@Miami Heat

How Did the NBA Allow the Miami Heat to Get HIM… | Keshad Johnson Film Study

How Did the NBA Allow the Miami Heat to Get HIM… | Keshad Johnson Film Study

so if y’all don’t know who Kea Johnson is by now then you must be living under a rock because I’ve been talking about him for over a month I told y’all he was PJ Tucker with Derek Jones Jr athleticism I told y’all to buy all the kashad stock and sure enough three games Into Summer League he has been absolutely balling now their last game was a win vers the Lakers and I made a postgame reaction video and I noticed that I was so excited about kashad that I kept saying oh he’s awesome he’s great great he’s heat culture but I didn’t actually do a great job breaking down what he did in that game and why I think he’s a perfect fit in this heat system because I was so hype and I still am hype but I wanted to make this video to kind of go through his highlights and show you why I truly think he’s a special player so we’re going to go through some film from the last game I’m going to get in my Eric spoler bag Circa the early 990s and we’re going to kind of break down what happened now hopefully I don’t get demonetized because sometimes that happens when I show highlights but if y’all could like the video and subscribe for me then I don’t care if I get paid for this video anyways I want to start with this first play right here where keot is playing perimeter on ball defense which already shows his versatility because we know he’s a great shot blocker so he’s not like Rudy go Bear yeah that guy’s a good shot blocker but if he’s three feet outside the paint that bum is completely worthless so you see keot out here on the perimeter and he has active hands the one thing they teach you in any basic basketball camp is when you’re playing on ball defense you want to keep one hand up high to kind of block the vision get in the offensive player space and you want to keep one hand low so you can strip the ball if the offensive player brings the ball down there tries to do a rip something along those lines so you love to see that from Kad because he has active hands it shows hustle it shows heart it shows energy and being that he is 66 with a massive wingspan obviously active hands just makes it that more difficult for the offensive player so we’ll go forward a little bit here you see Kad not biting on any of these fakes he’s staying in front of his man his man gets very little space does not even blow past Kad keyot is still between the offensive player and the rim and look when they jump they jump almost at exactly the same time matter of fact Kad still has one foot on the ground and as a defensive player if you can block shots jumping after the offensive player jumps that is an incredible skill to have for Block shocking I just say block shocking that’s an incredible skill to have for shot blocking think about it if you’re jumping as a Defender before the offensive player jumps well now you’re susceptible to fall for pump fakes all the the old dwade pump fake you want to stay on your feet until the offensive player leaves his feet and that is exactly what Kad did right here so you see he has one foot on the ground eventually gets both in the air and has great timing to get all ball sends it backwards and then when his guy gets the offensive rebound Kad stays with him here’s the active hands again one hand up high the other hand down low and has incredible timing to get a second block all ball this time and obviously they forced to miss the Lakers big man gets the rebound keep in mind a guy that is much bigger than Kesha Johnson but where’s Kad he’s right there he’s ready to make another play on the offensive glass he didn’t lose his energy or lose his Focus after getting those two blocks he’s ready so as soon as the ball is missed who’s the first guy up there in the air it’s Kad Johnson he’s able to get that rebound and immediately hand it to the point guard that is an exceptional series of Defense by Kad Johnson all right moving on to this next play here you see kashad spotting up in the corner over here and what does he do he’s looking not only at the ball but he’s looking at his man he sees his man is ball watching so what does a smart basketball player do when your Defender is ball watching will you do exactly what Kad did he cut back door to time it up perfectly so as soon as the ball handler finished his spin look where kad’s at right in the dunker spot right there to catch the clean pass has the presence of mind to throw in a pump fake throw the defense off guard a little bit and then watch how he hangs in the air for to and one this is just very high offensive IQ from Kad Johnson things that look you know simple and basic but this is not something that you can take for granted right here again the pump fake to throw the defense off and look how he hangs in the air I really love Dalton connect people told me I was crazy cuz he’s small and sof often not strong at all you see that here because kashad Johnson absolutely babies him and finishes with the flex that’s that heat culture right there man you love the energy from him once again back door great pump fake hangs in the air and the tough finish as as Cole swier jerks off an imaginary ghost right there this time Kad Johnson roaming back door Sees the shot go up and this is something that I think I do a good job at it’s called boxing out but in pickup basketball not a lot of people do it and it’s frustrating but what you want to do when the shot goes up you know or when your teammate puts a shot up the first thing you want to do is not look for the ball you want to look for the closest defender in the area and put a body on them watch kashad Johnson in this area right here the first thing he does is you already see his body leaning to go into number four I think that’s connect yeah Connect Four forgot that’s his nickname kind of lame if I’m being honest with you goes right into dalon connect seals him off completely there is no way that Dalton connect can get this rebound right here and K has the great jump jumps to the left on this side while boxing out just a hell of an athletic play and has the quick second jump to go up right away for the putback and has the soft touch there doesn’t even need the backboard again another thing that a lot of people take for granted there shot go up immediate box out and goes up right away over three Defenders that is pure strength that is pure athleticism so it’s great seeing those all of those things on display at the same time for kashad you see in this next play here we have kashad SP spotting up in the corner there’s the drive by the guard out to kashad who does a move a little bit of a hesitation move to get the defense to run out at him completely and does a nice drive there again bobbles the ball but still has the presence of mind to raise up and go right into a fadea away beautiful form guys look at the the heights look at the vertical on this shot there is not many players in the league that can block this shot right here when you get this kind of vertical on your jump shot excellent form and just straight up cashes it once again look how he catches the ball at the at the right wing right here does a little hesitation the defense right here the defense set his feet this defender’s feet are way too wide right now I know you’re supposed to get low but you cannot have a quick reaction time when your feet are as spread out as number 37 on the Lakers is right here kashad recognizes that and is able to blow past him with the left-handed dribble because he’s going left another thing a lot of people might take for granted does Bobble the ball a little bit while splitting the double team but again covers beautifully and goes right into a fade away with great vertical and cashes it this is good stuff guys I might sound like I’m glazing like crazy now but you see what I’m saying this is what I saw when he sign this guy to a two-way this time this actually was right after Kad Johnson missed the three it’s not in this specific clip right here but he missed the shot he didn’t PW he didn’t sit there complain to the ref he Sprints back on defense look how much space right now is between the offensive player right here and kha Johnson right here he’s sprinting his ass off to recover in time and has excellent timing on this block this time he does jump before the offensive player cuz the offensive player did a pump fake there but when you’re this athletic it doesn’t matter oh look how far back he puts his arm just to time it up perfectly and swats that out of bounds again this is the kind of hustle that you love to see in the heat culture guy look he does fall for the pump fake but even then he’s still athletic that he can recover for the block that’s wild that is wild stuff right there y’all excellent timing he might have blocked that with his wrist he was up so high look at that I’m jealous I wish I could do that this time again Yap kashad Johnson right here kind of in between the corner and the right wing and he sneaks up high as he’s giv Zion ping some space to drive here this is pretty good spacing on the Heat’s part obviously you got the big man rolling in here while pin’s trying to drive so that part’s not great but I do like seeing you know Caleb Daniels over here kashan Johnson over here and what kashad does is he saw that he was sitting right here waiting for you know Zion pulling to make a move and once again his Defender is not looking at kashad so kashad slides up here so his man is completely out of position now and I saw Matty Dub’s breakdown and he kind of showed me this which is very true look how when Zion Pullin makes the pass the Lakers Defender here number 27 jumps thinking that Kad Johnson is still over here to the right side and but instead kad’s kind of migrated more towards the top of that key and that’s great off ball Movement by kashad something that people take for granted I’m going to say all video because you could see this kid has great offensive IQ to slide up here and that’s how he’s able to get so wide open sets his feet squares up beautifully the toes are pointed towards the rim those are all things you want to see in a jump shot here raises up it’s a little bit of a two uh like a two uh like bang bang it’s not the most fluid jump shot I’ve ever seen yet you could kind of see how he pauses it right at the top right up here for just a half a second really what the best Shooters do is they’ll make that whole motion look a little bit more fluid I know I’m not the guy to talk because they say I got a catapult when I shoot even though I’m I’m wet don’t don’t get it twisted I got the strap myself but still would you love to see although it is not super fluid he has excellent vertical on the shot again and just great great follow through you see the guide hand here looks straight and the follow through is crispy as well for Gad holds that thing down and he look how much jumps forward too when he started the shot he was all the way here maybe you know 4 in behind the three-point line and you want to see a guy jump forward as well holds the follow through excellent shot for kashad Johnson as he blows a kiss I love the energy man so on this next play here we have kashad once again guarding the perimeter very very well immediately as soon as this guy catches the ball he has the quick first step to pressure the ball doesn’t fall too much for the jab step does a little bit you can see right here but look how quickly he recovers to once again stay in front of his man now he’s kind of in between his man and the hoop not exactly is riding his shoulder a little bit but has the athleticism to raise up quick and look again when he jumps his defender in the air Kad Johnson is still on the floor this is his foot right here and he’s fast enough to jump recover and meets him right at the rim for the incredible block and he doesn’t lose focus that’s the most incredible thing he might have been out of bounds here when he this ball truthfully he did not establish position inside fully so this should have been out of bounds on the heat but look at the activeness by Kad Johnson blocks the shot and his head never looks away from the ball look at his head as he’s Landing he is tracking the ball grabs it starts the fast break and look at this beautiful dime to Caleb Daniels who finishes with the layup you talk about turning defense into offense that is some that is how you get easy points the Heat a terrible fast break team last year so getting a guy like this that could get you these kind of stops and lead the break with beautiful bounce passes like this that is something to be really excited for for Heat fans and in this next play right here Zion Pullin drops the hell out of bronny James goes up for the shot kad’s at the three-point line and as soon as that ball is released from pin’s hands kashad Sprints into the paint sees that he doesn’t need to jump just yet he has his man here fighting for the rebound with the Lakers big but once you get that Miss cuz shot his active jumps up higher than everyone to get that rebound gets smacked by the Lakers big man this time this is not skinny little Dalton connect this is the Lakers big man gets slapped across the arm and hangs in the air for the dunk he throws it in there because he is so high this is pure athleticism and you could see how much he wants this you could see he has the Heap culture look how high he jumps to get over the big man the quick active second jump and the strength this is a true athlete guys with high IQ on the defensive and offensive end we’re in the third quarter now Kad Johnson bringing the ball down the court he’s surveying the floor gets the ball to his guard Alis Williams and he doesn’t just sit there he makes a play immediately passes the ball helps out alandis by setting the off ball screen and executes this pick and roll to Perfection and I did notice this part from Brady Hawk I think or maybe it was matd dubs but they talked about how he points up he wanted the lob that’s how athletic he is so him and Alis and the rest of the guys on the heat kind of got to get used to that athleticism I suppose but again the thing that you love to see here is when he makes the nice read to give the ball to his point guard he doesn’t sit there great basketball players are always moving on the basketball court and he has the presence of mind to set the screen set so it’s not a moving screen roll and then is able to catch the great dump off from mandis and goes up very strong for the dunk there not one of those soft layups he wants to finish in the paint with his physicality and that’s just another great play by kashad this time there’s only 6 seconds on the shot clock you see kashad Johnson up here and sets a great screen to try to get Caleb Daniels open but when nothing is there he receives the inbounds pass notices that he has a mismatch and obviously the shot clock is whining down and just pulls out the Kobe fade away and look how much higher he gets on the shot Dalton connect is also 66 I know he’s not very strong but he’s still not super short but because kashad has that kind of vertical look at look how high his foot is off the ground look how much higher the ball is than dalta conect hand he rises up beautifully Fades away on it great follow through once again and just straight cash is this a reliable thing that that uh kashad Johnson could do I don’t know but I’ll tell you this it looks smooth y’all I’ll tell you that now we’re in the fourth quarter Alis Williams is going to work as we have kashat spotting up in that corner where he’s very capable that’s why I had all these PJ Tucker comparisons so you love to see that from him but once again he’s looking at the ball he’s looking at his Defender right here the defender has no idea where kashad Johnson’s at so what does kashad do slips back door and another great pass by Alis Williams and he might have not had to do this but puts a little flare on it with the reverse that looked so so easy for Kad Johnson and this is what I talk about when I say great basketball players are always moving he’s not sitting in the corner he notices his man is sleeping and that’s when you get the Great pass from alandis and a beautiful finish by kashad and this is late in the fourth quarter now where the heat went on their 12 nothing run really put the clamps on the Lakers just see the heater down two Kad Johnson guarding the inbounds active hands out to the side and still is able to get them up in time to intercept this pass jumps super high in the air looks for the ball immediately and that’s why he’s ready to get that ball to immediately start the fast break great pass right there to Josh Christopher who finishes with the slam defense to offense I cannot understate The Importance of Being able to do this this is how you run a fast break my me this is how you generate easy buckets and that’s tough to do to intercept the pass off the inbounds that’s good stuff right there so that’s pretty much the end of this breakdown I hope I did a good job portraying what was going on I know I’m not quite Brady Hawk well in my parity video I was if y’all didn’t see my 5,000 subscribers special I basically made a video called Miami Heat content creators be like and did a parody of all your favorite creators and baby hawk or baby hawk that’s a funny nickname cuz Brady Hawk was in there and I did the baby face filter hence baby hawk uh little fraudi and slip there I guess but funny pun nonetheless but regardless go check that video out if you haven’t yet if you enjoyed this video leave a like And subscribe because I do greatly appreciate all the support that being said I’ll see y’all with the next video so peace out look pull up in the city trying to get that dead it on my oh I need no dead way had a kill them off yeah I need a head space you know this homegrown [ __ ] don’t offend me hm

Film breakdown of Miami Heat two way player Keshad Johnson and his last game vs the LA Lakers. The former Arizona forward screams Heat Culture. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Kel’el Ware, Pelle Larsson, Keshad Johnson, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news
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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Intro
1:04 Film Breakdown
15:45 Closing Thoughts


  1. Bro, are people this basketball illiterate that you had to explain to them what a box out is? Lmao!!!

    Loving your videos bro, one of the only competent/insightful heat fans on social media at the moment. Keep up the good work.

  2. Very 😂… Very… . Disrespectful Cole Swider comment 😅.. If another team gets him he's gonna go off on the Heat all because of it… It will be your fault.

  3. Excellent dive… I try to support all the Heat channels but Christ Almighty too many of them make as many dunce, ignorant comments as the fans. This is the type of content that elevates the discussion beyond.. Heat need a star… Sleepy Pat… Run it back and other assortment of bullsht

  4. Keshad going to take you guys all the way? That is a good start for your rebuild because as everybody has noticed no one wants to come to South Beach anymore. Oh, except for Dame but Joe said HELL NO to that,

  5. Good analysis Ant. I also watch and listen to Brady Hawk & Mattydubs (sp?). Good info. (You display a great personality. Brady is like Mr. Spock, lol. I love him though)

  6. The heat are really good in scouting young prospects, guess it's time ti hit the reset button and get the spurs picks, that could be cooper

  7. He got a block, a rebound and led the fastbreak for an assist all in about 7 seconds. I need him on a standard contract asap

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