@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Guardians slip up in Detroit & is Myles Garrett the definitive best DE in the NFL?

Cleveland Guardians slip up in Detroit & is Myles Garrett the definitive best DE in the NFL?

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energy and the energy energy energy energy and the energy energy energy [Music] yeah we got the [Music] energy we got the [Music] en we got the energy energy and the enery energy energy and the ener ener the ener en and the ener ener en and the ener got the energy [Music] and we got the energy [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the en [Music] en [Music] [Music] the Jay Crawford Adam the bull Garrett Bush tyus Powell Jason Lloyd plus da da da you’re loving him Mikey McNuggets and so many big names it would take me hours to say all of their names the ultimate Cleveland sports show starts now booya [Music] hey welcome to the ultimate Cleveland sports show along with tyus Powell and Mikey McNuggets I’m Adam the bull we got a lot to get to today we got Earl and Anthony and Steve all on the other side of the class listen when you introduce everybody you can leave Steve out of it you want to leave Steve out of it even he’s going to he’s blus going at it again this morning cuz Steve out of line I don’t like being in the middle unless it’s a fourman panel I like to be on the edge because that’s where I’m comfortable and I don’t know why Steve feels like he needs to put me in the middle today like was that his call like why does he get the call that’s the question yeah I mean I think technically it’s Mike’s call right Mike’s the producer well technically it’s Anthony’s call today Anthony’s producer I said I said tyus should be in the middle today that why would you say that why would you say that to be fair I thought you liked being in the middle no you know what when it’s a four but what technically when when it’s four it’s not you know there’s not really there’s not really a middle you know the inside the outside you know it’s different it’s different different Dynamic I’ll be honest the only time I’ve ever been part of a discussion with this show where we came to how we should set the seats up particularly was when we first started it was four in the panel yeah and we said Jay and B had to be on opposite ends right so that when those two started arguing no one would be on the outside and felt completely excluded and that was a good call which was the right call I don’t think since than we’ve ever had a legitimate discussion on the order of operations via chairs I don’t think it’s we have not well first we haven’t been on together that much that’s true and uh we don’t really argue much about baseball were you mostly on the same page when it comes to baseball it’s football where you got I mean he’s went a little different way uh bananas with the Austin Hedges is the most important player if you were on the show that you you a here and there but outside of that we he and I usually on the same page when it comes to baseball so well you know he football we were more likely to argue he agree with Tyreek Hills list so yeah Tyreek Hills list was about as dumb as it gets he had the again he had the first one right Tyreek Hill is not the sharpest tool in the shed you see something we don’t you know I guess so I mean he’s you know he’s a better football player than me I I give him that I’m not going to deny that anyway uh let’s get right to it uh we’re going to start with the Guardians uh not a great performance last night Anthony go ahead what’s up guys so as you all know I love sports I love them so much and I never want them to stop and it’s definitely not a lie for the read that I’m doing right now but as the playoffs winding down we get fewer games and the sports just aren’t sporting like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep them Sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long all you have to do is head over to FanDuel ucss to start making the most out of your summer FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and the ultimate Cleveland sports show so the Guardians last night uh Tanner BBY getting the start his second straight rough start um he he he end he pitched better at the end you know and he ended up with a decent amount of strikeouts but the Guardians lose a game five to four uh you look at the numbers they’re they’re not terrible no you know eight base runners seven Innings is fine four runs not great uh eight strikeouts is good but if you watch the game he he just is not was not in command at all uh his b he was not throwing it where he wanted to throw it he was very frustrated on the mound I know in the broadcast they talked about um the fact that maybe he’s he’s a little stressed right now he’s putting too much pressure on himself to be the ace maybe that’s the case I mean he’s he’s been the ace for a while now and he was pitching great until last two starts so I don’t know but uh if if he can’t be more reliable than he’s been the last two starts it’s going to be a major problem because they’ve the rest of the rotation is a huge question mark well I mean I think you hit it right there on the head I was telling ant like the Giants game I think he made the start in the Giants game it was the same way it’s something about the first inning where you could tell he’s frustrated cuz he keeps stepping off the mound he’s doing this trying to get trying to lock in but it’s just like I don’t know it’s that first time through the order where guys are really hitting him now the second time around he started to do a lot better it’s used the opposite too I know that’s why I’m saying the first cuz you have you haven’t seen his stuff and for some OD reason I don’t know if it’s film preparation or whatever it is guys for the past two starts have gotten on top of him early in the game and he’s able to pull it together that second time around but at that point the damage kind of was done I mean they was hitting a lot of gaps right between the outfielders then the Home Run started to pile up and it just got bad at kind of early you thought when Angel Martinez came out and hit the hit the double the ground rule double that okay things is about to change here comes the Guardians he ties the game up there right and then I think the very next inning boom two- run home run and it’s just like so it it is what it was it was impressive for Bobby to end up making it through seven Innings considering how it started he threw 109 pitches and if you really want to critique something from last night I got a couple minor critiques from even vote that I want to talk about before we move on to the next topic and stuff but I’m surprised he let him go in that seventh inning but we had talked about the game we went to Jason said it time and time again like he’s got to get through seven he’s got to get through seven yeah I got no problem with that and last night he made it through seven on 109 pitches which isn’t a crazy workload by any means but the way it started to the way it finished I did think he did a pretty good job of rebounding to at least give the Guardians a chance it could have completely unraveled after those first three Innings with the two runs in the first then giving up the two- run Homer in the third but after that he settled down and got outs even if they were loud outs yeah I mean he let him go seven not all first of all 109 pitches is really not that many pitches I I know it’s become a lot of pitches this day and age and guys are used to that but it’s not a lot here’s the thing too not all like pitch count alone doesn’t tell the story it’s how stressed you are on those pitches especially late versus early so BBY kind of cruised through the last four innings for the most part and so if he had finished let’s say he’ finished the sixth inning I don’t remember how many pitches he had at the end of the sixth I I want to say around 90 but had he had a bad inning in the sixth where he had thrown like 30 pitches he doesn’t make back you don’t bring him out for the seventh but he the fourth fifth and sixth were relatively easy I not easy but he didn’t throw as many pitches those Innings which is why he brought him out for the seventh he’s thinking about the bullpen he’s thinking about how attacks they’ve been and if they were down they weren’t going to use their key guys which they didn’t and they stretched some of the guys in the pen too and it ended up costing them a run on the home run to make it 5-3 it’s a frustrating game because the Guardians have had some bad series here against Bad teams let’s face it Minnesota’s making a run at them I mean even Kansas City’s not far back but Minnesota’s played great baseball since late April and they’re now only five games back they split a double header with the with the White Sox yesterday yester the Guardians this afternoon have Spencer Howard pitching who’s a a journeyman nothing who they just got his first start for the they got him from San Francisco it’s his first start since being acquired by the Guardians he’s he’s a ter he’s he’s never been any good there’s no I was about to that has to be a type over man it’s probably eight walks or whatever but you could he’s bounced around he’s a guy who’s consistently being DFA and from Team to team he’s the ultimate journey man he he might if he pitches poorly today he’s probably going to be off the team by tomorrow yeah by the way the Guardians this morning sent Gabriel Arius back to the miners call Brand up well they activated him from the injured list uh a long overdue to get arus back to the miners he is not performing he has not performed for two years uh I’m not saying his career is not over he’s going to get another opportunity whether it’s here or somewhere else but it was time to take him off the roster he was bringing nothing to the table getting caught in the rundown in the NES last night no that wasn’t his fault you you can’t be that far off the base there no you can’t be that far off the base yeah no no you’re wrong you’re wrong there’s they’re running contact they’re running on Conta one out in the N it’s a hit to the first baseman you can’t go like that no no Mike that’s the call that’s that’s what they did they you can’t do that but that’s not him that’s the you can blame step vot if you want on that that’s another thing for St V you can’t blame arus so what the Guardians I mean I don’t know this with 100% certainty but it’s probably the case that what were the before you explain it whoever’s fault it is to say you go on contact then that you cannot get caught in a run down with one out in the ninth and a runner on third base you can well then no no no so you can’t there’s no excuse for that no well with one out in the ninth the decision was made to run on contact I don’t have a problem with that you if you run on contact and the guy puts the ball in play nine times out of 10 if the ball’s on the ground you’re going to score unfortunately it went right to the first base I don’t you could blame vote if you want now Arius um my bigger problem on that play is that I don’t know what the hell Tyler Freeman was doing running past first base he’s got to get to Third on that play and then it doesn’t matter but ultimately it didn’t matter it was going to be two outs anyway so what’s the difference it that it was a non-factor in the game they just had freem minut at second instead of third in fact th at third wait a second it it you just can’t get caught a run down there is my point if if you send him then go go well no no no no he no you’re you’re wrong on this Mike let me you canot with one out in the n and run on third you can’t get CAU a run what do you want to do they’re running on contact once once he’s once he’s running on contact and he sees he has no chance to score then the r then that’s what you’re supposed to do is get in a rundown then you should never have put him in a situation to be running out of contact so I guess it’s not AR’s fault it’s the manager’s fault or the third base coach if you want to blame the manager I think you’re out to lunch on this one you can’t just can’t get call a run down with a run on third B and slow hit roll it at first it wasn’t it wasn’t he he knew he wasn’t going to be able to score then truck do something it just that’s such athetic way to go out once that happens once he knows he’s not going to score you have to get in a run down I understand what you’re trying to say yeah Ty just take the L on this one the Guardians took the L because they should never have a runner running into the I shouldn’t curse on TV it’s a stupid most teams are running on in that situation why you run on contact with one out one out because cuz you don’t cuz if it if it gets through you’re scoring you’re scoring if it gets through if you’re not running on contact if that rolls into the right field you’re scoring no matter what you’re not running if it gets through you’re scoring even the point is you’re you’re forcing the other team to make a clean play stupid Mo most I that’s stupid all right I’m not going to argue with you you’re that’s what you do in lit leag B that’s what you do in lit leag not major league b it happens all the time most teams do that the Kim crane first Bas may not be able to throw at a guy in a CR situation it’s going to be two outs either way and then you get the run you you try to force the action you hope the first baseman doesn’t feel the cleanly or he makes a bad decision to not throw home or he throws the ball wild and then you’re going to score once those things don’t happen you get in a run down so the other base runner to get to third Freeman should have gotten the third on the play and then it wouldn’t have mattered and it and the only reason it and he ended up getting the Third on a while pitch which if he had been in third already they would have scored and guess what if arus didn’t go on contact they just take the item first and then the wild pitch happens like it did anyway AR scores from third tie game that is true that’s but I’ll take the DB thank you boy thank you you’re out of your mind you got you got to run on contact in that situation that’s why Kim Crane’s out of the playoffs D well that’s a fair criticism I love you B I I did make a it was listen like God I’m just telling you you w understand the premise of what you’re saying I get I just think 99 out of 100 times that’s a silly decision no 99 out of 100 90 times out of 100 you’re going to score on that play the one time you don’t do it or the one time you do do it potentially is if Austin Hedges is up next which well and then once Austin Hedges Austin Hedges was up next so maybe that how bad this this tells you how bad Austin Hedges is why you be doing this this is how bad Austin Hedges is they walked intentionally walked Brian roio who can’t hit he he he he might well he might at some point in his career right now he can’t hit no I’m saying he’s had moments this season when he’s but I’m saying he’s a he’s a a a lower tier hitter in major league baseb right now yes yes and guys like that don’t get walked intentionally that’s how bad Austin edges is is that his first career intentional walk you know up who rokio yeah oh probably I mean I can’t can’t imagine unless there was another situation where Austin Hedges was coming up with two outs Hedges would have sent it over the fence the only time guys like that would only get walked when pitchers used to hit yeah because the pitchers Austin Hedges is basically like a national league pitcher that’s what he is I mean that’s what he is I have no AR he cannot hit I know what the Guardians at this point and I love and I know Austin Hedges I know everybody loves him he’s great guy most important player on the team he’s by far not the most important player of the team they should just make him the team mascot and let him stick around and replace him on the roster with a player who can actually hit could they promote him to a coaching position season I’m being dead serious yes they could right there’s says you can’t who no they’d have to pay him his salary let me ask you this who was his absurd $4 million him or miles Straw from last year uh Hedges is actually I mean they’re probably the two worst hitters in baseball but if I had to say I probably say hedges in words because at least straw can run well Hedges has a little power no comp comparatively speaking a straw but at least straw can run that can help you a little more but they’re both hideous I mean like I like I said straw hasn’t got called up the whole year and he’s on the 40-man roster uh I think he’s still on the 40-man roster no no he’s not because they they uh they yeah he’s not on the 4 roster anymore oh yeah by the way yeah you wasn’t you wasn’t here Tuesday but Jason if you’re watching this Angel Martinez has two days in a row he’s done something great two days in a row he’s done something great every game so far pretty much well see the problem is on Tuesday we were talking about who are he talked about this yesterday we asked him yesterday no one touchables who did you say who did I oh I agree with Jason Jason was right on Hunter gantis that’s not fair why is it not fair he’s been he played last year but he didn’t play much y’all need to cut that as long as you still qualify for Rookie of the Year y counts is gon the running for work of the year no cuz he’s a relief pitcher and he’s not a closer who’s right now uh I hav even I hav been thinking about it I get maybe he’ll get some down ballot votes who the hell is Rookie of the Year in the American League uh there probably somebody I’m forgetting I don’t know I’m not thinking about other teams right now I’m just it was a frustrating loss I don’t love the Guardians chances of winning today you never know but they got a good pitcher going I had a question for you real quick yeah so we know how it ended with ar I don’t want to bring that back up but yeah they pinch ran arus for fry and when they did that when they did that they had no other catcher so Hedges had to hit right right right obviously hindsight we know how it ended up but did you agree with the move in the moment to pinch R for fry knowing that it might make Hedges have to hit in the bottom of the ninth there or the top of the ninth yeah I mean who well yeah they could have hit arus who else do they have on the bench was arus the only one on the bench well they’d already pinch hit Freeman for schneeman which I didn’t love either which uh Freeman and schan Freeman foran hit a home run early in the game so yeah who well that means they they definitely had somebody else on the bench who did they um they hit Noel for Naylor so that was out of the question wait they hit Noel for Naylor for Baylor yes yeah I don’t remember I um yeah well they could have pinch hit um arus for arus for Hedges had they not used him to run uh that’s a that’s a fair second guess it vote maybe should have thought about that but I I didn’t have a problem with it at the time so I’m not going to complain about it now but it’s it’s it’s a fair second guess um but Arius is the tying run and he’s a much better base runner than fry um just what I wanted to ask about just how you felt about it in the moment I think right now listen the offense has been up and down lately uh but the biggest concern right now is the starting pitching because and by will be fine and he he looked you know he was fine those last few Innings Gavin looked good the last Gavin Williams pitched well but Liv’s been good you know his last start wasn’t great though but there’s major concern because you have a couple of spots and if Spencer Howard pitches four Innings today I’ll be surprised uh that would one time through lineup is he a literally a one time through guy I I think hope he can pitch longer but maybe that’s why they it wouldn’t surprise me and remember like you facing the Tigers the Tigers aren’t a very good so that was exactly why they let B do seven Innings well that’s part of it they knew Howard was pitching today and it’s probably that’s a big part of it and he’s you know he could easily get knocked out in the first inning I mean that it could be that ug think so I mean it could maybe he pitched a one two three inning you never know it’s baseball but like he going come out Terri he G be lights out Bo how close is Matthew Boyd to being ready uh not that close uh probably a couple of weeks he’s not very good either so um yeah the starting rotation is a problem they need to make a trade and I I I wonder if they’re nervous about Lively after the last start uh which you know maybe is unfair because he’s pitched so well and he’ll probably be fine over under Howard two and a half strikeouts today um God he has he has 21 and 20 Innings yeah which is good two and a half he has 11 walks by the way not 83 in how many innings 20 Innings I got yeah 20 11 walks 20 Innings that’s pretty hideous strike you think he get three strikeouts three strikeouts I mean the tigers are I I give him three okay the Tigers do strike out a lot yeah they’re pretty high strikeout right I’ll give him three ks in I’ll give him uh four Innings three KS that’s what I’ll give him that if he goes four Innings 3ks and can give up less than four runs I I would take it’s a I was talking to Earl before we came down here just on how good Bob’s been in the big picture of this season I know started a little rough but it’s been really good and how your expectations for certain pitch completely depend on what the result is and how you look at it and you see that statline from Bobby last night and we all say not his best stuff he needs to be better if he’s going to be their Ace if you got that from cookie Carrasco oh you’re doing back flips if you got that from Spencer Howard tonight you’re doing back flips if Ben Lively does that yeah not his best but you know what we’ll take that from Ben Lively time in and time out but that’s how good Bob’s been is where a average start which doesn’t technically qualify as a quality start on ESPN cuz it’s more than three runs but it’s not the end of the world that wasn’t a cast by any means but I mean overall for depending on who you’re looking at that’s either a great thing or a bad thing yeah but is he is now 377 on the year that’s not good enough I mean that’s that’s that’s middle of the back you know that’s nowhere close to getting sa young votes that that Jason’s uh Jason that was his prediction his his bold prediction yes and yours was rokio oh mine was ter but your guy just got in walk that Ops is going up it’s going way up for that intentional walk I don’t even I haven’t even checked to see the home run so I don’t know where the Guardians even is they’re still top half yeah they’re definitely still top half they’ve probably I don’t know that I don’t know that they’ve dropped off much I think the last time I checked they were 12 yeah right in that but they’re like two off from 10 it’s right in that range of Right Where You Want To Be Davis you’re still B prediction wise sitting pretty there you go you’re currently sitting at Ninth tied with the r the is that total home runs or home runs per game the Bas look at home runs per game they might even be higher because they’ve played I think less games than the number of teams although maybe they’ve caught up lately they haven’t had a day off in a while I think they’ve caught up because I think every team is supposed to be right around the same number for Alla once he hit the AL no but it’s not but within like a game or two so right can you find it expert all right uh real quick Brennan back up off the injury s how does vote handle the field platoon Now is it going to be a dependent on pitcher Lefty righty split is it a Brennan’s job until no he loses it is it Noel job he’s not playing every day so yes how do you think vat handles the right field platoon uh this silly willly Noel Brennan yeah I mean I still think schneeman is gonna play a lot I I think Brennan is I think Brennan’s going to be a bench player with with occasional starts against righties I I will be curious to see what he does was Brandon was playing decently before he got hurt but SCH schneeman played so well he is last night obviously you’re not taking Angel Martinez out of the lineup and he’s been in the Outfield mix too how do you think he looks from center field by the way I think he look haven’t seen enough it’s it’s a very small sample size Grant he looks pretty natural out there to me it’s so weird how they’ve moved so many in second Bas by Short Stop Short Stop short stop yeah they Tak all these this glut of middle infielders and they’re trying them all in the Outfield because they don’t have any legitimate outfielders besides Quan and uh but you know at some point they’re going to have to they’re GNA have to shake it up and obviously make a trade to to get better in pitching and maybe get what’s that dude from Georgia that’s in the draft cond what position yeah uh Corner Outfield or third base okay but he’s like SI he’s a big big dude he’s 66 65 really um he play Third Base well he most likely be playing third base with the Guardians Corner Outfield yeah I mean I if they draft him I I’m guessing the the plan is to make him a right fielder yeah that would be the plan we’ll see he was a big dude but they haven’t had a they remember they Guardians have not had an outfielder hit 20 home runs in a in a decade it’s craziest stat maybe in baseball right and it’s not going to happen this year coming forward he not going to hit 20 n he ain’t going to hit 20 but I mean I guess it’s possible nine right now yeah he’s at nine halfway point n that’s the most of any in the Outfield right nobody else has got more than nine yeah Brenan has five Freeman has seven Noel has three schneeman has four now three or four the only guys hitting 20 are Ramirez and N who already have 20 both right right right and maybe fry will hit 20 but I wouldn’t think Fry’s on a he’s been ice cold ice cold yeah his Ops has dropped over 200 points last yeah it’ll be interesting to see after the All-Star break you know you got today’s game with the Tigers and then you got three in Tampa and then you take a break and it’ll be see be interesting to see if if um Steven vote makes some changes uh after the All-Star break to adjust because David Fry’s been playing almost every day and you know early in the season you worried that if he played too much he’d kind of be exposed and and he’s at such a great season it’s hard to say he’s been exposed but it might I guess we’ll find out in the next three months if he’s been exposed by playing too much or if he’s just in a slump and he’s going to bounce back the second half of the Season time will tell depending on how much he plays I’m not willing to give up on him being you know a mostly everyday player especially on this team because there aren’t better options and I’m not going to write him off because he’s had a slump here for the last month I mean Josh Naylor had a slump and he’s bounced back he’s not obviously he’s not Josh Naylor but you know Josh Naylor’s a lot better than at least I initially thought he was so we’ll see what what ends up happening with with David fry here Anthony let’s let’s switch gears here to some hoops yeah guys before we go to the Cavaliers you know my love for sports comes into question during the FanDuel reads my love of concerts never comes into question during my game time reads because whenever I go to a concert sporting event comedy theater I use game time to get my tickets it’s the best way to do it you can get a panoramic view of your seat before you even buy the ticket they’re all in pricing makes it upfront and so there’s no surprise fees a check out you got to download the game time app create an account and then you can use use code locked on and to save $20 off your first purchase there’s no better place to go terms do apply but you create your account and then you use code lck Eed o n NFL for $20 off your first purchase game time last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed well we may not question Your Love Of Music Anthony but we might question your taste of music that’s fair that that is a fair s he was at a show last night that went awesome oh what was it yeah Awesome’s the word we’ll use for that uh I saw four of the six groups that played it was 5 Hour show downtown at the Agora uh and the headliner I don’t want to talk about so you know who’s the headliner I’m not going to name drop but uh genre music are you listening it seems like the headliner is very online so Anthony probably a smart idea to uh yeah and they’re from Strongsville so I’m going to keep it out of my mouth but all right maybe not the best to support so let’s let’s talk about the Cavaliers here Anthony so the question we’re asking right now is what are you more frustrated with was that the word was that the ter the word you used in the question frustrated with uh the question is what’s a what’s more egregious that the the core four is unchanged or that the bench is unchanged go ahead Mike Start us off I think when you look at it from a big picture standpoint say the right answer the core for by itself individually speaking I don’t think it necessarily fits perfectly together but those are four top 55 60 players players in basketball there aren’t a ton of teams in basketball when you look at their starting lineup they have four individual players who when you were doing your top 100 rankings and I’ll use the ringer and ESPN because they both did it at the end of the season both had four guys in the top 60 I don’t love the fit per se however I can understand the theory of wanting to run it back give it a different chance with a new head coach a new offensive system to see if you can get more out of it than you got with JB bicker staff I have a real issue with running back the bench as is because last season you signed Marcus Morris in March and he was arguably your best bench player come the playoffs and he is no longer here the only addition they’ve made has he signed with someone else not yet he’s supposed to be going to the uh brother I think he wants to play with his brother Washington uh I’m not quite sure where Mariee was but no Mavericks Mavericks yes he was with the Mavericks um the idea of running the bench back as is does frustrate me for a couple of reasons a the for the better worst part of it the Cavs has some talented players on their bench but they are the most volatile roller coaster group you could possibly find we’ll run through it real quick ready Carris Levert can score you 50 or could dribble the ball off his foot four times in a row and cost you four possessions Dean Wade when he’s healthy solid player when’s he healthy not a lot no Sam Merill if he’s making threes valuable if he ain’t making threes what’s he bringing you George Nang could score 33 points against Milwaukee or he could be and I mean this respectfully the single worst player to step on a court in the postseason this year Isaac aoro you meant that respectfully huh I like George really good dude but I uh gotta keep call for an interview this year I have a great George yster I’ll tell you guys at the end of this but uh Isaac aoro we know what his defense is offensively there’s just no consistency Craig Porter Jr might be the most consistent asset they have coming off the bench and he was an undrafted rookie with a streaky jump shot we don’t know what you’re going to get from ammani Bates you don’t know what you’re going to get from Jaylen Tyson who’s mid first round pick if you’re thinking that a 20th overall pick can come in and solidify your bench it’s possible but I certainly wouldn’t it wouldn’t bet the house on it so you have seven eight guys who I just don’t think you can trust on a night in Night Out basis so to run that unit back as is which was already a bottom half of the league bench last year you didn’t mention streu did you he’s a starter he’s a starter but you said besides the core four I was going starting lineup versus bench um him in there too isn’t you know he’s not the Pinnacle of consistency but I I was looking at just the real bench for them to run back that same unit without any improvements and just hope that Kenny ainson can get these guys to all of a sudden become more consistent when each one of those guys I just listed their entire careers one knock of others is consistency I think it’s asinine and I think it’s kind of a crazy idea that all of a sudden a group of s eight guys who has never really been consistent in their careers is all of a sudden going to be oh that’s fixed the starting line I live with because the talent the inconsistency coming off the bench I think that’s a crazy idea to run that back tyus well when I look at it I agree with your whole argument when I look at it thank you I’m thinking about I’m think about the Celtics who is the Celtics guy off the bench well heck and the playoffs when Chris sta wasn’t healthy it was Chris sta coming off the bench well Al Horford is in that category technically is Al Horford pton Pritchard Sam Hower Sam how like these guys aren’t household names are they consistent those guys I think Al Horford is like the Pinnacle of consistency this point in his career more than anything else I think he’s just he going to stand in that corner and if you leave him he going to hit two of them real quick and then please jump at least with Horford you know what you’re getting he may not shoot four of eight from three every game but you know exactly what you’re getting from him a guy like Levert he might give you 50 and he might give You2 not give you anything I think that when you say the consistency is the problem I agree with that I think that that is the biggest issue and the fact that there’s still free agents out there you see guys starting to get signed for little minimum money that you know that they can at least be an upgrade of what you have I think the problem is the Cavs believe a little bit too much into guys that they brought up you know maybe because you gave Sam uh marrow this opportunity and he shine okay that’s fine it’s nice to have a guy on your bench that can come in every now and again and hit threes it’s nice to have Dean Wade to come in and give you some size Off the Bench but at the end of the day we still are missing that six man that’s going to come in there that you know at worst he going to get you at least 15 15 16 points I don’t know a guy that I know if I can bet the house on he’s going to come in the game he’s going to be some type of key contributor to the game and when you think about everybody that you just named on the bench you literally said one night they can give you this next night they won’t give you anything I think we need a consistent guy that we can count on because the core four is fine I think you’re right yeah we have our our problems with two small guards or two big two non shooting bigs but these guys at the end of the day Jared Allen is gonna get you a double double Evan moi’s gonna play great defense uh Donovan’s going to hit Trey and when playing where when he’s when you locked in when locked in Darius can give you some threes and give you some assists without what everybody else you can’t say that these other teams the the Knicks and Milwaukee and Philly they got Dante div shinz do they all have a six-man like Josh Caris LeVert scored 14 a game this year even with his inconsistency yeah coming off the bench so I mean what Dante they D venzo is their Sixth Man wasn’t last year Josh har was more than all right what did he average per game triple points it’s the fact that you know that you go get that you’re going to get what you expect from said player T said you need someone that has 15 17 points I don’t think you need the consistency necessarily from a scorer I just think you need to hey yeah Darius doesn’t have it today we’re going to put player X in yeah Josh Hart would be I’d much rather have Josh Hart as my sixth man than Caris LeVert but that’s not like that that wasn’t an option this offseason there was no there was no Josh Hart didn’t they to replace Caris LeVert would was there that they this year you talking about like this free agency right now like who could they have signed if there wasn’t necessarily that six men that you’re bringing in I think you could have improved your seventh eighth and Ninth to be more consistent so if Caris is having one of his up and down nights okay well the rest of our bench right that’s more consistent and I think if you’re looking more what was realistic for the Cavs maybe upgrading from Caris in a six-man role wasn’t on the table right but giving you something more consistent than a Sam Merill was on the table so so like buddy Hill Malik be Ley those guys sadique B which who just signed again are those guys how much of an upgrade are they of the Cav seventh and eighth players a guy like Malik Beasley for example who signed a oneyear $6 million deal with Detroit right may not be as pure of a shooter as Sam Merill but as a better Defender has played in a lot more big games on big stages with good teams and as a guy I at least Trust From Me personally you may disagree tyus you may disagree I would trust more if I had to put him in a playoff game and say hey Malik Darius doesn’t have it today or Caris doesn’t have it we need you to step up he’s more capable of filling that role than I would feel with Sam from an offensive from with Sam Mero I’m just saying if you’re going to improve the seventh eight but ninth spot I I wouldn’t say sam Merill I would say more Isaac aoro would be that spot yeah I think he impr proven over aoro I just think he might I feel like he didn’t do a lot in with the bcks in the end I’m going to go back to what I said whether when we were arguing about this I think Monday or last week that the the offseason’s not over I I get it that you look at some of these guys like Beasley mentioned only sign for 4 million thinking like six million well why didn’t the C sign a guy for six million I don’t know and uh maybe it is too late I don’t know I I think also in terms of I I think most of us realized that in reality it was it’s probably impossible to improve the big four yeah you know what I mean respect him core four now I know how much you hate saying that if if you could if if you still at this point could turn something into Jimmy Butler okay that’s not too late because he’s still available uh but the trades that we had been talking about for months involving the Cavaliers and we we got another one we’re going to bring up in a second but the trades that you Mike you did a great job over the last couple of months coming up with all these potential trades that were that made they were reason I don’t know if they made sense but they were reasonable they weren’t one-sided you probably in the last couple months gave us 20 trades maybe maybe more I don’t know in most of those trades the Cavs were giving up the best player in in most of them the only trades in all that mishmash where the Cavs got the better player probably was the Brandon Ingram situation which is still possible but we know the the baggage with him you got to pay him a ton of money and he’s injury PR what was your uh Carl Anthony Town straight do you remember off the top of your head DG and DG and Wade or DJ and yeah DJ take I still take that trade that’s well that was another one where maybe the C but most of the trades it was like turning Darius into two three pieces turning Allen into and I don’t know like yeah it changes it up and we’re we all get excited about the unknown but in the end is that going to make the Cavs better I I don’t know I don’t think so well we’re talking about the trade in one sec so I don’t want to get too far but I’m curious from your opinion B because I I told you m thus told us his yeah knowing the guys that Cavs currently have on their bench I’ll run through them again real quick Levert way they’re big man deaths by the way the only big guys they have on the bench right now or on their roster Allen Mooby Wade and Nang those are their four bigs for next season yeah Wade is the only guy on their bench that I like and that’s and that’s when he plays yeah but he’s he’s he’s he’s you know been pretty useless because he’s never healthy I feel like the Cavs are keeping that cap space they have they have about $16 million to work with and that’s before aoro signs as qualifying offer for any sort of sign and trade so it’s really like four and a half five million if they don’t want to go into the first apron of the luxury tax which they will I would assume at some point because I have to imagine Kobe is some sort of a cororo or Levert sign and trade facility in the works have we heard any movement on the coral somebody said Bobby Mark said on ESPN last week uh and I’m going to quote him here well there’s some you know what I can’t actually say it because I can’t give anything away so that makes and Bobby Marx is pretty well used to be the next GM Johnson uh T they’re not getting cam Johnson he’s yeah but if they turn if they turn aoro into a player we like more and then at that point they sign somebody else I don’t know who it is or maybe it’s another trade dorny Smith is the most likely in my opinion if they’re going to turn a coral into something he’s the guy that from a financial end day reasonable asset for asset swap yeah he’s the guy that makes the most sense is he better than Malik Beasley or buddy hee or or just as good as those guys as good but what he does offer that those two don’t he’s a 34 not a 23 and the Cavs have a plethora and I mean a pleth of guys who play the two3 position they have almost nobody who can play the 34 so at least even if you switch let’s just say zakuro for DFS however you want to make the the matching salaries work that opens up more room for Tyson who they just drafted for uh stru to be more of a natural two instead of a three Merill plays that same position Levert’s the two3 and then finy Smith you’re three four guy who can float as a small ball four if you want to go with one big or you could be a big three if you’re playing them together so that from like a roster flexibility standpoint even if he’s not a massive upgrade himself over aoro just gives you a lot more options to do if they got Dorian finny Smith do you think they would maybe start him and have stru coming off the bench start him I would certainly consider it yeah and then have stru as the first guard Off the Bench I would consider it you know depends on matchups like if they need more defensive he’s better or you can get re you know really out there and have Jared Allen come off the bench that’s not going to happen but you’re right I mean it it could but it’s not going to happen yeah right right right or or even Darius Garland coming off the bench but that’s not going to happen either again but but what you could do is start Dory and finy Smith and then as soon as either Garland or or Mitchell come out you bring streu and then he gets a a good run because you give each of them a rest for four minutes and stru is more involved in the offense that way because one of the ball handlers that need the ball in his hands isn’t on the court to kind of take those shots I mean like in theory you could play Donovan and Darius the first eight let’s say the first eight minutes of the game and then Darius comes out uh and then and then and for the final say four minutes just for round numbers uh the final four minutes of the first quarter and then Donovan since the final the first four minutes of the second quarter and those eight minutes you play stru that’s pretty that’s pretty standard how they and the last eight minutes of the the first half you you know streu is out again and you know depending on the matchups maybe streu is playing at the end of the game instead of whoever I don’t know it depends who you’re playing but that’s pretty standard they kind do that that would kind of be a good fit for the Cavs I think that would make some sense dor Smith makes sense He’s Not Great by any means like he’s not oh my God you got Dorian finny Smith let’s still parade but but he’s a solid player he’s a solid guy just something yeah and move to the tra in one sec last thing on the bench C bench wasn’t good last year like it it was average of Ben especially in the playoffs it was horrific in the playoffs and Marcus Morris was their best bench player who they signed in March which is why when the question was asked is it more frustrating if they’ run back to core four the bench yeah it’s definitely the starting lineup what ainson can make that better yeah I don’t know how much you can improve the bench is what it is the bench was frustrating that should have been addressed this offseason it hasn’t yet it hasn’t to this point and if if if it’s October and Cavs bench is not better than last year then we all have a a fair gripe with the Cavaliers no doubt awesome all right Anthony yeah guys before we get into the trade I want to remind you if you want any more extra Cavs coverage Mike hosts the ultimate Cleveland Cavaliers show on our Channel you can subscribe to get notifications Jason joins him uh from time to time but he’s been doing it solo for a while now but if you want more trade talk m the guy to go to is there some controversy on the Cavalier show right now no Jason’s in Vegas Bad Blood he was on a plane to Vegas last night which is why I did it solo s the pot a little me and Jason I hate that guy yeah see what a bad guy would not trust him to drive ego is just would not trust him to drive my parents from the airport the family me there was a trade uh in the John Hollinger proposed this propos the three team trade involving the Cavs we we got the trffic here Anthony let’s see what he did all right so the Cavs would get Brandon Ingram from uh Memphis New Orleans and Cole Anthony from the magic and then Darius garland would go to the magic what’s that picture under Darius Garland Brandon oh that’s Brandon Ingram okay and then Wendell Carter Jr to the Pelicans jet Howard I have no idea who that is Jaan Howard’s kid oh really one and done at Michigan and Caris oh so he’s a rookie he was a rookie lottery pick last year that didn’t play Caris LeVert would go to the Pelicans so let’s look at it from a Cav’s perspective you are trading away Darius and Levert and you’re getting Brandon Ingram and Cole Anthony what do we think of that tyus you can start this one well I know from uh from a overall thing that would be great for the Cavs I mean that you’re you’re getting a big small forward a guy who can be a playmaker that have some size to him obviously y’all know I don’t really care for Brandon Ingram I don’t think he’s that good yeah um but if you’re want to improve the if you want to move away from the two small guards thing and that would be probably your best thing the magic obviously if Darius gets back to who he was that he’d be a perfect fit for what they got going on um getting him pairing him with Paulo and they drafted your boy right the Silva they have the Silva they got France Vagner who just signed why would the make that would that would make them unbelievably good the East and we would I don’t know how we would do against them so that would make them really good if Darius gets back to being Darius and then as far as the Pelicans go eh that’s in terms of how these three teams would answer this the magic would say yes please before you could hang up the phone they would submit the paperwork this is a home run for the magic of course the Pelicans I don’t know unless they are dead set on getting out of the Brandon Ingram business yeah which up to this point in the offseason nobody don’t appear to be dead set because there have been trade offers and they certainly haven’t caved their demands I don’t think if I’m a Pelicans fan or a Pelicans front office member this is nearly enough to get out of the Brandon Ingram a Caris LeVert who’s on an expiring contract right jet Howard who was a a first round pick last year who didn’t play whatsoever and what team was he on Orlando oh and they needed Shooters he’s a shooter by the way right it’s not like they yeah it’s not like they got blown away wend Del Carter jun’s a nice player but they need a center but wend Del Carter J not really a traditional Center oh he’s more than what they have but like if Brandon Ingram’s a seven out of 10 wend Carter J’s a five out of 10 yeah he’s a nice player You’ like to have Wendel Carter Jr but I’m not sure you’re trading a 68 playmaking wing for wend Carter so I think the Pelicans say no from a Cav standpoint yeah by the way Wendell Carter Jr would be a good fit on the Cavs as a third big yeah a third big be a very good fit from a Cav standpoint yeah I go back and forth on this one my gut says initially I’m not making that deal because I think the spacing with the bigs plus Ingram that’s a clunky fit I’ve told you what I I think about Ingram I don’t love him as a player I would be scared as hell to give him the $ 200 million Max that he’s looking for that New Orleans clearly isn’t willing to commit to but if they made the deal I would talk myself into it it’s one of those ones do you think Cole Anthony good backup guard Caris Lish inconsistent but can score um he’s not as good as Caris but he’s in the same mold he could score 30 points on any given night he could also out and score two points on 13 this feels like a lateral move for the gavs like yeah I don’t think it makes him necessarily Better or Worse yeah I mean I’m just not a big Brandon Ingram guy I just because his because of his injuries because of his injuries yeah or because he takes sh I just don’t think I just I feel like when they when he needs to have it when teams like for example I watched him in the playoffs last year they needed him to step up in a big way and I feel like he just really didn’t answer the bail that’s when hiso is H like with the Lakers that’s why the Lakers got rid of him because he just he he give you a glimpse of something he’s like he’s kind of like a Caris he give you a glimpse of something but in the big moments when you depend on him to have it get it done he don’t do it he’s better than Caris though I’ll [Applause] give he’s like he’s like he’s but Darius is that way too darus was just just terrible last year I don’t know what his issue is I think in that trade scenario yeah Ingram who can score like like let’s let’s call it Spade to Spade Brandon Ingram when he plays has a skill set that there is not a ton of in the NBA 69 playmaker can shoot can create can dribble can defend a little bit but is that are those shots that he takes and he’s really good at does it fit into your offense he’s an ISO scorer who likes to take mid-range jump shots yeah Kenny Atkinson’s offensive philosophy layups and threes do you know what he doesn’t want you taking yeah mid-range jump shots which is what Ingram does I don’t know how that fits in his year the year he made an All-Star team in New Orleans yeah he was with Lonzo ball and Lonzo who passed first point I really like Lonzo it sucks that he got hurt I think he could play he helped facilitate a ton of action for Brandon Ingram yeah Ingram doesn’t even like to catch and shoot on threes he wants to catch pump fake take one dribble then ISO go one-on-one which he’s good at let me ask you this so I just don’t love the fit first person I heard say you like Lonzo I love I wish he let me ask you this um in terms of trading Garland or or Jared Allen is is Jimmy Butler the best player the Cavs could get at this point I mean I don’t even know if they could but is he the best player I don’t think he’s available just the is he the best player you don’t think they’re gonna trade him I don’t think Miami’s gonna trade J all right I know Jason said that he thought Miami was done with him but I feel like at this point of the off season though they would have traded him if it was going to happen it would have happened uh but Donovan Mitchell got traded late yeah I mean Jimmy could always say I who else is there like are there any other guys of that ilk that could still possibly be traded in a funny roundabout way Jaylen Brown’s pissed off he’s not on Team USA that just took Derek white that’s Nike he was mad at Nike say have to do with the Celtics nothing has to do with Nike if he comes I’m just he asked me I’m just trying to thinkand I’m I’m not saying there that’s not real I really don’t think jimm Jimmy Butler I give it at least a 5% chance no I mean I guess there’s no chance Jaylen Brown’s getting traded to the Cavs no I’m you ask like who else is the best player like in a perfect world like that I think he’s sticking with the with the core four I think we unless you get Jimmy Butler if you could if if in that trade right which it doesn’t make sense for Orlando but if you could trade Jared Allen instead of Garin in that trade I think it makes a lot of sense but if you add a mid-range score to two bigs who don’t shoot a ton there’s just not a lot of space in the court the magic you see what I’m saying the magic could take that deal today magic would do that in a heartbeat if they could turn wend Carter Jr Cole Anthony and Jet Howard to daryus Garland they would take that deal they’d run to the bank they would throw the biggest yacht party you’ve ever seen in Orlando and say they robbed we just committed Grand larsy and they don’t even know it yeah what um I’m just thinking I’m trying to think of a trade where the Cavs could get Wendell Carter Jr because I like him for the Cavs you like of all the random players b likes and doesn’t like when Carter Jun might be the best one that you’ve ever had in terms of that’s one of B’s guys he kind of fits what the Cavs he watched that playoff series it was like I like this guy no we did two years ago we did fantasy uh I did a fantasy basketball league and I won I won the championship and I had W Carter Jun my he shoots threes he’s good rebound yeah’s he’s a solid play he fit well on the Cavs if yeah I mean if you if you replace Jared Allen with him and you know he got other things yeah cuz now you Evan you’re not making Evan stress that much on he is a good Center in today’s day and age of NBA basketball right he’s not as good as Jared Allen by any means but he’s a good basketball he can shoot with Jared Allen can’t that’s the OD that we see Jared Allen shoot threes next year I asked ainson about that in the one-on-one and yeah because of Brook Lopez I swear listen on everything I love I was watching a warma video I seen Jared Allen in a war he shoot a he shot a moving every player fade away three from the corner I was like what is this Dwight Howard there’s a video of Dwight Howard on the internet I don’t know if we can find it and don’t even try looking for it but he made 60 out of 100 threes just shooting around in the corner every player in the NBA he is not allowed to shoot three every if you’re in the NBA and you’re just shooting around yeah you’re a minimum a 50% three point let me let me tell you something I I don’t know if I’ve told the story before when I was 18 years old I was a I went for one year to a school called purchase which is in up Westchester County New York just outside of of the Bronx and uh that is where the Knicks had their training camp I don’t know if they still have it there I don’t think so but they used to at the time this is 198 this is the this was uh fall of 1989 okay okay and I was I got a job a school job as security guard in the gym okay it was really just to check IDs when when the the the Knicks at the time would have rookie camp and then the veterans would all come later Patrick Ying was there all these guys now once they once the veterans showed up they would have like real security guards there but for rookie Camp I was still in charge of security in the gym first of all it’s a school that most people weren’t into sports so like there was nobody like it wasn’t like training camp for the Browns where there was there was nobody going there but I will never forget uh the the had only two two rookies in rookie camp that year there’s name I’m sure none of you guys have ever heard of him even Mike was a Die Hard basketball fan one was a center named Greg Butler nope the other was a power forward named Brian quinnette I’ve heard the name I don’t know how you’ve heard that name he only played like four or five years in the I used to have basketball cards as a kid and I think it was in one of my dad’s collections I like who’s this guy my dad goes it doesn’t matter Greg Butler actually I think played longer than Brian he was a like a backup I only knew cuz I had the the card he was an old school backup center for a number of years bounc leag these guys were you know back end of the roster players and in in rookie Camp they would hit every three they took I mean probably didn’t hit everyone and this plus this was in ‘ 89 when big guys didn’t shoot at all yeah like there were no big guys shooting threes in 1989 and is that video going to work uh it’s playing but it’s got black bars on the side just just just play it real quick this is this is Mitchell Robinson the Nick Center yeah messing around at a random pickup run yeah he is not allowed to touch the ball outside the paint on the next roster yeah look at him I mean it it that’s how freaky good these guys are yeah like I’m telling you Bri Brian quinnette and Greg Butler were stiffs I actually believe it or not I don’t know how I haven’t told the story before I briefly played a two on two game with them it how it go it was to say that’s what I want to know you can’t just say I was me and Greg Butler against Ryan quinnette and like one of the like he was like a trainer or I don’t know who what the that he was he was a Slappy like me mhm he wasn’t you know now I wasn’t that I wasn’t I was I was in decent shape for an for an average 18-year-old but basically they were playing one-on-one against each other and they would would occasionally pass us the ball it was just fun and I I I just kept passing Greg Butler the ball whatever we played for a few minutes it was fun one time I tried to take a shot Bri qu just went Boop he knocked it out of the air with like no effort that’s we play I didn’t I didn’t remember I honestly don’t remember who won the game I know it sounds crazy I can’t remember yeah but uh all these big dudes can shoot what I was saying with Jared Allen and ainson he’s going to try to make moob the shooter first and I think if that doesn’t pan out then he’ll try Jared Allen but I would not expect i’ just make them all do it then all right let’s leave it there guys let’s talk some football I haven’t talked a lot of football lately training camp is right around the corner M and first we’ll go to Anthony yeah guys and as you all know I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want and all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long all you have to do is head over to ucss to start making the most out of of your summer FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball all right let’s talk all right let’s talk about I thought we were doing this what happened did we change something on here doaker rank I was like I don’t remember this topic in our discussion I did send the update this morning yeah yeah I’m just seeing it now okay so ESPN well Bill Barnwell of ESPN Bill Barnwell correct Bill Barnwell of ESPN every year does uh he does his quarterback tiers we haven’t seen that yet not yet he’s the guy that quarterback tiers or is that Mike S uh anyway he ranked each team based on their Playmakers Playmakers of course runningbacks wide receivers tight ends and he had the Browns at 20 which is interesting Mike gave me the whole list on the phone on the way here uh I did text you and asked if you could have ESPN plus last night yes he did and I and I forgot I forgot to D to to bring it up but we have some of the list here let’s look at the Browns are 20th and I’m sure our fans are first of all these lists are fun people get apoplectic over these lists it’s crazy to re it’s one man’s opinion it doesn’t affect how good the Browns are and it’s fine like ready to put that disclaimer and again he’s less he’s more likely to be unbiased than you are as a fan of the Browns or the Bengals or the Raiders or the Chiefs or whoever whatever team is your team but anyway let’s see the top of the list there Anthony the ners number one guys Eagles Dolphins Texans and Vikings let’s start with this top five remember the Browns are 20th and this is just running back wide receiver tight end no quarterback has nothing to do with it uh so what do we think here guys so the 49ers oh Philly should be first over San FR I don’t know I I think the top four is the right top four in whatever order you want put I think Philly should be one saquan Dallas got yeah but is better than saquan that’s fine yeah but I like I like you got auk and Debo against AJ Brown and uh Devon Smith Devonte Smith I’d take the Eagles on I would take the Eagles on that one too not by a lot though I’ll take K Over Godard KD over gdd yes and Christian mcaffrey over saquon right but again not huge gaps in either of those no but it’s it’s one and two I think what about the the W the rest of the wide receiving group like the third and fourth wide receivers oh Paris cam will play for Philadelphia go Bucks but he hasn’t done anything I don’t know who’s the Niners third receiver I can’t even think of it right now isan jenan Jen didn’t he draft somebody in the midle they just drafted Alex Piel Ricky Ricky out of Florida I listen you you’re splitting hairs between the Eagles and Niners it’s pretty close I’ll take it either I you know what I’m a former I’m a former Niner keep it the way it is all right so the Dolphins three they don’t have a who’s their tight end the dolphins that that’s what that’s that’s joh they signed Janu Smith yeah he’s but he’s not as good as either their still a good pickup though uh what’s his name the the running back last year a Inc he looked amazing but he was hurt the whole year so that’s and it that was hiso in college and most’s good like they they’re’s good but eventually he’s got to fall off a cliff no think so my Bo he’s been amazing that guy but to have him at three feels like around the right area we could argue one or two but the Texans are low the Texans got the best wide receiving core in the league yes yeah that assume tank Dell is back at full tank ni and St digs their tight who’s their tight end Jordan and dton Schulz schz is good Joe Mixon and and they got K Stover go Bucks well but that has nothing to do with this he’s a tight end he’s the third tight end I was thinking of kicker that was matched over over yeah uh Joe Mixon obviously that’s the worst running back situation in the top four which is probably why they’re fourth they’re fourth yeah I think Minnesota is top I’m not sure they’re number five well I mean listen Justin Jefferson accounts for a lot because he’s the best receiver Jord Jord adderson TJ hackinson Jordan Addison’s a good player hinson’s good but he’s coming off I don’t know if he’s going to be ready AAR Jones is a little older I like Aaron Jones I think he’s always been underrated but and he’s better than Joe Mixon yeah I’d have the Lions at five for the record Aman rossing Brown Sam leapor Jam Jameson Williams jir Gibbs and David Montgomery now the reason lions are PR on higher is cuz their wide receivers outside of Aman RA are questionable Jameson Williams so far has been a disappointment in the NFL correct Josh rolds is solid but not they they don’t have a really good second receiver at least not proven now Alan ra is the most underrated wide receiver in the league Sam lorta I would take Sam lorta over any of those tight ends including KD just just from a from a playmaking standpoint KD’s probably a better blocker but um and their running back tandem is their running back tandems as as good as as any but I would I’m I’m with you Mike I’d probably have the Lions five ahead of the Vikings for the record Barnell has them six so yeah I don’t I don’t know why I mean I think the Lions yeah I mean the the Vikings have the better wide receiver one as much as I’m on as good as I’m on but the lions are better at tight end than running back let’s see six through 10 now let’s go to the next okay so the Lions six oh lines are seven oh the lines are seven so the Bears who’s the running back they signed DeAndre Swift oh yeah I I’m not a huge DeAndre Swift guy he had a good year last year I had I don’t love him I had him on my fantasy team and he was just I think they’re a little too high cuz you’re you’re banking on romad dun as their third receiver right now they one two are terrific DJ Moore and Kean Allen that’s a great onew punch Co KT’s not on the same but he’s no but Co K but I would have put over the lines is my point I wouldn’t have I don’t think I I think I would keep him I keep him I would have the Lions and the Bears ahead of the Vikings for me but whatever it’s 567 Seattle skill position talents underrated who’s their tight end they don’t have a good tight end uh will dley right yeah that’s that’s not but I do like Kenneth Walker and their receivers yeah yeah yeah and even uh that second running back they have it was a rookie last Sho he looked pretty good and they receivers and and what’s his name Jack Smith jiga no bucks he was coming on at the end of the year so go BS they’re at eight the Rams the Rams obviously uh what’s his name the running back Williams Williams Williams had a big year and they drafted michig are tight end Higg you know DEC tight end and Cooper uh I would I don’t know why um I would have the Bengals ahead of the Rams and the Falcons Bengals are 11 just a heads up yeah about you ahead of the ram and the foul I mean they got better the Bengals have better wide receivers than both those teams yes and tight end and running back no well I mean the Bengals tight end situation isn’t great but neither is the Rams Pig B but Kiren Williams is definitely better than Zach Moss Zack Moss yes yes it’s a combination of Zach moss and Chase Brown uh well K’s better than the combination Endor one or the other yeah and if you want to go two and Blake Cor might be just as good as right but I think the Bengals have a big Edge at wide receiver over the Rams I I know puka n was great and we’ll see if he can follow it up man uh I don’t think there’s a big edge of tight end I just don’t think hig’s very good so that’s he’s not it’s not like he just a big gap in between at all I think gaseki playing with Joe burrow is is probably as good as higgy I we’ll see but I feel like gaseki ain’t been that good the couple years since since like his last couple that’s the top 10 now the AFC let’s go to the rankings we around the Browns because the Browns are at 20 these are the teams that flank the Browns you have the Cowboys so can you make an argument for the Browns that had any of the top 10 teams I don’t think so so here’s depending on well I had I had eight teams that are definitely ahead of Cleveland yeah then I had a tier where I said they’re probably ahead of Cleveland yeah and then I made my own tiers you can rank these in really any order you want yeah same tier so I had the Browns anywhere between uh 13 and 17 so I think they’re a little low on this okay well I I kind of want to see 10 to 17 or 11 to 17 yeah 11’s the Bengals okay the Bengals are ahead of the Bron I agree yeah 12’s the Jets so gear the gear Wilson the Jets have an edent running back yes oh talking about over the Browns yes well I’m taking a healthy Bree Hall over Nick chub right now yes it’s going to take some time and Nick chub’s not going to be perfect week one I mean is like the perfect he’s the ideal runner back he can run the ball and he can catch good yeah uh a lot of how you view the Browns in this exercise is what you think of Nick chub’s health I just don’t think you can consider Nick chub Elite at the moment coming off injury and he might prove us wrong but it’s very hard to be great coming off this kind of injury right away MH so uh tyan who is they TI isn’t it Usama CJ is he no they cut him Tyler Conlin yeah they don’t have a good the Browns have the edge of tight end now wide receiver you got Mari Cooper and Garrett Wilson and then Mike Williams versus Jerry Judy it’s close it is pretty close I I’d take Garrett Wilson over Amari Cooper because he’s younger but right now right now this moment in time they’re neck and neck I had the Jets in the same tier as The Browns by the way for the record so I think that’s in the same tier I think it’s I think it’s they have the Jets ranked 12th 12th and the Browns at yeah it shouldn’t be the Jets are better than the skill position wise on paper right now based on the information we have you’d go with the Jets but not by a lot 13 Buccaneers okay so you got Godwin and Evans that’s that’s an edge Buccaneers over the Browns they got a tight end o Oden Kaden c yeah uhu betteru is way better than him and it depends on how you vers I think Bill Barnwell I didn’t read it no bill Barnwell mentions he’s like I can’t can’t have confidence in Nick chub until I see him if you thought if it was Nick chub not coming off injury the Browns would be 11 12 13 something like that uh and and maybe you split the difference maybe maybe they why should be that high because you can’t assume he’s going to be completely healthy but they probably I mean what Rashad white the Buccaneers have a decent Edge at wide receiver over the Browns I mean Chris Godwin’s way better than Jerry Judy Godwin’s arguably one of the two or three best wide receiver twos in football yeah and and and Mike as much as I love Mari Cooper Mike Evans is better hey he is hey now I don’t love their running back T what’s his name Rashad white I mean he’s not that great I think it’s close I think the Browns are close with that the Chiefs are at 14 that’s absurd what is it Kelsey you’re saying the Browns are better than the Chiefs yeah okay well Kelsey is a huge Edge because okay okay he’s the best tight end all right go ahead I tell me the rest all right running back they’re better the Chiefs Isaiah P’s become a really good back it all wait AE wait a minute so if Nick chub is healthy you taking PCO absolutely not all right but I I can only go based on the info and right now I can’t say that most running backs coming off the injury he had are not good the first year isn’t that true you the say one that’s sat here and said Nick chub is the closest thing to Nick Adrien Peterson we’ve ever seen so I got my money on Nick chub but now when it’s time to talk about this it’s the no running back we’ve ever seen is coming close it’s it’s good their first year off the is that’s absurd to me but that’s true except for Peterson I’m so why can’t he be like Peterson the only concern the concern is that Peterson tore his ACL and and Nick chub had multiple tears in his knee that’s part of what did Peter Peterson came back off the ACL and did he leave I think it was the second best year but that’s rare now I think it’s possible I a he a I don’t think he doing that but yeah if he’s ready week one I could see him getting a thousand uh the Chiefs receivers Rashi rice I mean Xavier Worthy is he all I actually I’m with you as much as I like Isaac isah P I would have the Browns head of the Chiefs I would too by way I would too I put him in the same tier but I would uh 15 the Ravens okay Mark Andrews that’s a big Edge Z flowers and you got to go with derck Henry and Derk Henry and Rashard bitman now the Browns have the edge at wide receiver is better than Z flowers yes and they’re as much as I’m I’m questionable on Jerry Judy he’s better better than Rashad bait Nelson agalar problem is Nick chub and Henry it all comes back to how he the US I would still have the I would have the Browns ahead of the Ravens really I would yeah 16 Jaguars so they got Gabe Davis they lost Ridley right lost Ridley but they got Gabe Davis Christian Kirk Christian Kirk the tide Evan Ingram and Travis etn that’s pretty darn good I can’t lie about that that’s that’s pretty good depending on what Gabe Davis do I I I take the Browns I would take the Browns also I don’t like their wide receiver Christian Kirk good but he’s not better than Amari Cooper and Gabe Davis is so inconsistent I don’t know that’s depends on what you give from I think Travis at the end’s one of the more underr overrated sorry backs in the league really he’s overrated he puts up good numbers because they give him the ball a lot he’s not very his efficiency is not very high wow I know so I don’t think he’s great I like Evin Ingram I think he’s a little better than the joku but not by much he’s just been consistent than the Joker what I think they feature him more than but it’s close they’re NE I would I would put to be honest with you if if they if this offense features njoku like the Jaguars do Evan Ingram then the joku will have crazy he’s got to prove it though CU engram’s proven it for more I agree with but it’s close I would still that’s three teams I’d have the Browns over 17 Packers they lost Aaron Jones so AJ Dylan no they have Josh Jacobs excuse me Josh Jacobs they running back that’s that’s an edge for Green Bay Luke Musgrave is their start starting tight end definitely an edge nice young player n joku is better go with nooku and then they have the trio receivers Christian Watts Reed and D Romeo dos Romeo dos Christian Watkins and jayen Reed I’d go with the Browns i’ I’d have the Browns ahead of the Packers 18 Cowboys they have no run they have no running back Zeke is their starter yeah so go bucks so even if that the brown running back room gets the edge over whatever I I don’t see it I don’t like outside of CD I don’t like can’t have a relapse a relapse yeah till we year one or three would you call that a relapse a relapse relaps is not that’s like a bad thing no he relapsed to being like a top run like rebirth whatever you however you want to say it relap is like when you get off drugs and start taking drugs again the only Edge the Cowboys have is at wide receiver one the CD Lambs at top two receiver though cuz they don’t gotand Cooks oh Brandon Cook’s still there H that’s true he’s better than Judy but I take running back and Ferguson’s a good player but I like joku better I would have the Browns I take the Browns over then 19 Tennessee who on paper as good we how much do you like some of these guys they got po at running back their receiver Trio Boyd Hopkins and Chris uh Calvin Ridley and their tight end is ogad Bay if I’m pronouncing that correctly I doubt you’re PR pronouncing that correctly but I don’t think so they got R Hopkins and real I mean their their wide receiving core is pretty sweet and tayin Burks and Tyler boy it’s it’s a good receiving core uh Tony Pard was a huge bust last year they just got uh they just signed Jamal Adams today the Titans they they did while we were on there yeah I mean so the Browns based on us should be probably 145 right depends on I like I said I had him in between that 13 and 15 range just who who was 12 through 15 again uh jets are 12 bucks were 13 Chiefs 14 Ravens 15 do you have them above anyone in the the top 10 like the Falcons no no Falcons no Seahawks Rams no no so you have at 13 I think 13 right after the Jets I got him right after the Jets which is right in the range I had we could argue right speciic so I have 13 I had them like I said between 12 and 15 was so they in my opinion they were too low at 20 yeah Ty do you agree I 13 are are they top 10 is is the question would you put them top 10 no okay but we I think we’re all group they’re sliding a little if Nick chubs was healthy and and I had a Bonafide solidified number two wide receiver yeah yeah I mean if we’re at the Midway point of the season and Jerry Judy looks like the player at the Broncos drafted and Nick chub’s healthy they could be top 10 let me ask you guys this last question we can move on if you knew Nick chub was the Nick chub like the way we think about Nick chub entering last season yeah was the Nick chub we’re looking at in this exercise for this season you knew he was going to be back to be top two back in football do they catapult into the top 10 knowing you have a healthy Nick chub is the reason they’re behind Seattle Atlanta LA because of the uncertainty of chub or just because the rest of the Playmakers don’t add up to what I think they’d be around 10 if he was completely help see you see him trying to ask I’d still have him behind the Bengals see my problem is I’d still have him behind the Rams the problem with me is it’s not even 100% Nick chub if Nick Cho was healthy I’d still have questions because n joku only did it when well I’m not saying they’d be number one I’m just saying I’m just telling you why I would be in why and all their wide receivers are question marks outside out of it’s Jerry and nooku I don’t know what I’mma get with them like nooku had a great season last year but he wasn’t balling like that when desan was at quarterback that’s true and Elijah Mo’s a question mark hey hey hey hey hey he’s a huge question hey hey hey hey he going for 900 yards I actually don’t think it’s question mark at all I think there’s no question that he’s not very 900 yards five tugs yeah booket all right whatever it is a fanuel is it 900 yard to run to the water and get water for the rest of the wide receiving crew that’s where we at now you know what y’ better pray that he don’t have a good year y’all better pray this man don’t ball out this year cuz I’m going be like G Bush for a guy that loves sports as much as Anthony that was like the harshest shot he’s ever taken one of you guys that was pretty harsh all right we a now we we never going to get him on the show now sorry well we’re not doing a f so I don’t love sports for the next 5 seconds but uh game time how ever the Guardians come back and play the San Diego Padres July 19th if you guys want to go see him no better place to buy your tickets than game time you can save up to 60% off uh by buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater and everything else you can save even more with exclusive inapp deals and select seats ahead of the game or event the all-in pricing toggle feature means there’s no surprise fees at checkout you can get a panoramic view of your seat and your purchase is covered with the most flexible customer service policy in the ticketing industry all you got to do is download the game time app create an account and use code lockon NFL for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply but you can just create an account and redeem code locked o n NFL for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed all right so the other day we were discussing uh the fact that Nick chub was third on which was shocking to me because he’s coming off the injury but ESPN conducted a survey of coaches and and general managers around the league and asked them to rank their top 10 at each position we talked about running back where Nick chub finished third uh but the most recent one that was released I think yesterday is defensive end and not a surprise miles Garrett finished number one do we have that list there we do all right let’s see it well that’s looking for I’ll tell you what it is yeah here we go miles Garrett won TJ watt Michael Parsons Nick Bosa and Max Crosby if you want 6 through 10 it is Aiden Hutchinson at six and if you want to go to the next one you got that denil Hunter Josh Hines Allen who changed his name officially by the way I was like who is Josh Hines Allen he officially changed his name he does not want to be Josh Allen anymore he wants to be Josh Hines Allen all right your boy Trey Hendrickson at nine and Brian Burns at number 10 you gota be kidding me he really Chas sort of good no no want be confused with the quarterback anymore right well he said he said he released the whole video he released it on his social media accounts his aunt or cousin played professional their last name was Hines he’s the one that’s Allen and he he wanted to combine his his family or combine his family heritage so he’s now John Josh Hines Allen all right official anybody have a problem with anything there let me see it again I think it officially ends the TJ vers miles debate for now let me see one through five you think that officially ends it no I think it was over when he won defensive player of the year but as we I don’t why was it over then DJ Watts won Defensive Player of the Year also well it could go back and forth but I’m saying as of right now at 1218 on July 11 which means Michael Parson’s GNA win it because maybe B Bosa W one TJ wat miles Max Crosby is really good some things to know from this survey of all the executives GMS coaches player Personnel development guys they interviewed 70% voted for miles at number one they didn’t tell you how many votes were cast but 70% were for Miles Garett you look at the numbers last season although watt had more sacks miles had faced the second most double teams and they had the second highest pass rush win rate in the NFL which is what a lot of the executives pointed to as the reason miles stood alone at number one in their eyes some of the quotes they got from the executive on Miles which I know tyus you pointed out was uh if he’s on the field essentially get the F out the way and hide cuz he’s going to come get you and we could have the TJ vers miles or Micah vers Smiles or whatever debate when the season starts again but based on the information we have in front of us right now right I don’t think it’s an argument right now who the best pass rusher in football is I think I don’t agree that it’s not an argument but I would take miles Garrett I mean miles is when you think about miles miles athleticism is just it’s out of this world just just a freakish athlete he’s probably I would say miles is probably the most athletic guy on the Browns team I mean just the ability he has to bend his body and his get off is unbelievable and it right I mean if you how many times have we seen Miles oneon-one covered I don’t think it’s ever really very rare I think it happens like I don’t think it really happens and I think that’s what the quote was saying if you ever leave him one-onone like it’s over with so but but but TJ they say he gets it all the time he get single coverage single blocked all the time part of the reason is Cam Howard and Alex heith on the line with them were both dominant pass rushers in their own right which miles Garrett has had the opportunity to play with guys who were produced at that level throughout the most majority of his career is it wrong is it unfair I can’t help like I I I look at you know Nick chub and I’m like I can’t ask for anything more for Nick chub he gets the absolute max out of his ability guys outside of injuries there’s nothing for some reason as good as miles Garrett is you want more there’s always a part of it’s like he should be doing more it’s because is that unfair no I feel like maybe it’s unfair I don’t know when you look at the other guys on that list you think they got like a motor it’s like they just it’s nonstop going and they’re always productive they’re always getting sack especially towards the end we always talk about miles numbers dropping off at the end of the season and it seems like the rest of those guys seem to get better at the end of the season and it’s like crunch time got to have it miles had moments last year I can’t remember what game it was it was a j game he had a ton of pressures it was like name on the line got to have it miles ended up getting a strip Sack or something he did something it was just like that’s the miles that everybody want to see all the time when the game is to shut the door close the door on the game get the turnover Force the fumble get the sack to end it and it seems like we don’t get that performance from Miles all the time to where those clutch performance where the game’s on the line especially towards the end of the season when we needed him the most you see it right there 13 and three and a half sacks so you think about the Texans game If he if he was that guy like he could have he should have been able to force more pressure create more turnovers and or stuff like that and I just feel like it’s been times that Miles has been on the field and he’s we we came and said did Miles even play and we got to remember to the fact that well this man is getting double teamed and triple teamed a lot so why ain’t nobody else stepping up and I think that’s probably what he thinks and we can’t say those things about TJ wat and them because those guys are dealing with singleand coverage so they get those opportunities to make those plays at the end of the game when it matters to where Miles really never gets it because they’re going to come out with a game plan in the first quarter and say we’re going to try miles we’re going to double team miles and see what happens and he splits it makes a play and they say for the rest of the game we’re triple team of miles and that’s why his numbers is what it is and I think I I just think yeah I guess in the end most people around the league and I I agree is if if you put all take you took these top 10 ends and put them all with the same Talent around them that Miles Garrett would would produce the most yeah and you know TJ watt has better Talent around them he’s always had better Talent around them on the defensive line and that’s a big Advantage TJ watt’s traditional statistics career-wise are a little better than Miles Garrett and and that’s because he’s had better Talent around him my question is we’ seen Schwarz for the first time get miles up and move him around if you know miles double team and triple team why don’t you move him around more to give him singled up it felt like they were doing that more early in they did it early in the season then they just stop the more traditional second half I wonder why that was like if he’s your best playmaker and you know that they’re going to Triple team him because at the end of the day they’re going to say miles is going to be on the left- hand side they’re not going to move on he going to be on the left hand so let’s while we’re game planning what we want to do for this game let’s just be let’s make sure that we got the left side taken care of and we cuz we know miles is going to be there so why not throw a wrinkle in the game plan and pick him up and move him around and remember against Tennessee when they put him in motion yeah they put miles in motion and then Tennessee had to shift yeah they end up calling time out CLE ta who’s a great Twitter follow I know is your friend Bo he put out something when free agency started and it was the I don’t remember the exact number but the number of sacks that a player had after 3 seconds in the pocket so coverage sacks quarterback’s running around and then he either runs into you whatever and Jonathan grenard of Houston who had 12 sacks last year like five of his sacks came not necessarily on him beating an offensive lineman but right four or five seconds into the play the Bop no one’s open he’s running around he gets to it that counts as a stack in the traditional stat book mhm but that’s not a you don’t you didn’t win your pass rush per se they didn’t do whatever number two in that stat if I remember correctly was TJ watt who had four or five last year as well and if you take and Miles had like one like when miles gets his sacks he’s beating a guy off the line boom he’s in your face immediately and that isn’t necessarily how some of these other guys get their sacks and I think part of the reason for that is he’s always doubled and triple teamed and it’s really hard to uh get through those and beat it which is why when he does it’s that much more impressive and his numbers may look a little lower than TJ had 19 sacks last year who was it Max Crosby had 16 I think cuz TJ uh miles finished third if I remember no I think Hendrickson Hendrickson whoever was some of those guys pick up extra sacks that aren’t necessarily a direct result of them beating an offensive tackle or if he’s lined up on the inside like he did against Cincinnati with that crossover he had early like he doesn’t get those extra ones to P his stat which is not a bad thing by the way listen congrats to to TJ and grenard like you get your sacks you get your sacks that’s that what you get paid with I’m not saying it’s NE a knock I’m just saying I think that’s part of the reason miles numbers in the big picture when you’re just looking sort generically aren’t necessarily as highest the one thing again is the numbers get worse till later the season gets and that yeah you can’t arue you know are are they double teaming him more later in the season maybe teams are I don’t know well I do remember when you remember the podcast episode where CJ and Micah did CJ did his offense versus Micah’s defense yeah and and he was like CJ said he was taking LT Larry me tunel versus miles he said oh yeah we’ll take that oneon-one because Larry Larry Larry me can handle miles oneone so it makes me think I gotta go back and watch that game was he really that good was he was that was that a single he got shut down in the one onone for the for the most part that’s interesting that’s interesting now don’t get me wrong Larry probably the best yeah probably one of the best in the league but that’s that’s interesting that we sit here and we talk about 101s and moments Big Time moments where you got to have it and on the flip side though when San Francisco tried to do that against him with Trent Williams Miles beat him I think he beat him four out of six times if my numbers are correct three out of five times it was something like that when they had one-on-one pass rushing situations what does laram me know I think tonso might be super like one of the only guys at the left tackle position they tried to M his draft stock that is athletic enough though to kind of match athleticism with Miles Garrett cuz he’s not your traditional 360 lb tank he’s I think he’s only three like 325 which is obviously big but he’s more of the athletic quick Fe guy didn’t he slip in the draft because gas mask because of the gas mask that was crazy he was supposed to be like the second or third pick he F that was so crazy I’m going look up his exact size but yeah that’s interesting that’s uh I wonder if he’s the only person that can stop miles 101 and what why that is but well he’s listed at 65 315 so I mean that’s a little that’s a size that’s around that’s not a huge weight a little lighter so I wonder if he’s just a little quicker that where Miles can’t use his elite elite elite quickness to bend the corner like he does against some of the bigger left tackles right I don’t know I mean I’m not the right listen I played left tackle in Pop Warner for one year got my ass kicked you played left tackle that’s why I don’t never play football they put me on the offensive line I got pancak every single play and I quit the next year I was like play offensive L is supposed to be doing the pancaking not I was the worst football player you could have possibly imagine why would they have put you on the yeah cuz they ran we had a I think I’ve told you guys this but Donald Brown who played in the NFL was two years old he was our running back and they just ran opposite of me every play was yeah know I I can say I blocked think I’ve never played offensive line I was too fast for that no I was yeah they had nowhere else to put me I wanted to play quarterback but I couldn’t throw the ball they never threw the ball anyway so it was useless putting anyone at receiver so put me at left tackle they should have put you what was this pop warner ball yeah was first or second grade like before you even understood how to like wish I would have played football in high school I’m still I regret not playing football in high school play guard is Aaron goingon to play football no not football swimming though swimming maybe we’ll see baseball I’m trying to get now that he’s in middle school once he goes to the seventh grade he could join the the the track and field team and he’s interested in like some of these field events like shot shot put Javelin yeah some of those things I let my daughter play flag football not my oldest my youngest my youngest how old was you youngest I thought she was like two she’s two playing flag football to know I’m saying if she got over you would let I thought he said she was playing she playing she could play now she Fearless man that that kid yeah why not cuz she run a corner route I could teach her how to yeah there you go I can teach her how do for sure all right hell of a kicker in high school but never did it um we’re still waiting on our guest here bull so I was going to use this for overtime but if you guys want to chat for a few minutes uh today is the 10year anniversary of LeBron coming home kind of cool brought us the championship y little bit of an honor to him where were you guys when he announced he was coming home I don’t remember we were on I was on the air on the fan I was in college at Ohio State actually yeah I mean that you know LeBron gets a lot of flag for people and I don’t understand it I don’t understand why people of Cleveland some people hate hate LeBron I mean he said because he left the first time so what he came back and won the ring like I I think there’s less people that are still mad at him at this point there’s I I don’t believe there’s actually people that don’t like LeBron there are there are and I I’m to run into one I’m sitting there like how could you be when the guy I think most people got over it once he came back won a ring he he accomplished the goal he accomplished there’s always going to be some whatever this people who just don’t like him for veriety reasons you know get into it but but here a couple of weeks ago they was If he if they would have drafted Bri and he would have came back they would have been yeah yeah yeah Kiss the Ring again I actually was think I actually was not on the air now that I think about it I was off that day when they when it got announced slacker yeah that was a bad day to be off July 11th that was 2014 I was in LA doing my summer semester out there I may have graduating School graduating high school yeah I think so actually hated La being broke in La sucks La is a fun place to visit I don’t think I’d want to being broke out there and it was when gas was like $5 a gallon and I was doing an unpaid internship and had to drop it was that was it was a great moment for the city when he came back I think Anthony Limer was filling in for me with Dustin that day and they went nuts on the air now that I remember it you had I mean how could you not at that point you just got LeBron James back like and then I Then I then we the Caps traded for Kevin Love soon after that then we went nuts again oh that’s right because he didn’t in he didn’t include Andrew Wiggins in his letter right which said he would yeah we knew Andrew Wiggins was getting that almost from the moment they got him they were talking about trading Andrew Wiggins for Kevin Love It took a few weeks for it to finally come together it’s cuz you can’t trade a pck for a certain amount of time before offici all right let’s uh speaking of drafts the baseball draft is coming up we talked a little bit about it yesterday and we’re going to dive into it again see what the Guardians might do this the first time ever that they’ve had the first overall pick in the draft go ahead Anthony yeah and uh before we get into that guys I want to remind everybody that you can like And subscribe to get notifications for all of our coverage we’ve got the ultimate Guardians ultimate Browns ultimate 216 and ultimate Cavs and if you guys want in your missing out on everything you can sign up for our newsletter and one last reminder for all of you today that Monday we are on at 10:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. because we’re going to be out at the Austin car Invitational for the golf field Mikey mcug Mikey McNuggets and all of us are going to go out there it’s going to be a good time but don’t forget we are on an hour earlier and off an hour earlier Monday don’t miss it and now I’d like to bring in our guest uh Jared Goodwin Jared thanks for joining us man we appreciate it uh draft three days away on Sunday right is Thursday so three days away uh we we’ve been talking about the draft the last couple of days uh who who do you of the guys at the top obviously there’s maybe three four five different guys that could be considered for that top spot this year who do you like the most who do you think the guardian should draft I think it comes down to two guys I think it’s Travis Banna um or Charlie Condon uh it there’s been a lot of talk over the last month about saving money um maybe posturing to get some profit prospects and build prospects I don’t think that’s ever a bad decision I think there is uh some some guys in the in the you know 15 to 20 area that you could probably posture back and and overpay and get two first rounders but really after doing all the research this just comes down to two guys it’s it’s bazan for me or it’s or it’s Condon um bazan uh as we talk about Cleveland having their first one-1 it would be the first second baseman ever to um go one1 but it’s it’s just Elite everything he does a good runner um he’s a way better than average uh uh Fielder at second base um throw out the premium position when you talk about his his patience um the low strikeouts and and the pitch recognition um that’s premium enough for for today’s game and I think he’s um you know those two are the fastest mover in the draft but I think he’s the fastest mover just because he’s not going to have a position change or kind of uh work out at different positions to see if there is better better value there Conan’s great um I think in so many drafts it’s it’s not even close he’s the first guy what he did in the SEC uh the 37 homers NCA record um he did have back-to-back years doing this he’s done it with a wood bat but I just think you know the profile with the left-handed bat a guy that already plays a position he can play it well bazan should be the pick Jared I know you know a lot of these guys as they come up through the ranks you work with perfect game which starts profiling is not the right word but you start building relationships with these guys at a younger age what can you tell us about kind of the people that cond and Banna are outside of just the players and the attributes they bring on the field bazan being from out of the country I don’t have um a lot of personal contact with him but I have a ton of people that have been around him and they say it’s like off the charts makeup and toughness which obviously goes into what I’m talking about when it’s when it’s the number one pick the scrutiny they’re going to get from day one because they were that first pick is even so much different than going second everybody I talk to about bazan just talks about his toughness um Charlie cond and I actually have a little bit of a history with he was an uncommitted kid um got to know his coaches um was around him some and he’s another one that you know he was goingon to go play football at one point UM quarterback mentality football mentality so I there he checks all the box as well the other two guys I would kind of throw in the mix there um would be Chase Burns and Jack kagle andoni got to know them as as preps uh pretty well they they were all Americans for us um Chase Burns is the fiery guy um he’s the he’s the guy that uh just shows the emotion wants to be there wants to have the ball in his hand uh checks the Box you know of of that number one starter pitchers are obviously a little more risky U but I will say I always throw his name in this in this bucket because uh the Indians have uh one thing that they do really well when it comes to PD and that’s develop arms uh they’ve done a great job over the years young arms two College arms so it wouldn’t be out of the question that they you know call to see if there is some sort of haircut to get him to build a prospects and um staying staying with this uh this theme uh if they think Jack kagle andon is a pitcher uh his background um is another one that that everybody just says tough he’s the guy that you know kind of pisses everybody off and the other dugout um and his teammates just want him to be the guy with the batter the ball in the hand because they know he’s not going to back down and he’s obviously put up those numbers I think if there was a haircut situation there um they’d probably have to consider it you know when you look at those top two prospects that you have how long do you think it will take them to make it into the majors I mean obviously everybody starts off triple A how long do you think it takes them to make their major debut I I think when it comes to bazan uh um he he’s probably the fastest mover him him and Chase Burns we just saw um how how quickly Paul SK got up there being the top pitching Prospect um I I don’t want to put them in the same category with what Paul SK has done but um Burns is certainly looks like the best guy and the most polished guy right now so I think I think there’s a there’s a road to get there especially Cleveland needing arms you know I mean that’s just the one thing and the stuff’s the stuff kid’s been up to 100 miles an hour he throws a ton of strikes all that all that I I explained kind of why bazan was in that uh bucket just because there is no positional change the Speed Works the defense works and uh you know it’s really the patience and Pitch selection that that help him I think um the other two are are maybe a little uh far further back maybe in that next tier um kagle and Oni does swing and miss a ton he’s gonna have to refine a little bit at the plate um they’re going to have to decide if they want to have him pitch and hit that’s going to take a little longer because it’s the same thing just coming back from an injury the strikes were a ton better this year um but still has a little bit of a ways to go but could be a legitimate you know two-way type of guy with huge left-handed power um and and condens just goes down to what position he’s gonna play uh I if it’s me I probably see if there’s you know some more positional value there and give him a chance to play Corner Outfield um maybe even test it out at third just sniff around to see if it works but if they were just to put him at first I think it’s a it’s a little bit faster of a track but I think the other two are are clearly the fastest uh to the big leagues yeah with Conan it’s it’s interesting because obviously the Guardians have Jose Ramirez locked up for a long time so he’s the third baseman they just acquired Kyle manzardo last off season he’s you know one of their top two prospects he’s played a little in the majors but I think they look at him as the first baseman of the future they don’t have a right fielder so and they have Quan and left field so right field seems to make the most sense especially CU you know even if he’s a little behind bazan it’s not going to be that long they’re going to expect expect him to play in the big league somewhat soon so it seems like right field at least if they draft him might make the most sense how good do you think he could be out there I think he’s undervalued as an athlete um I would say out of the corner Outfield spots um Quan being in left you know makes it a little more difficult left uh field seems to be the easier transition for guys that are kind of in between positions um but you’re talking about a guy that that was a really good high school quarterback um he’s got really good body control he’s got he’s got good fluidity I I really have argued with uh you know some of the people that I’ve talked to on on uh you know in discussions like this that I I think he doesn’t get enough credit for for the athlete he is but I do think it’s going to take some reps out there uh the nuances uh you know the double Cuts where he’s throwing what he’s doing um he he does have a good baseball IQ I’m not worried about it but they the game just gets faster even coming from the SEC great it’s it’s going to translate easily into a ball you know A+ uh you know somewhat in a double A but when you get to tripa a in the big leagues that the game is Just faster and you need you need kind of some dirt you know some some dirt in your britches um to be able to do that and and not you know have have some deficiencies that that lead to losses we’ve talked to a couple guys previewing this draft and and one name that gets brought up every once in a while is JJ weather Hol we had Joe doyan yesterday who said I don’t see a giant gap between weather hole and bazan he just was hurt all season I’m curious in your mind is there a gap between between those two in particular and how do you view weather Hol in terms of the top tier prospects in this draft I I think he’s just behind bazan just because uh the power you know um weather Hol I I think is definitely going to transition to second base uh he looked better and was kind of the helium guy um but getting to see some of these guys play Live um I I just see a bigger power power potential in-game power um that bazan you know brings and when you’re talking about two second baseman I think that’s the Difference Maker with those two you think but you talked before about bazan being the quickest to the big leagues I mean right now they got Andre simz at second they he hasn’t been hitting great the last two years but they got him locked up he could Pro I would I would think the Guardians would consider moving him to shortstop next year and because like I said I mean you talk about him getting quick I mean we saw Wyatt Langford start this season in the big leagues I I would think based on the way you’re talking that maybe by at some point next year even Maybe by next June there’s decent chance bazan could be in the big leagues is that too much of a stretch or no no I don’t um I I think it’s that polished you know and and what you’re seeing now this is a Young Person’s League I mean you you got to get those guys up you gotta you gotta get the most value out of these these guys that you can um the data is showing that you know at 30 31 years old there is a decline those guys aren’t getting those three four five six year deals anymore they’re getting the two-year deals so these are the guys they want up they want to groom them um so that when they’re starting to pay him at the end of our or having you know to figure out if they’re going to lock up long term they a little younger now you know they want to get that value out of them and and you’re seeing um the guys that are ready to to get a chance and and uh to get to the big leagues you’re seeing him get a chance way sooner than uh they used to and I just think this back carries so with this being the guardian’s first overall pick in franchise history we got to make sure that we get this 100% right okay which one of these guys are is cannot bust they will not bust they will be something in your mind that you think will floor safest floor yeah I I still think it goes down to those two I think I think those are the safest bets to you know let’s say let’s say sign a contract that’s that’s hard enough you know you got to get to year seven if you go through you know your whole run to to sign a contract it’s it’s really hard right um and I think those are the safest bets um the upside I mean it burn ends up being a true number one uh you still had a lot of risk you know drafting that pitcher and and if Jack say he you know gets 25 to 30 appearances a year for five or you know six years and 25 or 30 home runs like you you got a multi-time All-Star you know in you but the the floor for ban and Condon is just so much higher when you’re talking about the Indians being ready to win and and kind of being built to win you know for the next few years you got to get those pieces that are ready to contribute to a big league team soon there’s not a Bonafide consensus like you mentioned Paul SK or you know Bryce Harper level Prospect in this draft this is a two-part question but I’m asking at the same time because I think you could answer them both simultaneously is this per se a weak draft or just a good draft without that legitimate legitimate number one and for a guy like Jay slav olette who’s coming in next year if he was in this class you know would he be the number one pick or is this draft strong enough that even like a real top-notch Prospect a year away would just be in the mix not Head and Shoulders above everybody else um that’s a good question um one with with jaay a guy that I I got to see a ton uh in high school and and know a lot about um I don’t think he’s in the in the top two here um just based on um their ability to be patient and draw walks I mean the the the walk to strikeout ratio is just is just so insane with those two guys um I don’t think he’s in the in the top two picks uh there’s definitely not a a a tier one when you’re talking about a skin or a Harper but I will say this is going to be a very interesting draft because we’ve never seen guys hit with this power and this consistency ever like even even the the besser erors the M the drop five besser erors we weren’t seeing the amount of guys that were flirting with 30 home runs walking twice as many times as they struck out um it’s it’s a a little SC scary I I actually think for people at the top of the draft because it it does look like there’s a good handful of of college bats I mean this is this is one of the the best years for college bats since I’ve really started covering you know a lot of this in the BB core era you know when it when it started what in 201 2011 it’s just been insane you know video game I I hate using that but it but it is video game numbers when you’re talking about 28 home runs and 68 walks or whatever it was and you’re talking about 37 home runs and 55 walks like that we just haven’t seen that by multiple prospects and then you got a guy that’s not probably in consideration unless he takes a discount that’s hit 30 home runs two straight years in the SEC it’s never happened you know what do what do we do with that so to your question I I I actually really like this draft at at the top of the class and I like it because of the college bats JJ who I haven’t mentioned he he’s great you know he’s he looks like he’s going to be good we wish we had a little bit longer track record I do think you know if he would have got hot with the power you know at some point he’s he’s in there but you’re talking about Braden Montgomery who you know who got hurt who could have been you know whispered and at number one with with what he did in the Pack 12 and then and then the SEC in back-to-back years so when you talk about that many bats not a not a clear-cut Harper but it’s pretty exciting for whoever’s picking it two and three so sorry for you guys I guess so is the only reason that conon and bazan aren’t necessarily considered those Camp Miss prospects the POS the positions they play is that is that the the only reason we’re not looking at these guys is quote unquote generational prospects I think you know I mean with skem you saw him holding 101 with with you know multiple plus pitches into like the eighth and ninth inning 135 140 pitches deep in the College World Series which was heads scratching um so I I think he was a little different give the athleticism give some of that stuff um but Harper was a little different because he was putting up similar numbers the 30 home runs and all that different stuff and remember he went to he went to at 16 years old so we’re talking about guys that are four years younger that’s a big difference okay jar we appreciate the time man thanks for the Insight draft again that starts this Sunday we’re all looking forward to it thank you for joining us y thanks ja okay yeah you know so yesterday he’s high on uh both of our guys that we’ve had on the last two days did not take Condon as the first guy for the Guardians both bazan no yesterday it was uh he picked the pitcher right oh Chase Burns yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I’m conflicted cuz I’ve been hearing uh the Georgia kid that’s yeah I’ve been hearing him for so long that I just kind of thought it was a layup and and now he got me thinking of this bazan both the hitters I don’t think they’re going to take a picture I would would you be upset if they took a picture no only because I don’t follow college baseball closely enough and especially I’ve really only been paying close attention to these two guys in weather hole more than I didn’t think they I wasn’t even thinking they would consider a pitcher J likes kagon the guy of Florida yeah he had a lot of hype I I what he said about him made me nervous and I’ve heard this before is that there he’s got too much swing and Miss right now like it might take him more time to develop and these guys are both better contact hitters in addition to having power so so who you take it if you was making no no he’s going to have to give that answer tomorrow on the show don’t don’t give it away who you taking is the question he made a really good argument for the the kid out of Oklahoma State Oregon State or Oregon State excuse me bazan I like the 30 I like the 30 home runs though with the wood with the wooden bat though like that’s the part that was I was like he didn’t hit 30 with the wood he he said he did he shown power with wood in the cap well they play in like Cape Cod league and some other league they only play like 15 oh I’m taking I’m taking uh what is his name banana bazan not the Savannah bananas the Travis bazan he’s closer to the big leagues in his opinion I mean they’re probably both could be in the majors by next year yeah um B 37 home runs that you play a second base and you what’s that 37 home runs in the SEC is ABS that’s why I’m like the problem with him is you don’t know what position he’s going to play yeah you don’t think he can just how hard can it be to go to the Outfield it’s hard I did it I went from first base to Outfield what are you talking about I did it made an error in a celebrity softball last year that was this was LE this was back in my athletic Peak I did this in high school yeah yeah but this you talking about the big leag Davis can’t be that hard as someone I feel like I could go out there right now as someone who played professional sports you should appreciate how hard it is to play I could go out there and hit catch a fly ball no you don’t think so oh me you you could you catch one Fly ball short I could catch them I could play a whole game at Outfield and and and catch everyone no I don’t think so you literally had an error on the only play you had I think you’re out of your mind what is the level of competition for Bedford baseball I’m curious what do you mean like just you’re thinking you can just pop into an MLB game flies I think y’all really don’t realize my talent and yeah your talent in foot really it’s really starting to bother me but that’s all right because when I play in this this soft respect to your talent saying how hard it is to play at a professional level when I go in this softball game August what is it 25th 25th you think that’s a quot that’s going to prove something I just want y’ to see y’all gonna look at me and be like you know what you might is an elite 1% athlete no one’s even surprised if tyus in a celebrity softball game against people upstairs and US yeah looks like the best athlete on the field you played in the NFL you should be the best nobody’s arguing that you’re not the best athlete in the celebrity softball I’m going single-handedly win my team all right I better be on that team then because we were against like a minor league shortstop last year uh teamone Neil has left WK West let’s go Stephan got get team as long as I’m on the opposite team of Jay Crawford I should tell Stephanie that I’ll email her again today I’ll make a Shadow Commissioner of WKYC softball well just our representative I emailed her today with all the people from the show that are going okay to be in the the softball game last thing on the draft so we got Tim Kirk on tomorrow so we’ll get a third yeah expert I’m not sure how like completely dove into the draft these but Tim knows everything about everything so I’m sure he knows if he gives another name as his choice for number one if he goes with Condon or weather Holt or tagon or whatever his name is this is the least consensus number one pickul possible and then you I don’t think it’s about the guys not being that good it’s not like the NBA draft it’s just difference of opinion and that at that point because there’s not a consensus we talked about how I don’t like mock drafts earlier this week right I’m and the Guardians have earned our trust on this yeah I’m going to give the whoever they take whoever they take even if it’s not my personal guy who I would take and I have done minimal research I’m going to tell yall right now like the pitcher that he Chase Burns yeah who was the guy Joe mentioned yesterday as well he’s not like SK throwing 100 miles and no he throws no he throws hard but not as consistently he doesn’t not quite as hard as schemes he’s not as good as SK okay well then I wouldn’t take I wouldn’t take I wouldn’t take a pict take him I would not take a picture if I was the guardian even though pitching is you know you get a hitting is more reliable we we ain’t going to pay them no way both it it seems you never know but it seems like bazan and Condon are both unlikely to not be good players now how good they’ll be we’ll see but I my problem is I don’t want to take one and the other one be that’s the issue with to trust your scouting department and your analytics Department to make the right decision who got pick the Reds yeah the Reds do and they going to take whatever one we know well we don’t know that they may take a picture right um what I was going to say earlier about cond in particular Freeman was not an in an outfielder throughout his entire minor league career playing a pretty damn good center field this year from a defensive standpoint he’s not Elite but he’s he’s adequate Angel Martinez who I’m not sure how much Outfield he played in the miners looks pretty comfortable in the Outfield I that’s two different body tyes wayer no I I’m saying at least don’t Aaron judge play out there yeah but he always played out there though his whole life yeah I mean Nolan Jones is a big guy who train I will tell you it’s different PA you know what I’m saying it will be an adjustment but if they think he can do it it’s not a reason not to it’s they should not tra him a track record of doing it too yeah if they if they have Condon and bazan even then I’d go with Banna because I’m just gonna play him the second base I’m gonna move F menz to short yeah can I see that can I see them stats again from both of them players they both had incredible Seasons I got I just want to see just B had 28 home runs for bazan and 37 for Condon so bazan this year it’s 407 28 home 66 rubies and the and the Pack 12 is a good Baseball Conference God not the but it’s not the but it’s a good see Ops by the way which is just silly it is ridiculous he a th000 Ops how do you he must he must not have walked a lot he’s a 433 batting average that’s ridiculous let me is that wrong you can’t have a 1,000 Ops on on the season it’s got to be higher than that that mean the years years before he was unbelievable you up took a step back this year some stat screw-ups here he’s 66 215 by way is what He’s listed at Condon Condon yeah yeah yeah well all right his Ops yeah his Ops this past season was 1.56 five we got we got to fix that man we got some two stat Errors By you guys today what is happening it’s all coming apart divis I don’t know who I would I mean 83 walk seems reasonable yeah right well I don’t know who I would pick it’s tough I’m I’m more starting to think of Kan now so in uh real quick in the Cape Cod League this year yeah with this is with the wooden bat he played 11 games had 46 F bats he had one Homer 10 rbi’s hit 261 with a 300 on base percentage that’s not good 116 of bats you 11 games in tiny sample size but that is his scar scares me a little bit those are not good stats but I’m not going to in the what’s NS it’s not enough ATS the Northwoods League which he played after a sophomore season a wood bat League 61 games 248 pled appearances seven homers 68 RBI he hit 286 with a 460 slug in Ops 850 yeah that’s good that’s good that’s good with a wood back whatever I don’t know I’m I ain’t making the pick so I don’t I’m gonna trust the Guardians on this one go ahead Anthony give us Super Chat I got one super chat today from uh DB dog 21 says tyus in the CH center chair I see you go Bucks and then guys we have to remember that most of TJ sacks come from him being blocked by running backs because he’s an outside linebacker that’s never considered but absolutely should be they run a three four I don’t know that that’s even true they’re run a 3 four so he’s a watching TJ wat I don’t think TJ watt’s getting blocked by running backs that much you buying that no no you would that would be stupid that doesn’t make any sense what was it the guy said oh TJ wat gets a lot of sacks cuz he gets blocked by running backs a lot I I don’t believe that like is it chipper he’s not going one-onone nobody’s leaving TJ watt one-on-one with a running back unless that’s not happen unless you sell sabotage in your game point yeah well the Browns Bo the one with dwan Jones and dwan Jones did a great job neutralizing him yeah in those two games I don’t think teams the the the person who said the Super Chat said that he’s getting all these sacks because his running backs blocking him one-onone which he’s an outside line I maybe happened occasionally who knows I can’t imagine that would ever why would a team ever block TJ watt one-on-one can I ask an inside football question real quick you asking yeah you go ahead because TJ stands up in more of a 34 Edge as opposed to a traditional hand in the ground 4-3 defensive end okay does that have any advantage in terms of him picking up more quote unquote coverage sacks because he start wider out I mean I know Schwarz spreads out the defensive line but is there any advantage or disadvantage to one having their hand in the ground I think I to be honest with you I think the advantage would be having your hand in the dirt because you see miles gets that jump your body’s leaning forward when you stand and you it’s kind of maybe not for him CU he’s probably run or pass first guy but you got to like read stuff whereas a edge or if you got your handed there you just looking at that ball as soon as you see the tip you gone so I think that I if I was a DN or a rusher I would want my hand in the dirt I was only asking because with the Super Chat whoever was it DB dog is that who sent it ant whoever sent it mentioned that he may be getting blocked by a running back more so if he was further from the outside maybe that was part of the I’m we were in a wide n and they still Trip fin like I said just just asking just asking all right that’s going to do it for the ultimate Cleveland sports show uh Mikey and tyus will have overtime I got to go dip out we’ll figure out overtime and Monday 10 a.m. Monday Monday 10 to noon We’ll Be Live at the Austin Car golf event it’s going to be a great event we’ll be there doing the show live but 10 to noon that day the ultimate Cleveland Guardians show on Monday will be on at 800 a.m. the earliest ever edition of the show we’ll see uh these guys can see on overtime I’ll see you tomorrow for the big Friday show [Music] he

Cleveland Guardians lose 5-4 in Detroit last night with Tanner Bibee pitching seven innings.

What is more of a pressing issue for the Cleveland Cavaliers; running it back with the core 4 or running it back with the same bench players?

The Athletic proposes a 3 team trade to bring another name to the Cleveland Cavaliers.

ESPN ranks the Browns number 20 for best player makers in the NFL; is this too low?

Is Myles Garrett officially the best DE in the NFL? An ESPN survey says he’s locked in that number 1 spot.

Jered Goodwin on all things MLB draft and who the Cleveland Guardians should be going after.


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  1. Is this the first season Mike has watched MLB? Very knowledgeable of NBA, but perhaps he sits out Guardians talk. Run on contact is a basic concept. A lot of teams do it weekly. But apparently Nugs has reinvented game. Pick your spots. Really came across clueless on that rudimentary understanding and stance. I expect better given his deep knowledge of basketball. Maybe a little studying up before weighing in with big takes on baseball. You got this Nugs.

  2. 1:35:20 Ravens routinely stop Myles . He is almost an afterthought. Stanley can handle him no problem. A lot of time they let Myles rush in wild and reckless and all he does is run himself out of the play. Myles MO is he starts out with his hair on fire racking up lots of sacks at the beginning of the year against bad teams. At around week 5 or 6 the better teams start chipping him and he slows down. At around week 12 he is done. Gassed and figured out. This isn't hateraid. They showed y'all the stats.

  3. With how the rules of a sign and trade work. I dont think they should or will do a sign and trade since the cavs can only take back half the salary of what okoro is signed for. So if okoro signs for 10 a year, the cavs can only get a player making 5 a year. Finney smith makes around 14 a year, they arent signing okoro for 28 a year lol.

  4. The Indians will choke as they always do. I've said the Twins will catch them a month ago. I'm sticking to that. The Cavs have to trade Mobley or Allen. They don't play well together. They played way better when one of them was out. That's a fact! Sometimes, trades can help both teams involved. Mobley or Allen has to be traded! The Browns won't do anything with Watson at QB, and Myles disappears later in the season when it counts.

  5. The Guardians didn't just slip up in Detroit. They've been playing like crap since the second game of the series in Baltimore. Even in the wins they haven't looked that crisp, except maybe the Saturday game in KC.

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