@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Introduce J.B. Bickerstaff As Head Coach

Detroit Pistons Introduce J.B. Bickerstaff As Head Coach

[Music] YouTube what’s going on it’s your boy King and Deuce man it’s the King and dece show we got something to talk about Deuce uh press conference took place uh biger sta introduced a lot of uh important points that he brung up I know you got a lot to say on this topic um a lot of key things that he said that we both want to talk about so dudes first and foremost how are you feeling my man I’m feeling good bro it’s been a hot one today um but you know a lot of people talking about this JB bicker staff signing and press conference and stuff like that so I had a little bit of time to be able to kind of watch it with you know my full attention on it as far as trying to multitask and do stuff like that so I I uh had some I had quite a few takeaways from what he said um just comparing it to what happened last season um I honestly didn’t pay enough attention to last season’s pressure um just because of the resume and that’s on me you know what I mean assuming that a certain coach is going to do this or that based on the resume so this season I really took a different approach with that and so like you said he was introduced yesterday um JB biger staff introduced as Pistons head coach um and this stream tonight guys is going to be focused mainly on that um just because you know you don’t get a new coach every day I mean it seems like it’s every year for us but you don’t get a new coach every day so I just wanted to we want to break it down what he had to say um because to be honest like I said I really was paying attention to it this season and I did I will say this bro before we kick it off right I learned something about this new regime before they even said one word they started on time I learned something just off of that just just off of that just the fact that we didn’t have to wait for an hour to get some theme music um which I wasn’t about to wait for I was about to go do something else if if if there was going to be on that time but shout out to the professionalism you know what I’m saying shout out to the respect for others time you know what I’m saying shout out to just even the way you’re perceived you know what I’m saying like even if it’s not even real just let it be perceived as certain way that is this is how you’re going to be doing things or whatever so shout out to them for that cuz that was what everybody was looking at everybody was planning on showing up a half hour late and being a half hour early so shout out to them for that um and shout out to everybody in the in the comments too um y’all coming in deep pause already early and we just getting started so we got Marvin here we got Devin Council we got some newcomers here good to see everybody man we got a lot to talk about a lot that I want to say I want we want to hear from y’all too what were you guys thought thoughts on because we’re going to be checking this chat throughout what do you guys thoughts throughout this uh whole this whole pressor what are you guys thoughts how were you feeling about it King if you want to kind of go from there you can too yeah man I first and foremost being on time time such a big deal right having respect for other people’s time because last time I’m G be honest with you I was pissed at the last uh we sat there for damn near hour waiting and it was just like come on man take it serious you know yeah um obviously this very passionate City very very passionate fan base passionate media passion passate creators we’re we’re ready to get the ball rolling right so um on top of everything that bicker staff said impressing me that was impressive that was very impressive yeah um like I said man you want that perception put out there like listen we’re Strictly Business y it’s you know the all of the time for the foolishness is is out the window we here to get it done we here to move that’s what that’s what you want to feel right yes that was important that was very important um and we’re gonna we’re going to touch on that too just based on what you just said about moving on right because it’s something you always kind of allude to a lot anyway so let’s just kind of go through some of these quotes man um shout out by the way shout out to our the beat writers um who were there and got this information for it shout out to everybody who was there and asking great questions and getting great answers from them so we’re going to kind of piggy back off of some of their tweets to see what was said um so the first thing I want to hit bro um pran Lon said the coaching search started a week after the draft and when JB was hired the first thing he and bigger staff did was go out to LA and handle the Tobias Harris signing so it was obviously a clear plan from jump with the front office wanted to get done right get some vets here you know seems was priority number one to be honest and of the guys who were who were available I feel like Tobias was one of the best ones you know one of the best fits in terms of what we needed and what he can bring setting the standard you know for professionalism um in-game experience type of stuff and of course just shooting the ball so I thought that was interesting that he said that because it kind of showed what their priority was from day one that he was hired yeah he definitely exudes the type of Personality that we want to event you know professionalism uh hard work you know same time he gives you what we need on the basketball court so obviously signing the signing was solid all the way around um all the way around definitely kudos to the Pistons for getting everything done um everything is official now including Kade we’ll get into that um yeah yeah you know getting business taking care of that’s what he came in the door saying that he wanted to do and it’s looking like that’s where we headed so yeah yeah yeah man man I agree with you there bro um let’s let’s keep it moving let’s keep it moving so the next thing that I wanted to hit on that he said uh this is Tran he said that they were looking for someone with great leadership communication and collaboration skills and he said positivity was huge after what happened to the team last year so the part that stood out to me with this one and this kind of references back to what you always say King leave last year exactly where it was at you said that probably tens of times on here already um and I I mentioned that in our last video like how in order for the team to move forward there needed to be some visible change or turnover that everybody could visibly see and so I think Tran UND whether right or wrong too that’s the thing you know whether you think it needed to happen or not I just think that’s what the majority of fans needed to see just to make just to have a different energy and feeling about the team so I think Tron kind of understood that the importance of that of just kind of wiping the Slate clean and starting fresh right yeah I I listen man for the fan base most important talk to me talk to me for the fan base most important let it go so last time we gonna talk about this yes let it go it’s over it’s done you can’t go back and fix it it happened Let It Go period and just focus on the like just focus on what we have to look forward to now yes you know what I mean we have a like we always said the energy now is just different so you know kind of like the remnants of the last regime as far as having conversations about it but I feel like now like you said it’s time to move on and see what we have going forward and kind of just put our attention to what the team is saying and seeing if that’s translating what they’re doing right so you know what I mean so yeah all right keep it moving next thing um pran Lon again said bicker staff had the passion and desire to be in Detroit so I’ve seen some pretty funny tweets in comparison of last year’s presser to this year’s press I’m sure you’ve seen them too about how he’s already how JB’s already a better Coach than than Monty not not even off of the timing like I said but he didn’t he didn’t say he wanted to be here for the money like everybody everybody’s been saying that like when soon as I heard that oh he’s better Coach like of course being prous and being tongue and cheek but I just thought that was funny that people jumped on that so I know we were kind of having fun with this man um and just I just I’m just looking at how you know like I’m trying to think how even want to say this mon like Monty he mentioned money as the motivation right yeah it’s it’s funny because he he didn’t just to be clear he didn’t say that was the only reason but he mentioned that among other things but it’s just funny because at the time that he said it I don’t think I really processed what he was saying and I think I like like kind of subconsciously made it a smaller deal than what it was instead of just attributing his answer to him just being honest right you know what I’m saying and so but after listening to JB just how much I was looking at and listening to just how much homework he’s done on his team and he did on the team before he even took the job right his understanding of this team’s history um his father you know Bernie bers saap I’m sure he helped him you know as being a former coach in the NBA so he’s probably around the you know players and coaches and the EXs all time but he just seems to be much more involved and passionate about the opportunity to coach here and he really just seems to take pride in being committed to helping his team get better that’s really what it seems like his bottom line is yeah I listen another thing with bicker staff um came in gave the law of the land um it’s I mean strictly straight business was uh shying away from any questions yeah you know what I’m saying good point and the difference between the two in their press conferences right you didn’t have some orchestrated theme where all the players are sitting there you know we all know that we that that was a team thing they told all the players to be there for Monty Williams right yep this thing wasn’t orchestrated you know what I’m saying bicker staff is there he’s answering every question that we want aners every single question t questions he’s he’s uh obviously done his research right he’s been he’s been studying this team he’s been watching uh some film he’s been right it’s clear it’s clear so you know just the total difference you know Monty is just like well you know he was over here so I ain’t really pay attention to the team you know quick answers [ __ ] you know you know what it is right generic a lot a lot of generic surface answers right right you know just like let’s get this done so y’all can get out my face type yeah but bicker staff it was genuine uh that you can tell he was very interested um in in learning these guys and you know seeing the potential in these guys um obviously one of the topics we’re getting ready to talk about was Ivy didn’t shy away from you know Full Throttle with that so like I said the difference between the press conference was night and day yep and that was very refreshing as a Pistons fan 100% yep couldn’t have said that better bro I um this one was interesting for me too we got we got a couple graphics for some of these for some of the ones that I thought were really really important or resonated with me at least and this is the first one let me take this off here so everybody can see it so he said I had a great feeling this organization was being led by the right people and that you know that may sound like a great surface answer right but I thought that was important because is like we were talking about earlier that perception bro like the perception of this team was the only thing that was going to give tangible like to we had to make changes for tangible invisible like changes to be made so like everybody had to see something happened they needed to see that whether it was right or wrong so I wonder if JB would have felt the way he said he did If the previous regime was still here I don’t know because he wouldn’t have had much to go off of as far are seeing that change you know what I mean if if no major changes were made I think it’s a little bit different even perhaps from his perspective how he’s viewing the team okay they’re saying they’re moving in a different direction but I still see a lot of the same things here so what are they doing as different you know what I mean like the thought process even as as a potential coach was affected by the tangible and visible change that was made by the team so like I think they just really understood how important that was whether right or wrong whether deserve it or not I think they knew that had to change in order to bring some type of attraction to the team in some way shape or form even with potential coaches and players yeah you definitely have some coaches turning down yeah 100% and uh with Tran Lon like I said he just professionalism all the time you know what I’m saying straight Stern straight to the point professionalism that’s what it is and you come into a staff like that um yeah that helps out a lot you know now ownership is ownership that’s something that we can’t change that’s something that’s not going to change that’s another thing we just need to move to the side right now right let’s let Tran do his thing um like I said we still got a hiring so let him you know uh uh build this this this front office the way it’s supposed to be um I’ve seen that owners all the time have good teams you know cowboys so Cowboys yes you know so like I said for me head of basketball operations down um right that’s important that’s important and hopefully it can really feel that way yeah to where the top starts with the hopefully hopefully at some point for us as Pistons fans it feels like it doesn’t start with the owner because the owner is not getting involved and he kind of letting the people that he put in place just do their job yeah you know what I’m saying I feel like people don’t really want to see Tom or hear from Tom anymore they they want to see what he’s doing he they want to see what he’s doing behind the scenes more so than I think in front of a microphone so hopefully that like you said at some point it can really start mentally from US president not disrespecting him but just saying as far as the operations of the team it needs to start with start president down and kind of just go from there so I’m with you 100% on that bro 100% um next quote okay so bigger staff on defensive identity with this young team he said if you don’t have a strong defensive Foundation your team is going to struggle to take the steps the elite the elite teams in this league have two-way players and defend we had issues with Isaiah Stewart and Jaylen durren switching onto our Smalls and then being able to stay in front of the basketball I thought that was interesting um because I you know I put on record that how much I wanted the Pistons to have that too big lineup right in the starting lineup because the East is going big but the interesting part was that he was then asked if you know the two big style in Cleveland was going to make his way to Detroit and he said our responsibility to put the best units on the floor that we can whatever the rer is we play to that we can adjust we’re not stuck in one way so that tells me that maybe there is a path for Tobias Harris to start that’s what that tells me at the four because he said and two he had it was two different occasions to where he kind of hinted toward perhaps wanting to see that improve or change between Stuart and Duren when he talked about how he you know they had trouble staying in front and then he didn’t take advantage of the opportunity when asked about bringing that here he didn’t say yes we intend to look at that he just said know we’ll see we’ll see how it goes we’re not going to go one way or the other we’re not stuck in one way you so to me it’s kind of like he that may open up a a path or maybe that’s the reasoning as to why they may be looking at Tobias Harris starting at the four because they feel that having either of Duran in Tobias which is too small not Stewart in Tobias is too small or during into bias makes more sense than having St enduring together so they can at least guard the perimet a little bit better so I don’t know bro I just I still want to see that to Big lineup bro I know I said it before but I still want to see I still want to see it at least before we move to a smaller lineup because East is East is getting bigger and bigger that’s just my take though me personally I you know that was one of the things I had at the top of my list you know that quote that you just read um obviously I’m always talking defense defense defense right what good is scoring buckets if you’re allowing the other team to score buckets right saying so um when he said that that Lit me up instantly and then when he went into it and obviously um he’s going to be emphasizing that with this team especially with our our front Court uh you look at the front Court he had in Cleveland that that’s what those guys did it was the calling card man so um the two big lineup I think is something that we probably will see simply because of of his history just that comment you know what I’m saying because you gotta have that front your front has to be your front bro you gotta you got to be able to hunker down man and keep these guards from slashing get to the basket these dudes they need to think about coming to the basket when it’s against your team with the Pistons over the years it just has not been that way yep you know at will they attack the basket nothing there nothing is there to meet him you know what I’m saying so y um when you got a young you got young players like you got with picker staff I’m probably sure he’s gonna be pounding that constantly yeah um and camp and going forward so y I’m looking forward to that I’m looking forward to that stand in front of guys period for me one to five stand in front of period yeah yeah that’s what our Pistons teams of old did it does it does tell me that he may put more of a premium on Perimeter defense as opposed to Interior defense if he’s looking to go smaller and have you know have a guy be able to switch out on the perimeter which it sounds like he’s he wants to do talking about bigs guarding you know they’re smalls so he’s probably going to be doing a lot of switching and he I think he wants to be versatile with his switching and I think that may be why he may be looking for more perimeter defense as more of a focus than the interior defense I did see what what Devin said here about Ste not being that much bigger than Harris but like you said it’s the strength part of it bro like it’s it’s the lower the lower body string the hips his like his his legs you know what I mean his for examp to okay look at Ben and taan Prince or even Ben Wallace and rash Rashid Wallace like who was taller but who was who was playing Center you know that on top of that dud is willing Stu is willing that’s true that’s true you know what I’m saying to buy his hair that’s not really his game right know he’s he’ll be serviceable at times but he’s not the guy that’s trying to you know that’s not his game so it’s willingness at the same time like think about it I always talk and this was a while ago but I always talk about how Tobias how he was is really getting abused a little bit by Kevin Love when we played in last you know in 2016 the playoffs it was eight years ago yeah but he’s his body his frame is still very similar play the same way but he was getting abused by Kev like if that was through there they’re not even looking at the matchup they’re not looking to ISO Kevin Love on Isaiah Stewart you know what I mean because of the physicality and just the like you said the willingness and want to to be able to defend is is a part of his game that’s one of his Hallmarks so yeah I think it’s just a difference if far’s approach yeah yeah I agree man I agree with that I um anything else you want to hit on with with with with st are you no I said I just I just like the fact that he shows Stu some love yeah yeah I don’t think ste’s going anywhere yeah me neither he’s not going anywhere I think Stu is like his his kind of guy yeah and I think somebody mentioned it earlier I think he understands a lot of the little things that Ste can do for your team covering up mistakes um just things that don’t show show up in the stash sheet he does them by Nature that’s the way you know Shooters love to shoot you know what I mean he loves he loves to play physical that’s that’s just what he is he loves to play physical basketball so um you can’t find that every day you can’t find that in a lot of guys consistently when you got to train guys to do it it’s still not going to be at the level of consistency is somebody who just has that in them so I think that’s a very I think that’s very rare quality he has and that’s what’s going to keep him here um keeping him moving he talked about the defensive identity with this team he said if if you don’t have a strong defensive Foundation your team is going to struggle to take steps the elite teams in this league have two-way players and defend got issues with isaah that’s what I men with st Okay cool so this one here biger St on what he can bring from his other stops you got to make it fun you go through a long NBA season you’re together all the time so yeah I mean I’m not compared to what happened last Pistons didn’t have no fun last season we know that cuz we no fun last season um I don’t know how he intends to do that like I don’t know what he means I have ideas but I’m wondering what those are like as far as making the game fun but I do know this everything is way more fun when you win it yeah so hopefully you know they can build some camaraderie in in Camp you know go into the preseason with a little chemistry and string some wings together early in the season to build some confidence that’ll make it fun real quick you know I think that’s why he emphasized that player that young guys are going to make mistakes I think that’s why he emphasized that man because you know in the past it was like you know you make mistake you’re getting subbed out the game these guys gonna make mistakes you know what I’m saying and when you can go out there and play some care free basketball um and have fun out there on the court with each other and grow together then that that just everything take care of itself you know what I’m saying so I think that’s what he was emphasizing that for saying Hey listen man guys are gonna make mistakes but at the same time these guys are gonna go out here and have some fun learning and growing together 100% bro 100% man I um I’m really looking forward to seeing what his approach is just as a whole you know what I mean just everything from watching him on the sideline to you know his even his his postgame conference I I just want to see what what his makeup is how he deals with situations like we saw that once we saw like that type of fire one time from Monte last year now was the New York nickas game when we obviously the whole world always should have won and I was like okay it is there it’s there but it seems like Vicor sa doesn’t need to get pushed to the very edge to to come with that kind of energy which I like you know what I’m saying he just it seemed like he’s just he’s just about that um so yeah so moving on he also said uh this is Tran he said the head that head coaching experience was important in the hiring process here I thought that was was interesting because it shows that at least to me it shows that wasn’t as interested in some of the available coaches that many of us wanted myself included you know I wanted Mike anori I say it all the time but guys like him guys like Sean Sweeney um Sam Cassel stack house right all none of those guys had much of a chance because they don’t have head coaching experience you know we know we now know that tran wed head coaching he want a head coaching experience so it just tells me that he wanted a coach to had experience coaching a young team you know what I mean a coach that fits the timeline and mentality of this team that’s why I think he’ll be much more successful than Mani was because he wants to be here and what appears to be by all accounts he wants to be here for the right reasons and he has a lot of success with young guys so it it I feel like Monty has success with older teams teams that are already you know experienced veteran Laden you know type of thing I think that’s going to be a big difference is that I think bicker have likes Like Larry Brown used to like coaching up and and building young teams from scratch like his his issue he liked it too much he would once he would get him to the top he would get Bor and then move to another project so that’s what I like though I want to see a coach that’s really ready to get his hands dirty and build from the ground up from scratch yeah that’s what we that’s what he was asking for you know what I’m saying so like I said you had a coach in here that had no business being here that should have been going to a winning team already if he was going to coach but this situation is different one that was wrongfully fired that I TR believe that’s a lot of the basketball World truly believes um yeah and like I said he’s gonna come in here and he’s gonna bring that that hunger man bring that hunger still adding to these players that we have you know like talking about he mentioned Ivy man and how Unstoppable ivy can be yeah don’t get to that too yeah yeah so you know put that hunger in there put the dog you know what I’m saying in these dudes man and and you know let’s just see what happened you know they Eastern Conference you know anything can happen man so I’m looking forward to yeah man he said um Vier he talked about uh shooting in vets and I think this is what a lot of people want to hear about um he said you want to surround your guys that you’re developing with players who make them better success offensively starts with that space I’mma let you I’mma let you go first on this one what are your thoughts on this one I’m G let y’all in the comments go crazy too because uh obviously me and youve been talking about it over and over you got to put guys around you know Kate and Ivy that’s G to help them be better right to hear him say that and realize that is just one thing but you know just to look and see what we’ve added is another yeah I’m saying and we still have a possibil ability to add more um man that’s key you know what I’m saying that is huge for me um spacing is everything everything for our guards you know what I’m saying uh for Ivy to be able to drive the lane and kick if he needs to and for K to be able to attack or distribute if he needs to it’s everything for us for guys to be able to cut through these Lanes man and it creates so much better of an opportunity for the the type of young guys that we have so um and again you know like I said I truly believe simp because he’s coming from Cleveland we will see some some sensible basic pick and roll too yeah know what I’m saying so I expect this offense to make a lot more sense than what we just came for watching yeah yeah 100% it was just funny how quickly he seem to realize that like yeah this is uh what we need to do for our guy this is how his game is built and uh this is what needs to happen for him to play well like you know what I’m saying like just it just seems like it was just a matter of fact about it um it almost seem sarcastic with how like obvious he was saying it I don’t know if it was on purpose or not I think that’s kind of Traer land’s humor like a that dry really slide humor that’s kind of what I got from him though just like yeah this is what we have to do if we’re gonna it was just funny um but yeah like you you said it bro I don’t really have much to add to that um we know our gu our guards need space Tran’s providing that in a month’s time um he’s provided both Kad and Jaden with more space than they’ve ever had since they’ve been in the Piston’s uniform and I’m sure that was something that he was hoping to hear from JB when they were talking about the offense because those are those are some of the conversations you obviously have with the potential coaches you know what are you looking to run how do you think this offense may run with with our wrester what needs changes should we make you know to fit the offense if it’s not too you know too too big of a change things like that so like it probably made Tran happy to hear JB saying some of the things and that may have been pra of the draw because Tran may have seen what he did over there with Donan Mitchell and Darius garland that may have been part of the draw for him to have coach who knows how to manage two uh Allstar level guards in that way so I’m it’s just glad that he that those two are aligned in that thinking when it comes to spacing for your for your Premier guards yeah and also another side note is him adding the fact of I mean having a guy that in Tobias who you know at times can go and get a bucket when you need him to right you know what I’m saying that’s another thing that’s very important for the offense uh somebody that K can toss the ball to and that can go and get you a bucket you know I’m saying him Tim Hardaway them type of guys man yeah saying so that’s important to have on this team too yeah bro what do you think abouto real quick I know you probably appreciate this one how do you feel about this one nobody but D it ain’t that level yet not yet right you man Dan Dan Campbell will ever be iconic if forever be iconic for his press conference man yeah uh I don’t think we B kneecaps yet but maybe we can get there we may be getting maybe some nipping at some ankles you know we’ll see right you know we’ll see yeah but I thought that was interesting like you said like I don’t even need him to be um Dan I don’t even need him to be iconic if he’s if he’s a know close to level of effective as he is you can be as uniconic as you want you can be as aloop as you want I don’t care just want to see the results just be be what you say you are going to be that’s it that’s all it is because Dan Campbell that team is what he said they’re going to be well said you said they’re going to be be that defensive Powerhouse be that team that’s you know spaced on on offense and be that team right right 100% 100% okay so we’re gonna get to some um some sound that I’ve already seen in the chat a lot of people keep asking about when we’re going to get to this we about to get to it all right so this is the first one um regarding Jaden Ivy and Kade Cunningham right we get the off of here so we can see it and it says we always try this is JB biera talking about his back court Donovan Mitchell and daryus Garland with Cleveland he said we always tried to keep one of those guys on the floor start and close games together you always have one of those Dynamic players on the floor music to my ears bro this was absolute music to my do you remember just the other day I think on Tuesday when we last streamed everybody was saying and it still might happen but everybody was saying Tim Hardway Jr and be gonna start and I was saying that I think that the move is to start Kate and Jaden together and slide Jaden to point guard when Kate sits down remember we just talked about that y yeah like it seems like that’s what’s happening it seems like that’s what JB is thinking I think that three guard lineup is the move bro and you have either Beasley or Hardway getting those other shooting guard minutes um I just think that allows Jaden to play off the ball he talked about playing off the ball ball that’s exactly what he mentioned in his presser and you know have the ball in Jaden’s hands and let him attack when Kate goes to the bench and then have Beasley and Hardway Jr you know enter the game at that point as the shooting guard to me that’s the only way you can really get jayen close to 30 minutes per game get him reps consistently and he has kind of make up for lot time because of last season so I want him to get as many reps as possible so if you have him as a backup point guard only he’s getting what 16 18 minutes that’s not enough reps to progress at the rate we’re trying to get him to move to so I rather cut down on Beasley and Hardway Junior’s minutes than I would you know cutting down Jaden’s minutes especially if they continue to push that super high ceiling that I think they can get to as a starting back court so I think Donovan Mitchell and darus Garland you know they didn’t become an All-Star back court until bigger St got there so he knows what he’s doing and I hope that’s what he’s looking to do I I get the fit part with with Cade and either beasy or Tim hard Jr but it’s not like Jade na’vi is just a terrible shoot either right if he’s open he still he can still knock it down I think once again the spacing around with to buas and it’s just going to make it more evident but I think you sacrifice a little bit of shooting perhaps to allow Jaden Ivy to get those minutes just just to make sure and see all you can get out of this starting out of this starting back court right yeah I I think it’s just a a way to have constant pressure applied on team’s defenses yeah you know what I’m saying you got to you have you need to have that constant pressure applied to those defenses you don’t need to drop off when the bench come in you don’t need this all bench line up right right you don’t need that crap especially I’m gonna cut you off especially when JB biger staff is known for not having huge rotations he’s usually seven eight or nine deep so like you said it’s not going to be yeah 10 Deep every night go ahead yeah yeah like I said you you you constantly app apply pressure that way that’s what you want to be that’s what you want to do um yeah there’s no breaks you know what I’m saying because what we were doing last season was absolute nonsense it’s absolute nonsense man so y um yeah I mean makes perfect sense makes perfect sense and it’s it just it just makes me happy that it’s coming from a coach who’s done it you know what I mean it’s not like it’s it sounds great in theory but okay has this worked for you like he literally came from situ where it worked great for him and that may have been the draw on both sides as far as from his side having done it and from our side of knowing he’s done it so I really feel like it’s a good match the more and more I think about it more more we talk about it um so yeah I just wanted to hit on that as far as with Jaden um and Kaden another uh jayen quote from um JB he said I think there’s a natural speed in athleticism that is hard to deal with in this league and he said he’s looking forward to seeing ivy catch the ball on the move and play and to play with that Tempo so once again this is why I think you have to start them together so that way when you bring Jaden Off the Bench K sits down like well if you would to do that like like when K sits down who’s going to put Jaden in situations to be able to attack off the catch right if you you know who’s gonna be that guy Sasser he’s not at that point so in order for you to have that you need to have a playmaker on the floor who can get him the ball in that situation and Kate is the GU to do that but if he’s sitting down who’s doing it so Kate is the really only true facilitator that can effectively get him the ball in those situations so he would have to start along him in order to do that it’s just for me there no other way around that happening in that way based on what they’re saying yeah I I just man You Gotta Be You have to be able to use Ivy’s speed and athleticism yeah period period um you know just not only with the Monty Williams um staff but also some of Dwayne and Casey I always felt like why don’t we run more you know I’m saying why don’t we why don’t we you know we should be out running especially with all these young players on this team we just didn’t we didn’t do that consistently and it drove me crazy so right uh like I said that’s that’s your advantage man you got AAR Thompson on this team too you also I mean you just drafted you know Ron Holland you you bam get out and run you know what I’m saying and at the same time allow Ivy to be great man and attack that basket and use his his gifts right because it’s very very hard to stay in front of him so right yeah I totally agree what’s going on this is from Lance one of our guys what’s going on Lance um he said you guys think we should we could see a different guard start depending on the matchup um I I don’t think so I think they’re going to try to what I think they should try to keep it as consistent as possible because I really just want to get Cade and Jaden as many reps as possible we say a lot out of 164 possible games that they’ve been here they play 68 of those together 30% so unless somebody’s in file trouble or something like that then I think you go into your you know deeper into your bench maybe you start you know I still wouldn’t start anybody different but file trouble I’m looking at thj and possibly Beasley if my guys are in F but as far as starting I’m I’m just I’m I’m riding with these two guys I’m really trying to see what they give me in different situations I want to see what works I want to see what doesn’t I want to see if it’s worth it to you know bypass the weaknesses if it makes sense if if it’s worth it right and then you still got Ivy working on this this jumper you still have Ivy working on you know becoming a more complete point guard it just gives you more options I think if you just allow them to get more and more reps and kind of get a feel for each other yeah I I think also it’ll be a better understanding on the offense with the two guards that we have and kayen Ivy on you know who should be doing what because I seen a lot of confusion out there on the court when them two was out there together trying to figure out be you know I’m saying I think there’s going to be more of a a greater uh explanation of role explained to these guys like this is what we’re looking for in the offense this is when we go to Ivy this is when we attack this when it’s gonna be based off you know matchup matchups I believe so and that’s just evident because of what you seen with Garland and Mitchell so yeah I think we’ll have a better situation yeah for sure for sure King I know your this one um we talked about this we talked about um I personally have a sar starting um in that situation if it really depends like on who else you have in that starting lineup like I still want to see the the big lineup where Tobias is starting the three and you got Ste the four and JD the five right like just especially based on what JB was saying that’s still my ideal lineup to start day one I just want to see how it looks I just want to see how it looks um and how it matches up against other teams if we go with Tobias at the four I probably would go with AAR at the three I like f teo’s game I feel like he gives more to me though Off the Bench when I’m looking for scoring punch I feel like he is a great spacer that would be great with Ivy when you put him at the one he’s exactly what you need you know what I mean so I feel like he would be a great fit there assar you can make a case for AAR too as far as pushing the ball but with I just want to see Ivy in Kate with spacing I just want to see spacing with them so you can’t have no no go ahead finish no I was just saying yeah I just definitely want to see them with spacing as much as possible at all times yeah you can’t have I don’t I think you got to kind of have F te or come off the bench you can’t have all of your spacing with the starting unit and right you know what I’m saying so you you need a spacer on your second unit too and like I said based off of what I said before based off the contract situation to me it just make more sense yeah yeah I agree I I’m not mad at this Cersei um a lot of guys need to work on their defense um not just ji but he does too but once again that’s why we got JB here I totally agree with you as far as the defense as a whole guys got to stay the F Tri to start reaching play smarter defense play more disciplined defense so I’m with you but I think JB I’m hoping JB is going to help just naturally you know because he also said he has a coaching staff that he brought that’s full of teachers so we we got F vincon and that’s great but we have a staff according to JB that that wants to teach everybody wants to teach so that’s the development piece of it for sure okay let’s keep moving bro um we got a few more um this one was with Cade when we were talking about JB and this was one of the things that he had to say he said Kate is a stud our focus is making him one of the best two-way players he wants to take the Pistons to the next level thoughts on that if you have any King as far as what you feel K can be going forward as a potential two-way player man I that’s everything that we know he is you know what I’m saying as a two-way player um you gonna give you the effort on both sides yeah so you know that’s something we’ve seen already you know what I’m saying so uh he’s only gonna get better offensively but on the defensive end I think he already gives you all the effort that you want on the defensive end you can always improve and get better it’s not like I’m not saying he’s lock down Defender at this point in his career but he gives that effort and that’s all I want to see out of my back court give the effort so um yeah I can agree with him man like anytime anytime you hear a coach saying that he wants to turn his start player into one of the best two-way players yeah sign me up all day long like that was one of the biggest things that stood out bro from this whole Presser is just his defensive mindset like he could have left it at he could have just said you know we want to surround Kate with spacers and Shooters like he did you know we want to put Kate in the best position and be at his best like he did and that would have been cool I don’t think anybody would had a problem with that but but can you know bro being a two-way player that requires something up here because it means you it means you’re going to sacrifice some of your offense yep you sacrificing some of that gas in your tank to perform on defense and so a good example of that we saw that with with Luka you talk about it all the time I love Luca you know how I feel about Luka one of my favorite players but one of the things that he’s been aligned for as incredible as he is offensively is his lack of commitment defensively so like think about the finals when he did play defense like hard tough defense in game four a lot of his shots was coming up short hitting the front iron because he was gassed because he was exerting so much energy on defense so that’s what happens and you got to know going in that’s going to happen I mean I have a great shooting night I may not have 2530 I may not whatever but Kate is built for that he’s a team player he wants to win so he don’t care about average and 30 he just wants to win so I think one thing that he’s got to stay on top of though is his is his conditioning he got to be in great shape that’s the only way you can be a great two-way player and that’s why I think that Luca is not a two-way player because he’s not in good shape and he gets gas way too quick like you said you said that so if I’m the Pistons that’s one of the biggest focuses for Cade this off season is just to get that diet right right just just stay in tip top shape because he’s got the mindset and he’s got the skills to be a perennial All-Star two-way player and I’m really excited to see that yep absolutely totally agree yeah man that like that that just made me so excited that just just that he you don’t hear too many coaches saying that about their star player you’re talking about you know just doing everything that you can to make his life easier you know what I’m saying like a lot of times you’ll hear coaches w to go get Defenders to put alongside their star player so the star player doesn’t have to guard the best offensive player you don’t really hear the coach saying we want to make him put him to a level to where he he can guard this you know what I’m saying you don’t hear that like Steph Curry for example not I love Steph Curry but he was never guarding the best offensive player in the back court it was always clay yeah you know what I’m saying so like you need to have the ability too and Kate has the ability like Steph has the want to but he don’t have the he’s not big enough he’s not athletic so Kate has the want to and the mentals you get that body straight it’s it’s a WP it’s a w credit to uh Ashton the trainer and yes sir that into him yes sir he’s always had that mindset yeah you always see how competitive him and Canon are towards each other and then you see you know the work that him and Ashton put in you know so that mentality is worked it’s not something I mean it’s something it’s want to for him it’s not shout out to them man shout out to them bro real really quickly talked about it earlier but just yeah having the skills and the mindset to be able to develop him the way that they have people because people say all the time they kind of they kind of get maligned for that like man did he train with anybody else or he just train with them look at what it’s doing look at what you know what I’m saying look at what he just got so it’s just like he just got a Max extension if he wasn’t that dude it would have reflected on them you know what I’m saying so it’s just showing he’s continued to get better so just let him keep doing what he’s doing man let him let him roll whatever he wants to roll it because it’s it’s obviously working so shout out to them they earned that yeah if y’all don’t know the details make sure y’all go back on YouTube and look for that documentary when he got drafted overtime you’ll see a lot in overtime man uh about where he where that’s rooted from so that’s why we that credit and that shout out to them 100% 100% got a couple more bro um that really stood out to me this was a sound bite that it came from JB once again and this was talking about the teams of old and he said we know the history of the Detroit Pistons come March you’ll be able to turn on the TV and be like that’s Detroit Pistons basketball like he’s saying all the right things bro I’m not going to lie he’s saying all the right things it’s yet to be determined how it looks on the floor but when I saw that bro like when he when he said that one word came to mind for me you know when I read it that I didn’t identify with Monty all last season identity identity identity for my Pistons fans right who were around to remember uh the Bad Boys King you remember Bad Boys the going to work teams you know what I mean when I say the Pistons knew who they were yep right stylistically who they were and how they played it just jumped off the screen you because you’ve seen it so many times and it was the same way every thank you every single game like last year I never had any did what we were doing on either side I’m I’m just watching aimlessly just trying to figure out what’s going on it was no Organization no urgency no accountability no belief no leadership it wasn’t it wasn’t nothing bro it was nothing so I’m not judging this season off wins and losses anymore it looked like 2K out there that’s like 2K bro like direct league in 2K I didn’t know what was happening I didn’t know what type of offense that was I didn’t know what we was doing I I don’t think they did either yeah I don’t think that it either and that’s that’s part of the problem I’m not but like I’m I’m judging this season bro at this point just based off of growth and consistency that’s all I want to see if I’m see if I’m seeing the same things every game and I’m seeing a little every every G every game or every week gets a little bit tighter defensive rotation every week the the offense is moving a little bit more crisp those incremental gains doing the same thing the same type of energy and cuz you can tell you you know when you see it so that’s what I’m looking for if I see that and we only get 30 wins but I see that we all know what we’re supposed to be doing on the basketball court I’m good with that and everything else is going to follow that’s what we’ve been looking for for the last two seasons that’s it we was just we’ve been looking for the identity and the competitive Spirit that’s what we competitive Spirit kind of faintly he faintly gave you a timeline of where you could see that at uh without saying you know what I’m saying somewhere around that Midway point to the season you should see some growth and development to the point to where we have a identity by that was a great answer by him I agree like Elliot like even with San vany when we had we had Dre we had uh Reggie Jackson it was pick and roll offense everybody knew that was what a offense was base around even they had an identity last year what was the P’s identity offensively our identity was we didn’t have a set lineup that was our identity well who starting tonight we saw sub about injury there injury here how many how many tweets we see of starting lineups last season compared to previous Seasons redic like I wonder who starting tonight you literally had to check every single game I remember in years past when I never had to check I knew every single game what the starting five was going to be because we had an identity we knew who we were we weren’t gonna relent to how you played we’re gonna play our game and you got to adapt to that and if somebody was injured you knew who was taking their spot right down to that level right exactly exactly everybody knew their roles 100% so I’m just happy to see some level of identity bro it just it just it calms my nerves as a as a Pistons Manan to know that everybody hopefully is going to know what their role is going into the season yeah and they’re not going to be looking at the bench every time they make a mistake or worrying about their role every time you know like no no no no no we need something totally different you got a coach that’s gonna actually coach you you got a coach that’s gon Co you you make that mistake he’s gonna actually coach you right another thing if you go back can watch some of them Cleveland games man that’s what you saw on the sideline bicker staff coaching saying Hey listen you need to be here you should do this this that you didn’t see that from Monty sat there with his arms folded you know what I’m saying to the point where Kay looked at him like hey man you know I’m saying yeah right like you alive bro you straight what’s going on and my just looking back at him like this man and Kay like this dude don’t even care wow he don’t even care wow okay all right that’s what it felt like I’m I’m speculating but just reading B language that’s just kind of what it felt like I don’t have any information on that that’s just kind of what it felt like right but watching basketball as long as we have you can pick up on the language you know what I’m saying you can tell what’s really going on so anyway that’s that’s water into the bridge right at this point um so yeah that was encouraging to hear him talk about Detroit pissing his basketball because that’s one thing I have been longing for forever for the longest is just to see that that type of style okay a few more and we’ll call tonight um so treaser Landon talking about assar Thompson this put my mind to these twoo he said he’s actually on the court working out today this is from yesterday’s press he just recently got clear for all basketball activities don’t want to rush him back said he’ll ramp out or ramp up ramp out in Vegas with the Vets said he’s confident that he’ll be ready for Camp yeah so thoughts thoughts on that I have a few I’ll let you roll it out um definitely big news for me because you know always you got to be cautious with that you know with the blood clot situation you see what happened with Chris Bosch yeah um dangerous situation very dangerous situation and you know hopefully it was something that we can look at in the past and you know not have to see again moving forward because I definitely want to see AAR be able to be out there on the floor and develop uh along with this team um so yeah I don’t want to go into the season with no with nobody missing right yeah 100% bro I um it was a side relief for me you know hopefully you know we don’t hear too much about this after this um I’m not a doctor I’m far from anything like that but I have friends who have dealt with similar situations and blood clots and things like that and if you don’t stay on top of that man it can it can really affect your health long term so just aside from basketball just hearing that he is recovering well is good news and I just hope that there’s a plan place for him to keep it under control so that he can have a long life and NBA career without any complications you know what I mean and I know there were some fans who were kind of you know thinking about you know the Pistons drafting Ron Holland to potentially replace assar because you know they have a lot of similar characteristics in similar game but I don’t think that’s what’s going on I think they really just were was just high on Ron Highlands his ceiling and I think that’s really it with that I don’t think there’s anything longterm that anybody’s concerned with butar um but hopefully this news with him and hopefully no further news about it going forward um is what we can kind of expect and hope um you know to put all our way to rest with that yeah so yeah shout out to assar man looking forward to seeing him this season I got um I got two more bro and then we can call tonight um so traan was asked if adding guys who don’t miss games was intentional or just what ended up happening he said it is something we look at we want guys who love to play and who can play some of it is luck but some is durability being Pros recovery he said it’s important for the young guys to see what it takes to play in this league I thought I’ll leave this one off I thought um this told me the Pistons are looking at players and coaches who love the game like who were here than more for more than just a paycheck um I know we weren’t good at all last year but I do also know our young core those guys love to hoop bro yeah K Kate loves to play basketball yeah um Jaden’s father has told us personally that he’s had to basically like drag Jaden out of the gym sometimes in the offseason cuz he just loves to hoop right um assar you know when he got here he was looking for somewhere to practice outside outside he looking for outside courts when he first because he didn’t know where to go like bro you got a whole facility here what are you doing but he just but he was just looking anywhere he could to play he just got to a city he had knew nothing about so like and we know St and dur they’re both gymrats right they both work cars so now adding Tobias to that mix who’s also a consant pro takes care of his body and his mind right he’s he’s going to find it easy to menture these guys because they all have that willingness and desire to want to get better and a willingness to want to play basketball so I think that’s that’s very important too is having those types of guys in your team yeah that’s big time man like I say you just you look around the league you got so many players man that’s just you know the Pistons in the past have been known to do that bring guys here that you can just tell they want to paycheck yeah this guy wants no parts of this team whatsoever I was one of the people that said Burks was that way you know what I’m saying you did say that early on yeah so um you know like I said it’s good to see that type of thing change uh changing that that is is big time for this franchise because like I said you need the veterans available if you want to develop these guys they have to be available we need consistency in these lineups so um you know going to get guys that agreed to sign here and play yeah that you know are are going to play is is huge yeah that’s what you have to do man and it’s all it’s I hate keep comparing it but it’s similar to the mentality that Detroit Lions have they look for certain type of player you know what I’m saying that they don’t have to worry about if he’s gonna show up to work so that’s big time when you want to build some type of winning uh culture I agree I agree man yeah having the right type of guys on off the court is is key and I think we we starting to get that one more thing side note bro this was very like off the cuff I don’t know if anybody else really heard this but when I heard it I was kind of distracted I was wait a minute what did you just say this is Tran um it wasn’t bad but he said that I forgot what the question was forgive me but he said that it was important for the players to believe in their coach and what their coach was saying he said in reference to why he wanted to hire JB what one of the things that Drew him he mentioned the spacing and he mentioned other things like that defensive minded and things like that um but then he said it was important for the players to believe in their coach and what their coach was saying and he quickly he quickly cleaned it up and said not saying that they didn’t before but I don’t think they did you know what I’m saying like it’s already out there bro it’s not a text message you can delete the message before you said it already you said it already it’s it’s okay we feel the same way it’s cool we understand we get it um I wouldn’t be surprised you know if he had been told by someone in the locker room that he that they didn’t they didn’t hear him you know what I’m saying that he may have lost the locker room like Monty he just seemed to have lost that locker room bro in less than a year like it it didn’t even take long I I don’t think he ever gained it you don’t think he ever gained it okay okay see I I think I think he I think he did in the beginning I think that’s why the the contrast between players at pressers was so different I think is last year everybody was there this this year nobody was there but I think it was just because like last year it was the resume like I was saying earlier that’s why I didn’t do enough homework on my team when he first got here because I relied too much on the resume I feel like the players they saw what he did with Phoenix former player you know he’s very he’s a players coach in a sense he’s took his team to the finals you know Kate has a lot of similarities to his game as Chris Paul beer Chris like all these different things I’m thinking they’re probably like going in like okay yeah this might work but I think once the basketball start part started to happen they was like wait a minute what’s wait a minute this what’s going on that’s kind of what I thought cuz everybody was at that person to support him in the beginning everybody was there and then like to lose the locker room that quickly either he just didn’t know what he was doing when it came to this kind of team like to a young team and he was just out of his depth as far as coaching young teams or he just they just picked up on his lack of commitment I think it’s one of those two things that caused him to lose it it could have been both who knows so but yeah it’s definitely a difference now all I’m G say is bang bang that’s fire man um couple of questions before we get out of here but yeah I think everybody’s is agreeing with that happy that players want yeah exactly Wasington turn yeah it’s crazy I saw Troy um he went and grabbed uh to Bay which is interesting reunited I’m G let you spend for a minute dce I got pizza at the door oh do your thing do your thing save me a slice um so yeah let’s get to some of these questions real quick let’s see salute King and dece do you guys think that the Suns fall in the west the plac can move for Deb maybe that’s possible um I mean dbook is dbook right I like as much as I can I really want to see what I can get out of Jaden iy and K Cunningham I know I’m saying that to exhaustion um but I to me it’s just like even if you think it’s not going to work don’t you want to give yourself enough of a sample size with a properly constructed team to see you know what I’m saying I don’t want another Chris Milton situation to where we’re just letting guys go too soon without actually seeing what they look like on the right kind of team so I love de Booker you know what I’m saying if he’s available and we can do it you know okay yeah why not that probably means once again you’re gonna you know it’s going to hurt Jen iy well not hurt but it’s GNA you know drop his minutes so if you’re if you’re okay with that I I would make a move like that with d once I’m sure that it’s not going to work with Jaden and K and I’m not at that point at all um but yeah the thought of it you go you get de book and figure the rest out later right I’m not mad at that either um let’s see what else we got here let’s see let’s see show yeah I just want to see what he’s got man I did want to get to this too um shout out to to life of Chris appreciate you bro can we get tus Jones as a back I’m not mad at that once again for the same reasons I just outlined as far as with de book I don’t want to I don’t want to do anything that’s going to stunt the growth of that back court man this is going to be year three for them in total whether factoring in injuries it’s going to be year three for them I don’t want to see another season of us saying what do we have with them well we still don’t know what we have yet I don’t want no this is the year to find out what we have in full even if we overdo it we need to know if we’re going to make any type of moves like that um and so I think having Ivy as a backup point guard as a starting shooting guard allowing him to catch off the ball right like vicker sta was talking about that obviously is something he wants to do that can only happen if he’s that shooting guard we only have one point guard which is Kate right so he has to be in the lineup with him so that obviously is what they want to do so in my mind that means Ivy is starting and we know that Ivy has taken a lot of time the past two seasons to learn how to really play point guard right let them learn gradually let them watch Kate let them from Cade when he’s on the court off ball and then let him incorporate those things when he is as the point guard on ball you know what I mean like let him let him see it from a different perspective as a shooting guard and then go to point guard and let him execute it you know what I’m saying that’s where I’m at I’m really just about the growth of these young guys especially this back court and I want to see how they look like I said before I want to see how Jaden looks with spacing too as a point guard he was out there by himself most nights for being real he had Cory Joseph out there he had killing Hayes he had guys Couldn’t Shoot the ball out there with him a lot of time right so as a point guard learning a position you haven’t learned and you don’t have the right team to do it you have no idea what he’s capable of when he has what he needs so that’s that’s my thing let’s just see I can I’ll feel so much better about making a trade even if it involves him knowing that we saw what it looks like first as opposed to just saying ah we’re impatient we got this deal right here we think that’s going to work for sure it’s a big name but no that’s no that’s that’s not we’re not even at that point progression to have that sense of urgency to have to do that yet there’s no point so I know patience is is boring I know just going through it is boring but like we always say in order to build something long term you got to do it slow take time you got to know for sure so that’s my take on that what kind of piece we get I got some dominoes man oh yeah for sure send me a little slice of that for sure show I’m come grab it later um sadik B signing with the we just going through some questions just just just chopping up with everybody uh let’s see sadik Bay that was interesting right what what do y’all make like what do you make of that do you think that means that maybe TR was like yeah WIS wasn’t it um to me to me it confirms what I heard um it confirms that the situation was about tellum and sadik’s agent and the reason why everything fell apart and uh Troy never really had a you know say so in that piece 100% 100% but that was just confirmation for me so obviously you know his role just wasn’t the same over there in Atlanta uh yeah and Atlanta is Atlanta but you know let’s see what happened over there in Washington yeah let’s see man it should be interesting I did see um let’s see couple more couple more do you think Bobby Clinton G to gain a lot from Tobias I see a lot of similarities with those interesting yeah I do see that yeah I see a lot of that I see a lot of that yeah Bobby Clem he’s um I’m still I still got to catch up on film on him but he’s I think he has he has a versatile game he can do a lot of different things for you he is a really good shooter he’s a good shooter defense needs a little bit of work I think he has a a higher ceiling than Tobias though defensively because he’s a little bit taller and a little bit more rangier um but yeah I I want to see what he looks like in two or three years I would not be surprised if he’s still in his roster two or three years from now I think he he has potential to be that good and we have a team full of a coach full of teachers now so you know let’s see what he can do yeah absolutely man that’s a perfect perfect person to put in front of yeah a bias yeah do you think this rer can be more absolutely you know why because we’re going to have nights where we are on fire from three cuz we have Kate dishing we got Ivy pushing we have space we have yeah I think it’s going to be some games like that to where we even get maybe in the 130s I think we going to have some games when Beasley has a game where he goes off yeah or Tim Hardway Jr has a game like he had in the finals where he goes off a four or five3 in the game you know what I’m saying I could I could see and Kate is just doing his thing orchestrating I is doing his thing um s thomon getting on the break yeah I can see it man I I can see the thing is too we have a lot of new pieces so teams aren’t really going to be able to especially early in the season are not going to be able to really have a lot of film to go off of this new offense that we’re going to have two you know what I’m saying so that alone is going to get JD you know some nice where he’s got 20 15 20 and 20 because the offense looks different with our spacing go the pick and roll you know what I mean so the whole domino effect itself is going to cause the team to be higher scoring just because we have a better constructed team yeah you know what I’m saying that alone is going to get us is going to get us into as long as we’re consistent with our rotations which we will be that that alone is going to get us some high scoring games for sure right 100% um I think that’s about it bro um I think we can call it on that any thoughts on Paul Reed yeah I think he’s solid second or third big you know third Center power for whatever you to call it third big Off the Bench whatever um I don’t I don’t think this means anything for Stuart though I think Stewart is right where he’s gonna be I keep going back to bro and this is a couple years ago but it’s almost like he knew something Dwayne Casey said like two or three years ago that Jaylen dur and isaah Stewart they better get used to each other because they gonna be together for a long time he wasn’t even prompted about that but he just he just said it so like I never and I never forgot that so it’s it’s almost like it’s uh understanding that Stu is a piston the way Udonis hasm may be a Miami Heat I just kind of get that Vibe with Stu regardless of his role what it’s going to be season to season I think just his presence is something that really valued here yeah I I think it’s just death obviously he lost Wiman so I mean you gotta have somebody to come in so I think it’s de yep yep um few more we out of here I do think R will be the backup for assar I think he’s gonna come and do the same exact thing that assar did last year right just just be somebody who is a pest on defense somebody who’s got extremely high motor get out on the break get easy buckets with a Jaden Ivy running a point guard which that’s that’s another good combination Ron Holland with Ivy would be fun Holland with assar be fun even at time um yeah I think so man I think so um we better keep still 100% um like Chris okay okay 38 wow I don’t think I’ve seen 38 yet I don’t think I’ve seen 38 yet that’s that’s that’s a lot I said 36 King said 33 we get 38 that’s a that’s a we can’t ask for more we can’t ask for more if we get 38 win this season so yeah man we G to call it with that y’all um appreciate everybody showing up and showing out for you we have a lot to be excited for this season for as a Pistons fan so yeah looking forward to it um yeah anything else you want to holl ke uh no you ready eat that pizza no I can’t eat this for okay okay okay yeah you can take us out bro I just wanted to make sure we got all these quotes in I think I got everything in here um yeah that’s it man that’s it all right man so another great show another great show great press conference um looking forward to see what he can do with this this roster looking forward to Camp uh to get some information out of there to bring to you guys uh but in the meantime let’s just keep our eyes open and see if the Pistons do decide to make another move or two um and you know the watch is the watch is active when it comes to this roster man because there’s still questions out there even though we don’t think St is going anywhere there’s always possibility players can get moved uh right situation comes along players can get moved so uh but for what we have right now let’s focus on that man and um let’s see what bicker staff can do with these guys yep yeah man yeah all right so until Tuesday we will keep a locked with y’all if anything happens in between time um you’ll hear from one of us I’m sure um but as always appreciate y’all support Detroit verse everybody peace peace

J.B. Bickerstaff was introduced as Detroit Pistons head coach, and he didn’t mince words. Let’s break it all down together.

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  1. I love the way trajan Langdon is operating getting rid of the players he didn't need from last year The two draft picks free agency brought in and the coach it all boils down to judge and talent who can play and who don't who can't play. I want quality two-way players judging talent is what it all boils down to let's do it on the court

  2. I wish you guys can rewind some of the stuff you guys said last year about let Troy Weaver do his job there were fans that spoke against that and you pretty much called fans idiots now you guys are just fair weather fans now with nothing has been proven I hope the Pistons are better but a press conference don't mean anything proceed with caution guys be professional everybody they bring in is not a great player half the people we brought in was rejects from their past teams

  3. You guys letting these players off the hook to keep blaming Monty Williams we had some of the dumbest out of control people low basketball IQ players and some of them are still on this team basketball is basketball you go to the YMCA if you know what you doing you can ball Don't blame it all on monty Williams . Cape Cunningham turn the ball over couldn't hit clutch shots in the fourth quarter quit giving this guy a free ride Cunningham's turnovers Jay Ivey turnovers beef stew with the green light Jalen doing missing assignments trying up and down the court

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