@Denver Nuggets

Strawther & Nuggets After Losing DaRon Holmes in Summer League Game 1

Strawther & Nuggets After Losing DaRon Holmes in Summer League Game 1

H what were the main takeaways for you in this game one of Summer League yeah I mean first game um obviously didn’t end the way we wanted it to but uh you know I think we just got to get used to playing together um I think as the week goes on we’ll um Play Better Together uh but there were just a few things like offensive rebounds and turnovers that’s the reason we lost tonight um you know I know personally I got to do a better drive rebounding and I I’ll make sure I do that next time but um yeah it’s really what it came down to some turnovers and second chance points were there any other aspects of your game that you wish would have gone better or that you thought went better than expected uh like for me personally no I think I think I could have done everything better like I I don’t think I had a great game tonight um which is frustrating but you know I feel like I have the right mentality moving forward and I’m just going to look to bounce back for the next H obviously it never want to end a game with injury to a teammate or anything like that but guys trying to tell Don there um coming off the floor and everything yeah I just I just told him like you know we don’t know exactly but I’ll be praying for him and you know hope for the best so we’ll see Julian came out and looked really aggressive looked confident playing with him last year at Summer League playing with him this year at Summer League how different was he on the floor yeah he’s totally different you I mean that’s that’s how Julian plays I think last year you know understandable first time out here the first game at least U probably was a little more hesitant um but ton tonight I mean he was playing very confident played a great game um so yeah he did a really good job tonight Trey obviously had a pretty big impact Off the Bench seemed really comfortable right away I mean is that something you could sense kind of leading up that he was going to be pretty comfortable in this environment yeah absolutely uh Trey’s another guy who’s just a great player uh confident guy and he came out and showed that tonight yes thank you apprciate you I feel like for the most part we did a decent job but at times we kind of just lost yourself on the glass especially we got way too many offensive rebounds and then early on we were so frantic in the first quarter turn the ball over a couple too many times but it’s something that we can clean up you personally how much more confident did it feel being out there this time around than last summer uh yeah it it was a completely different mindset of uh you know just trying to get your feet wet compared to this year trying to establish yourself improve a point um yeah I felt I felt real good out there obviously shots didn’t fall things like that but that’s something that I can uh you know I can go on to the next game be happy about my bad Julian obviously it sucks when when there’s an injury especially at the end of one of these games just well was kind of the mood with the rest of the guys it seemed like trying to go over and and kind of give D yeah obviously just just uh just be a great teammate and that that’s a guy who came in obviously he’s new around here but he just brings such a positive energy so uh you know just being able to reciprocate the energy for him and and just be a great guy is that aamp you were dealing with unrated to n unrelated to everything El I just got a camp cramp in the left calf and it just wouldn’t go away what has the journey been like for the last couple years and obviously coming back home here and just getting a chance to play with be with this organization the last couple of years what what is that experience been like oh I mean this meant the world to me uh especially you know coming from a a winning program like nagga to be able to get drafted to a winning organization like Denver Nuggets and you know I feel like a lot of the core values that I have as a person aligns with what the values of the organization are so it’s been a blessing to be be able to you know just put myself in this uh environment and everybody accept me uh and I mean coming home and playing in Vegas is is always one of my favorite things to do just because my family and friends get to come out and see me and uh I mean it’s always fun it’s always a good environment so I I love Vegas has always been a hoop Town how much have you grown I guess since even playing here and then going to vag and going to I guess how much have you grown as a person and as a player in that aspect I mean it’s hard to even put words I feel like even compared to last year here at Summer League stand in this exact spot I’m a completely different person and player so um I mean it’s just a testament of of my environment and you know having having great people around me all the time seems like Trey was able to quickly find a Groove off the ventry guys what what did you think he was able to do and how much how encouraging was it to see him get in that Rhythm for you guys oh yeah Trey’s a special player and he plays with a special confidence so uh I feel like he was able to get to his spots and even if the shot didn’t fall I mean it looked like Pro level moves and look like things that’ll translate to a real NBA game so I’m really excited with with with him and and you know being able to share the court with him some more we talked this week about you getting some reps as a point guard how did it feel out there handling the basketball uh I mean it felt good uh I mean it’s something that I’ve been working at and I feel comfortable doing obviously I had a turnover or two that that I got to clean up but I mean that’s why we’re trying to here at the summer league and you know just to go through it and have the growing pain so that when it when it comes time in this in this real I’ll be ready what’s kind of the balance between expanding your game to some of that stuff especially with the ball and and refining the other aspects that you’ve been kind of working on as a rookie and even before that I mean at the end of the day the Denver Nuggets drafted me because of the player that I was and that’s being a movement shooter and and a guy that that makes shots and hits floaters and things like that so and those are those are obviously aspects of my game that I’m going continue to to lock in and hone in on but at the end of the day uh I feel like expanding my game a little bit and you know playing with the ball a little bit more can can you know open up a lot of things for not only myself and my team you Hunter and Jaylen obviously got to play a lot together last year how much did that chemistry help early on and how much like it’s going to keep benefiting you guys as you go on here in summer league yeah it’s something that I think we got to ride on a little bit more we got to uh rely on each other more than we did tonight uh but I mean it’s it’s the first game of Summer League uh it’s a really different environment to play basketball and I feel like people underestimate how weird of environment it is I mean we warmed up up for 5 minutes before the game but uh um yeah I feel like me Jaylen and Hunter got to got to uh play with each other a little bit more and and we’ll have more success what else is weird about it uh I mean playing in the back gym uh no stance behind the uh basket is a little it’s a little weird it’s a screen behind the backboard so there’s colors in the backboard uh it’s a lot of things that are weird but I mean it’s basketball end of the day I mean I can’t rid of who I know we talked about this last year cuz you’ve always had teammates that have showed up for you here but to see Christian Brown pton Watson Z niji what do that mean to you oh I mean it meant the world those are guys that I said months ago that they going to be here front center watching me at summer league so for them to fulfill their word and come out support me I mean it means the world thank you appreciate you appreciate you I mean I love the effort guys played really really hard uh did a lot of good things uh got to clean up obviously the rebounding we had a ton of possessions where we flew around had great defensive possessions I just couldn’t finish with the rebound especially in that fourth quarter um and then offensively um I probably got to do a a little bit better job getting us into some more off ball stuff against you know they were switching everything so it kind of took us out of some of our picking RS that that uh we’ve been working on so did you learn anything about yourself being in that position and in your first live game um still feels like a bit of a blur so maybe ask me again tomorrow morning but um I mean it was a ton of fun I I I really enjoyed it and like I’ve been saying all week it’s also super challenging um but I had a lot of help with with all my coaches on the bench so appreciate that for sure for the players that were returning for their second summer leue Conor Jaylen Julian how would you evaluate their performance yeah again uh the effort was there for sure um I think uh I could I could do a better job helping some of those guys get to their spots a little bit um better job attacking the way they were guarding us um so I think they weren’t really able to get to their spots because of their all their switching and uh that’s where I got to help him out be a little bit better for Julian is it is it as easy as saying that confidence and the extra reps that he gets he looks more confident now with his shot than even when he at times when he was here when he Z it’s just more just confidence of reps that he’s allow him to yeah for sure I mean I think he’s been a pretty confident guy but he’s been working like crazy really for the you know better part of a year he hasn’t really taken any time off so he’s had all the Reps he’s had all the work and I mean the guy’s crazy talented so you know he’s why wouldn’t you be confident right so um I love the way he played tonight really aggressive obviously he was a huge part of our offense and look forward to seeing that the rest of the week what did you see from him sort of in the off the bounce kind of stuff that you were talking about throughout the week where were there areas that you really liked what he was doing areas where kind of see you can improve from that too what what’s kind of the what did you see overall uh yeah I think he was really good he was one of the guys that uh was able to break down the defense a little bit when they were switching so uh you know when they’re guarding us like that you don’t NE necessarily see all the reads and everything but uh he was able to kind of get downhill break some of the their bigs down when they switched and uh so that was good to see and he’s obviously really good when he can get get to the rim how has it helped him as far as developing as a person as a player being in this organization that’s developed a winning culture uh I think a lot I think he uh I mean he’s a really sharp kid so he you know picked up right away I mean day one of Summer League last year he knew exactly what we were doing he’s fitting great um so he’s exactly exactly the kind of guy that that we want to bring in that Cal keeps bringing in and uh yeah he’s fitting great and he’s really he fits in well with our culture and obviously I think being in a championship culture is help will help anybody how do you evaluate jaylen’s game tonight uh yeah I think uh I think he played with really good Pace I think again uh I have to do a better job you know when switching like he’s such a good pick and role play right when the Big’s in coverage he can make all those reads and that’s where he’s at his best uh but I could have helped him get into some better spots uh maybe against some mismatches in the post uh so he can playm a little bit um but I thought he was really good with his Pace really good on the bench just in kind of in a leadership role organizing his team um so we look to keep uh seeing that this week OB pretty demoralizing when Don goes down so late in the game you guys have a quick turnaround to Sunday I mean what’s kind of the message to the guys as you know they see a teammate go down you got to got to get back at it in about 48 Hours yeah I mean uh obviously really tough um and we really missed his rebounding obviously down the stretch um but yeah just the message is you know we were right there we had every chance to win the game our defense was really good you just we’ll we’ll go back watch the film tomorrow afternoon and uh and clean up all those things you guys have a diagnosis for him yet uh no I haven’t heard anything yet how’ you describe the way that Trey showed up for you guys tonight uh Trey was great especially in that first half um you know exactly what uh what you saw from from him at kraton um the ability to get his own shot really helps when they’re switching like that I know I’ve been talking about that the whole interview but um and then he really stepped up for us um just a really really mature player never gets rushed uh and a guy you can just trust out there so looking forward to seeing more of him Hunter said he wasn’t too happy with his game but I mean do you kind of like to see the competitiveness and almost chippiness from him down the stretch in one of these games and just sort of the way that he treats it I guess oh of course I mean that’s what you love about Hunter Tyson I mean yeah he can shoot he can do all these things off on the court but he’s gotten here because his of his competitive nature and like you said that the way he approaches the game so um you know talking to him I you know I thought he he had really good moments but you know he doesn’t want to hear any of you cuz we lost which is exactly what you want so just going back to Trey Trey quickly I mean how enaging is to see him to see him look so comfortable kind of right from the jump as for a rookie like that uh yeah very encouraging I mean he comes from a great program at kraton um my old high school Coach Jeff Ander coaches coaches there so um I’ve been watching a lot of kraton watched a lot of Trey and uh but yeah really encouraging uh you can tell he comes from a great program and it’s he hasn’t missed a beat since he’s gotten here he’s picked up everything really quick and to come out in your first Summer League game and not play rushed like that and be that under control was was pretty impressive all right thank you

Julian Strawther, Hunter Tyson, & Andrew Munson after Denver Nuggets lose NBA Summer League game 1 vs LA Clippers & lose Denver Nuggets’ First Round pick DaRon Holmes to a Torn Achilles.

0:00 – Hunter Tyson
1:56 – Julian Strawther
6:47 – Andrew Munson

#nba #denvernuggets #nbasummerleague


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