@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks’ Summer League HC Ronald Nored After Loss To Wizards

Atlanta Hawks’ Summer League HC Ronald Nored After Loss To Wizards

uh we’ve been talking and preaching about being connected um and I thought that was a connected group out there um it was a lot of fun to watch those guys compete the way the bench uh was energetic this is a development opportunity for all of our young guys and um I think they they took the challenge and we saw a lot of positive things from our group but that connectivity and then the other thing we’ve talked about that I saw tonight was um just the presence like we want the other team to feel us and I thought they felt us tonight they were we created some loose balls that un we didn’t come up with um but I’m proud of the way that we were connected and and and we played together Zachary what stood out to you about how we played tonight both on the defensive side of the ball and of course the offensive side I think he fits right into that presence um you know he was able to get into his guy uh be in the right spot defensively um and be connected with the other guys on the floor um offensively like we did a great job as a team of being in the right spot making plays for one another and and Zach F right into that because of that and the way the team play together he was able to get some good looks um I like how often he shot it and one of the things that doesn’t necessarily show up on the stat sheet for a guy is maybe some of the top outs that happens on those rebounds just what did you see about his athleticism and his presence and paint to get those yeah no he he plays with presence constant I mean he’s a pro and you know he’s been a pro for a while and it showed up tonight um you know for all of it it’s a development opportunity and an opportunity for us to get better this is his first time in an NBA setting and uh and it was good for him to get out there and you know we’ll just continue to build on the other first is Nico what have you see out of out of his night same thing I mean you know again we’ve been preaching you know all Camp was just playing with presence you know he was the main ball handler so he’s defending the ball handlers U tonight so being able to pick up the ball and and force turn guys you know force him into uncomfortable situations um he was able to do that and then you know that development piece for him is the main ball handler and I thought he did a good job h on the ball tonight getting us in the right spot connecting us off into so as as the first have the first game did you expect anything specifically in this first game are you looking for anything specifically from the team yeah Ju Just again all Camp we’ve been preaching togetherness and being on the same page being connected and have fun you know playing the game together and I’m pretty impressed how we did that if you watch our bench our bench was into it um you know our guys that didn’t play they were into it the guys on the court were into it and that’s what we want we’ll just keep building from there how much did it hurt the developmental process of everyone with Kobe kind of going down last minute with that injury complete you know it’s an unfortunate injury um what I like about Kobe is Kobe chose to be here and you know he chose to be a leader and show up for his teammates he’s in the Huddle talking he’s in the locker room talking and that’s what we need out of him with this injury unfortunate but I know he’ll he’ll work to get back M and just how physical he was tonight in the game um just what do you want to see from him maybe with how he’s attacking some of those Closeouts are attacking some of the baskets and playing through contact yeah Mo Mo’s been in the gym all summer working on all that um and I thought he did a good job with it tonight um he took the challenge defensively I thought that fueled him offensively um the running the cutting um the movement of the ball we need that for Mo and I think he took the challenge tonight he hit the deck quite a few times tonight is that is that one of those things that concerns you at all or you like the the energetic kind of play no I mean he’s he’s putting pressure on the rim you know and you know when we talk about presence we’re talking about presence defensive but we’re also talking about it offensively and so for us to put pressure on the rim and and get the defense on their heels is what we want and mo took it right out tonight looked like Zach was being kind of vocal out there is that something that he’s talked to you about maybe wanting to do or you’ve talked to him or he just wanted to do it yeah I think he just did a good job of it tonight and I think again similar what I was saying about Kobe as a developmental piece you know him connecting with his teammates understanding what’s Happ in situations being able to talk to each other we practice Communication in practice and um you know because we don’t want to get to the game and not have practice and guys aren’t talking so we practice it and we saw in the game tonight this the first time you’ve see hej on the court for the Hawks since he got here what are you seeing from him and also what are you looking for from him he’s a new guy with you yeah I think again just connecting back to the group um you know he’s a new guy what I like about our team is that we have a lot of guys that have played together and so EJ and the new guys fitting into that is really important for our team to just be able to do what we want to do and and he did that well tonight thank you guys appr

1 Comment

  1. Someone said zacc could play defense I didn't see any defense, and he wasn't a bullseye shooter he was 3:7 from 3 and 6-17 from the field Kevon could do that 😅😅😅😅

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