@Boston Celtics

Heat vs. Celtics Live Streaming Scoreboard, Play-By-Play, Highlights | NBA Summer League

Heat vs. Celtics Live Streaming Scoreboard, Play-By-Play, Highlights | NBA Summer League

[Music] he [Music] yo yo yo happy Saturday Miami Heat fans welcome into the heat report by Chad Sports I am Nick rolloff where we are playing our old friends the Boston Celtics in our first real Summer League game this off season it should be very very fun as we have an unexpected player playing in this game in highe hawz Jr it was announced on Wednesday night that ha will be playing in the first two summer League games for Miami that is today and also Monday’s game and then he’ll probably go back to his offseason and training after that and let some of the young guys get their shine but we are going to see 15th overall pick kle wear and haime hakz Jr the two players on this team most likely to impact the real roster this upcoming year get to work side by side for the first time against opponents rather than practice and I could not be more excited and hopefully all of y’all are with me and you know what I said on Wednesday in the California classic game that these games don’t mean anything for me like I’m just watching to see the young guys play and see what they could bring to the table potentially I lied we’re playing the freaking Boston Celtics and I want to beat the Boston Celtics no matter what type of competition it is regular season postseason summer league I want to take down Boston hopefully y’all are with me and you’re going to start Today’s Show like we start every show shout out your city for for me 40 people in the building already on a Saturday afternoon we got my guy lock Terra in the building what’s up Sam hopefully everything’s all good with you my guy Chase Dane Haywood J boy thaan Jay the fox Joe lton Bob what’s up everybody hopefully everyone’s having a good weekend and a is typing those Fireball emojis my guy Joe’s watching from Manchester England Bob’s in Kansas City Jay the fox is in Florida Chase is in Fort Lauderdale Dan’s in Plantation Florida J boy was just in Florida on a vacation hopefully your vacation was good at marar beach marar marar is that mirar or marar is there a different I feel like Mar Miramar and marimar are very similar so maybe they’re different maybe they’re the same who knows who knows uh Mahar says watching from the Philippines Mel’s in Dade County oh yes Chase let’s freaking go often Chase and I like to talk some golf when he Tunes in a live show he said he shot a 37 on nine that’s a PB or personal best baby let’s go chase 37 that’s impressive was it a par 36 par 35 what was the par was that a one over or two over usually it’s uh usually it’s 36 or 35 maybe it’s a 34 I don’t know what course you’re playing but that fires me up Chase that fires me up get get W’s in the chat for Chase 37 is no joke that’s impressive stuff part 35 so two over that’s good stuff man um Chase my personal best on a nine-hole stretch is even par I’ve never been able to go under par on nine the best is dead even um my best on 18 is four over my best on 18 is four over um but on nine it’s even on nine it’s even but let’s go chase you know that fires me up more than k wear in Hae hakz junr playing love seeing Chase get out there and fire a PB baby let’s go uh Christopher is ready for the game Papa typing those W’s so is Bob jvo saying Miami 305 Liberty City hell yeah hell yeah um there’s a qu Bob what are your predictions for the Heat this season intriguing question um I actually kind of showcased my prediction if you will on a video what video was it I think it was the Jimmy Butler problem that Miami has that I put out on Wednesday morning uh I think I predicted in my realistic expectations for this team if they did not make a trade like there is still an opportunity for them to go out there and trade for Lori Markin or Brandon Ingram or Trey young kind of feels like it’s unlikely that’s going to happen and we’re just going to have to run it back with the additions of kalaw and hopefully everyone stays healthy yovic and hakz take a big leap as those guys are still young players now it is interesting to hear that nicoa yovic might have a fractured ankle he is expected to be ready to go for the October training camp for Miami but obviously not going to be able to have too much offseason work with a fractured ankle which is unfortunate but if they don’t make a move and they just run it back with the additions of the rookies Alec Burks and hopefully improvements um from their inter in guys inside like I think at best they’re a five seed like maybe they can get to the four seed to me there’s just no way if they even if they stay fully healthy they are not talented enough to be a top three seed in the East they’re not better than Philly they’re not better than New York they’re not better than Boston they’re not and uh I don’t think I’d have them beating them in a regular season either um I don’t or po or playoff series it’s unfortunate but I stay pretty firm on that so I think right now the Heat’s best case scenario is to be the five seed or the four seed and then hopefully win that first playoff series whether it be against Milwaukee Orlando Indiana Cleveland and I think we could win a series against any of those teams I really do um but I don’t think they could beat a Boston New York or Philly unless one of those players or teams has a catastrophic injury um but we’ll see we’ll see Orlando’s going to be tough this year they even guarantee that the Mets or Mets that the heat are the best team in their own division that Southeast Division but uh hopefully they do play to their Peak ability stay healthy and are able to go what 48 wins get the four five seed it’s kind of the goal I guess kind of the goal I guess we are playing those shitty Boston Celtics today though so if you hate the Celtics like me spam those F Boston down in the comment section spam those F Boston spam those F Boston get them out of here get them out of here get him out of here and a Tian L Vince Chase Tomia tyman Josh L Vince say thinks could make it to the Eastern Conference Finals I think it would require an injury man like I just don’t think this Heat team is able to beat a healthy bucks or can be no they can beat the Bucks a healthy Sixers Celtics or Nicks I don’t think so just tough man what’s up Mayas Christopher F Boston Miguel F Boston thaan F Boston Mel PR price F Boston F Boston man I hate the Celtics I hate them more than anything I really do I really do I honestly the Knicks are close the Knicks are close my two most hated teams in sports are the Knicks and Celtics I think I think it goes Knicks one or excuse me Celtics one Knicks 2 I’d probably put the Buffalo Bills three probably put the New York Yankees four Atlanta Braves 5 that’s my top five most hated teams in all of sports for my opinion um so if any of you were wondering that that’s my answer that’s my answer I hate them all I hate them all oh man spam those F Celtics down below and if you’re ready for the game make sure you’ve hit that thumbs up icon as well we got 50 people in the building why can’t we have 50 likes why why hasn’t everyone hit that like button why not why not I I I feel like we come and give you content every single day for free for free we never miss today so why can’t you guys hit that thumbs up button for me let’s get the 50 likes let’s get the 50 likes on J boy I’m actually not sure who’s starting for the Celtics I haven’t checked yet I could tell you the Heat starting lineup though they’re going with Isaiah Stevens the udfa they got from the Colorado State Rams they’re starting second round pick Pell Larson obviously highe hawz junor kashad Johnson the udfa two-way player out of Arizona and then obviously starting center is the 15th overall pick kle wear with likely Co sder Zion Poland being the first two guys off the bench Alis Williams likely to be that eighth man but this eight this starting lineup for Miami is as fun as it gets for summer league you get your seconde player in highe hakz Jr you get your first round pick in K we you get a very fun two-way player in kashad Johnson as well as your second round pick P Larson like this is as fun as a lineup as you will find as you will find as you will find holy [ __ ] is this true oh my God this is crazy I mean you guys know that I’m not a political person whatsoever but I just heard Donald Trump got shot at at his rally today what is happening oh God this world is a crazy place man crazy place I I don’t even really care what your political side of the spectrum is never want to see that though I I I think he’s okay it sounds like he’s okay doesn’t look like there’s any reports that he’s like done or something like that but I just saw that like a report that he got shot at his own rally that’s that’s crazy man in Pennsylvania it looked like my friends were texting me that and then I went on Twitter and I saw that Twitter was talking about it so I don’t really know the whole details but Jesus that’s terrible man that’s terrible wow it’s kind of hard to imagine man three and a half minutes away from the game getting underway let’s get to 50 likes we’re 14 away we’re 14 likes away hit that thumbs up icon um but here’s our Super Chat menu for today’s show as well you know Saturday afternoon I’m actually technically off today I am I’m not supposed to be working but I was just like you know what I’ll come in on my Saturday afternoon I’m going to watch the summer league any game anyway so why not come up here and hang out with the Heat fans and have a little fun on stream and if you would like to show your gratification it’d be much appreciated with a donation to the channel $5 is five pushups $10 on I’m taking shots at the keil I got my Patrone with me on a little Saturday afternoon $20 gets you into the heat report hall of fame um we might raffle this off at the end of summer league we’ll see if we get any interest on that um and if people come around and donate to the channel then $50 is a beer bong I got my little happy day the fruit punch here on a Saturday you know what Saturday I won’t have to work tomorrow um so we can we could have a little party today we can have a little party today we want to um any donations greatly appreciated help us grow helps us grow the channel and get more content out for you guys in more live streams and our Boston Celtic’s channel is also live too Ali bare Ali Barefoot came in on her off day as well cuz I kind of pushed her to you know I said that I was coming on the off day to come work this watch party and she was like well I can’t let the heat report one up me so she came in and doing it and we’ll do a little Super Chat battle today too I haven’t asked her where she’s at right now but we’re at least starting 00 let’s see who’s going to crack the ice for the heat report and get us on the board let’s see who’s going to get us on the board that’s what I want to know that’s what I want to know as we are two minutes away though from the game getting underway I think I don’t know how it works with it usually starts on time but I don’t know if the Heat game was following that Bulls Bucks game that ended about 5 minutes ago so I don’t know if there’s a delay or how the situation is but all I know is that I think it’s starting in a minute and a half so if you’re ready for the game spam me down below oh yeah to finish the thought on the uh Celtics starting lineup That J boy asked me I’m not sure what it is I would imagine JD Davidson is starting I’d imagine Baylor shyan is starting I’d imagine Jordan Walsh is starting and I would imagine NE M kada starting so I think those four are definitely starting I don’t know who the fifth will be I don’t know who the fifth would be give some shout outs here in a second but let me see if I could find the Celtic starting lineup see if I could find it um I don’t see a starting lineup announc I assume kayada though is definitely starting it’s also his birthday was birthday yeah I don’t see the starting lineup anywhere on Twitter I didn’t see anything I can’t believe what has occurred today with that thing we just talked about I’ll say that let’s give some shout outs though Chase is ready Willie’s ready Tai man’s ready Cat slayer’s Ready Tommy is ready Mel is ready Lil Vince is ready keep on spamming those mes I could see Anton Watson starting the Celtic second round pick but I also say this is um Jordan Walsh is like a four four I think or 3 four I know Anton Watson’s a four so if you’re starting Kar you go in big cuz Jordan Walsh maybe he could play three and you can go JD shman Walsh Anton Watson and then kayada maybe they go that route maybe they go that route Wayne typing me hot dog saying what channel is it on today’s game is on NBA TV NBA TV I don’t underestimate Jordan wsh I actually really liked him coming out of college when he was at Arkansas I actually had him pretty high on my big board for all things considered like I don’t think I had him like crazy high but I’m pretty sure I had him in like uh mid early second round I liked Walsh I liked Walsh I mean he’s probably going to guard hawaz because Walsh is a really good Defender so [Music] Jesus Christ some of these people online right now with this Trump situation is wild I can’t believe this can’t believe this Willie says what’s your take on Nico’s injury um very unfortunate that nicovic allegedly has a um that is allegedly what was I saying or or an ankle fracture um the Heat have reported as a sprain but there’s been a couple other reports out there that said it’s a fracture now the heat did also say they expect him to be ready to go for October um training camp it obviously is terrible that yic has an ankle fracture and isn’t able to really uh I guess get a full healthy off seon then he has to rehab it stinks but um as long as he’s ready to go in October and ready to go for the season that’s all that matters right it’s all that matters it’s all that matters looks like we are going to be ready to go here in just a second between the Heat and Celtics the kickoffs Las Vegas summer league for both squads the heat went two- one in the California classic um they lost to the Warriors by like 40 and then they beat the Kings and Lakers to finish out their little three- game stretch and now they play four games in Las Vegas against Boston um Oklahoma City on Monday they play the Mavs on Wednesday and the Raptors on Friday so those four games and then they’ll play one more game as well depending on how they do in the first four games um but let’s do it baby let’s do it we’re about to get underway hey let’s go Heat let’s go Heat spam those Fireball emojis spam those Fireball emojis also heat Legend Drew Peterson is on the Celtics summer league Squad I forgot about that two-way player wasowski hakz is playing I would say let’s go baby let’s go he also still waiting to see who is gonna break the Super Chat ice here at the channel today let’s let’s hear who’s going to be the first to send in a super chat today but here we go k we nemis kada this is going to be a fun match up for Kala Weare because kada even though he’s not like a that good of a center he did have a couple stints in the uh NBA last year so it’s like this is a NBA caliber Center I guess obviously hakz being here is going to be very fun to watch Triple J get to work let’s go baby over 100 people watching 12 likes away from 50 hit that thumbs up icon folks hit that like button and here we go the tip is up the tip is one and Jordan Walsh lays it up and in right away two Z start for Boston as they won the tip and got out um P Larson bringing it up now kicks it over to Isaiah Stevens Baylor shyman is defending hakz intriguing there they get loost Larson off a curl lob to wear wear catches puts it on the deck pump fake in here he lays it up and in kle we with an early bucket let’s go klew God he might be a stud folks he might be a stud I don’t want to get too excited but he might be shyman coming off a curl lobs it up where gets in the way and it’s off of Boston out of bounds it’s going to go to my what are they call what that was off Boston what are we calling here call what was going on I was clearly off Boston it’s official stink the official stink JD Davidson inbound finds shyman coming off a curl Corner three airball offensive rebound Falls right to Jaden Springer who is the other starter and he lays it up in an airball from sh shyan to start the game hawaz gets it he gets downhill gets to the rack misses the layup Triple J can’t finish at the rack here Here Comes Jordan Walsh and Boston the other way CL Larson picks him up Walsh will take a deep three no good but a foul on haime hakz Jr so not the best start for Triple J the NBA player the only one on the game that has played significant NBA minutes has missed a layup and fouled on a three-point attempt it’s not great Jim it’s not great one minute in Boston up 4-2 Jordan Walsh will be at the line for three yeah I mean k with a good start in this game second or the first offensive possession for Miami good pick and roll between him and lson good lob inside as Walsh misses the first free throw listen we’s just an incredible athlete incredible frame to him 7 feet tall 7 four and a half wingspan if he’s able to develop a nice touch around the rim and develop a nice three-point game and mid-range game this could be an alltime pick for the Miami Heat it could it really could it really could be an unbelievable pick Walsh goes two of three at the line so it’s a 64 lead for the Celtics six likes away from 50 hit that thumbs up icon come on folks hit the like button isai Stevens gets a screen from highe hawz Jr drives right Coes back left floater it looks like it was blocked kashad Johnson gets it it’s swung around to kalal wear for a three and wear drains it kalal we nothing but net we’s got all five points for Miami two for two from the field this kid’s unbelievable K wears a stun holy [ __ ] that’s what I love to see baby Jaden Springer looking to answer from three no good rebound shyan out to spr or Davidson and he travels spam your sevens kle we the 15th overall pick from Miami is two2 from the field and had a Trey Ball baby let’s go he took a couple three reason the first games at in the California classic and really couldn’t convert hakz downhill to the rim Lefty layups good and triple Js On The Board as the heat go out in front by one man this is going to be fun to watch they’re really getting Triple J downhill off curls shyan looking to answer cannot hakz with the rebound Hae brings it up gets a screen from where Hae drives finds a back door cut kashad Johnson it swung all the way around Isaiah Stevens Stevens lob H slams it home Triple J with a slam dunk alleyoop from Isaiah Stevens let’s go what a what a start to the game ha’s two for three from the field four points and K we’s two for two for five points Springer working on Isaiah Stevens drives right slips and falls and they call foul on Stevens even though it wasn’t a foul if you haven’t already hit the sub button 105 people watching if you’re not subscribed you’re not alive hit the sub button baby what a l from Isaiah Stevens sign me up I’ll take Stevens baby I’ll take Stevens on the on a two-way deal get rid of Drew Smith I seen enough he threw a lob from the three-point line I’m in Jane Springer drives floater doesn’t go where with the board here Here Comes Miami Stevens lav ahead to kashad oh my goodness kashad Johnson with a backo dunk on an alleyoop from half court Showtime Miami oh goodness gracious drive inside Davidson fouled on a reach and this team is unbelievable Sten throws it from half court and kashad Johnson throws it down behind the back what a game for Miami so far oh Davidson gets it in the Springer Springer gets a screen from kada Springer drives drops it off to kada and he throws it down with authority 118 oh I got to update the time here haven’t done this in a while almost forgot about that stuff six and a half to go KO with a nice little slam there why is there breaking the action wait why does Boston have the ball I’m very confused I don’t know what happened but the Celtics have the basketball they didn’t show it Davidson off the screen in the corner lobs it inside the kada kada working on Larson misses the layup misses the putback and kashad Johnson comes over with the board Miami out the other way pel lson finds a trailing way he’ll fire another three that one comes up way short barely Nick’s front rim rebound to Boston and here comes Springer getting downhill on Larsson oh God Larson got crossed up bad PL lson didn’t hit the deck but he was fighting for his life out there Stevens gets it to hakz hakz behind the back working on shyman Triple J drives hangs off glass is good hakz with an early six point points on three of four shooting all of it coming inside the paint Davidson inside floater gets it to go over the outstretched arms of kle we and we have a back and forth Affair in the first quarter Stevens now has it the other way swings it over to hakz hakz gets a screen we two-man game hakz mid-range shot too strong rebound down the Walsh Here Comes Jordan Walsh over to Davidson Davidson to the corner spring it’s going to be a three and he drains it and the Celtics jump back out in front 1513 5 minutes to go in the opening period hakz back the other way loses the handle regains control drops it off to pel Larson Larson harassed by Springer now drives left gets to his left hand tough layup by pel Larson and the second round pick out of Arizona evens the game back up at 15 wow tough Bucket from the second round pick against good defense there Springer back the other way fading away and knocks it home Celtics an experienced ball Club here Jaden Springer’s got seven Stevens drives left over to lson wide open three Pell can’t knock it down and the rebound goes down to Boston there is still yet to be a substitution in this game and there still hasn’t been a break in the action either surprising that there has not been a timeout thus far in the game which means the next time dead ball there will be Davidson lines up a triple and he knocks it home Celtics kind of shooting unconscious from the field 20 to 15 hawz driving on shyman drops it off to where for an easy layup good two-man game between the last two first round picks for Miami we are now up to seven points hakz has got six it’s Springer crosses over drives spins on Stevens good defense Springer can’t connect rebound out to Larson two on one for Miami hakz to lson and it’s an alop what a Twan game by hakz and Lon lson showcasing his athleticism with a two-handed slam Davidson now working on lson gets a screen from kayada swings it over to shyan quick release for shyan comes up way short and it goes to kada for an easy dunk that’s two air balls now from Baylor shyan that has resulted in an easy dunk for the Celtics K we top of the key guard by shyman clear size Advantage it’s hakas in the corner he’ll shoot a three two strong kashad Johnson with the offensive rebound and he’s fouled with three minutes to go in the first quarter and we will have our first break in the action 229 is the score and we’ve had absolute fireworks in summer league so far a halfcourt alleyoop behind the back dunk from kashad Johnson Isaiah Stevens threw a lob to Hae hawz Jr hawz threw a lob to pel Larson this is some wild stuff that we’re watching some wild stuff my goodness oh I got to send out a tweet well let me know who you got in this game oh where were you when the 2024 summer league heat turned into the showtime Lakers where were you folks where were you let me know where you were I know the answer with the heat report you’ll you’ll always have that the 2024 Miami Heat summer league team turned into the showtime Lakers you were on the heat Report with us my goodness my goodness no substitutions in this game at all I imagine that we’ll see some people come in Off the Bench for the first time out of this timeout uh I do Kad Johnson really good Defender incredible athlete I’m very fun I’m very fond I’m very fond of kashad Johnson oh we’re back we do have some substitutions Caleb Daniels checks in for Miami and Cole swier as well checks in pel Larson and kashad Johnson sit down can’t really tell the substitutions for the Celtics I don’t know everybody on the Celtics summer league team if we’re going to be honest um I do know everyone on the heat though so don’t worry there folks oh we have an away from the play foul so the heat are going to get free throw and ball cuz the ball wasn’t inbounded yet Isaiah Stevens will go to the line for one tactical free throw and he misses Drew Peterson is in for the Celtics I know Drew because he played on the summer league team for Miami last year Anton Watson is in for Celtics as well inbounded the kle we at the top of the key we hands it off to hakz who’s guarded by Drew Peterson hakz doubled swings it over to swier Sider driving nothing there nothing and it’s going to be a shot clock violation on Miami good defense from Boston good defense from Boston on that possession 245 to go in the opening quarter looks like another Timeout on the floor yeah another time out on the floor why not we didn’t get one for the first seven minutes of the game why not have two back to back why not have two back to back 2219 is the score if you have not seen our Super Chat menu for the day here is our Super Chat menu a $5 Super Chat is five push-ups $10 and I take a shot of tequila $20 gets you into the heat report Hall of Fame $50 is a beer bong free content here at the heat report so when we’re live we appreciate any donations to help us grow the more donations we get the more content we get to put out the more resources we have for the heat report so it’s really a help me help you type situation we appreciate any type of donation and when we get a Super Chat we like to try to entertain more than we already do which is what the Super Chat menu represents any Super Chat will get on screen as well just an option if you want to help us out here and grow I don’t think too many other heat uh channels out there on YouTube or live for our summer league game so uh at least show some support for that right at least at least got to show some love for that huh uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh uhhuh no chase no no no no Drew Smith has a two-way deal not guaranteed not guaranteed not guaranteed oh Joe Lon breaks the silence on today’s stream we’ll get that on screen just reading this man what a crazy crazy situation today shout out to Joe lton a real one from Manchester England $259 is what it equates to an American currency would you move bam to the four in the future for wear absolutely um I absolutely would as long as kle wear showcases the ability to space the floor or B metab bio does cuz I don’t think it works offensively with the two of them right now because they don’t really shoot efficiently from three and it could get uh crowded in the interior but as long as they show the ability that one of them can shoot threes efficiently yes I’m in swier launches a three bottoms we’re back even at 22 swier into the game immediate triple off the assist from haime hakz Jr heer shooting 10 of 17 from the field Celtics now have it the other way this cat named Ramsay kicks it over to Drew Peterson now it’s over to shyman shyman drives guarded by Caleb Daniels oh kle we got caught sleeping back door cut by Anton Watson laid up and in that can’t happen if you’re Weare tooo much ball watching Can’t Ball Watch like that cannot Ball Watch Isaiah Stevens gets a screen swings it over to Sider quick release for Cole swier again and again it’s bottom home Cole swier into the game and an immediate two triples he’s got six points in the heat up by one I mean swier is just a ridiculous shooter if he’s able to do this in real NBA games and not summer league and G league and show any type of Defense he is going to be a valued member of the Heat or a different team triple for Ramsay I don’t know who the hell that is and he takes it home for Boston and they jump back on front I don’t think you usually see this high-scoring uh type of games in the summer league both teams on Pace for triple digit points hakz working on shyman driving stripped Inside by Drew Peterson here comes the Celtics in transition shyan to Peterson Peterson to the rack and he lays it up and in good transition there from Boston as they take a four-point lead with under a minute to go $10 Super Chat from day Walker will’ll get that on screen as schwier misses a three but was fouled by Baylor shyan so Cole swier is going to go to the line for three get that super chat on screen now this is a shot of tequila and day Walker typing in those Fireball emojis appreciate you day Walker 242 baby day Walker a member of the report Hall of Fame he’s on here somewhere he’s on here somewhere Sider makes the first free throw shout out to you day Walker hopefully you’re having a good weekend my friend sler makes the second so he’s two for two at the line he’s now got eight points which is I believe the team High believe that’s the team High lare has seven hakz has six swier now has eight I think that sounds right that sounds right swier now has nine 28 points I think he has the last he also has the last nine points for Miami it’s a 90 scoring run for coer Celtics have it now the other way swings it to the corner three ball by JD Davidson is good good and they get it right back 3228 30 seconds to go in the quarter Zion pulling in for the first time gets Cole swier schwier downhill bank shot off glass doesn’t go rebound Drew Peterson Here Comes Boston I think that’s JC Butler who checked in for Miami no Zion Poland excuse me Poland it’s kashad Johnson Poland is that Christopher who just checked in yes it is downhill drive by Ramsay he can’t make it good contest by kashad Johnson kicked out to Anton Watson for three it doesn’t go and that’s going to be the end of the first quarter and Francisco Lindor just hit a three- run home run I know none of you care but I’m a diard Mets fan and that’s unbelievably massive what a player he is what a player he is what a player he is big time Big Time right there end of one 3228 32 Eagles fan says I hate the Mets probably because you are a Phillies fan I’m willing to bet I’m willing to bet you’re probably a Phillies fan my question to you Eagles fan is are you a Heat fan or are you a Celtics fan that’s all I want to know that’s all I want to know cuz we you could hate the Mets and that’s fine I understand that but are we Heat fans together that’s the important thing are we Heat fans together I’ll read off some first quarter stats there for everyone all right leading score for Miami is kweer Off the Bench with nine points second is kle we with seven points hawz has got six p Larson’s got four kashad Johnson’s got two and that’s the scoring for the heat um Johnson’s also got three rebounds hakz has got six points three assists and two rebounds overall pretty solid game for hwz even though he does have two turnovers as well um as good as kle wear’s stats look with seven points and three or four shooting think kle wear just hasn’t been there mentally defensively I it’s not the best defensive performance from kware today and and I’d like to see him be more engaged on that end like to be see him more engaged well Eagles fans a Sixers fan so why you w i mean I appreciate you being subscribed because you have to be subscribed to comment I’m just generally curious why a Sixers fan is watching the heat uh Celtics Summer League game interesting to me but you know what you’re always welcome you’re always welcome all right second quarter is underway Josh Christopher with a fadeaway airball and it’s going to stay with Miami as it was hit out of bounds by Boston Reaper has a question Nick I have a question but I don’t really understand summer league how many games until the playoffs for summer league so each NBA team plays Four Summer League games and then after those four Summer League games depending on your record you play another team now the teams with the two best records I think play for the championship they’ve changed their on the rules of Summer League um they used to have a big tournament now I think it’s just the top two teams play for the championship or they have a top four team tournament I don’t remember how it goes um but if the heat go 4 and0 they’ll be playing probably for a championship so uh there are some things that matter not really it doesn’t really matter but Reaper tried to answer your question there for point four on the shot clock they run a laot play for Johnson it’s turned over here comes Celtics in transition what do they call here they call shot clock violation that is a bad call it was just turned over that’s bad call takes away two points from the Celtics though so I’m not going to complain about it I’m not going to complain about it 9 and a half to go in the first half 3228 to score JD Davidson drives Caleb Daniels defending swings it over to Drew Peterson Peterson Stripped by Josh Christopher out of bounds good defense from Christopher lineup for Miami right now Cole swier Josh Christopher kashad Johnson Zion Poland Caleb Daniels those are the five on the floor for Miami Ramsay the other way for the Celtics driving inside kick it out to Peterson good close out by Christopher Drew Peterson misses the three rebound down the Sider over to Poland and Poland will bring it up poen bumped by Davidson that would be a foul on the floor I mean I like Zion Pullin man he is showcased a very good ability to control the pace he’s good Defender as well I’m a fan of Zion pulling I’m a fan I’m a fan he’s currently having a two-way contract as he drives spins dropped his opponent kicks it over to Caleb Daniels for three and he knocks it home clip it clip it a three by Caleb Daniels after pulling half spin dropped his Defender Celtics the other way laid up and in here comes Pullen quickly the other way finding swier in the corner it’s a three it’s no good swier gets his own rebound loses the handle now here comes Celtics out trans transition Davidson to the rim lays it up and is fouled so JD Davidson will get two shots at the free throw line two shots at the line oh man Davidson former Alabama Crimson Tide misses the first free throw misses the first if you haven’t already hit that sub button folks not many other heat channels are live breaking down heat Celtic summer league watch parties we just stand out man we just stand out Davidson goes one to two it’s a four-point lead for Boston also we’re in subon mode so if you want to comment ask a question converse with other fans got to be subscribed Poland to the rack Lefty layups good Zion Poland folks I’m telling you keep your name out on Poland hopefully another team doesn’t snag him on a standard contract I don’t think that will be the case but hopefully no one does because I’d love to keep pulling around in the program for a year kashad Johnson steals it oh my God a loose ball just rolls right to the Celtics for an easy dunk good defense very unlucky result Christopher drives inside and one blocking foul called continuation bucket for Christopher I think it’s time for Josh Christopher to hang it up but good for the fellas making some plays here I thought that was a charge too if I’m going to be honest but they call it a block I’ll take it though hawz Jr checks back in hi May hakz Jr getting a fair amount of run in this game six points Christopher commits the three-point play 3736 Anton Watson top of the key kashad Johnson’s playing small ball Center as he did a couple times in California classic and gets a stop inside on Anton Watson hakz with the Board Outlet to Poland here comes poing the other way probing kicks it over to Christopher swung to Daniels Daniels drives gets to the rack and is fou Caleb Daniels the former Villanova wildcat’s going to go to the line for two yeah sparker yeah he was shot at a rally today is it in Pennsylvania I believe it’s on Twitter it’s on Twitter very crazy Daniel’s at the line makes the first so we’re tied at 37 we’re tied at 37 these games don’t mean actually anything but it would be nice to see a little win beat the Celtics why not Josh said roelly broke the news first I might have broken the news to some people in the chat um because it came in live to me but it happened I think about like an hour ago so I was even late to the news drive inside pulling good defense it’s air bald hakz with the board Hae out and running Hae over to Poland Poland to the corner Caleb Daniels three no good kashad Johnson can’t get the rebound and now here comes Boston Davidson over to Peterson quick release from the right wing too strong HZ with the board hi might have a double double today he’s already got like six rebounds pulling good bounce pass inside couldn’t be coralled by kashad Johnson and it’s a turnover now the Celtics will slow it down the other end they get over to Ramsey Ramsey working on Johnson strepped but gets it back now over to Drew Peterson Peterson lines up a deep three that one rattles in and out and Josh Christopher flies in for the board he brings it up now gets downhill kicks it to the corner hakz pump fake drive that’s a charge they’re going to call block though hakz is going to get two free throws to look to extend the Miami lead unbiased Roy believes that would have been a charge with good officials I I thought that was a charge well they evidently don’t think so but I thought it was I thought it was unbiased Roy folks I tell you I’m very unbiased when it comes to the officials am I a Heat fan yes but I I’ll tell you how I see it and I thought that was a charge but I’ll take two free throws as hakz makes the first hakz makes the first yeah Willie agrees he said he was set I thought he was set too thought it was a clear charge but uh these are not real NBA officials these are summer league officials too they’re trying to work on their craft trying to get their way into the NBA hakz goes two for two so he’s got eight points today lead by three Miami does SP talking like Yoda I am I don’t know who this is but they drive inside hakz with the good defense and he commits the foul unbiased roley that was not a foul unbiased roelly that was not a foul but two free throws coming for Boston and the Mets win 73 team’s hot when you’re hot you’re hot folks no you don’t care I care let’s go Mets I was my dad was born in Queens I grew up in New York I’m a Mets fan doing through after the Knicks though first free throw is good by Boston 4038 sparker says not going to lie I was in Nicks fan but I switched to a Heat fan back in April you can’t call me a badwagon cuz the Knicks are better I mean technically can’t um sparker I’m just generally curious on why you switched from the Knicks to the heat I mean I’m welcome to have you aboard there’s no doubt about that I’m just curious let me know why you switched kashad Johnson drives stri picks his back up and blocked by Drew Peterson he wanted a foul Here Comes Boston P Larson checks back in it’s hakz kashad lson Zion poet and Christopher I’ve never said that Josh they have had the worst off season Drew Peterson inside lays it in with his left hand and we’re squared at 40 five and a half to go in the opening half Kare is not in right now played nine minutes in that first quarter though Pand has it pick and roll over to Larson Larsson pump fake driving back to Pullen catch and shoot top of the key three for Zion Poland it’s bottoms Zion Poland he just continues to impress me and then the heat steal on the inbounds Christopher to Lon Lefty layup he smokes it what a play by Josh Christopher though to give the Heat a good look downhill Drive laid in by Boston can’t believe Pell smoked that layup five on four for Miami pulling at the free throw line lob swatted away now that was the first mistake from Z on PING today JD Davidson downhill that’s offensive foul and they’re going to call block JD Davidson went full running back marshan Lynch lowering the right shoulder listen I know you have to be set to take a charge but if a guy goes like this when he’s driving to the rim and throws the shoulder probably should be a charge but it’s not and it’s going to be two free throws for the Celtics when we come back from TV timeout 124 people watching if you hate the Celtics like I do spam the F Boston spam the F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston F Boston there will never be a team that I hate more in the NBA than the Boston Celtics never be a team I hate more GNA give some shout outs here in a second but I want to send out a tweet tweet big fan of Zion Pullen man can’t don’t think you give him a standard contract just because everybody else on the roster but I’d love to man we got heat Zone trade talks and rumors I have a inclination that might be Mr ninja let me know if I’m right or wrong Lai says elf Boston and a Sebastian Lil Vince dude K sparker keep on spamming those at Boston baby nobody’s worse y knew it a little rebranding there he or Mr ninja heatzone um appreciate you reaching out for me and Instagram DMS um I know you asked for some advice I’m I’m a terrible person to give advice um but I would say that the number one thing is to stay consistent and that’s really with anything in life Mr ninja stay consistent with anything um I started my weight loss Journey back last not this um March but the March prior so it’s been a year and a half almost and uh I’m down about 80 lbs and I’ve put on I’m in the best shape of my life so it’s really with anything content creation um consistency where we put out shows every day um literally anything you anything you want to do in life you have to be in consistent you have to be consistent both free throws are good by Boston so they take the lead back in front by one Poland brings it up guarded by Springer he’s a good Defender I give Jane Springer credit not good enough offensively to find a spot in the league but he can defend a little bit he can defend a little bit Larson inside K wear checks back in and he slams it home over two Celtics that’s a poster for kle where he’s got nine points and the heat go back up in front by one appreciate that sparker appreciate what’s up Die Hard fins fan yeah Anthony’s been on the rise he’s been doing a great job him and I have been in a little bit more communication as of late um he does it he puts out excellent content let’s and I’m never I’ll never speak ill of any other content creators out there I just want everyone to have a good success good life happiness I mean obviously I’m going to root for my channel to do very well but I want everybody else’s to do that as well hopefully he continues to grow just cross 5,000 subscribers big congratulations I know that feeling when we crossed 5K here I felt astounding when we crossed 10K it felt even better 10K is pretty awesome what’s up Sebastian Springer makes both free throws as the Celtics go back up in front by one Zion Poland brings it up oh falls down now kicks it over to hakz hakz pick and roll with where hakz working on shyan drives right gets a step and lays it up and in that’s a good screen by wear so he set the screen initially and then rescreened so if you’re a Hooper back at home this is some Peach tape where sets the screen highe drives right where rolls to the rim but stops at the Block turns and then rescreens hz’s defender in trail Pursuit so hakz doesn’t even have a contest on his layup that’s good stuff baby exactly sparker we’re just continuing to grow man it’s it it’s astounding to me the viewership I’m just a kid from Rochester New York who never thought of this I wanted to be a producer of sports media now I’m an on air host quite a world we live in where what a good post move and he knocks down the mid-range shot that is an impressive move he was backing down Jane Springer spun but it was a half spin put the ball in the deck and then just hit the mid-range fallway I mean that is a perfect Showcase of his offensive talent and then he fouls neis kada and and one for the Celtics es and flows of NBA basketball wear showcases the offense there and the good move at the free throw line with a half spin jumper and then gives up a easy and one the other way I mean wear is showcasing some nice things but he’s got a long way to go he does he’s got the ability to be an elite Defender but he has a long way to go he’s got to get his strength up guys to get his conditioning up got to get better positional awareness as well but the tools are there to be an elite player in the NBA they are there are Isa Stevens back in he gets downhill kicks it over to Christopher for Corner three and he knocks it home heat up in front by three 5249 with three minutes to go in the first half that was a good move by Isaiah Stevens to break down his Defender get downhill then kick it out when the defense rotated Springer looking for an answer can’t rebound by lson and he was fouled good rebound by the second round pick out of Arizona I I’ll tell you what P Larson not going to give you anything flashy I mean there’s in transition he could throw down a little bit of a flashy dunk but he just is a good b ball player just a good ball player pal Larson is I like Stevens too um I gotta be honest I kind of like a lot of what I’m seeing from this heat summer league team I’ve liked the offense that Kare has shown us I like what hakz has done today I love what kashad Johnson has done in terms of Defense rebounding finishing around the rim I like Isaiah Stevens’s playmaking I like Zion P pin’s allaround game his jumper his pace of play his control of the basketball I like the little things P Larson has done it’s a shame because all these guys that I’m mentioning likely won’t really have too much rotation minutes this season for Miami but I think there’s potential there for a couple of these guys man not star potential for all of them but highle role player potential sure sure PL Larson got a guaranteed contract for Miami after they draft in the second round I’m unsure if he’s going to be able to I’d say be a rotation player year one but he’s a good player he’s a good player he is a good player he Mr H heat Zone I I tell you what do you want me to refer to you as Mr ninja or your profile name because I’ll remember it’s Mr ninja and I’m having a hard time saying that full name to be honest Christopher says alandis Williams is the Heat’s best C secret I’m I’m kind of out on Alis Williams um I don’t see a role for him in the NBA on Miami or any team Isaiah Stevens lines up a three doesn’t go Jordan Walsh gets the rebound 245 to go in the game I’ll call you heat Zone from now on you cool with that Jordan Walsh drives loose ball re found nemis kada kada goes up and blocked by where K we showcasing his length and athleticism to reject that shot Miami the other way Christopher gets downhill and is fouled Josh Christopher going the line 42 K has his first block of the game good defense by hakz to poke the ball loose away from Walsh it found its way to kada who went up with his left hand before getting rejected by kalaw we’s played a nice game um couple mistakes defense ly but 11 points a block five ass six from the field has one rebound though Christopher makes the first free throw Heat lead by four 5349 Die Hard fins fan says my cousin was a Heat fan while LeBron and dwade were still together she still is listen a lot of NB a lot of f or fans of the Miami Heat probably started around the big three era as long as you stay loyal and you’ve been a fan of the heat since then and not left when LeBron left goodby me you probably got a lot of bandwagon calls back then but if you’re still a Heat fan can’t say you’re bandwagon anymore Drew Peterson drop off the kada stripped by Stevens Miami running the break Josh Christopher downhill eurostep Lefty layup no good but hakz on the tip in follow hak is now in the double figures with 10 points on the game Heat lead by seven under two minutes to go same here Willie namus kada has it hands it off to shyan who’s had a rough first Summer League game for the Celtics but he gets on the board there little mid-range pull up I’m a fan of bayor shyan good ball player man sucks that he went to Celtics but I was a fan of him when he was atraton Isaiah Stevens gets it over to hakz on the right wing 90 seconds to go Triple J drives gets a step drop off the Clare and we was foued so kle we will go to the free throw line for Two Shots after a good pick and roll dish from haime hakz JR heatzone says who’s Dan marlay I think I’m saying that right he was one of the best heat wings and Shooters back in the 80s and 90s very good CLW misses the first free throw only blemish on this game today offensively he’s five to six from the field and has 11 points Clare makes the second splits the pair Heat lead by six 5751 5751 Jane Springer foued by Christopher as he reached in so it will be side out for Boston minute 20 to go in the half remember quarters are 10 minutes long so the games are about 8 minutes shorter plus the breaks in between halftimes or in halfs I should say are much much shorter I think NBA regular season’s like 15 minutes halftimes I think it’s like eight minutes in summer league Jordan Walsh misses the three isai Stevens with the board Stevens Pass had the wear where oh K where guying in for two-handed slam great look ahead bounce pass from Isaiah Stevens who has been Diamond all over the place today my goodness what a pass ahead by Isaiah Stevens where caught it one dribble skying in for the two-handed slam man and after that first Summer League game where the heat lost by like 40 to the Warriors they have played excellent basketball over the last 2 and 1 half games JD Davidson now gets it over to Walsh Jordan Walsh drives backing down Isaiah Stevens doubled kicks it back to Davidson cut off by hakz Davidson drives what defense by hakz what a better shot by Davidson you couldn’t play any better defense than what highe hawz Jr just did in did not matter hakz the other way pick and roll fouled by Walsh and hakz is going to go to the line for two with 35 seconds left in the quarter hakz has 12 points six rebounds and three assists in this first half chance to get up to 14 points with two free throws here I mean High may has not forced anything couple bad turnovers early first time playing competitive basketball but uh he’s really settled down he hasn’t forced anything he’s done an excellent job on both ends makes the first 6043 Timeout on the floor I think by Boston here so 35 seconds to go in the first half Heat lead by seven what’s up Robin good to see you again good to see you again Christopher we’ll go over the stats at halftime 30 seconds to go until then if you haven’t subscribed already 140 people watching hit that sub button we’re on the road to 13 subscri or k subscribers for B metab bio shout out to big number 13 um daily content whether it be a live stream whether it be a video we put daily content out there for the Heat fans we’re also live for almost every Miami Heat game during the regular season it’s a little bit more difficult during the football season because well I cover the Miami Dolphins as well and I know not everyone’s a heat and dolphins fan but we will be doing a lot of content for the Miami Dolphins so it’s going to be a little bit more difficult to get everything out there for the heat during the October November December stretches of the NFL season but we’re going to do our best we’re going to do our best we’re going to do our best and if you are dolphins fan well also make sure you subscribe to our Dolphins today Channel by chat sports cuz I put out daily content over over there as well daily content over there daily content here daily content there daily content everywhere we’re also live for every Dolphins game too preseason regular season I wish I could spend the ball just can’t do it well that was pretty good that’s as long as I think I’ve ever done it Robin says let’s get Nick drunk this year Odell and the Dolphins yeah dude I’m I’m pumped for Odell I’m pumped for obj I mean I took over the channel a week before the draft or a couple days before the NFL draft and then obj signed like a week later so says who signed the basketball um it is the heat report Hall of Famers this is the heat report Hall of Fame heat report Hall of Fame Sebastian hakz makes both free throws so it’s 6153 and he’s now got 14 points Jordan Walsh quick three no good rebound by hakz he out in running Hae slows it down waits for his teammates to join him and will take one good shot as there’s a 5-second differential between game clock and shot clock Isaiah Stevens has it getting a screen from hawz Stevens working on shyan back over to hawz hakz pump fake deep three by Hae and he airballs it I mean that was the 32 3 three-footer JD Davidson running out finds a trailing Jordan Walsh Walsh I don’t think he got it off in time it doesn’t matter because he air balled it and that is the half 20 minutes down Miami leads by eight 61- 53 61 to 53 heat Zone says I’m going to a Heat game Dolphins game inter Miami and Florida Panthers game hopefully listen that’s that’d be the goal I would that’s the only downside of the job that I have literally there is no downside in the world of the job I have I could not like doing what I do more only negative that I have about the job is that it is incredibly difficult borderline impossible to watch my teams play in person anymore that’s the only thing that stinks it’s the only thing that stinks I can’t go out and watch the Dolphins in person I can’t go out and watch the Heat in person unless they come to Dallas Texas um which they do once a year and it’s the only watch party that I’ll guarantee I won’t be live for cuz like I’m going to go watch them play in person because I get to do it one time a year um and we’re live for 70 other games so it’s like wow what is the grand scheme of one game missing that’s the only negative thing only negative thing that’s what I’ll say all right we’re going to read off some first half stats here as we wait for the second half to get underway as the heat do lead by eight 60 153 much better defensive second quarter by Miami and their offense continued to cook our Super Chat menu if you feel so inclined to donate helps us grow the channel and lets us do more live content like this $5 is five push-ups $10 is a shot of tequila as you someone asked earlier what are the names on the ball it’s the heat report Hall of Famers if you want to become a Hall of Famer and get your name on The Heat basketball probably should show the Heat logo here $20 gets you on the ball and then we’ll raffle this off when it’s completely full which is very close to be and $50 I’ll crap crack open crack open not crap open my fruit punch happy Dad and shotgun it practically practically do a shotgun any donations help the channel grow really appreciate it but let’s read off some first half stats here leading scores for Miami Heat how about your two best players haime hakz Jr and kware haime hakz has got 14 points seven rebounds and three assists so all around game from Hae he’s five of nine from the field that’s a good show showing shooting 50% or higher but only 0 of two from three that’s not great kle wear has 14 points as well he’s six of seven from the field an extremely efficient game for the Indiana Center one of two from three which was the part that I lik the most one rebound which is odd he does also have one block Cole swier in five minutes of game action has nine points unbelievable sniper he is Josh Christopher also has eight points Caleb Daniels and Zion plland both have five points kashad Johnson has two P lson has four points Isaiah Stevens has no points but he has seven assists including a couple of unbelievably good passes two Aly oops that were really impressive as well as a really good pass ahead bounce pass to kware he has been extremely good extremely good and uh how about this during halftime about six or seven minutes six or seven minutes left half off halftime so any Super Chat five push-ups $5 shots $10 gets you into the heat report Hall of Fame and a $20 Super Chat will be me doing a shotgun we’ll go 50% off we’ll go 50% off during halftime how about that how about that sending out a tweet I said I’m a big fan of Zion Poland I’m a big fan of Isaiah Stevens I’m a big fan of is say Stevens oh man Robin says get Ant-Man next year that’d be sick Anthony Edwards sign me up sign me up um I’ll tell you what I don’t know what is happening on NBA TV but they’re doing a feature on bronny James this is just ridiculous is it mean of me to say I’ve had enough I I’ve openly said that I am hoping he has a good career I will never actively root against a player unless you’re playing the Miami Heat or your name’s atum but uh this is getting a little out of hand with the Brony James coverage just a little out of hand little out of hand oh man I’ll be honest I know it’s a horrible situation with what happened with Donald Trump today but some of these tweets about it is effing hilarious effing hilarious cuz the Apparently if you haven’t heard Donald Trump got shot at in Pennsylvania one of his uh rallies he apparent I don’t know if he got hit I don’t know what the situation is exactly I’ve heard different reports of um he got like the ear got grazed and he like so the only damage Donald Trump took was like a ear shot um just like maybe going by his ear I don’t know if that’s true or not but like people are tweeting out people are saying that um oh wow it was really just an ear cuz Trump I’m watching the clip again and Trump grabbed like when the shot happened he looked at his ear like he grabbed his ear and then secret surface um jumped on him to make sure he’s okay Trump got up with some blood but looked like he was good I guess um but people are saying the shooter is game SE uh elimination game Klay Thompson like that shit’s freaking hilarious if you don’t know what that means Klay Thompson against the kings in an elimination game in the playin last year shot 0 of 10 from the field and 0 of like seven from three like that’s hilarious oh man see this guy’s saying they say the shooters DLo in the playoffs that’s funny Funny’s funny Funny’s funny this person shooter must have been bronny James the way he went 18 like that’s funny that is hilarious wow he really did get hit in the a though because they’re I just seeing this his ear is quite bloody so he only got hit in the a this one the shooter must have been a buffalo fan Miss wide right that’s funny that’s funny oh holy [ __ ] I don’t know why people are so good at making funny jokes in terrible situations someone’s now posting the Kevin Durant toes on the line three-pointer from the game seven against the Bucks this is hilarious holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] um yeah elridge I’m pretty sure they caught the shooter I’m pretty sure they got him right away I mean there’s it’s kind of hard to get away unless you’re like got a freaking sniper like Black Ops 2 from 100 yards away or some [ __ ] um I don’t even know if that’s possible I don’t know the Dynamics of shooting I’m not that smart but I’m pretty sure I saw a clip of the person who took the shot well nobody took advantage of half off halim cuz we are back in Action told you half times go much quicker in summer league which I am a fan of I would prefer if every single halftime in the NBA was 8 minutes long rather than 15 well we’re underway starting line up from Miami on the floor wear in the Fades away at the free throw line comes up short on his fallway jumper so that’s how the second half begins Little Miss shot from we only a second Miss shot of the game Larsson defending shyan shyan backing him down now kicks it out to Walsh JD Davidson has it now drives left and the pick and r good defense by Za Stevens and it’s forced to get kicked out to Walsh Walsh guard by kashad Johnson great defense by kashad and it’s an airball by Walsh rebound by haime it’s his eighth of the game Isaiah Stevens probing inside back out to lson Larsson gets a screen from where lson driving probing lobbing gets deflected gets it back kicks it over to Johnson kashad will line up a three and that goes in and out rebound by Jord Walsh and he’ll kick it over to Davidson Davidson now gets a screen hop step pass to Springer for triple and it’s bottoms and that’s how this first bucket of the second half is had triple by the Seas spam those Fireball emojis let’s go Heat let’s go Heat we sets a screen for hawz hwz blitzed throws it inside it’s turned over his third of the game that’s not something I’ve liked to see shyman Triple transition that’s good and just like that it’s a two-point game and the heat call timeout minute and a half into the second half and it’s a quick 60 spurt by Boston bad offensive possessions by Miami and the lead from eight is now two heat Zone Sebastian Dane Haywood Melvin Neftali Willie na a robin tyan all spamming those Fireball emojis it’s getting hot in here so take off for your clothes let’s go Heat let’s go Heat let’s go Heat let’s go Heat let’s go Heat D Mike what’s up Nick Galaxy hopefully you’re having a good weekend my friend Nick Galaxy and OG real one at chat sports OG real one I appreciate him always checking in with the heat report from time to time I know when Nicks now gets a little nutty and they go all off the walls and start spamming F rly I don’t think my friend Nick’s Galaxy ever partakes which is that means something to me that means something to me I know they get pretty nutty over there and they hate your boy all because we beat him in the 2023 playoffs not our fault not my fault beat you do happen uhoh Nick Galaxy said never said LOL never said that yeah see I know Nick Galaxy never would say F roly me and ni Galaxy are cool listen in my first year at the company when I was only a producer I I wouldn’t say rooted for the nck it’s hard for me to do that but I was there and I was doing a good damn good job on nck now there’s no reason for the nyck fans to hate me other than the fact they don’t like the team I root for which I understand no one ever says F seeps seeps is a bulls fan heat Zone says when did I start working at chat sports September 1st 2022 so in a month and three weeks I’ll be here officially two years coming out of the timeout Isaiah Stevens with a illegal screen and it’s a turnover that’s not great start out of the timeout not a great start at a to I’ll say that coaching will not coaches will not be happy about that same group for Miami they lead by two shyan has it defended by Johnson kicked over to Walsh now now Davidson top of the key Davidson gets a screen Davidson working wear and drop coverage and Davidson gets to the rack for it easy layup and we’re tied at 61 80 run to start the second half by the seeds someone needs on this Heat team to settle him down with a M shot Kal we has it top of the key wear picks up his dribble tries to get it to lson and turns it over that’s a foul on Walsh it is yeah Jordan Walsh just barreled over P Larson so the heat will get a fresh 14 on the shot clock side out and that’s a bailout it’s a bailout eldrid says who’s our leader scorer tonight both kle wear and Hae hakz junr have 14 both have 14 no they’re going to give the heat a fresh 24 on the shot clock I don’t think that should be the case I think it should only be 14 but I’ll take the extra 10 I’ll take the extra 10 seconds Stevens to inbound gets it to Kow we he gets it back to Stevens Stevens gets the heat into their offense where will set him a screen Stevens over to the hakz in the corner hakz turns it over his fourth of the game that’s the only knock from Hae today he’s four turnovers terrible shyan working kicks it over to Springer Springer drives inside loses it ball on the floor he gets it back Springer now has five on the shot clock driving on highay pump fake good defense by hakz dropped off to kada kada reverse layup and he laid it up and in to beat the shot clock it’s a 10 Run for the Celtics to start the second half not great Stevens gets a screen from Triple J now where Stevens kicks to the corner Kad Johnson lets it Fly and kashad Johnson knocks It Down lead by my or lead goes back to Miami thanks to a kashad Johnson Trey Ball like the no hesitation on that corner three shyan pick and roll his jumper no good rebound Larson and he was fouled by Jordan Walsh so Miami gets it back now that was an impressive move by nemis kada with what was it like two seconds on the shot clock to quickly stay under control and Get It Up and Under on the reverse layup but Kad Johnson triple from the corner Big Time Cole Sider into the game first substitution for the second half with Miami he had nine points in five minutes in the second in the first half we have not seen Alis Williams at all today at all Isaiah Stevens brings it up pel Larson and hakz are still on the floor Stevens drives floater good Isaiah Stevens off the pick and roll with Kare was able to knock in a little floater impressive move by Stevens kashad Johnson out coer in Springer has it top of the key now over to kada kada hands it back to Springer Springer in the pick and roll pills up at the elbow what a tough shot over the outstretched arms of K we 6665 we gets it on the low block the other end faces up on kada backs him down two dribble three dribble gets to his right hand and misses they call foul late Whistle by the officials and it looks like K we is going to go to the line for two um unbiased Roy that was not a foul did kle we maybe take a little bump in the midsection as he was fading away sure but it was not enough for me to warn a foul but it is what it is claw will take his third and fourth free throws of the game as a Heat lead by one where leading scorer alongside hakz with 14 points chance to become the sole leading scorer for Miami with some free fre throws where misses the first so he’s one of three at the line so far listen I know a lot of people are going to be excited to try to start kware he’s not ready will he be a good rotation player for Miami this season yes he’s not ready to start wear makes the second so he leads the team with 15 points he’s just got has so much to learn with his defensive like positioning his spacing his help defense he also needs to put on to a lot more weight good player very excited about his future I don’t think he’s ready to start year one and I don’t think rookie should be expected to start week one Jordan walon side blocked by we kada gets the rebound and lays it back up and in second block of the game for where and then wear commits the illegal screen so turnover fou on where that was a travel by Jordan Walsh that’s annoying Josh Christopher checks in and uh he takes out highe Hawkin 67 all Celtics ball I think the lineup right now is Stevens Larson wear Christopher and swier yeah Willie Haka started in because the heat were severely injured a fully healthy Heat team should not have Kare as a starter Larson with good defense it’s knocked out of bounds Willie says with yic injured every all the signs point to yic being ready for trading Camp so unless he suffers a different injury I don’t think hovic will miss any time Jordan Walen side turns it over Stevens with the steel over to Christopher Christopher out and running and he slams it home Josh Christopher with a thunderous dunk in the he get to a very nice 69 points typ gear Nies L Larson harassing Drew Peterson good defense from the second round pick now over to kayada kada hands it over to Walsh Walsh hasn’t really done anything offensively he’ll line up a three and he misses rebound down to Christopher Christopher gets a screen from wear kicks it to the corner to Steven Stevens inside the wear wear posting up Anton Watson wear double teamed here he kicks it back out to Christopher it’s a three and it’s bottoms Josh Christopher with five straight points he lead by five good recognition there by kle we to get it on the Block take a dribble recognize the guards coming in the double so he just picks it up hands it back out to the shooter and he knocks it home heater 8 of 15 from three today Springer left wing driving on Christopher Stripped by Stevens but they call a foul good recognition by kle wear there and an even better shot cuz that Christopher triple was much more contested than I even realized 345 to go in the quarter I know it’s summer league but if you want the heat to beat the Celtics like the video we have 96 likes 180 people watching let’s get to 100 likes let’s go folks get the triple dge Jane Springer makes the first free throw Caleb Daniels checks in for Miami Pell Larson will sit down Springer makes both free throws 6972 Springer harassing Stevens Stevens does another job to get it above half court then gets stripped gets it back though now gets a steps Stevens to the inside out to Daniels Daniels Baseline Drive he spins to the middle of the floor kicks it out to kashad Johnson who checks in Johnson drives pulls up at the elbow too strong rebound to Boston we got to 100 likes let’s go fellas good let’s go folks Springer brings it up now sidestep triple for Springer is good Jaden Springer balling out today I don’t know how many he’s got I’ll have to check at the next break but we’re even at 72 again Christopher driving Corner three for schider and that’s right back to Miami a big triple from Sider he’s got 12 on the game man you can’t give him any room to shoot it or he is going to knock it down two and a half to go in the third Jane Springer he’s feeling it driving spinning fallway jumper Springer he is unconscious I mean this is ridiculous Springer’s now got 21 points on seven of 11 shooting Heat lead by one Stevens has it top of the key over to swier schider drive step back triple for Cole swier it’s bottoms for Cole swier his fourth triple of the game and he’s got 15 points I mean this kid can shoot the rock Springer looking to score again Caleb Daniels is defending now it’s Isaiah Stevens Springer driving spinning gets to the rack misses the floater but Anton Watson is there for the follow 7876 Isaiah Stevens to Christopher rightwing three it’s open and it’s in the heat can’t miss from three as a team they’re shooting a ridiculous percentage from Beyond The Arc they’re five of six this quarter Drew Peterson drops it off floater for the Celtics too strong gets his own rebound and then is blocked by Christopher but they call foul that wasn’t a foul timeout with a minute and a half to go Heat lead by 5 8176 Miami as a team is shooting 60% from the field and 61% from three the heat summer league team is absolutely unconscious Josh Christopher now leads the team in scoring with 16 points he’s 5 to seven from the field and three of3 from three coer in 10 minutes 10 minutes off the bench has 15 points 4 five from three and has knocked down all three free throws as well ridiculous ridiculous game so far over 200 people watching if you have not subscribed already I don’t know what you’re doing here at the heat report I am Nick rolloff I put out daily videos on the channel whether it be a live stream whether it be normal video content form whatever it is we got you covered here at the heat report not many other people are going live for summer league basketball games so why wouldn’t you be subscribed for that where we’re hanging out we’re watching and we’re seeing how the young guys perform there’s one we’re also in sub only mode which means if you want to comment and if you want to um partake in the conversation in the chat or ask me a question you have to be subscribed m K says I hate the new CBA rules I agree I agree the new CBA sucks new CBA sucks new CBA is horrible two free throws for Boston coming out of the timeout as the Heat lead by five I don’t know who this is hakz checks back in for Miami as the first free throw for Boston is good 8177 my ankle is very sore I turned it very badly last Saturday it has gotten better throughout the week but I played basketball yesterday and for whatever reason it set it off again and it is hurting Zion Poland hakz kashad Johnson Josh Christopher and Cole swier are year five heat will have it side out up three with a minute 15 to go in the quarter after the ball was bat out of bounds by Boston so I turned it last Saturday I was stupid enough to play basketball on it the following Monday just 48 hours later in our company wreck basketball league and uh if felt fine honestly I was like surprised with how good it felt and then for whatever reason yesterday’s performance just set my ankle off even more where it feels more swollen than it was on Wednesday and Thursday and it just not feels good bucket by the Celtics inside cuts it to one on the other end kashad Johnson is foul driving to the rim so the udfa out of Arizona will go to the line for two now I know how to fix a rolled ankle um but the thing is I thought it was fixed after icing it for three or four days elevating um it felt pretty good on like Thursday but then basketball yesterday set it off again it’s not like I turned it again just like the strain I put it on it I guess it’s the strain kashad Johnson makes the first free throw 8280 kashad makes both free throw lead up to three for the heat high score and Affair not often do you see games in the hundreds in summer league and uh well I would be willing to put my money that both teams will reach 100 in this game with a full 10 minutes and change to go under a minute to go in the quarter though Celtics lose ball Christopher out running it’s a three-on-one for Miami hakz to the rack for a layup good dump off pass by Josh Christopher hakz the board in transition lead back to five shyan driving downhill blocked by hakz but they’re going to say Christopher fouled them prior to the block 30 seconds to go in the third oh shyan’s first free throw is [Music] good shyan makes the second so 85 82 hakz will bring it up 8 second or 6C differential between shot clock and game clock hawaz has it top of the key drives right eurostep fouled and haime hakz Jr will go to the line for two free throws with about 18 seconds left to go hakz has I believe 17 points believe 17 it might be 16 might be 16 points might be 60 it actually is definitely 60 before the free throws at least he’s got 16 now he’s got 17 8682 oh Super Chat from Joe shout out to Joe lton with the $2 do you think SPO will take yic out for where no hakz makes both free throws so he’s now up to 17 points 18 points eight is the Heat lead by five 10 to go in the quarter no I don’t I think yic think about how long it took for SPO to trust yic to play and yic still only played like 20 minutes a game last year it’s not even like he played a ton he steal Johnson out and running slams it home kashad Johnson with an exclamation point to end the quarter what speed and acceleration showed by kashad Johnson to end the quarter and give the heat a seven point lead he is one of them ones folks absolutely took off in transition wow what an impressive take um but to finish it took so long for Coach SPO to be fine playing yovic and he still doesn’t even play that much in terms of last year do I think wear is going to start and play 20 plus minutes his rookie year no I do not it is fourth quarter time spam those fours put the paws in the air put the pause in the air pause in the air pause in the air pause in the air I need a clip of that Kad Johnson dunk Kad Johnson is one of those ones man Sebastian Willie Yami Monty 2K Melvin heat Zone Jamal Lamar Joe Willie all type in those fours get the the pause in the air hot dog [Applause] na spam those fours John cats Slayer Willie it’s fourth quarter time let’s get the heat of Victory I know it doesn’t matter but it’d be nice to beat the Celtics it always is day Walker spamming those fours Tyrone B Bern or is that Bal Burnal I believe startups Francisco spam those fours folks as we are about to get the fourth quarter underway 10 minutes to decide if the heater one and0 or 0 and one to start real summer league play Celtics have it down seven driving inside Josh Christopher strips them out of bounds it will stay with the Celtics seven on the shot clock joshh Christopher has played a really good game today I don’t think there’s any chance for him to get a two-way by Miami or make the roster but he has played really good today so good for him as he’s still auditioning because other teams and other Scouts are watching these games it’s not just Miami so there’s a chance that another team could maybe take a look at him for a two-way on their team JD Davidson deep three oh my tough Bucket from JD Davidson as the shot clock was expiring and and that’s how the fourth quarter gets underway Zion pulling back into the game gets it over to hawz hawz good back door cut to Christopher and Christopher lays it up and in Christopher is approaching a I think 20po game I think he’s got 18 good dish from hakz Christopher now defending on the other end JD Davidson has it kashad Johnson now switches on Davidson drives loses the handle Christopher has it he out and running Sider to Christopher Christopher to the corner hakz out to pen pen will reset the offense with 14 on the clock missed opportunity there for the heat Poland now working on Anton Watson Poland breaks him down what a move free throw line jumper he left it short would have been quite the clip for Zion pulling J Davidson driving downhill to the rack kicks it out open three for Boston is no good rebound gathered and put back up and in by the Celtics though 8791 hakz has it for Miami driving spinning to his right hand stripped gets it back it stays under control and lays it up and in hakas with 20 points now I mean you would have expected highe to drop a 20 Burger today he hasn’t done it in the most pleasing way and like where he’s like taking people off the dribble taking tough jumpers or anything like that but he’s been able to get to the rack run out and transition as Zion Poland strips the Celtics Zion out and running Poland will lay it up and in and the Heat lead by eight Zion Poland doing it on both ends eight-point lead Ramsay has it for Boston he drives inside gets to the rack and lays it up and in so a good rebuttal there by Boston Poland gets downhill bumped floater fouled Zion pen getting aggressive and getting downhill and he’ll go to the line for two with seven and a half to go in the ball game Zion Poland has done extremely well so far in this game I have been very pleasantly surprised by Zion Poland’s game and if you’re with me spam those 17s spam no 17s I’ve been a big fan of or Zion Pullen today and really what he was able to Showcase in the three California classic games an kwi misses the free throw Tomia heat Zone Sebastian Dan Haywood Tyrone Lil Vince Aiden law all spamming those 17s all spamming those 17s Pullin makes the second free throw so the lead is to seven now what do I say during the regular season folks first team no 100 usually wins in these situations I think same might be true for summer league Ramsay has it top of the key he drives gets a step on Johnson hangs and finishes tough bucket and move there by the young man on Boston hawz the other way drives downhill floater is no good rebound by the Seas and here comes JD Davidson finds a trailing Ramsey who gets downhill misses the layup but they’re going to whistle Cole sder for a foul so chance for the what was an eight-point lead for Miami to get down to three here with a pair of free throws I think Ramsay is the name as he makes the first free throw friendly roll off back REM oo I just said my last name without even realizing it friendly roll off how about that how about that 9692 is the score 7 minutes to go maybe get 9693 Zion Poland brings it up gets it over to Hae Hae right wing good back door cut by Zion Poland excellent feed by hakz and Poland lays it up and in 9893 hakz has done a good job playmaking today although he does have four turnovers turnover Inside by Boston kashad Johnson with it over to hakz Here Comes Triple J haime gets downhill eurostep hangs off glass finishes and the Heat win the race to 100 six to go hawz has got 22 points nine boards five assists Ramsay lines up a triple for Boston bottoms and that cuts the lead to four 196 6 minutes to go pulling over to Triple J hakz gets downhill stops Fades away elbow jumper rattles at home Soft Touch by hakz as he’s now got 24 points for Miami leading score for the Heat and I think the game actually Springer only has 21 expect Jane Springer to check back in here soon Davidson gets downhill driving eurostep good defense by kashad Johnson it’s kicked out drive by Boston hang and finish is good Cole swier couldn’t defend there and he left his feet trading baskets as Drago says Zion pulling top of the key gets it over to hawz he’s cooking Hae downhill gets a step to the rim rejected impressive block by the Seas they got numbers three on two break but wow Christopher rejects Davidson but they call foul on the play thought that was a clean block by Christopher what a block by Anton Watson is that yeah it was Watson of the Gonzaga bulldog impressive impressive block 250 people watching if you haven’t already hit that sub button on the road to 13k subscribers daily videos on the heat report as well as live streams too you won’t want to miss a thing here on the channel hak is leading the game in scoring with 24 points he’s got 24 points nine rebounds five assists on 9 to 17 shooting he’s also six to six from the free throw line second leading scorer for Miami is Josh Christopher 18 points on three of three shooting from three six of eight from the field next would be both Cole sweer who has 15 points and kle wear who has 15 points wear has 15 points two blocks one rebound CL Larson has four kashad Johnson has nine um another standout Zion Pand has 10 points on four or five shooting Isaiah Stevens only two points started today um the exhibit 10 player out of Colorado state has 11 assists and two steals a Stevens has played a really good ball game in my opinion what’s up Jay Jay Townsen one of the real ones the Legends at the channel who was one of our biggest supporters during free agency hopefully Jay is having a good weekend let’s go Heat we’re up by four with five minutes to go in our first Las Vegas Summer League game against the Boston Celtics hope Jay’s having a good day exactly Willies says it correctly the man the myth the legend Jay Townsend DC Curry says put wear in the game I would be probably expecting him to come in um after this timeout and I would be correct kalal wear checks back in so does pel Larson looks like hakz sits down is that as Davidson misses the first free throw so right now Miami is running a lineup of Isaiah Stevens Josh Christopher P Larson Cole SW and K he lead will be at least three here and it will be three after Davidson splits the pair 10299 CL as 15 points Dylan Stevens brings it up now kicks it over to wear we to lson wear sets a screen for Larsson Larson drives drops it off to wear and K we will be whistled for an offensive foul as they said he rose that elbow up a little bit fighting for position with Jordan Walsh inside see this is an intriguing match up for wear because Walsh is defending them Walsh is severely under size probably about 5 in shorter than K wear but Jordan Walsh is a physical specimen who has tons of tons of strength on him and we might struggle with that oh the man the myth the legend steps in and shows out early J Townsen with a $20 Super Chat shout out to the goat Jay Townsen this is for our heat family love that let’s go Heat everyone spam the fireball emojis for Jay Townson like he did in his Super Chat appreciate the love Jay I actually just realized I’m a dumbass and forgot to bring my Sharpie in here but Jay I’ll get you on the ball after the stream don’t you worry about that got to make sure my Legend’s covered spam those Fireball emojis come on Celtics have it down three neis kada has it top of the key hands it off to Jaden Springer who checks back in Springer pull up right wing triple air ball rebound Stevens excellent defensive possession by Pell Larson and Company Here Comes Josh Christopher Christopher driving kicks out to Stevens Stevens will launch a triple and connects Miami extends their lead to five good dribble penetration by Christopher good relocation by Stevens and the Heat lead by six man the heat are unconscious from Deep Town send Legend kada pick and roll inside misses the dunk good defense by wear wear with the board kicks it up ahead to Christopher who lays it up and in Josh Christopher with a 20-point game lead back up to eight good defense and contest by wear to force the Miss dunk he got the board ran the break and then LED Christopher for the layup nemis kada slams at home on the other end good pick and roll there three and a half to go swier to wear wear was fouled on the roll by Baylor shyan it was a good foul by the Celtics because it would have been an easy dunk for CLA we off the pick and roll but they made sure that wasn’t going to be the case six-point lead three and a half to go can they heat start off Las Vegas Summer League 1 and0 I hope so I hope so hawas checks back in starting lineup for Miami minus kashad Johnson and Cole swier is in for kashad hakz gets a screen from we hakz swings it over to Stevens Stevens drives lob to wear wear comes down with it drop off pass turned over bad play by wear had an open man in the corner he could have kicked it to instead he forced a tough pass Walsh pull up three no good PL Larson flies in for the rebound under three to go six-point lead wear top of the key hands it to Stevens Steven screen kicks to the corner Larson quick release airball too strong by pel lson now here comes Boston Jaden Springer to the corner it’s Walsh who kicks it over to shyan he’ll launch a corner three and hits it it’s a three-point game 107 104 with two and a half to go at least we got a good game Folks at least we got a good game wear top of the key hands it off to Stevens Stevens swings it over to Larson Larson gets downhill back out to Steven Stevens back in the wear wear good position goes inside an easy layup over Jaden Springer as he had the height Advantage thought about a fade away but then realized he had the advantage just easy right hook five-point lead where with 17 now Jaden Springer drives inside and just laid it up and over Cole swier that was impressive by Springer and we got a three-point game with a minute and a half to go Springer got 23 on the game hakz has it top of the key working on kada pump fake step through jumper and one Hae hakz junor that was out of the school of Jimmy Butler folks hakz drove stepped back pump fake got ke in the air stepped through took the bump and banked it in off the glass to give the heat a five-point lead and he’s going to go to the line after the TV timeout but spam knows triple JS for Hae hakz junor the leading scorer in the game with 26 points Aiden law yummy Willie Tyrone Fu heat Zone Mirage Melvin John Wayne Sebastian spam those triple JS ly Kane Angel Bernal skipper mlad Hae hakz Jr with a good performance today and I’ll tell you what folks if you are not subscribe there’s 300 people watching please hit that sub button we are in sub only mode which means if you can’t comment it’s because you’re not subscribed daily content and live streams here at the heat report let’s get closer and closer to 13,000 subscribers and when you subscribe spam those triple JS because if I see your comment that means you’re subscribed let’s go let’s go baby IE hakz Jr is a good ball player man good ball player good ball player folks man he’s good man he’s good Haw is at the line now and he converts the three-point play 112 to 106 is the score minute and a half to go in the C turn it over thanks to a good defense from pel lson we’re getting very close to a Heat win six points minute and a half to go Sixpoint lead that is Stevens gets it into lson thought they were going to double him they don’t now it’s kicked over to hawz Jay Town s hit the like button hit the like button folks oh hakz with his fifth turnover Springer ripped him but then where rejects the shot inside Kare got back on D and just rejected Jaden Springer Larson drives the other way and now he’s stripped for a turnover three on two for the Celtics and then kashan Johnson Rejects kayada and kayada misses the shot after K wear so kada got his own rebound KW then contested and forced the other Miss and then Springer whistled for the foul the Heat have not played smart over the past minute with multiple turnovers but highflying rejections from kle wear and kashad Johnson what a block by kle we on Springer wear has three blocks today and he’s also altered multiple other shots he’s been a little so so with his defensive positioning um and you can tell that he needs to add weight but that length and raw athleticism is there man Isaiah Stevens’s at the line cu the heater in the bonus and he makes the first eight-point lead now for seven-point lead for Miami excuse me hai’s got 26 na ex me 27 I think after the end one 27 Stevens now gives Miami an eight-point lead 114 106 minute to go as long as Miami doesn’t turn the ball over two times in 30 seconds again um probably have a win here Springer in the corner lob in the kada kashad Johnson helps over but kada lays it up and in 114 108 40 seconds to go hakz double team kicks it to wear wear back out to lson they play keep away and now pel lson will be fouled with 35 seconds to go in the ball game 35 points to go Larson is going to have a couple free throws here hae’s got 27 points 10 rebounds five assists only knock five turnovers Larson misses them both so this game’s not over but the heat get the offensive rebound kashad Johnson gave the heat a second chance opportunity and now Isaiah Stevens is going to go to the line to try to add two more points to the Heat’s lead what an offensive rebound by kashad Johnson dude he’s a stud is he the most flashy player no but he is just a good player that impacts winning Stevens makes the first free throw 115 108 man kashad Johnson’s good dude Isaiah Stevens makes his last four free throws and the Heat’s lead is eight timeout Boston timeout Boston oh man let’s go baby you know what he are on the precipice of getting a win in summer league it’ be their technically third straight Summer League game that they won if you go back to the California classic but if you just account for Las Vegas it’d be starting off 1 and0 and I want to get the chat on fire get the chat on fire you’re Miami Heat are very close to getting a w spam those Fireball emojis let’s go Heat let’s go Heat let’s go Heat Willie Sebastian Dane and a heat Zone Jay John Mirage Melvin MC Lotto Allen spam those Fireball Metro liar Flores Robin it’s getting hot in here so take off all your clothes man Hae has been good today folks 27 points 10 boards five assists 10 of 18 from the field only knock five turnovers but he’s been extremely good in this game hot dog spamming those Fireball emojis planty RL type in those Fireball emojis Maron let’s go baby let’s go Jerry Dixon as well Monty 2K Brandon Lewis let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go 30 seconds to go in this ball game he lead by eight I imagine if Boston misses their next shot here that they are just going to let the heat run it out Davidson gets it to shyan he’ll launch a three no good rebound nemis kada he lays it back up and in so I guess it extends the game a little bit what’s the call here a little stoppage in the action I don’t know what this is for substitution I guess that was odd that was odd 116 to 110 Stevens gets it off the inbound double team teamed swings it over to hakz hakz back to Stevens they cross the half court they beat the break Baylor shyan fouls kashad Johnson with 20 seconds to go so Johnson will shoot two free throws one thing that I’ve liked that once the Celtics put on the Press here as of late the Celtics were able to EXC me the heat were able to break it pretty easily both times two free throws here likely ends the game but kashad Johnson misses the first but kushad misses the first Johnson’s got nine points he makes this one he gets in the double digits Johnson does Beat lead by seven quick three by shyman is good this game is not over just yet folks 117 113 they got to get the ball in they get it to hakz who is fouled and Hae hakz Jr will shoot two free throws with 15 seconds left make your free throws make your free throws folks make your free throws folks hakz is 7 to seven from the line today see if he can continue his perfect day at the line I might have just jinxed him I feel like I did well he makes the first can he make both hakz with 28 points now lead is five hwz misses the second of course five-point game or lead Davidson drives inside blocked kada gets the rebound no good but a foul 5 Seconds To Go namis kada is going to go to the line kada I don’t think he’s that good of a free throw shooter so we’ll see how this goes kayada makes the first I mean it could technically get to a onore game they’re going to put two big men in to try to get a rebound in case of a miss 5 Seconds to go let’s see if we can get a win here I hope it would be suck if they chok this got to be honest it would kada second free throw too strong hakz with the rebound he’s fouled with three seconds to go so highe hakz Jr will get a crack at 30 points today hakz makes both free throws he’ll have a 30-point game he’s got 11 boards on the day now I have a feeling he’s going to make both can we get to 30 highe come on baby give me a 30 burger make both threee throws kid hae’s first no so no chance of 30 for haime come on Hae come on Hae he makes this he’ll finish with 29 and nine of 11 free throw shooting HZ makes that one so 29 Points 11 boards five assists for high today Celtics won’t get off a shot that’s the game Heat lead or win 119 to 114 let’s go fellas spam those Fireball emojis I know I know I know I know it doesn’t mean anything but I’m pretty fired up about beating the Celtics anytime that he can win a game against the Boston Celtics I will be happy and so I’m going to have a nice Saturday night because we beat Boston fboss at Boston mon 2K listen they they fumbled they can they could be happy with anything they want they played hard ball with Miami they didn’t want to send Dame to his preferred destination they didn’t want to send their franchise goat to the team he wanted to play for in Miami and they missed out on yic hakz and multiple first round picks that’s on them they’re the ones regretting it they’re poorly ran or ganization and they’re a poorly ran front office makes me happy I mean listen hakz is very good yic is very good and I like both of them in their upside but if you could ask me could I would I still go back and make that trade for Dame absolutely would have absolutely would have by the way I mean I know we like what hakz and yic have shown and I like their long-term upside but if I could I would have absolutely still knowing what has happened over the past year I would still make that trade a year ago cuz the heat needed they still need a guard that can threaten a defense from deep in isolation settings and command defensive respect in the back court and I still remain consistent on this take a Dame Jimmy bam big three would have won the Eastern Conference last year just think about this if that trade happens where Miami gets um Dame Drew holiday would have never went to the Celtics which means that means they probably don’t win a title and they don’t have as good as a roster so it’s just like I mean NBA history would be so much different if that trade went down obviously but it is what it is it is what it is Cotes in the building says wow what a game I mean it was a great game Heat won I mean I’ll say this you do not see this score in Summer League games often think about this folks the heat barely scored this 119 points the real heat in the regular season and those games are 48 minutes long this game is 40 minutes long and the heat put up 119 an unbelievably offensive performance by Miami unbelievable game great game Oh shot myself muts there all right I appreciate the 6,000 people who have tuned in and watched today’s live show and game with us here at the heat report we’ll probably be live again for Monday’s game against the Oklahoma City Thunder I believe tip is around the same time haime hakz Juniors expected to play there the report was that Triple J was going to play in the first two games of Summer League for Miami they play Four they play five games they play four games and then they get play put in another game depending on how you do in your first four games so Hae is expected to play Monday against the Thunder and then he’ll likely head back to his offseason but we’ll still get long looks at col Weare and Company so yeah we’ll be live on Monday but we’ll stay live for a minute or two if we get a super chat we’ll extend our live show but if no super chats come through in the next minute and a half two minutes we’ll sign off I’ll let y’all enjoy your Saturday night and the rest of your weekend I’ll go enjoy mine as it’s 7:30 central time 8:30 on the East Coast dang kind of forgot how late it was a little bit um it feels like it’s still like 5:00 for some reason I don’t know why it was like it’s like 5:00 I did not expect to look down and see 7:30 on my on my clock didn’t see that one coming didn’t see that one coming give it a minute or two if not we’ll side off yeah Triple J almost had 30 he missed two free throws in the final minute he could have had 31 but he missed two free throws missed a pair of free throws there these two free throws heat zones out peace out heat Zone appreciate you coming along and hanging out with us on this Saturday evening all right no super chats came in so we’re GNA sign off appreciate everyone who came in and hang out with us today Hae Hawke Jr was phenomenal today K we showed some nice things Zion Poland impressed me kashad Johnson’s in as well um we’ll be live again on Monday afternoon evening I think it’s like a 5 six o’clock game against the Thunder and we’ll also be live on Wednesday when the Heat play the Mavericks it’s like a 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. game um central time I don’t know eastern time so 2 or 3 eastern time so it’s an earlier afternoon game which actually works out well because it’ll just be during my normal workday here at the office um but either way appreciate everyone coming through enjoy the rest of your Saturday enjoy the rest of your weekend we’ll see you with a video tomorrow and we’ll see you again live on Monday afternoon peace out go Heat

Miami Heat vs. Boston Celtics Summer League is the focus of today’s Miami Heat live stream! The Heat and Celtics kick off 2024 NBA Summer Leaguewith a game being featured on ESPN 2. Heat Report host Nic Rohloff is LIVE for Heat vs. Celtics with a Heat-Celtics stream! The Heat finished the California Classic with a 2-1 record and start their stretch of four Las Vegas Summer League games! In a surprising moment of Heat news, Jaime Jaquez Jr. will join the Miami Heat Summer League roster for the first two games. Jaquez joins rookies Kel’el Ware and Pelle Larsson who were both selected in the 2024 NBA Draft. The Celtics top player on the Boston Celtics Summer League roster is first round pick Baylor Scheierman. Enjoy this Heat vs. Celtics live stream on the Heat Report, a Miami Heat YouTube page!

Latest Miami Heat rumors & news with the Heat Report: Videos EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Miami Heat Summer League starters vs. the Boston Celtics:
Zyon Pullin, G
Cole Swider, G
Pelle Larsson, G/F
Jaime Jaquez Jr., F
Kel’el Ware, C

Boston Celtics Summer League starters vs. the Miami Heat:
JD Davison, G
Jaden Springer, G
Baylor Scheierman, G/F
Jordan Walsh, F
Neemias Queta, C

Check out some of our latest Miami Heat YouTube videos:
– MAJOR Heat Rumors: Miami INTERESTED In Tyus Jones via ESPN + Trying To Trade Duncan Robinson?:
– Miami Heat Offseason Plans REVEALED By Heat Insider! Heat Rumors:
– The Miami Heat Have A Jimmy Butler PROBLEM:

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Heat news articles from places like ESPN, Bleacher Report, The Athletic, CBS, & FS1 can be found here:

Miami Heat Summer League roster:
Jaime Jaquez Jr., F
Kel’el Ware, C
Pelle Larsson, G
Zyon Pullin, G
Keshad Johnson, F
Alondes Williams, G
Cole Swider, G/F
Isaiah Stevens, G
Josh Christopher, G
Gabe Brown, F
JC Butler, F
Caleb Daniels, G
Bryson Warren, G
Neal Sako, C
Warren Washington, C

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