@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks vs Bulls Summer League REACTION

Bucks vs Bulls Summer League REACTION

all right so the Bucks just took an L in their first Summer League game and I want to go through everything we saw from these bucks young guys I’m G give my grade to all the Bucks draft picks but first My overall takeaway is John H cannot draft to save his life and I’m not just going to base it off of One Summer League game I’ve seen plenty of guys be terrible in summer league and then be great in the NBA and I’ve seen a lot be great in summer league and terrible in the NBA but there’s signs you could see in summer league especially when you’ve already seen some stuff from these guys in the NBA you look for improvement in the ways that they’ve been bad um and you look for to see them continue to grow on their strengths and from the guys that have been in the NBA didn’t really see a lot of that and yeah definitely we’ve seen over time with John horse draft picks they’re not really going to work out deont D venzo was a good draft pick other than that pretty much everybody he’s drafted has been a bust and there’s been great guys drafted afterwards but we’re going to go through um the greats for everybody bottom to top I want to start with what I really liked which was Tyler Smith and now looking at the box score you might just say well he only had 12 points but he was a plus four in the game the Bucks lost the highest out of any of their draft picks was a positive out there and also five of 10 from the field two of six from three you just saw that this guy knows what he’s doing out there he didn’t really leave guys wide open he made some good Cuts he would have had more points if some of the other guys above him on this list had any type of vision because there were a couple cuts he had where he was wide open was not found but really with a guy like him why I like this draft pick was if he could just knock down an open three being 6’1 athletic able to knock down a three as long as you’re not just a complete idiot like you’re going to leave guys wide open you’re going to fall asleep you could play in the NBA you could have some type of role But Not only was he able to show he knocked down a couple threes he had a dog he had dog in him he had to take a contested three because nobody’s able to create open shots um on this team and then he just followed it up got his own rebound went up again missed it maybe could have been a foul got his rebound again finished through contact still didn’t get the foul call but he’s diving for loose balls he’s talking a little Trash to Matas the first round pick for the Bulls love to see that from Tyler Smith he was by far the best player for the bucks and all I really said going into this I don’t have any expect for anybody John hor drafts just give me one guy that looks good one guy that maybe could play a role this upcoming year I’m worried if Doc Rivers is going to give a minutes but I like what I saw from him because overall even just losing to this Bulls team a team that had like one player that’s anybody knows anything about their 11th pick in the draft other than that it’s probably one of the weakest teams in the summer league losing is not a good sign and it happened because Tyler Smith was one of the few that was a bright spot but now talking about the other side of it Aj Johnson now I will say I had no expectations for him coming into this I did not like the draft pick I don’t just had no hopes really nothing I did not get my hopes up for him and he met the no hopes that I had you know he looked fast it’s really all I could say he had no vision um sloppy with the ball took terrible shots can’t shoot couldn’t hit free throws one of three from the line two of nine from three but he’s fast so you know there’s that he has something to him that you know if he works on his game other stuff he could be something really good he has Elite Speed so at least there’s an NBA skill that you could work with now I don’t think he there’s any chance that he’s ready to play an NBA minute so we’ll have to check back in on that next year but at least there’s something with AJ Johnson he’s fast Bo champ a guy you look at the it’s just a classic Bo champ game you know he’ll get you excited he’ll hit a three he’ll hit a little mid-range jump and be like hold on this guy’s a long body he’ll like get get a deflection get a steal this guy’s a long body he’s strong he could shoot a little bit maybe we have something here but then you know once he gets a couple buckets in a row he goes on the other end and leaves his man wide open for three twice in a row so they extend the lead he was a minus 16 out there he shot two of seven from three he shot five air balls no exaggeration I counted five air balls seven of 18 from the field this is a first round pick going into year three uh people will continue to make excuses and act like all these young but guys are good and that John horse isn’t a horrible GM but no boser should have never been fired John horse cannot draft it’s honestly pathetic um with all the draft picks that he’s taken the little um success that they’ve had uh and people will get mad at BO nozer for not playing enough young guys or Doc Rivers why did they not play Bo champ it’s because he’s not good sorry he’s a good basketball player but he’s like I’m not trying to hate on him but he’s just not an NBA level guy he doesn’t think the game enough at at that level moving on to Chris Livingston he was one of the better guys through the bucks he was four of seven from the field knocked down an open three and he actually was pretty good defensively scored 11 points uh it’s just he doesn’t have Vision offensively he there was a time where we had the ball Tyler Smith cut back door wide open didn’t see him he just doesn’t have anything to his game offensively even though he was four of seven today he’s just under siiz he’s like six foot six those are coming off of like loose balls finishing around the rim he had W one wide open Corner three but he didn’t shoot well in the G League last year didn’t shoot well from the free throw line so he’s a he’s an NBA athlete but other than that there’s not too much there I think John horse just drafts guys that are athletic and hopes they’ll pan out which normally you should probably draft guys that are better at basketball than just being athletic um Andre Jackson I said going into this this probably isn’t a good setting for him he’s a guy that’s probably at his best when he’s like the fifth option and if you’re expecting a guy going into year two to really like make things happen he’s not going to do that and so I had low expectations but he still didn’t meet those I mean he was 05 from three missed open threes didn’t get himself to the free throw line wasn’t aggressive didn’t get a steal didn’t get a block so he really showed nothing out there so he was disappointing even though I had low expectations was like all right you know summer League’s probably not his best he’s probably at his best when he’s playing with stars which is what you need um from young guys but I expect better than this knock down one of your five threes make get like one big block but he really did nothing so um overall like bugs fans have been like pulling at strings to try to get excited about certain young guys but I mean this game it’s just Tyler Smith and then everything else I I would say I give my grades an a to Tyler Smith a d plus to a AJ Johnson a d to Maran Bo champ uh B minus based off expectations to Chris Livingston and uh D+ to Andre Jackson let me know what y’all think though drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Postgame reaction to Milwaukee Bucks vs Chicago Bulls summer league game.


  1. Who tf are u….typical fair weathered bandwagon wannabe Bucks fan…very much expected to panic nd go off on Jon horst for no reason…it's these boys 1st games chill out..u don't qualify as for a person to talk basketball anyways…basketball is not ur level of expertise yea they lost can't win em all only thing you can do is get better as games go on…remember these are 1-2 year players out there…Marjon nd a few are an exception…I'll rather hear u talk Packers cuz u seem like ull do better with Football cuz basketball is not it for u bro

  2. Brother I enjoy your show but I think you are completely wrong. Long athletic wings is the future. The Bucks development dept sucks. Put those same 5:players on the heat & they would go crazy. We must develop 👑

  3. Bro, what are you talking about?We have a good future mojon and tyler smith in onto jackson junior in chris livingston dummy

  4. Bucks core of young talent is so impressive ..they loss because they opted to take 3's which is not advisable…contrary to the bulls almost connecting from afar …one more thing bucks big man is so awkward not even taking good shot and defend despite it's size so slow …no chance really to win of course

  5. Livingston had the best overall debut. Lock down defense. Matas struggled against him and Chris was hustling. His shot making has gotten a ton better. Beauchamp isn't part of the culture. He wants to be the primary scorer instead of 3 and d. He takes shots like he's a good 3pt shooter but he's not and that results in 6 airballs. Jackson is a good hustler and defender but he tried too much at the start with shooting but in reality he still needs work offensively. Green shows a ton of potential and so does Smith but Smith needs to be more dominant when rebounding,boxing out and defending the post. He just stood alot
    Best performances.
    Jackson Jr

  6. I think u overreacting on ajax and Johnson. Johnson obviously was a surprising pick as he isn’t nba ready on a win now team but still has high potential which will obviously take a couple years to reach

  7. your reaction is very short sighted. Johnson will be a star. He is only 19 years old. He has speed, vision and ability to distribute.

  8. Crazy overreaction ngl AJ played way better than what his time in Australia showed. Tyler also showed promise

  9. Dude, IDK what you were watching but there were 4 B+ performances in this game.

    AJ Johnson
    Chris Livingston
    Marjon Beauchamp
    Andre Jackson

    Tyler Smith looked lost out there in the first half, played quite a bit better in the 2nd half. He was getting more open shots than AJ and Marjon did as they were the creators and they did a solid job.

    With all do respect, watch more of the game and see how off ball movement is and watch play setups. Smith just stood there and only did his job in the 2nd half.

  10. You're being reductionist about AJ. He can handle. Facilitated solidly, given his teammates. Got decent looks. Just didn't make much. Solid form. Was smart in off ball movement, defense. He's got a brain & some skill, not just speed.

  11. If you came out of this game thinking AJ and Tyler arent good picks, shut down this Chanel and go do wnba content. You have to be able to see skilla beyond wins and losses. I think you are bad at scouting. Time to get rid of Beauchamp. Seen better players at the summer league.

  12. bro idk we watching the same game but tyler smith was complete ass in the 1st quater he for sure got better as the game went on and aj johnson looked fine???

  13. Praises rookie for being in the positive for +/- in a loss during summer league. Has no expectations for a guy who was a plus 3/4 losses for the bucks in the playoffs versus Indiana.

  14. AJ Johnson B+
    Tyler Smith B
    Marjon A (3rd quarter) D (rest of game)
    Ajax C-
    Livingston C+

    Ajax needs to drive to the hoop and try to score and play in control on defense
    AJ Johnson looked good overall, good speed, handles, vision, and decent d, and his size and shooting will only get better

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