@Philadelphia 76ers

The 76ers Have Officially Won The 2024 NBA Offseason

The 76ers Have Officially Won The 2024 NBA Offseason

YouTube I’m going to make a hot take in this video and you probably saw the title although I’m not sure it’s a hot take you know it could just be my Sixers fan bias showing through in this video but you ready for the take cuz here it is the Philadelphia 76ers have officially won the 2024 NBA off season and I’m not sure it’s even close folks in this video we’re going to talk about everything the Sixers have done this off season and why I think they have done the best job of any team the absolute master class performance of I guess front officing out of Daryl Murray and Company what the roster needs moving forward and why I think they’re up there with the Celtics and the Knicks at this point let’s get right into the video folks so elephant in the room the Sixers signed Paul George right and you know the Paul George signing obviously puts the Sixers right in maybe like you know the top ofth the top as far as high-end NBA Talent as far as one roster is concerned you know you have Jo beid Tyrese Maxi and Paul George right away this could be the best Elite Talent pairing in the NBA that has to be stated first and foremost you know their top end Talent is about as good as it gets I’d say across the league so after the Paul George signing you know I had some questions about the dep right how are they going to be able to you know fill out this roster right at at the time of that signing we had like four players under contract and and not a ton of flexibility to go out and get more Talent well I got news for you folks that’s why Daryl Murray makes the big bucks because you know basically directly after that he had already signed Kelly UB you know minutes before that but again there were very few people on the roster right so darl muray goes out he gets Andre Drummond on a twoyear $10 million contract to back up Joel embiid I think it’s a great move signs Eric Gordon to a one-year minimum a guy that can shoot the ball exceptionally well and score at that guard position secures Tyrese Maxi longterm with a 5year Max extension drafts Jared McCain 16th overall which you know could be the best shooter in the entire class other than maybe Reed Shepard of the Houston Rockets drafts a third string Center in Adam Bona from UCLA 41st overall in the draft so now you know the roster is starting to take shape a little bit but there’s still a ton of room to be you know messed around with in terms of these you know how you going to get 12 players on this roster that can compete right at this point it’s like you know you got a couple point guards Tyrese Maxi Jared McCain you got Eric Gordon Kelly UB at the two guard maybe at the three you got Paul George Ricky counil you know who I like quite a bit and then the four there’s just a gaping hole in that you know power forward uh position right but at the five you got Joel embiid and Andre Drummond right so my biggest question was like how are we going to get a power forward to complement these pieces right that we you know have acquired through the offseason and things like that Sixers go out and poach you know a rival forward in Caleb Martin steal him away from the heat there’s a whole situation going on with that contract and his agents you know maybe doing a little bit of a blunder there in that situation but that’s not what we’re here to talk about in this video Sixers got Kaleb Martin and that’s what is important for this video Caleb Martin’s not really a power forward right he can play power forward I would expect him to play power forward for the Sixers most of the time we’re going to talk about the positional you know flexibility and that stuff a little later on in the video but basically my point is you know darl mury has absolutely gamed the system as best as any GM possibly could hope to you know we’re about like 2 weeks into the offseason and and this is already all the things the Sixers have done now while I think again right now you know assuming these roster spots get filled out pretty competently which I imagine they will from Daryl muray there still are some question marks right you you look at the number of players on the roster right now and quite frankly it’s not enough right Sixers need a little bit more depth going forward we’ll talk about the strengths and weaknesses in a little bit but right now I want to talk about you know what does this team still need as far as a roster position you know certain type of skill set certain type of profile from a player you know height weight and all that stuff I think positionally you know you’d like to have a little bit more of a traditional power forward you know that can shoot the three decently and defend a traditional power forward you’re going to run into guys like you know kristos porzingis and Julius Randall you know these are big big guys and you know physically these are large humans that you know a guy like Caleb Martin who’s a little bit undersized for a four I know he’s a dog and a defensive competitor and a versatile Defender but quite frankly the Sixers don’t really have anybody on the roster that can you know one-on-one defend someone like a Julius Randle right and they could employ a lot of different tactics to avoid a one-on-one situation with a Julius Randle with a christops porzingis but at the end of the day man I just think you know having a backup power forward of that size and skill set even if it’s you know a backup caliber player could help the Sixers depth a little bit right in that regard so that’s the one thing I think the Sixers need to Target we’ve heard rumors about Dorian finy Smith right being a trade asset of the Brooklyn Nets Sixers maybe want to send a couple picks over there and a player to get Dorian Smith back in a trade he would fit that profile absolutely flawlessly that’s remain to be seen right cuz right now we have three Wings basically that are going to be playing the forward and two guard position they just don’t have that type of athletic profile Paul George Kelly UB Caleb Martin these are wings right and you lose Paul Reed basically waving him you know because of that signing with Caleb Martin you want to get a little bit more roster flexibility so you know he’s out of the question that’s a guy I think the Sixers could look at another thing the Sixers I think are lacking a little bit is playmaking and a traditional point guard right we’ve heard the rumors about Kyle Lowry and how Kyle Lowry is expected to return to the 76ers but I don’t think Kyle Lowry is a guy you want to lose right now especially with the type of skill set I just described that you know the Sixers need which is a playmaking point guard that can maybe provide a little value on both ends not necessarily A starting caliber playmaker right like I’m not sure you need a 35 minute a game type of guy that you can always count on but Kyle Lowry I think fits that bill pretty well right he’d come in Off the Bench provide a lot of playmaking run an offense as a traditional ball handler and playmaker relieve a lot of pressure from like Tyrese Maxi you know the guards definitely need to be uh filled out as far as depthwise you know I think you do need a kind of Veteran playmaking type of point guard traditional again that can shoot and you know maybe defend a little bit right another thing is size in the backyard right this is a really small back court just looking at it right unless you’re planning to you know start calu at the two which I think is a possibility you’re going to have to you know bulk up and get a little bit more height in length in that backourt to be able to defend some of these uh bigger guards like Drew holiday length is always going to be important in the guard position when you’re going against guys like Jaylen Brunson so Damen Lillard another Eastern Conference guard you know the Cavaliers with Mitchell and Garland you know these are guys you need a little bit of length and athleticism to be able to defend I know Kelly UB is going to be the number one guy to do that probably for the Sixers as the roster is constructed right now but you know this team needs more playmaking and bigger guards that’s what I think you know and even if you want to say you know the best guard on the team is going to be taken you know travel and Kelly UB and Paul George and Caleb Martin are going to take those responsibilities whatever at the end the day you know as this roster is constructed right now you’ll still end up having two guards on the floor that are really small at the same time so some’s got to give there right you can’t have two six foot guys on the floor at all times you know and expecting a great backourt defense so we’ll see what happens there you know I think that is a priority that the Sixers need to look at other than that I think the you know another quality you know playable Wing in the playoffs you know good rotation piece at the wing could be good unfortunately injuries happen you know and you have three really solid Wings right now and a super star Wing in Paul George but those three guys can’t play 48 minutes a game and you know someone’s going to have to come in eventually and you know relieve the wings it could be Ricky Council the fourth you know he’s already on the roster we’ll have to see what his development looks like but you know that is something I think the Sixers could look at we’ve heard rumors about Robert Covington maybe returning on a one-year deal a veteran minimum we’ve heard about you know Marcus Maris Senor who is a Philly native who you know I loved as the Sixers basically got him Midway through the season and he actually can provide some offense still in his you know late stage of his career so that’s a guy I think they could look for at the power forward position but I got to say I really can’t complain too much as a Sixers fan you know you got to take what you can get if you are a Sixers fan you know I’m sure some of you guys watching this video right now that know what it’s like to be a Sixers fan will agree with that because the Sixers are big demonstrators of Murphy’s Law which basically States what can go wrong will go wrong and if you are a Philly sports fan you know all about that so got to take what you can get right and I’m sure Daryl’s got more plans up his sleeve but you know at the time you’re recording this video the Sixers still have a ton of draft picks they could trade for you know some depth in those regards there’s still things they can do with the cap a little bit right like there’s still a cap hold on KJ Martin you know so there’s things they could be doing right and I’m sure darl will figure it out but you know I’m stating what I think some of the you depth issues are but right now man the starting five looks immaculate I think playmaking and a little bit more size across the board is the goal but I want to get into the skill sets and why I think you know Caleb Martin and These Wings being prioritized in the offseason makes so much sense for the Sixers right if you look at you know the injury history of Joel embiid it’s pretty obvious that he has struggled to stay on the floor throughout the playoffs right no question about it I think one of the biggest things that gets overlooked in this regard people just say oh he’s fragile he’s made of glass whatever I don’t think that’s I don’t think it’s that simple right Joel embiid’s usage rate is insane on both ends of the floor I mean he has to cover so much mistakes on the defensive end of the floor throughout his career and be basically the Hub of the offense throughout the entire game you look at his onoff numbers they’re absolutely insane when he takes a rest the Sixers plummet in productivity and I think defense rebounding and scoring you know he just can’t be the number one guy in all those categories every time right and now you want him to be a great playmaker on the double team so that is why you know maybe the biggest reason I think getting a guy like Paul George to come in and relieve some of that offensive pressure and usage can free him up energy wise to be able to take a little bit of a breather sometimes offensively and focus more on defense and rebounding and all those other things right no one’s saying your best player doesn’t have to be your best player but what I am saying is that he can’t be expected to do everything at all times at an level for 48 minutes in the playoffs that’s just never how it’s worked for anybody I think it wears him down throughout the season have to do all of that heavy lifting on both ends of the floor right why I think Caleb Martin is such a good move right and having three you know Wings in the lineup with defensive versatility is because as opposed to getting a power forward you know a traditional one like Tobias Harris right putting three Wings in the lineup is really going to allow Joel embiid to you know focus more on rebounding right rebounding is not always something he’s been so prolific at I guess you could say throughout his career I mean he’s always prettyy much average a double double but you know his defensive rebound at of times is lackluster from a player of his size and skills and just ability right but a lot of times you know going up for those contested defensive boards after you contest a shot on almost every possession is just a little too much to expect from a center and again I repeat you know as far as having one power forward and you know kind of a smaller guard and another Wing you know just that’s not the best I think having defensive versatility and switchability two through four is going to make a lot lot of sense for embiid to be able to play a lot more of a natural and passive uh defensive play style as far as him being able to go up and get rebounds right so him not having to cover everyone’s mistakes all the time with again the two through four guard ability and switchability and versatility is going to be so massive for this defense right and so the things expected of him to win will naturally go down quite a bit when you have a lot of other players that can contribute in a meaningful way right that’s something the Sixers have lacked for a long time Sixers have always struggled at the wing position man as far as I can remember in the embiid era and you know this is going to be a different type of approach from coach nurse I would imagine on both ends of the floor moving forward one which will allow Joel embiid to take a more natural role like you see a lot of other superstars do they don’t have to do everything all the time on both ends for their team to win and I think this will help Joel embiid gradually through the season get the rest that he needs and still make a high seed in the playoffs and then you know go into the playoffs fully charged barring any freak accident you know we’re all knocking on wood here as Sixers fans that Joel and beid this is the year he’s going to go into the playoffs at full strength we’ll have to see you know they just got to figure out a way to where he doesn’t have to do everything all season long to get into the playoffs you know we talked about all the offseason moves right we talked about why I think they make so much sense why I think Daryl muray absolutely finessed the entire league right taking away a guy like Caleb Martin from the competitors the Miami Heat right a real threat in the Eastern Conference signing a guy like Paul George to relieve Joel embiid and Maxi offensively right you have three absolutely you know startable caliber two-way Wings which is something that the Sixers have lacked for a long time as I stated you draft a lot of shooting and you know kind of a high ceiling player offensively and Jared McCain in my opinion we’ll have to see what his role is this season but you get two really solid role players to maybe come off the bench and Andre Drummond and Eric Gordon there still are you know things to be done right there’s still work to be done always in the NBA but at this point I can’t really complain too much as I stated before the two things darl morray should Target moving forward is size across the board primarily in the backourt and the power forward position again maybe one more playable uh depth Wing piece and like I said size and playmaking in the back court is the priority at this point but hope you guys enjoyed the video man make sure you guys let me know down in the comments section if you agree with my takes it doesn’t have to be you know you guys agree but I just want to hear feedback man you guys have been so supportive with the feedback throughout the last few days and if you want to see more content just like this make sure you guys subscribe to the channel we’re going to be uploading NBA content just like this every single day on this channel all things NBA every day right could be News free agency you know team reviews and we just did a Memphis Grizzlies uh basically Deep dive of why I think they’re so slept on in the Western Conference and you guys really seem to enjoy that man that video did really well so thank you guys for the support on that one like I said deep Dives it could be on your favorite team next right so make sure you guys subscribe if you guys don’t want to miss stuff like that every day on the channel man we’re going to be uploading stuff like that thank you guys for watching all the way to the end you know Sixers fans we got a lot to look forward to right you know I’m not trying to get too excited cuz you know how that goes as a Sixers fan you just get let down right but this is really promising man it really looks like this is a situation where maybe I’m not actually being gaslit in into being excited this year and maybe I actually have something to be excited for realistically right I think realistically this is a team that can challenge Boston and New York barring any injuries or anything crazy happening that I don’t foresee I don’t know how I can’t be excited man this is the most exciting offseason I’ve ever had as a Sixers fan hopefully you guys enjoyed the video make sure you guys drop a like subscribe to the channel links are down in the description to all my socials primarily Twitter make sure you guys follow that link down in the description and I will catch you guys on the next one Sixers fans stay blessed man we got a ton to look forward to hopefully you guys have a great rest of your day today I’m sorry for doing all the sixer stuff man I have to cover it it’s just so it’s so pressing on my mind right I’m so excited for it and I can’t not talk about it and that’s what this Channel’s for I know I get a little bit too crazy with my Sixers sometimes all you know probably most of my subscribers are not Sixers fans so I apologize for all the Sixers content there’s just so much going on and I can’t not talk about it it’s on my mind right and now that is what this channel is for I promise the next video will be on a different team I will catch you guys on the next one this your boy dhen as always peace hey hey

The 76ers Have Officially Won The 2024 NBA Offseason

In this video I will be recapping all of the moves that the Philadelphia 76ers have made thus far in the 2024 NBA Offseason! From the Sixers Signing Paul George, Caleb Martin, Andre Drummond and Eric Gordon to Drafting Jarad McCain and Adem Bona, as a Fan of the 76ers I am extremely excited! Hope You Enjoy!

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Tags: philadelphia 76ers,76ers rumors,76ers news,76ers free agency,philadelphia 76ers news,nba free agency,nba trades,paul george free agency,nba free agency 2024,paul george sixers,nba offseason,nba news,paul george,paul george 76ers,tyrese maxey,sixers news,caleb martin,caleb martin sixers,caleb martin 76ers,philadelphia 76ers offseason,philadelphia 76ers free agency,2024 nba offseason,nba offseason 2024,nba,sixers,76ers 2024 offseason,76ers,pg 76ers

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  1. Let’s go Sixers ❤️💙 who else should they go after this summer? 🤷🏻‍♂️🙏🏻💛

  2. Why does everyone keep saying Caleb Martin is going to be a PF 😂

    Caleb Martin will be our starting 2 guard. He’s 6’5 with length and can facilitate a bit.

    1. Maxey
    2. C. Martin
    3. PG
    4. KJ Martin
    5. Embiid

    Oubre will backup PG and Council and E Gordon will fight for the backup 2 spot.

  3. Love it. The only issue sadly is the best player to join. Paul George. He’s known as a choke artist. Hit side of the backboard when pressure is on. He just chokes on the playoffs. And then makes excuses. He’s had too many choke performances followed up by excuses for my taste. If this team will win a title it will be because of maxey. Not playoff Paul lol. Not Embiid who’s also a choke artist. It’s Tyrese Maxey time.

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