@Sacramento Kings

It’s DeMar DeRozan Press Conference Day! | Stiles and Watkins

It’s DeMar DeRozan Press Conference Day! | Stiles and Watkins

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yeah uh we got yeah that that Gilbert arenus audio as well I don’t know if you’re considering that National Media or that’s what I not I’m not really sure it’s clown media is what it is exactly what it is yeah straight out of circus deay uh sole whatever however you pronounce it I like deay I’d open that one yeah why not um yeah it’s just it’s it’s a complete joke and uh you know yeah we’ll spend minimal time on that but uh definitely something that we were talking about yesterday and been at the front of mine for a lot of Kings fans just because it’s so wild and you know yeah excited for uh excited for what’s what’s probably going to be a great show and then we got Demar D rozan at one o’clock for his intro press conference so uh should be another great day in the office it’s interesting how the press conferences work because they must be scheduled because these deals didn’t all happen on the same day right but it seems like all the press conferences are today Klay Thompson had his press conference we have a little bit of that sound de jante Murray has his press conference we have some of that as well and of course as Chris said 1 pm we have Demar D Roz in also since we’re doing that at 1M I think we’re going to do this giveaway at 12:45 as we have let’s do 115 115 okay I didn’t know if tomorrow would be done okay we’ll do 115 for Lou Graham the original voice of Foreigner is coming to sack toown and we want to get you in the building next Friday for the 38th special experience all you have to do is hit up the fulls Honda hotline at 1:5 and let’s see cryst will picked the number to score the pair of tickets to check an unforgettable night of southern rock courtesy of Thunder Valley Casino Resort for more information visit Sactown Lou Graham the original voice of Foreigner that’s gonna be at 115 all right let’s let’s just get into it right now so we’re gonna play this audio from VC rad who is having some fun withar d rozan who was in the not like us video and I’m trying there’s a lot to break down here so let’s just play the audio and go from there so I know Zar that everybody wants to every team every city all the players I got one together nothing like us that is gonna live forever and I’ve been told that this isn’t the first time has done something like this right he kind of leans into the bit and I appreciate a good bit well I don’t I don’t think it’s a bit either but those are the best bits can I show you guys something sure mean yes you can it’s or hear you guys something yes can I hear you guys something yes they not like us they not like us they not like us this way they not like us like disrespect yeah Nothing Like Us wow great job D with DJ bedad is Back DJ bedad Exclusive DJ back he’ll eat the table that’s nothing like let’s start here hilarious some people are saying very similar to when hockey players started doing the dab that now it’s dead okay and all right well it’s we can go home now it’s over yep anybody got first of all of death let’s start here did he mispronounce not like a us or did he purposely say they’re Nothing Like Us I think I think he probably mispronounced that I think that he is UNF super unfamiliar with the song and probably knows it only via reference and that was what he thought it was now let’s go here whose idea was this I think it was his if I think I know VC like I do I’m pretty sure it was like a uh so you’re saying he didn’t really know you have this story about how you were like hey I got a joke to tell and then a friend told you like hey guys like Allan’s got this great joke to tell that’s what I feel like this video was was VC was like I have a great video idea yeah and then he was like Demar come here and let me do this great video idea and he was like please go ahead and film this this is gonna be gold yeah and he unintentionally made I I it’s great it’s a great video but for all the reasons that he probably didn’t want or didn’t intent but I look it’s going to every time the Kings win they’re Nothing Like Us it’s so simple to me like their their slogan last year was all in and they’ve had you know yeah uh uh uh what was the um I think nothing like us is going to be their slogan year it’s just gonna be on the back of all their shirts you know hard work pays off no no no it’s gonna be nothing like us and then you do the not all caps and then hin lowercase not thing like not like us not yeah just the the thing we don’t know if the and that’s your way of getting around copyright friendship probably cuz it’s not it’s it’s not it’s not that it’s it’s this guy’s a graphic designer I mean this guy’s a me yeah well that’s IDE you know as somebody who will fire up videos and then never let them see the light of day because they didn’t turn out the way that I wanted them to I appreciate just hey letting it rip just volume shooter you know one take Johnny let’s ride let’s ride and it’s also it’s a disservice to our radio listeners because if you haven’t watched the video you should watch it because the thing that’s really taken off besides the Nothing Like Us is dear’s laugh which you think it’s real it looks like a legitimate I think it caught him off guard I think it caught him off he clearly did not think the joke was funny but I think he thought the situation itself yeah was so funny his face is incredible and uh yeah definitely go look at they’re all memes now when my girl or when when my crush says something funny and you’re just laughing out of control yeah so that was great dearon was in the bill I’m telling you man th and I keep saying this because I have not been easy on dearn but these last couple weeks he’s just doing everything right to me I mean he’s where he needs to be he’s he’s in this situation as far Demar D rozan acquisition I’m really enjoying what I’m seeing from De Fox he’s going at haters he’s going at Gilbert Arenas on social media I’m really really liking what I’m seeing from from dearon Fox right now so I appreciate that The Vibes are are Immaculate as the kids say they they are at an all-time high and I just think it’s it’s going to continue Nate let’s get it one more time if people are are starting to hop in because just it’s just too good did you want to get the the full clip did you want to get the song let’s start with the full clip the song We we’ll warm up to the song It’s a Long show I’m just in here tighten up Mr Gilbert aras’s oh yeah well do you have enough bleeps for yeah I’m working on I’m trying to find every bleep I can so give me one second I know that everybody wants you every team every city all the players I got one thing nothing like us that is like a cackle that is a Nothing Like Us that is a laugh from your belly that’s a real laugh he’s smiling before he that’s real laugh well I think he’s just like where is where is this going because VC setup there is clearly like one that can go you know everybody wanted you everybody the the crowd wants you every team in the league wants you and it’s like where’s where is this guy going with this well you know what it does remind cuz I’ve been there right if if any type of Hosting even doing the radio show but kind of drunk uncle Vibes a little bit from back there but when you do KC when we’re on there stuff like that and you know you have a line you want to drop oh yeah you’re so focused on the line that everything before it doesn’t really M you don’t really rehearse that cuz all you want to hit is the line so you just are are black you just you know everybody wanted you you love basketball and they’re Nothing Like Us I think he nailed it they not like us I’m sorry bring it in sooner Nate you got us listen into 30 seconds okay that one came quicker they’re Nothing Like Us that’s great stuff wow and it’s yeah it’s the inflection there the Nothing Like Us like you see what I did this compilation of 2024 with we did it we did it Tatum has a couple all on on his own can’t forget scream yeah you got to add that one too you got to add that one too okay that was that was great stuff and I’m sure that drop will live forever and you know what that’s probably I mean I don’t know how he if he would feel like he’s being memed but it could definitely be a drop during King’s games I don’t know that he would like it but every time they win the beam goes up if they played Nate song with yeah the shum the beam goes up cuz you know have sound every win just soundboard it every bucket every bucket every emphatic bu that would be incredible I’m sure I’m sure they’re Incorporated somehow they have to King entertainment’s too good yeah they have to they have to and you were showing me the the stasus one from nine years ago Nick Nick Nate asked me uh which one is better worse however you want to describe it between this Nothing Like Us and uh the infamous Nick rocks I’m going to grab that for us too so we can do a little comparison yeah it’s just to me this is a close I mean if we’re doing on the cringe scale I think it’s definitely we’re we’re we’re approaching 8.5 territory but for me that one is worse Nick Roos is a 10 for me Nick is a full-blown 10 to get a room of adults all over we’ll just say the age of 35 to collectively say on three we’re gonna say this guy rocks and then when he does you say something let’s let’s run it real quick please you ready okay one two three Nick Rock and it’s the fact that he’s the loudest one maybe his his mic was just turned up louder than anybody else but come on I can just imagine being in that room being like I’m not doing this I’m not doing we need a Nick on the team again so we can use that drop there we go come on Nick Rocks coming up next we will discuss all things Kings basketball also Olympic basketball and yes we close the book on Gilbert Arena’s hating on Sacramento Sal Watkins ztown Sports you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it Kean can he do it yes there’s number 11 hegan murrayan steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a Kings franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports call or text at 916 339 1140 Lou Graham the original voice of Foreigner is coming to sack toown we want to get you in the building next Friday for the 38 Special experience hit up the fos Lake hotline at 1:15 we are airing the marar RO in intro press conference at 1 hang on that’s going to be great stuff and then right after that it’s your opportunity to win tickets to see Lou Graham okay let’s get this over with yesterday I put out on social media that we would no longer be talking about Gilbert arenus on this show we are gonna close the book on Gilbert arenus and his clownery as we play what he what he had to say and then we will react get your calls your text we open up the phone lines 9163 39140 keep it within the lines FCC Airwaves with the line even though he doesn’t shout out Nate who probably used some weird bleep noises to to edit this out sa chat as well and text line already has some questions for me specifically as I’m still not a new sacran but I guess I’m the newest one here so let’s get the audio let’s get to it and then let’s move on Mr Aras the Kings man that’s fair fair fair assessment yo somebody said they did same day shipping like when he was at the game they said they the same sh Amazon PR come on right now I need to call thear man like don’t you like big cities bro you keep going to these weak ass cities man I mean San Antonio man Chicago cold he going down to Hicksville c sankk ugly City like they ranked I mean no the city is trash state capital they ranked number one and just people just being ugly over there no that’s a fact City you want to be that’s a no they ain’t sacramental Bingo Players out there play play Bingo play and sa Bingo Players nice older work they rank number one and older they got top 30 trash they ranked number one and ugliest people in America so ugly that your baby mama of four is from Sacramento she worked for the is that why you came here Allan because like you’re like let’s go to all these ugly people I’m gonna look great it’s gonna be nice oh oh oh what are you talking about Hall Pass surround yourself around five like n yeah you’re a Sacramento eight yeah I’m gonna get with Chris and Nate okay that’s crazy look it’s it’s ridiculous it’s disrespectful that is the story he does have the mother of his four children or I don’t know if he has more than four children but she worked for the Kings while he was playing for the Warriors so I don’t know if there is some type of Vendetta there I can tell you this much I haven’t seen one one cow since I’ve been here in I haven’t seen one cow no I really haven’t though that’s great that’s the come up I mean Davis I I went to Davis and there’s cows everywhere but yeah is that Sacramento no that’s YOLO I mean that’s 30 minutes that’s it own County as a matter of fact yeah I have not seen one cow I’m trying to think yeah I don’t I think that comes from uh back in the day I believe the land that was out near the airport used to be cow grazing land and so it would be like you land at the airport he has been there hasn’t been here since since yeah exactly Gilbert would have like had a career past the age of 33 and he would have like seen you know what Sacramento looked like into the early or I’m sorry the late 2010s maybe he would have had a a better idea and like I mean we could peel back the curtain since Gilbert’s being messy like you you said he played he he met his his baby mama or his his then I don’t know if they were um you know she was PR Not only was she working for the Kings but like I mean you and I know how public relations and players go hand in hand that’s really messy like that’s very very messy so I mean I it clearly seems like Gil uh is pretty hurt I mean I said it yesterday before we even played the audio and it clearly sounds like dude is is like personally hurt by this place and it’s probably because uh you know he’s got some baby mama drama that’s you keep that to you homeboy you don’t put that on the city as absolutely nothing to do with him but you know it’s whatever I’m not really pressed about Gilbert Arenas not liking our city because Gilbert Arenas is bottom tier human he he is he is at this point and you know like we said we don’t like giving play to that type of stuff but we felt like something dis egregious yeah you got to at least you gotta know shut the door on and and kind of move on from there everything that everybody had to say is is legitimate and you know dearen Fox hopped in and said that Chic he he named Chicago or Gilbert aren is named Chicago and he said well it’s cold even though it’s one of the biggest cities and dear hopped in and and responded and said that not only is Chicago a big city but San Antonio was actually a really big city as well so yeah it was it was pretty random if anything super random and again as we kind of mentioned yesterday when it first kind of popped out it’s just Barber Shop talk yeah right it’s it’s not analysis it’s just oh we care about these guys and look to each their own if that’s how you get down if that’s what you want to listen to cool but you know when somebody when somebody pays taxes in an area and you grew up somewhere and you know it’s a part of who you are you’re not GNA let anybody disrespect I don’t even know where Gil I don’t even know where Gilbert Arenas is from to be honest uh I looked it up yesterday and I can’t remember where it was but it wasn’t he was born in Tampa yeah so I’m just gonna be quiet on that one Tampa okay it’s also like it kind of really it really kind of does piss me off because it’s this this is how in a in a terrible this is how backwards uh you know media kind of is these days it’s Gilbert gets more run and more attention to his pod by doing this than if he would have actually had a Demar D Roz in take right which is I don’t know what to do with that either because I can see Gil saying if this comes back to him like any reasonable respectable person in this industry would say hey man like that’s just not how you should do this like if you’re going to be in this game like actually have takes don’t just be shock jock culture and you know just try and get supposed to be new that’s supposed to be New Media exactly 100% this is supposed to be players talking about the game talking about Insight that we don’t have as normies and these guys have been in the league and been in the circles and are supposed to give us some different level of insight to your point we can go to we can go on on Broadway and here this go to a barber shop and hear this same thing we can go to a barber shop downtown on 16th and and hear this same exact conversation said or this type of conversation had um and yeah it’s just supposed to be better than that I hate that you know this dude is probably actually like uh I actually I’m not sweating because look that clip got us a million impressions and if I would have actually given my yeah dear’s cool I don’t know if you know he’s really raising the floor for Sacramento all that much that gets you know 100 clicks and I think that’s you know I know you don’t want to hear it but that’s kind of what JJ reick was talking about all that time ago on first take is this is this is what we reward in for whatever reason in today’s mainly Sports media but I think it definitely crosses over into all mainstream media is is this garbage instead of propping up like somebody who’s actually promoting the uh the tradeit or anything like that and I know yeah this is kind of a specific situation but it just pisses me off that Gilbert is still winning even from this yeah he went to high school in LA in San Fernando Valley and yeah he he will never have to come back to Sacramento and because he’s not a broadcaster like that I mean maybe if there was an event in Sacramento but I I feel like he’s going I feel like he’s not planning on coming back to Sacramento you don’t talk like that 279 see this is what we love about Kings fans they do their homework and I’m not I haven’t even fact checked this because I trust I trust our our listeners he’s five and4 against the kings in his lifetime inter all these flavors in the world and you still choose to be salty Gilbert sad to see from such a legendary ball player leg I guess you know you can call him a legend yeah yeah I mean look he’s a good player he’s a good player here I got some stuff Chris obviously we know about the Firearms know the firearms that is correct yeah we have the Firearms incident and then we have some other stuff here Arena admitted that he ran about 60 red lights in four months and got away with it by keeping his dealer plates on his vehicle vle that’s just that’s just that’s just by itself yeah and then on June 27th 2013 Arenas was arrested by LAPD for possession of illegal fireworks so when people like me who have young children that that continue to wake up because dog that bark all night or dogs or dogs that because of idiots like Gilbert Arenas and to be fair that’s not even that high on his this isn’t even that high on his idiot list no we haven’t even gone into the whole locker room situation right right so Gilbert arenus so uh no thank you for your service you will not be mentioned again on this show in any capacity yesterday I said if there’s something relevant but I just don’t think that’s going to be he’s not relevant there’s no reason yeah even if it’s a guest I I’m I’m just I don’t want to give them any other play we’re gonna move forward close the door on that coming up next my friend had a question for me and I’m still thinking about the answer also maybe VC and someone else maybe change my mind on the stance of DeMar Ros and quote unquote coming home Styles and Watkins tack Down Sports Nothing Like Us our first year is 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discuss later in the show who is the guy that the Kings could have gotten that wouldn’t have had these question marks right because I do think I don’t think there’s a vendetta against the Kings but I do think the NBA world does like to make fun of the Kings oh so we we could literally find the negatives in anybody that the Kings would have Acquired and then who they got rid of just wait Kevin herder is gonna get moved and people are going to say are we sure letting go of a future Klay Thompson are we sure that’s a good thing for the for Kings to do right without looking at any stats or or anything like that so you know it is fascinating how narratives change so quickly and speaking of narratives changing quickly I think I’ve changed my tune a little bit Chris after hearing what Shams had to say about Demar this whole coming home thing yeah it’s not La yeah but it is California okay it’s close enough it’s not the same but after after hearing what Shams had to say I’m I’m changing my tune a little bit this is what Shams had to say it was really down to the kings in the Miami Heat from what I’m told as far as demard rosen’s next home he really wanted to land in a competitive environment and also I’m told wanted to go back West at the end of the day and the Kings they pushed the hardest they pushed the fastest throughout free agency to get a deal done they’re playoff Contender a team that’s trying to get to the cusp of being a title Contender and I’m Viet r d The King’s owner really clinched this in their inperson meeting over the week in Sacramento the Lakers were bandied about they have been over the last couple free agencies for Demar D rozan but I’m told the Lakers never went beyond expressing just simple interest in D rozan there were no offers or tangible conversations with the bulls on a sign and trade deal so this is the second straight free agency where perception wise there is that thought would Demar D rozan have had to take less money in free agency was he going to have to take the mid-level exception to land at a destination for for the second straight Fe he lands in a sign and trade and his last two deals have been a combined 5 years and $161 million so that speaks of demard rosen’s relationships how he’s known across the league and the pedigree and respect he has from teams in this case including the Sacramento Kings the Spurs and the Bulls all three contributed to this sign in trade so basically demaro Rosen knows his worth and he knows that there’s some teams that that feel that he is older and hey maybe he’ll drop for us and DeMar Rosen is saying I know that there are there is a team that is going to pay me what I think I am worth but getting back to the home and Sacramento aspect I mean look no he’s not from Northern California or Sacramento but it is a lot closer than going to Miami so relatively speaking and I saw yesterday the Kings tweeted welcome home welcome home Demar and I know it’s not the same but I’m willing to give it a pass I’m not going to sit there and say he came home like Kawai or or some of the or Lebron we back to Cleveland but I’m willing to say he is home adjacent if you will it’s much easier for tur home turf is much easier for him for his family to they could even stay in La if they wanted it’s much easier for his family to come visit him in Sacramento than it would be in Miami so I I’ve changed my tune a little bit it’s fine it’s fine yeah it’s fine it’s as long as like you’re okay with you know understanding that people in California are not going to be cool with it like you know all the SoCal people are for sure going to be like no there ain’t no way sa and taxes Miami wouldn’t have had those same taxes true yeah I yeah I I think that it’s definitely a uh a good sign for the Sacramento Kings that uh at the very least you know like there was a time and I think you said this yesterday where even even being in California wasn’t good enough and paying more money wasn’t good enough he would still have chosen to go to Miami in a in a previous world and I think uh I think it’s great that the Kings have established themselves as as a legitimate place to go and not a laughing stock and I do think that it’s kind of crazy that you could reasonably position this like somebody chose Sacramento over Miami now you could you can deal with the in between all you want but I think the fact is demard De rozan picked Sacramento because of its location and because of what it allows him to doximity home proximity to home proximity everything that everyone always jokes about Sacramento it is still true even though it is uh you know even though it it is uh saying that essentially the best parts of the town are how you can leave it but I I think that it you know you gota you gotta work with what you can and uh I definitely think that it’s it’s a good sign not only for the organization but for this location for Sacramento in general for demard de rosan to say I’m okay playing here I’m not going to laugh it off I’m from Southern California I understand what the the quote unquote rep is on Sacramento and I’m fine with it I got no problem with it at all I think it’s perfectly fine place to live and I can do everything that I want to do as an individual as a professional and uh just everything else in between I can get it all done in Sacramento if I want to and I and I do think that is important because he is somebody that does do we talked about not having a podcast you know a guy that does a podcast on the team so somebody on the text line yesterday I didn’t even know this basically Demar D rozan has a YouTube show dinners onal dinners with Demar and it’s about mental health and things like that and you would assume he wants to continue to do that so he’s gonna have he’s gonna find a spot yeah to do it in Sacramento or you know whether he goes out or whatever he does but I think that’s a big deal too showing off hey I can continue to do this stuff even with me being in Sacramento we talked about Paul George where is he going to go with the Studios where podcast P at so I I think it’s a great look for the city and if people are going to say well that’s because Sacramento over overpaid I don’t even think it’s by that much I don’t think it is overpaid yeah so I I think that’s great stuff here is his Farewell to Chicago this was on Instagram and I say shy City a thank you would be an understatement D Roan wrote on Instagram the love passion and joy you filled me with for three seasons was a dream it gave me a drive every night to return the feeling to the entire organization front office coaching staff and to everyone who worked in the United Center I couldn’t ask for better people to my teammates we created a bond that’ll Last Forever Memories I’ll never forget I know the nightmares started already knowing you will face me in another Jersey but it’ll only be twice that is DeMar D roen to his former team the Chicago Bulls I’m getting similar energy honestly Chris to Harrison Barnes yeah for sure and just a guy that has been a a consant professional throughout his career he’s going to do things the right way and he’s going to make a lot of friends along the way and and help where he can help so I I think that is one area of this we we spent so much time on the basketball court talking about the spacing and everything like that and which is incredibly important but just from a standpoint of what you were losing off of the court with Harrison Barnes I do think you will get a version of that or be able to keep a version of that with Demar D rozan I think you get better at it yeah honestly I mean from what will was telling us will gotley was telling us yesterday when he joined us was that you know yeah dear takes an active role it’s not just um you know doing the the stuff that we’ve been clamoring for taking these guys out to dinner understanding uh that you know sometimes you have to be the bad guy and have to call people out in practice but it’s also you know Demar sitting immediately after the game in front of media which I do think is important as well and talking to the young guy about what he did wrong or what he did right in a situation I definitely think that dear is going to bring a different layer a different element of it and I do think the thing that hasn’t really been talked about either that I’m curious I I think it hasn’t been talked about because we haven’t really seen it in action but dear to me is more of a star than I think people understand like I think this team desperately has kind of wanted we’ve talked and I hate this term but the the alpha of the team they need that guy that kind of sucks in all the attention and can kind of relieve the stress from dear of of being that leader and I think dear brings that I think there’s going to be a lot of eyes on dear and I think he’s going to willingly accept it and I do think there’s going to be a certain star power or Star gravity that Demar has that’s just going to be a breath of fresh air to everybody you know we talked about the I know no one wants to hear about it again but the infamous Podium gate where Keon Ellis goes up to the podium after these guys lose and we want to talk to Dear Fox and Deus sabonis and no one’s there to be seen I think Demar D rozan really does cure a lot of those things and that’s the kind of guy that I think the king’s just brought in is somebody who’s going to always uh be willing to kind of be the face of everything in wins and in losses and that doesn’t have to mean be disparaging on dearn Fox I think if anything it’s just a compliment that dear is willing to step up and take that role which is something we asked Harrison Barnes to do in that moment it’s like in that moment that’s where we want you to step up and there’s really and obviously it’s a a three-year deal but it really will I think accelerate quickly because dear is on the other side of the mountain yeah right so I don’t think he’s gonna waste a Seas you know similar to what we saw with Malik monk it’s not a situation where it’s a contract season or anything like that yeah this is where he’s gonna play probably his last great basketball right this is probably gonna be his last stop as far as Prime demard de rozan and the the end of of that Prime so I I don’t think there’s going to be any wasted time any Wast movement if you will I think he’s going to come in you know just ready to get after it and I think that’s exactly what the Kings need coming up next a little bit of Olympic basketball talk as far as Anthony Edwards is he doing too much and Cooper flag being the main event that he is also we get into what my friend asked me and why we should be a little bit more optimistic about Demar de R rozan even if the king don’t do anything else Styles and Watkins sack toown Sports subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday 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don’t I wouldn’t understand why you would Cape Gilbert oh it’s a Sacramento station that says hey you’re not gonna talk bad about our city and you’re gonna hop in and comment and why we them time well but what yeah but you’re why why defend why are you defending Gilbert Arenas I don’t know if you have no connection to Sacramento that person clearly Gil very very very sad life I would confidently say that if you’re if that’s who the person you’re deciding to uh to Champion is I would just I would just let that person live their sad I just hit him with the hope he sees this big fow yeah that’s that’s what I yeah exactly you know let’s get into Anthony Edwards because we talked about this with John Moran we haven’t heard from John Moran in ages it feels like but johnar used to do this right and we have said that Anthony Edwards this this roster is ridiculously fully loaded and at 11 o’clock by the way we get into the two kings of the fourth who’s taking that last shot and we get into some of these really good texts that we are getting from everybody 9163 39140 we open up the phone lines Kings hardcore that’s at 11 but we do this thing Chris with with johnar how he said what did he say thought he was the best in the league or I’m not afraid of the West whether it’s authentic or not it is who it is who he was trying to come off as with Anthony Edwards we say oh you know Anthony Edwards it’s just more it feels more authentic so Anthony Edwards on a team with LeBron James who was voted best on the team by his peers we’ll get into that LeBron James Steph Curry Kevin Durant kawi Leonard the list goes on and on and on and Anthony Edwards had to say this as far as playing with these guys I’m still the number one option I mean y’all might look at it different I don’t look at yeah I just out myself shoot my shots play defense you know they got around me they gotta fit into play around me I’m gonna shoot my shots Fair foul on and sorry the the basketballs were quite loud there some of these mics just don’t seem to work out there but fair foul on what what well if you didn’t hear too he opened by saying I’m still the number one option you might look at it differently because it was pretty poor audio right does he have to say does he h does he feel like he has to say that does he actually feel like that um he definitely doesn’t have to say it I think he’s kind of trolling uh I think he’s uh I think he knows what he’s doing and I think he knows that he’s in a room with literally the best basketball players in the world and I think he’s just I think he’s just having fun with media I don’t think he actually believes that he thinks you know he he should be getting 15 shots when everybody else is getting eight like I I’m pretty sure he’s self-aware enough and uh yeah to me this this is coming off as a as a joke um but yeah I mean I I definitely think you know it’s part of it’s part of his bit of of him being hyper confident and him uh you know just just kind of being that guy and I think uh I think he’s he’s trying to exude that confidence but I think he definitely is saying it tongue and cheek and he understands that it’s a team like I don’t think Anthony Edwards is out there pulling 30 time I don’t think he’s out there acting like Kobe and then you know coming out to the media and saying yeah I’m bossing it out here I’m pretty sure he’s playing ball uh like as in he’s he’s doing what the coaches are asking him to do and then when media asks him he’s like no yeah I’m I’m that guy right well because he did I think it was the same the same interview he did say that he’s really excited to see Olympic Kevin Durant and he’s excited to be watching From the Bench right exactly he said From the Bench exactly exactly so I thought that was St Cur is the coach too so he knows yeah mess with him exactly and speaking of and some of the names that I named off I didn’t even name off this guy Jason Tatum and we have Jason Tatum some sound on wearing number 10 which is what Kobe wore when he was in the Olympics and play for Team USA and we know how connected Jason Tatum feels to Kobe Bryant this is what he had to say had in your life he wore the number 10 for Team USA same sort of Journey where he came to to Las Vegas talk about that 10 and the significance Kobe has had nothing short of an honor be able to represent this uniform in we number 10 anybody that remotely knows me knows how much influence that he had on me as a kid to to reach got to do something that he really wanted to do and it’s really been a great year for for Jason Tatum for a number of reasons I’ll let everyone else Google the other ones but I I think that you know this is a really cool thing and Jason Tatum gets roasted a lot for certain things but I I do think the world in general Chris is a bit too cynical these days and I I think that I’m not I don’t help that in a lot of situations but there are some situations where you can just say hey he grew up out izing Kobe he’s getting to where Kobe’s number on Team USA on one of the most loaded teams that we’ve ever seen it’s just great stuff it’s that simple it’s just great stuff sure yeah I mean it’s uh it’s awesome he clearly loves Kobe more than anything else in this world probably besides deuce and uh you know I think it’s it’s a cool opportunity for him and what you got say it like that pretty sure it’s true I’m pretty sure it’s true outside of family maybe no just Deuce I think just PR sure Deuce his mom and then probably Kobe number three I mean I I hear him talk about Kobe more than about anything else well he doesn’t he doesn’t have a wife but he is expecting but yeah no I think uh you know yeah it’s it’s a cool opportunity for them I just uh I just hope that these fools can get it together man like they you worry uh yeah I would say I’m a little bit worried I think there’s always uh some worry when you have guys who have all been number ones or at the very least or at the very most I should say number twos on teams like people got to sacrifice like we were just talking about Anthony Edwards but you know Anthony Edwards kind of only knows one maybe two ways of playing basketball and I don’t know if how he’s going to be uh you know being a a gritty rebound guy or maybe Team USA needs him to be more of an athletic Defender uh things like that like to go from star player to uh starring in a role is completely different and uh you know when you when you play teams like Germany or like uh even you know Canada’s probably not a great example because they don’t have a lot of continuity they are honestly built more like Team USA with just stars but there’s a lot of teams out there that are actual teams like Team USA is a bunch of collective talent that comes together once every four years to to dominate the world there are teams out here that really coordinate really practice really are you know taking pride and say wow this will mean something to our country if we can beat Team USA meanwhile Team USA is thinking hey I probably have a nice little Nike bump if we win a gold medal here and you know of course maybe a little bit they’re thinking about the national pride and all that but there are te teams and and players out there that really really really desperately want more than anything than to come home with an Olympic gold medal and right you know I just think that sometimes Team USA motivations can be a little bit lacking there and I think there’s a lot a lot as good as the players are there’s a lot of Personality on this team and they’re going to have to put a lot of it aside especially LeBron who is your starting five here is the roster bam Devin Booker Steph Curry Anthony Davis Kevin Durant Anthony Edwards Joel embi Tyrese halberton Drew holiday LeBron James kawii Leonard and Jason Tator one of these things is not like the other um hey I would say it’s not what you know it’s who you know I’d put Steph at Point Steph at Point uh I’d probably run I’d probably run ant at the two LeBron 3 ktie 4 and Joelle at the five I just don’t know how you the only question mark is is really Anthony Edwards right everything else I don’t think I I just think based on yeah pedigree you can’t go against unless somebody argue yeah you’re not putting an Anthony Davis doesn’t even want to be a five so you can’t you wouldn’t put Anthony Davis at the five I’m just thinking because obviously he’s got the ring Kawhi Leonard I don’t know what to do with Kawai kawai’s you could make the argument I don’t think so I think he’s too he’s not healthy enough and I mean to me there’s three guaranteed starters it’s Steph it’s 100% LeBron and I just don’t think I think part of Joel embiid committing to play for Team USA was them telling him he was gonna start so I would think Joelle is starting as well okay I just don’t think Anthony Davis Anthony Davis can come off the bench and you know I if they do need another Center they only have I guess they have bam as as a center as well but you kind of need some backup height as well because there’s just so many International squads uh that can really present problems and you know it’s KD also I just feel like KD is probably as close of a lock as it gets too yeah you’re probably right probably be between yeah Booker and Edwards right potentially uh I wouldn’t think Drew holiday is gonna start Tatum I guess you can maybe start at the three but that’s the problem with these these rosters is somebody’s got to not play and multiple probably multiple somebody’s are going to not play and I would guess it’d probably be I mean Devin Booker I I don’t think that he’s necessarily something that is like Devon Booker is obviously just an incredible shot maker but they have LeBron James they have Stephen like I don’t know how necessary Devon Booker is necessarily going to be at least Anthony Edwards brings a bit of an outlier physically and obviously athletically as well like I just feel like he’s probably their ex factor I don’t necessarily know if he’s going to be their one of their best players but it definitely feels like he’s going to be there hey Argentina what do you he’s our Hulk like we we yes okay yeah sure you can have your star you can have your Luca you can have your Giannis what’s your answer for this kid because not anybody has a 21 22 year old kid who’s got a 42 inch vertical and and can you know score like like Jordan or whatever we get into the devil in the details as far as the fit with Demar D rozan and the Sacramento Kings two kings of the fourth but who takes the last shot we also break down a lot of the great texts that you have sent it’s all Kings talk moving forward for the next couple hours SS and watching sack toown sports tonight a special Sacramento Kings broadcast the California classic from the golden one Center featuring the Charlotte Hornets and your Sacramento Kings tip off at 700 p.m on your local sports leader sa toown Sports 11:40 hey it’s Carmichael Dave for 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really I do think it’s a real a real question we’ll open up the phone lines to this well 91 16 33 9140 call line text line most fourth quarter points last season dear D rozan 550 dearon Fox 538 which begs the question game on the line we saw de’arra in these situations obviously it really doesn’t feel like de’arra had that great of a fourth quarter season last season but I think it was because of how great he was the season prior getting that clutch Player of the Year award but maybe we don’t have to do this maybe we do at the end of the day does it matter based on who’s hot does it matter based on who’s been rolling who’s taking that last shot I it definitely matters who’s rolling and who’s got to go on that given day for sure um but I I would say tomorrow I mean yeah we I think we we asked this question when the reports initially came out and yeah I mean I I I don’t really think it’s I don’t want to say it’s not much of a question but to me dear has just been doing this longer and has frankly a wider uh bag of shots that he can hit like dear can hit turnaround jumpers he can back people up and post them up and then yeah take his turnaround uh he he’s just he can get to the rim he’s a bigger body uh I just think dear is the guy and I I don’t really have much question about it I think Daren is great he obviously showed that he can hit some big time shots but if we think about the shots that Daren was taking uh a couple years ago when he won the most value or whatever the clutch player of the year it was a lot of Threes it was a lot I mean there was half court shot from against the magic uh occasionally he would get to his little mid-range jump shot and hit that but I I think that Demar is just more seasoned at it and I I don’t want to call it luck but I will say Dean probably got uh the benefit of of a couple shots that don’t usually go in for him going in during that season so I I’m not saying de’s not clutch and de doesn’t have it like that I just think that dear is is the best that there is and um dearen is probably in that next class of guys but I just think dear is in a class of his own yeah I I think you’re probably right and as you see the interaction between dearon and dear yesterday during the Nothing Like Us situation these are clearly conversations that I I can tell you right now my guess as to what dearn fox would say is basically a version of what we’re already saying it depends on who’s rolling first of all I don’t care yeah right second of all it depends on who’s rolling and what makes the most sense and From dear’s perspective you know he’s there to hit those shots but also to help get Dar Fox to that next level so I don’t think it’ll be an issue I think you might see let’s say the first week there’s a close game I think you might see some clunkiness but I feel like it’ll be figured out fairly early on depending on how many close games they’re in so and even if it’s not necessarily the last shot but hey who’s going to close this thing out I think it’ll be I think we saw a version of it with dearen and Malik and Malik monk when he was going it would be Malik Malik has some some gamewinners some game time shots so I don’t think that will be an issue I think the outside perspective and and media and fans they might have some question marks on it and they might have more thought on it than the actual players but I don’t know that it will be a huge issue I wouldn’t think so no I mean yeah like you said it’ll probably be something that takes a you know a month or so to kind of hammer out and you know yeah there’ll probably be a game or two where there’s an awkward moment where you know one guy it’s like a the like Mike situation where he’s passing it back and forth and back and forth uh but at some point they’ll figure it out I mean yeah dearen seems more than willing to sacrifice if that’s going to be the case and dear definitely gives off Vibes of somebody who uh isn’t super selfish about it either of course it’s something he can do and has done but I don’t think he really takes ownership of it and says like this is my time how dare you try and step on my time I mean you know again we had will gotle explain to us that he had Kobe white in a situation where they allowed Kobe white to take the final shot and Demar instead of being bitter instead of being like Scottie Pippen and saying why did you draw that play for Tony K coach he said okay Kobe I don’t I I’m not sure how the the the result went of that play but he went broke it down with him and and understood like hey even though this usually goes to me and it went to Kobe and it might have not gone how it should have gone or how it would have gone if I got it let me help this kid out so I think that dear definitely gives off Vibes of someone who just doesn’t really care about that kind of stuff and yeah I think ultimately that’s going to lead to them being incredibly successful but you did kind of touch on something there too Malik monk is also somebody who gets fourth quarter clutch es maybe that’s a problem maybe that is more dear is always G to dear’s still the head of the snake he’s still this team goes as far as dear takes them he was always still gonna get those shots maybe now Malik doesn’t get those shots and we kind of talked about it yesterday I think we’ll talk about it in a bit here if Malik isn’t starting and then isn’t getting his end roll that means that there’s a lot of value in that in between time and so make does Malik do we have to make sure that Malik isn’t forgotten in those situations that could be maybe where we see this really affect itself and not necessarily with these two top guys who are already a lead at this it might be the guy who was new to this but starting to kind of get a feel for it yeah in these big three situations right and I know someone they’re not a big whatever someone or whether it’s a bonus or not somebody got a sacrifice yeah somebody has sacrifice you’re bringing 24 points per game to a team and Demar de rozan either he’s gonna have to sacrifice and and hey you know you’re going to get D you’re going to be more around 18 to 20 somebody has I’m not saying it has to be Malik monk but it the way math works it has it has to be someone and it probably will be the guy that’s not starting if that ends up being Malik monk 916 33914 let’s get to Dwayne wants to be part of the conversation what’s up Dwayne what you got for us hey what’s good Fellas um I gotta say when you get a Demar de rozan you can’t be unhappy because you got a star you got a bucket machine right a legit bucket machine right but I’m what’s up with all these guards bro I mean I I was going a whole another Direction with this so what I want to say is what we we’re we’re almost like the 49ers now we’re not addressing the needs that we need to address which is Wings span length defense shot blocking and attitude bro and attitude we’ve been saying this for a year and it’s just not getting done so the next move has to get something done along those lines bro or I’m going to look I’m going to look at Monty because you know we look at what the Pelicans do to us we got to address that we look at what Dallas did they added length with PJ Washington and the other guy and went from a five seed to the finals stord yeah but Dwayne what about you you’re bringing up attitude what were you gonna say about attitude because I feel like Demar D rozan does help that at the very least a little bit he might help a little bit just because Sacramento hasn’t had that at all we got got no guys that’s going to just be loud and get in somebody’s face man we got a bunch of nice guys who are going to look around for the next guy to do it and then we’re going to get pumped we’re going to get bullied in the fourth quarter like what happened last year man so I got to go to work man take care of my kids but let me know what you think man y’all have a great day love this Channel Hey pay pay them bills Dwayne pay them bills thank you appreciate it so that’s one thing I haven’t really thought about as far as the dog factor and obviously the clips of demaret and Chippy do they still need to address it and in the next segment in about six minutes here we’re going to move towards what else the Kings need to do but I didn’t really think about it like that as far as the guard thing and I told you a lot of people are very confused on what Demar D rozan is he’s played two he’s played three he’s played four and to that point I think we were talking about in the cross talk they’re getting smaller Wings they’re getting there slowly but surely Chris they got Devin Carter who’s a big guard yep now you get demard de rozan who is a small forward and you’re just Mo trying to move forward and forward to just getting a a legit big four and what is available out there we’ll talk about the Walker kers of the world who obviously is a five but there are questions coming out about what he’d go for but yeah as far as the dog thing is concerned I do think you can do it in different ways and I think the I think last season the Kings just didn’t have anything they had no stopper when the teams went on runs and they had no dog to say you know we’re not going to be disrespected like this whether or not you don’t whether or not you think that demard de rozan is a dog in that capacity he at least he’s a stopper at least he can get a bucket and slow down RS the K the Kings they had a lot of issues last season so you’re not gonna solve them all in one move but I do think that the demard de rozan move does solve some of the some of the more pressing issues if you will yeah definitely I mean yeah leadership and uh just overall tenacity and shot making ability and and having another playmaker on the floor absolutely it’s a there’s a lot that he he definitely covers up and I feel like uh you know it it makes me wonder I know JaVale said I think it was to the drive guys uh you know it’s tough when your enforcer is 6-2 and he was talking about Malik I wonder what the line is is is dear big enough to be this team’s enforcer or do they still need to bring in a a real forward a power forward or a center that kind of brings that edge because uh yeah I think that that part is still missing a bit but I think to your point dear definitely does bring an edge and a bit of tenacity and you know I think a bit of what everyone wants isn’t even necessarily uh a dude who’s well maybe they do want somebody who’s G to get in people’s faces but I think the thing dear brings that is very dog mentality esque is every single night he wants to win and I think that’s a part of it too is I think people say they want a dog because they’re seeing just the complete opposite they’re seeing guys who sometimes on some nights look like they don’t care look like they’re not giving their 100% effort and I think they want it to manifest itself in oh if this guy’s angry and getting mad and chirping that means he’s invested it means that he’s emotionally tied to this game and I think that’s something you never have to worry about with dear so I think he answers that in the sense of every single game you’re G to see Demar D rozan fighting tooth and nail to try and win the game I think you pointed out yesterday or Whitey tweeted you pointed out Whitey’s tweet about Demar de rozan in that fourth quarter against the Sacramento Kings when the the Bulls were down I think he said double digits yeah and and dear what did he do he didn’t give up he said okay time to put the backpack on and carry the team he went seven of seven in the quarter you’re gonna see a guy who brings it every single night and I think that will alleviate some of the dog problems that fans want that’s exactly where I’m at with this you can still get a dog I’m sure the Morris twins is available oh they definitely are but I don’t I don’t think that you were going to get a all-encompassing player that was going to solve all of your issues but again this does solve one of the issues that the that the Kings have had coming up next what else do the kings need okay we open up the conversation we’ll play a game of open door or closed door getting demard de R rozan does this open does this keep the door open for certain players or does it close the the door for certain players Sal Watkins sack toown Sports the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right down to the goal line he does his thing again mcaffry goes in motion right backwards pass led by yek a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown c MC you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdown Downs on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports oh no stomach issues again stomach issues who are you your pancreas I could be the real reason for your diarrhea gas bloating stomach pain or loose oily stools I thought it was my stomach people often do but any of these symptoms could 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press conference which we will have live here on sack toown Sports 1140b Flagship for the Sacramento Kings and you’ll be able to score a pair of tickets if you are the correct caller number based on the number that Chris chooses this is what I want to do moving forward Chris when everybody when anybody has the dog conversation or wants to have the dog conversation just give me names because we’re gonna hear who right and and also names that are available so you hear Dylan Brooks and I know there were people that wanted Dylan Brooks on the Kings okay they’re dogs there’s Dylan Brooks there’s Draymond Green who’s hated in Sacramento there’s Patrick Beverly who I you can’t take Patrick Beverly because you have too many guards okay you have the Morris twins I know one of them is signed who are the other dogs available I I look and I know the main one and we can say this and we’ll continue to say it because we know people are in and out they’re going to work we would love beef stew okay Isaiah Stewart just we need dear and fox we would love beef stew that’s one I think is is a win-win for everyone involved so that is a name that I I hear you on that but there’s not a ton of these quote unquote dogs walking around yeah I mean I think it’s again it’s not even necessarily that you need everyone you listed I would say is an enforcer like I don’t even think you know that’s a different conversation which we’ve had before like this team at at a time and you can definitely make the argument even still needs an enforcer I think dogs can be found else like to me Keon Ellis is a dog like he’s somebody who’s out there he’s getting Scrappy he’s diving on the ball for on the floor for loose balls and things like that so I you know I’m struggling with the definition at this point yeah I mean for sure I you know it became a cliche and everyone says got that dog in him and got that dog in me and all that stuff and so it becomes a little bit murky but I I don’t necessarily think that the Kings especially with Devin Carter yeah you’ve got Keon Ellis you’ve got Demar D rozan who probably isn’t more of the the diving on loose balls kind of dog but is more of the exactly he’s more of like the uh the uh what’s it called the uh uh uh you know uh man that threw me off completely yeah that one lingered okay uh yeah hard knows right you know you’re just kind of looking for uh somebody who who kind of brings the the mental side of the dogness you know he he again understands that games aren’t over that every single game you need to bring your 100% doesn’t matter if you’re playing the Blazers or the Spurs or the Hornets or any of the worst teams in the league you can’t lose to those guys and I think that’s the thing that hopefully Demar can bring and I think that’s what the dog mentality really is to me is just not caring about the opponent in front of you you’re playing 100% every single game and you could also throw demonus sabonis into that category as well because we saw you know in that Detroit game infamously where the Kings went down what was it like 15 in the first quarter Damon sabonis was cooking that game so I don’t think he’s really uh in the question for for if he’s got that dog in him either I think it really is I mean you could argue maybe it’s just dearin that we need to see it out of I mean I just listed four guys on the team that undeniably have it you could say Malik has it in terms of mentality I think maybe it’s it’s more just people want to see that emotion want to see that fight that energy that hustle at a dear Fox and I think uh you know I think it’s it’s a big ask but I do think that it’s uh it’s a necessary one for someone who’s supposed to be one of the biggest leaders on your team and I’m not saying de’arra never shows it I just think that people might want to see that Angry Fox a little bit more we talk so much during the season when we see dear get locked in and see him take that intensity to another level I think we just want to see it more often yeah that’s fair enough that’s fair enough somebody on the text line is saying Jay Crowder I’m not I’m not notos not getting minutes though yeah yeah and that and that that begs the question what exactly is it that you think we need okay it’s time to play open door or closed door Chris I have some names here and whether you think the addition and acquisition of Demar de rozan has closed the door or the door is still open on some of these guys let’s start with Brandon Ingram closed door open door I would think that the door is closed um I just think him and D rozan are a bit redundant and uh actually I think they’re they’re pretty much doing the exact same thing uh and yeah I mean it’s just going to be too I think it’s too Hefty of a price especially considering yeah you’re gonna have to pay uh D you’re gonna have to pay uh uh Brandon Ingram $50 million after this season and uh yeah I just I don’t I think that complicates the fit more than than any other person that you could bring in so I would say that they’re more than likely out on Brandon Ingram I would say the same thing I think that I think that they’re they’re done with the Brandon Ingram conversations just based on what I’ve been hearing what is floating around the the basketball world I think that they’re done with Brandon Ingram because I mean obvious I mean you can’t add Brandon there’re just now we’re Malik monk is now a fifth option at and Keegan Murray ain’t far in front or behind him so I think it’s a Clos door on that next one everyone’s favorite name right now Lori marinin before you answer Chris this was from Brett seagull from clutch points he says the Jazz have been offered three first round picks for L marinan and basically there have been different deals that have gone on obviously we we heard that in April they had a conversation with the Jazz they wanted Keegan they said no Keegan now it seems like they’re still pursuing Lor marinin in some capacity if I’m Danny a maybe he’s changed his mind and doesn’t want Keegan I don’t know if you saw that picture of him yesterday at the summer league not looking very happy door open or do door closed on Lori marketing I think that it’s still open I personally would probably have it closed a bit more um you know I I just think that it’s a really really big asking price and um it’s interest I mean if they involve Keegan funny enough I do think that it severely diminishes what the uh what the return for Utah would be I I would assume that they wouldn’t want or probably couldn’t get more than I I would hope that you’re not throwing on Keegan plus two first round picks if it is Keegan involved maybe it’s one that makes it a little more palatable to me but right now to me it feels like if you’re not going to give up Keegan and you are gonna just straight up do a picks based deal for Lorie marinin that’s everything man and at that point you only have you know Keegan Murray as a trade chip moving forward I guess you can maybe say Malik monk as a trade chip possibly Demar D rozan but I mean you just assembled this team together I would hope that you wouldn’t have to even think about that kind of Route so uh that to me is a bit too Allin and I again still have a lot of I’m just not as in on Lori as I think a lot of other people are I think he’s great um I’m just not sure that he’s solving all all the problems the Kings have and to me if you’re G to give up what Lori takes to get I don’t know if you have enough to then solve the problems that you still have I’m gonna go quick on these next two because I think that these are obvious because I have two more that I do think are a little bit more in depth cam Johnson or Dorian finy Smith door open on those yeah I would think door open still on those okay let’s have some fun with these last two Jeremy Grant door open door closed the tough one it’s probably still open um but yeah we just haven’t heard any smoke behind it recently and you know again it’s still it’s still one where I I wouldn’t it would be interesting to see what his return is I don’t think we have any true gauge on what Jeremy Grant’s return would be um I would definitely assume it’s less than Lori marinin but you know again if the kings are having to give up multiple first round picks and maybe I I wouldn’t think a young player but you would have to at least get matching salary you know that’s that’s a decent bit to give up so I I would say I would probably lean more towards out but it wouldn’t surprise me if he emerges as a name sometime soon and last but not least from Joe Callie the Chicago Bulls are hoping to attach two second round picks in potential trades to offload Zack lavine’s contract The Hope in making the sign and trade for D rozan is getting two second round picks back that can now be attached to the LaVine package but it’s still a long shot and the market has been screaming for over a year that there is not a lot of interest in LaVine yeah that I think it’s a big no I think it’s it’s just not going to happen uh even with the two second round picks I think if it was ever going to happen it was going to be in combination with this throws and deal I just can’t imagine that the Kings gave the Bulls some second round picks just to get back in a Zack LaVine trade I think they’re out I hope they’re out I pray they’re out and thankfully it seems like they’re out is there is there no part of you maybe it’s just me you know feel bad for Zack LaVine at all I know it’s hard to feel bad he0 contract you keep saying he signed $50 million a year why no one want me man it’s just it’s just a little 40 mil it’s just it’s a complete he’s gonna come back with to your salary that’s the problem G come back with a vengeance I hope then he’s gonna get hurt that’s the problem no one nobody is denying Zack lavine’s skill I think that’s also the problem here is nobody is saying Zack lavine’s a a a terrible player I definitely think that you know his value has diminished a bit in that sense but I think people are afraid of the contract and they’re afraid of the injuries I don’t think they’re afraid of Zack LaVine not being living up to what they give up I saw one thing it said it was basically similar to what I said man is his contract really that bad and someone said he gets paid like Luca and plays as much as Joel embiid yeah or less right yeah no I mean what three years 150 million doll still left on that still still left on that contract you don’t get rid of I mean we just saw what the Kings had to give up a 2031 unprotected pick swap to get rid of Harrison barnes’s contract yeah what are we talking about with Zack LaVine $150 million left nobody wants it nobody who’s serious about winning is actually going to do that the Lakers might do it mid-season but that I think that’s their that’s their best hope I don’t know who else uh would be willing to do it maybe Phoenix would be willing to do a Bradley Beal swap but Bradley Beal would have to be willing to accept it he’s got a no trade clause there is one more name who broke out yesterday but is Danny a pulling the old oky do also we get into Malik bunk and his press conference that that happened earlier this week and why he chose to stay with the Kings and last but not least should Malik monk be a starter Styles and Watkins sdown sports tonight a special Sacramento Kings broadcast the California classic from the golden one Center featuring the Charlotte Hornets and your Sacramento Kings tip off at 700 p.m. on your local sports leader sack toown Sports 11:40 I’m Michael Dave here for Capital Casino Sacramento summertime heat is back and of course cap Casino Sacramento’s number one Poker Room wants to invite everyone to soak up some air conditioning still with the most variety of table games in the region and as always the best food best service and the best action conveniently located in downtown Sacramento Capital Casino of course reminding everyone to please 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in the building next Friday for the 38 Special experience all you have to do is hit up the f m hotline 115 right after dearon Fox excuse me demard de rozen’s press conference y Fox he might be there he might be there attendance that is all coming up in the 1:00 hour Chris it’s about that time you bring up dogs there’s always a name that’s gonna get brought up what what name do you think that is I would guess Jimmy Butler Draymond think more I guess past but that’s just going to give it away think more past dogs our test okay you’ve gone too far okay uh it’s too obvious I can’t tell you it’s clearly not obvious he was a king Reggie Evans Quincy AC Boogie oh I would not consider de I mean Demarcus was a certain kind of dog he was I don’t know if I would describe his game as dog like we’ll see I mean I guess like you know he was definitely intense he was uh you know he was like a chow you know that’s if I were to give Demarcus a dog type I wouldn’t say like a pitbull or rotweiler well maybe a Rottweiler but lot a lot of lot of barking I mean I know there was a lot of substance to that bark but uh I wouldn’t say doglike effort from Demarcus I think that actually would have been welcome part of his game again they’re just they’re just different types of dogs right and I don’t know the Vibes look so good yesterday even with VC and they like us throwing Boogie Back In the Mix I don’t know no there’s a zero DeMarcus Cousins is not signing with this team it’s not worth anybody’s breath it’s not not happening but my question is when will you think H how much longer do you think until fans just don’t bring up Boogie we got two more years I’m honestly shocked it hasn’t happened already I would have guessed that it would have happened like two years ago like Demarcus has been off the team for so long and yeah I mean his career is done like I mean the dude is literally playing in what Costa Rica or Puerto Rico or whatever it’s like he’s not an NBA player nobody nobody in the league wants him not even the Detroit Pistons the Washington Wizards there’s tons of Team like he had his chance he had multiple chances he had multiple chances on the way out and he’s no longer an NBA player I just I I don’t know why it’s hard for people to that Achilles I like Demarcus as a player I would lik him here in Sacramento but I am not I am not under any illusion that he can help out this team at all I mean plus like yeah I mean he’s physically not the same guy he used to be either I mean he completely tore up his legs pretty much the minute he left Sacramento and I feel like a lot of King’s fans didn’t really see that part of it but you know Demarcus didn’t just fade out because he wasn’t a nice guy and things like that it was you know his body kind of was deteriorating as well well there might not be a big market for DeMarcus Cousins but there does seem to be a big market for Walker Kessler and all of a sudden look there’s no way it’s going to be this simple but Ian Begley is reporting that teams in touch with Utah say the Jazz are looking for at least a first round pick in return for Kesler I think the operative words there at least and nobody else including our own Carmichael Dave nobody else seems to pay be paying attention to those words at least that’s where the bidding starts okay let’s hear from Ian Begley and what he had to say about about Walker Kessler couple of notes here as the Knicks get through their off season get ready for summer league uh the Knicks had been in touch with Utah had had some interest in Walker Kessler the big man as a potential solution for them at the backup five but uh teams in touch with Utah say the Jazz are looking for at least a first round pick in return for Kesler in these conversations that had gone on earlier in the offseason so that’s going to be a tough price for the Knicks to meet or match and I I would assume that they wouldn’t be able to get that deal done and then you look at your other options they have been in touch with precious auua auua has drawn interest from several contenders uh believe he has a couple offers on the table there now let’s see where aoua goes in the next few days but nonetheless Nicks need to fill that backup five position after Losing Isaiah hartenstein Mel Bridges will meet the media in ter town on Tuesday Sean marks next GM saying that Mel Bridges did not request to trade or ask to leave and I just want to address that for a minute because so obviously that was from the Nick’s point of view and I do think it’s interesting Chris Walker CER what is he 23 years old something like that something like that yeah he’s very young yeah 23 so you’re you’re bringing him on to be a backup with the assumption that he’ll eventually be a starter correct that’s what all these teams are thinking I don’t necessarily think so okay no I mean he can definitely be on the bench he’s still on his rookie contract so you can kind of have a couple more years of Team control of him before you have to pay him and no I mean I I don’t necessarily think he has to be a starter at all I would think kind of I mean funny enough he’s going to the or Nicks have interest in him I would think it’s like a Isaiah hartenstein kind of role he could definitely start for you if you wanted but I think ideally he’s coming off the bench for good teams no no no I mean eventually because he’s so young we’re g to cultivate him and and once he matures he’ll CU if you’re giving up a first at least and that’s the operative word yeah at least a first rounder I don’t know how many people that are going to give up I mean I guess if unless you want a really Elite first you know Elite backup center and I saw Carmichael Dave said that he would do it yeah for one for one I just you can throw on some second round picks sure yeah no I mean I I think Walker Kessler’s the one of the best centers that you could have in terms of like a a low paid uh low maintenance but but you know highlevel role player his first two seasons in the league the dude has averaged over two blocks a game rookie season he came in and averaged 2.3 blocks and then last year he averaged 2.4 blocks so he had five blocks last night I’m sure he I mean like yeah he I saw he blocked Zack Ed as well like he is a legit Rim presence I think it’s just there’s not much else to him like he he’s a good rebounder for sure but he doesn’t have any face up offensive game he’s not really a rim Runner a lob threat he’s somebody who can stand in the dunker spot but offensively he’s super limited so I think that’s kind of why I don’t know if there’s necessarily a future guaranteed role for him because I don’t think anybody is necessarily envisioning that guy as that kind of player as a starter in today’s League unless you’re you know unless he becomes like an Isaiah hartstein but I think he kind of needs to uh be a little bit more mobile to be a kind of guy like that and Isaiah hartstein is also a ridiculous passer uh Walker Kessler’s only averaged under an assist per game so far yeah so I mean one first rounder and a couple second rounders maybe you think about it I know that there are Kings fans that are definitely interested but the thing is there are multiple teams interested you know that was Ian Begley from a king or from a Nick standpoint so there there are a lot of a lot of assets out there there’s also a lot of suitors and and players in in the mix as far as teams that want to get some of these assets we get into the Malik monk resigning press conference Chris this one for you I I told hey hey Johnny K DeMarcus Cousins is playing in Taiwan and he helped his team win his past win a championship he was MVP I told you it was Taiwan great I told you right my bad my fault that Superior League my fault my I wasn’t giving him enough credit go leave Boogie alone should Malik start also we have his resigning press conference all that and more when we return Styles and Watkins sdown sports did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank LaRosa they’re all available right now on Sactown hey what’s up everybody it’s your boy drapes Kyle Draper as the proud sponsor of the Sacramento Kings mck crew Alco uniforms offer certified hygienically clean lab coats scrubs bed linens towels floor mats and an array of mops tailored for your health care facility our services include convenient delivery to your doorstep leading the way and Healthcare laundry services in Northern California discover why it pays to keep clean with Alco uniforms go to to learn more again that’s the Wildey Southern Boys are Back E8 special Ro it into the night Friday July 19th at 7:30 at the venue at Thunder Valley with 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details tune in to sack toown Sports now through July 9th for all your coverage of the California classic brought to you in part by Clean California remember just one piece of litter can ruin the game zero litter is the goal sack toown Sports call or text at 916 33914 tickets or L Graham the original voice of Foreigner coming up at 115 right after the Demar D rozen press conference which will Air live here on sack Town Sports the flagship and then Chris and I will hop back on in there so if you remember what was that was that two weeks ago guys or was that last week the Caesar salad yeah it was on the fourth I think it was the fourth is actually the anniversary of the SE oh I’m sorry you’re talking about your Caesar salad incident yes yes yes I thought you were talking that that was the Wednesday when no one was here so that was the third cuz the Thursday was the fourth right so update on that I had a pesto pasta salad which is very good by the way tiny too really small so I I fire it up during the break here and Nate just looks at me with just the eyes of death and he says do not open that in there so I’m a grown man standing up eating my pasta salad in the hallway outside outside well you know what’s crazy is that’s where you opened it last time you were eating out there and it stunk up the whole building it’s true so I don’t know the whole building oh it was oh I mean you couldn’t go anywhere now it’s the whole fan I think is still I was in the warehouse in the corner the fan broken yeah it it broke the fan spinning too much so now I have to eat my lunches only me I have to eat all my lunches well in the hallway standing up it’s not even good for me to eat that fast yeah not supposed to eat that fast may tell drapes to join us for cross talk sometime while you’re out there I eat early not not not during Drake time okay well you know it is what it is fine you know think he just said Drake was that a fian slip said Drake time if he’s the LeBron James he’s probably also the Drake yeah and he’s one he said yeah so Michael Bachi on the sack chat you heat up the pasta salad no I mean cold alone in the hallway and that’s your fault you deserve it but Nate can eat pizza at 10 a.m. in the hey he’s he’s by himself in there just well I guess for I wouldn’t know apparently yeah you’re not allowed in here I don’t want to go in there with your pizza all right Malik monk says that he wants to start and could voice that if he feels he needs to now again this was what Chris right before the announcement of yeah de Demar D Ro and so I don’t know if he’s changed his tune but this is what he had to say in his resigning press conference of course I want to start um but I I’m coming here U free-minded and and do whatever the team needs me to do um but if I feel like I need to start I might voice it um because now I got to voice a little bit I can say something um that that that’ll stand um but yeah I’m still coming in free minded and coming here to win games that sounds to me like he knew that the kings were going to make some type of move I think he was essentially saying if they don’t do anything then I should start but if they do something Allah demard de rozan then let’s have a then let’s have a conversation in some capacity obviously demard de Rosen could play anywhere from the two through the four right but it sounds to me like Malik monk Was preparing to not start assuming that mty McNair was going to get something done now the question is whether this move specifically makes Malik monk feel like he doesn’t have to start or that he still should because you can make the argument right with only one basketball Malik you’re probably gonna get more opportunity coming off the bench right rather than if you started you you’re probably just GNA be a spot of shooter at that point yeah no I mean I definitely think it’s yeah it’s I mean I wonder if he to your point if he knew about dear uh you know signing with the team beforehand I I think I’m kind of reading it from it the same that you are um I I think that it’s Malik pretty much saying yeah like if things go bad I’m Pro I’m not just gonna sit on the bench as things are going bad and you can’t just tell me well we have to have continuity here more than ever right that’s where Malik is kind of saying like no I’ve got a little bit of say here now that I’m going to be here a while and I’m not afraid to say no Mike all that what we’re doing ain’t working let’s try something new and I’m the most obvious kind of addition to that lineup uh so yeah I mean I’m not really taking it as anything different than what we’ve heard from Malik before you know I’m trying to find what he exactly said um here we go and here’s the quote that he had uh when was this this was written in uh March from the Anthony Slater article where he initially kind of talked about um wanting to start he said uh he doesn’t necessarily love the fact that he never starts hell no Malik laugh hell no I don’t like it but it’s what I got to do for us to win and play better so just take so I just take the role head on that really isn’t a glowing review of him coming off the bench either right and I I don’t really read from it much different than how he did then I think that it’s just Malik saying yeah of course I’m a I’m a proudful NBA player I would like to start but understand that it’s above me it’s not my decision if I pout about it if I let it affect my play well then I’m definitely not going to start so if I am truly wanting to start one day in this league the best way of doing it is putting my head down and continuing to do what I do um and he does it really well so I I I I don’t really think that this is necessarily new news but I do think it’s interesting that this is now the second time we’ve heard Malik bring this up right and look depending on what you think the Kings ceiling is currently riding Pine or or coming off the bench for a nine seed is not the same of as coming off the bench for a four seed absolutely or a three seed and that might be part of it as well for Malik monk maybe he felt like at times why am I coming off the bench when we’re not really that good eating if they’re cooking to start yeah when we’re the three seed exactly and even right now I mean that’s the tough thing right it’s it is about fit and I was never on this side prior to getting demard de rozan but now that the Kings have demard de rozan I think I am more on the side of Kevin her if they keep Kevin herder and as presently constructed yeah Kevin herder would make more sense to start it just would make more sense you need the spacing you you don’t need the playmaking and that’s I guess in a in a weird way one less mouth to feed you can feed it but it’s not as necess as Malik monk so as presly constructed I probably would have Malik monk coming off the bench but that can change if they make another move or or not change because if they I mean here’s the thing let’s say they make a move for I I think the more I think about it I don’t see a world where another move would help Malik monk starting because if they move off of because of the the flexibility of demard De rozan if they move off off of Kevin herder you could start demard D rozan at the two yeah absolutely so I don’t see how unless it they say the same and they just say hey Malik based on what you did based on what you you did for us last season you’re G to start over Kevin herder any move that involves Kevin herder will be for another starter so I don’t see how there’s any path yeah to Malik monk to start if they make another move yeah no I mean even if they don’t I mean I still think Keon Ellis is honestly above uh uh Malik monk when it comes to the St lineup like I I don’t my feelings especially with dear in the starting lineup if anything it stamps for me that Malik makes no sense in that starting lineup even more so now than he did before because of the Staggering like you can’t there there is only one ball and like Malik and D rozan do kind of both play similar uh secondary playmaker roles where you know yeah they’re they’re a bit wasted as spot up Shooters so I think it still stands like you you play dearen dear and and sabon the first six to seven minutes of the game you check out dear and you put in Malik and and you kind of run from there I just don’t think you can have all four guys who do have to have the ball or like to have the ball in their hands on the floor at the same time to me I think Keon makes even more sense with Demar in the starting lineup to me again a guy who is very low maintenance doesn’t need shots and brings a defensive Edge especially with dear out there who’s a bit of a as we’re being sold a defensive I just say liability for ease of conversation um you need Keon out there to go guard the best players and I think uh if anything yeah that means that Malik definitely to me isn’t starting regardless of whether they make another move or not if they make another move 100% I’m right with you like it sense it for me yeah it’s really a matter of Fit versus I guess production because I do think Malik is a more or was a more productive player than Kevin herder in 2024 in 2023 2024 but the fit is is the question and our own Brandon nunz sack toown Sports Kings Insider who is as locked in as anybody when it comes to the Sacramento Kings he put it to us like this the circles around the Kings currently the thought process is that Malik will come off the bench and he told us that before the Demar de rozan move so everybody knew a move was going to be made and the thought was that Malik would still come off the bench maybe maybe it doesn’t end up happening but we’re we that’s what we heard from our guy Brandon we’ll have Brandon on later in the week to kind of break all that down but I mean it makes sense right from a fit standpoint it makes sense maybe it would be different if the piece you got was different but with that piece being Demar D rozan it does make it a bit tough for Malik to get his if you will hey Malik do you want to start and get less touches or do you want to continue to be six-man hopefully avenge your six-man that you should have got last season and get yours whenever you want that that’s really what it comes down to coming up next best in the west we get back into that Monty pool article as he ranks the Kings 16 and the Golden State Warriors 15 but let’s focus on the rest of the West what tier do you put the kings in and I tell the story of my buddy who thinks we should be more optimistic as a king’s fan base St and Watkins stown Sports the only place you’ll find dearin Fox is sack Down Sports spins away from the defender in the paint soft loader that’s a great play by dearon Fox hey Sacramento it’s dearon Fox and you’re listening to the home of the Sacramento Kings sack toown Sports your local sports leader I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help 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Monday through Friday s Sports [Music] live and local live and local this is sack toown [Music] Sports thear roen press conference in an hour we’ll have that for you live here sack toown Sports 115 giveaway to see Lou Grim the original voice of Foreigner at the venue Thunder Valley so you don’t want to miss that Chris Watkins I had a buddy Al Styles I had a buddy and he’s a warrior fan right from Bay Area guy and you know he was he was we were talking after the show yesterday and I was telling him about the show energy good show great show and I told him you know that we discussed the team still possibly being a six seed or fist seed with the the possibility of getting to that top tier yeah and he says to me I don’t really understand and this is a guy who doesn’t even know the ins and outs of he doesn’t know how much we regard Keegan Murray right he doesn’t even know kind of the second layer he just knows the main guys okay and he says how do you have a top five Center a top five shooting guard and a top 10 10 point guard and you’re talking about six seed fifth seed maybe getting into that top tier and I he threw it back to me I said you know what that’s that’s kind of a good question now I know we did this yesterday with the quote unquote shooting guards with dear maybe he’s more top 10 shooting guard closer to 10 than to five but closer to five okay well there you go even even more so so you have dear you have sabonis top five Center dearon Fox based on who is a quote unquote point guard I would put him in the top 10 so why when we talk to somebody like Jason Ross who said they could be the one seed they could be the they could they could be in the play and again why do we feel like that what is this team missing do they actually need to make another move what what is the holdup with feeling like this team could make a run when you have three guys of that caliber and then the and then to that point he didn’t even mention I told him yeah and you got Keegan Murray who might take a leap and he didn’t and then he did bring up at one point Malik monk who has really taken his play to another level so I’m sitting there thinking maybe you’re not wrong maybe you’re not wrong yeah I mean I I mean we talked about it a bit yesterday like we I think there’s belief that they can be that but I think it’s just I mean the reality is it’s the Western Conference and how deep it is and how many other opponents there are and um you know I think the other problem is how far what’s the furthest that Demar D rozan has made it in the playoffs what’s the furthest that de fox has made it in the playoffs what’s the furthest sa bonis has made it in the playoffs same with Malik monk all those guys have never made it past the first round so um you know It’s just tough to say with all conviction when the Timberwolves in their first year of real success make it all the way to the Conference Finals Dallas improves their team in two months and then makes the NBA Finals OKC is a team that’s still on the rise I think that it’s just the other teams out there it has really nothing to do with Sacramento and how they’ve built their situation it’s more just that the talent and the uh the the opponents out there are at an incredibly high level and the kings are doing a great job and that’s why I think I would say that they could finish as high as a one seed in a certain universe but I just think that the reality is there’s a lot of other really good teams there and the kings are imperfect like they aren’t really built like a a perfect puzzle there are some questions about their defense and about some of the offensive fits and I don’t have as many questions about the spacing but I think there are some questions to be had about the spacing so I think it’s just they’re they’re an imperfect team and the things that they don’t do well um are pretty obvious and and pretty exploitable yeah I think the def I think the two main things defense and the rest of the West though those are the two biggest question marks right now because yeah even when you break down and we we got on our guy Monty pool yesterday for ranking the Warriors above the Kings 15 and 16 I mean even when you look at the rest of the West you got who who can you confidently put the kings in front of confidently you got OKC I don’t I can’t we could do this as King of the Hill OKC I can’t put the Kings above OKC Denver I want to but as of right now I can’t can’t say confident confidently so now they’re at three Dallas now they’re at four I can’t put him in front of Dallas not confidently think Dallas is a bit overrated right now I would agree Minnesota not confident I sounded like Joe Joe Biden Minnesota Minnesota so now you’re at the Fit seat already and you still have the sons you could eventually figure this can say everything that your friend said about the Kings they have a top five yes power small forward they have a top five shooting guard You could argue they have top two top 10 shooting guards you then you have Phoenix confidently I don’t know about confidently Clippers I think they’re better than the Clippers Clippers yes so now you’re in six okay you’re in six right now Lakers as presently constructed I yeah I I would say confidently over the Lakers you would yes yeah and then you have the the Pelicans who they haven’t beat the Pelicans beat the hell out of them last year yeah since my kid was literally not even born yet I don’t think the King beating the Pelicans in your daughter’s lifetime then you still have the Warriors who have made tried to Make Some Noise you got the Grizzlies who are gonna come back y you got Houston and then from there San Antonio and Utah so there it’s literally what Jason Ross said yeah anywhere from one to seven I think so I mean yeah I think uh I think so I think that it’s going to be a really tough West and to me yeah again it has nothing to do you say you used to say it all the time like if you’re not getting worse you’re getting I’m sorry if you’re not getting better you’re getting worse and the Kings got better definitely so they aren’t falling out of the standings but everybody else is getting better too and I think that’s the that’s the issue in the west right now is just these teams are so topheavy and then the the teams that uh are at the bottom of the West are really really freaking competitive like Utah if they still are going to keep Lori still have Lori and Walker Kessler and Jordan Clarkson and you know uh uh Colin seon can get you on a given day you know uh uh Portland I don’t think is very good but who knows if scoot Henderson shanon sharp Everybody’s Got Somebody SP now Spurs I don’t think I said the Rockets no everybody’s got something that can make your day go really really badly and I think that’s just not the case in the East I mean you look at the East there I can name f every team that is in the uh oh my God gosh I saw a great name for the tanking for uh Capture the Flag I love it so much everybody that’s in the capture the flag race right now is in the East like I can confidently say Toronto is not trying to win games I can confidently say I don’t well I guess I can’t confidently say Chicago’s not trying to win I don’t think Atlanta is trying to win basketball games I think that a lot of the teams in the Eastern Conference right now are are at the that are at the bottom are planning to stay at the bottom and in the west I think everybody can reasonably convince themselves that they can at least sneak into a play even the San Antonio Spurs can say maybe not the Blazers but the Spurs are uh pretty much the line to me where there’s a world where the Spurs can win 40 games 41 games perhaps I think that’s about the cap but everybody in the west is competitive and I think that’s ultimately the problem with the Kings is there’s going to be I don’t know if they stick out Above the Rest I kind of feel like they’re they’re much like the Clippers and the Mavericks were last year where they’re better than this middle class tier but I don’t think that they’re quite in the the top dog race yet yeah and it’s messed up to say because you’re you’re you’re not supposed to continue to Look Backwards but if you make if you make this move last season if Monty does it’s probably looked at a bit differently I don’t know if it ends up I don’t know how different it ends up because the West was so ridiculous but yeah you’re you’re making a move the D rozan move was just to hang in there yeah really you can look at it like that versus to oh wow now they’ve got into a completely different level this is just to get back into the party you got you got timed out hey take a take a breather you got to step out the club for a little bit get some fresh air this just lets you yes this just let you out of the penalty box and let you back in the club before that last song plays 916 3391 1140 let’s go to David wants to be part of the conversation what’s up David what you got for us skull baby skull skull skull come on now what’s up y every week hey guys listen uh this was a great move because uh the rozan brings an element to this team that’s going to be I think I mean it’s going to be huge but I think the reason why everybody’s kind of still like well it’s because we saw last year in the playoffs or in the playin and the team that always sticks out in my mind more than any other team is uh New Orleans their length just destroyed us every single time and it’s like Monty has this habit of making him move a couple moves some smaller ones he’s real guard heavy and it’s like until he dresses that pogo stick for Rim blocker Rim you know Rim Runner shot blocker rebounder defensive guy down low next to sabonis that can maybe stretch the floor a little bit and stay out of sabonis way I think that’s when things change and marketing would have been perfect that guy would have stretched the floor I mean that would have been an instant I think you know top two teams right there if we would have landed him or if we still would but I think until we land that that length that we need we’re going to struggle I mean I wouldn’t say struggle but we’re going to have a harder time um you know New Orleans has got all those guys that are tall at every position I know they’ve lost a few people or you maybe but um but they’re they’re tough for us and that’s the team in my I mean to me they’re tougher than Dallas for us I mean we played Dallas pretty good uh but that length I think is what’s killing us you know and that athleticism in the front Court like Lyles is great uh he’s not exactly terribly athletic but he’s solid player he’s gritty he can hit threes he can do all that stuff but he’s still not that 610 611 guy that we really need down low once we get that even if it’s semis scrubby if he can come in and give us 10 or 12 good minutes like Lynn does but a more athletic version of that then I think then we can talk about we’ll be in the upper Eon you know I don’t know what you guys think but that’s my thoughts yeah thanks for the call thanks for the call David I I agree with David it’s just a matter of how you get how you get there the lowy marketing thing and I and and I and I we read it off not too long ago they’ve already turned down or I don’t know if the offer on the table didn’t say who the team was from Brett seagull of of clutch points three first rounders somebody offered that to the Jazz we don’t know who or if it’s still on on the table you know Chris I was thinking about this just real quick about sabonis at the four and we’ve talked so much about the spacing and his inability to to stretch the floor yeah and I think you’ve brought this up before but we haven’t really highlighted it for all the sabonis for people that would mean he has to guard Force guard Force yes and that’s just not it that’s not it at all and that’s the problem like I mean as much as people like I think Jerry always says it uh you can you can play in terms of like when they say oh yeah this guy can guard one through fours or whatever or can Keegan play the four or is he more of a three Jerry Reynolds always says you play what you can guard and deont sabonis can only guard fives which is why he is a five he’s not fast enough he’s not he’s not mobile enough to uh to be on the perimeter every single play and and you know switch out on the guards and play against some of the faster forwards in the league he has to play center and I just I mean Lori marinan I love Lori markkanen’s offensive ability but everything that we’re saying about Demar D rozan to me still applies to Lori marinin too like he definitely stretches the floor it’s not on the offensive side but all of the defensive concerns that we have bringing in Demar de rozan are not patched up at all by Lori Markin and I think if anything you’re leaning even more so into this only offense only offense only offense which I don’t have a problem with but I just thought that as a group as a collective we decided that the Kings weren’t going to do that I thought we decided it was fun but it wasn’t a realistic path to winning and uh yeah I would just be a little bit surprised uh if that’s the direction that we go wholeheartedly especially Full Throttle just because I think there’s still a lot of questions of course Lor’s a huge Talent upgrade but I just don’t think that solves everything coming up next there are still question marks from the national media as far as the demard de roen fit and one Chicago pundit decides that this isn’t a about the Kings or the Bulls it’s about another team I’ll let you guess who that is Styles and Watkins Sactown Sports on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings basketball with you the sack toown sports hat will let you stay connected to your passion never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with the sack toown Sports app ooh my what was that that is business phone Bliss with the Uma Cloud phone system system it handles 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to win ticket C L Graham the original voice of Foreigner is coming to sack toown we want you to be in the building next Friday for the 38 Special experience all you have to do is hit up the fulam Lake Honda hotline at 1:5 and Chris will pick the number we’re gonna get into this around the horn sound Chris but Kevin Pelton you have here also isn’t that high on the Kings on the king’s move and look it’s not that we don’t get it you know what I was thinking Chris and Kevin Pelton writer for ESPN and being WNBA writer you know what I was thinking I think this is the most Fair assessment of the Demar D rozan deal okay last season we talked about some of the bad losses where you lose to the Hornets you lose to the Blazers you lose to the Pistons and we said because that’s that’s the that that is something that I do think is fair the idea of beating those teams in the west they actually the Kings weirdly enough kind of took care of business to some degree in a really loaded West they won games that a lot of people didn’t think they were going to win right they showed up in certain certain stances there were games where they could have shown us that they could get to the next level you know going to when they went to Miami and place like that and they weren’t able to pull that off and that that fine but if you remove the games that they lost that they should not have lost they’re probably a five seed and I think that’s the safest way to look at it demard de rozan in theory should keep you from losing those terrible games which if you do what you did last season and think about it Keegan down year three-point wise Kevin herder down year shooting wise and you still were in the Malik Monk and Kevin Hur her injuries and you were still in the hunt so if you just have a little bit better luck and a little bit better production and you don’t lose games that you’re not supposed to that’s what I feel like a five seed feels a five seed with an opportunity to do a Mavericks type run feels the the safest to me because you’re not go we’re not saying you’re gonna go on any crazy you know 20 game winning streaks you’re going to win some games that you’re that maybe teams didn’t think you were going to win and you’re going to win the games that you’re supposed to last season they did win some games that other people and and teams didn’t think they were going to but they lost games that were just complete head scratchers hopefully it just removes the head scratching losses yeah no I mean I think the hope is that he can definitely hit some free throws I think that’s that’s a really big part of it I mean they’ve we heard dearn say it Mike Brown said it like if they believe that if they were to just shoot League average from the free throw line they would had 50 wins and dear is definitely it’s the first thing I I pointed out when the rumors came out was he takes seven and a half a game and hits it at 85% that’s a really good way that was the best way that was as we were pleading guys call us help us what do we do to get better at free throws the simplest thing is get somebody who takes a lot of them and makes a lot of them and that’s exactly what they did so I think that in itself could help you win uh yeah 50 games can definitely uh that can definitely be the mark there’s also the fact of you know we were talking about the clutch thing earlier that swings games as the kings are projected if you look at you know the the uh 538s of the world the the season projection uh uh win projections it’s going to be a lot of 46 47 wins but the thing that can change that projection is oh man these guys are outliers in the clutch we didn’t account for the fact that the kings are so much better than everybody else in clutch situations that that won them an additional two to four five games and that’s how you go from potentially a 50- win team with the free throws to now you’re a 54 55 win team with those different clutch numbers I I definitely think that there’s there’s a good path here for dear to make some some real impact in some ways uh that yeah maybe we weren’t really anticipating and I think uh yeah playmaking is another way in which dear can definitely uh can definitely take this thing to another level so let’s let’s get to this Kevin situation and he basically he gave the Kings a what gave them a C+ which is better than a D minus okay we’re getting better but uh I think it’s important to note the because there’s obviously a lot of people who understand dear is a big talent and uh think that this is a big acquisition for the Kings but I think it’s important to highlight uh some of the the the I wouldn’t even say naysayers but people who have questions about if this is necessarily uh all about talent and the fit and if we should really be thinking about some of the outside circumstances and I think that’s um really where pelton’s getting he writes in here the Kings took advantage of a weak Market to get D rozan at what should be an excellent contract for constructing a three- team sign and trade deal coming off two All-Star appearances during three seasons in Chicago D rozan will make less per year during his new deal than Nick claxon and Isaiah hardenstein got as free agents D rozan handled the ball 410 minutes last season which is 17th highest in uh According to second spec Spectrum Fox ranked 10th with 473 that’s something we mentioned in Sam Quinn’s article and really it is a lot of the same concerns so there’s the the amount of time in which D rozan has the ball in his hands does that affect dear Fox he also goes on to mention d rozan off the ball and how okay let’s say dearen is the one who’s gonna have the ball in his hands D rozan isn’t a good three-point shooter he shot just 33% from downtown since 1718 and the Kings Go from Barnes who made nearly twice as many threes with 149 and shot 39% Beyond The Arc so again asking you know yesterday Sam qu Quinn wrote this is messing up your your one of the best lineups in the NBA by by plus minus D rozan being in there as well affects how that lineup operates is it as efficient as a lineup uh also writes in there and this is a big part is the uh the 2031 pick swap although D rozan should have trade value on his contract Sacramento also gave up something costly to convince the Spurs to take back Barnes and facilitate this trade swap rights in 2031 when Victor wanyama will be in the middle of his Prime at age 27 the Kings better hope they’re good in 20331 or when Bama is playing for another team because that is a massive potential downside and then he wraps up by saying it’s up to D rozan to continue evolving his game in his mid-30s he’ll be 35 in August and staving off aging to make this sign and trade a winner for Sacramento and again gives them a C+ gives the San Antonio Spurs an A and gives the Bulls AC so there you go Kevin Pelton who is a well-respected basketball mind uh has some doubts and I think it’s really all the same doubts that Sam Quinn laid out yesterday with his D minus really just the overall fit the lack of spacing the the ball in D rozen’s hands uh less than what he’s normal or used to and then of course the 2031 pick swap seem to be the biggest concerns from the naysayers and that’s yeah that’s what it’s been that’s what it’s been we we get all that and we’ll see how it turns out a C+ I mean it was it’s not a straightup first rounder right or anything like that it is a swap but could be nothing it could literally end up being nothing it could be nothing but you know that one felt less egregious than Sam Quinn yeah less that and and really it’s really about what the actual grade was because they essentially said similar things same things it was just about how how dire you feel like it is how bad you’ve ruined you’ve literally ruined everything you’ve literally ruined everything we have some notes on Devin Carter who is going to have surgery we also have that sound from the Chicago pundit that thinks this isn’t about the Spurs the Bulls or the Kings coming up next St Watkins sown Sports what’s the missing piece for the 49ers which names will they add during free agency whether it’s inseason or offseason the coppage never stops get the latest 49ers news on sack toown Sports and Sactown celebrate July 4th with savings at Lowe’s for a limited time save on the essentials you need to make your garden pop for summer like Miracle Grow 25 Court potting mix get two bags for just $16 and get up to 40% off plus save an extra $50 on every $500 you spend on select major appliances hurry these deals won’t last long because Lowe’s know summer savings B through 710 Miracle Grow excludes Alaska and Hawaii applying savings vary based on purchase amount exclud and supply for more details B supplies last want to keep your gas powerered engines running like new stable’s proprietary formulas are proven by thirdparty testing to outperform the competition in keeping fuel fresh preventing corrosion and 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I’m on a beach I just have to I have to watch something yeah for sure so I figured you know I don’t get to watch it used to be my go-to you fire up around the horn you fire up PTI that’s how a lot of us grew up and I said okay you know what the Kings actually did did something big let me see what the national media right has to say about it so I fire up yeah I fire up around the horn after the after our show yesterday and some of them to be fair they did have some good things to say was whether or not it was buy or sell whether or not this moveed the needle or not but what suck out to me was Courtney Cronin who does a lot for ESPN I think she also does local stuff in Chicago this is what she had to say when she was asked about the about the kings move for D rozan I’m buying that we finally know who D Rose is but unfortunately for Lakers fans demard de Rosen is not going back to his hometown of Los Angeles that we ended up finding out from that cameo in uh Kendrick Lamar is not like us video last week this doesn’t move the needle for me with the Sacramento Kings they’re still 21st in defensive efficiency they haven’t fixed those issues they’re not a player way they’re still to me this is a much bigger indictment on the Los Angeles Lakers in the state of their off season considering that demard Rosen was one of those names that had been linked as a possible second wave signing and he ends up going way up North she got points for that for that Lakers comment did you hear the number Go I mean she was I guess trying to be different how’d she get points for just finding out that that’s what Kendrick was referring to I’m like shocked at the amount of people who didn’t like I understood initially like D Rose Derrick Rose and then I realized that doesn’t make any sense and I yeah I don’t know I just I I didn’t think like us I yeah uh I first off so she she started off on a terrible note by just learning that from the music video uh and then yeah I mean you know I don’t even necessarily think she’s wrong I do think she has a point it’s just not the time to bring it up right like I do think that it is a it’s pretty damning that the Lakers couldn’t get this kid who dard D rozan has talked about coming home for a while and he has not uh the fact that he overlooked this Lakers situation which was just a a perfect situation for him to walk into if they would have competently put together a team that would have been worth going to um I do actually kind of think that she’s right on that I just again I would say that it’s just like the Gilbert Arenas thing it’s just like well sure you can have those feelings but can we just talk about the actual trade right now just for just for this 25 seconds here can we just talk about your actual thoughts on the trade which you eventually got to but yeah and and Tony RI I don’t know him personally but he does feel like a guy who tries to Buck the trend of what gets talked about as far as ESPN and how they always obsess over LeBron and obsess over the Lakers and things like that so I a I would have really liked for reality and I saw and I’m not just making this up somebody did comment on my post yesterday that it would have been nice if R docked her points for finding a way to bring up the Lakers when we don’t ever talk about the Kings so the one time we do talk about the Kings you find a way to talk about the Lakers and some people were saying well maybe that’s because she didn’t do the homework I would imagine how these things yeah and I would imagine how these things go and we Clinton Yates uh I don’t know an acquaintance of mine I have his phone number of show yes future friend of the show we can talk to him about the in I’ve been meaning to get him on the show to talk about the ins and- out of around the horn but I would imagine it’s pretty similar because it’s a different Squad every day yeah and I would imagine that you probably get the list of things that are happening and a Monday is bigger than normal you probably get that list I don’t know Monday morning probably because it airs at I think 2:30 something like that right our time so I would say you probably get hey guys here’s the L or you get told okay you’re G to be on these these days this week this is what we’re talking about today and she’s got a couple hours to get her points off and figure out what she wants to say and I think that she said okay look I found this and I saw people going back four well weren’t they 14 in defensive efficiency she was using a metric from ESPN which had them 21st so that was the main thing she took number that she was given probably yes so the main that was the main number she had and then said I don’t think they’re a player away and to be fair do we think that they were only one player away no you know and then after that she goes let’s just go into Laker land because that’s playing the hits that’s I’m playing the hits yeah exactly you know I’m playing the hits yeah I mean ideally I think it’ be great but uh yeah you know I think this is kind of the uh not the downfall of of around the horn but like yeah I mean sometimes they’ll have uh very specific and I I honestly this is more I don’t know a lot about courtley uh Courtney Cronin um but yeah I mean I just know that they have a lot of she’s the one who dropped the f bomb I don’t remember that no she had a hot mic I think it was at was it at the combine and it wouldn’t work remember the connection we didn’t play it on the air connection wouldn’t work and she was like bleep this but she was still hot she was still hot M cat that so she’s a football person also because that’s kind of where I was going is I know that sometimes Around the Horn they’ll have very like it’ll be like you know Mina kimes has definitely proven she can talk more than just football but like you know they’ll have people who are specialists in their they’ll have a Manuel AO on and it’s like all right well like I kind of Emanuel ao’s bag is football I’m not saying he knows nothing about basketball but if we’re going to say hey yeah here’s this very very specific basketball situation I’m not really expecting Emanuel AO to have the the best takes on it is more where I’m getting at um so I mean yeah you know it’s I I think it was just a really bad she clearly wasn’t ready for it and uh yeah you know the fact that and she still kind of in a nutshell said what a lot of the so there’s still a team away we’ve we’ve or player away we’ve read two reports so far two grades and they’ve all said the same thing so she says okay what are the main what are the main points on what people are saying about this trade okay they still need defense they’re not a player away and spacing yep and that’s that’s all I that’s all I really need to hit yeah exactly and you know yeah it’s it’s whatever but uh you know yeah just you would you would want that on a day where the Kings like you said I mean they’re not talked about often uh they’re not talked about well and when they are talked about yeah it’s not in a positive light very often this is what feels like something that could be just an easy win just say hey yeah good talent for you know Sacramento to get and it should be fun to watch them play offense uh but yeah no I mean it’s just it’s very fitting I think you said it at the start of the show for some reason people just hate Sacramento I don’t know what it is I don’t know what we did to people but people just have bad things to say about it when the city’s been nothing but good and and perfectly fine to everybody yeah I mean you’re supposed to these other places you’re supposed to hate on La yeah there’s a hate on Miami New York San Francisco what what’s the point Sacramento why I don’t understand just dunking on a middle child you know it’s just like okay but why don’t people hate you know Omaha or something it’s a great question I don’t know or mil you know I don’t know the blessing of or blessing and a curse I guess of being in in California is that you know we’re still in a big pool but you know we’re not necessarily a big fish in that pool and so it’s just people think you know oh LOL what are you got what what are you it’s the you know Big Fish Little Pond it’s it’s the same kind of thing but honest the inverse it’s like okay yeah you’re in California but you guys aren’t really like you’re not really California you’re not what I think about and so it’s you know I guess it’s easy in that sense again it’s like picking on the the little brother it’s just it’s easy and nobody there’s not a big enough voice that’s gonna come out and say what are you doing crapping on my city you don’t know like it’s a win-win for a lot of these people because it’s it’s funny because you’re just completely trashing on a place and then uh yeah no one’s going to ever check you on it because frankly I mean a lot of people in in media don’t have a lot of strong feelings about Sacramento from the 530 what made the Kings go after d rozan instead of Brandon Ingram was it just the next contract because he’s literally in his prime I think that’s that’s pretty close 53 I really do think they didn’t want to pay Brandon Ingram that type of money I mean yeah it’s also like value wise like yeah would you rather give up a ton for Brandon Ingram and then yeah and then have to pay him on top of that or would you rather you know just essentially cash in Duarte and and uh and barnes’s contract and turn that into D rozan and yeah you only gave up a couple seconds in a future first that might end up being quite literally nothing so um yeah I mean I just think from a value proposition it made way more sense for that to be the the route that they choose before they go out and ship off all their asset so uh yeah I I think it’s more just about the asset more than the actual player itself here’s a not Chris that we wanted to get to earlier when I was referencing some of the the good text that we were getting this is from the 925 shout out 925 D rozan is an upgrade but for a month plus over a month I listen to you guys wondering how an offense first guy would affect Keegan’s development if we aren’t just trying to get into a playoff window but truly want to compete I think we should swing big which might mean moving Murray Chris Watkins was on this yesterday as we broke down what this means for the rest of the roster and I think 925 that you’re you’re moving in a in a direction that I think the Kings might be thinking about right as we discussed the lowy market in situation in April Keegan wasn’t available right and now with the addition of Demar de rozan how how much is Keegan going to we already talked about Malik Monk and yes Keegan’s still starting but all all of the moves and everything that we talked about Keegan developing into are we sure he’s not gonna turn back into a spot up shooter next season with Demar de rozan and and Dion dearon Fox so I think it’s a a fair question I don’t I don’t think they’ll move him but I do think it’s a fair question yeah uh yeah I mean I I think it’s definitely a fair question it’s just uh all the reports have been very against the opposite side I mean all all the reports seem to say that the kings are still uh not putting keeg on the Block at all and and want to hold on to him and maybe that’s just posturing to to say you know hey when we when slash if we do actually end up throwing this guy in there just know it means something and it’s not we’re not just you know if we are throwing him in that’s a really really big price for us and and we’re not gonna trade him with two second round or first round picks or whatever um I think it’s definitely something to consider especially yeah the fact that you are a little bit more flexible now that you have I would say four people in front of him pretty confidently on an offensive totem pole uh yeah and then you know with that being a fact that there’s now D rozan and dearin and Malik and you could say sabonis in front of him in that pecking order does that now change how you think he could potentially develop because he’s not going to be getting the same chances that he was before he’s not going to get the same hey we’re going to use the first two months of the season to get Keegan acclimated to having the ball in his hand and running pick and rolls as the ball handler and things like that do you think that that’s going to affect hey I thought Keegan Murray can be an Allstar when I thought he was going to be the third option at worst but now that he’s the fifth option at best or I guess you can maybe say at worst as well um do you still feel like he can reach those levels and if you feel differently and you feel like ah actually with all this Talent now I’m pretty sure Keegan is just going to fall into the background maybe you should be more willing to trade him as we discuss Brandon IU coming up shortly you know Chris funny enough it’s a much lesser version of the Tre Lance conversation with the Niners where the Niners were ready to go and Trey Lance needed time he needed reps Keegan is not that far behind but Keegan could benefit from just having a Runway abut and you add demard D Roan and I think that Runway shortens up a little bit so I think it changes how you view what Keegan can become on this team as use the Michael Porter Jr comparison as far as who are you going to be in this league coming up next Devin Carter to have shoulder surgery how are you feeling about that and as mentioned Brandon auk with those commanders practice tapes he just trying to get fined he wants money but he’s also trying to give away money then one o’clock Demar de R roen press conference sou wat sown Sports subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross styles in roets and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 6: plus view archive shows and exclusive content subscribe at Sactown Sports hey it’s Carmichael Dave inviting you to make 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like Boston hopefully our first round pick dere is Derek white we need some three and D the 209 I like the trade Ingram has a hard time saying on the floor I’d rather have the cons consistent scoring and reliability of demard De R Ro in then maybe 60 games of Brandon Ingram he hasn’t played more than 64 games since his rookie season yeah I mean that was the biggest number that I heard from dear was in his three seasons in Chicago he played 93% of all possible games so I mean the fact that you know he is and last year in his age 34 season now you could read this one of two ways you can either say this is incredibly impressive and shows that this is the kind of guy he is and can hold this workload or you can say o sounds like a lot of miles for a guy who’s definitely entering the backstretch of his career last season at age 34 averaged 37 minutes per game which led the NBA and he played 77 games that is for anybody who’s concerned about can this guy you know oh he’s gonna be we’re getting him for 35 through 37 years old is that concerning I mean you know again maybe you can read that as o that’s a lot of miles that he put on right before he’s probably going to hit a different phase of athleticism or you can read it as hey man we’re in a different age today where LeBron James is 41 years old playing for Team USA Kevin Durant who had two lower body injuries very serious is still playing perfectly fine at age 37 maybe it’s just not as damning as what it used to be um I think it shows that Demar is definitely still a physical freak and and the fact that he plays 38 minutes a game at age 34 and plays 77 of those games in the season I think that’s a great sign for this Kings team who desperately needs people to play every single night you will hear from DeMar D rozan in about 10 minutes for that introductory press conference but right now you will hear from Monty McNair this was on draft day as far as Devin Carter and his shoulder issue continue to shape the roster but um as I’ve continually said in the draft the draft is not about right now uh the draft is about adding somebody to our team who could be here for a long time and we try to draft the best player available and you know we look for versatile guys I mean Devin Carter just checks checks all the boxes if you watch the playoffs this year there a lot of dein Carter’s out there I’ll put it that way and so he wants someone that is going to help for a very long time and I think because of that they wanted to be really cautious with this with this injury I heard that more as like that was the first sign we should have known that this was that’s Monty telling us before actually telling us like that’s saying hey there’s going to be some things that come out here just know we already knew and it wasn’t a part of our calculation we did not draft this guy so he could be the MVP of Summer League we did not draft this guy to sell tickets at the California classic we drafted this guy because even though we know he’s gonna probably need solders shoulder surgery and he’s going to miss probably training camp and maybe the first weeks of the Season we don’t care heard uh looking back especially with 2020 Vision it feels like that was Monty prepping us to essentially say yeah like we’re probably not going to get a lot from this guy immediately immediately immediately but we have a long-term plan and we don’t care about the shoulder surgery we think he’s going to be an impact player for us as soon as this year here’s Monty on what they knew about the injury pre draft drafting dein Carter so we we know he’s dealing with one I think we got to get him in here and get with our get with our doctors and and just see what it is but um you know we’re what what we get through the draft process our docs are uh confident we’ve been in touch with this team we’re confident it’s not a long term issue but uh we’re not sure what where it’ll be well it ended up being surgery and the reports were similar to Kevin Herter’s shoulder issue so we’ll see how all of that turns out Chris I know we’ve discussed what the future looks like for Devin Carter in the in the immediate future would have loved to see him during summer league but it is what it is you know what’s funny though again a draft that’s supposed to be the worst in the last 25 years and Monty talking about draft is not about right now it’s about adding someone to our team that can be here for a long time I I I do think it’s interesting that everyone thinks that they got the one guy or maybe there’s more than one but the one guy in this terrible draft that is going to be good that’s just how you have to think that’s why you’re drafting them but nobody drafts thinking oh maybe W no this is our guy he’s gonna be he’s gonna help and that’s the plan moving forward he’s gonna help this team get to the next level everyone thinks that they have that guy and the hope is that your team is right yeah I mean you know what do you want him to say at the there nothing else you know I don’t know Zach Ed is a big guy but every I’m just just all the all the conversations that we have about all the drafts and I’m imagining all the introductory press conferences with every guy just Nick rocks all the hope the Opium that just surrounds everything around the draft and it’s funny how long the one thing I will and they’re all on contracts the one thing I am interested in is whether or not internally if a guy doesn’t start out as hot or whatever it is whether they the the leashes on these guys will be different because it’s oh well they were not supposed to be very good anyway let’s not let’s not take that extra year and take that gamble let’s move off of him because this this this draft wasn’t supposed to be much anyway so I I think all of that is is interesting we are about to get that Mar Ro in press conference for you but these these last couple minutes here guys Brandon auk Post Tik Tok with the commander practice tape how is that even how is that legal that’s what I was I’m wondering so many things about this yeah that doesn’t make any sense because there was all those leak tapes for Trey Lance when he was making those crazy throws a couple years ago in training camp and I think there was an investigation about that so this doesn’t make sense to me it’s so weird like yeah I mean how did he how did he obtain I mean I know how he did Jaden Jaden Daniels is their quarterback but like you know yeah how is that legal how is that okay like yeah defenses can’t like if a defense def player were to post a picture of you know that same exact picture of them watching the commander film and be like whoa hold on something about this feels like it’s not okay how do you have this kind of Spygate kind of information here uh of course that’s not that’s not the point of this Brandon iuk I’m so sick of this man it’s just like he he’s doing great at at pissing people off if that’s what his goal is and I don’t even think it’s the ners that he’s necessarily trying to piss off but it’s just like dude like I get it we don’t we everybody gets it every already heard you the first time you ain’t got to scream again we heard you you don’t want or it’s not and he’s speaking out two sides of his mouth too because he’s doing all this and he’s saying no but I want to be in San Francisco because you’re not acting like it and so this dude it’s I’m just I’ve had enough of this either sign him or get off the toilet and I I just I’m so done with it coming up next Dem marar roen press conference don’t go anywhere then at 115 around 115 your chance to win Lou Graham tickets Styles and Watkins sown sports tonight a special Sacramento Kings broadcast the California classic from the golden one Center featuring the Charlotte Hornets and your Sacramento Kings tip off at 700 p.m. on your local sports leader SE toown Sports 11:40 I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I 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like-minded company if you’re a grinder play with fellow Grinders or play with music or gamble if that’s your game seven a little luck helps even tour players recognize luck eight don’t obsess over well breaking 80 you’re going to know if you have a good round going so have your partner keep score at the 18 T ask where you stand as it may affect the way you approach the hole sounds simple huh now go out and do it and have some fun that’s your golf to go I’m Frank leosa Big O Tires proudly sells our own brand of innovative newly designed tires like the Bigfoot at2 with improved all-terrain traction and the Legacy allseason plus that keeps you on the road in any weather with every set backed by our protac plus warranty and right now get $80 to $100 instant savings on for select in stock big old Brand Tires with installation purchase now through July 28 Big O Tires the team you trust no carry outs not followed with other authors eligibility May bury this fees extra and Shop fees extra 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podium and give his introductory press conference so we will have that for you once it is here people are asking hey is it going to be video or just audio we should have the video for you as well Nate is doing his Mr Robot thing to make that happen for us don’t look at me like that Nate you never seen that show it’s a great show what about the movie I thought you were referencing that’s I Robot uh Remy mik yes Ramy mik yes great show if you Haven right yeah I think that was FX if you haven’t seen it that’s USA USA I’ve been in US say Noy that’s crazy if we’re talking FX I’ve been forcing Kayla to watch it’s always sunny start from the beginning so very fun the best fun the best it is and that you know they had a whole Always Sunny situation at clusterfest which is what I told you about where it was comedy music and oh my gosh and food and food yes what so another one of these this one I think Chris had less of a problem with because it was straight up yeah it was straight up about what it is even though so was so was b rock if you just joining us we are awaiting we are awaiting the arrival of one Demar D rozan we have our eyes on the video right now just waiting for Demar to take the podium number 10 man number 10 I just saw Brendan’s head too walk by yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s stting out from the 209 Keegan is so talented his ceiling is way higher than what he currently is we need to feed him the ball more prioritize his threes he can really cook and just needs to be the main focal point for an offensive option we need him shooting 22 shots a game at least our ball movement is so fluid and we create the energy for Keegan he can really let loose pair that with a couple dunks and drives he will be our future shining star yeah 209 Luka Murray over here 209 I think that was more realistic with with the current roster I don’t with with the with the previous roster with Demar de rozan now I don’t know Daren Fox took 21 shots last 21 field goals a game yeah what how many did Keegan take uh I would guess like 12 let’s see here Keegan took 12.7 I know D rozan shot like 48 or 49% last year too so I may not be at a High Vol here’s a question Keegan took 12.7 shots last season does that go up or down next season down but a little only a hair yeah let me see how many he took his rookie year his rookie season he took took 9.8 this past season 12.7 yeah let’s putl the difference I’ll say 11 so drops I think it drops this just there’s a lot of mous I think sabonis is honestly the one that takes the biggest step back that dude was almost at 20 points a game last year and that’s just not his bag he’s just not a scorer at all and uh I shouldn’t say at all but like you know we saw he’s pretty Limited in what his post moves are he’s got great footwork but in terms of creating space or creating a shot it’s not really where his bread is buttered so I would guess yeah he takes a step back but I would think dear’s still gonna hover around that 20 shot Mark imagine D rozan who has been I think I was just looking at it was at 17 last year seven or just under 18 last year so I would guess that he’s probably 16 or 17 and yeah I mean I think Keegan probably Falls I think Malik probably takes more shots than him too uh yeah I’d imagine that Keegan Falls somewhere near 11 but probably is also taking a higher percent of those shots from three uh last season Keegan from uh from in terms of that that split that differential uh let’s see here Keegan took 12.7 shots and six and a half of them were threes versus in his rookie season nine and 9.8 shots 6.3 of them were threes so he pretty much took the same amount of Threes but he added three two-point field goals a game I would guess that again he’s going to be at around 11 shots but I would imagine probably like seven or eight of them are three so I would guess that it’s more just uh less Keegan but more of a threeh heavy diet for but that’s what I’m saying some of the things that we saw from Keegan this season I don’t know if that’s going to continue the things that he said or that he did in the lane and oh okay or the step throughs it just you just might get back to just chucking that thing definitely yeah no I mean yeah I I definitely think he’s going to take a lot less off the dribble and take a lot less uh you know at the rim and everything like that I just think it’s going to be a more defined role and I think it was very clear that last year Keegan was thinking way too much and so I think it’s not necessarily a bad thing I think he’s going to get comfortable and now you can maybe make the argument he’s going to progress at his own time there’s not some elevated escalated uh uh time frame for Keegan to get to a certain point now it’s just going to be more of a natural progression he’s going to get a certain amount of touches and a certain amount of scotson if he does well with it that will increase if he doesn’t do well with it I’m sure it’ll Plateau at some point so I think this is probably a better if you want Keegan Murray to be his fully realized self I actually think this is probably a better course to do it it kind of forces him into as we always talk about on this show are you a dude that’s gonna do everything or are you gonna be a specialist and that’s no knock on Keegan most players in the league are Specialists yeah to some degree and I think there was you know we’ve had the conf Chris always wants to leave when someone brings up Jason Tatum but this would say hey he’s not going to be this do-it-all guy yeah he’s going to be really really good at these three to four things when anybody says this might not be the time as we’re waiting for demard de rozan to to start his press conference and arrive when anybody says this might not be the time I have to read it okay from the 916 this might not be the time and it’s probably not very popular but theoretically what could we get for sabonis no I mean I was thinking about that when we were talking about the Lorie Markin and stuff to me I mean that’s Lor getting Lori marinin makes sabonis infinitely more Expo uh more more Expendable um because I do think a lot of their fit is a not redundant but clunky yeah for sure I mean I I I think I told Dave a while ago like you know I think the king’s plan was always to get a third guy and then you kind of readjust from there I mean you have to see what the problem is and I think the Kevin oconor of the world many of people have let it know be known that a lot of people believe that deonis sabonis just can’t be a center you can’t it’s really tough to win because you have to build so many specific pieces around sabonis in terms of you know I always talk about you have to bring in an Evan Mobley a Chad holgren to to play to really fill in all of sabonis gaps um yeah I definitely think that there’s a possibility that it’s just further down the line I just to to the texter’s OWN point I think it’s just not the time for that conversation I’m not saying that you’re crazy for having those thoughts I just think right now is not the time for the Kings to consider moving on from domas but I do think when we talk about okay this team is starting to hit their heads on the ceiling again what’s the pivot I think the pivot very well could be deonis sabonis because this league just isn’t really a you know as much as joic and embiid are MVPs and and you know you know joic winning a title I just don’t think necessarily that this is a center League anymore all right Nate we got him no still don’t think so oh you g me a thumbs up what was the thumbs up I well peek behind the curtain I sent you a text and I thought you were giving me the nod of no I’m just looking at you I’m doing a show here yeah no I uh I’m just having a good time back here I’m just thumbs up you’re having a great show we’re doing we’re having a good show all right plain and simple we’re waiting it out we well this is crazy because last time they were they were on the money and I think they were it was 1:00 lit or literally yeah what the Malik press conference was at 11: and they I think they were at the podium speaking at 11 sharp yeah let’s let’s do an audible here I know this isn’t my show guys but you know I’m I’m running the board back here uh you control the mic should we just do the giveaway right now I think we should let’s do the giveaway right now uh we’ll take a very quick break right after uh 90 Seconds come back and we’ll have the hopefully tomorrow be out by then but yeah let’s do our giveaway all right let’s do it right now Luke Graham the original voice of Foreigner is coming to sack toown and we want to get you in the building next Friday for the 38 Special experience all you have to do is hit up the f m on the hotline right now looking for caller number four caller number four caller number Quattro to score that pair of tickets check an unforgettable night of southern rock courtesy of Thunder Valley Casino Resort for more information visit Sactown 916 33914 916 33914 916 339 1140 to see Lou Graham original voice of Foreigner caller number four caller number quatro and they are coming in right now so Nate is gonna handle that as we continue to patiently wait for Demar D rozan maybe VC has him in the back just with more jokes hey I got another one for he’s like hey yeah when you go out there make fun of the Nothing Like Us thing like do it and then just yeah we’ll just double down on it yeah yeah hey hey I I was thinking about this as well yeah any other songs that you think I could referenced throughout the season let’s do it yeah maybe he’ll do specifically the D Rose came home uh we what was it uh uh y’all didn’t deserve him neither or something maybe he can do something like that I I’m I’m expecting from the king’s Team Store a Nothing Like Us T-shirt with the D rozan picture of him in the video all right we’re getting to break and when we get back we believe that Mar rozan will be at the podium if he’s not we’ll still be here S Watkins sown Sports trying to find out where to catch your favorite team’s games are you a fan of the Kings ners and the NFL well sack Down Sports has you covered touchdown San Francisco it’s all on his shoulders for the win the Triple catch all your Kings ners and NFL games all year long on sack toown Sports and Sactown did you know about one-third of Our Lives that spent sleeping hi this is Franklin Rosen with a word about naturewood home furnishings if we’re going to spend that much time in our bedrooms then our bedrooms ought to reflect our personalities I remember many weekend mornings when our kids would jump into our beds trying to coax us to start our days more on their schedules than ours naturewood home furnishings’s huge bedroom sale is here and there’s no better time to find the perfect accent piece for your bedroom or even better to start fresh by designing your bedroom to fit your lifestyle from a new mattress and Foundation to dressers to nightstands to lamps and more naturewood Home Furnishings will help you create a space from simple to Luxurious and anything in between just drop by and let nature Wood’s team help you envision a bedroom fit for one one third of your life visit naturewood home furnishings right now for this remarkable bedroom sale off Highway 50 at hazel look for the water [Music] reel sack Sports call or text at 916 339 1140 you will have another chance to win tickets to see Lou Graham the original voice of Foreigner all week long but we do have a winner and we do have Demar D rozan and we are going to get you to that press conference right now start by thinking a lot of people had a big part in this um dear’s agent Aon Goodwin uh you know great partner through this to uh to get dear here uh obviously VC matina uh Coach Brown uh the rest of our coaching staff Wes Wilcox Phil Jabor Paul Johnson our front office uh a big group effort uh but obviously the star of the show here is this guy to my right and uh I’ll give a quick intro though he probably doesn’t need one but six-time Allstar three-time all NBA um dear is uh somebody who everywhere he’s gone has made an impact on winning and we’re excited uh that that’s going to be here in Sacramento for the foreseeable future so um I’ll turn it over to tomorrow for a few words and we’ll take some questions um thank you um Beyond an honor um to be be able to be a part such a you know Uprising franchise you know um the the want that they showed you know going in a free agency was you know was amazing I ain’t G to lie you know it’s always it always felt good to be wanted somewhere and you know from day one um they showed that you know so it’s an honor to be able to represent this organization and you know build on with this organ organization’s been doing the last couple years you know something special you know I want to I definitely want to be be a part of it and you know I want to be one of those guys that hit the the beam the light up at night so I’m definitely looking forward to that looking forward to playing with this young exciting talented team um great coaching staff um it’s amazing you know last couple days that’s all I kind of been thinking about is you know putting on this jersey representing the city um hearing the fans um scream as loud as y’all can you know so I’m definitely looking forward to it man it’s G to be exciting year you know I’m I’m definitely gonna work my butt off uh more than ever you know to make sure you know the city get what it it deserve all right [Applause] hey y can you hear me yeah uh Monty I’ll start with you really what does it mean for you to land somebody like him uh in your time here in Sacramento and just maybe the importance of this moment for your tenure and with the Kings well I think um you know it’s for just for the organization to to land somebody uh of Demar stature um is you know just incredible I think it speaks to um you know what we’ve been building building here and especially the last couple years you know dearin domas uh Keegan On and On Down the Line obviously Malik uh you know resigning here and um but also speaks to dear I think um you know somebody who is always about winning and I think as we’ve said like wi winning is gonna bring people in so uh I think this is a great Testament to that and uh you know hopefully more and more winning to come and for you dear if if if someone had told you a month ago that you’d be sitting here in Sacramento as the newest member of the Sacramento Kings joining this franchise would you have believed him no I would not you know and sometimes that’s the beauty of Life honestly you know you never know what what’s going to happen you know and sometime the greatest thing happened unexpectly so you know be here in this position you know definitely want to make the most of it uh dear welcome to Sacramento um I just wonder what you you kind of heard over the years about this city Kings fans the the way they embrac the team and the players and and how it felt to to walk out here uh the other night and and receive that Ovation um I mean just I remember playing at the old arena you know when they had the the cow bells and all that um but still got him you still got him all right cool um but to get the reception I got the other night was amazing you know like I said i’ um over the last couple years playing against the Kings you know it’s been it’s been tough coming in this building you know you feel it you know it’s not many Arenas in in this league where you you know when you walk in you feel the atmosphere you feel detension in the air um feeling like you are on the road when you’re a road team so to be able to get that reception of the night you know it’s amazing you know it’s it’s the respect the love that’s already shown you know had me hungry I think I I left there that night and you know went straight to the gym when I got back got back home so you know just the drive the hunger the passion at the F show you definitely just want to give it back couple for you here dear welcome to Sacramento first off thank you can you walk us through whatever you can the your Saturday as a whole from from arriving to getting to the moment of of with the fans yeah it was it was big I just want to come here more so than anything and just check out the facility you know um meet the staff meet um front office you know just kind of get get a feel you know instead of you know just going back and forth you know talking with my AG you know I just want to get a feel for myself of everything you know um so I flew here set Coach Brown office you know we watched a little of the um the G League game um sat there and talked dear came in we sat there and talked um Doug chrisy came in there we sat there and talked um so everybody just kept coming in the room we just sat there and talked so um but it was it was it was a great it was a great feel everything was genuine everything was real and everything was about the betterment of you know how we can make this franchise you know um grow you know and I left you know middle of the day you know I just wanted to get get it done um and and you know kind of get the relief off my shoulders you know and that’s what happened you know everything was just genuine from that day and you know um we was in the back eating and all of sudden I just heard let’s let’s go outside the fans out there next thing you know when we walked out and got the reception that we gotten that was kind of like the icing on the cake you know for me um that just made me feel like I made the right decision and then yourself and dearen have been battling back and forth for clutch player the year over the last couple I told him that I told him I was mad two years ago that he got it and I didn’t get it um but yeah we definitely been battling and you know just with that there me being a competitor that I am you know I I I sit and watch you know uh a lot of those moments and I think even in Chicago I think I remember he had a game winner on us in Chicago I kind of made it a thing um this past season when we played here I think we was losing by like 20 I made it a thing in the fourth quarter to make sure we won just in case we was head-to-head in you know in that in that battle again but you know to see someone special as him you know I’ve been following him since he was in college um see the amazing things he he’s able to do just being a part of that could be special dear you you just mentioned that you didn’t know if this would be a possibility a month ago when did the light go off when you just like yes I’m going to do this I’m going to be part of the Sacramento Kings um like I said just just the want you know just just the expression of being wanted um needed um to do something bigger than you know just me and at the end of the day I’m all I’m all for winning you know I just want to win at at the highest of levels you know and and me being able to be a part of something a team may be missing to help them take them over that hump you know that’s all I needed to see and that was what was expressed to me from from day one you know and um you know as a competitor you know that’s all you need dear over here welcome to Sacramento this team’s really had an uprising over the past couple of years you’re being talked about as somebody that can help Propel this team into contention and obviously a really stacked Western Conference how flattering is that for you know for a person of your caliber to you know perhaps be that that Catalyst for for a young team on the rise I love it you know um I love it I love a challenge I love the excitement that come with it and um when you’re a competitor you want to be in the best where the best is at you know and like you said the the the western conference is stack stacked with that you get tested every single night um and you work for those moments so it can bring the best out of you so I’m I’m I’m I’m overly looking forward to it I can’t wait I’m excited you know it’s going to be fun Monty um this franchise over the last four years kind of has a stigma about getting big time free agent signings how big is this for you and your group to be able to bring in one of the top tier guys in this year’s free agent class yeah I think like I said it’s you know I don’t know for us personally you know that that’s just our job but I think for the organization um for somebody of Demar statue look when you’re a free agent you get to choose where you go and uh for somebody like that to choose our team I think it just speaks to what we’re building here and uh you know this is a great City it’s a great organization we have incredible fans but number one we’ve been winning um you know I think us and Denver the only two teams that have won 46 or more in the west last two years it’s incredibly tough West but um you know hopefully that’s part of what Demar saw here and uh that we can have you know even bigger dreams in the future yeah Demar sort of the same question just what is it about this fit that you felt like okay I’m willing to take a gamble where so many other players in the past haven’t how many time I seen that beam lit up when I was chilling at home um you know especially being on Central time um you know me watching I watch every NBA game so like I said you’re just always seeing something lit up and just like God damn what’s what’s the significance of pushing this button you know but like I said winning sols all and that’s one thing I always express to guys that I play with that you know want to be all stars who want to get paid blah blah blah everything that winning sols everything you know you want to be a part of winning you want to be a winner you want to be known as a winner so for me that’s just you know that’s the most impelling thing for me you know you see it um every single night when this team plays it’s all about winning Monty obviously the excitement with uh over here sorry um the excitement with bringing in Tomar also some sadness with letting uh HB have to leave this organization what was that conversation like when you uh told him that he was going to be the other part of this trade yeah VI ly Harrison um I think along with dearon one of the two guys that’s been here since since I came aboard and uh incredible competitor um obviously meant so much to this community and I think it was fantastic that Harrison got to be a part of the team that that broke the playoff drought here uh had some incredible moments uh here in sack and he’s goingon to have incredible moments uh going forward so we wish him the best but uh just a uh obviously an incredible player even better human and uh happy to cross paths with him wish him the best going forward he’s fine I talked to Harrison yesterday so he he’s fine he he was asking me about places in San Antonio so Jamar how important was dear’s uh voice in this recruitment process and just from a basketball perspective how do you just view this fit on the court I mean it definitely was big you know dear and um uh Malik was you know one of the first two people to T text me about it and you know just their whole approach you know through the text message you know it just felt genuine it felt the want um and that was a cool part because at the end of the day I told dearn you know yesterday um I’ve been a fan of of his game since College you know obviously me being a fan of the game I pay attention to all these guys so for them reaching out you know here and their point of view with me coming and how much it could help not just the team but them personally you know things like that means a lot from a basketball fit perspective I I always Pride to myself feeling like I could play with anybody you know I try to I try to go out there and make everybody else job easy you know um do whatever it takes to win um I never overly complicate anything I just really feel like I go out there and play with anybody all right hey dear way back here man how you doing welcome to Sacramento thank you uh just kind of two-part question first of all you talked about playing in Arco Arena how loud it was um and just the electricity of the fans and the beam and all of that stuff so what is your overall impression of Sacramento and is there anything in particular you’re looking forward to doing out here and then the second part of that question is a lot of Kings players have theme songs per se when they make a basket or do certain things on the court what would you say your song would be when that happens um to ask your first question one you see the passion in the fence more so than anything just on the outside looking in that’s all you always seen it’s just the fans outside the arena the fans you know I’m talking about the beam again taking videos of the beam in the sky you know um you just see the passion and love um for their team you know and that like that goes a long way you know it’s hard to find you know overly dedicated fans um that been through the ups and downs with franchise and and this is one of those uh fan bases that that been through everything you know and to your second part um my theme song I have no clue I don’t that’s you I hope somebody pick a great theme song for me dear over here maybe it’ll be uh maybe it’ll be uh they’re not like us huh bringing Kendrick with you yeah um you don’t miss games you average about 24 25 a game um but your p pass ing over the last several years has been one of the more overlooked and understated part of your package how do you see that fitting in with the offense that Mike and Jay dropped I mean when you you got a young shoot shooter like Murray the way he shoots the ball is incredible um the is it’s everything is is is overly fitting for me in the sense of my playmaking to make my job a lot easier you know and and those components is they go together well you you know and that’s one thing I’ve been conscious of over the last couple years of my career is just being able to be somebody that can make my teammates better and make their life a lot better as well you know because once I do that it make my job a lot easier and those two go hand in hand once you really get the rhythm of of that you know and I take pride in you know trying to bring the best out of my teammates and not not just about me you know just scoring and shooting the ball I really try to get everybody involved and you know give them a different confidence that that go a long way dear as a during the course of your career most of the time you’ve been usually playing the two but now that uh Harrison is gone and a lot of people might look at you as a three have you played much three in your career or do you look forward to that or how do you slide between the two and the Three As you move forward I mean I mean I played in the league when it was two bigs out there you know and and then and the three was 69ine now you know the game is changed and one thing about that you know I try to adapt and adjust knb um I really don’t look at it like it’s a position thing I look at it as a fit thing whatever is needed for for a night any given night you know um I never really put too much thought on a position you know because nowadays you got you know centers playing point guard in this league so you know for me I’m I I try to be like like water be shapeless form this and be able to adjust to anything uh Monty how much better does Demar make the Kings just by virtue of the fact that he gets to the line he makes free throws and he doesn’t turn the ball over well I think the exciting thing for us um is you know adding Demar we’re able to you know bring Malik back which is a big big part of our offseason um obviously Alex Len uh Jord mcclaflin and all the guys we got coming back and then you had somebody of DeMar stature and I think like he said his ability to fit in in so many different you know between Toronto San Antonio Chicago he’s played you know back to USC internationally so that that passing I think uh as Mark brought up is a huge hugely overlooked part of his game that he’s grown the last few years we we were talking on Saturday and I told him it’s just been so impressive I me he came into the league he was a huge athlete High Fier you know get to the rim dunk and now he’s you know added the passing added this mid-range you know incredible touch all over the floor and then defensively you know I don’t know what position two three four like he’s got how he takes care of his body um so all those things I think are going to feed fit in seamlessly and uh I think his his accolades and and what he’s done is career speak for itself so you know at a six-time All-Star here I I don’t know where it takes us um but I think adding a guy like him we feel we’re better uh we feel we can compete with anybody in the west and so that’s going to be our mindset dear You’ you mentioned the conversation that you had with Mike Brown how do you see the relationship with him going playing for him and and what do you like about that potential partnership I’m looking forward to it you know since I’ve been in League you know um playing against him you know respect level that I had for him since he been in the league paying attention to you know um everything he he’s done um the respect is there you know and it goes both ways so with that like I pride myself on being one of the most coachable guys you know whatever is needed however is needed you know I try to be the guy that you always could count on so I’m looking forward to it you know I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a piece of cake I remember seeing a video I don’t know if it was last year or something he was running Sprints with the team and I was like you know that’s that’s what type of person you want to play for thank you [Applause] everyone Frozen and really everybody Sacramento media always does their thing a lot of great questions there whether not like us will be played that was of course one Mark Jones Chris some of the initial takeaways it Demar what I’m looking at my watch it’s only 91 degrees today but both invest is crazy work yeah that’s nuts they were both in maybe maybe sweatshirt on under it right maybe when they first linked up oh we’re both we’re we’re both invest right Nothing Like Us that’s for sure we are not built like them all right we’re going to get to a break and recap everything you just heard don’t go anywhere St and wikings Sack toown sports tonight a special Sacramento Kings broadcast the California classic from the golden one Center featuring the Charlotte Hornets and your Sacramento Kings tip off at 700 p.m. on your local sports leader sa toown Sports 1140 I always do my best to prep for summer but sometimes things just come up and when they do coals and their great prices are always there for me I just shot their summer cyber sale and saved big on everything I was missing like summer must has under 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it was I think in your head it was cool and then when it came out you’re like oops I made a mistake I think that’s yeah mine was way better you know what’s crazy the beam is recruiting players to come dude I definitely like four different times iot my whole my notes right here on YouTube you can see it you’re driving it says beam invest yeah the dude he kept he’s like you know it inspired me to come here sitting on the couch watching that beam be lit at night it’s like dang all right it’s just these players out there watching their TV shaking their I’m gonna light that yeah I want to light that beam he said he went back some of the the takeaways that I had Chris is he really wanted to give back to the city when he got that initial welcome during the summer league game he went back to the gym when he got back home from Sacramento and just got back to work he really wants to win he kept saying besides beam and wearing a vest he kept saying winning yeah I think that he the city a lot mentioned the city a lot mentioned the fans a lot mentioned dearon Fox and Keegan Murray and he’s done his homework of course he has if he’s CH choosing to stay here for the next couple years and the bottom line is they made the play in in the East right and they messed around a little bit Chicago did they made a little bit of noise if you want to call it a squeak really and he was tired of it and he wanted to go somewhere that not only could he win he could have everything he could have the money that he wanted he could be closer to his family and he could be in a more competitive situation but he wouldn’t have to sacrifice what he does those are the The Four Horsemen of what convinced Demar D rozan to pick the the Sacramento Kings great stuff great stuff great questions too by the media yeah fantastic I’m sure someone will have some problems with it but I thought it was great I think we got all the answers we wanted out of dear I mean I think yeah he can only answer certain questions a certain amount of times and a certain amount of ways but um it was cool to hear the inside of you know I know we got the Anthony Slater article the other day but hearing out of his mouth how Saturday went saying he sat in Mike Brown’s office dearen comes in Doug comes in uh I thought it was really cool to hear him talking about the even before that the recruiting process saying that Sacramento was really the thing that attracted him the most was their initial interest in him and just how uh how quickly they showed the interest and and just the entire pitch in general he sounded like he was really impressed by it which is something I think that shouldn’t be taken for granted I mean there’s tons of different stories of you know teams trying to get packages and power points together to show players and it just ends up hurting them more with embarrassing themselves with their information that they give and I think clearly the Kings had a really good presentation that definitely knocked dear’s socks off uh and yeah I just thought it was great hearing him talk about Malik and dear and texting him early in the process that getting him excited about it I think it’s really clear that the king’s clear this is not you know I I think initially when these reports came out that the kings were interested in dear a lot of people said this is desperation this is the Kings looking at the other options and saying ah I don’t think we can get those other options so we’re g to settle for dear everything that they have said and even dear’s comments have told me that’s not the case this was a priority for them you could say Lori marinan was the only name that we’ve heard that they tried to attract or tried to really really kick the tires on but it’s clear that once that wasn’t the option there was no uh yeah I think we’re gonna see Kyle kozma and then we’re gonna compare all the deals and see which one we like most no they said Lori we have a certain deal for Lori we’re gonna give you a time frame for it 24 hours 24 Hours come you don’t want to do the deal we’re moving on to tomorrow I love that it it’s a clear action plan and I love that it seems like you know Mike Brown in his introductory press conferences all those years ago said we need horizontal and vertical alignment from people who are ushers all the way up to VC and all the way in between everyone needs to be pulling on the same string I think it’s very clear that with this acquisition everyone was on the same train that Demar was the priority to get and I think that that’s uh that’s a really big success for this organization coming up next we continue the conversation the drive guys are on location so no cross talk but what that does mean is that we can keep the phone lines open a little bit longer if you have any initial reactions to the demard de rozan press conference are you reh hyped are you reh hyped from this weekend demard de rozan is in the building and he wants to hang out at Frank fats and he wants to hang out at doco and he wants to like the beam and he wants to like that beam over and over and over again and wear the DP OG chain Crown whatever in the world it is this season Sal Watkins sown Sports did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank LaRosa they’re all available right now on sack toown hey it’s Carmichael Dave for American Energy heating and air with a question have you recently had a technician diagnos your AG vac system you were a bit surprised at how much it cost or did something seem off about their quote cuz at American Energy they take pride in giving you honest straightforward solutions to get that system up and running have their qualified technicians come out 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not sure yeah there was a couple questions in there from some suspect voices but uh I know that they have a good amount of Team Personnel like the sales team and stuff will come out for the big press conferences and you know yeah I think it’s not typical for the media to uh to clap for any sort of yes that’s what I was yeah you’re you know you gotta say objective here but Ken doesn’t 916 339 1140 let’s get to Ken who wants to be part of the conversation what’s up Ken what you got for us what to do gentlemen what to do I’m going be real quick man I just I called in yesterday I’m going to be really quick man like I said yesterday my my point is proven you just mentioned it fans are you happy man just because he got on the mic and spoke the words that he spoke with positivity you know these are the things that we should be thinking about when we look at the player from the gate you saying we should have we should have been looking at him like man he’s gonna bring everything he said to the floor man cu Sacramento and and I listen to you guys I listen to The Morning Show I listen to the midafternoon I listen to the evening show and you guys are doing your job you guys do that Tech talk you know what I’m saying the tech talk what I mean is like you know you guys the ball is gonna be taken out of um dear’s hands he’s not gonna have opportunities to score but listen he’s gonna have opportunities to score because like the the Rosen said he’s gonna be easier for him in moments during the game because he’s going to be a big hill and it’s like you it’s like when you when you play basketball with your with your with your by yourself you know you don’t have your brother your brother just as good as you right but then when you play by yourself you score you play good your team win but when you play along with your brother team don’t like to play against you because why because you play well with your brother I’m saying you playing you you playing a different form because you learn to you have learned to communicate and that’s what I’ve heard today you said that uh dear is is uh had communication with the Rosen prior to him coming to Sacramento you know he’s spoken to Malik you know he’s spoken to the team in depth you know what I’m saying as far as what they want as far as when he comes to Sacramento this guy is g to be a a man a motivator to the team just like he said he’s GNA motivate the team in different ways that we’re not talking about in different ways that we we can’t foresee you know what I’m saying locker room you know what I’m saying during moments during the game you know what I’m saying so I just want to say Sacramento you should have been happy from the gate like I said Sacramento sometimes hard to satisfy but listen Sacramento we got a winner right here there you go biscuit there you man thank you communicate communicate I love y’all I’m dropping the mic man gone great stuff Ken preach Ken Ken preach Ken there is something to say about that Synergy and when you hear Demar D rozan say that dear fox called him and all these guys were coming into the room it was just one after the other after the other and then they went to lunch and then they did the work they did the workout then they went to lunch and and it’s going to take a while for the Synergy to get there but there are the legit big threes that we have question marks about where the Suns for example oh do it just hasn’t really clicked do Devin Booker and KD do they ever kick it do they ever hang I haven’t seen anything have they worked out I have not seen any Bradley Beal I I don’t he’s just he’s just on his pile of money I don’t know what they do right but and I and I can’t speak to everything that the suns are doing but when you see this this isn’t the the black and white we’re just adding in a random dude and there there’s no Synergy there’s nothing there seems to already be that chemistry which I think to Ken’s point you cannot quantify sometimes it’s not about the x’s and the O’s it’s about the the jimmies and the Joe’s or for for for this example it would be the de the dearin and the D rozin and the keegans and the sabonis so I I really appreciate that adak Canon and I do think that sometimes we can talk about the ex and OES and sometimes you can talk about just the The Vibes right and getting a combination of both is exactly what I think the the kings are hoping to do the question is Chris how long is it going to take for them to get there because the hope is that it doesn’t take all season long no I definitely wouldn’t think so I mean I I really think that to your point of jimmies and Joe’s instead of x’s and o’s I definitely think that you know seems like the kind of guy who he’s not your typical star like if we’re bringing in uh Brandon well maybe not Brandon Ingram because as we said we don’t know anything about Brandon Ingram the person but if you’re bringing in Kevin Durant you’re bringing in Jimmy Butler you’re bringing in uh even Kyle kosma those guys have a bit of an ego to them they have a bit of oh I’m a scorer I I do this this is how I am this is what people know me for the Rosen is of course a ridiculous scorer and you know I’m sure on the floor he’s selfish in good ways and terms of hey I know I got this let me let me kind of take care of this but he’s somebody who clearly does not walk in and say this is my team Fox like okay I know you’ve been rolling but they brought me in here because clearly you weren’t doing what needed exact that doesn’t exist with Demar D rozan and I think that’s the thing that makes me feel so positively about this just not being a a chemistry issue I think these guys are going to work seamlessly because they have the right attitude for it and as as cliche and corny as that might sound I do really think that the mental of these guys is something that’s going to put them over the top of those other kind of big threes is the fact that these guys are not selfish don’t have egos and legitimately are here to win they are Gamers they don’t really care about ego and who’s getting the most shine and who’s getting the most money they just want to win and dear is at a stage in his career at age 34 where he doesn’t have much Avenue for winning he’s going to try and get every single ounce of this he can you talk so much about the negatives or we talk so much about the negatives of age but I do think that’s one of the positives if you truly think that this is dear Fox’s opportunity in what year eight Chris going into year eight this is your opportunity to be an elite number one with an elite number two this is somebody who he knows his role but he knows that you are the guy some of these younger guys to your point there could have been some push and pull this is exactly what the Kings wanted it’s up to dear and fox the Monte sabonis and the crew to find a way to get it done and I don’t think Moni is done yet but we’ll talk more about that tomorrow you have the drive guys coming up next WHYY GLE and Kyle Draper they’re live from Golden One go say hi to them if you run into them we’ll also be carrying the California classic that’s after the drive guys so you don’t want to miss any of that here on the flagship for your Sacramento Kings until tomorrow thank you to Nate thank you to all the callers the textas the sack chatter has been Styles and Watkins until tomorrow K the bag like the beam the NFL’s lead

On today’s edition of Stiles & Watkins with Allen Stiles & Chris Watkins:
– DeMar DeRozan will meet the Sacramento media at 1pm PDT!
– Where do the Kings currently stand in the Western Conference?
– Should Malik Monk start?

That and much more!

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