@Utah Jazz

Zach Lavine Demands A Trade, How Does This Impact the Utah Jazz Trading Lauri Markkanen?

Zach Lavine Demands A Trade, How Does This Impact the Utah Jazz Trading Lauri Markkanen?

Chicago Bull star Zack LaVine has now demanded a trade from the Bulls and is this really surprising it’s not it’s not shocking it’s not Sensational it’s none of that um our sources told us yesterday that Zack LaVine and the Bulls have had extensive conversations over the last couple of weeks when it became apparently clear after the Alex Caruso disaster that the Bulls were going to go into a rebuild and then dear de rozan followed him out the door almost immediately Zack LaVine began talking to the Bulls and I am told by NBA sources those conversations did not go well and Zack made it very clear he did not want to be a member of the Chicago Bulls this coming season and he wants to be traded and the interesting part of this is Zack LaVine demanding a trade while I don’t think it changes much for nine out of 10 NBA teams it’s certainly the timing of it brings his contract into interesting with the efforts of the Utah Jazz to trade Li marinin and I think that is going to happen yesterday also of note on that deal I’ll tell you about in a minute but yesterday was the first day that somebody told me yeah they’re trading Markin almost certainly that’s the first time I’d heard that about the Jazz but I think Zack LaVine opens up another pathway uh for teams like Golden State to get better I don’t necessarily believe that Zack LaVine is a rep placement for larri Markin and I think they play two different positions I think stylistically they are completely different players but when you talk about Dynamic offensive threats there is no question that Lori marinan and Zack LaVine are the two best offensive players currently available in trade in the NBA which I think is impactful because I I believe the Bulls thought they could keep Zack LaVine and that he would be happy to be the centerpiece of their team and well it turns out that’s not the case and if indeed he winds up being on another team other than Chicago Jake I think this might be one of the worst off seasons in the history of the NBA that we are watching unfold in Chicago right now absolutely and and I think that you know it’s been so documented the the lack of return value for you know Caruso and obviously dear and you know and and so this Zack LaVine Situation’s playing out and you know you you you start to wonder hey like how bad is this one going to be how bad are they going to mess this one up because I do think that that the Bulls have messed this up I mean you can’t you can’t simply get Josh Giddy and some you know menial value um for guys like Alex Caruso I mean Caruso is a very valuable piece on a championship caliber club and and so to me you know the idea that you would send him West obviously and put him on an OKC team that you know is already pretty good you understand why OKC wants to do that but I don’t understand from the B side why you did that so when I look at the LaVine thing I’m sitting here saying like dude like Zack LaVine is is someone who is always hurt there’s no question about that that’s your first question does the guy Play 50 games this year and the answer is probably no um but on a playoff team uh and and a team that can consistently compete does Zach’s 40 45 Game season have a big impact because we’ve seen this around the league where You’ got guys on teams who seemingly don’t play a ton of regular season games but are available enough to make a big enough impact to be worth it and I think that’s the conversation with teams for Zack is Zack LaVine worth the trouble is Zack LaVine worth the money is he somebody who can can reasonably push us to another level and and I don’t know that that I can confidently say that I mean Zach is a two-time Allstar at this point in his career he’s someone that that is really fun to watch but he doesn’t strike me as that guy that that truly you know goes to this team or that team and just puts you over the top so that’s where I think when you start demanding a trade you put your organization in a really tough spot because obviously you don’t want to be there and you want to get paid I’m sure on your next deal but to get paid on your next deal you got to get to a good situation and you’re not going to get to a good situation if you’re hurt all the time so I think that’s the difficult part of Zack lavine’s existence he’s got about $130 million left on his deal he’s got three years the third year is a player option it’s $48 million he’s not opting out of that um so his money is far less attractive than Lori Markin and steel and this is again I’ll I’ll continue to say I think when we compare these two and you you do it you can’t make a comparison on the floor I don’t think with this kind of salary that you can make a comparison off of it unless you factor in the the the part of the equation that has lri marinin getting extended by whichever team picks him up because marinan is not going to go somewhere without the guarantee of a of an extension and he is due the soonest that the jazz or anybody else can extend him is August 6th and obviously if the Jaz extend him after August 6th he can be traded this season and again I think with with Larry Markin situation um yesterday was the first time that I was told that the there is a belief growing around the NBA that the Jazz will trade him and I think I think this week I’d put it at 65% I’m gonna leave it there because the Jazz are unpredictable you have no idea what they’re going to do there is no Rhyme or Reason it does not seem that there is a common sense um you know part of their basketball equation um it it makes sense if you’re the Jazz and where they are and whatever the hell this is they’re doing rebuild um you know suck for flag however we want to call it that I believe the coined term on X was gag for flag that’s what x had going for Cooper flag how did I know that so you would have an answer to that you know I I think that at the trolls and what is your favorite term the hyenas the slle the grifters um you know that part of the NBA Community really would like to see marketing get traded and the Jazz going and get Cooper flag and I have to say again you know for the for the Jazz I think it makes perfect sense you gotta like I I I don’t see how it makes sense for the Jazz to extend Lori marinin that to me like with the money that he had earned in my opinion the money that he deserves to be paid I don’t understand why you would give him that money why would you not do the deal move them along go out and stay on on rookie deals and extend that window where you’re a budget friendly team and and just go down that path I mean I I tend to agree with you like they are unpredictable you don’t know what they’re going to do and so I wish I could sit here and confidently say yeah you know what a marketing deal is going to get done and they’re going to move him along and we’ll see stuff and marinin and and all those guys and everything will be great but I you know again like you just can’t count on it and I think that’s what makes it so difficult and why we’ve heard repeatedly you know this year and and in Prior years under Danny Ang with the Jazz that people get frustrated because you just don’t know what they’re trying to do man like there’s no logic because it’s not predictable I think that’s the that’s the hardest part I believe the Jazz will trade Lori Markin I believe that he will wind up in Golden state that cannot happen until they move Andrew Wiggins which is another major contract that is problematic um I think one of the more interesting conversations around golden state is this Jonathan kaminga question it does not seem that Golden State wants to trade Jonathan kaminga I I don’t value Jonathan kiga at that level I don’t think he’s a generational talent I think he is a perfect fit on a team like the Utah Jazz where it’s not going to be counted on to win playoff games he is not in the next three years likely going to be counted on in big situations because they won’t have one and he can grow into whatever kind of player he’s going to be in a very low pressure situation whereas if you’re if you’re the Golden State Warriors you’re on the clock with Steph Curry and you need a guy standing next to Steph Curry who can perform in the biggest moments and you’re an organization frankly that plays for championships now that’s just that’s who the Golden State Warriors have morphed into is Jonathan kaminga a player of that model do you do you buy into the idea that Jonathan kaminga can be a player that is the reason you in a championship because I’m telling you he’s not that guy yeah I don’t think he’s going to turn into quite that good of Aer player I I I don’t yeah I think that’s a great way to kind of characterize it is he a guy that is the reason you win a championship is a great way to characterize how to evaluate kiga and no he’s not that guy he’s not his top end in my opinion is not that high I do think he can turn into an All-Star I do think he has the ability the talent the athleticism to to turn into a phenomenal number two when and when I say number two you know I’m talking about guys who you know are not the best player on the team but are that second guy that’s a real problem to defend and that’s who kaminga should turn into and and I think that that what I do believe is that if there was an organization to get that out of him it is the Golden State Warriors they’ve proven time and time again that they know how to develop guys so I I I think that’s what makes it difficult and also I would say you understand why the Warriors are kind of hesitant to give up Jonathan kaminga when they’re talking about acquiring marinin because you’d love to have Steph kaminga and marinin together that’s a group that you know can can score that’s a group that can can be dynamic and I do think to your point with Steph being on the clock here as far as his career is concerned Steph could play um you know obviously contingent on the style of play but Steph could play another five six seasons at least because he’s such a uh an elite shooter but to do that what do you need well obviously you need guys who can carry the load a little bit more so that’s that’s why I think they want to keep kaminga well and I’m curious about Poky I don’t I don’t is is he also a generational talent I don’t think so I mean who do you who do you value more I mean that that for me and I’m not you know poky’s a guy that I think is his salary you know all those things they’re he’s just he’s 21 years old yeah he’s a young young so he’s not making money neither is kaminga who’s 22 kaminga is at 7.6 psky is at 3.5 I mean they’re not they’re not contracts of consequence you’re forecasting forward and you know the honest answer is I I don’t know that Poky or kaminga turn into that guy right like Poky obviously is on a a rookie deal that’s got um this year and two Club options before he becomes restricted like his contract just is not of consequence but I look at somebody like kaminga Jonathan kaminga is going to be that guy that is after this season you’re gonna have to do something with him and is he a guy that you want to give a $20 million contract to I’m not the guy that probably wants to pay him that money no I don’t I just don’t believe that in my opinion Jonathan kaminga is that differen making player I I’m not on that yeah that that’s just me and like I said again I I think that Jonathan kaminga definitely has to take some steps forward and definitely still has to develop there’s no question about that but I I think he can be uh a phenomenal number two player he’s not you’re not building around Jonathan kaminga but what you are doing with Jonathan kaminga is you’re you’re putting him in your starting five and you’re you’re asking him to fill a role within that starting five and and it’s it’s this dynamic in the league where the the best teams in the league are built on Duos now right we see we see it repeatedly used to be big threes now it’s big twos if you will or Duos and Jonathan kaminga is that guy that would either be the second piece of a duo or would be the third piece in addition to a Duo and that’s why I say for the Jaz to me the Jazz want kaminga for the wrong reasons and that’s why uh the Warriors are being stubborn the jazzz want kaminga because they want to hold him for two seasons and then flip him into something more and I understand that but ultimately i i i these two ultimately these two are goingon to have to figure out how to make money work in this deal and that’s what I think the huge you know question mark Circle triple underline thing is how are they gonna make all the money work and who’s going to pick up Andrew Wiggins and kaminga I would be surprised if the Warriors let kaminga go in this I would but if you’re not if you’re if you’re gonna keep him don’t you have to play him yeah I mean he averages something you know like 22 minutes a night I think or 20 minutes a night well now there gonna be more minutes because Clay’s not there and if Lori’s there then you’re gonna have to figure out okay well what is our commitment to Kingo so you wouldn’t trade him for Lori Markin if Danny a said yeah I’ll do this deal but you know I’m not I I’m only doing this deal if Jonathan kaminga is involved in it if it’s kaminga then I’m not given as many picks you can’t have you can’t have all our picks and Jonathan kaminga so two you you’ll give two first because they can effectively Golden State trade two first round picks yeah so You’ trade two first round picks kaminga would you include psky as well or no yeah probably you would yeah well because I just don’t think that again I mean I I I I don’t watch the guy on a nightly basis well but I’m keeping one of those two I mean listen the original deal was something to the effect of um kaminga and Moody two first round picks I mean moody is more palatable but but are you really so here’s okay here’s the question then if if that’s what the deal is is you know hinging on essentially is is how much do the Warriors care about winning another title potentially two inside of Steph’s window I think they care a lot okay so if they care a lot and that’s the priority then they’re focus and their commitment is on getting Lori marketing so you should care more about getting the deal done and less about what you’re giving up if that’s what you care about so in that scenario yeah I guess you would give up pod and kaminga I guess I mean I don’t want to give up I I I wouldn’t necessarily love to give up both of those guys but if I’m trying to win a championship then I’m probably that’s I’m probably cool with that because ultimately if Lori Markin is a Golden State Warrior that’s a very dangerous team a very dangerous team a team that can play defense a team that that that really should be able to battle in the west like you should be able to do some good things yeah look I think there there is no doubt in my mind um that pods is a guy that you should keep over kaminga that’s just my opinion um you think he’s more valuable long term yeah and I think Jonathan kaminga is a limited player because I don’t ever see him being a prolific a prolific two-way player I don’t never yeah you can’t tell me you’re this guy is so valuable you’re only playing him 20 minutes a night and Moody plays less than that by the way I think Moody plays 15 minutes a night I just I don’t buy it I don’t know uh jrod for five dollar why do you think the Jazz should push for who do you think the Jazz should push for if they trade with the Warriors I would want psky um I’d want pods more than I would on kaminga um but I mean do you think that pods have I I guess the question for the jazz is who has more value when you go to trade them if you’re the Utah Jazz because that’s the thing like well I don’t necessarily believe once again that in this trade that whether it’s kaminga or pods I don’t believe that that you’re you’re sitting here saying yeah we’re going to develop these guys and they’re going to be in the organization 10 years I don’t believe that for a second I think you’re doing this deal to get picked and you’re doing this deal to flip these guys well I think kaminga is probably the guy with the higher upside I think pods is he’s a really good player Moody I think Moody shoot I think Moody is a upper 30% shooter 37% from three I mean I think pods can be an elite point guard in this league he’s definitely more of a facilitator than a scorer for sure but he can be a really good contributor on a team there’s no question yeah I think I think we just just don’t know I mean I mean he his you’re you’re right you’re absolutely right I mean the guy 10 points a game four assists a game um shooting 39% from three I mean that is th those numbers are those numbers are good he’s the guy is the guy is 21 years old won’t be 22 until after the All-Star break I mean he’s very young I I I would be if I’m Danny a I want two first round picks Moody and kaminga and I would do that deal I think ultimately ask that’s reasonable yeah I think ultimately what winds up happening here is I think the Warriors will find a taker for uh Wiggins I think it’s probably I also heard something for the first time yesterday about this being a four team deal because if you can do one deal to make marinin a warrior to make Wiggins um something other than a warrior yeah um I think if if you if you do that deal you’re you’re probably with the money that we’re talking about um I think you are you’re certainly going to need three and a minimum of four and I think I think this trade gets done if if three first round picks I think the trade gets done because you got to remember Wiggins had what is that 30 50 70 um he’s got about $84 million left in a player option on the third year of that 26 27 which you already know he’s picking up but it’s only $30 million and I say only in this day and age that’s not a lot of money but for wigs that’s because the thing with wigs is that he he had such a huge rise with the Warriors he came to the Warriors after having a lot of off the court issues you know he he was kind of a uh you know he just didn’t fit in Minnesota it wasn’t like a great situation for him for whatever reason it just didn’t work and so he gets traded or whatever he leaves there gets to the Warriors and Steve Kerr and that organization do what they do and they turned him into a an elbow shooting Savage and a great defender and they they got the chip and everything’s awesome and then after that everything’s just gone downhill so I agree by today’s economics in the league 30 million might not be a lot but for Andrew Wiggins you Canon be damn sure he’s picking up that option yep I agree make sure you hit the like button right now if you’re watching on YouTube what’s up everybody on the xplatform X I’m getting more comfortable calling Twitter X now uh what’s up everybody on Twitter make sure you come on over to uh YouTube hit subscribe uh on the Monty show Link in the Twitter bio uh appreciate everybody we are averaging about more than a thousand views now in we’ve only been streaming on Twitter full-time as a way of life for about three weeks and we’re already over a thousand views a day now on Twitter we really appreciate that um today is giving Friday we are giving away a an Xbox series X uh on the show today and a copy of NCAA football 25 from EA Sports uh all you have to do is donate to The Advocates let me put put it up there uh let me do put the donation thing uh excuse my incompetence uh where the heck is there it is right there thank you on venmo The Advocates are Advocates donations we have our first entrance which is myy Alvarez myy Alvarez Monty show school kids Zack for Lori would definitely be interesting I look for forward to seeing what will play out Mor albarez in the running now um for his Xbox series X it’s that simple all you have to do is make a donation to The Advocates on venmo put Monty for school kids Monty Road home Monty whatever great Monty for the school kids is awesome um send Jake a screenshot of your VMO donation and you’re entered to win the Xbox series X and the NCAA football 2 it is that simple and I have to say we’re going to do it the whole show right but I have to say it it does get more competitive as The Show Goes On yeah well obviously it’s Friday and and we we have affectionately called the show Sleepy Friday yeah so you know uh you know example Tanner plumber decided to get out of bed today appreciate that Tanner you know uh Brett Robbins hello keep marketing for capture the flag deal oh let to capture the flag Marty but here’s here’s the problem though if you keep Larry Markin in how many games does he play this year because if you’re trying to get Cooper flag are you really telling me if you’re trying to get Cooper flag are you telling me that you’re gonna play Lori Market in 70 games this year yeah dude’s got a bruised uh fingernail he’s gonna be out tonight I don’t see that happening I don’t see that happening Keaton crito hello Keaton good to see you yes we show up uh jrod five more dollars what do you think the Jazz would want for a Spurs trade I think the Spurs are a little worn out on making a marketing deal now I think if you look at I don’t think the Spurs want this deal one-on-one they could make that deal they have everything you need to make that deal and I think one the and this is just my opinion one I think the Warriors are in this long term they understand the contract ramifications from what I understand they have spoken to with the permission of the Jazz they have spoken to Lori Markin inside they understand the finances of it they understand the August 6 deadline uh there we have three weeks before that deadline before the Jazz actually have to do something to have time this is not something and I told you this two weeks ago when we started talking about this this is not something going to happen tomorrow because there’s no reason for it to happen fast the Jazz I think are not in a hurry to trade lry marinin I don’t think they want want to trade a guy the caliber the human being the citizen and the basketball player of aari Markin and I think it’s tough to find that deal but I think Danny a is PR pragmatic and I think they don’t want to make the same mistake that they made with Jordan Clarkson and I think as we’ve reported in the long term uh Ryan Smith interjected himself into that Jordan Clarkson situation and personally got involved and and changed changed Jordan Clarkson’s mind it which is still to this day baffling because I think I’ve asked repeatedly about that Jordan Clarkson just does not have value right now well and that’s the issue I mean when when you did whatever Ryan did I I I don’t know what Ryan did you know I mean he did get involved we know that but I don’t know like what he said or like what the you know what the situation was you know whatever he did at that time Clarkson did have value and that was that was and still continues to be my biggest thing for the jazz is understanding where you are and where you’re going I I I mean I I don’t think that the Jazz appreciate the idea of hey Jordan Clarkson is a Now or Never proposition if we keep him we’re going to dump him for scraps like we’re going to dump him for not much and hey if that’s if that’s you’re that committed to one guy I guess I get it but that that just didn’t seem like a good move and I I still maintain you look at this this situation with the Warriors and I just don’t know how if you do not if you do not make a deal for Andrew Wiggins how do you afford to extend Lai marketing because you’re already paying the luxury tax you you who are you the Phoenix Suns did you see the Phoenix Suns have a $400 million payroll um um between their salaries and their luxury tax it’s $400 million and I think you look at the situ obviously the owners of the Golden State Warriors have proven time and again they’re they’re willing to pay any price but you cannot pay Andrew Wiggins and lorri marinin Lori marinan is and if you don’t know his contract situation lorri Marin’s deal is eligible for extension on August 6th per the terms of the collective bargaining agreement in the MBA the day he signs that deal he cannot be traded for six months six months have to pass then you can trade Larry marinin the NBA trade deadline is February 6th so the only way you can trade him at the deadline is if you sign him on that exact day of August 6th so now you’re in a position where if you are the Golden State Warriors and you look at wiggin’s deal 24 this year 26 28 and then a player option for 30 and 26 27 you look at their situation at Golden State and you very quickly begin to understand um that they are at right now today um $60 million over the over the first apron they’re 105 million over the second apron they have about 5.4 million doll um on the tax and it is going to be dude it’s it’s it’s going to be rough they’re at right now um they’re paying $14.6 million in luxury tax right now today M so it’s if you add and I’m pretty certain that they would if you just added Lori markkanen’s current Deal at18 million you’re pushing that threshold higher so then let’s say that you You Ren neate Marin’s deal which is what what’s going to play out is marinin going to have his deal renegotiated for this coming season and then he will sign an extension the reason he asked to renegotiate his deal this season is because if he wants the maximum on his on the next contract he can’t get that because he’s only making 18 million so he doesn’t qualify for that maximum extension so if you renegotiate his deal and I think the number is $34 million this year he is then eligible for a maximum extension so if he stays with the Jazz they’re going to renegotiate his deal and extend him if he gets traded and he gets traded before August 6th whoever picks him up will have to renegotiate and extend his contract the Warriors cannot do that in their current situation and the other part is you you have a lot of restrictions based on the fact you’re over the cap already so you can’t just trade for lari marinin and and absorb his contract because you don’t have cap space so this idea that they can keep Andrew Wiggins and I think that’s why you’re seeing when you look around the NBA and yes I’m going to tell you again we’re the ones that broke that story now you’re seeing all the other National writers what are they talking about now oh well Lor’s got this contract situation oh well the Warriors want Lori marinin yeah they’re going to have to trade Andrew Wiggins to get him and if you if you look at if you look at those parameters it’s very clear to anybody who knows [ __ ] from Shinola about NBA salaries and NBA trades Golden State Warriors can’t have Andrew Wiggins and Lorie Markin and on that roster because there’s no way that you can make a deal that facilitates that mhm that’s that’s that’s really where this trade is going to get done and it’s why I continue to tell you monitor what Golden State’s doing in the trade market don’t let the contracts of a guy like a buddy hee you know impact you because I think that’s a very different conversation yeah and I think that the other thing real quick that I would say before we get to the next thing is I don’t want to hear so let’s assume that this trade doesn’t get done let’s say if if the trade doesn’t get done I don’t want to hear from the Jazz and from marinin that they couldn’t figure out how to get an extension done because the worst thing you can do here if you’re the Jazz yeah is not do a deal and then not extend Lori and then he walks for nothing he refuses to sign with you because he doesn’t appreciate the way that he was the way that he was handled you know the way that the way that you operated in this situation so that’s why I say right now everything’s fine he’s at he’s he’s working hard he’s you know he’s in the facility he’s doing his thing everything’s awesome you know we’re we’re we’re still in the team and the player are on the same page but if you don’t trade them and then we get to you know extension time and you don’t pay dude what he’s doe what he should what he has earned that would be very Utah Jazz in my opinion that would be very hey we didn’t get deal done because we were too stubborn and now Ryan doesn’t want to pay so we’re G let him walk right and I think the other thing you got to remember is that you know there’s a lot of people saying well why don’t they just trade Moody and kaminga for you know why why don’t they just trade him for for Larry marinin and call it a day Warriors can’t do that they’re over the luxury tax so you you I think there’s just a lot of people who don’t understand we love to throw out as fans we love to throw out trade scenarios yeah we love to say oh well just throw this guy in and throw that guy doesn’t work that way the Warriors don’t have the cap space and they’re in the luxury tax they cannot take on a penny of salary through trade yeah so the only way you change that and I think it is a minimum of a three te deal is you move Andrew Wiggins off your books and you add lri marinin you extend him and you go on about your business but you are not you are not going to make this deal One V one it’s almost impossible for the Jazz and the Warriors to make that deal 1 V one I I don’t know what it would take I don’t think and again we were the first ones to report it that this is why you have the Warriors out trying to find a third team or a partner a dance partner on Andrew Wiggins yeah it’s really as simple as that um all right before we get back to your questions let’s look at uh giving Friday because Jake is feverishly sending me screenshots now you know the drill today we are giving away on the show one person is going to win an Xbox series X today on the show and a copy of EA Sports college football 25 releasing on Monday we’re going to we’re going to wow another one yeah we’re going to we are going to hook you up with that yes um for one person today yes it is it is really that simple and I would I have to accept it before it shows up um bro I’m not used to you working on Fridays I’m not used to you working on Fridays so so your boy is kind of but admittedly I’m not used to me working on Fridays so this is you know this is a little foreign so you want to win an Xbox series X let’s do that you want to win a copy of EA Sports NCAA college football 20 whatever the hell it’s EA Sports college football 25 it’s in the game it’s in the game yeah um let’s do it you already know that our guy myy Alvarez first one in $25 wow look at that Brandon Butler Brandon Butler $320 Marty show for the kids if you know you know that’s right okay I like it Brandon um this is Eric and Raley Eric and Raleigh $25 on the Monty show Eric the resident warrior Homer yes and then this is Justin Jackson Justin Jackson the Monty show for the kids hoping for the uh Prett I deserve 25 the Prett I deserve well played I like it the prata I deserve see what Justin did here this is making it better right here that’s well played dude that’s that’s awesome now I I do want to comment real quick on Brandon Butler’s what made you go with now was looking at what made you go with 1132 I’m trying to understand if you know you know is that a reference to the amount or just the Marty show portion is that a 1320 K fan reference is that what that is I don’t know I don’t know but I love it but thank you yes great donation I and and dollar-wise Brandon Butler’s got to be in the lead yeah I mean that’s got that’s got him hoping for the prata I deserve yes yes see that’s what I like it’s the cryptic messages in the in the memo section on venmo yes right not hey I want to win the Xbox be cre that’s not creative what we want to see is the pratum I deserve hey I want I want I want the all I want all the heat off the rollers I I was gonna say I want all the feal matter off the rollers please don’t not sure The Advocates would enjoy that one um you know yeah I mean it just it’s an art form so it’s not necessarily now Brandon has donated the most and so he deserves credit for that absolutely but I want you guys to know it’s not necessarily a race of who donates the most right no not at all it’s about who can come in in the memo section and and do your thing man like do it it is a k fan reference let’s go wow okay see love that okay see now this changes the entry all right put it back up winner that that to me is in the lead that changes things that is that is uh where is it there that’s in the league you got to explain Kayan because I want people to understand this reference and why it matters so 1320 Kayan the sports leader 132k fan the sports leader uh the old uh Powerhouse Sports Talk Show upstart which I was the morning show host and program director before the company sold the land under the transmitter and turned the station off um thanks for your commitment to Sports Talk in Salt Lake it was at 1320 uh on the am dial yeah um I hosted mornings with the great late Will Smith and Ben Napoleon Wilson um I missed those guys I I yeah that was so much fun I took it for granted uh but it was just fun had fun in the morning it was amazing um and Brandon Butler showing that he is on first time Calla long time listener right love it Brandon Butler in the lead we are gonna give away this Xbox series X and a copy of EA Sports college football 25 uh we are going to do that on this year program man that was well done dude I I gotta credit bro like that was I I haven’t thought about kayfan in quite some time and that is a good poll right there love it um let’s see Eric and Raleigh wigs uh pods Moody and as many ones uh first round picks is they can trade for marketing okay so you’re you’re in The Stance of anything we can do to get marketing basically and I think that’s very because as I said uh Eric in Stillwater uh is I’m kidding Eric and Durham or I mean Eric in Greensboro any other North Carolina towns you can think of please uh Eric and Raleigh is a Barry a sports fan so Eric and Raleigh actually goes back to my days before 132k fan the sports leader to uh kmbr 680 the sports leader back in the day um but I are you I’m not willing to give up I don’t think I’m willing to do Allin on Mark like I I like the opposite of tank for marketing is is give everything we have for marketing I don’t know that I’m willing to do that and The The J are the Jazz in a place where you’re you would take on Wiggins no I don’t think so and I also am curious again purely speculation but like do organizations like the Warriors get to a point with the Jazz where they’re saying to the Jazz look Danny we get it you’re trying to get as much out of this as possible but you got to know who you are in this conversation like you’re not getting you’re not getting you’re not getting wigs pods Moody and as many first as it takes that’s not we’re not doing that yeah h i I agree with that 100% um I think it is going to be very it’s going to be very interesting to see how all that plays out um and it’ll be very interesting to see I I I think it’s a three- te deal where Markin and and Wiggins get get moved in the same trade and I think Markin ends up in Golden State I think Wiggins ends up there’s been a lot of talk about Wiggins uh going to the Nets or the Knicks there’s been a lot of talk about Wiggins ending up in Miami there’s that’s where he needs to go he needs to go to the East and just be a guy I it’ll be it’ll be very interesting to see how long this takes and who ultimately the players end up being because it’s usually when there’s smoke you you there’s fire and with that Wiggins I was told directly the Warriors understand that it’s it’s essentially move Wiggins we can land lri and if you move wigs I think this deal gets done and if ideally you would do that in the in a in the same deal um but I’m very curious who’s willing to take on wiggin’s salary and for what yeah um because I I don’t know like I I think Detroit could be a very interesting landing spot in all of this and the think about like you know you look at like Orlando or teams that are not good right now but wigin could go to and make them better that’s the kind of team you’re looking for so Detroit Orlando you know I don’t know that Miami wouldd be interested but certainly given the fact they’re going to move on from Jimmy I would call them um you know yeah Brooklyn um certainly yeah there I would be calling Houston um I would call you know again like you said I don’t know that San Antonio is too interested but you know those are all teams I’d call absolutely yeah I I don’t know I I I don’t know hell I call the Bulls given the the LaVine situation here I mean I mean what you know what’s the worst that can happen they could say no yeah I man Steph Curry is 37 years old that’s wild to me that Steph Curry is 37 years old and I think it is I think it’s very interesting that that this roster build right now it it’s going to be interesting and I I think it is I also think for the Warriors marinin if you were to get marinin and do that the contract situation you were talking about where you got to extend him for one year so then he can become eligible for a longer term extension on a Max the warriors with Steph you know retiring here in the next certainly in the next five years but I would guess probably three years marketing can be your next Cornerstone guy he can be that guy now he’s never going to be Steph Curry but I think that he can be somebody that’s a building block so that’s why I’m saying I I I do kind of agree with Eric and Raley that they need to get this deal done but they need to do it in a way where they’re not giving up the entire Farm to do it no and I I think I mean the Warriors do have some trade trip chips let’s not get ourselves I mean um you’re looking at a situation with Gary Payton where his contracts expiring and the guy’s a defensive stud uh but again I just go back to Wiggins is Wiggins the same guy that locked up Jason Tatum uh in the finals is wiggin that guy that can make a big shot for you well it seems like that was his last best ride yeah because he’s not been the same player he’s not uh Brandon Butler I think I think listening to you try and heard Kyle Gunther was like watching my kid eat soup with a fork Kyle Gunther’s wildly talented there is no question about that oh man I’m telling you that Kyle Gunther is the most talented football analyst that is not working I don’t think he’s working I don’t know where Gunther is um he was working in a snowboard shop last I heard um but Kyle Gunther is one of the most talented football analysts that just it is like you’re trying to hurt a a a a whole lasso full of cats and it’s it’s difficult to do that it was difficult to do that uh Eric and hey guys guys guys can I get an extra entry for the 470 I donated on April 5th the last Friday Jake worked until today okay okay I mean do we give him an extra entry sure but I don’t think you’re beating Brandon Butler even with an extra entry right now here the deal here’s the deal bro okay it uh we’re willing to give you another entry but you’re gonna have to come with some heat in in like a comment or memo or something like even if you donate just a dollar or something like you’re gonna have to come with something and I would I would remind you what we’re talking about here is giving Friday uh with The Advocates Advocates donations what you need to do that’s their VMO address right there take give it send a donation on VMO Advocates donations send a screenshot of that donation to Jake on Instagram slcj SLC Jake on Instagram right after you make your Don take a screenshot send it to Jake we are giving away on the show today an Xbox series X um and as well as a copy of NCAA uh college football 25c in the description of this picture Jake fed me when he put oh dude NCAA it’s not NCAA football okay I feel better um EA Sports college football 25 right and and Xbox series X we’re giving those away on the show today all you have to do is make a donation Advocates donations 100% of that donation is going to go to help kids that are under privileged that don’t have school supplies that don’t have backpacks that don’t have again I always point to the guy I went to school with who didn’t have underwear and was bullied mercilessly and okay that’s cut you off shut up I tell the story of hey we figured it out and things changed in that kid’s life but the bottom line is there are a lot of kids that go to school that don’t have the ability to compete intellectually because they don’t have socks or shoes or clothes they don’t have school supplies let alone a backpack so make your donation that’s where all of your donation goes to send Jake a screenshot SLC Jake on venmo the latest one is Mor my Alvarez Monty show school kids what what is this radio thing you speak of I don’t need the prata I deserve but I just don’t give my dog the ass vacuum yours got wow the ass vacuum yours got is a throwback to when we were in my basement all those years ago when we were doing the show at my house in the basement and my dog God Rest his soul that’s how long ago it is my dog is now no longer with us and he had a butthole problem and he solved that butthole Problem by absolutely going buffet style on his own ass and that was not that was not ideal when he we were throwing [ __ ] at him on the and so he went to the doctor and they yeah you know okay now this next one we’re going to show is someone that I’ve never heard of before dming me the the account on Instagram is literally named nah nah n n bro and said salute from NYC oh let’s go so I don’t even know I don’t think n is competing for the Xbox I do just think that na wanted to appreciate you n yeah so appreciate you nah bro nah bro first of all that’s a great Instagram name just says Nah like hey man I’m looking for nah nah bro he ain’t here he ain’t here man that’s awesome thank you for the donation that’s amazing this one the ass vacuum reference is Iconic I I I do think that’s pretty competitive so good yeah that’s pretty competitive but is it better than Kayan and the fact that I as an intellectual male was able to figure out the 1320 K fan reference right you know I think that helps I think these two are in the lead the ass vacuum has to be there yeah has to be there that’s so good that is so so good you know um let’s see who else

The Monty Show is talking about the disastrous summer for the Chicago Bulls continuing as Zach LaVine has demanded a trade out of Chicago. Sources gave us the details, and they are not good for Chicago Bulls fans. What impact does Zach LaVine and the Chicago Bulls have on the Utah Jazz and their decision to trade Lauri Markkanen?

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  1. The reason Utah would pay him is because then he would have even more value in a trade, or they could keep him as a centerpiece. It’s a win win to sign him, and they can tank for flag even with him. It will take an enormous package from someone to convince Jazz to trade him.

  2. I agree: Kuminga is not a generational player and not enough to help Steph Curry now. Markkanen is a better fit for the current Warriors/Curry timeline.

  3. JK has to be in a trade or GSW doesn't have near enough for LM. Even with JK in the deal, GSW will probably still get outbid.

  4. You made a perfect point. The ideal situation would be to have Steph, Kuminga and Markannen together would be Unstoppable. If we lose kuminga, the Markannen trade is not as remarkable. Markannen makes the warriors better but with kuminga they have a championship team. I watch almost every warriors game last year and kuminga is lights years better than Podz. There were plenty of games last year where kuminga was the life of the team in particular stretches

  5. The primary objective for Utah, in ANY Lauri trade, should NOT be to acquire even more draft picks (although those are obviously important as well, and would be part of the deal). It is to acquire elite young talent. Something more knowable, and quantifiable. The idea is that Utah would want to add a player/players that have a chance to be as good as, or better than Lauri, but on a more fitting timetable. And as good as they are, neither Podz, nor Kuminga fit this description, imho. I just don’t think GS is a good partner for Utah. So, if I’m Ainge, I’m just using GS to up the bidding. We shall see…

  6. The warriors have kuminga over valued he can’t shoot don’t play defense low IG they can’t win with him playing heavy minutes

  7. Its funny how people talk about teams and players they dont watch. Kuminga from January played about 30mins a game and average d about 20points/ 5 rebounds in that time. He's going to be a multiple time allstar. I would never give him up in this deal. They can have podz and 3 firsts

  8. Of course the Warriors are trading Wiggins! Any trade that goes down Wiggins is a part of it! They don't want him anymore and he doesn't want to be there! I'd trade Wiggins and Kuminga for Markannen and Clarkston in a Texas minute! Or Markannen and Kessler….Jezzzzzz dude get off of it already…You are the only one talking about a one on one deal…The World knows they have to make cap room to make a deal…

  9. If Ainge is waiting for last minute, I say Dubs pull offer off table to force Jazz in a position to get less compensation from anyone.

  10. Pushing this Lauri Markannen trade to the Warriors is so Bazaar . Lakers can give more first round picks than the Warriors and other teams can give more picks and a better package than both Warriors and the Lakers. I really believe Monty and crew are on the Warriors payroll.

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