@Chicago Bulls



new reports have surfaced that the Chicago Bulls might in fact have a new plan that will ship off Zack LaVine we’re going to be talking about this new plan and if it would work for the Chicago Bulls to trade Zack LaVine and what it might look like if it fails and Zack LaVine is still with our Chicago Bulls this is your host Rico greenhow and this is another episode of bulls digest before we go ahead and jump into it wanted to gu let you guys know that 7 8.3% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscribed to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can stay up Tod date with the latest news and happenings around your Chicago Bulls without further Ado guys let’s jump into the hot topic of the day here which is this new plan to trade Zack LaVine uh which is revealed uh this comes on the heels of actually what Joe Calli had to say he is a contributor for the Chicago Tribune you often can catch him on the sidelines uh for Chicago Bulls games as well this is exactly what he had to say guys and he is essentially saying that look the hope is that the SE the two second round picks the Bulls got from Trading D rozan can now be attached to Zack LaVine in a package um The Hope is that a team would now be more you know wanting to go ahead and entertain a trade for Zack LaVine now that we are going to throw in some picks and then I I love what is immediately said after this you know with this whole notion there’s no market and you know nobody wants him and everything else it it puts in to the point guys that look in 2022 2023 um he played in 77 out of 82 games and then also too when you look at the 2021 2022 season he played in 67 out of 82 games as well guys and so look I I think that these are some terrific points um you know which kind of brings up what I had actually asked on the channel about do you want to attach a asset do you not do you want him to to play out his contract or what that looks like guys and you know for as much is made about Zack LaVine let’s be clear I mean the guy has not done anything to his teammates that we know about he hasn’t done anything to the organization that we know about as well and you know he’s gone out there and he has put up some numbers when he is out there is he an injury um concern absolutely is he a guy guy that doesn’t play terrific defense sure but there’s a lot of guys in the NBA that they can do one thing or the other it it’s very rare that you’re finding players that can do uh both at an elite level guys and I mean there’s what I mean by that is there’s some guys that are exceptional scores and they’re not very good Defenders there’s some guys that are are pretty good Defenders and not necessarily the greatest uh scores in the world as well same thing with rebounding there’s some players that can go out here they can get you some boards there’s some that just they cannot I mean their other strengths are tied into getting buckets and defending I mean so you’re never ever necessarily going to get a complete player guys and so that’s the one thing that we must look at in any Zack LaVine deal or situation guys I think that you know the Chicago Bulls put a lot of financial Capital into Zack lavine’s potential all right and I think that now that we see that Zack LaVine is not going to get that maybe not get to that potential I think that he’s taking a lot of unfair criticism to to say the least guys and I think that it’s not fair to Zach and I just feel like you know it’s been a lot of situations surrounding Zack LaVine which have led to this all right now I’m not saying that it it’s things that he hasn’t done that hasn’t led to this but look there was a stat that was thrown out here um you know shout out to locked on B and you know Pat the designer and this also too came up in one of our comments on the channel as well but 77 out of 110 players that I think Zack LaVine has has played with all right on these teams out here are no longer in the NBA uh and this goes into what I was talking about a video or two ago there’s really been a perfect storm around why this Zack LaVine situation has not worked the way the team has been constructed um his market value at the time uh obviously I just pointed out some of the teammates that he’s played with um he did have to go through a couple coaches uh when he first came over you know with Fred hyberg and that whole situation guys so there’s a lot of different things that are going against Zack LaVine to get to this point and so I just want to throw out that narrative that you know I think it’s ridiculous that Zack LaVine uh cannot be traded all right and I’m thinking back of Gilbert Arenas and his situation guys I think that that if if the Wizards were able to get off of a contract like that I think that absolutely if the Chicago Bulls wanted to they could have got off of Zack LaVine as well and so this whole notion about Zack LaVine not being tradable is ridiculous and also too I don’t think that he’s done anything at least there’s nothing that we know of that he’s done so this is just like a a phenomenon to me I’ve never seen this before uh in the in the NBA where a guy is just this untradeable guys and so as we go further into this one one of the things that the Chicago Bulls May face is that Zack LaVine may have to stay with the Chicago Bulls and if that is the case guys I must say that there’s some people that said hey I think that he would uh negatively affect the young players and the youth movement um on the team and I don’t think that I I really don’t think that and in fact fact guys I’m going to bring up something that also was thrown out there and this had to do with something I believe he threw up um on his social media but uh you know it talks about a cryptic post uh amid trade rumors but I I think that this right here shows us a lot of who Zack LaVine is guys and so look he says look stay present and locked in and I love that about Zack LaVine and I think that for all the stuff that’s surrounding Zack LaVine the fact that he’s saying this right here um lets you know that guys he’s recovered from the surgery okay and if we do have to go with Zack LaVine coming back here and Zack LaVine saying look it’s not going to work but being the professional that I am he’s going to come out he’s going to play hard he’s going to play his value up and then he’s going to move on I don’t see him being an issue where he he stops the growth movement that is going on with the Chicago Bulls like I don’t think that stops that youth movement I don’t think he takes away from Kobe I don’t think that he takes away from dumu and I don’t necessarily think that there’s that notion that he could go out here and just Chase numbers I don’t think that he’s necessarily going to want to chase numbers either guys because you think about it one of the narratives around Zack LaVine is that he doesn’t uh affect winning in a you know that’s one of the things that I think that he wants to probably show that he can do to increase his trade value so it’s not going to make a whole bunch of sense for him to just come in put up numbers and then the Chicago Bulls lose like I think that he’s going to have to show that he can help you win games and I think that another stat that was thrown out there was something like you know out of active players that have played you know 500 plus games or something like that he had the worst um losing percentage and I think that you to increase his value he’s certainly going to have to show at least a small sample size uh to move on from that and so guys that leads me to what was last posted on the channel and you guys let me know what you guys are thinking this was something that we put up um just kind of ask in the community like you know what would you want to see happen with LaVine do you want to keep LaVine let him play out his contract did you guys want to immediately trade them and attach an asset would you have a chance to do that uh if this report is true did you want to wait until the trade deadline so that’s letting him go ahead and play up his uh value a little bit and seeing if we can do something without attaching an asset um do we want to trade him with no assets and then it’s not trade him unless we get a first round pick when we went ahead and stopped this it said no assets attached guys and so that right there would dispute this report that was put out there by Joe call so let me know what you guys are thinking in the comments as we continue to go around in this Maro round with Zach all right guys getting off the marryg Go Round And as usual even though we don’t know what we are going to do with Zack LaVine I’m still saying go bulls and I’ll see you guys on the next one peace peace peace

In this video, your host, Rico Greenhowe, goes over a recent report that has the Bulls have a new plan to trade Zach LaVine. What are the moves the Bulls need to make going into the season?

0:00 CHICAGO Bulls news
1:00 Bulls New LaVine Trade Plan?
2:00 LaVine has done what he could with the Bulls.
3:30 Inside the number for LaVine.
6:20 LaVine is locked in and ready to play anywhere?
8:20 What do you want to see happen in the Zach LaVine trade saga?

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. Trade him to warriors. They need a 2nd option, we all know Danny ainge ain't trading Lauri without Kuminga and 5 first round picks. So Zach will be cheap and good 2nd option behind Curry and Bulls get rid of insane contract

  2. I would trade Zach LaVine right away for two new acid draft picks or let him play out until the deadline 2025 so he can get a draft pick and new assets for our team

  3. I can go with Zach staying, to increase his trade value, but can he make it through the season or the trade deadline, without getting injured again?

  4. You forgot the fact that he wanted to get traded I mean that’s not good for the team Norton the people in the locker room and also did you forget that the guy scored one point against Boston? He’s a quitter.

  5. He signed with the Clutch Sports & tried to secure that new contract extension & force a trade. He tried to play the Bulls.

  6. Let Levine play out his contract. He have been injured. Let him show what he can do after that make a decision. Let other teams get a look at him.

  7. Zach needs to go!!!! Trade him for a bag of Funyuns, a 40 in a brown paper bag, and a shot of Jose Cuervo! This madness needs to end!!!!

  8. Don’t trade lavine for nothing…..stupid….he is going to get you 25 a gameme….besides Coby who else is a threat on Da Bulls

  9. Just because he said it don't mean anything nothing will change with him at this point if they need to take a bag a peanuts for him take it

  10. The guy is an asshole, and started the whole beef with management and the feud with players. Just get rid of him.

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