@Chicago Bulls

currently on adderall, don’t let this trade be in vain

Bulls: Young dudes, minor sal fill + 2RPs
Jazz: Trade starters, acquire draft capital and salary filler
Warriors: Improve starters, add off the bench scoring
Lakers: Explosive defensive SG/PG
76ers: Improve depth on cheap 2RPs

by TheFlaminTurtle


  1. Lmao did you just call Sexton a defensive guard?

    Dude is worst than Russell on defense.

  2. cubs_2023

    It’s rumored that the Jazz want a Bridges level return for Lauri plus they want another 1st for Kessler. This is not even close to that level of return with two of the firsts being extremely terrible lottery protected picks, plus they get 3 years of bad salary in Lavine and Wiggins.

    You’d probably have to give the Jazz 2 or 3 more unprotected firsts to even think about this trade.

  3. kingjuicepouch

    If I could force this trade like 2k I would absolutely do it lol. Kudos for putting together such a wacky request

  4. LividImagination5925

    Jazz with Ainge in Charge would in no way entertain this trade, no way they get the brunt of those undesirable contracts. those picks are even protected.. geez

  5. PleaseSeekChrist

    Great Post!

    Man I always wanted to know what doing meth was like thanks.

  6. Bobonenazeze

    I’m playing Deaths Door while also on Addy. You should make better use of your time.

  7. No one is trading with us. Give it up. We don’t have anything anyone wants.

  8. Lonewolf824668

    As the biggest warriors fan a say fuck no I ain’t giving up GP2

  9. spazzzzola

    Buddy is high, over 30, unemployed,  and living at his moms.  Oh, buddy is a virgin, too. 

  10. Imsoamerican

    I think he can go further. Don’t waste this buzz, add a 6th team.

  11. YoHoochIsCrazy

    person to person: . i used to do the same kinda thing with my time (still do sometimes lol).

    but i promise you there’s a better use of your (medicated?) focus out there than this kind of thing. i admire what you done here and i think it took a lot of skill. i don’t want to take away from it.

    but it won’t reap the bulls anything – and most importantly it won’t reap you anything!


    i’m sorry if i sound condescending. not tryna hate. i just see a lot of my past self in this kind of high effort coat and remember how i’d feel afterwards. hope ur good, dude.

  12. JustaDboy

    Sixers giving up to much just to get two cat fish

  13. The_Realist01

    I remember taking a 30mg addy for the first time getting on a plane in 2008 and not feeling anything. So I took a 2nd one. We didn’t have internet on planes back then, but I re-wrote 3 red hot chili pepper songs with new lyrics, and upon landing talked to a guy directing traffic at ohare for 30 mins non stop.

    I didn’t sleep that night. Good times.

  14. thatguyad

    I think this is a great sign that it’s time to give up.

  15. R0dNeU5pZ2dh-Bs64

    The Bulls Reddit community is like the damn History Channel after midnight. Ain’t no way of knowing what madness you’ll be subjected to.

  16. lizard_king_rebirth

    Yooooooo finally got those 2RPs baby LFG!

  17. Braided_Marxist

    You sure adderall is the only thing you’re on?

  18. Western_Tie_6254

    I can respect the effort but no way are the Warriors saying yes. The Lakers and Jazz also would be very iffy.

  19. DavidManque

    This trade is the product of true drug-induced basketball mania, and while its content is absurd for many reasons its purity must be respected

  20. IcePicks_WSG

    Always wanted to try Adderall. I’m autistic and my friends with ADHD talk like it’s a godsend for them.

  21. ThatOneDudeBenDover

    Get help,you sound proud being on aderall.

  22. MezaQueMasAplauda

    I swear trade machine has mfs in a chokehold. Why don’t you send this to AK? I’m sure you’re the first one to come up with realistic and useful trade idea

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