@Portland Trail Blazers

Episode 20: Aaron “The Dr” Brown Helps Us Navigate Summer League and Who Do The Trail Blazers Trade?

Episode 20: Aaron “The Dr” Brown Helps Us Navigate Summer League and Who Do The Trail Blazers Trade?

[Music] all right here we are again on a gorgeous morning here in uh well I’m in Texas but I have the doct Aaron Brown with me here well I guess you’re also in Texas neither of us are in Portland but we we’re we’re Trailblazers transplants here in another state but we’re going to talk about the team that we love like it or love it Aon we we we were um thrusted the Blazers were thrusted upon us if we liked it or not and here I have a question as we dive into the Rip City Round Table podcast uh would you I mean would you have been another NBA fan like let’s say if you you could have had any option you wanted I mean would and you didn’t live in a state that had a team would you have gravitated towards the Blazers as a kid like if you if you could pick any NBA team well you know I think I think people should root for the team that you know they grow up for with and they and they live nearby right you want to be able to go to the games and do that I never understood these people who are like LA Lakers fans who like live in Portland like what are you doing never understood those people no never understood oh yeah I mean especially like young young kids you know I I know like sometimes you know you inherit it from your parents or whatever but yeah yeah I for me it was you know was it had to be the Blazers I mean oh yeah had to be no I I those people yeah growing up and they’re like yeah go Kobe and Shaq and it’s like oh like what and they’re like well I grew up in LA and it’s like well okay like I don’t like you but I’ll have to just respect the fact that you just have to be a u you grew up in La then I can accept it at yeah if you grew up in La you just kind of have to accept it so that’s just it it it is what it is but okay well we’re here Aaron we’re in the um the middle of the off season I I figured uh there’s a TV behind me playing an old um throwback game 2006 Trailblazers in in Seattle the supic Steve Blake yeah yeah Blake there’s there’s there’s Joel the Thriller pris Bill pris pris Bill on there where’s Joel at so anyway that’s pling if you’re watching the video version of this on YouTube go subscribe to Blazers Edge the YouTube channel uh well Aon we’re so thankful you coming back on here this is what your third your third appearance I think or fourth yeah third or fourth fourth third or fourth third or fourth so we we we need a we need our fix from the doctor uh I think A lot’s happened last time you came on we were projecting uh who the Blazers would draft what we should do blah blah blah it’s happened uh Donovan kingan fell I guess you can call it fall he fell to number seven we snagged him the 7 foot3 center from Yukon two-time defending NCAA Champion what what what were your thoughts on getting the big man at the seventh spot for the Blazers yeah I think uh I think it worked out pretty well I I think I’m trying to remember what we said in that podcast I think I wasn’t I wasn’t quite sure on Kling in and there were some other guys that maybe I was interested but the way the way it broke down I really liked him in that spot and I yeah I think uh I think he’ll have a a good NBA career you know assuming he stays healthy and and everything you know I don’t I don’t think he projects as an Allstar but you know no one in this draft really does and yeah I think um one of your guests said it well on the previous episode like he has proven skills you know and and yeah those will translate to the NBA and uh I’ve been hearing good things I I I read the the blizzards article about their first practice you know and and uh kingan I guess was was hitting some outside shots and another another part of his game that we didn’t know about okay the big man the big man drifted out I like it knocking down the open shot they were running some offense through him so I’m very anxious to see it in summer league to see to see him play especially um him and uh and Chris Murray I think or the two will be keeping our eye on yeah I and I would throw the third I’d throw the third Ryan ruper i’ throw I’d throw Ryan as the yeah I think I think potentially as a third guy on the summer league team that got some run at the end of the season obviously when yeah you know we’re losing nothing nothing’s going right but I think ruper has some he has some ability there Aaron and I he grew he’s probably the one I’m I’m looking at here the most actually I think over Clingan over okay I think over Chris Murray I think ruper I want to see Ryan R and I was glad I wrote this in one of my recaps during the season uh do okay I’m not crazy but Justin Mania he when when I would see him play you know he’d come in he’d play like 12 minutes a game right he wasn’t getting a lot of run even at the end of the season but he just looked like a guy that could be on a team that’s competent and I don’t know if that’s a compliment but he looks like a guy I don’t want to say like oh he’s part of an eight or ninan playoff roster but I don’t know and I was glad the Blazers kept him like I they didn’t you know they think he’s on a two-way I think but uh of all those kind of guys at the end of last season that were getting play just because we were bad they kept they kept manah and so I think think I’m like okay maybe they saw some the same thing like maybe I’m seeing the same thing that they’re seeing so that’s why they kept they didn’t call me they didn’t ask for my opinion they they should have they should have but I would think you know and I know it’s summer leak but between ruper uh kingan and maniah those three guys those are like Defenders like they’re going to play some defense I and then Murray I mean Aaron I think the Blazers have a summer league championship waiting to happen here with this this roster what what do you think you know very hard to predict summer league I I I uh sure it’s it’s entirely possible I think there was wasn’t there year we we won or we almost won summer it was like no we had like no one that was of note we just played really well and and yeah yeah so like it can definitely happen I mean especially if you’re going to put some like you said competent guys out there yeah um we’re always in the mix we’re always in the summer league contention yeah yeah we’re like the Golden State Warriors of Summer League like you just can’t you can’t count us out even even if it looks like oh new roster nope we still we still got it’s just summer league so you know uh I don’t know man I think uh it would be fun it’ll just be good to see some basketball uh being played you know we haven’t seen much from the Portland side in a while so it’ll be good to get out there but yeah kingan obviously will be be the guy and if he can drift out and shoot threes that’s great if he can if he can be a threat right Aaron like I think that’s not even not even the three at this point I mean if if he can just keep Defenders on us you know I think when when you’re a seven-footer you have to really close out tight because he can just shoot it over you right if you give him any space yeah even at like the elbow jumper like you can’t sag off of that if he can hit that shot because of how tall he is right so I think it it even if it’s just mid-range just keeping Defenders honest I think it can help yeah stretch the floor a little more yeah um it’d be great if he could hit the three I I have no idea if that’s in his repertoire but I mean just just yeah if it’s if it’s it doesn’t have to be this year though you know is what I’m saying yeah if it’s respectable like I’ll just take respectable like CU like you know the Blazers you have like dap wath who you know I was just thinking dap yeah and dwop can like sink it so you got to get out on dwop Robert Williams he’s not going to shoot threes will he even stay healthy will he even be on the Blazers all those are questions but but Rob isn’t shooting threes and so it’s like you know if and and Aon Aon has a sweet mid mid-range stroke like oh my goodness that man with that mid-range jump shot like that little turn around oh it’s beautiful but he’s not shoo him if you could have him you know and then you you bring in kingan to give him a spell and kingan’s bringing you the same thing from the mid-range you can like run your offense the same right so like yeah there definitely that would be really nice yeah that would be nice I think it’s klling in’s you know you see a lot of those clips and watching you know Yukon games I should have picked him in a tournament one year Aon I can’t believe I never picked Yukon H hate myself too prejudice against too pre I just can’t do it I don’t like the repeats they can’t can’t stand the repeats uh but like they would run him at the high post and and he is a good passer and now college defens is a little different than NBA defenses but even if kingan let’s say doesn’t become a big three-point shooter but if he can man that high post and just hit those hit Cutters to the rim hit the open guy in the corner for three and becomes kind of a facilitator there I think that I mean that would be a huge win for the Blazers as well and that’s still a threat you still got to bring you know your Defender has to come up and at least get in your face a little bit so I don’t know but yeah clearly he’ll be the guy it was interesting to see Zack Edy in his first summer league game played pretty well for Memphis very well yeah and those guys will probably be if if they both have good careers will always kind of be linked together because they were the two big centers and they were drafted right after each other and it’s like the Blazers could have had Ed but you know but Clingan was the the better Prospect so I hope it pans out I hope kingan’s the better the better big man um but that will be fun to watch in summer league when when are Aaron when are we going to go down to Summer League we’ve never gone and like Gone live I mean what what are we doing we could go to Vegas make it to Vegas yeah make it to Vegas we have a friend Mitchell Tyler Mitchell he’s there hey you know what Aaron this is a little off track and I don’t want to lose people but shout out to Tyler Mitchell he’s in the World Series of Poker right now yeah yeah he’s I think he’s gonna cash he’s about to cash in the main event so I’m proud of him yeah he’s doing a good job um I saw a picture of him he’s got the full Focus he just yeah had like glasses and just like totally cover just he’s he’s he’s ready to rumble I was trying to convince my wife to let me go down there uh cuz it’s Big 12 media day you know for for for college for for Big 12 okay and that was this week and uh you know here at Rogue media Network we we have a guy down there his name’s Paul he he’s doing some great work and so I he he wanted me to go we had we had media passes and so I was like well you know I had it lined up you I could stay with Lauren or I stay with Lauren I could stay with Tyler go to Big 12 media dates so call it work you know quote unquote work and then catch some summer league and and but I would just have to stay for like two weeks and I don’t think that was going to be feasible oh two weeks yeah that’s a big ask it was a big ask so but anyway well very fun I’m excited for summer league we’ll see how it all breaks down no injuries no injuries um first game on Friday right Friday first game on Friday uh my final thoughts on summer league before we move on no scoot no T mind are you okay with that um yeah I think so I think they played enough in the regular season you’re not really I don’t know what they would gain from playing in summer league you know it’s usually more for guys to get a feel for the game that haven’t had that much experience okay I I seen I think I’m okay with it yeah would I have liked to see scoot play and dominate yes but I don’t know that he could have you know like still not sure he’s there so they like they like played it safe with him last year you know and so now what I would have liked I think I would have liked tomani because I think tumani he he doesn’t he’s not a guy that just gets hurt easily and that’s knock no I’m knocking on wood here um I don’t don’t get hurt but it would have been fun to see him like facilitate or like be an offensive player see if he can they can run the offense through him that’s true yeah cuz he’s not going to get that chance in the regular season at all mm no maybe they just don’t feel like that’s what they want to develop with him I don’t know but you’re right I mean that would have been something interesting to see that that would have been the only thing I think if I I would have lik to see tumani out there doing that but um all right okay so summer leagues Friday we we we’ll keep tabs on it we’ll bring you back maybe we’ll do a live show if they make it to the championship game Aon we come on and we just talk about the game and see what’s going on can you agree to that can can can can your agent um get you to agree to that uh we should definitely look into doing that that’d be fun do a live live show with the the game on yeah I think that’d be cool that’d be cool all right let’s let let’s move on to the next topic on hand which is what so the remaining off season so obviously you have the team uh in Vegas you know the rookies the second-year guys the two-way players all the all that but we we got Jeremy Grant we got Simons you know Rob Williams we got these guys Aon that are still kind of Fringe are they even going to be on the team when the season starts does your does your spidey sense does does does your Insider knowledge just being being a having a PhD just put you at another heady level than other people what’s going to happen are are any of these guys going to get traded or are we going into the season with this roster and then at the trade deadline we see what happens uh I don’t think any well it’s a good question I was going to say I don’t think they get moved before the season but it’s always possible I just think right now teams are settling into what they have and unless there’s a team who’s like we really need something before the season starts I I don’t it’s it’s all about uh Demand right so like we have supply of talented players that we’re willing to part with what’s the team that’s like we have we have holes we need to fill and right now those those teams are not not very many because everyone kind of wants to see what they have right they have their new signings they have their rookies they have their uh you know just New pieces that they they have and then you know after a few games in they’re like oh that guy didn’t work out that this is not this not fitting the way we thought it would like then then their price tag goes up to what they’re willing to pay for players right yeah so I don’t think anyone gets moved before the season for that reason yeah um and I don’t even honestly I don’t even know if they get moved during the season it depends on what teams are willing to play really you know yeah I think I I think that the Blazers want to move off of those guys eventually but I think they’re not in a rush so they’re just going to wait till the price is right okay okay I I and I see that I mean well I was going to say like Simons we’ll talk about Simons and Grant first is they’re generally pretty healthy but Anthony got hurt game one of last year which wasn’t great yeah Grant I think if had that had been a normal season I think the man plays 75 games or something you know I so yeah I don’t there wasn’t anything that I think they he just got held out Rob I would play Robert Williams uh 11 minutes a game I’d play him five minutes in the first half six minutes in the second half that’s all I would do I I would literally and then and then bring a wheelchair out and when the game is over put him in the wheelchair he doesn’t need it he’s not hurt but like just wheel him to the locker room not a great image though yeah you know he you want this guy we wheel him in day maybe we dress it up a little bit so it doesn’t look like a wheelchair maybe it looks like a lounge chair or or something a lazy boy but but it’s a wheelchair and so we wheel him to the locker room help him get dressed he can shower on his own and then get him in clothes wheel him to his car like just we got to put the man in bubble wrap just just cuz I mean I I just don’t he would give me I wish we were in a a situation as a team where like we could keep him and I know there’s people that think we should but if we were had to rely on him Aaron like the man gets hurt in normal Arenas let alone Portland which is like the Doom of any Center and I’m sorry kingan but that’s I mean unless unless he can reverse the curse you know Aon stayed relatively healthy so so maybe it’s turning but um I don’t know Aon that’s my take on Rob and and I’m if you don’t think I think you’re right it’s demand it has to be the right team I look at a team like the Lakers who desperately need another player you know Grant makes sense on that team but it’s like the players were getting back are kind of just like eh but then is they’re like will there be another team you know I don’t know so I’m with you though you got to wait I think you got to wait yeah um the hard part was Brogden for me because he just took minutes away from Shaden and Scoot um you know you have Simons in there too so that one felt like you had to do it you couldn’t get into the season with I think you’re right I and I and they they found a good a good spot for that um you know I think we we talked well maybe we didn’t talk on I don’t think we talked about the ADV trade you you feel you feel good about it maybe we talked on the phone about it I think we talked off yeah I think we were uh or texting right yeah I think I was I had mixed feelings cuz I think you and I both thought you know brogen had a little more value than that um yeah you know giving up was it was it two picks to uh yes an Essence two in essence two picks yeah two picks and Brockton for for AA um Denny but you know overall I mean I’ve heard good things he’s saying all the right things uh you know he’s excited to be here I think he’ll be a good fit with the team and and so maybe maybe they saw something in Denny and they got good value there I mean certainly the contract has really good value yeah the decline contract is not very common in the NBA no very he continues to improve and and become like a three and D player and then yeah well the final in the final him and yeah the final year of that contract is like 13 million or something and then and when the cap is whatever it’s going to be at in like four years three or four years that’s going to be like a $5 million contract like that that’s going to be a very for a player that ideally would be very uh productive I was talking to Dave Decker last um last episode The the editor and chief of the Blazers Edge and and he and he phrased it like this and I think a lot of people have had this opinion too but it’s like you have to think of Denny as like our 14th pick in the draft like that’s like the way to think of that trade you have to like compare it to like what we gave up and I know Brogden was a part of that but it’s like if you going get a guy like like that at the 14th pick in the 2024 draft that’s that’s really good like I would do that nine times out of 10 maybe 10 out of 10 maybe nine we’ll see how it plays out but um but that he’s a good addition he fits the team if you were constructing the basketball team aing which I think you and I just love that aspect we’re both Gamers we love board games video games and I think we love to construct uh something that works all the pieces fit together he fits the pieces for Portland uh Denny does so I I love the trade I hope the man stays healthy I hope he continues to to to do what he has to do but we need to stink one more year Aon one more no I I hear you I I agree I think the every Blazer fan knows right now yeah we’re we’re we’re still in phase one of the rebuild because we’re still looking for our guy you know we missed we missed on the Wy sweep Stakes yeah we this this draft didn’t have that guy for anyone I mean remains to be seen maybe maybe there’ll be a surprise but yeah everyone’s kind of looking to the next draft is like okay there might be one or two guys that’ll be the guy yeah and and we need one we have to get have to get one of those guys got to get one and if if it doesn’t come this next year it gets it gets a little harder we things are going to change you’re going to have to re examine players and things and yeah um you know know the only other way to get one of those guys is if one of our guys develops into that and so that my question for you is is there someone on the Blazers roster who you think will be a future Allstar is there anyone if you had to pick one right now if I had to pick one right now the most likely yeah who is the most likely of of any guy on the team right now yeah um I okay who’s most likely I I saw things and shade and sharp that I don’t see in other players and I think he took a good he a good leap I say a great leap but a really good leap from year one to year two it’s just been the injuries have been have have have hurt have hurt Shaden um but I think he is the most likely I I know the guard position especially for like in the All-Star games are are very competitive you have a lot of a lot of good guards but I think Shaden can jump off the screen uh athletically his shot is like getting there it it’s looks so smooth you know and I think he has a drive I think that guy’s really competitive so if I had to pick one that I think is most likely like if the Blazers maybe not next year but the year after 2026 season you know start start 30 and 10 or something I I think Sharp’s averaging 26 a game or something eight re eight rebounds five assists like I think he makes an All-Star game so I would say I’d say shanen sharp is my most likely to to take the leap who I want to see would be tumani because if tumani Kamar makes an All-Star team that probably means another Blazers on the All-Star team and we’re and we’re a title Contender so that that would be what but I I think shayen will be the I mean scoot has all the ability in the world to do anything he wants or he could be playing in China in four years so you know scoot’s got a huge uh huge I think range I think sharp is the correct answer I I okay okay I think you could I I totally agree that was kind of where I was going to go with the question I think you could make a case that if uh you know Aon keeps developing you could see him getting to an All-Star if if we’re running a lot of offense through him I think I think Dave on your podcast brought up he wants to see us run the offense through Aon for these first like 20 games or so and just see what we have there is he can he yeah be an offensive hub on a on a team so I I think you can make the case for Aon and that would obviously happen maybe more quickly than scoot just because of where he I not scoot because of sharp um just because where they both are in the cruise but I do think I agree with you like if you’re really wanting to see a player get to that and who has the potential I think sharp is the answer yeah which means I I think you know going into the next season that’s going to be the player number one player to be watching where where is he at is he made another leap is is how much are they putting the ball in his hands all that kind of stuff is going to be really important so definitely yeah looking forward to that that’s a ways away still but ways away but we’re we’ll get there Aaron uh you know just as a side note the Blazers are down 3923 to the sonics right now I can’t help but looking like what are they doing brutal like I I think I think dur I think rookie Durant got prisilla in foul trouble pretty quickly here and Damen Wilkins has seven points and five rebounds leading the game for the for the sonics uh no you’re right I mean Aon I you know Dave brought up that was like the biggest question the Blazers have they’re facing of all the questions there’s a lot of questions but that’s the big one because he’s making the most money and so we have to figure out is Aon worth moving forward with we just drafted this Center who’s came you know weak draft but highly touted and was a winner in college he’s different than Aon he’s not the same type of player that Aon is but we have to figure that out and that made sense to me and so I think the Blazers should go through and see what we have in Aon we need to figure out the guard thing too but that’s more of like a development deal like I think that’s going to take a whole season with Scoot and Shaden together about what they have but aan I think you know maybe he’s the one that gets traded if if is the first one maybe it’s not Grant maybe it’s not Simons maybe it’s not Williams maybe it’s Aon you know because the Blazers either play him for you know or obviously they’re going to play him but he plays well for the first 2030 games what if he just jumps off the page Mr Dr Brown Dr Dr Aaron Brown what if he jumps off the page and teams are just calling and you’re just getting like like you know who who would be the team you know New Orleans is like okay we’ll give you 2025 and 2026 first round unprotected for eight let me ask you this though if he jumps off the page do you want to trade him well I don’t that’s what I’m saying but okay but let’s say Aon jumps off the page and kingan’s playing really well even in his first 30 Games as a rookie and and New Orleans calls and says you know Aon is our missing piece to win a championship we’ll give you first round unprotected 25 and 26 New Orleans could just bust they could bust real quickly too what do you do do you do it do you do it GM so okay so I I am of the opinion you do not because if you got a guy who’s jumping off the page why do you want to move off of him I mean I know we’re in a rebuild but like that’s a player you want unless you’re just you think it’s a fluke if you’re just like oh this is never happening again he’s hitting like 50% from three and he’s just he’s got four blocks a game 32 points 19 rebounds eight assists five block like still high still High I mean yeah maybe well I think gms’s they there’s two things that happen with a general manager right if you keep like pushing off drafts it you you look so good you’re like oh man you got first round picks in 29 and 30 and 31 you know it’s like yeah and then they think you did a great job they won’t ever know you know that’s going to take seven years to even figure out if that was a good thing or not but if you decide to keep eighton and it doesn’t pan out after the first year then they’re going to be like oh that was a dumb move you’re fired but Aaron I think that that’s why like GM’s enjoy just putting the draft picks in the cupboard because they don’t get ridiculed for a first round pick that they traded for that’s going to happen 7 years from now but they do get ridiculed if the player they decided to keep ends up not playing well that season then they’re fired and they don’t have a job anymore so I think that’s that’s the Allure of wow Aon look at him he’s averaging 49 points a game trade him like that’s the because then it’s like great look at the great move I did so I I don’t know I I I don’t think you trade him if he’s if he’s playing that well you want that guy on your team I don’t know why trade him but then if he’s playing poorly you can’t trade him even though you’d want to you’d be like hey he’s not working out let’s trade him if he like let’s say I mean yeah if he came back down to earth you could still say like hey look this guy is still averaging you know 35 points a game like yeah that’s true I mean you can point to that right and and it has trade value even if it’s not helping your team at the time I just think it’s hard to come by a guy who’s capable of playing that well if we’re te like this is a theoretical Aon is playing he make an Allstar team if he’s playing that well right like are we going to trade an allar a would be the MVP if he’s playing I don’t think so that’s true the MVP candidate he’s he’s MVP candidate uh okay so okay so we keep ating we keep ating now okay oh hey update the Blazers are still down 4427 to the sonics um uh Cooper flag you you were saw it all the news sports CER he played really well right against the um against the Olympic team you know I kudos to the NBA’s like PR department they’re they’re so good like the NBA is just a 20 a 12mon thing now in 247 and it’s like they’ll find one little thing and it’s like Cooper flag leaves the leads the select team 7473 win over the Olympic team and it’s like could could could Cooper Flags you know momentum be any higher right now as a draft pick but that you know he played really well turnaround jumpers you know put back dunks he’s competitive he’d be perfect to slide in at the Wing Spot maybe like where Jeremy Grant plays so let’s just say Blazers get Cooper and he slides in with Grant where Grant is we trade Grant now you’re look that’s that that’s a that’s a dangerous young team there Aaron that’s what that’s what we want yeah that’s that is the dream I think we’re not the only ones dreaming that and there’s teams uh I would say better positioned to tank than us I not that we you think you think so you think we’re not positioned to tank very well no no of course we are We’re Not Gon to win we’re not g to win a lot of games rough season but I’m just saying that I think we have slightly more Talent than other teams we’ll see how the season plays out it just it’s all down to that Lottery right the number one it just comes down to the lottery and and I I think we’ll be in the lottery the West is stacked this year so like it’s going be hard look at the odds that Atlanta had and then Houston they jump you know even the year you know we grabbed scoot we we jumped that year right um you know so it it it’s like you know Detroit has has had the has had the best odds to get the pick for the last 57 years and they haven’t they don’t ever get the number one pick so no um yeah I you’re right I think I think on paper if if our team I don’t want to have this talk I think Steve dewald Den I a couple episodes ago started I I tried to get him down this road but I’m like our team is not terrible and and I know that I know we need to be bad one more season I think to to complete the rebuild but man if we start like if we start 11 and three with a fully healthy team and Simons doesn’t get hurt in the first night 19 seconds of of the first game 19 minutes or however many minutes he played in game one I don’t know Aaron now I do we have a team that can win a championship no I mean I’m not that I’m not that delusional but it’s going to be really hard because it’s again I think the pieces of our team fit they fit kind of well when you think about it like you know I don’t know I agree that’s why I’m saying I think I think we have talent on the team I think you know being able to trade Damen for players and then moving those players for more players like we’ve gotten Talent right back we didn’t just get picks and no Talent We Got Talent back so like I I that’s good I think that’s a better way to build a team you know but it m it also makes it harder to land the generational talent that only comes through the draft and and we just haven’t hit yet and hopefully we will H who knows it’s a long time that’s a it’s a whole year away it’s a whole it’s a whole year away eron but when when we not happen when we’re not in title contention that’s our title I mean that’s us winning the championship is a is a ping pong ball so we’ll see right U yeah I I I’m excited to see what the future holds for the Blazers me too me too we’ll see any uh any final thoughts Aaron before before we wrap up was there anything you want Joe Cronin to know you know I had you had to bring back the the segment where I give you a little stat little quiz oh yeah Q cue the music Zach our producer Zach cue that oh maybe not okay all right what hit me hit me what is the stat uh okay since we’re talking summer league I tried to find something summer league related do you know the last NBA Summer League MVP to make an All-Star Team MVP to make an Allstar team I don’t even know who the MVPs are I I did didn’t Zack Randolph win an MVP for the Blazers I don’t I didn’t look that I think Zebo I think Z I think Zebo was an MVP of the summer league long time ago uh and he’s made an All-Star team I man geez I don’t uh I’m trying to think who even was MVP last year I’ll give you a hint give me a hint i ph a friend this player is is a little close think closer to home oh oh my gosh is he on our no we don’t have an All-Star on our team he closer to home Lillard Lillard Dame oh he was the oh you’re right did we no we didn’t win a championship that year in summer league he was just MVP I guess he was named Summer League MVP he was summer league MVP yeah we we we knew we had something with him oh so he was the last one so that would have been like the last he was the last one yeah wow that would have been like 11 do you have the list in front of you of of allar so don’t you know we’ll do that next time I’m sorry I put you on the spot no no I have I have three players the last three I think was in this article I found but uh before before Dame uh was John Wall oh 2010 he was a soummer league MVP okay and then uh the year before him I think yeah 2009 was Blake Griffin Blake Griffin oh wow there there was a run there of some good there a little run there yeah and it hasn’t happened since then I think a lot of the top talent doesn’t play in Summer League so that’s probably yeah contributing since since since then um yeah yeah haven’t had one since 2012 so maybe this will be the year turns around maybe you know uh maybe it’s um maybe Ryan ruper you know just jumps off MVP and then becomes an All-Star maybe we didn’t even mention him so all right all right well you stunt me this time but I’ll get you next time trying to feel like the villain from Scooby-Doo or some other show I’ll get you next time so all right buddy well the doctor thanks for stopping in I feel I feel better now that you’ve been here so uh let’s just let’s watch some summer league Aaron pray for no injuries and uh we’ll go from there all right all right dude enjoy the rest of your day thanks for coming on the Rip City Roundtable podcast Cory see you dude bye bye [Music] we are rogue Media Sports

In Episode 20, We focus on the Trail Blazers heading to Summer League and take a look at their roster. Dr. Aaron Brown joins the round table to help us figure out who will have a breakout Summer League and what it means for the upcoming season. We also discuss the elephant in the room, or maybe three elephants in the room…. Who is going to be traded this offseason? So much is going on right now for the Blazers. Enjoy the episode!

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