@Denver Nuggets

1990-91 NBA Denver Nuggets vs. Houston Rockets Highlights (Feb.26, 1991)

1990-91 NBA Denver Nuggets vs. Houston Rockets Highlights (Feb.26, 1991)

last month’s injury to aim alaguan initially left Houston without a chance of survival but his absence didn’t slow down the rocket Express without the great one the Rockets have reeled off 11 of 14 achieving their best winning streak in three years tonight the rejuvenated Rockets take on Paul West head’s nuggets this Denver team showcases a fast-paced uptempo style with an emphasis on shoot shoot shoot it’s the rockets taking on the downtown Nuggets next coming in here hot they’ve won 11 of their last 14 and this is the unit that’s been doing it in the absence of aim aluan for the Denver Nuggets Orlando Woolridge Joe wolf Blair Rasmus and Michael Adams their leading scorer and Reggie Williams want to play excellent solid defense but most important run your plays and get high percentage shot turn around jumper biot th back would go Orlando will the rebound for Denver Nuggets on the run again Adams again finds an open Lane that time here’s Michael Adams taking his strong to the hall now you must play him all the way he is quite acrobatic Williams coming over to help out on Buck Johnson the shot wouldn’t go rebound comes off the floor to Kenny Smith inside to Buck Johnson for two he slowed that down a little bit almost because he had to because he was getting just humiliated some of the earlier games this year near Mid Court Ras is just arriving there here’s a three-pointer for Adams wouldn’t goad for team he might have gotten Pok in the eye on that one that was slow getting back he got hit pretty hard because everything is a jump if they go down inside they either lay it up or they get foul they come up the floor and the first pass equals a shot there are no passes here to the first there’s the first pass there’s the shot by Orlando wolid now Orlando wolid is is one of only two players on his team shooting over 50% anytime the ball goes down Don Chen said you must stick to our half court offenses run our plays stay within what we’re doing and not play playground basketball Kenny Smith underneath nice feed the Larry and he is really right about how young this Denver team is you’ve got Marcus Liberty Anthony cook Chris Jackson all in their first year Craig Neil just in the second year well it’s about time that they’re getting Orlando involved in this sport game I think that he can get a shot at any time Adams almost lost it back outside to rason he’ll shoot it from out there now you’ll see Michel make the head fake now as a defensive player comes over to help out here you’ll see that he picks out Blair wide open the rotation late Denver has scored six straight points to take a two-point lead here 1412 five and a half to go in the first o is Thorp over wolf wol double team gets it out to Reggie Reggie Williams inside C the basket oh they’re going to call the offensive foul wow you you never get that call you never get that in this Le Michael Adams had the ball Stripped Away that time by lar Smith here’s Vernon Maxwell in the open play this kind of game wol jumper no another rebound Smith off it comes to toon Maxwell for two more oh wol going to try from there again he’s not been able to get that shot to fall for there’s Smith getting a hand on another rebound there you go get the ball out run the lanes we had a travel the last three minutes Houston have shifted gears you can actually see it they’re they’re running with more spirit and most important they’re getting out on the people and not giving them the uncontested jump shot underneath to Larry SMI giving you major minutes underneath it comes to Orlando anytime the ball will go down inside they’re telling him we want you to shoot we want you to take it to the hall and watching them at the shoot around today ball uh told him every time you catch it down in here in this area I don’t care if you’re double or triple team of the University of Nevada Reno Reggie Williams this is a little bit like Allstar Weekend a little bit out of 10 seconds left on the shot clock sleepy Floyd Anthony cook is also checked in for Denver Adrien calwell in there for Houston for the first time tonight they’re trying to beat Denver for the third straight time this year they have two more meetings later on and Smith into the paint count the basket he’ll get a chance for a three-point play well you know in college they play depressing and traffic now see this is that their best another turnover Jack over to Reggie Williams with the only guy back Williams goes in over him down low it comes to is Thorp Thorp working against rason kicks it out the cwell to Sleepy Floyd Floyd now they’re trying to get by with two small guards in there right now and there’s a turnover giving it to Kenny Smith he loves the open court I can get my season High down here tonight wol Who’s checked back in his turn around over Thor pick and roll this is their game and it comes right back to Otis Thorp put it home Otis Thorp has six they run the pick and roll to hit the people who are rolling Jackson 0 for four from the field Michael Adams only two out of eight so the back court not given him much so far two out of nine home by Orlando wdge this a team that averages 121 points a game they’re only going to score about 40 points in this half of this race Kenny Smith puts home two more no one guarding all right and a lot of jump shots being taken and just like summer Allstar games playing 35 minutes a game and I’m doing my job I’m shooting I’m leading this team and scoring is Thorp over Wolf the Rockets have opened up a 12-point lead Orlando W story so far in this first half is going to be the low Point production of the Denver Nuggets they may not hold Houston below 50 but one of the few times this year Denver unless they get something going real quick here in the second quarter let’s see if they go to him again n they’re going to go underneath to Larry Smith over two minutes remaining in this first half Maxwell gets around Michael Adams with the ball over to Blair rasmon right back to Michael Michael got around o his Thor puts the shot up ah 104 coming into this game so don’t think it’s unal Maxwell Burns around Williams but the shot wouldn’t go the tip by Larry Smith wouldn’t go rebound pulled away by battle off it comes to Michael Adams he takes it Coast to Coast throws up has it answered and you’ll see now here it’s a replay for you now just watch this acrobatic shot we said at the early part of the show he has excellent command they love to shoot it from three-point L raspon was going up from two-point line turn the ball over Veron Maxwell comes up with it he’ll put the shot up beating the clock point that needs to be brought up H as we get into this second half as the fatigue Factor when you’re a roow team playing in this building Mile High causes fatigue a lot of Team substitute a lot quicker and you have to be very very careful of your guys who are motoring from one end to the other picked up by Larry Smith three seconds left to shoot Buck johnsonon outside one hander won’t go pulls away the rebound nice pass and Larry Smith has matched his season high with 12 points give Michael Adam spred he has broken up the last two fast breaks go TI by Larry Smith wouldn’t go rebound Denver Michael Adams quickly down the other way back to the Big O couldn’t get it to go for him though wood pulls away the Houston rebound the only back for Denver is raspers he’s not enough you can see coaching Seth exasperated why there’s no mental concentration here tonight they still have not been able to get a three-point basket to go tonight on either side over it comes to Sleepy Floyd’s in there now for Max a no look pass by Lane winds up in the hands of Larry Smith over to Kenny Smith leeping Floyd again the pick set by wood Smith rolls around it Baseline shot wouldn’t go now does go that was a great shot he was almost behind the back cour quick way down the other end sleepy Floyd you like turnovers you should have liked this game plenty of them on both sides there’s Adams that’s a first time Williams has followed him off of that double or a staggered stram the B count take the pounding and then push with the intensity that he does night in and night Chris Jackson from way outside that wouldn’t go another rebound for Otis Thorp Houston beginning to dominate the boards almost totally now in this third quarter and who gets the first three-pointer of the night who else but sleepy Floyd unless Jackson is doing something for himself in a shooting standpoint he does nothing else for the team eight in a row hit from the field by sleepy Floyd and as long as he’s hot they’re going to keep giving him the ball sleepy wide open and then once again cwell got the rebound now Vernon maw 9164 here’s that trap again and there’s big Adrien cell there must be an NFL team that can use him as a defensive safety he is just intercepted two Vernon Maxwell for three more and our guy cold well I don’t know he might get an NFL contract Chris Jackson 29 Points in the fourth quarter against the Lakers some of whom you see there AC Green Byron Scott and V Divas nice see once again he hasn’t pulled off at all 32 points look at this another steal look out big [Music] fella did he go up though going to be right about the same at the end of this one sleepy Floyd now with 34 points 28 of them in this second half you know he has nice size and he has done an excellent job here on the 10day contracts and he has his first three points of the night but it’s still a huge Rockets lead 10273 and this guy is mainly the reason a rocket lead Cadillac he was determined to get it off D and he yell Bank here’s Reggie Williams what we’re going to see garbage time has come a little early tonight folks again well not definitely but they’ve got a good shot at it only once this year has Charlotte failed to score 100 points Vernon Maxwell is third three-pointer he has 19 all you want is to be physically competitive that your guys are out there really banging around and this is not an unfamiliar situation for Denver to be in they have played 30 games this year decided by 10 points or more they’re only three and 27 in those GS only some good teams in the Western Conference this year having some big years there’s a steal by Michael Adams and one of the few easy ones for Denver in final the rebound underneath Matt Bullard and Matt Bullard gets his first two when this group goes on the floor for what you try to get them to do run the plays but we do not want you to go out here and go crazy Orlando and there are no defensive players in sight there’s W again the only guy back is buard Jamerson coming trying to help out like him for his outside shooting ability they say though Pete that he has difficulty getting his shot off points by Thorp Smith and Maxwell and that’s out they’ covered Houston Rockets are going to walk out of this building with a 129 99 victory over Denver only the second time all season anyone’s held the Denver Nuggets to under 100 we’ll be back with our Budweiser player of the game the big guy tonight Off the Bench Eric sleepy Floyd he had six points in the game until about 5 minutes and 45 seconds remain in the third quarter and then he just lit this place up finishing with 40 points on the night 22 in the third quarter a total of 34 points in the second half and he is our Budweiser player of the game

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