@Sacramento Kings

Devin Carter Out for Six Months After Shoulder Surgery | Locked On Kings

Devin Carter Out for Six Months After Shoulder Surgery | Locked On Kings

the 13th overall pick in this year’s draft Devin Carter is out for the next six months after successful shoulder surgery what does that mean for the rookie ability to carve out his role with the main roster and did King’s general manager Monty McNair who knew about this shoulder injury make the wrong selection we’ll discuss right here on lockon Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast F Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of lock on [Applause] Kings hello and welcome into lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all offseason long today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for 20 off your first purchase terms apply my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for abc1 news lots to cover on this podcast today of course Devin Carter’s uh injury or the update on his injury after successful shoulder surgery I’ll share with you all about that and we’ll discuss how long he’s going to be out and what that could mean for his role of course we’ll talk about uh Monty’s selection of Devin Carter and whether or not we should be looking at that as any kind of mistake or if the king should be looking at it with any kind of regret uh and then I have some audio to play for you I was in uh Tahoe at the annual um American centry League Championship celebrity golf tournament uh and got the chance toh speak with some uh NBA legends Ray Allen Blake Griffith Vince Carter about the Sacramento Kings so I’ll have some audio for you from that and the Kings unfortunately fell short in the Cali classic championship game to the Golden State Warriors but Keon Ellis gave us theame that I was looking for uh we’ll break all that down and discuss that on today’s show as well so plenty to get into but of course let’s start with the Keon or excuse me the Devin Carter news the Kings released a uh an update on his status yesterday uh and that update announcement included Devin Carter underwent successful left shoulder surgery to repair a torn laam Carter will be the or well rather Carter will begin the Rehabilitation process and is expected to make a full recovery a medical update will be provided in approximately six months now a few things from there to to take away first off like like we heard earlier when Shams initially reported about the the shoulder surgery a full Up full recovery is expected so this is not expected to have any kind of lingering issues or an impact on dein Carter’s career or the impact on the way that he plays he should be able to be completely back to normal completely back to 100% so that’s great news right off the bat right regardless of how you feel about the selection or your disappointment in not seeing him play knowing that he is a basketball player will be fine uh of course is excellent news now the torn labam I actually believe I think that’s the same injury that um Kevin herder suffered towards the end of last season which he’s still working his way um back from and Kevin herder of course still on the roster for the Sacramento Kings as of right now so that’ll be something to pay attention to is how much uh or how how close he is to being 100% if he’s going to be ready to go by training camp which I believe is the expectation that come training camp time Kevin herder should be good uh and back to 100% ready to prepare for the next season then of course there’s the the timeline aspect of this six months so six months from today is January 12th well January 12th of this year when the kings were in the middle of their season the kings were 23 and 15 after a loss to the Philadelphia 76ers so we’re talking 38 games into the season so just about the halfway point so in theory assuming the NBA schedule’s similar timeline wise to to to what it was last season the Kings will be hovering around but probably slightly under the halfway point of the season so six months sounds brutal when you read it but then you actually do the math and you realize okay six months from the middle of the off seon is really not the biggest deal in the world it’s not the end of the world it’s is is it unfortunate that he won’t be there right away to help the Sacramento Kings of course and we’re going to discuss in a second this is going to start his career on the back foot unfortunately because he’s playing for a team that doesn’t have time to wait right they’re they’re trying to win right now they’re trying to hit the ground running we’ll dive into the impact this could have on his role in just a second here but in reality you can if if the press release had said Devin Carter is expected to return before the Midway point of the season I think people would read that and interpret that a lot better or feel better about that than reading six months because six months sounds oh my God half the year H like six months that’s the majority of the NBA season yeah if he was out six months starting from day one of the Season he’d be out basically the entire year but that’s not the case we’re still months away from the start of trading Camp let alone the start of the regular season by the time we get to mid to late October we’re talking Carter being probably halfway through his recovery hopefully by that point he’ll at least be able to shoot a basketball and be able to start getting some work in I mean he’s going to be be starting the rehab process immediately and the good news is he’s going to still be able to be with the team he’s going to be present during training camp gonna be present during practices gonna be present during the season right so it does put Devin Carter behind it in certain areas but it’s not as catastrophic as I think a lot of people took it when they initially read it and read that that six Monon uh timeline now Carter missing that much of the season to me puts his ability to carve out a steady role on this on the main roster right away or at least his rookie season it puts that in question a little bit because how are the Kings playing when Devon returns now the good news is for Devon they’ll be in the middle of the season like smack dab in the middle of it that’s the time where whether it’s fatigue or God forbid injuries knock on wood or whatever the case may be those Dog Days of the season are typically where you lean on your role players a little bit more although it’s going to be I think it’s going to be essential for the Sacramento Kings this season to get a more consistent um Effectiveness and impact from their top guys during the dog days of the season the dearen foxes deardo Rosen damont sabonis Keegan Murray’s like those guys have to be more consistent in delivering star power performances and Leadership performances from game one through game 82 including the 30s 40s and 50s in those uh in those January and February times right those are those are the hard days and typically that’s when you lean on your role players more so Devin Carter is going to return and I think is going to have an opportunity to play but if the Sacramento Kings are in a groove or more importantly however they guard rotation is going to look like we don’t know it’s some combination of Malik monk Keon Ellis Kevin herder still on this roster as of right now of course dearon Fox like if if Mike has found something that is working and the kings are playing consistent defense to the level that they expect and offensively they they have guys that are spacing the floor and knocking down shots Devon might not be able to get in period just because who are you taking out right you’re not replacing any of the guys that are playing well and in a Groove to get a rookie some playing time in hopes that he can fit the role that you want him to play but again middle of the Season compared to if he had come back during the home stretch of the Season like if Devin Carter comes back let’s say and this is a terrible hypothetical scenario or a bad one I’m not trying to speak this into existence I’m just using this as an example say Devin Carter comes back and gets hurt again and now he misses another chunk of the Season small chunk let’s say a month but he comes back and we’re past the All-Star break and it’s home stretch time and now the kings are battling with five other teams in the western conference for the difference between the third seed and a play in spot could happen again yeah Devin Carter is probably watching the majority of the time because at that point it’s go time and the Kings probably can’t really incorporate Devon as much as they might be able to get away with during the middle of the season the advantage that I think Carter has naturally though is the way that he plays in theory compared to a lot of other point guards or guards you need them to understand their system really really well in order to have confidence in them getting consistent playing time that’s going to be important for Devin Carter too Devon’s obviously going to need to know how to play in Mike Brown’s system but the way that Devin Carter plays the effort the intensity the hustle the rebounding the defense that is valuable regardless of the circumstance so I can see Devin Carter coming back and I’ve talked about this before already I can see Devin Carter coming back and his first couple of weeks is here’s 10 minutes a night go and make an impact go just unleash him almost like the Tasmanian devil throw him in there and say be yourself and make a play on offense your job is to space the floor and knock down shots if you get them but defensively make a play Crash the boards add some hustle add a jolt of intensity and energy in life because you best believe dein Carter he’s already going to be excited to make his NBA debut now he’s going to be excited to make his debut after rehabbing and sitting on the sidelines watching for months while he was getting ready so the the the the night that Devin Carter is able to play he’s going to be chomping at the bit to get out there on the floor so unleash him let him go and see what he gives you right there are going to be things that he struggles with duh he’s a rookie there are going to be ways that he’s behind because he’s not being able to work on the floor with the main guys unfortunately there’s not a lot of practice time during the season so Devon’s not going to be able to really have the time like he would have training camp to work with different lineups and work with combinations of players and understand how they play and get more comfortable in that sense he’s he’s not gonna have he’s gonna have that disadvantage but the way that he plays he can still be more than an impactful player in limited minutes right out the gate for Sacramento so that’s what I’m expecting from him so now we we shift our attention to Monty McNair and the King’s front office the Kings knew about this injury when they drafted Carter now I don’t know if they knew about the extent of it how bad it was but I I have to imagine with how much like how advanced trainers are and the medical staff are and everything is around the NBA and around these teams and around these players nowadays it’s harder to believe that the Kings didn’t know how bad this injury was than they did know how bad it was so I’m going to kind of give the Kings maybe unfairly the the the belief or I’m going to I’m going to expect that the kings were aware that this shoulder injury was more than just a little bug or more than just something that he tweaked during a pre-draft workout now I’ve been told that Devon wants to play and wanted to play and wanted to fight through it and the Kings ultimately decided hey let’s go this route you’re young we don’t want you to mess anything up anything anymore let’s just get this done now and we’ll we’ll we’ll take the bump of you missing the beginning of the season and then we’ll we’ll get you in right so it’s weird like to have surgery is not a precautionary method but it’s the kings are doing it to take care of Devon instead of risking him by rushing him back or or having him play through it the way that he want to in this case it sounds like the kings are almost was protecting the player from himself a little bit so Monty was aware of this shoulder injury when the Kings drafted him now Monty also said he was surprised that Devin Carter was there at 13 that was not the expectation maybe he fell because of the injury maybe he fell because of other circumstances we do not know we also don’t know what specific options that Monty McNair had on draft night right basically what he told us at the end of the night in his end of the draft press conference was that the Kings had different options but none of those options were better than selecting Devin Carter so we kind of have to take him at his word with that but now hindsight a little bit was there a trade that the Kings could have made with that pick or was there another player on the board the kings were considering taking if Devin Carter was not there and would either of those options had been better now knowing that they would more than likely be playing and be available right out of the gate for Sacramento when Devin will not be so much this offseason we’ve talked about hey going out and using the assets you have to find immediate impact players because the kings are looking to win right now they’re not in a position to really focus on developing players now they can still bring young players along but they’re not going to hyperfocus on these young players they’re looking for guys to add to this roster that will help impact winning if Malik monk was wasn’t resigned and if the kings were still looking for that big move and demard de rosan the demard de rzan deal hadn’t happened I think the alarm Bells would be sounding a little bit here okay now the Kings have made one significant roster move and he’s gonna be out for six months but that’s not where we’re at the Kings have made enough moves outside of Devin Carter to give me and really to give anyone the belief that they’re a much better team and from day one they will be more impactful so I’ve seen in my comment sections I’ve seen the emails I’ve also seen just in general on on on social media and even heard some people talking about the California classic there’s been some criticisms of Monty McNair and him wasting this pick or making the wrong selection I think it’s jump in the gun a little bit right I understand the frustrations with the Kings could have gone another route and maybe there was someone else Dalton connect maybe or a trade that the Kings could have made who whatever the case may be or I don’t know maybe not trading away Davon Mitchell I understand those frustrations I think I just think they’re premature because he’s made a lot of good moves outside of Carter Carter’s not going to be out as long as it may feel with that press release and overall we’re talking about a rookie selection here even drafting a a a 22y old rookie who’s got who who’s more NBA ready than a younger rookie the to expect for those player or that player to be tremendously impactful right away that’s a it’s a big ask regardless rookies deserve the time to incorporate themselves no matter how old they are the NBA is a completely different Beast so Carter deserves the adequate amount of time which is a couple of Seasons minimum to see how he can incorporate himself into the NBA game and ultimately help the Sacramento Kings win Carter is going to be growing up with a team now that has three years of Demar d rozan a core that is intact and a core that by the time Carter is 25 is hoping to be competing for a champion ship if not an NBA champion already so it’s a trial by fire for Deon but the Kings deserve the time and Devin Carter deserves the time to see if he can live up to that expectation so I’m not there at all on Monty McNair made the wrong pick the king should regret this pick I’m I’m just I don’t I think that’s an overreaction I think that’s premature but I understand those of you who have those frustrations you’re going to hear from Vince Carter Ray Allen and Blake Griffin talking about the Sacramento Kings here in just a second plus the California classic the Kings unfortunately lost the championship game of the Cali classic to the Golden State Warriors but made an epic comeback attempt and Keon Ellis was fantastic we’ll talk about all of that in just a second before that though I want to let you know that today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is brought to you by game time and authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on game time actually go down the closer that it gets to first pitch so don’t use any other site to get your tickets anymore you don’t need to game 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is second to none it’s covered by the most flexible customer service policy in the ticketing industry in the event that you can’t go to a game or anything happens game time will work with you not against you download the game time app create an account and use locked on NBA for $20 off of your first purchase terms apply again create an account use promo code locked on NBA for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed so every year for ABC 10 we go to beautiful South Lake Tahoe to Edgewood Golf Court to cover the celebrity tournament which is going on right now we were there on Wednesday which was one of the practice round days uh and we got the opportunity to speak with a number of of different celebrities now you can go and check that out on we talked to uh Kyle yusi from the San Francisco 49ers talked about talked to Charles Woodson a legend for the uh the Las Vegas Raiders talked to all sorts of fantastic people and three of the guys that we talked to were NBA legends in their own right Vince Carter Lake Griffin and Ray Allen I’m going to be playing for you the brief Clips um of some of the stuff in our conversations with them that they had to say about the Sacramento Kings now you’re going to see and hear in these clips of voice that’s different from mine that’s my partner Kevin John from abc10 you’ve probably heard him on this podcast before uh he and I work together very very closely but he and I were out there I was behind the camera he was in front of it doing these interviews so he’s going to be the guy in the voice that you hear but let’s start with Vince Carter who of course former Sacramento King familiar with Demar Ro Frozen uh we asked Vince what the kings are getting in Demar a veteran like he’s a veteran that’s been around um he he’s one of those vets that understands how to play he can play with other superstars I mean he’s done that he’s shown that he’s been a superstar uh I think uh he’s in Sacramento so I think I play with dearn so I think he’ll dear can learn a lot and he’s a he’s a guy I think Dean can trust as far as a veteran who’s who’s been in his situation and can go right behind you know be truthful be honest for him and I think that’s what he uh what dear will appreciate we talked to Ray Allen as well just in general about the the the Sacramento Kings as a whole and and just his thoughts on on the organization plus a little bit about Mike Brown and the job that Mike has done they got a good young Talent uh Deon Fox sabonis uh just building around those two guys and stay in the course um and then bringing guys in that can fill in those gaps they’ve done a good job of that what do you think about the culture Mike Brown has installed and do you like the beam at all uh he’s done a hell of a job and he’s got a lot of experience he’s been there before um so I appreciate you know them making an invest excuse me investment in the young players and certainly you know getting a coach in there that’s had great players and knows how to keep oh whoops cut out a little bit early there but it’s the very end of his uh his answer essentially just talking about um the the the Kings investing in in Mike and therefore investing in the young players and kind of keeping that group together so when you have a guy like Ray Allen who’s uh who’s saying that who understands that then of course that carries weight finally I think this is going to be your favorite one Blake Griffin who recently retired uh was at the golf tournament for the first time and we got to speak to Blake and he had some great things to say about playing in Sacramento and playing in front of Kings fans what do you think about the Sacramento Kings thus far and have they uh turned you into to a Believer uh yeah they’ve been great man I mean they they’ve I think they’ve put together a really good team um Demar signing is huge they got some great young Talent great big in sabona so um yeah they’re great and the fans are great they’re like die hard fans you know it’s fun to play in Sacramento for sure that’s what I was going to say you’ve obviously played in a lot of Arenas can you just describe how loud it is in there when you’re trying to focus yeah I mean when it gets going you know there’s some down years but when when it gets going like that Arena’s loud and they did a great job with the new Arena where it’s still out you know sometimes they build new Arenas and they’re too big and spread out but they did a great job with that feels like the fans are on top of you so yeah it’s a fun place to play so unfortunately the Cali classic came to an end on a bit of a sour note for the Kings the Kings sent basically their main Cali Classic roster their top summer league guys to the chase Center on Wednesday to play The Warriors for the Mitch Richmond trophy the first ever Mitch Richmond trophy given to the champion of the Cali classic I don’t know if the championship game is just going to be the Kings and warriors every single time it made sense this year because both teams were clearly the best teams in the Cali classic period so it worked out in that sense but I don’t know how they’re going to work it out every single year but regardless unfortunately the Kings lost to the Warriors in a game where there was a trophy involved now we know the c classic is all more for fun than anything else but it still was a a game that the Kings lost to Golden State and that stinks the final score of that game 91 to 90 now if you haven’t watched that game I actually highly encourage you to go back and watch it it was a very very entertaining basketball game the Kings made an epic epic comeback attempt like they were down by 21 points in the first half and it looked like they were just gonna get whacked by Golden State they made a huge comeback two really really great uh quarters the third quarter and the fourth quarter uh took a lead late and uh battled closely with the Warriors who just snuck it out but as much as I would have loved to talk about a Kings win and the Kings bringing that trophy home especially a win over the Golden State Wars what I really want to talk about from this game is Keon Ellis we got the Keon Ellis game when we found out that Keon was going to be playing in the California classic and potentially could still be playing in summer league talk about that in a second I was hoping to see Keon do to some extent the same thing that that key Keegan did last Cali classic where he got two games scored like 30 points in one 40 points in another and we’re like okay like he’s he’s we already knew Keon Keegan was an NBA player but he’s a star right this is a star performance this is men amongst boys that’s how it’s supposed to be when you’re a player to the status of Keegan now Keon not the fourth overall pick not an an expected starter he is a starter for the Kings but certainly not wasn’t an expected starter in Sacramento so I was not expecting Keon to put up a 30-point performance and a 40-point performance but I wanted to see what Keon looked like as the number one on a team and if he could kind of take over if he had that ability in him to take over well he did that in the in the third game of the Cali classic that he played 30 points 12 of 21 shooting from the field four of nine from three-point range now he did turn the ball over six times which isn’t great but also again he’s he’s playing a completely different role than what he’s going to have with the main roster he’s not going to get 21 field goal attempts he might not get 21 field goal attempts in three games let alone one right this is not the role that Keon is playing but he had the opportunity to have this role and see how he could succeed in this role with this group and in the biggest game of the Cali classic he provided it and gave the Kings a legitimate chance I mean 30 points from Keon Ellis is fanf freaking tastic and go and watch the highlights of his second half he was Fant he was excellent right this is the performance that I wanted to see from Keon now does it change the way that I feel about Keon or look at Keon for the Sacramento Kings going forward no not really not tremendously if Keon can get hot from three-point range right if if you could have games where forget the 30 points if you could have games where Keon goes four of nine from three-point range I don’t think there’s going to be too often that he’s taking nine three-pointers in a game but if you can get four made threes from Keon any given night in Sacramento considering the impact that he has on the defensive end and how he can fit in on the offensive side the king should be in really really good shape and Keon is capable of doing that so that’s what jumps off the page to me if Keon does go for 30 at some point for the Kings this season that would be amazing not the expectation so it’s about watching this performance watching this game watching his summer league in general and seeing okay he’s grown especially offensively you want to see him grow in the confidence to take those shots without hesitation when he gets them because playing with the Kings players that and offensive weapons that he’s going to be playing with he’s going to get those opportunities can he hit those shots and can he take those shots without fear with the main roster I think to some extent he’s proven that now what about Las Vegas summer league I I don’t see a reason why Keon Ellis should play in Las Vegas I don’t I don’t what are we hoping to gain from that what are the Kings hoping to gain from that you got three games of Keon as the main guy two of them were really good one of them was fine one of them was great Keon showed me and and pretty much showed the Kings I think what he needed to show them now if he goes to Las Vegas and works with the team in practice like okay that’s that’s cool I guess I don’t see any value in Keon Ellis still playing now as a competitor he might still want to play and that’s fine but the it’s weird to always have an argument of like the risk of injury because in in some ways selfishly I’m glad that Lithuania did not make the world cup or excuse me the the Olympics so that um damont sabonis wouldn’t play and the first argument that comes to mind to defend that in your brain is like oh injury you don’t want him to get hurt in a game that has nothing to do with the Sacramento Kings it’s a it’s a weird thing to argue because in reality like you can get hurt from walking outside or walking down the stairs wrong or whatever so that’s always kind of a weird argument to make I know the experience of sabonis in the Olympics would have been fantastic for him or Keegan Murray if he was called up to the main roster from the select Team USA roster that would be awesome for his experience but in the case of Summer League with Keon like really the reward that you’re gonna get of him getting a few more minutes and and playing a few more games during the summer in Vegas versus just letting him continue to work and approach training camp at at 110% and then battle for that starting two guard spot I I don’t see I don’t see so much value in that compared to the risk of him getting hurt or or something else going wrong so I don’t I don’t think Keon Ellis needs to play in Los Vegas I I I think he’s fine I think he’s good now I do really want to see Colby Jones in Las Vegas because overall in the Cali classic Colby was disappointing in terms of his scoring he struggled to score he had 12 points in the final game against Golden State so I’m looking for that to be better in Las Vegas especially if Keon doesn’t play if Keon doesn’t play Colby and Mason Jones are the guys I Look to for the scoring and for the leadership right you are now the quote unquote veterans on this summer league roster I had higher expectations for Colby I thought Colby was going to be better scoring wise than he’s been now to be fair outside of scoring like his impact in other ways has been excellent he had 12 rebounds five assists two steals in the final game against the Warriors and throughout he had five assists one game and like like eight rebounds another game like he has done a really really good job of being impactful in other ways outside of scoring and that’s been noticed by Doug Christie that was noticed by the Sacramento Kings in general and and I made sure to point that out so it’s not been a bad summer league so far it wasn’t a bad c classic for kby Jones it’s just scoring wise I didn’t see what I was hoping to see and hopefully we’ll get that a little bit Las Vegas overall based off of how Colby has played to this point it doesn’t give me the confidence that he’ll be ready to make the jump and the impact needed for him to actually win a role with the main roster I think he’ll still of course be on the main roster but he’ll once again be an end of the bench guy if he gets playing time the rebounding the assists the steals everything else gives you the confidence that he can be an impactful player but with the Log Jam of of guards and I mean he’s kind of a more of a wing like a two3 but regardless the The Log Jam of players in front of him plus the necessity for the Sacramento Kings to do everything in their power to win right away Colby hasn’t inspired me with his performances yet to make me believe okay he has a legitimate chance of playing his way into a rotational spot during training camp and I know some Kings fans were hoping that that that might be the case not that he can turn things around and not that he can hit his stride during summer league or and he won’t play well in the in training camp just based off of what we’ve seen right now it just hasn’t been enough especially scoring the basketball so I’ll be paying close attention to that um in in Las Vegas with how he plays uh in Las Vegas summer league which is set to start very very shortly here so we’ll have summer league b basketball very soon I have more great content coming for you here on the Long Don Kings podcast we are going to dive very very head first into the debate of what to do with the starting two spot Malik monk Kevin herder Keon Ellis right there’s even thoughts of Trey ly starting at the four and demard de rozan starting at the two there are so many different options that the Kings have with that starting two guard spot what is the correct one that’s something that we’re going to be debating a lot from now until the start of the regular season we’ll discuss that plus more great stuff have great guests coming for you uh as well so now I want to hear from you your thoughts on Kobe or excuse me your thoughts on Devin Carter being out uh your thoughts on the c classic in general if you want to respond anything that you heard Blake Ray and Vince say feel free to do so hit me up on Twitter ATM Georg sack email me Matt Georg sports atgmailcom or leave your thoughts in the YouTube comment section down below appreciate your support can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lockon podcast Network [Music]

Matt George reacts to the news of Kings rookie Devin Carter being out for six months after surgery on his left shoulder. Plus, NBA legends Vince Carter, Blake Griffin & Ray Allen weigh in on the Sacramento Kings.

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Devin Carter Out for Six Months After Shoulder Surgery


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  1. You apologists will still defend this pick 😂 McNair chose a guard we didn’t need and an older prospect because he was ready day 1. Now we know he was damaged good. What a disastrous 2024 draft. You can’t have these and hope to contend. Hopefully McNair gets fired when we fail to win a playoff series

  2. Yeah he ain't playing this year – it says "re-evaluated" after 6 months for a reason.

    Good job Monte. And how the hell did the medical staff miss that?

  3. So McNair said he knew about this beforehand? That is HIGHLY SUSPECT. He is just trying to save face.

  4. "what do the kings get from keon playing in the summer league"??? Lets not forget he scored 0 points in a elimination game! He needs every second on the Court practicing scoring! What a horrible take on that matt

  5. This news would have been worse if Monty hadn’t just signed a six time all star and three time all NBA vet.

    It does explain why Carter was still on the board at 13.

  6. im really not impressed with Keon as am older player, why?, too much careless fouls i expected better of him, more high IQ plays, i think he single handely help almost come back and loss us the game.

  7. This one hurts a bit to be honest ! Devin Carter was the person I was looking forward to watching the most ! 🟣🔦

  8. Yeah, a win now does not select an injured prospect. Carter admitted his injury bothered him all Year in college.

  9. He will be allowed to practice with the team and not play so that next year will be his official rookie season. Others have done it before him, it’s not the first time. Also when he plays next year as a rookie do to practicing with the team he will start smoother than most rookies.

  10. Brown will favor Heurter over Neon Keon just to rebuild his trade value. Colby is a 1st round lottery bust. Guard log jam mess.

  11. So this obviously was known on this pick with Devin that was a bad Pic Monte and he knew that so another Rookie on the bench that can't contribute

  12. Jalen McDaniels is a wild card. If he plays at or above expectations, he can address some front court issues.

  13. Stupidity as I said Kel'el Ware was right there and we passed on him and he will be a stud this season. I'm so sick of this ignorance. It's like they don't understand talent. Interior defense, can stretch, a lob monster rim runner. And now he will be in Miami killing

  14. Kings had more turnovers than buckets made against the Grizz. Just terrible careless basketball. Colby still struggling.

  15. That hurts I love the pick until I heard this. Thank god they’ve had a productive offseason, I don’t think they knew this but if they did I would of gone with center Kel el Ware

  16. G league guys on a two way contract can play up to 50 games with the main squad. I do t like the idea of Jordan Ford but maybe Boogie Ellis or Mason Jones can play those 50 games or so until he gets reevaluated

  17. I don't think monte Mc Nair is smart enough .if he smart enough he shouldn't draft the injured man like Devin Carter . I think monte knew Devin Carter got injured but monte pretended to a blind man he didn't care about it.

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