has like a nice space you can like enjoy we watching it so well I’ve seen I’ve seen NBA players who grew up in America completely missed the Batters box on ceremonial for pitches so he did well yeah he did well he I taught him well yeah yeah yeah thank you yeah thank you guys oh you’re [Laughter] good H sorry I’m late um just what are you looking forward to showing at Summer League um this is your second year out there so how are you hoping to take that step forward I’m really excited not just for me but for the whole team uh we’ve been the past two days been fun running around have the rookies Nico Zach Kobe so he not rookie but you know uh it’s really exciting I’m excited to go again uh in Vegas play again and hopefully win the tournament what have you just noticed in the this year’s drop picks of Nico and Zach well first I can’t speak French to Zach now Nico speak a little bit of French to as well but uh they really excited to play with like Nico can pass the Bell from wherever and Zach is just he just a Hooper he can shoot pass he can do a little bit of everything so I’m pretty excited have you helped them get adjusted a little bit I think it’s interesting how they talk about the European game being a little bit different than the NBA and just a difference in the three-point line have you helped them kind of get adjusted to it yeah especially the language buried like I think for them if they if they understand a little bit of English you’ll be I think it’s going to be over for a lot of people but hopefully in a year or two they will be more connected to the system but I try to help them as much as I can like tell them you got to be here even off the court like the spot to eat and all that so I’m trying to help on off the court a lot what makes you that confident in them that you say if that they they can fix that language barrier it’s over for a lot of people I mean they are pretty good at basketball he’s the number one pick for a reason so and Nico is just he’s just seran killer so I’m excited when you talk about the language barrier what’s some of the terms that maybe they have to get used to uh I think everything uh obviously I was here last year so it’s kind of easier for me the system and all that but D coming from a different country not speaking English very well but I think I think if they around me and Kobe alive they will understand a little more for sure is that is it just a sense of personality the fun guys have I mean we going to be hanging out a lot and we going to be around each other a lot so I think it’s going to be a lot of fun how do you want them to kind of get to see Atlanta Nico said he wants to be aquarium and Coca-Cola how can they get adjusted I mean I just want them to enjoy enjoy the people and see how incredible they are and how everybody’s just so nice they said the goal is they hope that they win the team win summer league do you think that’s a possibility for this team yes of course I think that’s everybody’s going the team we got the same goal coach the players and everybody and hopefully get it done what do you want to see for yourself personally in summer league man be a man on defense first of all then just help my teammates and you know be the best version of me what do a menace on defense look like being over the place being lacking down the best player if I have to uh helping helps side talking on the bench just everything really it does seem like the chemistry is pretty good the first couple days of you guys hanging out together what makes this group so fun I mean we just come from different part of the world and basketball bring us together and we just great guys obvious like Zach always smileing nicoo same Kobe always makes fun of me I make fun of him so we’re just a great group of guys you get to play that much last season does that make this week a little bit more important to you um honestly not really cuz right after the season last year we started like a week after that so we’ve been in the gym a lot and this just a way for us to see where we at and me especially see where I’m at and what I need to improve on and I just see it as a fun time you know go out there and compete so is it more fun to play against somebody else yes for sure I’m excited for that yeah what was it like for you uh after the dejonte Murray trade that’s a that’s a big piece of this team last year uh but as things are are changing in now moving forward yeah obviously DJ was a big part of it and he was like my big brother he took me under his wing but it’s just the business and at the end of the day I’m not in control all that so I wish him the best he my big brother forever and I’m excited for what we got going on how will you help ni get used to the heat no that I can’t do nothing about that we play inside yeah probably just tell him to just stay inside and avoid walking in Vegas and all that thank you awesome thank you so much have a good one you too

Nikola Ðurišić and Mo Gueye speak with media ahead of our trip to Las Vegas for NBA Summer League.

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