@Houston Rockets

Reed Sheppard & Cam Whitmore DOMINATE In Houston Rockets Blowout Win Vs Bronny James & LA Lakers

Reed Sheppard & Cam Whitmore DOMINATE In Houston Rockets Blowout Win Vs Bronny James & LA Lakers

on today’s show Reed Shepard is the truth as the Rockets completely blow out the Lakers and bronny James Jr in the first game of Las Vegas summer league cam Whitmore his growth his leadership on display in this game AJ Griffin Nate Williams and so much more to get to it’s all coming up on today’s locked on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence starts 6 5 4 3 2 one oh man is it good to have Houston Rockets basketball back and be able to talk about a dub here in the first Summer League game what’s up and welcome to another edition of locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native eonian and credential media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe that’s the best way you can help our sh is to go comment anything below the YouTube video swing by say go rocket swing by give me your thoughts on Reed Shepard’s debut your reaction to the first game of Summer League against the Lakers and bronnie James Jr and as always thank you so much for making lock on Rocket part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym thank you for being an everyday holy crap this game was awesome this was without a doubt I think the best debut performance of any of the Rockets cor s in summer league Reed Shepard was absurd in this game he finished with 23 points four rebounds five assists one steel three blocks so four four stocks on nine of 17 shooting four of six from downtown and one of two at the charity stripe a plus 21 on the evening uh and including one he absolutely cooked Dalton connect on on a play in this game man that that play was just filthy um right out of Steph Curry’s back how poetic is it that the Rockets went from being tormented by Steph Curry for years and they just drafted like the next Reincarnation of Steph Curry as a basketball players basically Steph Curry with a 48inch vertical uh because we even got a reed Shepard dunk in this game we saw we saw a little bit of everything we basically saw a little bit of everything from Reed Shepard’s game in this one in particular we saw the shooting we saw the playmaking we saw the defense we saw the mid-range we saw him get up for a dunk we saw the active hand hands defensively we saw pretty much everything that you would want to see out of a player in summer league to to really give you a feel for his whole game Sam Vini even commented that Reed Shepard is already at the point where you he he might be too good for summer league already and while I hope that he at least plays the two more games that I’m here in Vegas for selfishly uh it wouldn’t shock me if the Rockets just you know let him play one or two more games and then shut him down because he really is he just looks that good that polished right out of the gate I mean very first play of the game was a backd door cut by cam Whitmore and Reed Shepard just teed him up with the pass beautifully little bounce pass as cam cut you know back door Baseline and went up for two at The Rim super easy play the offense looked really really good for a majority the game when Reed Shepard was running things it looked a little bit clunkier when Reed Shepard didn’t have the ball in his hands and wasn’t running things more on that in a second but I want to stay focused on on the big picture here I want to stay focused on Reed Shepard uh here in segment one before we kind of expand and get into some of the nitty-gritty the game Flow talk a little bit more about cam Whitmore his growth and Leadership and what he did in this game as well as some of the other contributors uh AJ Griffin Nate Williams uh nefale Dante uh Orlando Orlando Robinson Off the Bench was incredibly active as well so for me I I I’m really torn between what was more impressive for Reed and I’m curious your thoughts what was more impressive his shooting display in this game or his playmaking because it really did feel like he was making it a point to involve others kind of early on I again it wasn’t like so much like you know deer and headlights or anything early it was just he really settled into the game and got more and more comfortable as the game War on early on I think he was really focused on making the right reads involving his team Ates trying to get other guys set up and then once he started looking for his own shot once he started kind of feeling it a little bit he had he had the moment where he pulled up for like the logo three at one point he was four or4 from downtown uh like the dude was the dude was absolutely cooking and then eventually pulled up for a heat check which absolutely respected at that point but he was knocking him down from the outside he managed to get a couple midies off and the couple midies that he did hit I’ll tell you they looked very very CP3 esque in the way that he was able to handle the ball kind of get the defender on his hip right so so get you know pick you know the pck comes screen gets set you know use the screen shed the defender and then get the defender placed on your hip to where you can kind of slow your dribble and then control where the defender goes and then pressure with the roll man going towards the rim and then as soon as you have that window right Elevate knock down the jumper we saw him do that a couple times in this game and again it looked very CP3 esque not quite as fluid as when CP3 would like you know snake the pick and roll and get to that open spot right he’d start on kind of one one side of the the free throw line like left side and then snake his way over to the right side of the free throw line extended and then and then Elevate for a jumper uh not quite that fluid but that’s absolutely going to be one the things that I’m sure Reed adds to his bag over time I mean hell the first three that he hit in this game you know he believe it was off a pass from cam Whitmore and he just immediately elevated with zero hesitation and knocked it down ju the the kid just oozes confidence and he’s just so polished already at such a young age the Rockets don’t have this skill set anywhere else we’ve talked about this a lot already but they don’t have this skill set anywhere else in the core S and so to see a guy come in with these skills as as a point guard as a as a floor General as a guy who can set other other guys up get guys involved uh again from that point guard position it means so much and to see it on display to see him have the success that he had in this game he oh my goodness I hav’t he absolutely cooked the hell out of Dalton connect that one play it was straight out it it really did look like Curry light out there with the like the hesi the up the head fake up into the shot the relocate back like he was going to pull for a three and then the second fake and then go where he I think on on replay Reed Shepard may have double dribbled he may have put a second hand on the basketball but the move was so filthy the referees did not blow their whistle and instead it led to a a nice little highlight reel play for Reed Shepard in his debut game I can’t say enough good things about what he did and then defensively right the four stocks like re realistically between you’ve got the shooting to choose from you got the playmaking to choose from and you’ve got the defense to choose from but there were so many moments in this game well there was one where Moses Brown had the ball down low and was getting ready to go up for a dunk like a like an you know completely uncontested dunk Reed Shepard slips in front of Moses Brown who is massive by the way massive human being slips in front of Moses Brown and just like comes down hard on the ball with his hands and knocks it out of bounds Right Strips him and knocks it off of his you know it’s out off Moses Brown incredible play and then there was another possession I think it was actually there was a set of back-to-back possessions in this game where Reed had active hands and he had another one where it would have been a wide open dunk or a wide open layup bucket whatever right at the rim for whichever Lakers player had cut kind of back door but Reed on a switch was in the middle and was in the paint and had his hands up and was active in the passing lanes and and swatted the ball away and because of because of how he deflected the pass it resulted in a 24 second shot clock violation for the Lakers ultimately a really fantastic all-around performance for Reed Shepard the outside shooting was there the playmaking was there he was looking for and involving his teammates consistently the offense looked really really good when it was running through him in particular and then defensively there were definitely some moments where he looked a little small on the defensive I’m not I’m not even going to lie especially there were moments where as the Rockets were switching everything one through five there were moments where Reed would get switched onto the big and I will say that they were communicating at a very high level there was constant yelling communication on trying to get him scrammed out on the switches get him out on the perimeter and and as the game went on it did feel like that communication got better and better because again this group of guys has barely played together they don’t know what’s going on yet and especially for a switch everything defense like that’s one of the issues is the more reps you have the easier it is to understand and communicate and know how you’re switching and and the expectation of the switch rather than you know instead of thinking about it you’re just doing it because it’s Instinct rather than you having to think oh I’m switching now I’m doing this so I was blown away by Reed Shepard’s debut performance I cannot wait to see what he has in store for us in game two uh got some comments from what he said what he had to say after the game some other observations that I have here in my notes gotta also talk about cam Whitmore his growth his leadership how he looked here uh in his second stint in summer league trying to defend his Summer League MVP from last year also got to talk a little bit about AJ Griffin Nate Williams uh so many other to get to from this game we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and so much more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 Million Parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay 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everything scheme is really tough to get comfortable with in a very short amount of time and some of these guys haven’t played in a switch heavy scheme before some of them have and just trying to get everybody on the same page is a little bit difficult it felt like the Rockets defense collectively at you know Bo both on an individual level you know on man-to-man defense but then also the team defense got considerably better as the game went on because they got more and more comfortable understanding hey this is how we’re switching this this is what we’re doing here again some of the early switches where Reed got switched onto you know a big man Castleton or whoever else for the Lakers Moses Brown you know there were moments where he would have to you know he was kind of stuck on the big and the Lakers never really you know took advantage of those mismatches but you could see that that was you know a bit of an issue at times right because then you’re out of position for rebounding and all that stuff but then as the game went on the communication got a lot better there were moments where you’d see Reed you know immediately understand okay I’m switching to the big but then he would immediately be looking to be to be kicked out essentially and go back out to a perimeter player and let one of the other bigger wings or or one of the other bigs on the roster switch onto the big that he was supposed to be guarding after the initial switch so watching that take place was good just to see the group get more comfortable as the game went on cam went more though uh look the way that summer league is supposed to work is when you’re in summer league as a second or a third-year player whatever you should theoretically look like the best player on the floor you you should look calm comfortable in control of things and you should look dominant and that’s exactly what happened that’s exactly what happened last year with Jabari Smith Jr and tar e right they looked dominant in the couple games that we saw them play cam had a really strong game in this one he finished with 20 points 10 rebounds four assists four steals did have a few turnovers in there eight of 17 shooting one of six from outside the arc so you know the outside shot just really wasn’t falling for cam in this game only three of five at the charity stripe uh I I will say I was not I won’t say frustrated I was disappointed in the first half for cam it felt like he played a lot better in the second half of this game but especially in the first half you know one of my you know thoughts one of my expectations for summer league was okay how are the Rockets going to divvy up their offense right how are they going to run things and it played out almost exactly how I thought it would Reed Shepard ran a lot of the offense and there were stretches where Reed was either played off ball or just on the bench and not in the game to begin with and when those moments occurred cam Whitmore was largely in charge of bringing the ball up the floor running the offense you know handling things and there was a lot there were a lot of stretches especially in the first half of this game where the offense got sticky got bogged down there wasn’t enough there wasn’t enough passing weren’t sharing the ball enough and that’s just that’s the area of Cam whitmore’s game that he’s still going to have to work on and grow and get better at nobody’s expecting him to be you know a playmaker immediately nobody’s expecting him to go out there and average you know four five six assists next season but there was definitely a stretch in that first half of the game where it felt like he was maybe tunnel visioning a little bit looking for his shot a little bit too much I think he settled in as the game went on and we started to see the cam Whitmore that we were more accustomed to seeing this past year which is the cam Whitmore who is an explosive athlete fin highflying finishes in and around the rim driving with force uh making his presence felt and ultimately you know last year we really didn’t see much if it if at all any of Cam Whit more actively using like screens and calling for pick and roll opportunities to generate his offense whereas in this one it felt like almost every play where Cam walked the ball up they were starting the offense they were starting things out with a pick and roll action right just just simple offense nothing crazy complex um and it looked I don’t want to say difficult for him it just looked different right it looked different than what we’re used to seeing for cam because we’re used to seeing different you know we’re used to seeing a Rockets offense where other guys where it’s Jaylen green or Fred Van vet or alprin shenon or whatever one of those guys is kind of the primary initiator for the Rockets usually and then cam gets to attack outside of you know after one of those guys makes the initial move right and then he gets to attack you know a scramble defense you know kick out you know and and immediately pull up for a shot or attack off the catch from the perimeter things like that we haven’t really seen a lot of Cam be the primary initiator offensively so it was a nice little kind of experiment to see what he had going on there ultimately strong game for cam I like you know I love some of the the steals that he got right he’s a he’s always kind of laying in the weeds there in the passing Lanes especially after a made bucket it’s like one of his favorite things to do it’s it’s not quite like Jose Alvarado level of like you know waiting behind the scenes and then trying to sneak in for a steal at the last minute after a maid bucket or something um as the offense is getting set up but there’s definitely moments where Cam loves to kind of hang back for a split second and if you’re lazy on that inbounds pass it’s it’s curtains it’s game over he’s going to rip it and he’s going to go back up for an easy two at The Rim uh I I loved to the chemistry that both Reed Shepard and cam Whitmore shared immediately like it was evident right out of the gate talked about the you know first play of the game the little back door cut from uh Reed Shepard to to cam Whitmore there was another play a little bit later on where uh Rockets were they they defended well and actually I apologize I don’t know if this play was off of a made made or missed shot but immediately they were kicking the ball ahead re had the ball and cam was streaking down the Lan you know down the the The Far Side of the court and calling for it and and and Reed immediately identified it kicked the ball ahead to cam Whitmore and he elevated and got up to the Rim made the bucket got fouled got sent to the free throw line uh I do not remember if he converted on that and one opportunity but still generated an and one opportunity from a great little kick ahead pass I want to say that cam or that Reed connected with Cam on I believe three of his five assists May maybe four of his five assists were were directly to cam Whitmore um and the relationship that those two already share the fact that cam Whitmore has already kind of Taken Reed Shepard under his wing that he’s embracing you know a leadership role a vocal role with this summer league Squad that’s the expectation right he played last year right he’s an NBA veteran he’s the grizzled veteran on this roster with this group of guys even though he’s only 20 years old he’s basically still a baby uh re talked about it after the game because at so they they both played you know the first five it was a little under six minutes of the first quarter and they both subbed out at the same time and I I I watched them they went to the bench and they sat down immediately and as soon as they sat down uh Reed was going over something with Coach Garrett Jackson and then and then cam came back over and got Reed’s attention and immediately started pointing some stuff out to him and I I posted the clip on Twitter it was just really great to see that communication from cam Whitmore that leadership uh and it was that throughout the entire game cam was constantly grab and Reed talking to him explaining stuff to him pointing things out to him and and I got the chance to ask Reed about it after the game and that’s exactly what he echoed he was like look cam has been here right he’s he knows a lot of these little things that that I don’t know yet speaking as as Reed Shepard and he said for to have cam on the roster to have him you know take him under his wing and communicate those things to him and and point things out and give him advice and and teach him is huge it’s incredibly helpful and so seeing that growth seeing that leadership on display from K Whitmore is almost as exciting as the the high-flying dunks the actual on the court basketball production because we know he’s capable of that right but seeing some of the the intangible stuff the growth the the maturity aspect of his game in this first one here in summer league was uh was really exciting to see and again we’re probably going to get a limited dosage of Cam Whitmore here in summer league uh again last year Jabari and tari were shut down after two games wouldn’t shock me if Cam Whitmore shut down after this next one however I will note that while things did look really good for the rockets and and Reed Shepard especially looked really good running the offense I am a little worried about how things are going to look once the Rockets pull cam Whitmore out of the lineup because that’s a pretty significant weapon that the Rockets have to pair with Reed Shepard I’ve talked about this a lot right one of the reasons that it feels like they want to have Cam wh were out there with Reed Shepard is to give him an outlet right to give him a guy to create for so we can see how that playmaking really works when he has an outlet when he has a weapon to play alongside because if he’s if it’s gonna be Reed Shepard and a bunch of the uh RGV vipers or guys that can’t quite shoot the ball then things are you know might not look as pretty when we get to games you know three four and five here in summer league as they do here in game one uh I will note similar to kind of I already talk I talked a little bit about you know the you know clunkiness to Cam’s game in particular in the first half I think that that can also just be extended to the Rockets as a whole uh coach Garrett Jackson spoke about this uh when I asked him postgame about just the offensive execution when Reed was being played off ball because again I I’d say there was probably like a when Reed was on the floor I’d say he was running the offense about like 70% of the time 75% maybe and then there was another like 25 30% of the time that he was being played off ball now some of that was him just standing in the corner doing not much of anything and then other times the Rockets actually did run some off Ball action some sets to try and generate you know some some some off ball movement and get him a shot kind of you know coming off a screen or coming off a little you know little off ball actions those kinds of things and Coach Jackson basically explained that he that he was a little frustrated he thought that that the ball movement could have been better that they should have sh the basketball a lot more especially when uh when Reed wasn’t the one steering things and that was kind of to be expected again we’ll see if they if they’re able to clean that up ahead of game two here uh against the Washington Wizards on Sunday that’s going to be one thing that I want to see improvement from game to game with this squad is what do they look like ultimately can they get to a point where Cam can Embrace that offensive initiator role where they can we can see a little bit more Reed Shepard’s off ball strength off ball gravity or is this just is this roster just not really equipped to for us to be able to see that on full display here in summer league there were again there were a couple moments where Reed had catch and shoot opportunities off ball opportunities but I do think it’s gonna get a lot better when you have other legitimate creators playing alongside Reed Shepard right when he has guys like Alin shenon Jaylen green Amin Thompson Fred Van v when he has those guys creating for him where he’s able to really leverage that shooting gravity oh man this is going to be guys this this is going to be a lot of fun like I’m just I can’t I can’t even front I’m so excited to see Reed Shepard like start playing like actual NBA minutes um and like seeing again the the the immediate the day one chemistry between those two guys like having that dynamic duo coming off the rocket bench this next season Reed Shepard and cam Whitmore oh man and then Amin Thompson on top of that like I cannot believe that the NBA let Reed Shepard get to the Houston Rockets demon Reed speaking of we got a we I I love I love the taxman nickname or or IRS right uh because his name his full name is actually Isaiah Reed Shepard so his initials are literally IRS uh and Taxman right IRS taxes are due tax man tax man’s here uh we got to we got to come up with another nickname though because we cannot go with uh the other nickname that’s been doing the round we cannot go with cocaine Curry as the nickname as as ridiculous as that is it’s such a funny it’s kind of an awesome nickname but at the same time I’m not a big fan of nicknames like like even though the baby yic stuff for for alpie is cool like you know I much prefer the wizard nickname for Alp than I do the baby yic nickname just like you know cocaine Curry for Reed is kind of cool but at the same time like he needs his own nickname and I really love the IRS or the tax man nickname I think those are both fantastic we got to start brainstorming some other Reed Shepard nicknames or you know again maybe one will pop up organically but coming up want to get into final thoughts from this game uh AJ Griffin Nate Williams the other standouts from this performance we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by better help look comparison is the thief of joy and it’s it’s really easy to to get envious of other people’s lives right it might look like they have it all together when you’re seeing what they’re poting on Instagram and stuff but it’s tough when you’re comparing other people’s like highlight reel to your own behind the scenes right because you’re the only one that sees all of your your lows your behind the scenes all that stuff therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have so you can start living your best life look I’ve done therapy in the past I found it to be an incredibly cathartic experience to have an unbiased third party kind of take my hand and kind of walk me through some of the stuff that I was dealing with in my day-to-day life so if you’re thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely 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game you know my thing was again I just wanted to see him step in and just do the things that like do the simple stuff knock down open shots Play Strong defense the shooting wasn’t there in this game um maybe it shakes out and you know he looks better next game I’m not I’m not going to write him off after one summer league performance uh but ultimately you know he was active defensively he’s got good size uh good defensive instincts and even offensively right seeing him uh you know I I maybe it’s because I just it’s been a while since I’ve really like watched AJ Griffin play you know consistently but he’s he’s comfortable offensively right putting the ball on the floor and making something happen off the dribble um again it didn’t lead to a ton in this game uh but that’s that’s better than being like a cardboard cutout you know cookie cutter 3and D Wing that that can’t dribble the basketball that can’t be asked to do anything extra that can only be told to go stand in the corner and knock down open threes so there is more to his game there it’s just unfortunate that he didn’t you know capitalize on the the open looks that he did get the outside shots that he was given within the flow of the offense I want to see a better bounceback game for him uh on Sunday coming up uh a guy who did play out of his mind though in this game alongside uh Reed Shepard and cam more was none other than Nate Williams look when I when I tell you guys Nate Williams is a Hooper that guy can play there’s a reason the Rockets re-up his two-way contract they really like him I don’t know if he’s ever gonna like carve out a a a full-fledged permanent spot on an NBA roster I think there’s got to be a team out there of the 30 teams in the association if it’s not the Rockets one of the other 29 there’s got to be one somewhere that could use just you know uh a serviceable Swiss army knife kind of wing good size Hustler you know can uh does the little things and has this like really deceptive ability to finish in and around the rim right he’s got a really good touch around the basket whether it’s off the glass or little kind of floater teardrop looks around the rim finished with 17 points on eight of 14 shooting he was one of four from downtown but that means he was seven of 10 inside the arc 70% shooting inside the AR kind of absurd he had six rebounds he had a steal he had a block in there uh a nice little performance put together by Nate Williams uh and then couple of the other names Orlando Robinson was a name I I I failed to highlight him or mention him going into summer league but he’s a name that I I did uh it popped up on a couple other people’s radar and and he made I’ll tell you what he made the most of his minutes he was the best big on the floor for the rockets in this game because defal Dante honestly was a little underwhelming in this one right he he only played 15 minutes he finished the game he had two points seven rebounds uh four of which on the defensive Glass three offensive rebounds he had a steal he had a couple blocks I’ll tell you what neali Dante did have one massive block Brony James tried to tried to go like scoop Up and Under a layup to get around Dante and Dante said hell no and erased that shot just swatted the ever living head it was like he was playing volleyball there completely spiked it uh but Orlando Robinson really active uh you know on kind of everywhere in this game he finished with 11 points he had five rebounds he had an assist in there uh he got fouled on a three-point shot which is probably not an advisable defensive uh decision to make if you’re anybody on the LA Lakers roster but uh I I I do think that he he made the most of his minutes out there uh I want so again I want to see I want to see better game twos particularly from AJ Griffin and nefale Dante uh obviously Reed Cam and Nate will Williams kind of carried this group as the as the big three-headed monster in this game uh but I do want to see th those two guys kind of Step Up and and have some better bounceback games moving forward uh Kira Lewis Jr uh you know had a couple buckets in there got downhill a couple times finish the other I’ll tell you what his his north south speed is very real um but again I I don’t know I don’t know how much to make of of Kira Lewis on this on this summer league rer I don’t think it’s going to turn into anything for the Rockets maybe it’s something where he finds a home on another team uh like similar to Jay Huff last year who got signed by the Denver Nuggets after he was on the Rockets training camp roster or uh yeah training camp summer league roster and then and then training camp roster for like a day and a half before getting picked up by the Nuggets uh I will say it was I mentioned this going into the game and for all of you watching at home uh I am very sorry that you had to deal with the Brony James circus Fiasco of coverage on ESPN and whatnot because again the number three over all pick in the draft just absolutely dominated in his summer league debut and apparently like all the coverage was still focused on bronnie James who finished with uh what was his statline even in this game like just to just to double check here uh bronny James eight points three of 14 0 of eight from downtown two of two at the free throw line five rebounds two steals three turnovers like ESPN what are you doing man like even even postgame it was hilarious we were you know so the way postgame media Works in summer league at the Thomas and Max Center there’s like kind of like a loading dock area and there’s two big like screens with like the backdrop that says like summer league and whatever and they’re literally just side by side and Jonathan Fagan of the Houston Chronicle we were all there waiting for the Rockets players to come out for us to do the postgame media availabilities and we were at the first screen and then there was the second screen to our right and that’s where the Lakers were going to do their postgame media availabilities and the massive crowd that was there waiting for bronnie Jr to come talk for bronnie James to come talk was absurd there there was like four or five of us waiting for Reed Shepard and there was a mountain of like it was like 20 30 people waiting for bronny James and it was just kind of ridiculous you know I I it is what it is I I I knew it was going to happen I knew that that was going to be the narrative that was going to be the storyline for the game the headliner I will say that was probably the most packed that I’ve ever seen a summer league game think that because it was the combination of Brony James and the Lakers com you know comboed together uh and obviously it’s it’s here in Las Vegas La is you know a quick drive down the street uh I think it I think Thomas and Maxon are actually surpassed the number of fans that Victor wiim minyama Drew in last year because wimy had like the upper bowl filled in Thomas M Mack Center and Brony had the upper bowl field in Thomas M Mack Center so while all that coverage was there because of Brony I’m glad that everybody got to see Reed Shepard completely dominate him and the Lakers uh with just all those eyes on them uh overall really impressive for a summer league game really excited to see what more we can get out of this group uh curious to see how many more games you know the combo of Reed Shepard and cam Whitmore ultimately play again it wouldn’t shock me if the Rockets decid just want to shut down Reed because they they’ve seen more than enough uh I am curious I want to know your thoughts what was your favorite part of this game as a whole what was your favorite part of Reed Shepard’s debut which part stood out the most to you right was it the outside shooting was it the playmaking was it the defense what stood out to you most about this game I’m curious I want to hear your thoughts let me know in the YouTube comments um but as always thank you so much for checking out the show if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search lockon Rockets be sure to like comment And subscribe and if you’re on Apple podcast five star review helps us out a ton but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening we look forward to having you back right here at locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball [Music]

Reed Sheppard & Cam Whitmore DOMINATE In Houston Rockets Blowout Win Vs Bronny James & LA Lakers

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) reacts to and discusses the Houston Rockets 99-80 BLOWOUT win vs Bronny James and the Los Angeles Lakers, Reed Sheppard’s insane debut performance with 23/4/5 and 4 stocks, Cam Whitmore’s growth and leadership on display, Nate Williams proving why he got another two-way deal, AJ Griffin and N’Faly Dante’s disappointing play and more.

#Rockets #NBA #ReedSheppard #CamWhitmore

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#HoustonRockets #Rockets #NBA #JalenGreen #AlperenSengun #JabariSmithJr #TariEason #AmenThompson #CamWhitmore #ReedSheppard #AJGriffin #FredVanVleet #DillonBrooks #JeffGreen #StevenAdams #JaeSeanTate #JockLandale #AaronHoliday


  1. Regarding Sheppard getting open looks… don't forget about a Steven Adams screen. Dude is an absolute brick wall and embraces the task.

  2. I was worried, but Reed looked like a player out there. Let's not forget this is only summer league, half these players will not be in the league

  3. i am not normally one to pile on, but with the incessant unwarranted coverage this has gotten… bronny james is absolutely terrible and does not belong in the nba.

  4. Good pod Jackson. what stood out to me about Reed was his basketball IQ. when playing on ball he controlled the flow of the game and got the team a good shot each time down the floor. I expected the shooting to be there, but the floor awareness and ability to dictate pace surprise me. I also was impressed with ball handling. they said this guy was coming off the bench at KY, what I want to know is who the hell was in front of this kid.LOL. AJ was disappointing. I didn't think his defense was good and the shots he took looked more forced than natural. I know this system is new for him, but I expected more. will be watching for improvement from him next game. I was a little disappointed in Cam also. there is no doubt in my mind Cam can score. what I wanted to see was him expand his game as a facilitator and he was spotty in that area. Nate looked good, but he is a long shot to make the final roster because we already have a log jam at his position. the rest looked like D-league players

  5. Probably his playmaking he looked so comfortable running the offense and setting guys up it’s hard to believe that he only 20 years old

    It’s early of course but if Reed continues to improve he will have a legit case on forcing the rockets hand to make him the PG of the future

  6. Bronny was the pull for the game: good or bad performance drives the media cycle.

    We got good coverage on Reed. They discussed his parents, their athletic background, and was highly congratulatory to his performance, especially the double dribble move.

  7. I really enjoyed watching the kid play last night…. Easily one of my favorite players on the team!

  8. @Jackson, since he's Curry reincarnated, you should ask him if he can spin a basketball on his fingertip. There was a US basketball interview recently seeing who all could spin a basketball on fingertips. Shockingly Curry couldn't, even Embiid could. lol this would make him better than Curry + that Max Vert 😎🎉

  9. I was really impressed with Reed Shepard. He seems to be everything I thought he would be, the perfect complement to Amen. I like the Taxman nickname for him.

  10. The only way I can see the Rockets not making the playoffs is because of ego and guys being selfish and not willing to sacrifice to see the betterment of the team. What I mean is guys not accepting their role or guys thinking they’re the main guy. The two guys I’m worried about doing this is Jalen Green and Cam Whitmore. All those other guys can play as a team but I don’t know yet if this two can sacrifice to play team ball.

    The most important thing Ime Udoka have to do during training camp is assign roles. Let guys know their roles on the team. You don’t want multiple guys thinking they’re the Alpha and need to take majority of the shots. Every successful team have ~two go to guys and the rest complementing them.

  11. This is what this kid has done his entire life! Better the competition the better he plays! Hope he has a long career and prospers! Go Rockets!!

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