@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Adding Gary Trent Jr?

Spurs Adding Gary Trent Jr?

what’s going on everyone so Gary Trent Jr’s time with the Toronto Raptors appears to be coming to an end uh the Toronto Raptors offered supposedly based on reports roughly 15 million a year for a contract he wanted more he wanted 18 a half plus million uh and now he’s trying to figure out what to do right him and clutch uh they are looking for other options a lot of Reports say that he he’d be lucky to get even a a full mid-level exception more likely than not is probably the taxpayer mid-level exception and may end up even having to sign a uh a vet minimum for a year but supposedly again based on reports uh he’s not completely against the idea of kind of just using a season to kind of build up his reputation build up his rep and uh potentially use that as a way to get more salary elsewhere his stock has kind of dropped the last like year or so I think a lot of that has to do with the um with the Toronto Raptors I don’t think it’s necessarily him I just think you look at the the year the first few years he was there right and got there he was excellent for them I think it was like two three years ago he like led the league in 30 point games right like he was really good uh for for uh just the Toronto Raptors in his first tenure I mean you look at the first two years there he averaged uh 16. uh2 and 17 games that he after he got traded there and then you the First full year he played 70 games averaged 18.3 points uh he shot had an EFG of 51.1% shot 45% from twoo range and shot 38% from three-point range on eight attempts and then in the following year uh he averaged 17.4 uh points per game uh and still maintained a 37% three-point shooting on 6.8 uh attempts per game and shot 50% from two-point range had an EFG of 52.2% so actually was more efficient overall um but also got fewer attempts uh that that uh following year and then again his attempts last year went down even further played 71 games uh was coming off the bench for 41 of those 71 games and had uh went from 14.2 attempts to 11.9 attempts uh shot 40% from three-point range on 6.4 attempts per game uh 46.4% % on two point attempts on 5.5 a game and then dropped to 13.7 so his stock is currently lower but this guy is a legit three in d uh two guard he can play three in some spots but probably best at the two guard position and this is where I think you know the the obvious choice appears to be the Los Angeles Lakers right so the Lakers seem to to be the team that he’s interested in kind of waiting around for uh the Lakers are reportedly interested in Gary Trent Jr as well and more likely than not if the Lakers free up a roster spot and can bring him on he’s probably going to go to Lakers also being a clutch client right he has that inherent uh weigh in but outside of the Lakers I think the San Antonio Spurs make a lot of sense I really like what the Spurs have done this offseason bringing in Chris Paul bringing in Harrison Barnes right you got these two vets and the San Antonio Spurs now have two roster spots open in two two-way contracts who are you bringing in with those two roster spots you’re either going one of two routes I guess technically there’ be three routes but more likely not one of two routes you’re either a you’re you’re looking to go and bring in a young talent that has some potential in upside that maybe uh you can kind of grow and develop and be a quality rotation piece at worst for you the other alternative is you go and bring in another vet guy who can kind of continue to add and be a mentor and and help with development of your young guys and then the third option would be like maybe you just do a trade to where you’re getting some assets and you’re taking a contract on or something right but other than that why not go with like a Gary Trent Jr who is proven in this league this is a guy that go get you 18 a game he’s done it with the Raptors right but not just that he’s still very young he’s 25 years old right so you could bring him in at 25 years old right so he kind of fits the timeline uh with this roster with this team gives you some insurance for a potential trade right there’s a lot of talks about them potentially trading Johnson uh Kellin Johnson right if you do eventually later on down the road look to trade for a star uh you’re probably going to have to give up the sell so Gary Trent Jr might be a guy that would be good just to have just to kind of see right and kind of give you more flexibility and not have the risk of or the fear of man if we lose Vel or if we lose Kellin right like now what do we do right now we got to go find somebody that can replace him well it’s like okay well we got Gary Trent and I think you add him to you know the Chris Paul and the Harrison Barnes Acquisitions and then the draft pick in uh Stefan castle and it’s to me it’d be such a lowrisk high reward Type move you’re getting a guy that is still very young that has proven that he could be a legit two-way player in this league a guy that can go get absolute buckets a guy that can you know knock down the catch and shoot knock down uh the the the mid-range do a little bit of everything create for himself create a little bit for others him alongside Chris Paul right you want shooting you want guys that can that can put the ball in the hoop and Gary Trent Jr I think would be a guy that could do that and again you’re talking such lowrisk high reward you’re not going to be paying him 15 to 20 million a year you’re bringing him in on probably you know a vet minimum maybe a little slight higher maybe you’re bringing him in on 5 million a year or something like that and and he can be a quality piece Off the Bench right it’s like he would be immediately one of the Spurs better players right like again this is a guy that I just I think as this as his stock has dropped because of Toronto right I think Toronto just was in this influx they don’t they didn’t know what they wanted to do they didn’t know where they wanted to go with it right like they should have rebuilt two years earlier right and it’s like Gary Trent kind of just became the odd man up because they were kind of experimenting doing all these other things and trying to go with like that big position list where everyone’s like 66 on the court and it’s like I just I just think Gary Trent in a lot of ways was a casualty of dysfunction in Toronto and I think now it’s like well now they’re going a completely different direction they got all these young guys they just had to pay quickly like they’re going to have to pay a bunch of other guys and it’s like do they really want to pay Gary Trent and it’s like their loss could potentially be your gain if he could get back to being some type of version that you saw when he first got to Toronto that could be huge for a team like the San Antonio Spurs again I’m not saying he’s a star I’m not saying he’s a superstar I’m not saying he’s going to even be any of those things but he is a real rotation piece he is a legit two-way guy can knock down the three ball he get your own bucket right like he is he would be a very quality piece and again he’d be one of your better guys immediately I’m not saying he’d be your best guy or second best guy or anything like that but he would be a guy that I think could slot in and be you know one of your top five to seven players easily and you know would play well and be a nice compliment alongside of Chris Paul would be a potential future piece if it doesn’t work out you just let him go you sign him to like a onee deal to where you know you’re paying him like I said 5 million for a year if it works keep them if it doesn’t work let him go let him walk it’s not the end of the world I just I look at it and go like what else what are your other options with those you have to at least bring one guy and you got to at least carry 14 so bare minimum they got to bring in one player who is that guy yes maybe you bring in like I said a development guy or you bring in another vet or you bring in a guy that could be a real rotation piece that could be a real uh just roster boost right like if you know the Spurs clearly aren’t trying to tank this year because if they were they wouldn’t have went and signed Chris Paul they wouldn’t have went and brought in Harrison Barnes right they’re trying to you know at least find that middle ground I don’t think that they’re a contender or anything like that but I think that they’re a team that you know they want to at least make a push for the play in I think Gary Trent Jr is a guy that would get you uh that much closer I think this is a guy that’ll get you a couple wins that you might have not have won otherwise right so anyway as always this is a discussion I pass a question on to you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts um do you like the idea of bringing in a Gary Trent Jr do you think no stay away from Gary Trent Jr um who else would you want besides Gary Trent Jr that you could bring in on because again you have two open roster spots you have two two-ways if you’re going to bring in any development guys you’re probably signing those guys to the two-way deals right so who are you bringing in that could potentially be better than Gary Trent Jr right there’s very few guys that actually make more sense than Gary Trent and I just think Gary Trent is a guy that again can kind of raise the ceiling for the Spurs like I’m I’m not saying like oh Gary Trent’s a guy that now you’re winning a championship like he’s the missing piece but I do think he again like I mentioned earlier I think he’s a piece that could maybe get you a couple more wins than you might have gotten otherwise you know he’s a guy that can go on on a any given night go drop you know 20 to 25 you know maybe even give you a 30 piece one night when he’s when he’s feeling it so think it kind of gives you another upside guy that’s young that makes sense I do think if more likely than not he’s probably going to the Lakers but if the Spurs can grab him I think that’d be good for the Spurs but anyway again how you feel whatever your thoughts are love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button how been lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs have 2 open roster spots and need to find talent to fill those spots. Spurs aren’t in tank mode and have a solid roster that could lead to a play in and potientially a playoff birth. Gary Trent Jr is a free agent that could make some sense for the Spurs off the bench.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbanews


  1. He'd be stupid to go to the Flakers if the Spurs were interested. LeBron is on his last legs. The future GOAT is VW. You'd thrive in the VW-CP3 run team.

  2. The Lakers are just few dollars under the 2nd apron. They cannot pay him except if they trade at least one player.
    The Spurs' roster is now composed of 13 players with only 4 in the front court (C and PF) : Wemby, Collins, Barnes and Sochan. They need to add players in this area and not picking another SG (Vassel, Branham, Wesley, Cissoko and Castle if the PG experience is not going well). They just fired Bassey and didn't bring back Mamu (unfortunately).
    The Spurs definitely need to add players in the front court or they could experiment again a big lack during the season (after the PG deficit last year).

  3. We have a lot of guards and wings already. What we are missing is a more backup reliable big than Collins.

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