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Miami Heat: Jaquez in summer league, Jovic out of Olympics? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Jaquez in summer league, Jovic out of Olympics? | Five on the Floor

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TV back5 RSN now one of those who’s going to be playing in Las Vegas and we didn’t necessarily anticipate this is haime hakz we thought that his one stint with the summer league team was going to be enough but he’s going to participate in Vegas it creates an interesting situation here because obviously he’s going to take some minutes from some guys who are trying to sort of show out to the team here he’s not going to play in all the games but we hear maybe a couple of them uh and at the same time he may Elevate some of these guys so we’ll see what he looks like with them um and we’re also talk about ni yovic who’s in a different situation he’s supposed to be participating for Serbia on the national team he got hurt in his very last workout in Miami during doing a drill we had reported at that time that it looked like a couple of weeks before he would be back there was a report that came out of Serbia today and I don’t speak that language particularly well we have a lot of translators apparently on off the floor who suggested that he had a fracture uh which was not what we had heard and I did hear today that although he’s not expected to participate in the preliminaries there is a chance of him participating uh with the national team in the main draw so we’ll see what happens there but I want to start with hakz I want to start with some information that I got today um during uh last well before last training camp there was a lot of excitement about haime in particular because a couple of the coaches I know Karan was one of them who was involved with Summer of leag just thought he just blew it out of the water okay in terms of being a rookie who came in being prepared uh and what his upside was and now apparently there’s another set of coaches who feels that way this year because I’ve heard that he was one of the most impressive players on the select team by the way one of the others who came up was 17-year-old Cooper flag who is likely going to be the number one overall pick coming up this next year there’s going to be extreme hype on him uh but essentially it was Cooper flag and haime hakz who have been getting the most attention for what they did with the sum the select team and practices and in the game uh against Team USA and I’ll just ask this question as we kind of project this forward because we’ve talked about Hae potentially being a starter or how this might play out this year what he needs to work on he talked about you know obviously not being a knockdown shooter and a Lockdown Defender these are the two things he wants to concentrate on um but I also feel like sometimes we kind of shade haim’s upside a little bit because CU he did come into the the league at a at a at a you know at an older age than some of these others are we doing too much of that I would ask because it seems like every time he’s gots himself in front of somebody else he impresses 100% I mean when guys go to college four years it seems like they’re capped out like it is like what they come out into enter the league with it’s like people think that’s what they’re going to consistently have but if a guy enters the league at 19 we’re sitting here saying he’s still growing at 22 23 24 um so it doesn’t matter when you into the league and I feel like it’s probably even more so when a guy is new and he’s able to adjust kind of in a rook year like we saw um so I do think we probably do do that to his upside a little bit and I think kind of the key for him this season to me is not only not limiting his upside but also not putting him in a box and I feel like because there was certain points with what the role he was in and this is why I think with just looking at what the Caleb not being here anymore if it benefits anybody it benefits hay because I feel like it definitely put him in a position where it wasn’t his natural role like he was playing in these lineups with Caleb he was trying to play that Baseline in corner when and Caleb was there then he started playing that Wing a little bit more just because he had to fill in some gaps but when he’s able to just fill in a role of like Jimmy and playing these certain lineups with shooting and Bam and and Nico and running the floor um things just looked a lot better so I think it’s about not putting him in a box not he’s talked about like wanting to be a knockdown shooter there was videos going around today of his shooting and I kind of feel like I already see an adjustment like there’s there’s some things with just like the base in his shot uh that looks a little different to me his shot looks quicker the form has always been good it’s just more so just about consistency it feels like and just having the same shot every time and just that that repetition will kick in um but I think it’s just been not making him like okay he’s in this lineup we need him just to be a straight up spot up shooter it’s not him it’s you don’t do that to Jimmy you know like you don’t box the guys in when they have like skill sets that benefit in other ways so I think just trying to get him going like in the mid post and in on the ball with pick and rolls we saw in that Boston series in the playoffs that he was a pretty like did some real things in the pick and roll so I think it’s just about not boxing him in and that kicks into what you said is he has a higher upside that we probably give him credit for and same goes because I know we’re gonna mention Nico I think the same goes for him is that he probably has a higher floor than we give him credit for because he has added a lot to his game that he’s not a liability no and I think that’s fair because we do talk about yic as the ceiling and and hakz as the floor I think what’s interesting about these couple games he’s going to play at the summer league is that he’s not going to be asked to fit in in any way like he’s not going to be the fourth scorer out there or being asked to hit you know threes you know after two actions like he is going to probably have the ball in his hands a lot and he’s probably going to be their featured scorer and as we talk about that there were certain things that he did last year that it seems like teams caught on to we talked about that spin move on the Baseline and then all of a sudden he was kind of spin cycling himself to death because teams took away that option like we identified that obviously other teams were going to identify that also in transition we talked about how he’s just a go guy like there is no looking to pass there’s none of that he’s one on four he’s going to go and honestly sometimes because this team is so dysfunctional in transition and we this is something we need to drill down on during training camp okay like how can they become even a functional transition team like can they look at least like an aaou team in not even a team The JCC team uh in transition we’ll take that at this point uh because they’re just horrific in transition uh but he does make plays in transition they’re just for himself and and how to expand on that so before we get into how this affects the other players who are going to be in summer league because I think this is an interesting byproduct of this at least in the first couple games what do you want to see from him as a featured scorer here for the first couple games I hit on the pick and roll stuff I definitely would like to see that like I just want to see what his options are in the pick and roll like if he’s going to get to to the mid-range pull-up stuff uh specifically I think with K wear that that’s kind of the most intriguing part because look if things break right and as things we expect to be uh as where getting some possible backup big minutes for this team ha me and where should be getting a lot of glued minutes together uh and it’s the two youngest like the two young rookies the newest rookies on the team and I’m just an interested to see how they play together like two guys that can absolutely just put their head down and be generate paint touches like that’s kind of the biggest thing we talked about so many things over the over the last few years about needing guys to do that and you have K Weare who’s just a big body that can do that and Hy that could put his head down like that that’s needed but um what else would you want to see I mean I think efficienc is kind of a big thing like if we talk about a expanding role in summer league when the balls in his hands a ton I think you just you don’t want to see him like go out there in this this type of environment and just put up a bunch of shots but that’s not him like he’s not the type of guy I I Envision doing that like he feels like a guy that’s gonna step in he just wants to he just wants to hoop like he just wants to jump in because he’s already in Vegas he just wants to play basketball he’s gonna be passive he’s not going to get in the way of these other guys I I’d expect like I don’t think he’s stepping in it’s like guys like Pelle or or kashad or we is not going to get reps like no like I think that’s kind of the big thing he’s kind of G to be the in some ways like the vet of the group uh to kind of just set them up in a way but I do think like I I know some are worried and like kind of wondering why he’d even do this but at the point I keep making he’s like if he’s not playing in summer league he’s gonna be playing in in scrimmages and runs in a random gym in Miami or LA or wherever if basketball is basketball I mean he’s not going to be like overdoing it he’s not going to be playing in game seven of the finals in this summer league game he’s just going to play playing and just getting reps um and these reps are important so we’re kind of expecting him to be a little bit more on ball this NE next season I’d appear uh like I I think you need him in that role like if you want some type of bre uh fresh air in the room like you need Nico and haime to be able to not just be off ball threats you need them to be able to kind of initiate for themselves this a good door opener for that let’s just see what he has like don’t once again don’t put him in a box let’s just see what he has and then you can make the adjustments in training at camp and all that stuff down the line one more thing on this and then we’ll get to yic after the Break um you mentioned lson and I I do know that he’s impressed the coaches as well uh with the heat and that he just doesn’t one thing I would say is he doesn’t like haime had that swag from like moment one and like it has felt a little bit I I think um in what’s been portrayed to me is that larsson’s kind of still feeling his way there that it just just doesn’t come quite as natural to him as it does to Hae but that the skill set is there um but let’s look at some of the players who are on this summer league roster and look we’ve talked about summer league guys in the past there was one Jamal Kane who just signed a two-way with New Orleans today so we see guys we get hyped up about they come and go all the rest of this but I know you say it’s not going to affect any of these guys in a negative way but I I do think there are a couple guys like we’ve talked about Alis Williams right and like his his thing is scoring like that is that seems to be his primary skill set I do think haime getting touches in these first couple games could affect because we saw Lis Williams have his best game in the game that everybody else missed so I do think it could affect him a little bit I think with where there is that connection that we want to see develop with Larson maybe he brings a little bit this out in lson as we go forward because sha Johnson by the way we’re hoping to have on the podcast next week so we look forward to that he doesn’t feel like he’d be affected by anybody like cuz he is just literally like Swiss army knife plug-and-play heat culture from the PJ Tucker Haywood Highsmith you know School of of uh you know threes and fours and and and these kind of you know wings and small fours that that they’ve had in the past um but I do I would you say is that fair to say that of the guys we’ve talked about the most that alandis probably gets affected the most by haime being featured I probably I mean I think all the point guards are going to be affected in some ways just because look the last game and you didn’t have Sider and you didn’t have Pelle like it’s just a bunch of guys that are just trying to run pick and roll and drive like there’s not a lot of shooting that if you add Hae into the mix look I probably think it’s more important for those guys to have to deal with this because when you’re trying to earn a two-way contract and you’re trying to get minutes in a rotation in the regular season you don’t know what lineup you’re going to be thrown in you don’t know what position you’re going to be thrown in like you don’t know what scenario it’s going to be um so you have to have the ability that okay on this night after we had to step up and play a larger role when all the guys were out in this last game now how about this one uh we’re going to have to step aside and play a little bit more off ball we’re gonna have to find ways to be impactful even when we don’t have the ball in our hands as much and not in as many actions so I think that honestly is probably how they’re evaluating a lot of these guys is seeing how they react to that stuff um so I think not only alandis but like guys like Poland guys like Stevens that are running the point and running their halfcourt actions maybe like let’s see if they could how they look on spot up how they look off ball how they look in all these other spots and look also ha’s only playing in if I’m correct like two games maybe uh and they’re I don’t think they’re gonna be playing him like crazy minutes like they’re gonna weave them in and out just kind of get them reps here and there with some of these guys uh I’d expect them to glue his minutes with guys like we and Larson like guys that they’re expecting to you like play together possibly in the near future like I think they’re going to just try to see those combos um but yeah I do think I I don’t think it’s a bad thing I think that it’s going to impact kind of the other guys in this team a little bit better well and and if he plays the first two games and they win the first two games then they have a chance to go deeper into the tournament which means more opportunities for guys on the back end when he’s gone so actually that’s not such a bad thing because we know kind of the way that summer league works a lot of these teams end up going home early you want to play it out as long as you possibly can to get as many guys opportunities uh as you can all right in the other side we’ll talk about yic we do want to mention a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at better Edge use the code five RSN five RSN to get $20 to play here’s the difference between this and the other legal Sports 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sprain and not a fracture again all all ankle sprains are different too so people should realize that high ankle sprains different degrees of ankle sprains Etc um so I don’t know if he’s going to play in the Olympics I don’t um it does appear he’s going to be held out at some of the preliminaries at the very least does this matter Brady I guess I I I don’t want to downplay it too much because we were excited to see what he looked like in this but we did see what he looked like last summer um that seemed to help but also the way that he developed him seemed to help more so does does this matter well I’ll say that the the reports were that he’s likely going to miss the Olympics as well so it’s like this is going to be a big chunk and I saw one thing it was like that the heat might even limit his travel possibly uh just to be really careful but I mean selfishly we all wanted to see him play in this role we wanted to see him play next to yic we wanted to see play against Team USA we wanted to see the way he could play like in this uh just like we’re talking about with haime and summer league like it’s the same thing like yic was going to get real on ball opportunities even he played a little more of an off ball role um last season with this team but I think there was a little bit more of an opportunity there just kind of see him grow but the most important thing for my from Miami’s aspect is like this is the this is the time to get this guy healthy this is the time where he needs the time off to get ready for next season uh and he’s a pretty reliable player like he was somebody that was in the and that starting lineup pretty much whenever they put him in uh that time on and it’s like this is the time to get him healthy there’s no reason to rush it back there’s no reason uh Miami should be trying to be careful with this and not making making sure he tries to make a push in the Olympics and tries to do that uh but I am curious to see like similarly with Himi I’m curious to see uh the defensive stuff where it continues to grow because I it took a massive jump last season like I didn’t think it would take a jump that quickly with some of the his ability to switch onto different guys um he finally got kind of got his point across that he’s not a five and I think Bam’s trying to take the the yic route and say I’m a four I’m not a five thing and he just needs somebody to vouch for him now um but he did like he he he made that point across he proved himself that he could play in that role uh and I guess the next thing for him is just consistently it’s kind of I guess it really is similar to haime like haime said after the season I want to be a lock down Defender and a knockdown shooter and in some ways it’s kind of what what yic is aiming to do because that’s kind of the role in this team the difference is yic is kind of the natural high upside guy that I think we are all looking to see more opportunity for him just to see what else is there because we know what his his base is like I said before I think his floor is higher than we give him credit for but we’re all curious to see what else is there on the on the upside part um so I am curious to see him just play basketball like I just want to see what else he has from different spots on the floor the finishing I think we we all want to see the finishing just efficiency grow just because if he’s a big a 611 guy that can handle and gets the basket if he could just get the eff efficiency right he is a tough player to deal with so um yeah I guess it’s just a little bit of a downer just to not be able to see him in in this specific lineup with yic yeah and again we don’t know for sure that that’s the thing I want to be clear on it just seems like some of the news today was pointing that direction that he may not uh be participating and look sery is a team that has a chance to go pretty deep in that tournament so we thought we get to see a lot of him and uh you know C certainly again I I don’t think it could hurt him and I I keep coming back to this and you said it correctly on the on the hawas thing guys are gonna play ball like I I mean I mean yic got hurt in the last Apparently one of the last drills on the last day in Miami like this stuff happens and honestly sometimes it’s more prone to happen in the unorganized stuff um you know where it’s a little sloppy the guys are looser than it would be if he’s playing in a tournament for his country where he’s obviously going to be focused I mean he’s is going to be right um yeah I know everybody points to the Paul George thing that happened a few years ago and and I get it you know more but again these are basketball players that’s what they do for a living I mean it’s like it’s like saying that a writer is going to write a bad sentence eventually well the more you write yeah there’s a chance you’re going to write a bad sentence but it’s what you do it’s also how you get better um and so I I I think that uh if yic does play if the heat are comfortable with it Serbian team is comfortable with it um I think Heat fans should be comfortable with it and as far as hakz goes you know that guy just looks like he wants to play basketball all the time like that’s just that’s right that’s just his makeup he’s not really for any of the Frills or any of that stuff you know he he’s not and something I think we had to get used to covering him this past year but he just honestly he just wants to play basketball like everybody’s telling him to be like the voice of Mexico and all the like he just wants to play basketball and uh and I don’t think there’s any harm in him playing a couple of games out there and we’ll see what happens all right we’ll have more on these guys as we go forward um I think we’re going to do a Terry Rosier episode here soon I I feel like we’re we’re down for one of those uh now that we know he’s going to be ready for training in fact friend of mine sent me some pictures today of Terry running outside of his gym so uh he seems to be doing a lot uh physically of late so we’ll uh we’ll get into that as we go forward all right have a good one everybody

Ethan Skolnick and Brady Hawk discuss two of the Miami Heat’s core young players. What to expect from Jaime Jaquez Jr. in summer league? And how bad is Niko Jovic’s injury.

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