@Utah Jazz

REPORT: Jazz Want Podziemski in Markkanen Trade

REPORT: Jazz Want Podziemski in Markkanen Trade

yet but this is a report that is important especially if you are a fan of the idea of the Warriors acquiring Lowry marinin from the Utah Jazz uh Tim McMahon uh who has been with ESPN and covering basketball for many many many many many moons and is dialed in goes on the low post pod that’s with Zack low also very very tapped in and dialed in in the NBA these two reporters and listen to the conversation um as it unfolds and what Tim says about what the Jazz would want to make a deal happen educated speculation I think P jimsky would have to be in the deal obviously you’re talking about a ton of picks I don’t know how much the Jazz would press on kaminga I I I do think like if Pimp’s got not in the deal there there wouldn’t be a deal okay so as is usual we here in the media have actually spent the better part of a week and a half ringing our hands over whether or not we would put kaminga in a deal because damn it Utah’s gonna demand Jonathan kaminga would you do it wouldn’t you do it and um here’s Tim McMahon saying yeah I don’t think Utah gives a rip about that at all we might be talking about the wrong young player with the Warriors what is your reaction to What McMahon just said there I mean I’m I’m Googling Lowry and he’s dreamy like he’s really good looking he could take over for clay in the Bay Area off the court for sure off the court uh a handsome man no but I pods is my favorite player I mean besides staff I last year you came in here and you couldn’t stop drooling over kaminga well he’s my favorite too those three guys are my three favorite players and I think if you put somebody else with them you can win a lot of basketball games okay Draymond is okay I don’t know I think that ship is sailed honest I know you do I know you do but I mean that’s that’s not even it’s not relevant to this right now he’s probably gon to yell at me now when he sees me next time for saying that but I don’t care for sure he will whatever I don’t care uh but pods plays hard you know I like anybody that plays hard and King’s upside is is happening yes it’s happening same with pods and Steph was the best player on the court the other night against Canada yep so I don’t care how old Steph is good point just I just hope he doesn’t fall in love with LeBron and wants to be a Laker like what Larry I don’t know what are we talking going to demand a trade to the the Lakers like what are we doing what how is that even that’s fine it was his t no I know but it’s not it’s not he I can respect anyone’s take because all that’s all it is it’s a take but how on Earth would that even happen and why would the Warriors entertain it so we won’t even spend another minute on it but point is is um look I think there’s two things to sort of discuss here there’s the obvious of like would you you know what I mean like are are you willing to part with psky but I think the other very important subject matter is this why why do the Jazz want pods and not kaminga maybe see a bigger upside but marinin is a is a plug-and-play superstar like put him in there are people who will argue the super but yes okay star yes take the Super out I got carried away there star and he makes you better immediately 27 years old he’s got game for days a clear offensive option too and a big man and I know he doesn’t he doesn’t play the biggest of all the seven-footers out there but he’s a big man he’s a big man the Warriors my God they could use him yes so for pods well it’s not just pods I mean look the money the money’s got to work L doesn’t make a ton but you know if it’s a pods and a Wiggins um you know to help make money work is there a bad contract for Utah that comes back and obviously these things now in this day and age are centered on picks it’s going to be your picks it’s going to be four different years of picks some of them might just be pick swaps at least two of them will just be pick you get our first round pick and I know plenty of people who think that that alone makes it a deal breaker because it does feel like you’d be giving up a healthy portion of your future um but I I hear what you just said with regard to Steph Curry still being the best player on the floor the other night on on Team USA for teams over the cap it says right here they can only do this by offering up to 140% of the players current salary by NBA rule for marketing that’d be $25 million per year still not what he’s worth on the open market he’s more of like a 35 close to oh marketing no the extension that he’s about to get is going to be up more toward 50 42 it says so you’re yeah you’re right yeah yeah you’re right yeah it’s going to be big it’s going to be big well so but but translate that rule what are you you you’re saying that they would have to send out they would have to send out about 25 million in salary I think so but I just read it w is too I mean that’ll get you there if you want pods and all the picks that’s probably I mean McMahon I think is saying that’s what they’d have to offer sometimes they’re just words and you read them I don’t know what it means yeah words words are hard sometimes especially if you don’t have read on reading is hard and it’s just like all these words and then there’s more words and right now I’m just reading just to get a heads up on something I did not prepare for in the show well let me just throw the like again I have no knowledge of what you talk wants if they even want to trade market in uh are they just on a fishing Expedition clearly in League circles there are those who believe it’s at least worth a phone call and an offer and I have no I’m not I don’t have my trade machine up but if I said to you Wiggins pods and and at least two first round picks and two first round pick swaps would you do that for marketing well I’m I’m I’m done with Wigan so bye okay well yeah that’s just a salary matching thing that’s all that is yeah I’d do that as much as I like psky because I don’t know him he he wouldn’t mind he’s been on this show more than any warrior in the last two season years if you can get a plug-and-play star and you’re trying to compete in probably the best Division I talked I uh a coach uh uh from the Kings the other day tyano and he was the head coach of the Raptors and he’s in town watching the Blue Jays and we had this long talk with Logan Webb and The Dugout and he I learned more about basketball in 15 minutes of talking to him than I’ve ever known in my life what did he tell you he said we were we were talking about tips and tells and he was talking about if a guy goes to his left and you put a hand on his hip and once your hand touches his hip like he’ll turn into a jumper and you know all these things in the analytics tell him but he’s telling me how the game has become so long and so athletic that the corner jumper the three-pointer used to be the jump shot the easiest one to make and he goes now guys are so long that they can be under the rim and get out to to the three so the three is taken away and the game is moving backwards where back in the day the game was moving forwards where he had the big man down low and he goes the reason why guys like Steph are taking three-pointers seven or eight feet behind the line is because you have more percentage to make an open jump shot that you do a contested jump shot on the three-point line so that’s why the game is moving out and he’s telling me guys just in practice every day are draining half court shots where when he played back in the day like if you made a half court shot was a big deal he goes they’re not even heaving the half shots no they shoot it like a shot shoot like a jump shot I don’t even I’ve never understood what Curry and Lillard are do I don’t even know you know what I mean like if you and I went over to a park we need to like take four steps run up to even get the ball to the hoop from from half court Steph can shoot it from three quarters Court as if he’s just shooting a shot I don’t even understand it but anyway go so coach shirano went on to say that like there was some interesting things he said about the second half last year where they just the refs just let it got real physical whether they got a memo to let him play that the games were going faster and there was less foul calls and then I said something to him I said I said something yeah yeah Steph never gets a call like he he goes to the I go he falls Steph Curry Falls every time he does a layup and he goes FP that’s our best offense against the king against the Warriors because when he falls and misses it’s five on four and he goes That’s the best Advantage you can possibly have it’s like a power play because if you watch Steph falls on every layup so we were sitting there talking about some really cool things and I learned we went into some deeper things too but I learned more about basketball talking to a former NBA head coach and now a coach for the Kings than I’ve ever learned in my life that Jordan P was the exact same way um you know like and I get it like those guards are because it’s gotten so physical I do think sometimes they’re falling down or at least allowing themselves to go down because they’re trying to make it look like they drew a lot of contact trying to get foul it’s a habit with Stu because if you watch the documentary on him he was doing it at Davidson yeah well he’s always been the littlest dude on the court even there he’s still awesome though I hope he gets a gold medal I hope Steve Kerr gets a gold medal I I’m into I’m into Team USA I hope he comes home healthy I think they know the importance of it ever since the believe team you watch that right the redeem K Kobe’s team yeah yeah they they think they take it serious now and basketball’s gotten so great around the world that it’s not just a show up and win a gold thing anymore even close no that’s what I’m into the Olympics the most I’m I’m into it but it’s for me it’s secondary it’s the second thing number one is come home healthy period yeah I don’t care about that I want a gold medal Leave It All Out There Baby come on it’s the Olympics you’d crater the Warrior season for a gold medal do you know how many distractions there could be in Paris though oh my God not for aot like that I mean Ste Stephen LeBron I mean that’s their daily existence doesn’t matter where the hell they are yeah they could be a Modesto and it’d be distracting to go outside there’s no distractions in Modesto 17 Steph Curry that guy out there be like I think that’s Steph Curry yeah it’s distracting he does travel with a big group anyway anyway so but but you’d be in and then the other question I want to ask though while while Warrior fans and I get that some of this is financial but Warrior fans like I think this is also a wakeup call you’ve been sitting here for a week screaming about Jonathan kaminga and he’s going to be an Allstar is and don’t you dare to he’s not yes he is don’t you dare touch Jonathan kaminga we’re gonna we need Jonathan kaminga going forward and Tim McMahon says the Jazz are like yeah whatever they’re not even interested how’s that grab maybe it doesn’t fit their need I I I think an allar fits anyone’s need yes I do right now the king will be Allstar this year okay this year this year oh God I’ll bet anything what what do you want to bet I don’t know 100 bucks done all right on air bet this year yes next February yep lock $100 a lock too by the way if kaminga is an allar allar you get a hundred bucks him and St if he doesn’t I get a 100 bucks if he’s on the Warriors if he gets traded wa no wa you know you can’t just like throw a new stipulation and he already played the lock well I won’t pay attention to him if he’s not on the Warriors well it doesn’t mean that they’re still not going to be an All-Star Game whatever okay I’m I’m I’m $100 this year this year I think I’m a Hu granny don’t you think I’m a is that a good bet let’s hear from I want to hear from people if they think that’s a stupid bet or a good bet I’m I’m a huge favorite this year this year what is he 20 is he even 22 I don’t care how old he is yeah i’ I’d like to get in on this bet too FB would you allow that this year I can’t wait to win this bet it’s going to be so great so say yes to Grandy and Lucas now you’re 300 V over there Carlos do you want in Carlos says no I’m getting a phone I’m getting a phone call from my bookie right now I got to take this is that showy yeah showy hold on a second hey showy yeah I’m on the air showy can you get a couple hits for me tonight showy I think that’s crazy that you think he’s going to be an Allstar this year I think it’s crazy that that whole betting Scandal just disappeared poof anyways that’s for another segment yeah it’s there yeah the ater roll is not kicking in yet sorry for that oh Larry and I did a bunch of this yesterday with regard to whether or not he projects to be an All-Star but the idea that you think it’s going to be this year yeah did you not watch last season he was he was the best player on the court most nights no he wasn’t yeah he was Steph Curry was the best player on most night well I mean of course but like the way he he developed go into the hole Fearless his mid-range jumpers he’s working on it as we speak right now his rebounding he’s so it’s all he’s doing is rebounding this off season he’s running he’s running up hills in Russia in the snow as we speak I’m telling you kaminga is going to be a star and an Allstar this year no he’s not it’s a great take I mean I mean no it’s no Steph’s getting trade of the Lakers but it’s close yeah the idea that you’re like he’s going to make the All-Star team he working on his shot right now he is as we speak he probably shouldn’t be working on it if he’s an All-Star already you know that’s how you get better of course have you not seen Aman Ross St Browns work ethic did you not see that on receivers I did you know what’s weird about that I got to get back to that that he has a list of all the receivers that were drafted in front of him 16 and he reads it every day yep he’s got a memorized he’s got it memorized but that’s weird don’t you think that’s weird no you athletes are angry people I mean I I had to have a chip on my once I lost the chip I was terrible I had to have a chip you have to that’s what Clay did Clay has made up an entire book of of criticisms that don’t exist good well no not good he’s plac for Mavs now because of it you need motivation but I think it’s weird to have a list of it’s almost like the people to kill that he’s got like he’s got like 16 clay wor number 11 because he was picked 11 so many people passed on him Michael Jordan made the Hall of Fame and he walked up there and he just started ripping people from 30 years before and everyone’s like what the hell are you what are you talking about like why don’t you thank someone nope are you happy to be here you’re in the Hall of Fame Brock P’s got to keep the chip if he loses the chip on his shoulder he’ll just be okay I don’t think he will I don’t think he will he can’t ever lose that no I get it I’m not I’m not criticizing I get it like athletic greatness I think sometimes it comes from it comes from a chip on your shoulder it comes from delusion it comes from bad stuff that might have happened in your childhood like I’ve had that question a thousand times like take I’ll give you a four or five names a Brady a tiger chip a Jordan um I guess even a Steph there there are others I could come up with when you’ve gotten to the top of the mountain and then you do it again how do you stay motivated and again how do you stay motivated and again and again what the hell’s the matter with you when you’re 38 and you’re like must do it again there’s nothing left to prove Tom you’re the greatest of all time he’s like nope I got to go to Tampa got to Win It Again why you know what I have what’s the matter with you I have a list of 16 ex-girlfriends that I memorized and I read it every day to motivate goad I’d like to hear all of them windy Cindy and I read it every day before I come in it gets me so locked in and you know Aman ra hasn’t gotten to the top I get it Aman ra what what round fourth round third round something like that what round was he I think he was third there 16 people was third round it was like third round 90 something pick if I remember just seen it on the show I can Google it for you yeah so like Okay carry that around with you that’s that’s I I get it let it go no I mean Let It Go yeah but then you then especially in football I get it football’s so freaking emotional on every play every play you you’ve got to physically overwhelm someone in in front of you fourth round pick 11 12 fourth round pick 112 carry that with you man that was a Miss I can keep the chip on my shoulder and refer to the 16 names every time I get a little bit off but like to do it every single day every day I don’t know if I believe that I mean what gets you working out like that every day a lot of people have a hard time even getting out of bed and working out at all and this guy’s doing what I don’t know three hours at this point it’s vanity for me well at at this point but I’m talking about for him you know what I mean like whatever gets you you know Tom even talked about that recently like fighting yourself every day just wake up and get in a fight with yourself don’t don’t let those voices with oh God I’m tired I don’t need to do it today he because you fight that person there was something that really resonated with me he said something about doing reps and I when when I used to hit the tea in high school in college I used to think I used to picture some guy in Nebraska in a barn and if he was working harder than me I was going to work harder than him just a make believe dude somewhere okay and I would just be like I’m tired right now I got to take some more hacks because that guy’s taking hacks and I got to work harder than him was it always was it always Nebraska some guy in Nebraska in a barn I don’t know if it was uh Roy Hobs but it was it was it was somebody that I just they they weren’t going to work harder than me and I was going to outwork this fictitious makeb believe person somewhere he’s got a tea in a barn yep like was where the horses getting hit by the balls that he was hitting yeah that’s tough he actually killed a few hit him right in the head that sucks and then they ate him oh my that got dark and weird really fast anyway um I think it is circling back to how we ended up on on that wackadoodle conversation that’s awesome I think it’s fair to ask why the Jazz if this is all true and again here it is if you’re just joining us they need they need a point guard well or shoot Jonathan needs to get paid here in a second Brandon doesn’t need to get paid anytime soon Financial that’s part of it too right but maybe the Jazz are like Brandon looks to me like someone who’s a Dirty Work little things like maybe that’s a winning basketball player Jonathan and I know this is Broad brush and it’s going to bother people I get it but I I’m I’m telling you that Jonathan kinga’s reputation within the Warriors organization the last three years is not someone who like the um the whole game just comes to him really easy like he understand you know Draymond will look at a court and and and it’s like The Matrix like he knows where everybody’s going before they go there that’s not Jonathan that’s not Jonathan so maybe that’s got something to do with it I don’t know Tim McMahon ESPN on the low post pod educated speculation I think pod jimsky would have to be in the deal obviously you’re talking about a ton of picks I don’t know how much the Jazz would press on kaminga I I I do think like if Pimp’s got not in the deal there there wouldn’t be a deal not the first person I’ve heard report that the Warriors could potentially acquire Lowry Market without giving up Jonathan kaminga I do not think that that is Utah’s first goal so that’s interesting you think yeah I I I’m just not a big trade rumor guy let’s talk about the trades when they happen well but the offers on the table it is so so many have reported who’s report he okay yeah I mean warrior people mty po like yes the report yes all right yes I say pull the Trigg

Willard and FP react to a report from ESPN’s Tim McMahon saying that the Utah Jazz may be more interested in acquiring Brandin Podziemski than Jonathan Kuminga in return for Lauri Markkanen if a deal were to ever happen.

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  1. Podz is solid and less money for the Jazz to fork out. So it makes sense to me. Two things I like about Podz is his passing and hustle on defense.

  2. The Jazz are NOT going to find anyone as good as Markannen….Also Laurie likes Utah, very rare for any star since Stockton and Malone…..The real question is how can we Jazz fans trade the worst and cheapest owner in the NBA in Ryan Smith. He is absolutely the worst human to ever own a pro team.

  3. Podz has the potential to be a brunson type of player. You wont win it all even with lauri on board. If im dunleavy, ill wait for next year’s free agency, hoping lauri does not extend, if not theres naz reid. I wont give a lot now to danny ainge

  4. Podz has the potential to be a brunson type of player. You wont win it all even with lauri on board. If im dunleavy, ill wait for next year’s free agency, hoping lauri does not extend, if not theres naz reid. I wont give a lot now to danny ainge

  5. In a heartbeat. Podz upside in terms of his trade value is Alex Caruso. Caruso is all defense but same value around the league. Let’s do the deal

  6. Pretty sure the Ws can just trade into Jazz's salary cap. But, the Jazz would want to be compensated for that. Ainge will be like, "hey, we are saving you money".
    Btw, any trade for Lauri isn't a smart basketball move. It's a debt owned to Steph and what he means to the franchisee. Basically, it changes the 2.5% odds to win a title to 5% chance.

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