@Golden State Warriors

[Slater] Steph Curry is eligible to extend an extra year this summer. Mike Dunleavy: “That guy, whatever he wants…Pretty confident he will be a Warrior for life.” Dunleavy also said the desire is to extend Kuminga/Moody (0:50)

[Slater] Steph Curry is eligible to extend an extra year this summer. Mike Dunleavy: “That guy, whatever he wants…Pretty confident he will be a Warrior for life.” Dunleavy also said the desire is to extend Kuminga/Moody (0:50)

by NokCha_


  1. >But moving forward, even with a guy like Jordan Poole who we extended him. He’s not with us now, but it was important for us to extend him.


  2. theyipper

    So I wonder at what point does any great athlete feel they need to sacrifice their pay to get someone?

  3. jayred1015

    I am a big moody fan, no idea why Kerr isn’t. I really hope we extend them both but I’m just not sure given how much their play time has been screwed around.

  4. sugarwax1

    lol Ohhhh now it makes sense. Lacob doesn’t want to have to pay that extra year, he wants to see Steph retire a Warrior without the price tag.

    I wouldn’t blame Steph for not feeling confident in extending now.

  5. Gamerxx13

    Warrior for life no question. Does he want the warriors competitive? Might need to take a pay cut

  6. Orphasmia

    I can’t trust anything Dunleavy says to the media after how he bait and switched Poole (not that it was a bad decision). Dude is too shrewd lmao.

  7. Amazing-Champion-858

    No more rings in the next 5 seasons basically

  8. People expecting Curry to take a pay cut are being ridiculous. This org was lucky that he was underpaid for years already. Dumbass Lacob wanted to not give him the max during negotiations for his current contract as well. Myers had to talk him out of that nonsense. Most other stars of his level would leave after that disrespect a few years ago. This was after 2mvps and 3 titles, mind you.

  9. Slater said this as well but this exact mindset allows ownership and the front office to not be urgent and decisive with win now mindset around steph. They know staying with one team is of huge significance to Steph. He’s always wanted his career to be like Duncan or Dirk. They know he can’t threaten to leave easily like other stars because he genuinely cares about being here. It’s how they can even dare to try the two timelines bullshit. Which other team dares to try a rebuild with one of the best players in history in their prime? Which other team would give up trying to win with a 32 year old steph in 2020? Which other team would make every single one of their draft picks and fill the team with them instead of trading them for players or at least future assets, while curry is in his prime? One who takes that rare talent for granted.

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