@Los Angeles Lakers

Bronny scores 4 Pts in Summer League debut, misses Lakers next game with swelling | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Bronny scores 4 Pts in Summer League debut, misses Lakers next game with swelling | NBA | UNDISPUTED

good morning F I got time topping on diamond say what they got say if you think it’s a game commentate I ain’t got a play in the morning I own myON my competition it’s not an issue it’s CT tissue unconventional [Music] conts morning way and morning Kean and welcome back from whichever Island you spent last week on I don’t know no I wasn’t I was at home man you were at home burning up burning up at home I could have did that somewhere else you could have actually and morning to Rachel who never seems to take a vacation we appreciate that and let’s get to it the biggest Summer League news yesterday concern this player who went two for n in his debut on Saturday I’m talking about bronny James who did not play in the Lakers back-to-back game yesterday the reason given was some swelling in his knee but reportedly bronnie is expected to play in Wednesday’s Summer League game for the Lakers so Kean what do you make of this development well they say some swelling a little bit of pain so to speak and that does happen but you got to think in this situation with him this is the first time full kind of NBA activity yeah he’s been to camps and he’s done some things and drills and stuff like that but running up and down the floor and he’s probably had some irritation going going into the game to begin with that they just probably was like okay you can play and then all of a sudden you get a little bit of information it tightens up you can’t bend the knee so they want to let it rest up a little bit put some ice on it ultrasound whatever it is that they need to get him back out on the floor um but he did play a significant amount of time 20 plus minutes the one thing that I did like about his uh first opportunity I guess you could call it in the NBA game so to speak is he was aggressive he wasn’t shy nothing fail for him I mean he was two or n 0 three from three but he he showed you he was going to take the shots you know he had a nice steal uh couple assists couple boards you know the and so when you look at it obviously we all want to know okay what are they protecting him from are they protected him from a bad game or they protected him because he actually has some issues going on with his knee if this was the first pick in the draft overall then I would be like oh God they in trouble but that’s not the case he’s got time to develop I’m not worried about it at all um I think the doctors will take care of whatever the issues are his father certainly will make sure that sure hope so yeah all right here’s the thing to remember about summer league it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if he takes a game off they said it was for precautionary reasons and they expect him to play on Wednesday it doesn’t matter that he didn’t have a good shooting night in his debut summer league does not matter we have seen players who have had kind of crummy summer leagues go on to have great All-Star NBA careers we’ve had guys who have had great summer leagues fizzle out in the NBA Victor weany got dunked on in his first summer league he shot two of 13 Dalton neck the Lakers other big you know shooter a guy we expect to be a shooter this year he went three for 12 in his first summer league by the way he’s now six for 25 in his two games so he’s not exactly lighting it up either go ahead but the thing to remember about summer league is it doesn’t matter so it doesn’t matter to me about the knee doesn’t matter to me about his shooting numbers the only purpose of summer league is to get these guys the experience of playing at this level this was the first time that bronnie played for these coaches new teammates new schemes and also by the way he hadn’t played since March so the idea that this kid the numbers should be the thing we judge him by to me I just I don’t understand that the only thing we need to judge him on is the stuff that we see that doesn’t come up in the Box Court okay I’m going to go back and start with the knee this was pretty surprising to me because if you say there’s some swelling I don’t know how much knee issue you had when you were playing I mean I I had some swelling here and there okay well I wear and tear I’ve had a lot of way too much experience with bad knees and if you have swelling you you have some issue going on that’s not simple or minor or whatever and I was a little surprised that they they said there was some swelling I’m having to take whatever they said and then that oh but he should be fine by Wednesday well if if you got some swelling I don’t think you’re going to be fine fine by Wednesday it it could be an ongoing issue for a little while depending on what it is or why it is because I watched every dribble of the game and there wasn’t a play where I was like uhoh uh oh he stumbled or got in an awkward spot or precarious situation or whatever that didn’t happen he played is whatever it was 22 minutes and he looked like he was moving pretty well so I don’t know what’s going on with that but now we’re back to how did he look and I do agree with you I I liked his attitude because he wasn’t bashful about shooting the ball there were times when he hesitated a little bit like should I should I and then once he went he went and by the second half he was really getting into the flow of it and I do think as we talked and talked about defensively he’s going to be pretty to very good that that that that’s going to be his trademark and that’s going to be his early way to make it into some serious minutes that will matter for the big league team when he plays for the real Lakers but this is what’s going to happen to the son of LeBron James I’m I’m watching the internet and he’s getting ridicule for getting his ankles broken on a play I think we have it it’s fairly early we have it yeah we got it I think they said they were going to find it 630 left in the first quarter and I I’m not sure he got his ankles broken on that I think he got bumped and and again that’s that Adonis arms who just took this game over he he got a little bumped and he stumbled he lost his balance for a second but got his ankles broken I I don’t think that’s getting your ankles broken no he he he kind of he he was there he cut him off but he used his he used his for to kind of push him off and put him off balance a little bit but if he would have tried to continue to go to the cup Bron was in position I thought he was too agreed so he’s up against an Adonis arms who again lit it up the other day he had he had 12 of 17 shots he he scored 32 points because he’s an older player he’s been around he’s bounced all around the G league and he knows how to play you said it’s proba his 12 summer playing it it feels like it is because he got a late start High School to college then he bounced around college but but he knows how to play in ways that bronnie doesn’t know how to play and then the other interesting development was that that Tommy cusy came off the bench for them and he’s another kid who’s 26 years old he’s played in the G League he’s played in Germany he’s played in Italy he knows how to play point guard and so he ended up coming off the bench getting more minutes than bronny got he got 23 and2 to 22 and it was because he was making shots so he made six of 10 shots made three of six threes and scored 15 points and and looked like he was way more developed than bronnie was well the the problem is that I I hear what you say about the summer league doesn’t matter but this is the son of LeBron James so it’s going to unfortunately matter way too much because we haven’t seen much of him and now I I was F I’m on the edge of my seat because I I didn’t get to see enough of him at USC and plus he had heart surgery that cost him the first month of the season so I’m like I don’t even care like last year I write completely off this is where it kind of starts where I start getting an idea of oh oh okay he looks like that he can do that he can do that he looks like he can play basketball yeah that’s what he looks like it’s not I mean people act like in damn the internet you know how I feel about trolls anyway they act as though he’s out there hitting the side of the backboard right and he’s not hitting the rim and the ball isn’t rattling around and coming out the balls were actually going in but popping back out it wasn’t he wasn’t missing to the point where you’re like well he shouldn’t be on the floor it did not look like that at all whatsoever so you know I think he’ll be fine I I just from running up and down the court and I’m not a LeBron James or James family Fanboy or nothing like that he looked like he going to be okay when you put him with the better players just think about it when he’s on the floor with four better players than they have with him on the floor now imagine what he’s going to be able to do he’s just going it’s just going to look better yeah well also I think I mean I think frankly you just illuminated part of why summer league doesn’t matter these numbers because as you pointed out you have guys who played a lot of games under their belt they’re going to do better in these first few games guess what that is not an indicator of how they’re going to do in the NBA and then if Vantage is going to slip so these kinds of things aren’t indicative to me what is interesting though is and you just pointed out with the internet attention and everything else he already got a taste in this one game of some of the extra noise that he is going to face and I don’t even mean online in the arena in the fourth quarter you had fans shouting we want bronnie we want bronnie he is going to have to deal with sort of the you know that happens at the Staple Center JJ reck’s going to get questions about it afterward and then LeBron James Jr is going to have to deal with that so I I just think that he’s getting a taste a little bit of what this is going to be like for him and I think that is an important part of his summer league development the rest of it to me just doesn’t matter and and they got drafted two weeks ago they haven’t even had an opportunity to sit down and really understand the Playbook or their teammates it’s just it’s a totally different you know this is such an incomplete grade right it just for for the internet trolls the to go at him the way that they but we going to talk about that a little bit later because in my opinion it’s not just about bronnie it’s about some other stuff well it always is isn’t it yeah absolutely all right just remember he did sign what I would call a big league deal he signed a Laker contract so there’s no g-league going on here he’s going to go straight from however many of these games he’s able to play and I hope he can play Wednesday night because he just needs reps reps reps again much better competition than he faced briefly at USC and yet he’s ticketed for the big leagues you know he’s going to be on the bench game one with the Lakers and then we’ll start to figure out can he play five minutes or seven minutes or 15 minutes and a lot of that will be dictated by how he plays in the real pre-season games and how he practices with the the Lakers once they’re assembled but let’s look you men mention that his shots didn’t he wasn’t hitting the side of the backboard so let’s see what it looked like here in order quickly are his nine shots he did finally make a driving layup but here we go that’s his first jump shot looked pretty pure hit the back rim okay then he took his first three he was a little hesitant before he shot that but it back iron not bad then I thought that was a pretty good stroke but it was a little short and then he finally got loose for that and that made him feel better and then he really loosened up and that was way short and then I thought that was going to be a make but it was a little short all that is Skip is y he going to have to make some adjustments to really understand made that one from the elbow then he took that in the four in and out that was an inn out that was a fourth quarter and a lot of the things you’re seeing as we look at these highlights are decision making right do you shoot the three then do you make a pass that is that is textbook of what guys learned in some League you’ve never been in these situations before so you need to learn the decision making process it’s being hesitant when you move for one level to the next you don’t understand first of all this speed in summer league is faster than any any high school or college abut it’s faster things are happening faster so imagine and this pycho team wasn’t even the it was a split Squad yeah it a split Squad so imagine when he moves from this to the next level how much faster it’s going to be from the training camp to the preseason and then from the preseason to the regular games he has to get adjusted to these things and I think over time it’ll happen it’s the same way in football when you come from college and go to the pros it’s like you sitting around on the 405 freeway and it’s not a a a a dead stop it’s just wide open at 2: a.m. in the morning and that’s kind of what it is it’s just and he’s got to get used to it yeah okay so here’s what he’s going to be up against and anybody who watched this game will tell you that the player who caught their eye was Maxwell Lewis who was their second round pick one year ago he was the 40th overall pick to Bron’s 55th overall pick Maxwell Lewis is 6’7 inches out of Pepperdine and he played 34 games with the Lakers last year but only averaged three minutes a game and I don’t I don’t even remember because it was all garbage time but he did play for the g-league team last year what do they call the South Bay Lakers yeah and he averaged 15 five rebounds and two assists shot 36% from three he he’s competition for bronny in that he looked pretty good he made four or five plays where I said oh that was pretty explosively athletic he’s kind of a somewhere between a wing and a small forward but but he can play so again if you’re talking about minutes when we when we finally start getting to the real games will will Maxwell Lewis be on the big Lakers squad or will he be sent back to South Bay and if he’s on the squad will he start competing with Brony for a few minutes here or there because he’s he’s pretty good again I it’s hard to judge because it’s the split Squad from Sacramento but he looked pretty good to me and because he did play 34 games last year I think they like him yeah okay look those that game experience is huge right and just living the NBA lifestyle and and going from place to place and all of the other stuff that you have to learn to deal with when you are a pro for the first time well he he has some great mentors that teach you met well that’s but that’s what I mean is that competing for a spot on the roster competing for minutes that that is the definition of being a pro player and I’m sure LeBron James Jr is looking forward to that bronnie knows what he has to earn his keep and that has been one of the most impressive things about him through this entire process High School when he had a huge Spotlight under him College when he had a huge Spotlight on him that he knows that people are going to say you just got this cuz of nepotism you just got this CU of your dad and that he has to earn his keep and he has been such a hard worker despite some obstacles that that I don’t think he has a problem with fighting for minutes off the bench with other guys that’s what he’s here for okay so the irony yesterday when I realized I turn on the game early and I’m like where’s bronny and then I read oh he’s got some swelling in his knee and I’m thinking of his father the most amazing thing about LeBron with LeBron nothing listen do Kean how many guys did you play with everybody has a KNE something right right so I’m thinking of LeBron what are we up to now we’ll be 22 years going into 22 so I looked up last night he’s played 68,000 let’s say 500 minutes in both regular and playoff game 68,000 it’s ridiculous to go that long and to play at the level he plays at at at at the the death defying Heights that he plays at because he will attack the basket how many times does LeBron get get hit in midair and go down how many times are your knees at risk to my knowledge reported for what’s been reported maybe you’ve heard something behind the scenes but I have never heard a peep about LeBron having any knee issues he’s had ankles we know that but knees he hasn’t had any shoulders he hasn’t had any killes I’m KN going to what I like to talk about little hamstring he’s had the pools yeah no I got that but everybody everybody has knees they just if you’re going to play over 10 years something’s going to go wrong with your knee I go back to Howard coell used to say the knee it’s always the knee well it is it’s always the knee and so father has the greatest pair of knees in the history of professional basketball and Sun now has some swelling after his first summer game and I’m like what what happened that could be an old injury from high school or college it could be something floating around in there they just they need to figure out what it is we can say it and I know everyone on the show has said it a hundred times bronnie is not LeBron James he is not going to be LeBron in terms of the points he scores in the NBA he’s not going to be LeBron James even in terms of the attention we obviously live in a era where there’s so much more media even than when LeBron first played and and you know bronnie is getting all this attention as LeBron’s son you have to go back and remember the attention that LeBron got when he debuted I was at his debut game I was at a couple of his final games in high school it was bananas but he scored 25 points at Sacramento that night he did 25 points was he still 18 I think or was he 19 maybe he’s 19 look when he played his first Summer League game there were people hiding under cars in the players parking lot so they could get a glimpse at him I mean there are a lot of there are a lot Park cars there there are a lot of things that are going to go back and forth in terms of comparisons over this first rookie year and frankly for his entire NBA career he is not going to be LeBron James Health points way he plays any of that kind of stuff however he does have LeBron James resources and whether it’s dealing with a wonky need despite you know LeBron’s had aches and pains over the years for sure or whether it’s dealing with all this attention he has one of the best resources of all time at home mhm to pick each other’s brains to be able to say Dad have you been in this situation that sort of thing that is another huge Advantage he has going into his rookie year and while there are some disadvantages of being LeBron’s sun in the NBA and that you’re getting fans chaining for you which is a good thing until it causes problems inside the locker room or on the bench or for JJ however to deal with all the extra attention and scrutiny he’s got a lot of advantages too and I expect him to employ those yeah I’m with you I don’t care about two for nine I don’t really care about any of the numbers going forward through the summer league games but I do care about what my eyes tell me you know I just want to see you know you kind of step away from it and you say yeah I I see this and I see that you know where where you start to get a grip on what is he how does he handle himself he has a lot of his dad’s mannerisms he really does he walks like his dad with the toes pointed out hands on hips hands on hips did that yep did there were a lot of things where I said man he looks like his dad he he’s he he carries himself LeBron es yes and to your point that’s all great but he’s 61 and a half and his dad’s 69 so now you have to start factoring in you you want him to look like his dad but he can’t play like his dad at all it’s never gonna happen what he can do though skip you said the eyes right yep my my eyes and I I I feel I’m an instant evaluator in every sport I can look at a dude and tell yeah you do but he can play I mean he can play basketball all right he’s not ever going to be his dad nor does he want to be his dad you know how many people want to be his dad he doesn’t want to be his dad he wants to be his own self there’s kids out here all over the world wishing they could be LeBron James you can’t duplicate that you can’t duplicate Michael Jordan you just there’s certain athletes that’s just so just so far out in the universe there’s nothing you can do and I know the comparison is going to always come up because that’s his last name is James he’s not going to all of a sudden wake up one day and be 66 just not going to happen no he’s going to be a 61 three and D type guy that’s going to get quality minutes over time in the NBA and that’s what he’s goingon to be but and there’s nothing wrong with that understand at all people got to understand man there’s nothing wrong with that I don’t it’s a great career yeah I don’t think the internet trolls are looking for him to be LeBron James they’re look looking at can he play 15 minutes for the Lakers it’s like Laker Nation is saying can he play 15 minutes no number 55 pick is walking in to play 15 minutes as a starter on an NBA team that has two top 10 players on it I think this one has a chance to play some minutes for this team at the beginning this he he he’ll get he get he’ll get some minutes you know working through as he develops but I do think you know I G I’ve gone back and forth over the last week about whether or not he’s going to spend significant time in the g- league I think I think he’s going to play go up and down I think he’s going to play in the G League because one thing he he’s got to do he’s got to get minutes it’s just like it’s just like they’re making it clear he’s not going to play in the G League no no they’re they’re not just because he signed an NBA contract he can still go down still go but there there’s rules I mean there’s rules about how many times and how many games and and all that stuff but yes he can go it’s not think about it this way skip if the G League I don’t know the dates and stuff but if they play it on a Monday and the Lakers play it on a Wednesday and the g-league played again on the Thursday they would bring him up to play with them on that Wednesday and he could go back down on Thursday and play they could play that game all day long okay I hear you but if I know his father his father will not want him to play G league but he’s got to get minutes he can’t sit on the end of the bench and just rock he’s gota play he’s got to run up and down the floor and in the NBA as Rachel knows they don’t practice scrimmage every single game so he’s got to he’s got to get some real time in action and LeBron wants his son to develop sure he is an intellig intell incredibly intelligent intelligently incredible intelligently incredible basketball mind and he knows that what bronnie needs after playing what you know of the season in college for one year needs development so I don’t think LeBron is gonna throw a fit if they want to send bronnie to the G League briefly I just I don’t I don’t see that I think that he wants his son to develop into a long game long-term NBA player okay speaking of LeBron speaking of those Lakers the big league team how did they just fail to sign clay and Demar D rozan that’s next thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Keyshawn Johnson and Rachel Nichols discuss Bronny James after his Summer League debut with the Los Angeles Lakers. Bronny scored 4 points in 22 mins his debut. Bronny was held out of the Lakers next game with knee swelling. The Undisputed cast react to Bronny’s Lakers debut.

#Undisputed #NBA #BronnyJames

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Bronny scores 4 Pts in Summer League debut, misses Lakers next game with swelling | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. They’re doing the same thing with Bronny that the media is doing with Biden. Ridiculous. Is LeBron paying them??

  2. I just wish they'd stop acting as if the complaints against the Lakera drafting Bronny is just haters and people trolling. The reality is.. if Bronny wasn't LeBron's son, he wouldn't have been drafted. Plain and simple. His stats were absolutely terrible, he missed an entire month because of open heart surgery, and he only played one year of college ball. Definitely not draft worthy.. and nepotism at its finest.

  3. when this little guy bronny play with the big boys he will be eaten alive he has target on his back.. this big boys got to the NBA because they showed NBA material throughout their younger years.. then there is this guy bronny got drafted because of his dad.. i pity this kid.. goodluck playing with the big boys

  4. Bronny was standing a lot past the 3 point line in the game. I guess his father did not teach him to run toward the basket to make a layups.

  5. It's really unfair to put this young man under such a microscope but this comes with being LeBron James son.

  6. Rachel, I love your takes, But Summer league for BRONNy Matters.. summer league CRASH, getting cooked on defence as a 'DEFENDER' for a second round guy.. wOULD MATTER.

    sorry Lebron I know father son is HUGE, but imagine a father son JORDAN combo FORCED in the draft.. and MARCUS Jordan was to go AHEAD and steal the spot of a player in the 2003 draft called LEBRON James ( lets say years lined UP).. You think Lebron would love a JORDAN family member being drafted way before him, like #1.. and#2 the other Jordan family member… and JORDAN comes out.. "YAH LEBRON LOOKS NICE.. BUT WE HAD TO SAY TO THE TEAMS.. don't take bron take JORDAN and JORDAN, Marcus and other"

    because its about nepotism and about 'DEVELOPMENT' no it damn ain't… MARCUS Jordan didn't deserve to be ahead of LEBROn no matter WHAT his last name is or development.

  7. Stats don't matter in summer league..but a 20 year old rookie, with heart issues already, plays 1 game and has to sit out with inflammation? That's a red flag lol load managing a rookie in summer league is a fail

  8. After all these years with Skip on Lebron & now Key…. man Lebron is not coming on yall show but I guess Bronny might huh

  9. all I gotta say is LeBron miscalculated on this one. He didn't do Bronny, the Lakers, the NBA or himself any good by doing this.

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