@San Antonio Spurs



oh yes Atlanta Hawks you are on my radar you are absolutely on my radar I want to hear what your GM has to say I want some NY are we having fun yet all right so as you guys know uh the Atlanta Hawks we we got to pay attention to them this year okay we we we just have to um so let me just preface everything by saying this I don’t hate Atlanta Hawks fans they there there’s not that many fan bases that i j genely hate uh Houston Rockets fans I genuinely hate you but but Atlanta Hawks fans you’re okay in my books you’re cool uh I’ve been to some Hawks games it’s a very fun experience uh Hawks fans are are are are fine they’re cool okay but your team have made some really bad decisions okay and one major decision they’ve made that was a terrible decision and everyone knew it was a bad decision when it happened was trading for uh dejonte Murray for all the those picks just gave us your future thinking that DJ and Trey young would coexist and and you would win a championship I guess I I don’t know what they were thinking um but from our perspective uh we own all the Atlanta Hawks future basically 2025 is the big one so I want to pay attention and see what the heck is going on with Atlanta um are they going to screw all this up are they going to lose are they going to try to rebuild are they going to start the rebuild now might not be a great decision I guess uh but I do want to hear everything from Landry Fields um now before we take a look guys please go subscribe to Spurs Invasion link below in the description box right underneath this video uh this is a channel in which I’ll be doing edited and scripted content uh if you haven’t seen the videos yet at least go check out the last two um I’m I’m really proud of the the CP3 one no actually I’m proud of this one too I’m proud of these two okay um but let me know if you like it uh anything you want to add blah blah blah all that good stuff all right okay all right okay all right let’s listen of course the jeante you guys had him for a couple of years but went into the decision that now was the time that you guys wanted to you know go in a different direction just evaluating where we’re at um where are you it was a hard decision challenging we knew that where we ultimately want to be was was going to require some challenging decisions you know at that point um currently where we felt like we can continue on um with what we what we have so wanted to reshape some things and um you know this is unfortunate part of of the business Deon is fantastic player um but we’re we’re excited for him and and his journey on in New Orleans but we’re also very excited about you know the guys that we got back um got a few assets with it too which are going to be helpful for us to continue to build so um and I wish him nothing but the best he and his family been great with us you guys brought four guys back which of course I saw some at this was kind of interesting um if you’ve been on this channel for a while you know that I had a little bit of beef with uh dejonte Murray’s dad that was a weird that was a weird era for this channel that was really strange um but uh I saw quite a few Atlanta Hawks fans say that they don’t like his dad which I don’t know I haven’t kept up enough like off thec court stuff to know if there’s been anything weird so if anybody in the comments has any context for that why are Atlanta Hawks fans upset with his dad did something happen or what brings up questions about the roster construction how do you try to proceed forward and maybe bring some of those guys that you valued so much last year back into the fold yeah I mean yeah we’re definitely going to be uh in a roster crunch right now we’re obviously over the amount of players we can bring back so from now until you know start of season we’ll have some more tough decisions com make one of those is Bruno you guys extended the deadline for his decision to today I mean let’s see let’s see if we can find uh see if we can find Atlanta Hawks roster let’s see here I’m might allow you to keep talking field decision so we’re actually working with this Camp to push it back again um just to you know create some flexibility see if there’s something uh we can continue to do and works out how do you feel about Dyson Daniels uh I feel great about him you know he’s he’s playing with his national team for the Olympics um so that’s been good for him and feedback that we’ve gotten and the amount of film and inperson studying that we’ve done of him as a player really fits like what let me say this about Dyson Daniels I really do like Dyson Daniels as well I think that he is um a pretty good fit but unfortunately at least from what I’ve seen from the Atlanta Hawks and if any Hawks fans want to correct me that’s fine um I’ll take it but I haven’t seen a lot of like great development of players with the Atlanta Hawks uh so I’m wondering if cuz he’s he’s one that definitely will need some development right he is nowhere near where he should be um nowhere near even where you expect even though he’s been in the league just a couple years like I expect a little bit more uh like for instance you can see here from Dyson Daniel stats you’re going to need somebody that can that can shoot be more of a three and D he’s shooting 31% his first year and then exact same so not much well no improvement there at all uh field goal percentage improved a little bit free throw percentage went down um so it was it’s a lot of weird stuff um with him but then again with the New Orleans Pelicans he didn’t have a lot of room I mean were already a team that’s uh pretty yeah trying to trying to be pretty established so it’s kind of hard for him to even fit in uh where where he get in right and he didn’t get a substantial amount of minutes or anything like that so may maybe he can maybe you can get the version Dyson Daniels I expect him to be uh you know in in his career a little bit later I expect him to be but I don’t don’t know if that’ll be the case but he he he is a he is a great player defensively and I think he has a lot of playmaking ability that hasn’t even been you know fully honed in yet so sorry we’re looking to do more and more of so um couldn’t be more thrill like we’re excited about about his uh his talent and his fit for us what about his game are you particularly excited to get defense uh his defensive versatility is something really stands out um his shooting has gotten better it’s something that we think we can get an uptick in him as time goes on with his his shooting’s gotten better yeah I mean his field goal percentage up by 3% which is I mean not saying that’s bad that that’s like bad but his shooting’s gotten better it’s gotten worse development so if we’re able to help him stay the course defensively and then give him some offense of adjustments there um so they do believe they can develop them when you have to make how long is that going to take given the fact that you made a trade for him just a couple of years ago do you look at that as a as a failure or how do you kind of view it uh not at all I I fa I look at it as you know at the time we had an opportunity to go get a really good player and for where we’re at we wanted to take a chance and take a chance to make it to the next level of what we were trying to do at that point yeah guys I’m sorry I’m sorry we’re we’re getting Cooper flag I’m so sorry I’m so I’m so sorry I’m not trying to be disrespectful Atlanta but yeah you got you guys are about to give us you guys about to hook us up man we we’re about to get C we about to get we about to get flag this is going to be nice I’m sorry there’s no way there’s no way even ree I feel like is going to need a little bit of development there’s no way I just need you to be bad for 25 okay I know we got some other ones but just be bad for 25 point in time um you know I I think that at this point right it it’s still kind I said earlier it’s now faced with another challenging decision in in moving him um but no I don’t see it as a failure at all especially when you look at that and go okay what are some things that we learned from that what are things that worked out well things that didn’t work out well um but I think going back you know we would definitely take that risk again obviously it’s a business but how difficult are decisions like that especially as Caleb was talking about you made a trade for him just a couple years ago it’s it’s very challenging um like all things considered and you know new context with like a cap environment and how you’re able to build out the team you’re looking at you know what assets you have for the future it’s it’s a challenge and you know good players like Jon don’t come around very often um and by the way I do want to I do want to say this the Atlanta Hawks uh front office office was in shambles so it wasn’t necessarily the like GM fault or anything the GM’s fault I I feel like I feel like with the Atlanta H I mean it was a lot of uh stuff coming out where it was uh family getting involved in order to try to make a decision and it was just really bad like ownership just made some really bad decisions there um with that trade and I from what I from what I remember uh their yeah their GM didn’t want to make that move at all especially if it at the time that he was so um you know it was our evaluation and you I think it was a great collaborative effort for all parties involved and that’s where weed you mentioned being in a roster crunch right now but where do you feel like you guys are at when it comes to building for the future I think we’re in a good spot um you know in terms of who will be on the roster and who won’t like that’s that’s a question for another day is it fair to say though that try young will be on this roster we we have a lot of value in try um we really do we have a lot of value in Dante like but this is those moments where you have to make those hard decisions so they’re in a really tough spot man they’re in a really tough spot right now um and also I saw someone say like well well Clan they they won’t be that bad because they have Trey young and I’m and and to that I will say what did they have Trey young this past season cuz they were pretty bad this past season they just got the number one pick so from there on we’ll continue to build some of the assets that you guys were able to get back or a couple of potential draft picks just how much flexibility does that give you for not just next year but you know next couple of years it helps um we have a pick next year um potentially two in depending on how the sack pick Falls and that’s a year that we didn’t have a pick uh through the D TR so that was one of our objectives is to get back in in a draft class that we didn’t have one um you know obviously in 27 potentially have that as well so they just traded their pick to get a they just oh my gosh they gave away their picks in order in in order to be in a worse situation uh that’s I cannot talk right there helps you know you get more bites at the Apple and you know believing in our development system believe in what Quinn and his coaches have can do for these players you know having draft picks is essential you were asked about BR know you have some you have created some more dep the 4 five with some of these um new guys that are on the roster how does that affect your plans um especially for capella for instance um like I said it’s going to be an evaluation for us from now until the start of the regular season um still plays a lot of value in Clan so should be fine you talk about uh Steph lendon siging him to his two-way deal and what you see in him as well what that happen yeah you know for him was you know unfortunate with injury it’ be great for him uh to have played summer league but these things happen um a guy that at the time when he first had that uh injury last season was really the trajectory kind of looking up on what he was able to do especially shooting the basket ball let’s ask some hard-hitting questions here for College Park I thought was great so just we’re a guy uh in what we’re doing going to continue to develop him so um he’s hungry he’s gritty uh as a player and I know he wants it too so we’ll be excited when he gets back from injury player is always important in general but when you look at your situ player development here we go your hard now and your roster schol how important is it for you to have some of these young guys be you know good parts of rotation next year uh development is crucial I think in a new captain environment right now when you have limitations on how you’re going to be able to roster build that leaves you with the option of changing roster through development guys they’re not going to try to tank but they all this development talk sounds like yeah this is a development year and development year might as well be a tank um so that’s a a strong emphasis for us and you know our expectations for our players are really in that same vein like grow develop learn put the work in and we’ll let the results be what they are what do you want to see from uh Zach and you go summer league uh get more and more integrated accustomed to actually playing a new style of basketball I mean it’s one thing to go from college to the NBA but coming from two completely different countries and playing at this system I was just I was talking with Juka earlier about he’s like there’s so spacing things that potential out there I’m like yeah man don’t have at it uh like um those are all new things for them um so I think it’s just making sure that we’re supporting them and integrating them into our system into our way of doing things and then just going out and competing but those are all things that I’m not worried about because that’s that was part of our process and assessments uh during the draft process is making sure those a young team those things those guys have it you Zack you said part of part of the plan with him is to add some weight to him like what’s the potential there how big do you think he be uh I don’t have a specific number I know you know he’s 19 he’ll be 19 all the season and um we we’ve done some new things with our performance staff that we’re really excited about there and he’s a worker so like I I would say look at his body this time next year and I we’ll see some transformation we had one player come over here and talk about his shooting and I talk another I’m not tra I’m I’m saying this right now Spurs fans I’m not trading for Trey young okay I think I think all this talk is getting me excited all right I’m not trading for Trey young at all I know it before I was like I’m 50/50 on it I think I’ve changed I’ve changed completely I’m not 50-50 anymore I’m not trading at all I’m not trading for TR young at all at all I’m not doing it wow he’s he’s more was a ball Hammer than I expected um what has this first week of practice court been like for you to see everything that what you were yeah I mean it’s good right you you know you never put too much into two practices um I mean they don’t have their own pick and they can’t create a winning team and all of this talk is about development we are so bad but to see him out here and I think the thing that I’ve really been impressed by is just his ability to take risks you know it’s a new game it’s a new system new way of playing um so for him to step into that more and more is is crucial for how he’s going to evolve as a player um we’re going to help him through that so yeah the shooting you know as I mentioned before you can through the um the draft process is one of the superpowers like he’s able to shoot that ball and uh he’s got real size and you know can defend as well so some of the ball handling stuff will definitely come but that’s obviously something that has happened whichever player that was seen as it’s all going to be on Trey young I mean I’m not I’m not wish for any injuries but that’s that’s a lot on Trey that’s a that’s a lot on Trey young with their seasoning seasons in Europe ending you know so close to now how many games do you expect them to play at Summer League um I mean it’s hard to say I I don’t anticipate them not playing um we want them to develop and got to play what do you want to see out of this summer league Rost as a hope oh good question I would love for them to just go out and compete and to implement the things that Coach Ron has been talking about in practice and to give more and more of you all chance to see kind of what we really value here by the end of the day so um we’re just excited about how they’re going to approach it and from what we’ve seen the last few days the way they’ve been competing and getting after it been time all right hold on we got we got to look at the comments here this wasn’t even posted by the Hawks page this is a Atlanta Hawk fan who posted this re resellers sell the team you H you have made your money or wrestler I thought I said reseller uh let’s see he really threaded that needle we value Trey isn’t the same as we’re building around Trey in fact he hopscotched away from the topic real quick yeah he did what are you going to do they’re in a weird spot how can you first pick be defensive guy what wearing 208 wet as 69 what oh weighing 208 what how how can your first pick be defensive guy I I have no idea what we’re talking about one word cheap joke we got to get rid of uh the GM he is the worst GM that oh so a lot of people a lot of people are like us look or you know as far as like blame the GM look I’m going to say this I’m going to say is about the Hawks all right their front office is really terrible it’s it’s kind of hard for me to gauge how bad a GM is when the front office is as bad as it is all right uh I mean I I know for a fact a lot of stuff came out that uh the people that should make the decisions on whether or not to trade someone didn’t want to uh but the ownership did so don’t know what to say don’t know what to say on that one but all right so cool so what did we learn today we learned that the Atlanta Hawks have no idea what they’re going to do the only thing they can do right now is try and develop uh they might possibly Trey Trey young uh I mean that might end up being inevitable I’m sure he’ll eventually get frustrated and upset uh it’s obvious that he’s not going to win a championship in Atlanta so we just got to kind of wait and see what what comes out of this but this is definitely a developmental year for them and that means a win for the San Antonio Spurs so anyways I give it to you guys later until next time bye [Music] [Music]


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  1. For SA to be likely to get a top 5 pick in 2025, we'll need to Trey Young to get injured. Otherwise, ATL will likely finish with the 8th to 12th worse record

  2. This isn’t a Flagg or break situation this is one of the best drafts I’ve ever evaluated Ace Bailey, Harper,Nolan Traore,Hugo Gonzalez,Dink Pate

  3. lol I know Landry Fields can't just straight up say that the Dejounte move was a failure but come on man…..for what they gave up, and how it worked out…. come on man, at least admit it was subpar or something. Teams are always trying to save face but in cases like this it makes them look foolish tbh.

  4. I don't understand why Clan is clowning a team for trying for to get better trading for a guy who is a CROWN JEWEL of the Spurs development system. His hate for DJ is so IRRATIONAL. Don't know what's wrong with this dude sometimes — slinging crap from Tennessee like some bandwagoner. Maybe the Hawks shouldn't have traded for a POINT GUARD when they already had a ball-dominant PG in Trae Young, but how is that DJ's fault? All the reasons Clan and his type said for DJ wanting out turned out to be wrong — the money on his next contract, even the tank job, when the Spurs could've easily managed that w/him on the roster, the same way OKC did when they nabbed Chet Holmgren w/the #2 pick and still kept Shai on the team, which is another reason the Spurs are still playing catch-up to OKC in terms of talent. If you're student in karma, Clan is putting out a lot of bad juju in the Universe, stuff that will come back and bite the Spurs right where it will probably hurt the most — picks that don't convey nearly as high as we'd like, ACL injuries to our key guys, guys asking out Kawhi-style, you name it. Maybe Clan'll have the balls to admit that the move to dump Derrick White for Langford and Blake Wesley likely won't ever convey into a player even remotely approaching White's caliber and trash White and the FO for that move. What can I say about dude that wants to just rub a fanbase, ATL, in some sh*t while cackling like some brat at Christmas who's had one too many candy canes. It ain't classy, it's degenerate. And BTW, he can't even bother to understand ATL all that well, knowing nothing about their development of Trae, Jalen Johnson (a most improved candidate last season), Vit, Oneka, Bojan, all these guys. Clan is just spouting off per usual. Landry Fields started off in the Spurs FO — he doesn't even know that.

  5. Great channel and from a Hawks fan (pain) it is all love I totally understand since i am praying on the lakers and kings down fall because we have their picks.

  6. Everyone spurs fan changed their minds, we don’t need a small guard anymore since drafting Stephon castle, now it’s too see what works and what we need for the upcoming next season

  7. I honestly could of done a better job than Landry like talk about fucking your team franchise well spurs let's enjoy yet another year of lottery picks lol 😂

  8. Sint no way we getting cooper with a player like wemby on our roster. Im not even trying to watch
    Wemby suffer again just for a number one pick

  9. If Spurs can't get Flagg, Traoré would be great as a PG even if Castle should play at 3. Gonzalez will be very good too. A very nice draft class… and Spurs have 4 first round picks 😉

  10. Dude, I do stats for a living, and I was like no way spurs are getting Cooper Flag! The probability of getting back to back first round picks has got to be like zero right? Hawks got ‘24 first round, no way they get 25! I was wrong! This happens way more than you would think, here is the data:

    Here’s a look at how many times each franchise has landed the No. 1 pick since 1947:

    Cleveland Cavaliers

    No. 1 picks: 6

    1971: Austin Carr
    1986: Brad Daugherty
    2003: LeBron James
    2011: Kyrie Irving
    2013: Anthony Bennett
    2014 Andrew Wiggins
    Washington Wizards

    No. 1 picks: 6

    1953: Ray Felix (Baltimore Bullets)
    1954: Frank Selvy (Baltimore Bullets)
    1961: Walt Bellamy (Chicago Packers)
    1962: Bill McGill (Chicago Zephyrs)
    2001: Kwame Brown
    2010: John Wall
    Houston Rockets

    No. 1 picks: 5

    1968: Elvin Hayes (San Diego Rockets)
    1976: John Lucas
    1983: Ralph Sampson
    1984: Hakeem Olajuwon
    2002: Yao Ming
    Sacramento Kings

    No. 1 picks: 5

    1956: Si Green (Rochester Royals)
    1957: Hot Rod Hundley (Cincinnati Royals)
    1959: Bob Boozer (Cincinnati Royals)
    1960: Oscar Robertson (Cincinnati Royals)
    1989: Pervis Ellison
    Atlanta Hawks

    No. 1 picks: 4

    1952: Mark Workman (Milwaukee Hawks)
    1955: Dick Ricketts (St. Louis Hawks)
    1975: David Thompson
    2024: TBD
    Milwaukee Bucks

    No. 1 picks: 4

    1969: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
    1977: Kent Benson
    1994: Glenn Robinson
    2005: Andrew Bogut
    New York Knicks

    No. 1 picks: 4

    1963: Art Heyman
    1964: Jim Barnes
    1966: Cazzie Russell
    1985: Patrick Ewing
    Orlando Magic

    No. 1 picks: 4

    1992: Shaquille O’Neal
    1993: Chris Webber
    2004: Dwight Howard
    2022: Paolo Banchero
    Philadelphia 76ers

    No. 1 picks: 4

    1973: Doug Collins
    1996: Allen Iverson
    2016: Ben Simmons
    2017: Markelle Fultz
    Portland Trail Blazers

    No. 1 picks: 4

    1972: LaRue Martin
    1974: Bill Walton
    1978: Mychal Thompson
    2007: Greg Oden
    Detroit Pistons

    No. 1 picks: 3

    1967: Jimmy Walker
    1970: Bob Lanier
    2021: Cade Cunningham
    Golden State Warriors

    No. 1 picks: 3

    1965: Fred Hetzel (San Francisco Warriors)
    1980: Joe Barry Carroll
    1995: Joe Smith
    Los Angeles Clippers

    No. 1 picks: 3

    1988: Danny Manning
    1998: Michael Olowokandi
    2009: Blake Griffin
    San Antonio Spurs
    No. 1 picks: 3

    1987: David Robinson
    1997: Tim Duncan
    2023: Victor Wembanyama
    Brooklyn Nets

    No. 1 picks: 2

    1990: Derrick Coleman (New Jersey Nets)
    2000: Kenyon Martin (New Jersey Nets)
    Chicago Bulls

    No. 1 picks: 2

    1999: Elton Brand
    2008: Derrick Rose
    Los Angeles Lakers

    No. 1 picks: 2

    1958: Elgin Baylor (Minneapolis Lakers)
    1979: Magic Johnson
    1982: James Worthy
    Minnesota Timberwolves

    No. 1 picks: 2

    2015: Karl-Anthony Towns
    2020: Anthony Edwards
    New Orleans Pelicans

    No. 1 picks: 2

    2012: Anthony Davis
    2019: Zion Williamson
    Boston Celtics

    No. 1 picks: 1

    1950: Charlie Share
    Charlotte Hornets

    No. 1 picks: 1

    1991: Larry Johnson
    Dallas Mavericks

    No. 1 picks: 1

    1981: Mark Aguirre
    Phoenix Suns

    No. 1 picks: 1

    2018: Deandre Ayton
    Toronto Raptors

    No. 1 picks: 1

    2006: Andrea Bargnani
    Denver Nuggets

    No. 1 picks: 0

    Indiana Pacers

    No. 1 picks: 0

    ​​Memphis Grizzlies

    No. 1 picks: 0

    Miami Heat

    No. 1 picks: 0

    Oklahoma City Thunder

    No. 1 picks: 0

    Utah Jazz

    No. 1 picks: 0

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