@Philadelphia 76ers

Kyle Lowry returns to Sixers; Eastern Conference pecking order, Team USA snub debate

Kyle Lowry returns to Sixers; Eastern Conference pecking order, Team USA snub debate

as expected Kyle Lowry has decided to come back to the 76ers we’ll talk about that pickup and more next on locked on 76ers you are locked on 76ers your daily Philadelphia 76ers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team ever every day thank you for making locked on 76 is your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast and on YouTube part of the lock door podcast Network yet Team every day hello my name is Keith Pompei and this is my right-hand man John Mitchell we are the co-host of lock on 76s and this Friday we have a lot to talk about we want to talk about Kyle Lowry the addition or retaining him there was some thought that he would go to another team but he ended up back with his hometown 76ers and then from there we want to talk about where do the Sixers Stack Up In The W where do they stack up they’re getting Caleb Martin they’re getting Kyle Lowry the whole sh and then thirdly even though it’s not our team but the hottest debate right now in the NBA is did Jaylen Brown gets screwed by Team USA when they you when they got his teammate Derek white as a replacement I don’t think he was screwed at all I’m gonna be honest with you so we’ll talk about that in the third segment but Mitch Kyle Lowry was a huge addition for the now didn’t always show up in points matter of fact his last play last couple playoff games he didn’t do much on the offensive end as as far as like Point production right but the one thing that I will say is I have to in the short time they was here because people forget they picked them up in the buyout Market late in the season after the trade deadline but he’s been a huge add in regards to development of Tyrese Maxi right he’s been the an extension of the coach on the floor in the locker room everything I feel like you know we’re talking about a six-time Allstar another six-time allar that they have we’re talking about Olympic gold medal talking about the NBA champion and he forgot more basketball than Tyrese Maxi has knows right and I feel like having having him here is only going to continue to with Maxi’s development and and let’s face it he can run an offense I mean I don’t know if he’s going to start it looks like you know if you if you go by projections he’s not but at the same time you can still have those lineups at times where you got two guards out there two point guards out there doing certain things but again he’s a veteran I know he’s older he’s coming back 19th season but at the same time I think he has the intangibles the leadership and everything like that that’s going to benefit this team and benefit Tyreek Max yeah I mean I like the pick I’m not you know I’m not through the roof and over the moon about it um but I’m glad to see him back you know it’s just kind of those things where I mean now the 76ers are at that stage of the season um where they’re just trying to build out the roster getting you know snagging up guys on minimum contracts guys who you know who can who they can fit in uh if you look at Kyle Kyle is he’s he’s an extension of the coach I know that sounds like a cliche but it is you know he’s he’s playing for a coach that he obviously likes it’s an affinity between the player and the coach um and he does benefit tyres Maxi and let’s be honest when you give a player $25 million 23 years years of age uh he’s he’s not seasoned he’s just talented he’s he’s the he’s an Allstar it’s most improved player but you want somebody who in that locker room when things aren’t NE when the pressure comes to Tyrese as it inevitably will you want somebody who can get into his head who can be his uh his skull operator you know for for lack of a better word and say hey young blood you know when I was in when I first entered this league you were three or four years old um so just absorb some what this knowledge I had to give you but I also like the fact that you know there people you know last year there were times when they had Tyrese and Kyle on the court at the same time and you you become a small defensively s suspect back court but the one thing that he the Kyle Ken do is he can move he can move Tyrese off the ball a lot in situations when they really need to have Tyrese scoring punch um you know and when Nick nurse did sometimes I think he’ll probably experiment with that a little bit more it’s almost like u a deco a decoy receiver in football you know you there were times last year where the two of them were on the court and it wasn’t extended but I think you’ll see more of it this year when When Ty Reese was actually on the ball you know um so I mean I like to pick up I like the fact you know he’s mature um he’s he’s leader he’s playing he knows his career is at the very end um and you know what more you know he’ll feel like he’s got something to prove and what better to bring your you know your career to your to an end and what could which we all suspect we hope and anticipate will be a deep run into the playoffs yeah and just to just to give you guys some a little bit statistics and and things like that you know this past season low avered eight points 4.4 4.6 assists in 28.4 minutes 23 23 regular season games including 20 starts with the Sixers the north Philly native had 18 points while making 47 three-pointers in the Sixers 111 to 104 game one loss to the Knicks however the former Cardinal doy and Villanova standouts play declined during the opening round series Lowry was had scores scoreless on 0 for six shooting in game fives and six right yet his presence was a major benefit for Joel embiid and Maxie so that’s the the skinny of it you know he he he looked good at time I mean he would struggled at times but his pres was great and this is what he said last year at the end of the season um it was was part of the reason I came here was be to be able to be part of the growth of tyres and the growth of Joel and watching them and trying to help them um as much as I can with the maturation process the the things that uh these guys have done Joel playing on one leg Tyrese in the minute of the game going crazy a couple minutes and going through ups and downs and finding ways to be successful as a guy who’s been in this league a long time I was so happy I got the opportunity to play with these guys and be around them so you know he’s getting another opportunity and I’m pretty sure he’s excited and they’re excited and like Mitch said you know you getting them for the minimum um is not like you’re throwing a lot of money at him right but you know the one thing you’re going to see when he’s in the game he’s going to be orchestrating stuff when he’s out the game he’s going to be orchestrating and standing up the whole time or most of the time from the sidelines orchestrating stuff so you’re getting the leader you’re getting the guy who is really um going to continue to help that maturation process for both of them for both players so and get he’s also Caleb Martin Mentor so Caleb calls him his big brother so you know what I mean so you got a guy who’s going to help you know with everyone so I I really like it I I really like it I like it I mean again I like it for those reasons and then some people might say but what what you going you may need somebody else that’s may be more productive I can understand that right but at the same time minimum a leader um I don’t know how much he’s gonna play but at the same time I think that that’s a big pickup in my opinion for the yeah you know I mean he joins the back court with some agan guys you know with Eric Gordon um I mean they really got some older guys in that back court but just kind of piggybacking on what you you know you were saying about being a mentor it’s not just Tyrese Tyrese Maxi it’s also the rookie Jared McCain you know you want him to come in and you know absorb some of the some of the the kn how to be a professional all those things uh and they do sound cliche but they’re they’re true you know you need somebody who you know because because it should I mean know people looking at the 76ers lineup and saying man we’re really looted for Bear we’ll talk about that a little bit later on but you there going to be some there always some rough moments during during the season and you want maturity and experience in that locker room you don’t want you know young guys with their heads exploding so forth and so on and you know we’ll talk about that some other things uh when we get back from talking about eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance we’re talking about superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style Keith Pompei my partner he’s into all that eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll 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lock on podcast Network your team the 76ers every single solitary day do it today so here’s the deal folks we talk about where to do the Sixers stack up so yes they have Paul George they have Caleb Martin they have Kelly UB com back they have Drummond they have uh uh Eric Gordon they got a lot of guys right so with that comes a lot of hype a lot of hoopla a lot of excitement so where do they stack up yeah comparable to the other teams well I still have them third well I have them third in East um and the reason being is I know that Chris Pingas is going to be out for extended period of time his knee his leg injury um after he had surgery a couple weeks ago they said he’ll be out 5 to six months that’s a major blow for them I I I believe that but you don’t win the playoffs in January right I mean you don’t win the championship in January the New York Knicks I look at them I see that they got some young dogs now young and as much as people want to hate on Julius Randall he’s still an All-Star player right um and I feel like with him coming back he’s going is going to him coming back Mel Bridges and then them other dudes that they have coming back I feel like they’re G to be tough to beat so and I think that both of those teams are going to be better than the Sixers I do and you know Mitch the way he said huh you call it flat out you know how people you know how folks come here we gota realize while the Sixers got Kyle Lowry I love him he’s 38 I Eric Gordon around like you know he’s in the mid-30s too yeah um yeah I mean why these dudes they like 26 25 20 you know so like if they the youth matters a little bit and and they elite players like these guys are in the prime of their careers yeah while you know the other dudes are some of them are on a talent we don’t I mean it’s it’s good as good as Paul George is the biggest question mark is how much does he have left in the tank yeah like how was going to even though we all say it’s going to be a great fit but how is it going to fit with those guys right now you know what the Knicks look like but they how they gonna fit you so that’s the thing that’s my opinion that’s why I believe third in the East the Boston Celtics and the New York now yeah I think um you make a very good and compelling AR arent for the Sixers to finish third um but I do think uh you know I mean I I look at that Nicks roster’s let’s take him one by one I think Boston’s gonna is I think Boston’s gonna fall back to the pack a little bit you know I mean this is a league where you just don’t manufacture repeat Champions as good as Boston looked and they were clearly when the when the dust settled they were clearly was clear that they were the best team in that League last season much as it pains me to say it because I hate them and um have always hated them um so you have them coming I have them coming back to the pack a little bit I have them still the best team in in in the uh League uh I want you know with New York and Philly I’m curious about the health aspect you know I mean OG is not exactly the picture of Health um you know and you got Randall coming off an injury where you know you got him coming off injury you got Mitchell Robinson who’s you know he’s kind of unreliable um but the Sixers you know it’s it’s our job to be honest and critical of the 76ers and not to be partisan hacks for them um you know the dust is settling on them and and I do like I do like the tri I love the trio that they have my question is is always you know and I overuse this word caveat so much in discussing this roster caveat of Health are they going to have it um I’ve had this conversation over and over again is ad nauseum um and you know I’m getting ready to go 280 you know your man’s got your man’s got to be your man’s got to be a little legitimate 280 this year not playing myself in shape you know I don’t want to have you know sideline conversations where Joel em be is saying you know after the Olympics I took a longer rest than I should have you know I want to see him get through the playoffs healthy and get that body down to a legitimate weight I mean even I mean even watching the international play the other day um you know I still see some Lumber and that’s just not the way the game is played anymore you know I see I see him lumbering um and I’m not diminishing I’m not hating on Joel MB because he’s the most talented i’ talented big man I cover going back to Keem elijan um so yeah I think that you know I’m I’m still having thrown a negative scenario out there ke I’m gonna put the Sixers ahead of of the ahead of the Knicks you know and they’re obnoxious fans um I’m gonna put I’m put the Knicks the aheed them uh I think they’re going to they’re go the Sixers are going to defy the odds that have repeatedly seeing them get hurt and hurt and hurt um and I’m and yeah I’m going to s that there Sol in the division you know Sol second a solid second who if if if all listen 280 you get 280 everybody still everybody will still healthier if he’s 280 Paul George will be healthier if he’s if if our guy is 280 that’s bottom line now the one thing I I’m gonna say real quick is the thing that gave me PA I didn’t like what I saw that first and I know it was the first USA Basketball it was an exhibition but I a like what I saw D I didn’t like seeing him the one guy that kept leaning over grasing now who knows maybe the doctors told him shut everything down for and once the season was over to make sure you need get some more rest or what have but I I don’t know now who knows the good part is if he got to get himself back in shape is best to do it now as opposed to so it is it is but I don’t know man I just feel like and I’m G say it’s and I’m done but I just feel like it’s like me and you going back to the gym I mean going on the court and playing them young b mean it’s a little bit different man it’s like you know you you yeah you got the wisdom you got all this but um but you also got knees you also got your knees tugging on your shorts and that’s inevitable I mean yeah man yeah I mean it’s not it’s not critical and I don’t think we’re being overly critical I think there are expectations that must be met for teams to win titles they expectations of the players you know you want this you know you want this extension worth 190 Mill million dollars you want that well we just want you to drop 20 pounds you know for 190 Millions I moved to Siberia and dropped 50 pounds you know listen so yeah so so so so just do that Joel I mean I say this I say that in him to love in love man you know I say that in love I want to see him get to be the Apex player I I I’m tired of seeing players on that roster teas us um and that’s kind of what his skill has done you know so so so so 280 I’m going to keep keep pounding that number in his head legit 28 yeah legit legit 28 Z and we can talk about that some of that maybe a little bit more after the Break um but in the meantime I let’s let’s talk about Better Health uh are you one of those people you tend to compare your life to others do you take a look at social media and say wow I wish that were me well listen that’s first of all a lot of that is just simply not true a lot of people are holding up these cameras and you say living their best life and they got struggles too and comparison is a thief of joy and it’s easy to Envy other people’s life it might look like they have it all together on their Instagram but in reality they probably don’t and therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have so you can start living your very best life so if you’re thinking of stay if you’re thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online it’s designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapist at any time for no additional charge so stop comparing and start focusing with betterhelp visit locked on NBA today to get 10% off your first month that’s better help lockon NBA do it today yeah definitely definitely do it with the quickness stop looking at social media and saying I wish that were me because those people wish that were they too that you know exactly but look we wanted this quick stop I know some of y’all like man why we talking about the Celtics well we’re talking about USA basketball and and you know there’s a big debate going on where you know a lot of people saying Jay Jaylen Brown was uh snubbed and I guess and he should be on an Olympic team over Derek white and um you know a friend of ours guy we both know sherro Blakeley who covers the Boston Celtics yeah had me on this podcast and we were talking about it look at you you a star how you man you everywhere bro I’m just young boy y it was funny though when I first got on the beat they like man who you we MIT okay I’m like like I’m his young boy his young I’m like going to be now I look like your old head yeah anyways for no man you know the beat has been rough yeah yeah putting grayes in you like the presidency it was I remember how dark it was now but um but anyway so that’s a big topic a lot of people are saying he got snug I don’t see it that way and I’m sorry and then you know some people talking about you know he’s like you know uh you know he’s not Nike guy you know get this and that and I get it I understand he was like the Eastern Conference uh MVP you know for the playoffs he was a Finals MVP but bad yeah exactly bad man but if he got they got a beef it shouldn’t be with over Derek white being an alternate or being a yeah Derek white being a replacement player it should be that Devin Booker made the team over or other guys right like the thing is the problem with him is I believe that the job that they want Derek white to do is below his pay grade if you’re gonna be honest and what I mean by that is you mean below uh Browns play Brown yeah yeah below Browns play great is is a guy like is he going to be happy joining this team grabbing a rebound and getting rid of the ball and tell him to go in the corner and do something or set a pick or just playing D like you don’t get any plays you don’t get anything like you’re not even gonna sniff the ball I feel like it’s great to have him on a team but Derek white has proven that with the Celtics that he was an extremely vital piece right and what he does is he defends he doesn’t get any plays no shots he just comes out there and just D’s up and does all the dirty work now if uh Jaylen Brown was going to be happy with that role and he was but I don’t but I don’t even know if he can do it better than Derek white man I yeah you know I mean this ain’t a this is a team see you got realize I’m just gonna say this Mitch and then let you over we got understand one thing it ain’t the Dream Team No More you saw the boys over there I mean last summer they was getting spank right so everybody think because we got LeBron and they got this and embiid and D they gonna go out there and win nah dude you need a team you need some Defenders you need somebody that’s gonna lock somebody down and I just look at my man he ascended to be a star you already got Tatum you got Devin Booker you have Ant-Man you have Steph Curry you need a Defender dude you it’s kind of like why everybody was mad when Jeremy Grant made the team well why did he make the team because he could be and he could rebound yeah so that’s what I’m saying that’s all I’m saying yeah I mean I mean yeah I mean I mean just think of I mean people people over tend to overlook the EOS that you have to to satisfy and deal with um at that level I mean one probably the most interesting thing that I’ve heard come out of the out of out of the uh Preparatory period for the Olympic team has been Anthony Edward saying I’m the number one option you know so I mean we laugh when we hear that because of the players who were there I mean he I mean until until the FI you know until the uh Western Conference Finals he did look like a number one option he didn’t you know against Dallas he didn’t look like much of a number one option but he’s trending in that direction but you have unlike other sports because there’s the N the NBA has more padas and Divas than anything and and when it comes to BU and basketball is such a chemistry sensitive sport perhaps unlike any other sport um I mean I comparing football maybe the offensive line has to be in sync like an NBA roster has to be or or or a dream team roster and you got to there going to be some times when when the coach is going to look out there and those guys are gonna say hey I’m glad we can put Drew holiday and Derek white out there and have them covering those guards because we need to slow them that’s all we need that’s all we need right now we need guys who are trapping and getting the ball out of their best players hands and European players are very have some very good perimeter players so um at the end of the day I think that I think Jaylen Brown will be fine and content I mean I’d be content if I was making $300 million and you know you know he the way I the way that brother sounds he might be happier working in a in in a in a soup kitchen serving the needy in a place like Roxberry or Oakland somewhere than going to the Olympics I mean he he kind of comes off to me as that type of brother man so um I you know I know know that people are going to say hey let’s stir the pot a little bit because what would media be without a stirred pot absolutely nothing so I think that um yeah I have no problem with Derek white being a guy um and if it does cause dissension in Boston so B you know let them deal with that next season help the Sixers maybe help the six or something well I don’t even like the fact because when you look at it you know you know it’s always I mean you know like you said so be it people here hey I love it keep the drama yeah but at the same time when we realize that this was supposed to you know like during the pre-season what do they do him and he goes to a a Colorado game with Derek white because that’s where Derek Wright Derek white want to uh college at and it’s kind of like you know what I mean it’s it’s kind of like yall boys and now all of a sudden it’s like drama like my look at his resume right now and I get it NBA champion NBA Finals MVP three time NBA Allstar all NBA second team NBA all rookie second team right dude this is the stuff that you got like and and already now you he was on the national team once um but you know he was on the FEA America’s u8 Championship I know that’s not they winning the Olympic gold I get all that so but at the same time at the same time winning the gold medal in the Olympics is expected right it’s expected right being the NBA Finals MVP is not being the NBA champion is not being the Eastern Conference player MVP is not right like bro you winning yeah you win it and and who knows you know you’ll probably be on the next Olympic team right you know so all as well you know you your legacy is is already and like you said man was the richest dude in the league before his teammate Jason Tatum just got the bag yeah right and Jason Tatum didn’t even start getting those checks yet so you the richest right now in the league he getting a Foot Locker remember those Foot Lockers people used to have yeah yeah yeah that’s what that’s what he’s getting a Foot Locker full of million doll bills they are crazy I know right it’s crazy it’s crazy I want to talk to y’all about what locked on as launch now locked on has launch the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV Channel app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on uh plus our national shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app and for my man Mitch who’s doing it today we doing it today I like like to say thanks for listeners to us have a blessed day have a blessed weekend if something breaks get back to y’all uh earlier but if not we’ll chat with y’all first thing Monday morning I believe we’ll have some summer league stuff to talk about Sixers play their first game tomorrow here and then they got a game Monday and they got a game Tuesday I make a prediction we’ll be talking about a demoner double double come Monday I’mma hold you to it all right y’all peace when we’ll talk see y’all on Monday Deuces have a great week and and peace out abar

Locked on 76ers cohosts John Mitchell and Keith Pompey dissect why Kyle Lowry returning to the 76ers is a good thing. Then they disagree on where the Sixers are in the Eastern Conference pecking order. And they talk about Derrick White being added to Team USA over Jaylen Brown and all the attention that received. Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms…

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  1. Caleb Martin and Kyle Lowery were key to the Miami Heat's 2023 NBA Finals Run. Together, they bring toughness,, swag and Championship Pedigree to Philadelphia. 1,2,3,4,5 Sixers ❤️💙❤️

  2. Good move bringing Lowry back you always need a soldier. His veteran experience being a champion pedigree will help this team especially Maxey.

  3. Talked big about the Knick and JoJo avg 35 on 1 leg with bells palsy. Dropped 50 on em but oh J. Randel is going to stop that. M. Bridges gonna stop that. BRUH when did M. Bridges become Scottie F'n Pippen. So saying PG gonna fit comes with questions but M. Bridges is gonna fit in NY. Why because he played with Brunson and Hart at Nova. He didn't play with OG, Randle or Mitchell. And ONLY player the Knick have better than PG is Brunson…. Pure FACT only Brunson in the Knick starting line up can consistently get his own shot. Bridges is ok but I like PG on him. Bridges isn't some explosive athlete and we in Philly hype him because we traded him on draft night. Dude is decent not some OMG killer on the court. OG ain't taken ppl off the dribble and is barely a shooter, Dontae is streaky at best. And Randle has 1 hand and has no touch or feel everything is forced with him. And again they have NOBODY who can stop or slow up JoJo. They added good pieces and so did the Sixers.

  4. High pressurized baskeball with alot on the line embbid will come up small😂😂😂I love embbid but he will let you down

  5. Look at it this way Keith has this 76ers team behind Celtics and Knicks this is the same guy that wrote all that bull shit about Tobias being a good player…Derrick White replaced Kawahi not Jure Holiday you about to tell us Kawahi was there to play defense and make hustle plays?

  6. What I've seen in summer league play is Dowtin and Council IV being NBA ready. Dowtin moreso than Ricky. Neither McCain or Bona should be on the Sixers roster. Adem should be able to shine in the G League but he needs to chill some from being over jubilant. I saw nothing that would indicate McCain will be anything special.

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