@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs. Heat Summer League Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs. Heat Summer League Postgame Show | Garden Report

can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch PES steel to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I call the John what are we apologizing for what do we say what do we [Music] do there it is sh what’s going on everybody it is the garden report we’re back with a garden report post game show an actual post game show uh following the Celtics first Summer League game a loss to the Miami Heat 119 1114 uh Bobby was calling it sloppy on Twitter I think it was wildly entertaining to score this many points in a 40-minute game is nuts defense optional tonight but it doesn’t matter scores don’t matter uh really not much matters here other than snapshots of players that you’re watching that you’re hoping May contribute in the near future or you know not to distant future uh with the Celtics who’s a keeper who’s not I was about to quit I was ready to quit on JD Davidson before the game started and he pulls me back in uh so we’ll get everybody’s takes and all of these guys you can’t tell it from their backgrounds because they had to Scurry off into Corners uh of the uh of the Tom Thomas Mack is that where you guys are yep Thomas Mack Center they’re all in Vegas I’m here okay I’m all alone I feel like Jimmy Tuscano I’m not invited to the cool kids party but these guys are all uh in uh in uh in in uh Las Vegas taking it all in so uh we’ll start with the people on the scene we’ll start with Noah uh dzel here uh Celtics blog and so many other places where you catch her work and obviously a great deal here on clns media but Noah is this your first summer league action did you go last year too no this is my first one first one so what was what’s the number one takeaway and again we’re looking at the first and second year guys obviously to see what you know you’re going to get out of that anything stand out to you that you were particularly looking to see that you thought was okay here’s my takeaway yeah I would say the the player that stood out to me the most was jadden Springer and just what he was able to do on both ends and just look really comfortable um defensively once he got on hawkey in the second half he was really impacting the game and he’s somebody that the Celtics traded for because they really believe in him and they really you know they see him being a potential piece here um and I thought that he looked just really calm cool collected and he’s just 21 so he feels like he’s been around for a long time but he’s still a really young guy um and he he’s not nearly where he could potentially be in a few years so he set out quite a bit that Shan as well but I’ll let someone else touch on him but yeah Springer is the guy that I think from from everybody tonight just looked really ready and kind of complete yeah Bobby yeah his second half was pretty encouraging and talk about another guy John who you’re on the border line of like is he going to make it is he going to last here and he showed up in that second half he showed shot creation ability which was pretty surprising and then of course he’s doing all the defensive stuff you expect from him so this was a image saving kind of performance for him coming out of a season where he didn’t get involved much and when in the pockets of garbage time and different moments where you saw him didn’t show out a ton especially offensively he just looked so offensively limited after he arrived from Philadelphia so that was defin the the story of this one in terms of individual performances obviously JD hand inand with him but you feel like Springer is probably ahead of him in the organizational hierarchy just based on their contracts alone right now but that could change and they both had pretty good games here shyan the first impression was aggressiveness he got a couple shots off early they weren’t pretty shots they were pretty bad misses and he stayed aggressive I thought and it was a nice floater that got him going to passing he leaned into that when the shot wasn’t falling which is everything we talked about with him that he’s not just a shooter so it was nice for him to be able to get it was like three assists in a minute there that got him going offensively and defensively you know I asked him after the game how he felt about how he did there and he said given that he had a guard jamee hakz pretty good I like that they did that too which is like sink or swim go guard an NBA player because it doesn’t really matter what you do against anyone else and you know couple times I mean it’s hakz he’s a freaking first First Team all rookie player last year he really shouldn’t he shouldn’t be here um you know we were saying like it’s unfair to have a guy like kayada here hakz shouldn’t be within a mile of this I know he’s only GNA play a couple of games but I don’t know what he’s out here you know Brandon Miller’s playing too isn’t he yeah I believe so there’s a couple of guys that I didn’t expect to be playing summer league that are playing summer league but whatever yeah it’s better to have that right on a jersey and jumped in I know right he’s he was a veteran presence on the bench it’s better to have uh that you know someone like that out there Springer such a interesting case because of the uh fourth year in the league you know still trying to prove himself at summer league and a guy you’re you’re talking you’re still talking about potential but he’s so freaking young he’s 21 you’ve got your two rookies that are going to be 24 during the regular season Springer’s still 21 years old you know Jordan Walsh is a teenage he’s only 19 you know so like um those guys you you have to recognize that there is more time you know even uh even uh the the three youngest guys on the roster right are Springer uh Walsh and JD and you know like I said is JD is entering his third year Springer and his fourth so um it’s we got to remember to be patient with these guys they’re still they’re still young pups gerro what do you got well that patience you you talk about John it’s really important when you look at just the way this Celtics roster is constructed you have the the luxury of being patient with them because the positions that most of those guys play you already have not just good players in those positions but good talented proven esta established talent that you don’t have to rush a JD Davidson out there to to play for you right away and I thought this was really to me that the two guys that stood out you know Springer obviously did a lot of good things but I love what I saw from JD from a shot making standpoint uh I think that has been the one area of his game that really hasn’t quite evolved as well as as I thought it would at this point and you know the the rookie you know Baylor the thing I liked about his game was the playmaking I mean he had like six assists uh uh you know from the wing position for the Celtics to get six assists we don’t see that very often yeah granted it’s summer league but it speaks to his ability to recognize how to get the ball in the hands of others who can make some shots and make some plays so I was really impressed with just his just feel for the game and recognizing how to get others involved and and JD his shot making uh I thought was really big and Springer to your point John the fact that he’s been in the league four years I would hope that in summer league you would be able to show up a little bit I show out well I think also you know with Springer he’s trying I love by the way that shman the best picture we have is him with a fraking you know suit on suit and tie um we got no playing we got no playing picture um there he is that guy the interview yeah um yeah Springer’s probably like I do more than play defense and it is so interesting for the auditioning things it’s like if you’re a Celtics fan you’re really only interested in in I mean you’re interested in everything I guess but you know you want to see Shan right you guys the first first round draft pick of the Brad Stevens era and it’s a guy with a pedigree and you’re hoping you might be able to cash in on whatever he can contribute kind of soonish you kind of Wonder can he get in there can he work his way into if not rotational minutes top of the Stay Ready crew sort of situation can he play can he have some spot duty is there a way that he’s got 8 10 is he does he get pton Pritchard minutes consistently this year playing at that Wing position uh you know or the offg guard that’s what you kind of want to see but then you have all these other guys who are like don’t you forget about me you know like and that Davidson is one of them I was talking about him earlier I was about to tweet at the beginning of the game like I think I’ve seen enough of JD Davidson to know that I don’t want to see any more of JD Davidson that’s kind of mean but it’s just simply being like I think I’d made up my mind and then he’s out there like no man I can play you know and he signs his two-way and he wants to come back so everybody out there wants to show out sh is probably the guy with the least amount that he has to show because he has that learning curve he’s day one you know game one year one he’s just starting you know he’s supposed to have you know take some lumps along the way and his spot is secure he’s a first round draft pick and they’re going to give him time and they’re going to try to develop some of those other guys are kind of fighting for their NBA lives in some sort of relevancy at this point which is like I could be playing overseas in a year if I don’t start showing people that I belong here and I think those guys kind of fall into that uh into that category which is hey you know look at me so good on good on them good on Davidson and good on U good on uh you know Springer for for coming in there uh other takeaways here again kada we said would be a little bit unfair you know in this sort of Summer League action Bobby I’m not gonna make this aada cornette show right off the bat but oh boy oh boy what’s gonna happen this year what’s gonna happen this year what’s your prediction to day on what happens rotationally this year I cuz I mean I know they need cheap players and you know kayada could be roster filler and he could spend the rest of his NBA life in the 10 to 15 you know range on an NBA roster or maybe somebody who’s coming off the bench on a on a weaker team but he’s fighting for minutes he’s fighting with one guy here you know did he look any different to you and again obviously the competition is what it is yeah he looked pretty similar in fact especially early a little disappointed with couple couple plays around the r where he just kind tell us what kada did wrong today yes tell us what he did wrong tonight I don’t think he had an amazing game there were definitely some plays around the rim where you know you got to finish that in there and there was a lot of spacing issues in this game so I’m sure that played into it and then yeah you know defensively you’re looking for a little bit more there in terms of Rim protection so yeah he he went out there and did his thing he’s this is kind of who he is right now and you know I think you’re looking for him to improve a little bit on the defensive end you’re looking for him to probably be closer to a 70% finisher and that’s where Luke was last year right at 70% which is I think the number you need to be at if you’re going to be running into the rim pretty loose off The Playmakers on the team and there’s still just a few too many plays where he’s just kind of juggling it up tipping it in and unable to finish in there when he’s in the lane off at drop off or whatever it might be there and he’s by himself he’s going to flush it in and there was that one play Early where he dunked on haakas that was amazing and the offensive rebounding is great that’s the one thing I think you know Joe is going to look at and be intrigued by when it comes to him because you know Shan was saying it and we heard it all year with them they need offensive rebound especially with O’Shea potentially not being here he was the best out of that front Court crew in terms of that so kada has the edge in that area over any of the he’s also got magnet hands like he’s the guy so many ridiculously magnetic hands magnetic hands and and that helps with the rebounding a ton because how many guys last year like cornette and this isn’t throwing shade at cornette I think a lot of people do it uh the tip the tip rebound like I can’t rip this thing out of the sky I’m gonna just kind of keep it in play and maybe direct it towards you know safe you know a safe landing yeah K’s a really strong rebounder but it’s on the catches too like he’s that’s a couple things I like I agree he’s still a little loose and sloppy and sometimes can look lost out there I also will will think you know these guys don’t know each other and they won’t know each other the majority of them they’ll never see each other again you know in in a little while but th those are a couple of things that really stand out to me with with him I I don’t know Noah yeah I didn’t think kada looked bad um he had a couple plays that were a little bit out of character to me but I mean he still finished with 20 points and 23 minutes six offensive rebounds like you know I thought he he kind of got increasingly comfortable he had early on he looked a little rough um but I watched a lot of kayada when he was in Maine last year and he was he was too good for Maine when he was in the Rhythm like when he was playing consecutive games with Maine he was just he was very dominant you could very much tell he didn’t belong there um and so I don’t know I I I do think he’s going to be a part of the rotation and I feel like everybody’s wondering about him and Luke and who’s gonna have the upper hand um I could see it going either way but I also could see it just being really situational and them using both of both of them kind of at times but I mean they gave him a three-year contract so I do think that they view him as a piece you know part of the future and and you know tonight wasn’t like a statement game from him in summer league I think we’ll see him have better games but he was really solid for what was required of him and like this whole thing go ahead Bobby go ahead at this at this phase of his career sh and KN and I were talking about this earlier you want some of these guys especially the guys who have played NBA minutes so far to look like they don’t belong here obviously that’s what hakas did here tonight again I’m not saying kada look bad here but he didn’t look like he didn’t belong here if you know what I mean kayada is a guy that is going to be a borderline rotation guy and borderline rotation guys I I think back to Noah’s point I think they are kind of in that Mendoza space where they’re too good for the G league but they’re not quite good enough to be an NBA regular and I think as the season progresses I think he’s going to inch closer and closer to being an NBA regular because there’s certain things that he does that help you win games that you don’t have anyone on your roster exceptional in those areas as we pointed out he’s got incredibly strong hands I don’t think they have anyone with stronger hands when it comes to rebounding the ball than than KO uh I and his ability again very active on the offensive boards that’s something that once again they don’t have a lot of guys who were in are really good at that other than maybe what pton Pritchard Drew holiday who are probably the two best offensive rebounding guys and they play in the backourt so I do think as the season progresses he’s going to Showcase what he does well and I think ultimately those qualities are what’s going to eventually allow him to surpass Luke but obviously at the beginning of training camp Luke should be your number three Center um I don’t know if’s that’s the problemer who is your is this without porzingis though that’s what that’s what um that’s what we don’t know so that’s that’s I think I think they’ll start I think they’ll start tman and have Luke as a backup I think the reason I’m interested in kayada is I’m curious how that’s going to play out because you you think especially if you’re not doing Al on the back Tob backs you’re going to have nights where Tilman is starting in the AL roll and then someone’s coming in as your second Center cornette and then you you you might still be getting you might have to uh you know switch those minutes I think of all of the guys we’re seeing tonight uh in in in in in this summer league action the guy with the closest path to minutes is probably kayada just Bas on what you’re gonna have what you’re gonna have in terms of needs when the season starts not just needs but I just think again he was the one guy who when you look at his numbers they didn’t come as a surprise because he you in theory he should be playing this against this level competition whereas Springer you know this was a kind of a eye openening type of game for him because we really haven’t seen him do much particularly when it comes to shot making the same thing goes for JD so for those guys you know their play was very much of a a revelation of sorts as to maybe these guys can help a team win and then maybe they can play their way into not may maybe not the rotation but certainly guys that they can turn to in a pinch from time to time but Kate is the guy that again he has the best shot at being in a regular rotation I don’t think he’s done certainly he didn’t do enough in this game and I don’t think he’ll do enough in the summer to Leap Frog himself past Luke but training camp you know a good summer league can give him maybe a little extra boost confidence wise going in training camp to compete with Luke because you know with without porzingis in the mix him and Luke are going to be competing for minutes uh that’s not going to change uh so again I just think kayada has some skills and abilities that this team sorely lacks that they may look to tap into more of as the season progresses I also just think it’s you know in summer league there’s only so many assumptions that we can really draw because we’re seeing everybody play in a different role than they’re going to have during the year like he you know he’s taking 15 shots in 20 minutes like he’s not going to be that involved offensively next year like someone like someone like Springer who I’m really high on but you know he won Finals MVP in the G League two years ago so this isn’t coming out of nowhere the ability to dominate at this level and to play really well right like he’s already shown his flashes of that so a lot of it is just seeing like you know bits and pieces but I I do think it’s still very speculative you know that’s the the tough part with seeing people play well or not play well like I was thinking like how would Tillman look out here tonight would he be dominating I don’t know if he’s the kind of player that would be dominating in this environment but obviously we all feel pretty good about his ability to be kind of highest in the post rotation right so that’s part of the challenge at least for my end just watching cor would dominated oh boy I think you think cor would have dominated tonight I don’t shro who was that Lefty that they drafted that we tried hold on to for a while back you know maybe 10 12 years ago H God it was like 15 16th round like 16th pick or overall are you talking about Jan Johnson Johnson no forget it anyway oh man it’s gonna eat me not not Romeo James Young James Young we held on to him for a while and then I think I think it was I think it was like year he played he played he played Vegas year three and couldn’t Dominate and it was like that’s it pack it up you know like so some guys at least you can dominate at this level which is good but we talked about this last show it’s those for a guys right like it’s they’re right on that line they’re too good for one but not good enough for the other you know you wonder what they crack it which is again why not to be like a jerk about it but like I didn’t really care about Springer performance or Davidson’s performance really only I really only cared about shyman because it’s like that’s my hopes are pinned right now on that did you get a gem there did you get a good guy and that’s why I was like watching that intently it’s almost like I’m not gonna say a waste but it’s like okay do I need to see another game where Springer you know takes 15 16 shots and scores 20 points I don’t know because I don’t know that I have such such high hopes of what he’s going to do there and Noah pointed out this isn’t going to be his role if he’s his path to NBA minutes is not going to look anything close to this he’s just going to come in and try to D up and stay out of the way and knock down an open shot if he if he has it but I don’t know yeah he he has the straightest path to a role this year I feel like even more so than kayada because right now you don’t have two Wing sign and you’re certainly gonna be wrestling Tatum and brown and other guys throughout the course of this year and there might be some injuries whatever else and it almost feels like in terms of what they have right now on the roster he’s the next man up at that Wing Spot if he can show something here K has several guys in front of him and who knows if OA is going to be back that mix here too so I would actually point to him and you know back to your point about what we’re watching here John when I call the performance sloppy or the game overall sloppy it’s the fact that you didn’t see that Celtic structure because you know no one knows even being up in Maine you see like a structure that looks like the Celtics they’re getting up to threes they’re running the offensive sets they’re playing with that kind of format offensively this game is 10 guys in the paint and people are running into each other and they’re trying to get the ball up the court and they’re struggling to do so like you don’t see that they still put up 114 points which is which was crazy but yeah you’re right like that yeah that was more guys just kind of seeking their shot and finding it across the board there and that’s what summer league usually looks like that’s what pre-season usually this was more traditional performance everybody without a roster spot or at least a two-way contract is out there literally auditioning for their life so naturally they get the ball they’re just going to pull it you know like that’s just what they’re out there to do so I mean you’re going to get some wild you know stat lines and performances out of that uh we are going to hear from a few of the players in including uh including Bailey uh Sharman uh Baylor Bailey Bailey bayor Bailey uh in just a minute we’ve got some sound loaded up we’ll get to all of those guys hey [ __ ] I called OA uh brassette jacobe all year you know you gotta give me a little time to warm up to these guys um so we’ll hear from all those guys in a minute we want to tell you briefly about a couple of our sponsors here we will start of course with game time uh you want to get into I don’t know if you’re in Vegas check out some Celtics uh summer league if you’re here check out the Red Sox now four and a half games Bobby out of first I think not just a wild card get in with game time an authorized ticket Marketplace you download that app create an account use the code CNS 20 bucks off your first purchase and you can get in some of your favorite games some of your favorite concerts great concerts coming to the area here if you’re if you’re uh if you’re local and you’re living in the Boston area a lot of stuff you want to check out and game time is the place to do it uh tickets actually go down the closer you get to game time or 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it deposit match up to 100 when you use that code uh clns um back to the games guys let’s hear a little bit from Baylor shyman who did start slow did start slow those first couple of shots I mean he’s no Justin out there you know in the in the beginning he was that he was off uh that those are two of the most horrific misses I can remember seeing um horrific but fine who cares it was actually the other stuff that you were more interested in seeing and at the end of the day he really does look he’s got a lot of feel you know and a lot of IQ and made the smart play and the right play a lot of times and even when he pulled the shot maybe it was a tad Rush he’s just getting used to the speed of things when he did have a good look there uh in transition he knocked down his first three I think everything uh mellowed out a little bit for him he knocked down a corner three I thought the passing was outstanding uh here not just setting up guys for buckets but good stuff in transition getting rebounds and getting rid of the ball and getting it out quickly so I I was encouraged by the performance again what can you tell from playing against this level of competition but I thought he looked like a ball player uh let’s let’s hear from him after the game Vision out there and he immediately said if you ask him you say you’re a quarterback back so how often do you tell people you’re a quarterback and when you’re throwing those touchdowns after the rebounds how do it feel yeah I want you know a lot of people knew that I was a quarterback beforehand so a lot of times that’s like the first thing the announcers say in the game notes is Bay shyman was a quarterback um so I think it definitely helps with my vision but um you know it feels pretty good out there you know I like getting my teammates involved um you know I’ve said it multiple times but I’d rather get an assist than you know score a bucket it especially if it’s like a cool pass so I’m always looking for my teammates and trying to get them you know uh open shots how you developed that passing game over the years and was that kind of your goal going into the second unit just to set some guys up yeah I you know it kind of started when I was really young you know I watched him Pistol Pete growing up he was throwing all those flashy passes and um I tried to emulate that when I was super young and then as I continued to grow and develop it kind of just stayed a part of my game um and you know like you said going in with whoever I’m playing with you know I’m looking to get my teammates involved um get them open shots and um make them feel good pissed Pete Pistol Pete that you know what Pistol Pete was dead before uh Baylor was born that’s what you that’s what NBA Classics is for clearly great clearly the fact that he even knows the name the fact that he even recognize that there’s this guy that was really good named Pistol Pete is brilliant I that’s a young Nick gelso we have in our hands you know like oh boy oh my goodness you know reverence for the elders I like that a lot that had to be his dad huh I don’t even know where yeah get in the pistol from but the the passing’s awesome I think that bounce pass where hit Anton was with his right hand too obviously the Lefty he does some flashy stuff with the ball and you saw it all over his college tape and you start to stack up what he can do the shooting’s obviously there but you add the passing and the rebound he was pretty good on the boards in this game too I thought so he’s he’s really exciting I’m still kind of shocked that they got him at 30 you look at this guy and you’re like you would have taken a flyer on this guy in the 20s if you’re a team here because that’s just so much stuff that he can do but I guess the defensive concerns are that big with him or the age you know guys are just so biased 23 year old or four five year college guy I think that’s a big part of it here too I think we’re getting to the point where teams are getting past that age biased issue when you see time and time again there’s like two or three guys there every year who are seniors who are late first early second round picks who actually help teams win games I mean you know and I think Malcolm Brogden was kind of the one guy that really kind of showed that not only can you help teams win but you can be the best rookie in the damn in your damn class if you get an opportunity how about another 30th overall pick Desmond Bane yeah yeah don’t remind Celtics fans well actually you can remind Celtics fans now because they got a championship so it doesn’t matter any much um but the the cost of getting rid of NIS caner is what you mean you had to say the e-word H yeah but the thing about you know Baylor is that the lack of athleticism or ability to play above the not necessarily Above the Rim but just be more of an athlete out there I think he scared a lot of teams off particularly when you look at a team like the Celtics and you look at their starting five uh and their role players and that level of athleticism is really high you start looking at the top two teams in the NBA they’re two top you know three top four players have you a high level athleticism and I think teams are nervous about that with Baylor which is great for a team like the Celtics because you’ve got so much athleticism already in in stock you just need guys with High basketball Q who can make plays and maybe knock down some shots and he seems to check off those boxes uh at a pretty good clip and I think in time he’ll just only get better Noah you were gonna jump in there on Baylor yeah I was just going to say I think that you know the Celtics already have a couple of project kind of more raw players like Jordan Walsh as well so like they just wanted somebody that could be a more of a connective piece that’s ready to be thrown in for real minutes and you know yeah he missed those first few shots but he generally looked pretty well all around like getting rebounds throwing really nice passes every assist felt like it was a completely different kind of pass too so it wasn’t like he just kept doing the same thing over and over again it’s like he clearly has a broad range of kinds of passes that he’s looking at and that clip that you know you just played just the fact that that’s what he’s looking for that’s where he kind of gets his Joy from the game it’s pretty clear when you watch him play that he’s always looking at everybody so um yeah I thought that you know he was the kind of player that the stat line won’t show you how good he looked tonight I think I feel like he showed flashes of a whole lot of things in a pretty short span hey I want to say thank you here uh Super Chat coming in Cobra cool thanks Cobra cre CRA we’re gonna we’re gonna put those $5 right in the Blackjack yeah of you we’ll divide this one three ways are there $5 do tables out there um anyway Cobra thank you yeah no it’s fun doing shows it’s fun doing postgame shows and having live stuff to react to remind anybody uh super chats of course are welcome the proceeds are divided up among the hosts uh it doesn’t go to the uh to the uh to the greedy overloads who uh who run clns media um so we do appreciate that um thank you very much uh for contributing it helps us continue to bring this content to you guys for free yeah Baylor’s like that guy you like playing pickup with right you know like he’s just going to find you you know that was great one of my favorite plays there was the one deada where he absolutely I think most guys who shoot the way he shoots he pulls that three but he he didn’t he didn’t rush it he kind of waited I almost think he waited a split second longer to allow to suck in the D a little bit and then he found um you know found the Streaker uh there you know uh you know for the for the layup which was the right play but just everything looked like Nifty you know he just looked like he was in control it always it’s also it’s going to come down to athleticism right that’s it you know just speed of the game and yeah yeah that is the fear is like you know they were saying about him coming out of the draft that like he’s he’s competitive defensively and it’s like what you’re hoping for here I know the comparisons are to Hower I don’t think he’s a Hower type player I think he can do a lot more things there’s more Dynamic aspect to his game with the passing and the way he reads things and the way he can handle the ball um so I don’t think he’s just a dead ey shooter but you’re hoping the one comparison I’ll say is if he can play defense like Sam Hower plays um or at that level and remain competitive and stay in front of guys and not get played off the court I think there’s a path to minutes kind of on the sooner side for him and that was the thing about Sam that made him I think a more palatable option for Missoula than he was for E uh his defense uh Sam is not a walking Turn Style defensiv now is is he Derek white is he drew holiday no but he is a serviceable Defender and we as we saw in the finals he can make he can you know he can hold his own at times against some of the best scoring players in the league the way he defended Luca I thought at times was really really good um and Baylor I think you know again I he has a better I think overall feel for what needs to be done when he’s on the floor than Sam does because Sam is a is a is a sniper I mean Sam is just an absolutely Stone Cold Blooded shooter uh Baylor is a little can not I don’t think it’s good shooter Sam but he can do so many other things I think offensively that will allow him to be on the floor at some point sooner or probably rather than later and not have you in nervous Nelly mode that oh my God if he’s not making shots he can’t help us there’s some other things he can do to help you besides knocking down threes yeah um so that was a good stuff I a couple other guys I want to hit on just individually uh you know talking about rookies uh your your thoughts on Watson Noah I thought he looked good I mean the thing with him is the defensive versatility like I feel like we we’ve heard that phrase a bunch of times but that was on display I mean he he was in a more limited role and you know part of that is because you think he’s gonna be in a more limited role as well but he he checked the boxes at least as far as I was concerned he had good feel around the rim um and then it just felt like when he was caught up in different situations he was able to handle them well so you know he’s the kind of guy like you know you can’t expect so much with that draft pick like if you can get anything out of him that’s a win uh and I do think that he he might surprise people and actually in the next few years here actually show that he’s an NBA level player and contribute I’m looking forward to seeing what he does in the G League uh because I think if he can go go there and start really showcasing a little bit more than just a multifaceted Defender if you can actually knock down shots finish at The Rim maybe be a pretty good Rim Runner I think that to to Noah’s point is really going to accelerate the the likelihood of him getting on the floor soon or rather than later but I thought for first game out this was a good showing and you know for a late second round pick I thought he showed a lot of Promise certainly more promis than some other more widely regarded late second round picks have shown thus far in summer league um so yeah this was a good showing for him what is he supposed to be like what do you Horford light like what are you expect you think so that’s that’s his you see that in his game well defensively is where you’re looking for him to be able to guard all those positions and you finally saw it I don’t think there were a lot of stand up moments from defensively definitely wasn’t involved a ton oh the block on hawz there I think is the one but yeah he got that when you he got a step on him but he got he got up quick look he this a he this guy does not he’s not a super athlete either um no he’s not but he got up off the floor pretty quick on that one um so you know good that he was able to recover it was good recovery and he and he got off his feet quick to to to to block that shot so I liked it but like he’s not super athletic I’m kind of curious like yeah I’ve heard the AL stuff I don’t know I’m trying to figure out like what this guy could become or where he where he plugs in so they played him at the five a lot in this one so he was playing around the basket off offensively which I don’t think is ideal for him he shot well around the rim in college but at this level I don’t think that’s going to be his game he’s he’s got to develop a three-point shot and he was 41% his last year in college only shot like 58 and Brad DJ you heard them both say he just needs to shoot shoot shoot and I wish he took seven threes in this game you know to pull a Joe like he he needs to just shoot like crazy out there and again when we talk about that front Court John there’s an opening there if someone can really take a step or stand out whether it’s kayada or Tilman takes some steps this summer or cornet really solidifies that role that’s a wide openen position while porzingis is out for two three months so you can’t eliminate Watson from that either if he can develop a three and show that he’s capable of guarding all these different positions now of course Al’s going to primarily F that role but eventually you do have to develop a guy who can play the four a little bit who can play the five maybe a little under eyes but he’s shooting threes and he’s guarding positions yeah not to say Watson’s going to be Al’s replacement here but he he’s in that mold a little bit of that kind of player and I wish at least offensively tonight he was playing that style a little bit more tonight again I keep going back to the fact that felt like they just rolled the ball out there and just kind of took shots and played tonight today and I get it it’s the first game of summer league and these guys have never played together before but there really wasn’t a ton of structure to what they were doing out there it looked like I don’t know no do you see more of it I did no I I think you’re right and I think it’s also important to remember the Miami already played a couple Summer League games together and so those guys like they this is that was not their first showing and the Celtics it was like they just started camp this week and so they looked like it too like especially the new pieces everything looked kind of jumbled but Watson’s one I feel like you didn’t see a whole lot from him just in general that I feel like at the end of summer league will’ll be able to assess his whole body of work a little bit more than just the glimpses that we saw tonight because I think everyone’s interested in seeing how he looks and what his potential is and he does fit more in that mold of like versatility over athleticism but I feel like there’s a track record in Boston for that prototype actually being more effective like the Tillman’s over the kadas right so not that he’s necessarily either of those guys but I think his skill set might translate well down the road um but we’re gonna need like a whole bunch more of a sample size than just what we saw tonight because that felt to me really limited and a lot of the mistakes that were made it was hard to tell is it Watson that was out of position was it somebody else so many miscommunications so many open layups for the Celtics that you know just it was hard to just gauge was I know yeah and where we were sitting too it was like you were just watching them and people were just out of position trying to dive and try to contest them so just hard to gauge like what the problem actually was um but he’s I’m I’m eager to see like these next five games how he looks that he’d had better athletes on the floor that’s and you know that’s one of the things that I the only the downside to the the two players the Celtics got is the Celtics definitely needed an infusion of athleticism I think they’re not like the most athletic team they’re not unathletic but they’re lacking explosive athletes they have guys like I said is white isn’t white holiday these guys aren’t like jump out of the gym blah blah blah explosive you know Tatum is athletic but not like you know this a high the bench you know not super athletic you know they’re not and so I would have liked a little infusion of athleticism um a little more than what they got here and they’re not really like not like JD’s right and he’s a little undiz I feel like Walsh brings I I really want to bring up Walsh and I don’t want so I was gonna get the Walsh off of this which is the I think people wanted to see something a lot better than this it’s one game it’s one Vegas League game but we’re talking about again you know you’re you’re the secondy year guy you’ve got a little bit under your belt you know as Noah put out there you’ve got a guy like Springer who’s a g-league MVP kayada who’s dominated down there you should at against this level of competition you should look a little bit better than that and he didn’t but again it’s one game but it’s like he looked like he didn’t like he looked to out of sorts yeah he did and I I thought you know when Bobby had mentioned earlier about Springer you know possibly being you know with Tatum Brown maybe getting some little more rest this season Springer I thought Jordan was was going to be that guy and I and I still think he has the best chance of of being that guy for the Celtics if they’re going to go a little bit deeper into that that second unit uh just because again I just Jordan he’s Springer is the better athlete but I think Jordan Walsh has a little bit more of an intangible Centric game uh so much of what his game is about is I think contesting shots diving for balls making hustle plays uh and I don’t think he’s super athletic but I don’t think he’s you know uh unathletic either I think he’s just a pretty good basketball player with a pretty high basketball IQ um that can do some things to help you win uh but this was this was a bad game I think he was trying too hard to be a shot maker and that’s just not who he is we talked earlier about just you know the roles that they’re playing now very different than what they will do during the regular season he’s not a shot Creator he should be hopefully three and D sort of guy well I I would in a perfect world he’s a three and D guy who benefits from moving without the ball Allah Avery Bradley remember when Avery Bradley could not make shots but all but damn it he could cut along that Baseline and be found for layups I think Jordan Walsh has that type of potential but it felt as though he was trying to be something in this game that he’s not and that is a guy that can knock down threes I just don’t think that’s necessarily a significant part of his game but to get to this level there they has to be a certain level of irrational confidence that you play with and sometimes you’re going to have great games that are where you’re playing way above your head and other times you’re gonna have games like this where Jordan Walsh is not a great shooter but I don’t think he’s 0 for six horrible or one for eight bad he’s he’s got to figure out what he needs to do to really establish himself as a legitimate and viable alternative if Joe decides to go with you know a little bit more dep at that Wing position uh give Tatum and brown a rest I have a lot of thoughts on on Jordan because I feel like in Maine last year he played that 3and D role so so much like he they really kept him in a very limited spot you didn’t see him off the dribble a lot you didn’t see them run the offense through him really at all they were running the offense through guys that weren’t even two- ways a lot more than they were him um and he mentioned this at practice yesterday but he said you know this is fun because I get to kind of get in my bag a little bit more I don’t have to play that 3D role exclusively that I play in Maine and I think you saw him he Tred that tonight and obviously it didn’t go well at all but it’s also like he’s not in practice of playing that role like he he has not done it really in a very long time and just the the Jordan Jaden Springer comparison Jaden Springer every time I’ve seen him play he’s like actually a ball Hawk like he makes the person that he’s guarding really uncomfortable and Jordan Walsh we hear that a lot about him like there’s a narrative around him having a high defensive ceiling but we haven’t actually seen that yet we haven’t seen him take the toughest defensive match up and really Destro up the person that he’s guarding so I think he can get there but right now it’s a lot more just speculative with him and conjecture of like is he going to get to that point whereas Jaden Springer like he played one g- League game last year the guy that he was guarding was like ready to put he hang up hang up his shoes at the end of the game because he was so frustrated with Jaden being all over him and again tonight I thought Jaden really disrupted hackz when he got in got that assignment in the second half Jordan Walsh it’s still you know I don’t know if he can actually get to that point defensively which is where everybody’s kind of selling him at this point um so I think as far as like who has a better chance to crack the rotation or make an impact you kind of have to go with Jaden at this point just based off what we’re actually able to see this this one really hurt I think you’re I think you’re right go ahead Bobby this one really hurt me as a Walsh guy it wasn’t the bad shooting or some of the fenetic plays on offense and as Noah mentioned he didn’t really see what you want to defensively the frustration he wears out there you see it in a way that you don’t quite see with me many other guys when he’s struggling out there there he missed those two back-to-back threes before halftime and he just let out this groan in the corner right in front of Noah and I where we were sitting and it’s like oh man like he’s he’s wearing these struggles right now and that’s how it kind of spirals to one for eight and you know o for six from three there and you know again watching him a little bit in main last year and just kind of keeping tabs on him I felt like hea got much better with that as the year went on and again this guy’s young young young so obviously you know he came into the league with high hopes you know want to get involved with Boston I think he struggled with that a little bit in the early stages of basically being assigned to main all year but there’s no mention like he found a role up there he figured out what he had to do to get to Boston and then he pretty much committed to the fact that he was going to be in Maine for that whole year and it’s it’s tough right because I know he wants to get involved I know thinks he can do it like he has the abilities he’s got the body he’s got all that but it it feels like if he can just make it through one more year in Maine like next summer might be the time and he was you know know was at practice the other day wasn’t he saying like you know I’m trying to show the coaches I can do it this year I can get involved I can be part of Boston and we were just talking to DJ and he’s like you know we’re really stretching patience these guys you said at the start of the show John like these guys are young like it doesn’t have to happen this year especially a couple months ago but it’s like he put that pressure on himself like he’s out here at sum league right now being like I got a show I can play for the Boston Celtics this year right but like that’s the thing is like if you’re talking about how they fair in NBA minutes against NBA competition you’re gonna say there’s a learning curve right um and that okay gez I mean look look what he’s up against he’s a boy he’s playing against men and you know he’s he’s still kind of figuring his way out here but but like summer League’s different like that’s where you can like okay this guy can play a little bit sort of thing you want to see it when you don’t see it you’re like what what does he do you know and I don’t you guys are saying he that’s that’s not his game the three there’s no path to minutes at the NBA for him if he’s not able to knock down three-point shots I don’t think so like he will yeah yeah whether it’s going well or not that’s got to be his game so he’s got to be able to go out there and shoot it and kind of live with you know the the the Peaks and valleys there he’s probably got to get stronger and Noah as you said yeah if he’s going to be a defensive guy he’s got to be a defensive guy so like he’s got to do the things he’s supposed to do to earn those minutes he’s just not doing them you know he’s not earning minutes this year but if he’s ever going to turn into something he’s got to do those two things at a at a high level high enough level yeah I just want to say though he he was consistently hitting threes in Maine like he was like 36% or something like that so it wasn’t like he couldn’t shoot at all like tonight’s game was a little bit out of character that type of performance but what Bobby said about his frustration that’s not out of character like that was a big theme for talking to blae Miller who coached the main Celtics last year of like trying to R him in trying to get him not let not let him get in his head so quickly because you know he’s over for two and he’s already so frustrated that really increases the chances that he’s gonna be over six when he’s like taking every shot so seriously and I get it you know I’ve play basketball I feel like I kind of see him a little bit and that that emotion that frustration like I feel that sometimes when I’m over whatever but he’s gonna have that’s going to be a big part of his growth over the next few years um and I do think he has an NBA future everybody around him seems to think that as well um and I don’t want to overreact to one game because he looked really good last summer league and that was obviously he’s better now you know he’s only grown in the last year so it was just one game maybe he’ll come out and hit seven threes on Monday and look really good but um the two things for me is like being able to play through frustration and not just like foul because he does do this sometimes like he’ll get called for one foul and he’ll almost respond by fouling again or fouling three times and then just being to kind of stay within himself yeah like he probably should just be a three andd player right now and not try to like worry about getting in his bag in summer league yeah it’s not and it’s not you’re right I mean it’s not you’re not taking the snapshot off of the single game and say like boy he shot poorly today he’s never going to make it in the league he was fine last year in Maine and you’re right about 36% um you know knocking down thre so that you know it’s it’s his game it’s gonna be his game he’s just got to get a little bit better uh at all of it uh other leftover things that we didn’t get to it uh like we didn’t you know it’s not someone who came in with a lot of uh hype or Fanfare um but what were your guys impressions of Ramsay uh tonight I I you know I didn’t know he existed until you know you know 45 minutes ago an hour ago and I was like whoa what was that who was that and it just you know impressive eye popping sort of like athletic uh you know displays kind of all over the place there it was impossible not to notice you’re always going to have these guys that just pop up out of nowhere and then you’ll never hear from them again but you know let’s let’s allow ourselves to get excited for a second he looked pretty good yeah and he was I had never heard of him either I’ll be fair uh but Jordan Walsh at practice yesterday said we someone asked him like who has really stood out to you in summer league and that’s who he brought up he was like he has been so good this week and I knew from growing up he’s from my area and like he’s way better than he was a couple years ago um and so I was like eager to see him play and then he had some big highlight plays and just the way he drove for the rim was kind of like eye popping like there’s people yeah um so he might be like the Jay scrub of this year like someone who you just you didn’t really expect to make a dent and then all of a sudden he stands out but he’s also in a really tough role I hate that role for these guys where they have to come in and be like I’m a microwave scorer right now like I have to go hit five shots because I’m battling somebody to notice me but he did really well that’s what I’m saying so to be able to actually Excel like in that role that’s kind of to me like a little bit of a lose lose because you can’t play regular basketball um he impressed and they wanted that sh last summer it’s a good comparison Jay scrub he came out here and hit a million shots in summer league and it was like all right do they need that is that a guy they want and they they did they signed him that to way and unfortunately tour his ACL there so if you’re gonna come out and hit shots like this and do it all four or five games here you have to give them a look this is this is open competition across the board again no one’s no one on this roster outside the draft pick who you’re obviously going to give the benefit of the doubt to separate Ates themselves in a game like this necessarily from anyone or in a setting like this so to me all despite J signing one of those and um who else signed Peterson all three of those spots are up for grabs to me yeah I don’t know I liked him again knew nothing about him not a single thing uh definitely kind of impressed you know and again it’s he won’t be the first won’t be the last person to kind of Flash in summer league and to never be heard from again but you always want you always just hope you catch one of those Diamonds in the Rough right so I’m really curious to see uh what he does for the rest of the time here at Summer League because again there’s one or two of these guys that come out of nowhere and then you’re like yeah we signed him to a two-way or we did whatever and again I don’t know what the Celtics have left do what do the Celtics have left in terms of what they can do with people is there anything they can do to add outside of the 15th roster spot you can pull guys off the two-way and add them but I’m saying how many two-ways do you is there a limit there one open there’s one open right now but if you want drop the two guys who are on them and replace them with someone you can do that yeah no the big thing about jamus is just consistency I mean he’s you know he’s had his share of games like what we saw tonight but he’s just not consistent enough and that’s you know you you can make that argument for most of the guys that are you know late second round picks or undrafted players who just for whatever reason haven’t found Traction in the NBA but certainly for a guy that is still kind of searching for that right fit this was the kind of game that he absolutely needed to have and let’s not uh forget that as even though he’s playing for the Celtics there are 29 other teams that are paying attention to what’s happening summer league and so even if he you know doesn’t necessarily fit into Brad Stevens plans wouldn’t if he continues to play this well it would not be a surprise to see him on other team’s roster uh based upon what he did what he’s doing this summer so uh this was a good start for him but definitely you know I’m curious to see can he build on this can he develop some type of some semblance of consistency over the next few days yeah um all right so that’s our first uh summer league postgame we’re not going to wrap up the show yet I want to get a couple more things that we’re going to talk about before we go and I’ll let these guys Scurry off to their uh to their work here because you know as we said Noah and Bobby and sherro are all hanging out uh in vas be there for a few more games Celtics have an off day tomorrow and they’re back at it um I think it’s every other day the 15th and then the 17 so we’ll keep doing this what time’s the tip off for the 15th 7:30 Eastern I believe we can do that we can do that this Boomer’s still awake so yeah we can I’ll we’ll do a postgame show for there talk huh littleon James talk it’ll be fun it’ll be fun poor kid man I feel really bad for him him can’t win he can’t win win I I wish I wish dad just let him do his own thing but man uh I’m rooting for him I really am uh one thing we didn’t get a chance to talk about with sherod because he’s been evading us uh or with Noah just because uh we haven’t had her on uh is of course the Jaylen Brown situation uh that uh you know it it took on a life of its own uh over the last few days I will say I’m happy to report that we’ve gone a full day uh in Celtics ation without Jaylen Brown Throwing Shade at a teammate uh which is awesome uh so today was a good day we got some actual NBA basketball and Jaylen Brown uh didn’t tweet or pop on someone’s Instagram to you know say something that might be viewed as disparaging towards one of his uh one of his current teammates here but it happened it’s out there I still think it’s interesting because Kevin Durant’s still not practicing and he still got a calf issue and the longer this lingers you wonder if another spot opens up and then all hell breaks loose but that’s SP will go to Jaylen Brunson they’ll bring in Jaylen they just bring in jayen Brunson didn’t is Brunson super hurt off the off the yeah I’m just I’m just trolling I’m just trolling Paul George yeah um so you know the story’s out there um with uh you know with with Jaylen but the you know the question is is there are are there any uh aftershocks here or anything happened and Noah had reached out to uh uh Derek White’s dad and my biggest thing here was like Derek got done dirty here whether it was intended or not Jaylen Brown has to be smart enough to understand that this that if it’s not Derek White’s not his Target but this opened up and it and I don’t think he meant to disparage that white sucks and I should have made it but it opened up this just toxic can of worms that just SP spilled all over the Internet for for for multiple days um that white sucks Brown should have obviously made it and it stomped all over Derek White’s day it should be a proud moment and we should be celebrating or people who are Derek so I this is what’s Driven me nuts the last few days is every Celtics fan running to the defense of Jaylen Brown like well he should have made it he should have made it it’s [ __ ] like don’t you understand you’re kind of crapping on one of your more beloved players by saying these things and I I just I didn’t understand how was anyone else not on the Celtics you could easily say that but it was Derek white it’s Derek white everyone he’s the most po he’s the most likable player on your damn team and and that to me that was the issue that I had with this entire I mean for Jaylen to feel snuffed I get that when you have the kind of season and postseason that he has you if there’s an opening on Olympic team yeah but here’s the thing it was reported weeks ago that Dereck white was the next up and guess what an opening came up and so what did team USSA do they brought in a guy that we knew they were going to bring in and to me the bigger problem and bigger concern is that in all of jayla’s like cryptic tweets and and no comments at no point did he say I’m happy for Derek dereck’s a hell of a player and yeah I I may got snow but give Derek his flowers give show a little bit of Grace and understanding that this is a pretty big freaking deal for that guy this is the 30th pick he’s the 30th pick in the draft and now he’s going to get an Olympic gold medal and when you look at the way that team is set up they need a guy like Derek Wy I go back to when taan Prince made the Olympic team and a lot of people were like I don’t know I don’t know they needed a versatile get in where you fit in type of guy who could simply do whatever you’re asked of him and not interfere with your other players and and and just short circuit what they’re doing they needed a glue guy and that’s what dere that’s literally why Dereck white is making a ton of money right now for whatever reason but I bring up the you know the Derek white you know was Derek white sad uh by it we haven’t heard from Derek white we did hear from Richard white um on Twitter where he did say um you know basically it was kind of a finger wag to everybody out there like let’s do better people you know like don’t you know you can feel one way but you shouldn’t disparage somebody else’s accomplishement accomplishments uh no was it that tweet that you read that made you think I want to reach out here and see what he’s thinking with this situation and did you read that to be that he was like yeah man you guys just crapped all over my son for like 24 hours here that sucked actually don’t think that that’s that tweet that he had was about Derek um he was talking no because he elaborated later on um he was frustrated with the fact that people were making Joel and B jokes about like lose his citizenship um during the you during the game he was struggling yeah he he listed Jamaal Murray as somebody that he was frust he like made named all the people that were like victims of like mean Twitter comments that night in the replies so I think he was just saying in general um he he would be really careful to not like sub tweet Jaylen Brown because he’s just so like peaceful on Twitter totally yeah I reached out to him just because I knew it’ be a few days before we he from we heard from Dereck white but I knew that Dereck was definitely told his dad something so I just wanted to get a little bit of a perspective on how he was doing and I’m sure we’ll hear from Derek probably tomorrow um some sort of media availability in Abu Dhabi but I think my feeling about this whole Saga is a it sucks because they won the championship three weeks ago and there should not be there really shouldn’t be conflict or controversy right now and it sucks because it feeds sports radio it feeds all the shows that need conflict to thrive and I saw just some of the most ridiculous takes over the last three days around Tatum is is preventing Brown from being able to join the team because he needs a break from Brown it’s not it’s there’s no way yeah no but I mean this is a real take though that’s been surfacing so to me it’s so frustrating that this has become the narrative and it’s also frustrating because Jaylen Brown is a really smart guy and he knew that by doing that he was going to be feeding these people and so that’s the problem yeah so it’s frustrating that he made the decision to do that because he knows and pointed out he had time to he had time to process because he did it the next day and then white had been rumored to replace him and that was building up and he still did it and again he he’s got enough you know of a radar to recognize that and then you know what bothers me no on that is the plausible deniability of oh you guys are going to just say stuff that’s not what I meant yeah but you’re smart you have to know exactly as you just said Noah where it’s going to go where you’re where where you’re leading people with this stuff you can’t say I didn’t make it because of some [ __ ] without it being that that guy only got into the team because of the [ __ ] surrounding me that’s the you’re saying the same thing if you didn’t make it for some [ __ ] reasons it means it’s [ __ ] that the other guy made it he didn’t deserve it because you deserved it it’s impossible to not make that connection and see it I’m so shocked he didn’t that’s what that that’s what I don’t get yeah because it was his teammate yeah right and it’s frustrating because exactly like you said there’s no way for this to not go the way that it did that being said I also just want to say like we don’t really know what is going on behind the scenes with the Team USA selection process and I’ve heard so many I listened to a lot of NBA player podcasts and a lot of them have waited on this over the last few days former players current players there’s a lot of politics with Team USA and a lot of people feel that individual relationships and not just your on the court performance is what goes into selections and people of old players have got come out years later and kind of told stories about not even getting invitations to training camps or or to tryouts and Kyrie obviously was one of the players that was kind of frustrated about it earlier this year and I don’t really know what happened between Jaylen Brown and Nike like he’s tweeting at Nike and we actually don’t know like what exactly happened there we know he’s vaguely called out Nike before um so I think a lot of it is like we’re kind of talking about a a couple of cryptic tweets he’s never actually said by name anything about the Olympics like it’s just a weird situation and so I think we should just leave it honestly like as as a because it’s just we’re we’re all it’s a lot of conjecture about a whole lot of of nothing right now um and so it’s just very uncomfortable because we’re not even going off of like real statements that he’s made he’s tweeting like emojis and at Nike like it’s not that he’s saying anything super substantive either yeah and back to John’s point if you’re gonna do that as him this is the result and he had two three circumstances he got asked on the red carpet to elaborate and he said you know there’s a whole thing there that I can talk about another time but I’m not going to get into it right now if you want to guess what you’re saying when they ask you to say what did you mean don’t say I’m not telling you you can’t have it both ways you’re either going to be cryptic and leave it there and let everybody wander and wonder about it and not care or when given a chance to clarify what you meant clarify it but you can’t now get mad M that people just ran wild with speculation over it when you’re not when you’re choosing not to elaborate or to give any substance behind what it is that you’re saying so that it’s again that spins the wheels even further and so I I would say no I know you’re saying like we should leave it alone I think maybe he should leave it alone or step up and say exactly what he’s thinking and feeling because that would end it once and for all and somewhere along the line something public about Derek white would probably go well I mean this is what PR is you you got to do some damage control sometimes when you realize okay I didn’t intend this but it kind of took on a life of its own now I’ve done some damage I wish I didn’t do Derek white was collateral damage in this situation a little bit everyone publicly is gonna be like yeah asked er white is gonna be like oh no man I’m not mad and everyone will think it’s it’s still you know it was done you know it was done was and it was unfortunate it was unfortunate to happened I don’t think it’s going to split up the team by any means but yeah you’re right is like it’s gotten Tatum doesn’t want him there Nike doesn’t want him there LeBron doesn’t want him there Steve KR doesn’t want him there Doug gotle was saying some crazy [ __ ] today I don’t know if anybody saw that uh on his pod on his podcast so you’re right you’re talking about the longer the longer there’s no clarification the longer people are gonna start coming up with some weird [ __ ] to talk about and so I don’t know that I don’t know how it goes away he but he has a track record of not doing damage control in the aftermath of comments like he and but later two interviews he did the year before but then later on months later he was like I’m GNA clear this up now right like he has at the end of the day I think there’s something with the media that he just has a different relationship with the media than it’s honestly I think it’s even more complicated than we might even be able to imagine because he is happy that this is being discussed like he liked my tweets about this that I like when I clipped the parts of he of what he said he liked those tweets so I’m like he wants us to be putting this stuff out there um and it was just videos of like what he said at the SBS what he said the Sports Illustrated kind of like a whole lot of nothing um so I do think he like wants to draw attention to stuff but he doesn’t necessarily make all the points in a very coherent way the way that would be helpful to all of us so we could actually discuss something substantive it’s always like just a Vibe or like a a random thing that he said without being able to draw a whole lot from but hopefully it blows over because there’s three guys that are on the Olympic team that are also NBA champions and I think Dereck white you know I I wrote a story about Derrick White Olympic selection I was bummed that I even had to include the jayen brown stuff in there because it’s like the story should have just been about Dereck White like you said John um but you kind of have to right now because it’s all part of the narrative and from what it sounds like talking to his dad his dad was like it was an incredible surreal moment and that he’s not there’s always noise there’s always controversy there’s always dialogue like he’s really like brushing all that off and just kind of living in this moment and meeting the team that he hasn’t been around with so I don’t think it’s taking as much of a to on him but it doesn’t feel great that there’s a whole a controversy around what should just be a purely positive thing and a very positive summer I agree too I’ve said this a bunch when when we read it into like things that are said in the media Joe moula being a great example of it and what he said and you know all of that stuff I think a lot of it just simply comes down to these guys don’t want to give it up to us to the media they don’t want to play that game they don’t want to be teed up for the sound bite they don’t want to give you the thing that’s going to help you you know complete your narrative or plug in into your story and be able to run with the thing that you want to run with they just don’t want to put it on a platter for you and happens a lot which is that’s exactly I’m not doing this for you Joe Missoula is a perfect example it’s that combative nature he has with people it’s like I don’t want to give it to you you know like even if I agree with what you’re saying right now and maybe we should have done this I’m not letting you have it I’m not I’m just I’m not and so Brown’s always had that a little bit too which is like n man I’m not I’m not playing your game uh and that’s and and there’s a little of that to it there so I I get it it’s pretty it’s pretty you know kind of regular Behavior and I do think it blows over I am really really curious what happens if Durant if Durant gets if Durant has to tap out I don’t think jayen brownon made any friends in Team USA this week so that’s what I mean is like what what do you do at this point another he take it anyway does he Decline and say no you should have done it the first time you think he declines wouldn’t that look really bad I don’t I don’t think he declines I think he really wanted to play on the Olympic team and I think heated if he’s offered he has to take it there’s there’s no way he can decline at this point all the noise he’s made hell no you got to take it I don’t think he could but I wonder if he’s next-man up here and again no you just said like I don’t know if he’s made a lot of friends if he’s like basically like it’s [ __ ] I should be there these guy I’m better than a lot of these guys and he gonna just show up be like hey everybody you know like how you doing whoa it’s p PR that guy yeah yeah yeah and I also just I also like Grant Hill said on the radio like part of the appeal with derck white is that he’s a guy that’s like not going to have any issues if he doesn’t play for a few games or he’s like wasn’t buying Grant Hills answer either but that’s a whole he was he was different on the radio than what he did like in the pregame he sounded a little more natural I think he didn’t want to give the media anything like we were just saying like a lot of times they we we get a lot better Insight like nod in the pressers but when they go off on there’s some random podcasts or things because then they actually share real thoughts I do think Jaylen has a point about the shoe thing and it was funny that Grant was in my mind sweating a little bit over that with the whole oh I wore FAS that whole thing but all right that was brutal it it’s uh it’s it’s interesting and I think again to wrap it all up Jaylen was trying to make a targeted critique of the selection process a targeted critique of Nike and whether you didn’t realize it or didn’t care or didn’t agree with our assessment of it that it ends up slighting Derek he just went ahead and did it anyway and that’s probably the most likely thing right he probably texted Derek or did something behind the scenes congratulate him and thought that was enough or again just didn’t view this as a site to him and we do um and I guess that’s just where it’s going to be left and again if anyone’s not going to feel some type of way about it it’s Derek so I guess that’s the fortunate part about that but he did put Tatum in a tough position I mean Tatum got hammered that next day at practice with questions and there was no real good answer for Tatum to give there yeah it was easy I told you it’s not that hard he’s like I you if he’s just I don’t fault him he didn’t want to take a side but all he had to say is like [ __ ] man I’d have them all here we’re the fraking Champs he’s like the more Celtics the better D everybody loves you it would have been easy we might have lost shirro shirad might have blinked out here because he was running a little bit low on batteries um and that’s fine uh we’re going to wrap up the show anyway I just wanted everybody’s take cuz like I said no I know you talked to uh Richard about it uh and uh you know sherad we hadn’t had a chance to talk to him so we’ll see what happens USA Basketball playing now no I thought Monday they are out there practicing though okay yeah I saw Derek arrived so that’s good what are they Abu Dhabi now yeah okay awesome uh all right well we’ll we’ll be back as we said a couple of days we’ll do a um a wrap up of the uh next summer league game Bobby and Noah are out there they’ll be filing stuff um for the next you know several days so you can catch that stuff over on our Celtics all access Channel if you uh don’t subscribe and oh I lost my call to action there I was going to put up a little graphic for you but please subscribe to our YouTube channels that’s where you’ll find all of our um all of our uh uh you know game day coverage and postgame stuff there it is thank you buddy who’s good who’s good about that who’s got my back is that you Jackson thank you um subscribe to All Access check it out you get a lot more Celtics coverage there uh we’ll have press conferences up on our main YouTube channel as well and as we said we’ll go live again should there be any breaking news regarding the Celtics we will have it for you uh but until then we’re covering summer league uh guys try to stay cool uh as best you can is it is there any relief coming I thought it actually felt better here than Boston Boston’s just oppressive right now what is it the temperature felt better here oh the humidity was killing me in Boston it’s 110 degrees over here I like it better Boston that’s crazy um any Rex John I don’t know you’re not a big Vegas guy are you I I go to the chi I I leave campus I go to Chinatown and those little strip the strip malls out there Vegas has a pretty good pretty good scene out there for food um it’s just little small little shops but you can find a couple of really good it’s it’s more like it’s it’s not just Chinese there’s a lot of uh you know different Asian uh types of things there but every time I’m in Vegas I actually head out um to uh to to to those spots and and and do it up but that’s me that’s my jam um that’s all I got guys uh like I said thank you for joining us thanks to Noah uh sherro who we lost but Bobby bucket hat will be with us throughout the week Bobby how did the bucket hat go over and why did you not wear the phenomenal one it’s phenomenal you see it it’s on the back oh it is okay what dude it’s on the back Jimmy would be so mad I just gotta spin it around but yeah you can see throw up our merch promo whoever’s whoever’s in the in the studio do we have the uh there it is new merch is here clns use the code summer 24 20% off all summer long on our merch just Jackson you got a shot of Jackson there modeling the merch there’s just some of it bucket hats I think are in there too t-shirts hard hats limited edition white ones those are going to be running out but uh head over there shop CNS use the code summer 24 you get 20% off uh go check it out uh guys that’s it thank you for guys for hanging out uh enjoy the rest of the time there and we’ll see you guys in a couple of days thanks everybody who joined us and watched uh the garden report post postgame show the Celtics fall to Maine in game one they’re back at it against bronnie bronnie and the Lakers right yeah yes sir is that that’s gonna be fun we’ll see think yeah yeah we’ll see you guys out there also you guys should know uh first to the floor those fraking animals are out there in Vegas right now they’ll be doing a show later on you want to check those guys out also I think they’re coming to you at 11 o’clock uh tonight so if you want more basketballs one of my favorite shows on the entire network might be my favorite show I saw them they are jet wagged out of their mind I bet I bet but they’re psyched to be there uh and I’m psyched that they made it there because I know they were pretty geeked up about it so make sure you check those guys out I know they’re going to be all all jacked up and excited to uh to bring you to bring you all the basketball talk from Vegas uh I keep trying to find our outro we’re going to we’re going to wrap it we’ll see you guys later wait am’s got an outro for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an outro it he had a phenomenal game phenomenal game forit out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a share it was a freaking chair it does sound like a chair

Join the Garden Report crew for postgame analysis of the Boston Celtics first Summer League game vs the Miami Heat! CLNS Media’s Bobby Manning and John Zannis are joined by Celtics Blog’s Noa Dalzell and Bleacher Report’s A. Sherrod Blakely after the final buzzer.

Dive into standout player performances like Jaden Springer’s versatility and JD Davison’s promising skills, shedding light on their potential impact for the team. Explore the development and contributions of players like Neemias Queta, Baylor Scheierman, and Anton Watson, as we dissect their strengths, areas for improvement, and potential roles in the upcoming season.

Stay tuned for insights on team dynamics, player interactions, and the aftermath of Jaylen Brown’s exclusion from the Team USA Olympic roster, unraveling the complexities of NBA politics and public scrutiny. Don’t miss out on the latest basketball updates, merch promotions, and more as we navigate the ever-evolving narratives in the basketball world.

0:00 – Intro
2:02 – Jaden Springer Impresses
6:13 – JD Davidson’s Shot Making
9:27 – Summer League Predictions
14:29 – Queta’s Path to Minutes
18:03 – Dominating at this level
24:00 – Baylor’s passing game
27:19 – Celtics’ athleticism level
36:25 – Potential and versatility
39:00 – Jordan Walsh’s role
45:34 – Consistency is key
47:43 – Impressive eye-popping display
51:31 – Building on consistency
54:42 – Derrick White’s Olympic selection
57:47 – Media speculation and controversy
1:03:35 – Controversy around Olympic selection
1:05:29 – Durant’s decision on Olympic team

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