@Philadelphia 76ers

Caleb Martin On Why He Signed With the 76ers- Mid-Days with Bob Cooney

Caleb Martin On Why He Signed With the 76ers- Mid-Days with Bob Cooney

are being applauded for it what is the most exciting thing about coming here to play for the Philadelphia 76ers Caleb I just think the you know I think being a part of something special that they’re that they’re building here I think uh you know the last couple years I’ve had you know a lot of a decent amount of winning experience and I think I would love to try to bring that uh type of energy and uh approach to this team which they’ve already have and I just think that they’re just trying to build more on that so I just want to be part of the win in process here it’s interesting he the first question was why it come here and his answer was why not like of course and it’s just of course it’s why not but it’s it’s funny you talked about the just kind of the you obviously you’ve gone against the Sixers for a number of years and you know what they’re trying to build here how much was that a draw when you see all the moves they had the fact they had basically a clean slate a blank roster really and then now they’re building it and you were one of the key pieces what does that tell you uh I mean first I just it it just makes me uh grateful and appreciative to that you know that they see me as a piece that can help them uh try to get to where they’re going and ultimately that’s a championship and but you know also just being a guy who’s recently been to the finals also understand that of how how long that road is and and how tough that road is and um and it’s about taking a a step at a time and that and that starts before we even start training camp you know and uh I just you know but again like you said is is like just being a part of something special and being a part of that winning culture and being a part of something that’s bigger than yourself uh is is something that’s very that that that definitely wants to draw you in MH we’re talking to Caleb Martin down at the 76 years practice facility joining us live and Caleb you you come here to Philadelphia and if I had two envelopes here and I said Caleb this envelope has 25 to 30 minutes a night as a starter and this envelope has 25 to 30 minutes a night as a reserve does it you say you you’re happy to be a piece here does that matter to you n starting starting um or coming off the bench doesn’t matter I think I think with me it’s more obviously like you said is is getting the minutes and I like to pride myself on finishing games just in terms of you know being in being in when it matters and when it matters down the stretch and and when games on the line and we need stops or whatever it is I like to be a guy that that can be relied on so um but obviously that’s that’s you know those are things I got to build trust through training with a new team and uh new staff and um I understand that’s going to be uh that’s the part where you kind of have to re-identify yourself and um you know build that trust back up with a new group so I Pro you know I’m going to PR myself on trying to be in those situations as much as possible it’s a new team but you know one of your teammates I know you know a couple of these guys but Kelly UB your days go back to when he was at Finley Finley prep you were at oakill with your brother I saw your brother’s here with you you got some of your fam and he says he still owes you for oakill beating finle prep in in the uh the championship but he also called himself the the the triplet the third Martin twin triplet I mean you guys obviously have a good relationship I know he knows Cody a bit better but how how reassuring is it to already have a little bit of a a familiar face no it’s definitely reassuring it’s it’s a good feeling to know that you’re coming in uh you know just not on your own and uh to have somebody who kind of knows you and know how you operate and and you know and just with with me knowing how how Kelly operates and and what he’s about you know it’s it’s always good to have someone like that on your side I’m coming into a new situation so I’m excited to play with the triplet the triplet I love it the triplet so so Caleb when you when you come to a new team and and you’re a free agent out there so the world’s kind of wide open uh obviously you know Joel embiid Tyrese Maxi we know the makeup Paul George here in Philadelphia but what are some of the other things maybe that were important to you in the decision that you made like what were some of the things you maybe looked into that we don’t know about that helped you in this decision I think uh you know a big a big piece of you know and I felt that even you know when I was in Miami just coming to play here um it’s just it just just the environment just the atmosphere of you know the fans and and uh the way the way this city backs their teams and uh you know and just the type of good pressure it is to play well in a city like this I I think is a privilege you know to to be able to to be under that type of I would say pressure but um you know it’s it’s it’s it’s a it’s a good type of pressure and it’s a fun type of pressure and uh I think that only raises your level of play and attitude and approach to the game so um you know that it did really excite me uh to be able to be a part of of of something like this at a time like this you’ve been in the East so you’ve seen Nick nurse when he was with the Raptors you saw him with the Sixers how much was he a draw huge you know um you know that’s that’s part of the reason what drew me to to Miami you know with SPO and and then out here with uh you know with Nick and um just seeing his style and seeing uh his history you know his winning history and just seeing how you know how he relates to players and how players are drawn to him and I just think that he’s definitely a type of players coach type of style that um that that gave me confidence in being here and um you know it just seems like a type of guy that you want to play for it’s weird we haven’t even talked about Joel embiid yeah yeah he’s pretty good he’s busy right now yeah I heard he’s all right just a little bit Yeah so Caleb you you come to this new team for for the fans here that that saw you as an opponent and then when you left they forget about you that’s the way we are here in Philadelphia describe your game describe how you think your game is going to be or flourish I should say with these new teammates that you have I mean I think what I bring to the game is you know is you know what I try to what I can do every night it’s not always uh predicated on scoring or anything like that I think I think I’m uh by any means necessary type of player so uh some nights it’ll be more offense some nights it’ll be I mean I think every night it’ll be defense um but some you know some nights more than others would be offense but I just think kind of just injecting the group with that energy and that and that spark whether it’s starting or Off the Bench or you know just whatever kind of that we need in the moments I think that uh I can bring uh you know I can bring to this team and uh and a more experience version of that just from the last couple years of me you know being in Miami so um I think I think I just you know just being an impactful player how different is it to walk out you think wearing a Sixers uniform in that Arena as opposed to wearing a heat uniform yeah that’s going to be crazy that’s going to be crazy it’s going to be yeah it’s going to be crazy uh you know I just it’s going to be a good feeling and um you know it’s going to be a different feeling and but it’s but it’s an exciting new chapter for me and uh uh this is you know one of the biggest transitions I’ve had so far in my career so um you know I’m just trying to embrace it and enjoy it and it’s a lot at the same time but I’m I’m try to uh you know I’m going to have as much fun as I can with it Caleb we’ll just have a couple more for you before we let you go one of the things I wanted to ask him for our listeners to know we’re talking to new sixer Caleb Martin what do you do now like like Joel is is with the USA team and and people are scattered on this team you have the summer leagues and all going on what do you do now to more familiarize yourself with this organization you know I do my research you know I’m talking to the players I’m talking to the coaches uh you know I’m up here as of right now just trying to get a better feel feel uh you know of of the environment of the facility of the city but you know I also just think just relaxing myself is is is most important coming into a new situation knowing that there’s going to be a lot of things rolling really fast coming up shortly so I just think that just taking that time and kind of using the kind of the C before the storm and um before everything gets ramped up so while doing my research so um you know just just trying to trying to get more familiar with everybody you mentioned the research like how much do you look at Sixers from from last year obviously it’s a different team but the two two big pieces and Tyrese Maxi and jel and beid are still there and now you add in Paul George do you try to look at it as like where am I going to fit in how can I help or what role will I be able to carve out like tell me how you kind of look at that process I definitely think a little bit of everything you just said I think this um I look at the play style I look at guys individual games like uh you know more of you know what their you know Tendencies are what side of floor they like to be on I’ve already kind of started looking at more just kind of full game to see the pace of how guys play and uh even seeing the second unit how they operate so um I’m just kind of just getting bits at pieces of everything as much as I can and um that’s one thing I’ll definitely be doing in my free time right now just just watching just watching and learning as much as I can and you mentioned Pace you saw Tyrese Maxi when he first got here yeah and then each year get better and better most improved player last year talk about Pace I mean here’s a guy that absolutely is a blur half the time what do you think it’s going to be like playing with a guy like that I’m going to love that you know I mean I’m a you know I’m a runner you know what I mean so I mean with a guy like that that’s that fast with the ball he’s going to you know those two guys and now including PG they they draw so much attention I should have a field day you know what I mean like I you know I like this you know think they’re going to make you know it’s kind of hard to believe that my looks won’t be easier you know what I mean and so um that’s one thing obviously I’m excited about too but you know just be able to you know figure out to play with those guys and just have fun I think it’s very exciting know I’m glad I get to be front row Caleb I will leave you with this a statement that was given to me by Marcus moris when he was with the Sixers last he said one of the hardest things he ever did play against Joel embiid and one of the easiest things to do in the NBA is to be on the court with Joel embiid as a teammate so we’ll leave you with that happy thought in your mind about playing with the big guy yeah I’m glad I’m on this side on this side now Caleb listen we really appreciate you joining us don’t forget us we’re here every day 10 to 2 we’re the flagship station you ever want to join us we’d love to have you welcome to Philadelphia I appreciate you thank you all for having me appreciate all

**** Catch “Kincade and Salciunas” Weekdays 6AM – 10AM | Mid-Days With Boby Cooney Weekdays 10am-2pm LIVE right here on 97.5 The Fanatic’s YouTube Channel! ****

Thumbnail: (Getty Images: Megan Briggs)

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  1. Probably the first time ive ever wanted summer to be over already .. Ready for some cool weather and the new look Sixers on the court! Welcome to Philly Caleb👏🏼

  2. Eager for the season, most excited I’ve been in a few years now, well…my excitement hasn’t been this high since pre Tobias years lol

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