@New York Knicks

BREAKING: Jalen Brunson SIGNS Contract Extension with the Knicks !

BREAKING: Jalen Brunson SIGNS Contract Extension with the Knicks !

breaking breaking New York Nicks news what is going on Nicks fans it happened Jaylen Brunson officially signs an extension with the New York Knicks and the Knicks save $113 million to build around him for the future to try to keep the band together for the long term build that man jayen Brunson a statue right now Jaylen Brunson comes to the New York Knicks in free agency two years ago he brings the Knicks back to relevancy brings him to the playoffs and back-to-back Seasons winning two playoff series and now he takes this type of pay cut this is unbelievable stuff here this was rumored to happen but now it is a official Nicks Nation Jaylen Brunson inks a deal and saves the Knicks $113 million for the future the build around this is unreal folks hit the like button on your way in shout out to Bleacher Report we’re live on Bleacher Report and YouTube at the same time Knicks fans this is an historic day for the New York Knicks they lock up their own for the long run and instead of Jaylen Brunson getting greedy and saying no I’m not taking the extension now I want my super mega Max next year he decided to Ink the contract with the New York Knicks and you thought Nicks fans already looked at jayen Brunson as this as the King of New York City before this now Nicks fans are going to do that even more okay I cannot believe it Nicks fans we’ve waited a long time for a savior of the franchise someone that embodies what it means to be a New York Nick somebody that can Elevate this Nick’s team to relevancy and to start him and to actual Championship aspirations and his name is Jaylen Brunson this guy was in the MVP conversation okay he was top five in MVP votes he very well could have said you know what I’m not going to sign this contract I know my worth I know I can get paid around $50 million aav next year I know I can get paid I mean $260 million Max but he decided to stick with the Knicks longterm and give him the cap flexibility to build around him this is unbel believable stuff from Jaylen Brunson shout out to Jaylen shout out to Leon Rose worldwide West for getting the deal done and just a round of applause real quick Jaylen Brunson now let’s get into let’s get into Adrien W janowski’s tweet he says in a largely unprecedent Financial concession to give roster flexibility to a contender the New York nickar Jaylen Brunson has agreed on a 4-year $565 million extension his agent Sam Rose who’s Leon Rose’s son of CIA tells ESPN $113 million less guaranteed than he’s eligible to receive in one year okay the repercussions of Brunson choosing the four year 1565 million max deal over the fiveyear $269 million in 2025 are massive for the Knick’s ability to keep this team together and keep making roster moves to close the gap on a championship the deal which will cost Brunson $3 37.1 million over the next three years comes with a four-year player option Rose said and that will set up Brunson to recoup the rest of the $113 million on a 4year $323 million extension in 2028 or a new 5year 418 million contract extension to 2029 that’s crazy stuff that’s the Tweet that’s the update from W about this breaking news that the New York Knicks land Jaylen Brunson on a contract extension this is unbelievable stuff folks shout out to everybody tuning in on Bleacher Report because this is an absolute Class Act the most unselfish move we can possibly ask from our own Jaylen Brunson because you know how players go into the NBA and there’s a lot of egos involved they’re like I want the max I want this I want that well guess what folks guess what that’s not who Jaylen Brunson is jayen Brunson went out there and he said you know what I see what the Knicks are trying to do here I see that we have assembled a roster that is able to contend with the League’s best and he decided I’m going to sign this extension and give the New York Knicks all the cap flexibility in the world to keep the band together and make more moves in the future for these New York Knicks because folks we just gave OG an anobi a massive contract extension the largest contract extension in Nick’s history we go out there we trade for Bridges okay we have Dante D venzo and Josh har still on this team this Nicks roster can stack up against anybody and now that we Inked Up Jaylen Brunson for this type of deal I don’t think Nicks fans realize what this means for the long run I don’t think Nicks fans understand that what this means for the long term in a few years from now this is giving the Knicks assets this is giving the Knicks the money to go after another star this is giving the Knicks money to extend Bridges when he’s eligible to maybe give Julius Randle an extension if they’re not going to do that that’s the next thing we got to look after by the way keep an eye on the Julius Randall News August is when he’s eligible and he’s going into a contract year the Knicks are going to either trade Julius Randall or give him that contract extension I don’t see him walking in free agency in the next missing out on anything next offseason but that is a completely other conversation to have jayen brunon wants to bring a championship to the New York Knicks and it’s no secret here folks okay jayen Brunson understands what who we are as Knicks fans who we value him as a superstar and it is mind-blowing here because let’s just backtrack into the season last year when this news first dropped that Jaylen Brunson was considering actually signing this deal and giving the New York Knicks this type of cap flexibility do you know how rare it is do you understand folks how rare it is for an NBA player to do something like this you don’t see this every day people want to get paid their max amount of dollars they want to take advantage of the prime of their careers and they value money over winning do you know what this means do you know what this means Jaylen Brunson officially values championships winning and the New York Knicks organization then is Bank account and money that is so rare this is phenomenal news for Nicks fans phenomenal news for the Nicks organization because not only does this give the the Knicks cap flexibility for the long run but it just really shows you the type of culture and the type of mindset and the type of person Jaylen Brunson is this is fantastic stuff this is what leaders do sets a precedent this should honestly trickle down to the rest of the players in the organization I’m willing to sacrif rice over a100 million of my own money to the better of this team do you have any idea what that’s going to do for the rest of the the Knicks players the Knicks coaching staff the Knicks front office this is going to set a president not even just in within the Knicks organization this is going to send a president it might even send a ripple effect across the entire NBA I mean it should if you ask me because the NBA World should be shaken in their boots right now this is something that is never happening this never happens since when do we see a player do this it’s usually the entire polar opposite for example we all saw the Paul George situation with the Los Angeles Clippers and their whole extension he was very vocal about it on his podcast Paul George wanted to get the most money he want to get paid this he want to get paid that Brunson doesn’t care about that stuff he wants to win he wants and Nick’s fans have been waiting for a savior of this franchise for years and years and years we’ve been so bad for so long I’m a 26-year-old Nicks fan so I’m young okay I’m a young Knicks fan and I was not able to witness the Knicks in the90s I was born in 1998 okay I’ve been waiting my whole life for a actual Nicks team that can go after there every single season and make deep playoff runs and more importantly have a point guard have a face of the organization that I’m proud of he’s here folks and his name is Jaylen Brunson we all thought that he was it was in Jaylen Brunson already but now that he does this I mean tip your cap tip your cap to jayen folks this doesn’t happen not even in just the NBA this is so rare in any sport we barely see this in any sport usually players like to get the most out of their money and they just take whatever they they can get Max and not put the team first they put themselves above the team that’s not who Jaylen Brunson is he understands the window that the New York Knicks have he sees an opportunity to Hoist the Larry O’Brien trophy for the New York Knicks he knows how special that would be for the City of New York he knows how special it would be for the Knicks fans across the world he sees it he knows what it takes to win a championship in the collegate level twice he knows what it takes he’s done it before with three of the same teammates that he has now with Bridges Hart and Divan chenzo and now he sees an opportunity Say Hey I Love This Knicks team I’m going to take less if that means I can keep my boys together because to be honest with you folks it would be very difficult for the Knicks to keep Bridges long term because we have him for another two years on a fairly cheap contract we have Josh Hart locked up we have Divan chenzo locked up Randall is in a contract here it’s going to be hard to keep the band back together not anymore now now this move gives the New York Knicks the entire flexibility to retain Bridges long term because we all know this Leon Rose he traded for OG an anobi and when you trade for a player like OG what does that mean you have to extend him long term especially when you trade for a player that is entering a contract year if the Knicks were not able to extend OG that trade for OG would have been an absolute failure and the reason why I’m connecting the dots here is I think Leon Rose and the Knicks told Jaylen Bronson the only way we’re going to be able to extend Bridges is if you sign this deal because if you wait and you want to sign that Mega contract we’re simply not going to be able to afford Bridges and Jaylen brunson’s like you know what hey if that means Bridges can stay long term I’ll do this because he knows what Bridges is going to bring to this Nick’s team he’s not dumb he gets it he played with him in Villanova they were the championship pieces over there and now we add bries you bring back ogan anobi on that Mega contract extension you brought in Josh Hart at the trade deadline two years ago you signed Dante in the off season last year Leon Rose is slowly building a roster and let me say one thing the New York Knicks are not done folks the New York Knicks are not done I think they are going to make one more final move before the season begins at the center position who that will be that’s Up For Debate I’m hearing Carl Anthony towns flirting around shout out to CP the fanchise from Nicks fan TV sharing the Insight that the Knicks are interested in Carl Anthony towns I’m not sure if that’s going to happen or not but that tells me that the Knicks are going to turn over every stone to make sure this Nicks team is able to go after the Boston Celtics to get to be able to contend with the Philadelphia 76ers who revamped their roster in this off season by adding Paul George and more players they’re not done Leon Rose is cooking up something he still has not resigned precious atua that’s fishy to me I think precious atua is going to be linked to a sign and trade for somebody else okay we need a center there is no possible world that Leon Rose and the New York Knicks are going to go into the season with the center position in place I love Mitchell Robinson one of my favorite players on the New York Knicks but his injury is a concern and the backup behind Mitchell Robinson is a concern as well when the Knicks missed out on Isaiah hardenstein coming back and when he signed with the Oklahoma City Thunder the Knicks have a plan here we just don’t know what it is and I’ll tell you this contract extension signing by Jaylen Brunson allows the New York Knicks to even be more aggressive for a player now I’m not going to sit here and tell you guys I’m all in on Carl Anthony towns because I’m not to be honest I don’t know if he fits the culture if he fits the mindset of being a New York Nick that comes with grip you got got to be a bully you got to like be in the trenches that’s what it is to be a New York Nick can Carl Anthony towns be that guy I don’t know but what we have right now I think is enough to contend with the Boston Celtics even last season we had enough in my opinion but the thing that hurt this Knicks team is simple the injuries we all know that we were without OG after game two against the Pacers by the way we were 2 and0 in the series when OG was playing the game where went down he was up 28 points in the third quarter he ruptures his hamstring and the Knicks were unable to win that Series against the Pacers let’s not forget that Mitch was out in that series as well bogdanovich was out in that series can’t forget about our second Allstar on this team Julius Randall if the Knicks were fully healthy last season I guarantee you we would have been in the Easter Conference Finals and we would have at least push the Celtics to six or seven games I’m not going to guarantee a finals appearance this past season cuz that’s just unreel IC it could have happened for sure but it’s just a wait and see and I was so confident with what the Knicks showed me last year that I was telling you folks the Knicks just got to run it back they don’t even have to make an addition and they’re like you think we’re going to run it back no we’re going to run it back and just replace bogdanovich with Bridges now unfortunately we’re not able to bring hardenstein back that would have officially been the running it back but that’s hard to do can’t do everything the right way can’t it can’t fall hardenstein for taking a big time contract from the Oklahoma City Thunder but now you look at this roster you look at the starting five I mean you look at the starting five of this Knicks team guys I can’t even describe how loaded up this Nick’s roster is from a starting five standpoint okay you look at the screen now I’m going to put the starting five on the screen and you guys let me know what you think of it because look at this folks look at the potential starting five for the Knicks this season that is unbelievable Jaylen Brunson at the one with Bridges and OG Randall and Robinson bro you’re telling me that we can’t contend with anybody we got two Elite offensive weapons that are all stars in Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randall mixed with two of the top five Wing defenders in the NBA in bridges and anobi mixed in with a healthy Mitchell Robinson Unstoppable the only thing stopping that’s lineup is simple it’s ourselves it’s injuries and that’s not going to happen this year we’re going to have better luck this year let’s just let’s just speak that into existence not to mention the players coming in off the bench Josh Hart Dante D venzo Duce McBride okay I know that the center position is up for grabs I get that Jericho Sims doesn’t excite people to be our primary backup center but don’t think that Tom diido is not going to play some small ball I know imagine a lineup of Brunson Bridges an anobi Randall and Josh Hart you know like they could do that I’m not saying that’s going to be the starting five I’m not saying that’s going to be the closing Five but I think the Knicks fle defensive versatility with OG and bridges I think they can get away with not having a traditional big man on the floor at some times this season I really do both anobi and bridges can match up one through five defensively you can’t convince me that’s not the case here they have Bridges and adobi as two top five Wing Defenders I just got to tell you guys something the Knicks are cheating bro we should not have bridges in ad anobi like I’m saying that from a standpoint of we are stacking up this roster because in today’s NBA you have to have at least one big time defending wing that can go out there and be a bucket getter if you want to be an NBA championship Contender you just have to have that one guy at the wing that’s the modern day NBA the Knicks did not have one of them entering last season let’s be honest with ourselves we did not have one Elite wing on this roster last year and now you fast forward to going into next year all of a sudden we have two of them OG anobi and male Bridges the Knicks trade for an anobi in the middle of the season they trade for bridges in the offseason and now we’re entering this year with two Elite wings with Jaylen Bronson being a one of the best if not the best scoring point guard in the entire NBA now with a monster who is ready to prove everybody wrong and Julius Randall and let’s not forget who Mitchell Robinson is when healthy Mitchell Robinson was the League’s best offensive rebounder in the league by a landslide before he got injured in December last season he had 20 plus more offensive rebounds than anybody else in the entire NBA before he got hurt and let’s not forget the reason why isaah hardenstein got paid is because Robinson got hurt and he was given the opportunity to start if Robinson never got hurt hardenstein is not getting that contract from the Thunder and that’s just because hardenstein took advantage of an opportunity to be the primary starting center and he went and ran with it the reason why I highlight that is Mitchell Robinson is the starting center he was the starting center entering last season for a reason let’s not forget who Mitchell Robinson is when healthy I’ll tell you guys this I don’t know if we beat the Sixers in round one last year without Mitchel Robinson locking up Joel embiid you talk about our matchup against the 76ers Mitchell Robinson is crucial for that late in the fourth quarter Mitchell Robinson was so good at defending Joel embiid in the fourth quarter it hurts that he’s injury-prone it’s painful that it can’t stay healthy I know that Nicks fans are not comfortable with the depth behind him I am the same way way but let’s not forget who Mitchell Robinson is when healthy okay that’s ridiculous I love to hear your guys thoughts in the chat how many wins do you have the New York Knicks getting right now how many wins we have 50 wins last year with all of the injuries with adding an and Obi halfway in the year I I can see a a 5860 win season and I don’t think that’s getting overboard I don’t think I’m getting over the top here folks let me know in the live chat on Bleacher Report right now and on YouTube and on Twitter how many W’s are we going to finish with this season with this lineup currently 55 plus minimum is how I look at it because let’s also not forget the New York Knicks record when OG and an OE was healthy last season 20 and three do I have to remind you guys who Adon Obi is and his impact on this Knicks team it’s off the charts the fact that we were able to land this man Jaylen Brunson for the long run while we still have anobi locked up for the long term and now we have the flexibility to lock up bridges for the long term when he gets eligible for his extension hypothetically we can even extend Julius Randall in August next month I mean folks what a time to be a Knicks fan I want to put this in perspective for Nicks Nation let’s not forget where we came from folks we’ve been through misery and give yourself a pat on the back if you’re a Knicks fan right now because there’s no fan base like us and I will stand on that Hill there is not a fan base as passionate that’s been through the worse than New York Knicks fans we had to sit through all of the nonsense that the media would push for the Knicks for clicks we would miss out in the lottery we would never get the first overall pick we’d have this coach that president that GM everyone laughing at us and look at all of us right now we’re still here we watched the 17- win Nick season and we still never batted an eye we believed that one day it will all come through one day they will find the right man in charge to construct the Knicks roster to go after the NBA title one day we will find the right head coach to put this Nick team together and build a contender one day we will find the right player to embrace being the face of the New York Knicks and not be able to you know dwindle under pressure and embrace the city of New York that’s Jaylen Brunson I mean it’s ridiculous Jaylen Brunson already won Nicks fans Hearts everywhere but now he does this build a statue Dolan what are you waiting for build the Statue already this is craziness folks this is unprecedented this doesn’t happen we’ve been waiting let’s not forget where we came from Nicks Nation everybody laughed at us we were the laughing stock of the NBA for so long so long everybody laughed at our misery while us Nicks fans we stood tall we stood strong and we’re still standing that’s why Nicks fans we are celebrating out in the city of New York after every single even regular season win and people like to laugh at us look at these Knicks fans partying and parading after one win in round one of the NBA Playoffs like they won an NBA championship yeah if you’re clowning us for celebrating like that it’s because you’re not as passionate of a fan base as us keep laughing at us there’s no fan base that can touch us and now we have this man right here Jaylen Brunson who decides to sign an extension that gives the Knicks this type of flexibility for the long term this doesn’t happen folks I’m at a loss for words I really am I can’t believe this I didn’t want to get my hopes up there was reports and rumors everywhere that this was happening but I did not want to believe it was going to happen until I saw it officially official and here it is it’s official folks $113 million Jaylen brunson’s like yeah you know what 113 mil that can go to my teammates that can go to my teammates ah I don’t need 113 mil bro that’s a lot of money dude that’s so much money Jaylen Brunson could have easily said you know what I considered signing the extension now but that’s too much money I’m going to wait till next offseason and I’m sure Nicks fans would be like ah man that would have been sick if Brunson took that pay cut and be like yeah go get your bag Brunson we love you anyway that would have been the mindset but the fact that that’s not the case and he signed this extension dude that is unreal he went from sign like potentially signing a deal that’s worth $270 million to this unreal and I also want to remind you guys that this contract gives him a chance to get this money back in the future because there is a fourthe player option involved and that would set up Brunson to recoup the rest of the 113 million that he’s giving back to the Knicks on a 4-year 320 3 million extension in 2028 or a 5year $418 million extension in 2029 so there’s still a chance for Brunson to get paid the mega mega mega deal in the future but hey by that time hopefully we got a ring we got a championship and we’re not worried about it and he can get his bag and we can say Brunson you brought the city of New York a championship sign your $323 million extension or sign your 418 million extension in 2029 after we’re already NBA champs you deserve every penny if not more man sign the man to1 billion contract if he brings the championship to New York okay this is crazy now we have to talk about who is the Knicks targeting right now because this gives them the flexibility to do it this gives them the flexibility to do it man shout out to Nicks fans bro I appreciate you guys showing me the love here on Nix media on Bleacher Report I’m very fortunate to be able to share my excitement with all ncks fans across the world Nicks fans Nicks fans we deserve this moment because this off season has already brought us on Cloud9 it already made us like Delirious because I don’t think anybody believed that this was possible of us to land bridges that’s what I’m referring to right now I mean we all at least I did I thought it was a pipe dream we were all like yeah we’ll get Bridges eventually but the fact he was on the cross toown Rivals Brooklyn Nets were like they’ll never trade him to us and we do that and we sign OG back and Brunson signs an extension what’s next I’ll tell you this something’s next something’s Brewing folks something is brewing in Nick’s land Leon Rose is cooking up something and he is cooking up something and Nick fin I invite you all to be patient be patient he’s got a plan and the one thing I’m going to do is have my blind trust in Leon Rose okay he’s won that trust from me he absolutely won that trust from me it’s orange and blue skies for Nicks fans and guess what we haven’t even seen Jaylen Brunson at his Peak yet he is entering his Peak you thought last year was a prime year watch what he’s about to do this season with Bridges next to him and a healthy OG all season and Randall healthy next to him I mean and know the list goes on this is unreal and let’s also I think this is a really good thing to do right now I can’t believe I haven’t done this until the ending of the show let’s not forget what the NBA narrative was when the New York Knicks signed Brunson in the first place two years ago do you all remember what people were saying about the Knicks we overpaid for Jaylen Brunson yeah that was the narrative when we signed Brunson in free agency two offseasons ago we gave him a four-year $100 million deal and people said we overpaid we overpaid for Brunson now look now look where we’re at Brunson heard the people say that we underpaid him and he’s still taking less he’s still taking less now we are the NBA fans saying wow Brunson is he underpaid still guess what he is he is underpaid maybe they’re right I mean they were right oh my God now he’s underpaid but beforehand they were saying he’s overpaid um he deserves more and he’ll get his he’ll get his payday let’s also just say I mean he still signed an extension that’s still life-changing money I mean the guy just signed $150 million extension that’s $150 million I know that he’s given up 113 of it but still folks it’s a lot of money it’s a lot of money so when we signed Brunson The Narrative was be overpaid and now two years later he gifts the New York Knicks organization with so much cap flexibility so we can go after an NBA title oh my goodness I cannot believe it Nicks fans everywhere we have been waiting our entire lives for a moment like this and now what’s next is going after the NBA title I guarantee you the New York Knicks are not done they’re cooking up something the next player on the New York Knicks roster to watch out for a contract extension is indeed Julius Randall I believe he contract eligible in August so we shall see if that’s going to actually materialize will the Knicks extend Julius will they trade Julius I personally rather them extend him than trade him because I’m not going to go down that path because I know that’s a polarizing topic I’ll save that for another show Bleach report thank you so much for hosting me here hit that that follow button if you enjoy the show here my name is Richie malora and I’m a big Nicks fan like you welcome to the show I’ll see you guys in the next show Bleach report we’re signing off here catch you guys later let’s go ni jayen Bronson the King of New York all right all right we’re still the party goes on in the after hours on YouTube We ended the show on bleach report but the show goes on here on YouTube folks FKS hit the like button we had 182 likes on YouTube we can get way more than that Nick fans only 182 of you guys like this we have over 800 live Watchers and we only have 185 likes folks let’s get the 14,000 subscribers right now on YouTube hit the Subscribe button hit that like button I appreciate you guys big time right now I appreciate you guys big time hit that like button let’s run up the like button because Jaylen Brunson just did something crazy and we deserve to celebrate it together folks hit the Subscribe button if you’re new I appreciate you guys big time man hit that hit those buttons Nicks fans Jaylen Brunson did it bro Jaylen Brunson did it he really did he really really did I’m at a loss for words I’m at a loss for words man Bronson the city loves you we’re going to build this statue for you already you already deserve it you already deserve a statue bro oh man I don’t really know what else to say man I’m still just flabbergasted that this was even a possibility that Brunson really did this he did this for the Knicks he did this for the Knicks he handed the Knicks this type of money shout out to Nicks fans across the world we’ve waited a long time for this type of moment man Nicks fans deserve this every single bit of it Captain Brunson put the captain on his on his on his T-shirt on his jersey even though they don’t have that in the NBA Kelvin guys please smash a like button support our guy Richie Kelvin thank you so much man thank you so much folks we’re g to wrap up the show man ah I have some Bitner plans to get to now on Friday night but uh I had to go live right when the news broke I appreciate you guys big time for tuning in my name is Richie subscribe if you’re new Nick’s summer Le starts tomorrow night and I cannot thank you all enough for the consistent love and the consistent support here on NX media salute salute salute to nck fans across the world and more importantly salute to our guy Jaylen freaking Brunson Jaylen Brunson King of New York I’m gonna go buy another Jersey bro I gotta buy another Jersey right now A Brunson I don’t know about you guys I gotta do something I gotta do something to honor Jaylen Brunson $130 million pay cut I’ll see you guys next time love you all hit the like button on your way out out of here let’s go Nicks peace Jayla Brunson we love you


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  1. Leon is much too quiet, and it likely involves some kind of sign and trade with Achiuwa, plus someone else. What a FO…go Leon and Brock Aller. Shut out to Jim Dolan too…because he hired Leon and got out of the way.

  2. Jalen Is My Favorite KNICK Ever Making Such A Sacrifice For The Betterment Of OUR KNICKS To Win A Championship The KNICK Corporate Sponsors Better Make Jalen Filthy RICH GO KNICKS

  3. This is BS. The league found a way to screw the players out of money! Brunson has to take a pay cut so the Knicks have a chance to fill out the roster, like the organization is strapped for cash. This is wack

  4. The only problem with your blog is you and others give Randle too much props. He doesn’t measure up to others that will be coming off the bench.

  5. The salary cap will go up 10% every season starting next season because of the new tv deals. Dont be surprised we resign Randle as well this summer

  6. I hope OG was listening, this is a team player and they better remember Brunson in 2029 when he's up for the bag!!!

  7. Talk all the sh t you want.. they better treat this man respectfully from now on cuz I would’ve jumped on that bag for real. God forbid he gets hurt. I wonder đŸ€”

  8. Whoever wants to win a championship but hasn't done it should consider joining the Knicks now! If the team's top player is willing to do that, unbelievably selfless, he is the true leader, no doubt!

  9. Chips > Money 💯
    JB understands that to win u need pieces. Sacrificed just so they can sign Bridges long term next year and still have flexibility to get a few key pieces to play for a championship. Plus if they win a championship in the next 2 seasons? The sponsorships and endorsements are going to be huge, way more than that $113 M’s he’s leaving on the table. 💯

  10. This SACRIFICE alone proves how real Brunson's LOYALTY is to this team. I need IHART to understand and see this, but good luck to IHART and his family because money is what he left the Knicks for. I also need MITCH to return with a vengeance on the league for Embid…I need MITCH to develop a Wolverine Mutant Gene and rapidly heal every time he goes down.😂

  11. Soon, very soon we'll be champs backtoback and perhaps to back…we will have knicks great ball for a while again…let's get that chip ya!!! Also I truly believe with the whole team healthy last year there would've been parades in Manhattan

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