@New York Knicks

Jalen Brunson agrees to 4-year/$156.5M extension with the Knicks 🏀 Bobby Marks reacts | NBA on ESPN

Jalen Brunson agrees to 4-year/$156.5M extension with the Knicks 🏀 Bobby Marks reacts | NBA on ESPN

all right greetings uh from Las Vegas uh hopefully everyone is great I believe it is uh Friday and we’ve got uh certainly breaking news as wo reported that Jaylen Brunson who was eligible to sign an extension as of today uh July 12th has agreed to a 4-year $16.5 million uh extension there’s a player option in the uh the fourth year uh it’s significant uh it’s signic ific in a lot of different uh different manners um Brunson um was eligible to sign the extension it’s basically it’s 140% off his uh $24.9 million salary for this year he’s got a player option for next year uh the player option goes away his contract now gets boosted up by um I’m just looking at the numbers here um goes up 140% so when you’re looking at it next year is at $ 34.9 million uh total value 56.5 there’s a player option as I said in that last year here’s why it’s significant and you know we talk about money a lot and I do get sometimes weird by talking about other players money um what Brunson did um and I think we’re going to see it a lot under this Collective baring agreement for the sake of team building players are going to especially high level um max level um are going to and they can players can do whatever they want I’m not going to tell what Joel and beid should do or Kevin Durant or anything but for the sake of team building and for roster building instead of get eating eight slices of the pizza you’re going to get five slices of pizza and you’re still going to be full here and and why I say this with Brunson he could have played out this year he would have become a free agent next year and he would have been eligible to sign a 5-year 200 69 million Max extension he’s not super max eligible remember he was he signed with New York he um that goes out the window once a player signs uh with with a team unless you’re traded certainly within that four first four years but he was eligible to basically signed for 35% of the salary cap in 2025 26 that would have given them um a 46.3 million cap hit and where we’re going with this is that the total savings when you look at what he could have signed for and what he’s signing for when you take in account the first three years I think you have to remove the player option here and we’re going to go into detail why you’re looking at roughly $37 million in savings over the first three years that is significant it’s significant in a lot of different ways when you look at all these restrictions on the second apron and how it has impacted certainly Denver basically they didn’t sign cavius COA Pope because they didn’t want to go into the second apron it would eliminate eliminate their um roster building and restrictions uh the Clippers we can talk about the Clippers forever didn’t sign Paul George because of the apron restrictions so what Brunson did was he said I’m looking at our roster I’m going to take $12 million less basically on average over the next three years and what that’s going to do is just keep us under the second apron it’s going to be able to keep let us keep um male Bridges who’s extension eligible to for 60 this off season uh up on October 1st and then he can extend uh I think four for 113 the following off season um it’s going to let us keep Bridges um we’ll see what happens with Julius Randle uh that’s kind of the big wild card here randle’s eligible for three for I think it’s 160 somewhere in that range um you know in in mid uh I don’t have the date run in front of me in in mid uh mid July here I think it’s the 18th maybe that’s embiid I got so many dates going on and New York especially when they’ve given up four unprotected first they gave up the uh Milwaukee first their draft assets are limited as far as what how they’re going to be able to add to their roster uh they do have two first round picks from the Wizards and uh Detroit likely those picks never convey and they turn into seconds so when you’re building out your depth you need your tax mid-level exception at $5.2 million you need to bring back Mel Bridges uh on a new contract you already have Josh Hart who’s going into year one of that extension um you also have Dante demenzo who’s going into year two of that non-t tax mid-level exception um OG anobi signed for a 5-year $212 Million number that he’s the highest paid player on the roster at $36 million um you have to have everybody compromise and take a sacrifice now that’s not for everyone right I’m not going to stand on my band box and say that every player should go out and um take a discount and um you know for the betterment of the team it’s at the own players preference right if Jaylen Brunson looks at this roster and W had a great a line in his article is that Brunson has studied what happened in New England with Tom Brady when Tom Brady and and football contracts are a lot different than NBA contracts football contracts get restructured um NBA contracts are B basically you got to play out the life of it or you get an extension or you can decline there’s a lot of different variables here but what Brunson did was he looked at all these different players whether it be Tom Brady in New England whether it be Kevin Durant in 2027 when Durant took $10 million less and golden state was able to get resigned Sean Livingston and Andre guadala and he looked at it and he said for the betterment for the next three years so this would be 2526 26 27 uh and 2728 I am going to give back $37 million so we can bring back Mel Bridges so we can build out our roster with in free agency and not have our um uh pick Frozen in whatever 2033 for example here um and I give him a lot of credit and I think Nicks fans should give him a lot of credit here’s the here’s the tradeoff though okay now there’s always a trade-off though brunson’s got a player option in that fourth year that fourth year is when he will have uh 10 years of service so what will likely happen and if Brunson stay stays healthy and he continues playing at a high level the likelihood is that New York and Brunson going into that um the summer of the off going into that third year would likely extend they would hit the anniversary basically what we’re doing right now but because he’s at 10 years of service it’s at 35% of the cap the number is a Whopper it’s 4 years $323 million so although the discount is the first three years right now as this salary cap grows 10% the number for Brunson will grow significantly here and that’s why the player option is in that fourth year because that fourth year is when he has 10 years of service so um I don’t want to say this is an historic moment um but it is a trend we might be able to see moving forward where some of these higher paid guys and they’re looking at rosters and they’re trying to win a a championship are saying give me five pieces of pizza instead of eight pieces of pizza I’m going to be full and those other three pieces of pizza I know I’m using a lot of pizza analogies are going to able to go out and get us make the roster improve uh maybe we can go out and make a trade I mean the apron restrictions are excuse my word a bear um the inability to acquire players and trades you’re so limited as far as how you build your roster outside of your own and now this gives New York certainly plenty of flexibility moving forward so that’s an 8-minute video on on Jaylen Brunson uh four years 156.35 million over the next three year starting in 2025 26 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

Jalen Brunson agrees to 4-year/$156.5M extension with the Knicks 🏀 Bobby Marks reacts | NBA on ESPN
Bobby Marks breaks down news about New York Knicks All-NBA guard Jalen Brunson agreeing to a four-year, $156.5 million contract extension. The deal is $113 million less guaranteed than he is eligible to sign for a year from now.

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  1. People will talk about how he could have made more, but there would be no difference in his life if he had waited and signed for more. At this point, it’s just a number. But if he is able to win a title, that will impact his life more positively than more money would.

  2. He’s gonna make 40M a year he didn’t get robbed. Do you know how much money in endorsements he will make? The endorsement money will be much more than the nba contract. If he wants to keep playing with his brothers he needed to make a sacrifice.

    Being greedy is why so many players never become champions. Because the team can’t afford to build a team around them.

    He was wise to secure the bag now. Because God forbid he gets seriously injured he would not get any money close to 156M. He made a leadership move and chose winning.

    If he wins a championship for NYC his grandkids grandkid will never lack money.

  3. People trying to say he’ll make it up in the next contract 😂😂😂, he’ll be 33 in 2029 you really think the Knick gonna pay him a average of 80 million a year , hell no

  4. STUPID move. Always make your money. In a year hell be the best player on the team, but only the 3rd highest paid. What an absolute DAWG..but stupid

  5. Yall realize this is just short term sacrifice for long term gain right? He’ll get way more once the TV deal kick in and then he can sign a much bigger extension while keeping the Knicks in contention.

  6. If Brunson wins a championship to NY. He won’t have to worry about anything. City will be shut down for a while. FraZier is still pampered at that was over 50 years ago.

  7. It really doesn't matter what Brunson and the Knicks do… The problem is the Indiana Pacers.. The Knicks will always have to face the Pacers.. The Knick will ALWAYS be whipped by the Pacers – especially in the Playoffs. Just like last season when the Pacers smashed the Knicks in the Playoffs..

  8. Jesus loves you! God bless! Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Psalms 62 – Truly my soul finds rest in God; … my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; … He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

  9. Jalen should fire his agent immediately this was a bad decision you took a 100 plus million dollar pay cut that’s generational money smh

  10. Yup….Part of the mikal trade agreement…..has to be……didn't make Logical sense for a team to invest THAT MUCH into a role-player with no upside, or proven clutchness, unless this wasn't already agreed upon….Logically when trying to build a Championship level team…..and as a Knicks fan, I still don't agree with him sacrificing that amount of money, objectively speaking….but it's his money…….

  11. When you’re about the team and know you got a front office that won’t squander away that discount you took and will use it to build around you, the choice probably wasn’t all that hard for him to make since his goal is to bring a championship to NYC. Thanks JB!

  12. Kicks fans are so delusion its laughable. Gotta be smoking the finest New York dope if you really believe they are winning a Championship anytime soon 😂😂😂

  13. Shout out to Brunson for caring more about his team and building. I'm becoming a Knicks fan more and more.. I'll never get over my Pacers destroying their team for Pascal.. That dude is not worth 45 mil a year.

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