@Phoenix Suns

The Suns Are Up To Something..

The Suns Are Up To Something..

after the somewhat controversial signing of Josh oogi it’s now apparent that the sons have one or two moves left that they can make to make the team better the biggest most obvious move is moving off of David Rody for another veteran that can help the team win now and there are some available Believe It or Not sundo campaign is still available and for me it’s really hard to get past him considering we just struck out on Kyle Lowry I think it would be a no-brainer and I probably would have wanted him over Kyle Lowry in the first place campaign would be nice I mean I wouldn’t be upset if we somehow manage to cut Rody and get campaign on a minimum that’s not a move that I would be upset about for sure I’m kind of more in the thinking that if we are able to make this happen let’s just say we cut Rody after summer league or trade him or whatever we open up a roster spot there’s a there’s a veteran out there that wants to find a team before teams sort of take their little break here after free agency during the Olympics while everybody’s out on vacation before preseason starts you know there might be a veteran that might want to find a team I don’t know if I would go pay I I would want to go a bigger player a wing or a power forward maybe more in the likes of Gordon Hayward my guy um Davis bertans like a player like that is kind of the route that I would go I would love to see that happen I think Gordon Hayward with the issues that he’s had past few seasons injury history I think that he would be one of the perfect targets to get a veteran that’s going to be able to put the ball in the hole that you could get on a veteran minimum there just doesn’t seem to be a lot of movement for him so I think that’s a very big possibility for anyone that’s followed the channel for a while that might seem just like a personal desire because we all know how much you’ve always liked Gordon Hayward but it’s not a joke he actually fits the team right now I think financially we should be able to afford him and I like when healthy what he can give our team my plan for him would be to convert him into more of a point forward and let him take some responsibility of the offense and initiate the offense so he wouldn’t have to be as much of a scorer I trust his IQ I trust his passing I trust his dribbling if he could just get himself really healthy and stay healthy he could have a really good second act to his career for a couple of years with the Suns I do like your idea of him being a point forward I also would be opposed to him just being a spot up shooter I think he’s more than capable of doing that as well and as I mentioned before it seems the way for agency’s going he might be one of those players that fall through the cracks and has to take a V and minimum another player on this list I find really interesting that I mentioned before Davis bans bro I don’t know what’s going on with him as far as he didn’t get an extension with Hornets he’s out there hasn’t signed a contract you know the Market’s moving really slow for power Forge for some reason we just saw sadique Bay get a contract but other than that no one’s really moving I could also see him being another player that does fall through the cracks and ends up getting a veteran minimum and I would love to see him on this team yeah this is more along the lines of when I wanted Dario Sark getting Davis Berton used to be a joke because he was at one point the worst contract in the NBA arguably he’s now going to be forced to take a minimum more than likely that works that works for me good shooter can get redot bigger player the suns are bereft of a shooting big I need one on this team for my sanity Davis Berton it is you’ve sold me so I’ve sold you on Davis Berton but what about SEI Osman I’ve seen his name a lot in our live streams and in our Discord what do you feel about a player like that I feel like it’s another acceptable answer I’m just looking for someone better suited to help winning now I like David Rody I think he could be a valuable part of the future of this team if we were on a different time scale one that isn’t completely accelerated by Kevin Durant’s biological clock we got a win now we got a win last year okay so we got to win now I don’t know that Rody does that ausman is you know good 67 smart Wing doesn’t make too many mistakes shooting 37% from three that checks some boxes for me ausman is a correct answer in my book yeah he is a correct answer I don’t know about the correct answer but a correct answer right like you said it’s just a veteran Wing you can get on this team because you need players like that for the time clock and I don’t even think it’s just Durant’s aging I just think the next two years contracts are about to fall off Durant’s contracts two more years nerk contracts two more years you got a few more contracts for two more years all those contracts are going to fall off so yeah I think really the window is two years and so a player like s Davis for sure I think Davis is my number one that’s going to surprise you because I’m such a Gordon Hayward St but I’m kind of with you on that I would much rather have the shooting big so I think I would go bertans one Hayward two pay three Osman 4 I think that’s the order I would go as far as these free agents go and so we’ll see how this free agency window continues to to happen it’s just such a slow free agency period this season that we just got to wait and see what the Market does but I do believe these players that we mentioned can possibly fall through the cracks on a veteran minimum now there is one final player that I think is a good honorable mention candidate Patrick Beverly and this goes back to having struck out on Kyle Lowry who chose to go back to the 76ers because let’s be honest they are the favorites to challenge the Celtics in the East Patrick Beverly while I find him distasteful about winning and if he can come in here be a dog like he normally is have some of his energy transfer into the rest of the team like it seems he does wherever he goes I can live with that not necessarily my most favorite name that you brought up but I can’t argue with those points um it would be a veteran presence he wouldn’t do dumb things for this team he is a dog he does have that attitude you know similar to the Jay Crowder video that we had I think it was a week ago Pat be brings that same attitude so I I couldn’t you know complain about that at all so it’s an interesting name definitely the least favorite name of this list that we have and so but n if we ended up getting Pat Bev I don’t think I would hate the move at this point you need to get more depth he provides that you need to get more heady players he also provides that so yeah that’s a name that much like you not a fan of but if it happens not going to be upset about it tell us what you guys think in the comments if you think that the Suns need to get rid of Rody and bring someone else in at all

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  1. I like Bertans. I think Roddy unfortunately came to the Suns to get benched last season. Hopefully he can get sent somewhere where he has more value to the team. If only Yuta could've survived the season and got a chance to play under Bud 😩. His 3pt% might've been through the roof.

  2. Why can't we develop our own players from the draft or overseas? Rather than digging in Milwaukee and Phily garbage bin smh, Smt

  3. We still gotta trade the n little contract for a 2nd rounder & pic up campaign or bertans/pat bev w/ that roster spot

  4. Why Payne when we have Morris? Both are not gonna play. I think we need another Big or maybe a capable scorer.

  5. At this point idc but by of the trade deadline we better trade like enough players to leave a roster spot for Jalen bridges. Either way he was a way better option than okogie

  6. Y’all gotta stop with that nostalgia shit bro . Cam Payne isn’t good enough to help us win now . Y’all so stuck on that 1 championship run that y’all keep trying to bring back those players. Nobody wants Jae Crowder & nobody wants Cam Payne. & as a Kevin Durant fan . Phoenix fans really irritate me and I can’t wait to get these 2 years over so we can go to the team we Really wanted to go to .

  7. Yes get rid of Roddy and Little for Cam , Cedi and Hayward. Get rid of the dead weight Roddy and Little. Then I'll be really happy with the off season. Bertans Sundo as #1 lmao. Cmon on bro "ummmmmmmmmm" not

  8. Bertans being tall really doesn’t do anything. He doesn’t rebound and can’t defend. Just a shooter which is nice. But I’ll pass.

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