@Portland Trail Blazers

Previewing Donovan Clingan & the Trail Blazers at Summer League | Bryce McGowens Signs a 2 Way Deal

Previewing Donovan Clingan & the Trail Blazers at Summer League | Bryce McGowens Signs a 2 Way Deal

in today’s show we preview the Trailblazers ahead of their summer league slate in Las Vegas plus Portland signs Bryce McGaw to a two-way contract welcome to lockdown Blazers let’s get into [Music] it you are locked on Trailblazers your daily Portland Trailblazers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday what up world it’s your past first point guard and Trailblazers reporter Mike Richmond you’re listening to another episode of Locked on Blazers part of the locked on podcast network available wherever you get podcasts and also on YouTube thanks for making the show your first listen coming at you each and every week day Monday through Friday make it a part of your daily routine make your first listen tell your friends to do the same it’s locked on Blazers your team every day it’s a little summer league preview in today’s episode plus The Blaze signed Bryce mcgaw’s two two-way contract and he is joining the summer league team so you’ll get a chance to see him immediately that’s what we’re going to talk about in today’s show kind of my how I’m going to watch the guys on the roster uh the Blazers if you add in McGaw on a two-way contract will have five players on the roster including just I was also on a two-way deal but three three regular roster guys two two-way guys but some players to watch who are going to be part of the plan at least as it stands right now and almost certainly as it’ll stand in the fall part of the plan moving forward um I want to talk about kind of like how I watch summer league and how specifically the growth areas I think each guy can um hopefully demonstrate that they’ve show that they’ve made some progress in in summer league and how um how to view them over a 4game slate that begins Saturday against the San Antonio Spurs uh plus we’ll talk Bryce McGowan’s uh Blazers signed a a a a big combo guard is there anything more fun than a big combo guard I certainly love him uh we’ll talk about who MCW is and and what you need to know about him as we move forward uh as as we close out the show Le let let’s let’s start with Summer League though Blazers four games Saturday Monday Tuesday Friday in Vegas um you know if if you win enough games with B Point differential you get to play a bonus championship game but like for the most part these games don’t matter it’s fun if they win the title but like these games don’t matter what matters is the development of young players and for the Blazers with a full roster it’s not like anyone on the summer league team is it’s very unlikely the Blazers will be having anyone on the summer league team playing for a roster spot conceivably someone could earn the final two-way spot the Blazers have one remaining after agreeing to a contract with Bryce McGaw today but for the most part you’re watching the roster guys get better and trying to figure out how they fit into the puzzle moving forward now I think that’s the um that’s kind of the challenge for me as I watch this is is seeing the puzzle there’s there’s two types of of prospects at Summer League like two types of young players there is that sort of like defining their role what are they going to do and I think that’s what Donovan kingan is he fits into that it’s like okay we know what kingan can probably do but we haven’t seen him play this is a jump up in the quality of competition obviously the NBA is in a much larger jump from uh even Beyond this but like what does he look like in this setting what is his role going to be defining what that role is and kind of what his skill set is and the parameters of that skill set and and what he can continue to grow on and then there’s like the dudes who are just um maybe in a different role in summer league than they otherwise would be and I think that’s what Chris Murray and Ryan ruper fall into it’s like they’re more going to be have an option to be like go-to guys and maybe more be primary creators and Playmakers in this sort of setting than they would be um maybe not primary but like much more playmaking on their plates that opportunities on their plate and and and um responsibilities on their plate than they would in the regular season it’s like what do they look like with expanded roles what do they look like when they’re doing much more than they would in the natural setting kingan will probably play something closer to what looks like his role will be when the gam start while Murray and Ryan ruper you hope play nothing like that right you hope they play you hope they like really really try to spread their wings and expand their roles this kind of like the two types of Players let’s start with kingan and how I watch him easily my most interesting player on the roster easily um not close with all due respect to Chris Murray and Ryan ruper kingan is like is this you know we’re not going to get the definition of whe who’s is this the like foundational piece that’s not what’s going to happen over these four games you know and and is kinging going to play both nights of the back toback and all that right with the back-to-back games it makes for could be we could see some funky dunky stuff although I think they’ve incentivized winning enough that maybe you’ll see a little bit of playing um but like the the clinging I am I’m fast fasinated to see what he can do and what it looks like and that starts on defense like and and by what it looks like I mean I don’t need him to block a crazy number of shots I don’t need him to get crazy counting stats I don’t need a double double I don’t need statistical symmetry I don’t need it I don’t care about that I I truly don’t but does he have defensive feel like I think the the what is going to make Donovan kingan special is that he’s gigantic with a little bit of Mobility what really makes what really sets him apart is that his brain moves so fast he processes things so quickly on defense that even if he isn’t the fastest dude on Earth and he’s like gigantic that’s his strength he’s gigantic is like he he can make up for some of that lack of Mobility some of that lack of speed by just his his IQ and processing right is that IQ meeting mobility and turning him into something really special on defense so was Defensive feel what does he look like guarding one-on-one in the post what does he look like as a help Defender say he’s on the the opposite side of the paint a a drive you know comes from the opposite Wing a driver comes from the opposite Wing beats his man a Blow by gets to the rim is clinging there early to meet him does he kind of does he commit too early and lead to a drop off does he commit too late because he’s worried about the drop off and give up a layup does he time it perfectly and just wow you with Incredible timing does it you know do you see a little combination of both in pick and rolles how high up does he play you know he’s going to play Drop coverage he’s not going to play the the the the level I would imagine particularly in summer league it’s like so how far back is he does he have to drop way the hell back there and does he get caught in between right because there is a natural there is an art to sort of um staying with your man the big man who’s the roller and Coring the ball there’s an art to to being a really good drop Defender and then in theory kingan can be this how good is he at it already in this setting when you’re not playing against like a really high level NBA point guards and eventually eventually you will be like I’m I’m fascinated to see all of that and I bet the Blazers play zone because they’re a team that plays Zone in the regular season I bet they’ll play zone a little bit in this what does Clingan look like in the zone does he communicate is he a great is he pointing and tell and and communicating help like um if you’re the big guy in the middle of a Zone in the NBA you better talk because if you bet you have to match up man to man in an NBA Zone if you don’t uh if you don’t have man principles in in a zone defense the NBA you get shredded and the um if you’ve watched the Blazers enough recently over the last couple years you’re familiar with that concept on offense I know the big thing everyone wants him to do is shoot threes that’s pretty low on my list I would love to see see him shoot a couple threes sure like cool um put up one or two a night and if if they go in shoot more but like I don’t care about that it is so low on my list of like what’s going to make Donovan kingan a good basketball player in his first season in the league there is a there’s a world in where eventually Donovan Kling and shooting threes is extremely valuable I think the best type of big man to pair next to scoot would be like a true pick and pop three-point shooting big man who can either just like stand out in space and be a spot-up shooter or set pick and rolls and and like burn teams by staying at the three-point line and shooting those jump shots um you know eighton spaces to 17 19 feet but the fact that he needs to be in the middle of the Court does kind of gum up the plan a little bit sometimes um as a non-s spacer he’s I mean he can really shoot but he’s and he’s a good catch and shoot pick and pop guy but it’s like he it’s just different cuz he doesn’t take threes I don’t care about clinging shooting threes though I don’t I don’t care about it eventually it’ll matter but at Summer League I don’t care the things I care about how does he play in The Pick and role what’s his timing like um I watched a little bit uh like the second half and overtime of of one of memphis’s uh preseason games and the thing I really liked about Zach was his feel in the pick and roll but part of one of the reasons that made him pretty good in the pick and roll is because he was playing with an NBA backup point guard Scotty Pippen Jr is just like a pretty like I think he’ll be a straight up backup point guard at Memphis this year I think he’s that good I don’t know that I don’t think the Blazers brought anyone one of that quality with them to Vegas so it’s not like it might be more of a SLO for kingan to not play with like a better quality point guard than it was for Edie and I don’t want this to be like the comparison show but it’s impossible not to watch those two dudes play and and then sort of think about um you know the the big collegate centers who went right after each other in the draft it’s impossible not to like um to to to do some comparison at least think about when I was watching Ed think about Donovan Clingan but what’s clingan’s timing like in the pick and roll does he find the pocket on rolls does he roll too fast does he roll too slow when he catches it does can he make decisions in the short rle um I don’t think anyone who’s set in screens for him is going to get double teamed but he might have an option like in the pocket to make a quick decision he’s a good passer how how does that show up do they run dribble handoffs with him I think that uh bps’s offense hasn’t run a ton of dribble handoffs in in in the last couple years I wish they did it more and kingan I think could be a really B good dribble handoff guy what does he like setting screens how solid is he there does he make solid contact does he wait does he commit offensive fouls what’s his timing like what’s his physicality like on screens what’s his willingness to do that can he be a hub out of the high post if he catches the ball at 17 feet what’s his decision-making like there does he have some good touch in the post but like the functional connective things on offense timing on pick and rolls setting screens running competent dribble handoffs um the improvising like summer leags little can get a little dirty get a little yucky like it you know cuz he’s like you know you’ve been practicing for 4 days with guys you just met and like you run through that first set and it doesn’t work or someone screws it up or the timing is just off and you got to improvise what is Clingan like when he has to improvise um all of those things and then sure shooting shooting like I I I get the impulse to to Really Want Donovan kingan to be a shooter but my thing with young players is can you can you make sure your strengths are strong before you worry about your weaknesses and I think clingan’s strengths are passing and going to be passing in screen setting right like and and and like the decision- making as an offensive player if you can get those things to be strong then yeah like fine shoot and if he does make threes I’m not going to be mad like no that’s don’t misread it in that direction um I just for me it’s not a priority when I’m going to watch those are all the things that’s more of the like defining Your Role what can you be um also the Blazers have said they want to play fast in summer league but I am so tired of thinking the Blazers are going to run in transition and then watching them never do it that um if they do I’ll be really I’ll be really um interested to see what kingan is like in an uptempo offense is he involved right like what does he do in a team that wants to run up and down um but like is he can he can he move quickly enough to be involved in the plays or or what does that look like but I will not hold my breath for the Blazers to run it’s like I’ve fool me once uh you know fool me once shame on you I’m not I don’t want to be I don’t want to be fooled twice like a famous former president once said not exactly I’m misquoting the misquote on that one okay let’s talk Chris Murray let’s talk Ryan ruper and then we’ll close the show talking to Bryce McGowan who’s he that’s what we’ll do to close the show or excuse me that’s we’ll do in the second segments talk ruper and Murray join me in that second segment won’t you first though I want to tell you that Today’s Show is brought to you by eBay eBay Motors there’s three words you need to know when it comes to eBay Motors passion drive and patience it’s the formula for 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Chris Murray I’m excited for Murray this summer league because I feel like he’s already a pretty good NBA Defender he’s not like he’s not changing the league but I think he’s pretty competent on that end so I’m I have I have no worries about him as a defensive prospect I think he already gets what’s asked of him I think he’s shown the ability to um uh kind of take coaching and and and you know and figure stuff out I think he’s physical I think he’s interested on defense like I think for the most part that box is checked in terms of like he’s going to be okay on that end the question for him is what does he do on offense because he’s not going to stick in the league if he doesn’t answer that question I mean I I think it’s really that simple um it starts with shooting in in in the way that I don’t care about Kling and shooting I I I almost only care about Chris Murray shooting because of their roles right if you’re an off ball forward in the league like if you’re not a dude who’s going to dribble and be a primary Creator and Chris Murray’s never going to be that in the NBA he’s going to be an off ball player a role player a guy who is you know a secondary Creator at best shooting is what lets you stay in the modern NBA if you are if you are Chris Murray’s position and size and skill set if you can’t shoot you you probably can’t play I mean I I I think it’s that simple so the number one thing on on my list for Chris Murray is shot confidence does he shoot him every time he gets him if Chris Murray passes up a single quality look from three in summer league it’s bad news this is a setting where it doesn’t matter if you miss and I think last year he struggled to shoot the ball no doubt about it he struggled to shoot the ball and I think he let those struggles like he’s like oh man I’m really I’m really struggling this is this you know it’s been I thought it was going to be a better shooter in the league I’m just not he let those struggles lead into some um some passiveness some some like turning down open looks he can’t do that in summer league can’t do that when when the when the game start and they count for real that’s a different calculation in your brain is this the best shot we can get like that that that can be a decision in summer league yes it’s the best shot we can get because the best thing you can do is prioritize Chris Murray in this setting the best thing Chris Murray can do is prioritize Chris Murray that doesn’t mean jack up terrible shots but if he passes up a single good shot that’s a problem shot confidence take those shots it isn’t just shooting with Chris though it’s that he doesn’t do anything positive on offense he did not do anything positive on offense as as a rookie he was good enough on defense to make me feel like if he could just shoot a little bit if he just made his open threes he’d be all right of course if you make open threes you get less open threes they start guarding you so it changes a little bit but like it it wasn’t like it wasn’t like oh well he can’t shoot but on offense like he just doesn’t he just doesn’t do enough so one of the things I want to see from Murray is um some Rim pressure he’s he he’s pretty left-handed like he’s in in the the way that a lot of young players are his he favors that dominant hand so he’s going to want to push to his left hand attack left Chris use your size like I I think he’s got the physicality and size to be someone who can get where he wants to go um you know I don’t think he’s going to be Above the Rim cramming on people but I think he has the physicality to get himself like inside8 feet and take shots that he wants um a little bit of Rim pressure even if it’s in semi- transition just attacking early if you’re a non-shooter being very decisive on offense can offset some of um some of the non-shooting but if you um if you’re both indecisive and a non-shooter you’re just not a player Murray’s got to be decisive I want to see downhill attack the rim go for it and then playmaking off of all of that off of the shooting take all of the good shots that are available to you don’t pass up a single good look all week long if Chris Murray plays in all four games I don’t want him to pass up a single good look in four games I want him to be selfish and attack the rim and try to you know show off what your two-point your inside the arc game looks like because if you have an arsenal of like floaters and push shots and creative Banks and if you can get to your left hand and do these type of things that kind of can offset some of the shooting but you have to be able to check multiple you know at least you need to be able to put pencil level checks in these boxes even if you’re not writing them in pen and then playmaking off those things off the drives off the shooting off the decisiveness what does he look like as a playmaker I actually think Chris Murray has a high enough basketball IQ that he sees passes very quickly he sees and makes reads very quickly because he really has a strong understanding and strong feel for the game it’s the physical ability to make those passes can you make them off the bounce can you see them quickly enough that that they happen quickly and arrive on time and on target um like I do think he reads the game pretty well but um it’s it is it is can your can your feel and read for the game catch up with your skill set and I think they can and I I want this to be a big summer big week for Chris Murray he can be selfish like he can he can be the Blazers guy who you know who scores 25 on 2 Two Shots right like you want him to be that you want Chris Murray you you want Chris Murray to take 20 field goal attempts in each of these four games there’s no reason to like for egalitarian nonsense you do not need to play the game like you don’t need to like hijack the game right I’m not in favor of that but like be selfish go for it for Ryan ruper like he just if he could handle it totally changes who he is as a player um he’s not nearly the defender Chris Murray is not even close uh he has a lot of defensive potential a lot right so um there’s some questions on that and I’ll get to but on offense it’s like can he dribble can he dribble and get into stuff he showed he’s a much more competent shooter than I thought he was going to be in the NBA last season like some mostly catch and shoot stuff but a little bit of movement shooting and a little bit of shooting off the dribble but he just can’t score inside the arc he did at least his rookie season couldn’t score inside the arc so just his handle to get where he wants to go how much has that improved because if that’s improved it’s like he’s a multi-position guy right like he can play a like he can play two and three and maybe maybe even some four as he fills out like physically cuz he’s so big like he could play he is a he is like a multi-position multifaceted player but if he can’t dribble he like then he can’t play as much too because you like assuming that some the positions in some ways have meaning like mostly guys who play three and four are going to be less less quality ball handlers than shooting guards so then so then ruper can’t be this like oversized two guard because you just don’t have enough dribblers on the court uh this is like more rolls are more important than position but if he’s like a ball handler type um what what does that look like and off of that the other thing I I have in my notes Here is like that like off of that ball handling how how much has his handle improved can he get can he create some offense for himself can he have some kind of shot creation um I think he’s got the makings like he’s got the outlines of a pretty quality three and D Wing um he’s just he was just really young you know a second round teenager last year right he’s this is always you draft a guy who’s 19 in the second round it’s a project there’s no um urgency on rupis to be like he needs to be NBA level but like you want him to see take strides and some of the strides for me start with with the handles and the shot creation on defense is the versatility how many different types of players does he guard you know Chris Murray might get a lot of the primary um assignments but I bet root beir will get some of them like hey who’s the best player on the other team go guard him does he guard point guards does he guard Wings how like how big up the Spectrum does he go does he guard some forwards um physical forwards depending on the Blazers needs and who Chris Murray is guarding like his defensive versatility is it’ll be really interesting he clearly wants to be a good Defender I think you like that about Ryan ruper he just wasn’t there yet he has the tools to be there and watching those tools grow a little bit this week and in um in Vegas will be fascinating okay let’s talk Bryce McGaw and the two-way guys uh getting to know Bryce mwan in that third segment join me there won’t you first though I want to tell 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in the G League a little bit with the Greensboro swarm shout out to Marcus page my dude um and he was he was on a two-way contract and and he averaged he was pretty good in the G league right 22 points four boards four assists uh 1.8 steals in in 35 minutes T night a very productive g-league player and he comes over to Portland on two-way contract they now have two of those two-way contracts filled with Justin manah and Ryan r or Justin maniah excuse me and Bryce mwan um I loved Bryce McGowan’s coming out of the draft there was all this talk I recall in the summer of 2022 the Bryce McGowan a 19-year-old slashing 66 combo guard with the eyes and athleticism to get himself to the rim coming out of Nebraska was the sleeper of the draft and boy I fell for it I love that dude I thought he rocked I really did I really I was like I was a big mcgaw’s believer in 2022 and he just never put it together he just never put it together I I think in two years in in in in Charlotte he just he just didn’t he hasn’t quite figured it out yet he’s you know you’re going to see him in summer league he’s not old yet came to the league as a teenager he’s he spent two years in the league he’s not yet 22 like there’s there’s plenty of time but he struggled to shoot um and then he hasn’t been like an elite elite enough slasher playmaker and he was supposed to have these great playmaking chops too but he hasn’t been either of those things to like really cut in the league I can’t act like I’ve seen a ton of Bryce McGaw like he’s played 105 games I’ve seen him six times maybe I know he played against the Blazers this year and i’ I’ve caught a handful of hornets games here and there but I even then like it would be like oh Bryce mcgow I remember him like I wasn’t watching him within with any intent where I’d be like where I could give you like a a Earnest Scout I’m talking about just sort of my um so so I don’t have like a a strong like here’s here’s a strong update but from from what I’ve what I’ve read and the the box scores I’ve pred a little bit this is some box score scouting the shot just never really materialized um here’s for for for some e here’s a here’s a good one for you this is for my eagle-eyed press press release reader um in this press release the Blazers uh mentioned Bryce mcgallen shot 41.9% from the field and 76.4% from the free throw line and I was like hey that’s weird that they don’t mention his three-point shooting shot about 33% in the NBA and uh worse in the G League under uh uh in the 20s um not a good not a good shooter right like so I was like oh yeah they just they took that out because he wasn’t a good shooter so I went back and looked at the official press release when they announced uh Justin manah signing field goal percentage three point percentage but they didn’t list Justin mani’s free throw percentage with those 50% that’s that is neither here nor there but I will say people who put the Blazers press release together I’m reading these closely I know what you did um mcgall is an is an intriguing flyer add him to the list of like six six multi-skilled wingy types who can’t shoot Blazer’s got a lot of them um you know if M like I said mow was my guy in 20 in the summer of 2022 I was a believer of someone who I’d only watched YouTube videos can’t say that I was watching a lot of uh go Big Red basketball way back then but like uh you know if it if you know me if you’re a long time listening to the program shout out to my every dayers you know that I love big combo guards funky funky combo guards and and um this is this is kind of what McGowan is he’s he’s you know 66 skinny with some with some off the dribble juice slashing juice but not quite enough of an offensive Arsenal I think he’s an interesting two-way flyer right like a productive y still young productive in the g-league maybe you get him in your building and and in the Blazers like Player Development incubator and he becomes something and if not a very lowrisk flyer Blazers will have one two-way spot remaining so it’s just manah and McGaw and then they have a two-way spot I know there’s been a lot of speculation um from uh reported by Shan heiken that he he anticipated the would bring back IBU baji and now he’s not on the summer league roster he’s playing for the Milwaukee because he’s has whatever has g-league rights with the Milwaukee with the Milwaukee um The Herd their g-league affiliate so if he’s not on a two-way contract when he’s he goes back to the g-league team it’s kind of like weird g-league stuff but um I think there is certainly doesn’t look like super likely that baji could be back so they’re probably going to have another two-way spot available um so someone on the on this summer league roster could be playing for two-way minutes um in terms of like what I’m watching with manah and and um and and uh McGaw the two-way guys in the summer league like manah it’s like what’s your offensive package he he plays hard on defense he’s a competitive plays hard on defense um I I again don’t have to worry about what he’s going to bring on defense because he brings a lot of energy and hustle um and and a little bit of a little bit of enough grit to be to get in the way he’s not like a lock down guy but he’s I’m not that end I think he I think he’s getting there just like what’s his offensive package what does Mani do cuz he hasn’t really been a shooter in the league and what else can he do summer league is a great time to expand that and for mall it’s like I just want to get to know him what do you do what do you do like on on both ends what do you do um I think this will be a good introduction to him certainly someone I’ll be watching closely I want to close this with some summer league thoughts real quick there are two types of players in summer league there are Josh SEL and there are Nicholas pums Josh Selby was the co-mvp with Damen l in the summer of 2012 Damen L is going to make the Hall of the Hall of Fame on the first ballot Josh Selby barely stuck in the league there are some dudes who kill it in summer league and are not NBA players they it might be hard to spot you you’re going to believe you’re going to see the buckets go in and you’re going to believe but but I don’t get too caught up in four games in Vegas because there are Josh sel’s out there but there’s also Nicholas batum’s Nicholas Batum sucked in sou League this was way back in the summer leag summer of 2008 when I was watching pater konin p copen and and Jared Bess and I believed I was watching the back court of the future a 64 finish point guard and a little dude from Arizona who with a mean looking jump shot Jared bis but Terry copin and I believed and the Blazers had another rookie on the roster who sucked he could barely dribble and I said this btim character stinks btim can’t play at all um turns out Nicholas Batum started coming out of training camp but he was awful in Vegas awful and he was like an NBA starter a few months later there are Josh seles and there are Nicholas Batum so don’t get caught up too much in it don’t get caught up too much in it if a guy stinks it doesn’t mean that much if a guy rocks it doesn’t mean that much it’s going to be impossible not to like really believe or really doubt but just remember the Josh sel’s and the and the Nicholas Batum I think for more like some of you don’t remember the summer of 2008 because that was six years ago and you were like 12 but um but uh trust me he was terrible um but for more recent examples like Trey young really struggled in summer league and he was fine uh fron Vagner really struggled in summer league and then he averaged like 16 a game as a rookie like there’s there’s uh there are more recent examples of guys like who are like straight up bad and now have Max contracts um don’t get caught up too much copin and Jared bis are Classics from 08 08 is a classic man that if if if you were around with me working in the dish pit at andena we were heavily heavy Believers my fellow bus folks uh my fellow busers at andina back then heavy Believers in the 08 uh Blazers summer league uh things have changed uh now I have a microphone anyways that is going to do it for this week of shows five of them wherever you get Podcast and also on YouTube and guess what we’ll do it again next week um I’ll try to have a guest next week uh I know that’s uh this Show’s better with a with at least at least once a week me talking to someone else um we had I had had some scheduling issues this week but back on it next week um some and then we’ll talk Vegas Blazers play Saturday so next time you hear my voice we’ll talk about that game Saturday 6 PM against the Spurs 6 p.m. schedule tip off the way like the games happen in the same gym so it’ll start later than 6 p.m it’s going to be a little bit later uh probably probably in the 6:30 range uh against the Spurs that’d be good one Stefan Castle vers versus kingan Monday against the Sixers Tuesday against the Wizards and Friday against the Sixers that’s the Slate I’ll cover them all for you it’s what we do five days a week wherever you get Podcast and also on YouTube I appreciate you listening I’ll talk to you soon [Music]

Summer league preview, talking all five of Portland’s rostered players, including new two-way signee Bryce McGowens

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#TrailBlazers #NBA


  1. “Ummediately”


    1. at once; instantly causing the observer to react and say-,”Umm, ok?!”

    For example:

    "Mike introduced the most recent signee and I ummediately thought “Umm, ok?!”

  2. Bryce is listed at 179 lbs. at 6'7". That is skinny. Has he added any weight or can he? Will Murray show more aggressiveness on offense? Can Rupert be in more control and court aware? Will Clingan get the most "atta boys" from Scoot on the bench than any other Blazer?

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