@National Basketball Association

Sam Bowie on how he convinced the Trail Blazers to pick him over Jordan in the 1984 draft despite his injury history: “I can still remember them taking a little mallet, and when they would hit me on my left tibia, and ‘I don’t feel anything, I would tell ’em. But deep inside, it was hurting.”

Sam Bowie on how he convinced the Trail Blazers to pick him over Jordan in the 1984 draft despite his injury history: “I can still remember them taking a little mallet, and when they would hit me on my left tibia, and ‘I don’t feel anything, I would tell ’em. But deep inside, it was hurting.”

by Pickleskennedy1


  1. ForneauCosmique

    Old Trailblazers GM reading this “you son of a bitch”

  2. Pickleskennedy1

    Full quote: “I can still remember them taking a little mallet, and when they would hit me on my left tibia, and ‘I don’t feel anything’ I would tell ‘em. But deep down inside, it was hurting. If what I did was lying and what I did was wrong, at the end of the day, when you have loved ones that have some needs, I did what any of us would have done.”

  3. “Well on one hand he has his injury history, but on the other hand this guy who has a lot of motivation to lie says he’s not hurting so let’s base our whole medical evaluation on that part.”

  4. Imagine making a decision that will cost you millions (and, while considered unlikely at the time, now we see – actually billions and billions) based on what the guy says and the guy can just lie lol.

  5. Soteria69

    He didn’t need to confess, makes it all the more painful

  6. Unable_Bite8680

    As a Bulls fan, thank you for your sacrifice

  7. RVAIsTheGreatest

    Really it just reflects how far we’ve come in modern medicine and with training staffs on these teams.

  8. Threeballer97

    Deceive or lie would have been a better word here.

  9. OneOfPDiddysVictims

    What’s in the water in Portland? Oden, Walton and Bowie have all been destroyed by injuries even b Roy aswell

  10. KillsBugsFaast

    I forgive you Sam. There wasn’t anyone else in that draft worth taking anyway.

  11. JAVACHIP1738

    And for that I’m forever grateful Sam. Even tho I didn’t live through the era at least you saved us from being a complete laughing stock of a franchise.

  12. Let’s not forget that Portland had drafted Clyde Drexler the year before,

  13. They also already had Clyde Drexler, so I’m sure he didn’t have to twist their leg too hard.

  14. Silentrift24

    I heard something along the lines of the Blazers potentially being in the position to draft MJ and Clyde Drexler, how true was this anyway?

  15. If it makes anybody in Portland feel better, the Blazers already had Clyde Drexler at that point and didn’t feel any need to add Mike Jordan. They wanted a center, and Bobby Knight even called them and told them to take Jordan no matter what (“play him at center”) and they still didn’t.

    Even the Bulls didn’t give much a f**k about drafting him, based on their GM’s quotes.

  16. From those of us in Chicago … **THANK YOU FOR YOUR DISSERVICE**!

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