@Atlanta Hawks



[Music] [Music] and you know I wear my heart on my sleeve you hting arteries take your [ __ ] like you f to leave I go and hide your key put you in position to win bless you with I this but you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t breath I feel the pain in my L I thought we really [Music] was over play my I can’t breath I feel the pain in my [Music] come around when I feel like [Music] [Music] and you know iar my heart on my sleeve you H all your [ __ ] like you f to leave I go and hide your key put you in position to win bless you without without a s but you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t breathe I feel the pain in my L I thought we really [Music] was over play my I can’t breathe I feel the pain in my [Music] what’s good family your dog in the building man we talk Hawks TV we we talk Hawks da what’s popping what’s popping my voice is low cuz my son is still sleeping so I’m not gonna be too loud gonna keep that energy low I mean not the energy but keep my voice a little lower than usual um what’s good family he good game last night man great Vibes last night at the summer league uh summer league was um it was deep Bro like well it was deep because the Lakers played before we did last night so I tell you man one day one day we G to be as deep as Laker Nation one day but I gotta salute Laker Nation they came out to go watch bronnie but um we CAU we caught like the last bit uh we call like the laston playing but let’s get on to why we here why we here so my thoughts on what I saw last night once again these are just my opinions guys um once again I’m just a fan okay but I like what I saw with uh Rich should say um but first let me tell y’all something man like so listen so we get to the seats right and bro I’m sitting beside so it’s just random fans in there right um so man listen when SAR got that ball bro I was booing this dude I’m like I’m standing up booing this dude I stood I’m like boo like for the first like five minutes every time he touched the ball I was booing him and all the all the fans was like they was like why you booing S I was like cuz he ain’t want to come play for my Atlanta Hawks so hey I didn’t like the way he conducted I didn’t like the way how he handled that situation um so I’m booing them and they was like yeah yeah we don’t blame you dog yeah boom boom and then um it was some Orlando Magic fans behind me and you know they was asking me all these questions and stuff about um trading Murray the return we got on Murray um then the dude beside me was asking me about uh about John Collins he was like man why y’all get rid of John Collins he was actually good I was like hey it is I really couldn’t really go in depth and stuff with him but because was so loud and I was trying to watch the game at the same same time but um yeah I was Boo the [ __ ] out of Saw boo when I first did it listen I don’t think nobody expected it hey when I first did it you could just see people turn their head hey soon as he touch it I was like I was loud as [ __ ] I was like Boo and you just see people like that was hilarious ious man that was so funny um then I was talking to smack when he got dunked on I was letting him have it I like you sorry I said you trash s you trash I was like you need to get out and and then my youngest son and look he was like my youngest son sitting beside me he was like get him out the game and then when they took him out my youngest son was like he on a [ __ ] that’s where he belong yeah we was let we was letting buddy have it now granted he probably didn’t really hear us even though I was only I was in I was probably you had the media desk where uh where the TV people was at right so where the TV people was at we was 1 2 3 4 5 about five about six rows up from where the TV people a b c d e yeah we was about six seven rows up for where the TV people was at so but um but first let me get the salutes going on man and drop the link salute to my guy Michael in the building Sports and Society my guy tapped in torian Tapped in salute salute to Austin in the building salute to Walt salute to Dwayne P who else in the building tapping in what’s good champagne uh Southside in the building salute who else JY FSA in the building how you say that JY FSA um who else in the building tap in let me know you’re in the building man so I can show give give a shout out shout out to the homeboy Jay Boogie salute salute to my guy Cojo in the building what you whipping up today Cojo what you got what you got on that stove today Cojo salute to the homeboy oh okay boom so listen all right now let’s get to the game tap in with me man let me know you tapped in with me man so I get you shout you out feel me um so all right let’s start with let’s start with Mr Zachary oh so check it while I was walking in to the seats um how about this lady already had a rich sh Jersey on she already had Rich sh Jersey on Salute to my God de Mario in the building with the5 salute to my guy I appreciate you man appreciate you and um I said how you get where you get that Jersey from and she was telling me and I heard her accent I said oh y’all French she was like we I was like oh that’s what’s up so hey the friend people hey Z got them French people behind him bro you know have been crazy would have been crazy if that was his mom that would have been what his mama look like that would have been crazy if that was his mom CZ she already had a Zach Rich say Jersey on no that could have been his parents because they was sitting too far up to be parents but they was French and I was like let’s go Zachary and they start laughing but um so let’s talk about Zachary right um hey he’s a shooter okay I can tell you that much he’s a shooter the the shooting from three right he had a couple of shots from three where he was just shooting [ __ ] like um like he was just having fun so when I saw that he was three for nine from the three-point line I was like he not going to be that in the game cuz some of them threes he took um some of the shots was taking period I call him uh I call him summer league threes like you not taking he not shooting at doing no game not with Trey young not no he ain’t shooting some of them in the game but um I’m very pleased with Zachary uh I thought he played um he played controlled um couple F from of the ball a couple times um uh he stays moving on the court um um what else um very engaged he doesn’t look like some um he didn’t look lost out there right now granted he’s only been with the Hawks what three weeks I mean um it ain’t too much you’re going to you know he it’s a lot for him to learn in a short period of time um you feel me um but um I was very pleased with him um active uh defending I can’t even sit here and lie man he listen he was he was trying to guard people man um he was out there moving um sneaky sneaky quick sneaky quick I don’t think people knew he was that quick so like when you watch that when he got that ball he went Coast to Coast I don’t think the player on the floor knew he was quick like that until it was too late and then they was trying to play catchup so he’s sneaky quick um sneaky quick uh what else I ain’t gonna say y’ already saw him shoot the ball man his form is uh his shooter form look it looks so effortless man his form looked effortless I ain’t gonna sit here by man like he just like he probably can he probably does but he could probably shoot from everywhere on the court I mean like with with no issue um let’s see um one of my issues with Richard say was is he willing to mix it up with the other guys for the rebounds he answered that I mean he was down there in the trying to get boards man like um he was down there trying to get boards not even going to lie um you know Wizards had a couple guys they wasn’t tall like but they was uh they was they was some big boys not super tall but just wide dudes right um and uh does he look a look what up Larry what up Allan salute salute does he look a legit 16 hell yeah he do y he does um he come I’mma keep it real man he come he come um he come is adverti man he come adverti not going to sit here and lie um but once again I got to add uh uh yeah right Kobe right they had they had they had some some uh they had some dudes who like who they hit the weights I ain’t gonna sit here and lie like what’s that dude name like number what was his number like 97 dude look like a fullback man but Zach was down there trying to bang with him man I ain’t even G to sit here and lie um he tried to bang with him um uh dude ready to shoot at all times too man like he’ll let that thing go um so I was impressed with Zachary R should say ended up with 18 points um shout out to the Hawks coaching staff they they played them way longer than I thought they was going to play him I thought it was going to probably give him a good you know uh a majority minutes in the first half and then sit him in the second but no he played a lot of minutes man he played a lot of minutes and um salute to the HW coaching staff for keep keeping them out there and not playing uh and not coaching scared you know what I’m saying not coaching scar um what else let me talk about some of the other players let me see y’all know my guy Mo G man listen um what you say I was excited at the start disappointed at the end three for nine from three seven from 16 from the field zero defense s had more assist and shot better from three those blocks said the Run change again man but you gotta listen James listen it’s listen I’m not gonna sit here and say uh that SAR I’m G tell you what about SAR right SAR is not a Alpha Dog Okay I’mma go ahead and keep it real he is not an alpha dog right he’ll be a good uh you know he will be a good uh I would put him in a in a mode of a um he he would fit a good Michael Porter Jr type role SAR wood um he’s not as uh well he’s not as aggressive as I thought that he would be um like you saw from like what’s the guy name um Reed Shepard like he’s not AG he don’t had an aggressive mindset when it comes to like getting buckets right he plays he makes the right basketball play so I’m not gonna say in the front like sorry it’s just like he’s trash like I don’t [ __ ] with him but he made the right basketball he made once he got settled he made good basketball plays good reads good passes you feel me um but with z I mean he played defense to me I don’t know what you talking about no defense and like I said the three for9 from three some of them threes that he shot um like the boy Kobe said they was tough threes they was threes like he not shooting some of those some of them threes he shot he not shooting them in the game like he had one turnaround one from the corner I was like what you doing he not shooting that in no in a real game you know that’s why I call him some League threes you know what I’m saying um but um so I’m not gonna sit here in front like I’m not gonna come up here and talk about s like trash okay like when I call Sar trash I’mma keep it real with y’all when I call Sar trash it’s because I’m hating I’m being a hater okay he is not I’m not gonna say he not trash uh am I do I think the Hawks missed out on something by not getting S no I don’t think that I don’t think so um but yeah I’m not going to sit here and say he trash but he just he just he don’t have that aggressive my on set that I thought that he had um but um moito that boy Mo bro let me tell you something that dude my guy moo [Music] bro bro that dude is a dog bro MO is a dog bro he was picking up SAR bro going at it um bro that dude I’mma tell you right now man um bro boy Mo the only thing I’m concerned about Moji is every play he on the ground every play he falling bro he play um and I hate to say this man I hate I hate to say this right I think Mo G bro I think he was playing too hard last night I think he was playing too hard now this was a playoff game hell yeah give me that he brought intensity last night bro he brought intensity man like you thought you think uh Mo G was out there playing in the in in in the playoffs tell you right now you think this was a playoff game man he on the ground getting hit going at dudes um the man has what by the time the game ended I think s had like eight fouls at one point that’s s my bad I think Mo G had uh Mo had like seven fouls eight fouls hey he was picking up um he was picking up um yes on the ground more than bro he L and you know in the back of my head in the back of my head I’m like bro this dude just the dude just had a fracture back last year this please don’t get hurt please man ball go up boom boom boomoji on the ground I’m like ah but that that one he had that foul he took in the second half what quarter was it was it the fourth quarter man he got hit so hard and he hit that ground I was like oh my God this dude gonna be out so when he got up and shot them free throws I was like thank you Jesus I Ain even gonna lie they need to monitor this man minutes bro they need to monitor Mo G minutes bro he gonna get hurt he G be hurt bro I see it I see it happening I see it coming bro I will not be surprised if he is on the ENT list I ain’t even gonna lie to you seeing that [ __ ] in person bro like he you know what who just said it um who just said that where is it at um damn where is it at Mr Bernard Mr Bernard right there Mo plays Reckless a little out of control I think if he Dows it back a little bit if he can down back and I hate to say this man I hate to say it but if he can dial back the intensity just a little bit I think that will cause him to play better and more under control right but man that dude bro he was G man this was like a playoff game it felt like he was going so hard last night I was like that he was picking up SAR straight up he was picking him up straight up so I got that ball uh near the half court was right on him like bro Mo listen mo mo G he he he gotta love he gotta love defending bro the way he was guarding last night running up on dudes I was like Jesus but um oh and last thing I want to say about Mo g is how did y’all think cuz y’all did y’all see a couple times where he was running point forward did y’all see that they had him running point forward a couple possessions man and um listen I liked it Mo look confident bringing that ball down Court um making things happen making good passes um so yeah but y’all y’all y’all already know I’m y already don’t know I’m a uh you already know I’m a Moji fan you know I’ve been big on Moji since we got him but once again he has to stay healthy has to stay healthy and uh I I’m not really concerned about the files because you had a bunch of you had rookie rest anyway they was calling stuff that I don’t think you would normally call in the NBA game but they might call they might call you know what for Moji they might call those cuz he he not a well-known name but some of them calls he got was they was petty like he had a couple like reaching stuff that you know that was petty um but yeah I I lik him bringing the ball down man he he was uh he was good at that and uh what’s my guy name Nia all right let’s talk about NOLA man um very very active in the first half right very active in the first first half um don’t know what happened in the second half I don’t know if they just took the ball out his hands but it seems like um without the ball he seemed kind of lost like if he was bring the ball down he seemed kind of lost in the second half maybe now I’m just saying I’m just saying that turn cuz it looked like he was the Hawks took him out of the uh he wasn’t really involved on the offense a lot um if uh yeah when he wasn’t in that second half when he wasn’t bringing the ball down running point guard it’s like he didn’t know what to do now granted granted it’s uh he only been here what three weeks two weeks three weeks so I mean obviously trying to um trying to push all all that Hulk stuff on them all the plays and stuff you know they probably didn’t load him up with a lot of stuff so you know probably didn’t know what to do without the ball right but it’s summer league so and um the point thing about Nia is now athletic I like the dunk that he did he was aggressive I like that um uh quick quicker First Step than what I thought um he was getting by Defenders um but he will be in the G League I’mma tell you that right now he will be he will be in the G League um would I do I rate him do I rate him over Kobe as a point guard hell no n I’m if he want to be a point guard for the Hawks with Trey young and Kobe buffkin he has a lot of work to do a lot of work to do um but yeah he will be yeah he will be in the G League let me drop the link just in case anybody want to tap in I’m be up here probably about another another 30 minutes and then um I gotta pack my stuff me and my son got a pack so we can get ready to roll out um so let me drop the link if anybody want to tap in let’s see here give me one second gang so I can drop this link in the CH at all right there we go There’s the link if anybody want to tap in we going to be up here probably about another 30 minutes game and then we got a pack and and uh check out so we get ready to ride but um so yeah he’ll be in the G League man um I don’t see him unless we have injuries I don’t see NOA um I don’t see him getting a lot he a gonna get a lot of time in Atlanta um which I prefer him being in College Park I I I prefer him being at College Park getting you know 25 30 minutes a night you know um he could be uh y’all say he a two guard he could be a two guard right beside Wallace you know what I’m saying and whatnot what’s good Mario and um what’s going on D chilling man chilling um let me see who else um who anybody oh I saw somebody say EJ EJ Ladell what what position does he play is he a forward he built like a damn uh he built like he should be a like he should be playing football he got a he got a put back in the game you know uh you know they got around him yeah he did he did his thing too yeah he look like defense early man yeah what up Jay he looked like he should be playing football though um he don’t look he he don’t look like one of those he don’t look like a super athletic guy like I I got to go look at his number see what his vertical was he don’t he looked you know what he looked it’s almost like he looked too heavy to be playing basketball if that makes sense it’s kind of weird um when I see when I see him on the court he does uh he just don’t look like a baller to me he don’t look like he athletic um he’s slow U but once again let me ask some context um I don’t know what the Hawks told him to do out there um um I don’t know how much he know how much plays they’ve been running um but EJ Ladell um he would probably benefit going to college park because I think he on NBA contract if I’m not mistaken so he on the roster they signed a two-way today so that give us so that’s two two-ways um if I’m not EJ EJ’s on a on a big on a uh he on the NBA deal right J yeah he’s on NBA deal yeah I mean he just got on intent They just added him to the roster like two days ago well no that’s what I’m saying so but my thing is just seeing him on that’s why I said let me add some context I don’t know what the Hawks told him to do while he out there I don’t know what the Hawks are asking from him or looking to get from him and like you just said you know he just got added so may he don’t know a lot of the plays or whatever and whatnot what’s good Mike what’s good RT and um ask you a question about the kid that they signed Wallace wace uhon or whatever I think it’s like Keon Keon wall yeah yeah yeah yeah I have to payame but um I don’t I mean as of right now I don’t know why they they sign but like I said I pay attention to next they they sign so he can be on College Park look like he a good point guard yeah bring him back and forth the Hawks are kind of low on on uh guard yeah point guard I think he he’s hey he’s really good on defense he’s just like his brother he plays really good defense basically he’s basically the Trent Forest replacement who his brother Wallace okay see he’s on he’s on Oklahoma you know what I the old brother is brother yeah older you know this what I this what I think I think they they tried they looked at um they looked at Nia and saw like yeah he ain’t gonna be he ain’t gonna be ready to be a backup point guard at the NBA level as of now to start the season so that’s my thing that I’m asking to man be that I have to watch like with the tent the next Game and Watch Wallace closely but I personally feel like I got telling you we were saying in the chat like we were trying to figure out what happened if people correct am I tripping I like I feel like how lost how like I really feel like this happened when they took Nicola off being the point guard when they start letting everybody else run Point Wallace Joiner or them other guys the ball wasn’t moving no more bro cuz you watch Nicola was breaking up plays on the defense side too getting easy transition no shots though and you know what I think mad that shots remember remember Mike now remember K uh Keat and Wallace has been with us for like two years now so okay he already he already knows like the the sets and everything so he did a good job running I’m just I’m just assuming they went with him um maybe because they wanted to run some plays but what I was like in the second half it’s like they totally took Nola completely off the ball and what it looked like to me was he he didn’t look as engaged uh in the SEC second half um now I’mma keep it huh he had a couple turnovers though in the in the first half I say I agree but I kind of like put that on a couple things number one is that I think he’s like a point guard so he he kind of operates with the ball in his hand and number twoo them other guys don’t do a good job of really finding folk bro like yeah they can run the offense I’m telling you the difference between guys who come down and just run the set move it that way then move out the way versus guys who can attack and like I said you seen Nikolai at times like he’ll go fake this way and then boom got somebody wide open look you know what I’m saying Corner three or something like that like like you weren’t you not getting that from the other guy so I think that also contributed to ncol to be honest with you if it was like a legit point guard like again last year summer league I was pointing out difference between the ball movement with b and Kobe like it’s the same type of thing like if shoot um Zach probably get over 20 if you got you know what I’m saying an actual point guard out there with him you know what I’m saying or whatever like oh it was a time period where he kind of like didn’t get nothing going at all because of kind of like what I’m saying it’s like the ball wasn’t moving around know just trying to experiment with uh I think they were just doing more experimentation and whatnot is going back to Europe he’s not you saw uh I wanted to win did y’all see I ain’t gonna front when I saw Mo G bringing the ball down I was lit I was turned up bro I oh yeah we on to something now that’s a summer league thing for sure now now don’t don’t don’t get it twisted now I know we not gonna do that [ __ ] for real for real but it did look good seeing how can I say it uh looking like and I know it’s just some leag but looking like a modern NBA team with a big ass forward bringing what that big but tall ass forward bringing the ball down now did he do better sorry I played him though sorry I’ll play who man let me tell you something man hell no had more points and more what what what I saw last night man what I saw last night was bro Mo was out there like this like this [ __ ] game mattered dog that’s what I’m saying he had I think he’s playing for a contract yeah no mo already signed got contract got foure deal last year okay man had seven fouls bro I mean he was all right I don’t know some fou some of them fouls was Ticky T fouls that he prob yeah he had a couple had a couple like they was trying to protect s bro that was some protect foul hey had a good game I was impressed he he looked all right I mean played in control he would have he would have played a lot better ball game I’m not gonna sit here and call I’m not gonna sit here now like I said when I call our trash that’s me that’s me just hating right I [ __ ] you know what is lacks uh you could tell he didn’t you could tell he didn’t grow up in America cause if that’s an American kid bro he’d been trying to get to the bucket he was trying to get Buck that’s why I don’t agree with you because he was trying to do that and the Hawks were sing anytime he would drive they was collapsing on him so he was moving basketball play but I was I feel like the aggression part is the difference if he grew up as an American kid and he came here at 16 so it’s like he should have got a little bit at being at Ot Ot but literally like you saw it yesterday in the midst of the game it’s like bro if he had this like aggression and motor like he would be like a clear clear runaway thing but that’s what made me so hesitant about even even come on you not watching but listen the Wizards GM literally was on air and said that they honestly would like for him to be better on the boards and I’m like wow and that’s where I was gonna go Mike Mike he’s not gonna be a m and Mike that’s where I was gonna go uh I about to point that out uh when y’all said that um he he what y’all say y’all was saying he don’t rebound he don’t like to play Down Low uh and I gotta validate that y’ you was exactly correct he he he he does not now I don’t once again I don’t know what they told him but he wasn’t really mixing it up like that down for Z like the most aggressive I saw him last night was when he got two blocks in a row third quarter in the second half he was he I mean he he he took a lot of tough pull-ups he I mean he was the Hawks defense more or less shaded over to him so he was just Diamond he impressed me in a short row I mean sorry I said and mo were gonna give him a hard time and they did M Nars and mo was on the floor together SAR was not okay I got it I got you uh we gonna go in order let’s start with because we didn’t heard from Marian so we’ll go Maran Maran Kool-Aid chess and Mark I think that was the order what’s good Marion talk to me what’s going on I was I was glad watching the game last night I think that um the future looks good I I like the fact that R Shay play very smooth um I like the the play of the defense and I really like the leadership that I saw from Mo G Mo G uh is a leader and he’s only been playing for what five five six years maybe five years yeah but he is he is a definite leader he was out there barking commands he was talking to the coaches he was U figuring out what to do on the plays he was doing the dive Downs when nobody else would do it um I’m very impressed by what I saw with Mo G um I’m impressed with with Rich shade because he does have ball uh and he can’t shoot I agree with you that um J jurisic is going to be starting in the g-league if he stays if he stays here because he has to work out his St uh the fact that that he missed so badly on free throws um is a is a sign that his shooting isn’t there yet his confidence in his shooting isn’t there yet however um he look he looked very good with the ball in his hand he can drive he got good Vision so we we got we got a good future coming up um and and about Wallace I think that the reason why Wallace got the two-way contract is because he is aggressive um most of the time when he got the ball he was looking to do something not necessarily what you want from your lead point guard but we don’t have those kind of players right now we don’t have a player who will get the ball um in in the fashion that both him and jerissa did and dive down on the defense and dunk on somebody and that’s what me he kind of reminded me of Batman a little bit uh on that one play because he took advantage of having to step on his man and seeing an open an open Lane to the basket and he wasn’t afraid um just a quick word about SAR SAR looked decent most of the time on defense on offense he kind of he kind of took plays off that was times when he saw the defense in front of him and he just took plays off um so that goes back to that thing but it’s looking good good Koolaid and then we’ll go then we go Mark yeah yeah yeah if y’all notice man they didn’t play my boy miles like they should have they should have finish the game with him I mean when when every time he was on the floor and him and Moji was on the floor together you saw SAR had a very slow game he didn’t start scoring and start doing anything in the end of the first quarter M nris played less minutes than most of those guys and he still he was still he still had what he had like 12 points at the end of the game he didn’t he he didn’t play that much but that mil Nars and I saw Mo if like you said if he toned it down a little bit and he played a little bit more in control he would have got more out of his game uh I think times when he tried to bring the ball up he lost the ball several steals came off of him in crucial times in the game uh he lost the ball a lot and he played very aggressive I say that but he lost the ball in crucial times and he missed shots going 0 for four for the three I mean I hate he missed that shot when Rich Shay did that behind the back passed to him and and he didn’t make that me standing up like this had me standing up like this to miss that [ __ ] I was like I mean like man I mean Rich Shay set him up perfectly man and you know but those those the little things that that Mo G have to clean up if he going to shoot the three he got to make at least one or two of those guys if he gonna shoot the three in his game you know I think I think the guys the main guys did okay Richard Shay did exactly what I expected him to do as his as a number one he did look like that mpj like I thought he was gonna look he he he did look like like Michael Porter Jr so that that was good for me because I know Trey young played well with Michael Porter Jr and his style of play I mean Trey youngon won Championship with Michael Porter so that gonna be comfortable with them on the floor together I saw that uh I just wish that I expected dler to do a little bit better since he was the vet guy on the team I I was disappointed in him I was like man you should you should you should have been at the top of the scoring uh but uh overall man I did want to win I don’t like really like losing it really frustrate me to lose uh I just I just thought coach and I always say rotation rotation putting the right players on the floor at the right time if you trying to win as a coach I think he had went through the rotation enough to to really put the right players on the floor at the end of that game to win that game and I think M naris Mo should have been on the floor together with Rich Shay Nicolo and and and either jonner or or or one of those guys should have or Wallace should have finished that game out but he but he did not finish that game out he had he had Lindell and all of them so I always say coaching rotation win or lose the game so that just my point right there but overall I I enjoyed I I love seeing how Ricky come out and do what he did uh he missed a few three-pointers at crucial times which I like most sometime the shots and when I say when I always say at the end of the game those those clutch moments I like always watch a player and judge a player in for clutch moments and though even if he do bad throughout the whole game but that clutch moment to to win or give you the lead that that pulls that’s set right with me for a player that’s my point what’s good chest we got Mark and then uh oh [ __ ] and then we got RT I forgot to hit RT up my bad RT uh what’s good good chess talk tour did you get the chance to see the get it’s probably like 4 in the morning when it came on your time so yeah ended like 430 um but yeah I was impressed with the research I think well I mean you said it earlier I think he came as advertised he kind of did what I expected him to do um but I mean like self-creation wise I saw him with that he had a spin move into that hook I think that was really uh really nice move and is um waiting for the three footwork waiting for the ball most of the time especially that last three point uh towards the end of the game you see he’s like waiting there perfectly um but I’m not too worried about efficiency in general I think Moji was one of the people I was like worried about shot selection and um although I’m not that worried about it uh I think I was still happy with him because his aggression he got to the free throw line pretty much all the time um dur s when he had the ball in his hand I mean his creation is one of the best things about him and it’s uh one thing I did I did really like about him uh coming in because I he was one of my I mean like second round picks I did I did like him uh especially because he’s aggressive as well it’s one of the things that I mean we needed as a team is aggressiveness and if we have Moi and jurich who can play like that I mean jurich has a black eye I mean he shows you that all straight away but I mean the other I’m not too focused on you know the rest of the some of the squad because we have so little places right now that you know I I’m really just focused on what can R moay do and um jurus because he’s a draft pick as much he doesn’t got raw right now facts facts what’s good Mark what’s up fellas hey I’m not gonna take long man I’ve seen enough shut the young man down you know what are the kids saying chase you know the AA he had the Ora like he was the best player on the court he had a tight handle shut him down man I’ve seen enough so that’s all I wanted to say man hey shout out to dear I know you was in Vegas you know that hey that’s big man you representing for us so shout out to Deon bro he appreciate that man appreciate that hey hopefully [ __ ] hopefully two years from now we doing a weah Vegas trip God dang [ __ ] what’s good uh real quick though what was your thoughts real quick mark on uh muhamed gay and thoughts on giving uh Wallace that two-way contract yeah I was surprised they gave Wallace the contract so quickly yeah I mean I guess they want to keep him on the roster maybe they they like his aggression it seemed like he was taking a lot of shots away from Ray but maybe that’s what they asked him to do like something’s telling me they asked him to do something he did it you know whether it was vocally or you know how he plays so that was interesting don’t really see a spot for him on the team so again that’s an interesting pickup and then as far as Mo man kind like you were speaking on it’s dope to see him bring the ball up the court it’s it’s dope just to see him do everything we were looking at of alexar you know so to me I think he played well I know someone said that uh Alex SAR looked better I think they play pretty they both play good um but yeah you know open from four for three if he makes one or two of those threes I think we’re real excited about Mo so the fact that he’s even taking those threes the fact that he’s you know handling the ball like you said bringing the ball up the court I mean that’s all positive signs and I think he’s kind of making a case for uh you know to be a man in that 10man rotation you know what it’s hard to say like y’all think he’s gonna be a four or a five I’m still kind of like I don’t know what position to put him at so yeah yeah I see a lot of fours I I’m thinking four too but it’s almost like you get the most out of him as a small B small ball five he can be he can play both yeah yeah he can definitely play both so like I said to me we already got three four centers I don’t know if he gonna get that five spot like that well we clearing out at least one of them so well with this roster I don’t know that’s a that’s a common problem I don’t know what position most of these guys are they’re just basketball players yeah luckily [ __ ] I mean that that sound like a good problem to have though yeah players who play multiple POS multiple players who could play multiple positions obviously we just talking about their their physical build and whatnot but uh What uh did you finish did you finish Mark well well I just want to add this I I said this on my stream last night I’ve seen enough from Rish I’ve also seen enough from Mo at this point I would just let nicoa finish out the summer league bro I’ve seen enough man we don’t need to we don’t need to risk injury to me there’s nothing else that can prove one game what’s good uh we go RT then we go Larry what’s good Deon what’s good gentlemen um man uh hey if y’all don’t see if y’all don’t see me on screen it’s because I’m packing okay um I did like what I saw um my biggest concern going into the game was how aggressive Zachary would be with you know fighting his shot and how aggressive he’d be drying the paint he showed a little bit of aggressive especially when he got that rebound on the defensive end and took it Coast to Coast I I really like that play that was a highlight for me um jurich I think that’s how you pronounce it jurich um he had some interesting takes I mean I would I would like to see him on a two-way I would also like to see him on the main roster especially if you know somebody goes down or if you know you know we don’t know how I mean Kobe buffkin hand injuries projected to be okay uh at training camp but uh um you know if it ever lingers you know I wouldn’t be upset if we had you know jurisich right there at least on a two-way um Moji um love the leadership especially like after like a foul or something he’s bringing everybody together and explaining game plans and stuff you know we need you know our I think one of the hawks’ biggest thing that’s you know besides play is they don’t communicate on the on defensive end and and I think mojis does a really good job on like communication on like screens you know where the guys are and and focusing on you know other stuff like that but um I kind of payback up what Mark said you know I think I’d give Mo the rest of the summer league off you know especially after he’s taking like all the hard Falls he took last night you know I kind of got me worried know have him rest or get his have him rest and kind of be a mentor as to like you know Zach or you know um or like EJ just kind of have them as like a voice and I’d probably give uh uh Zachary probably at least one more game before I’d rest him just kind of make sure he’s got his feet underneath him his shot down and then you know like once again like Mark said just kind of give uh Nicola and K ke Keaton Wallace you know the Run for the rest of the summer league that’s what’s up what’s good Larry I just want to say this MO is the language barrier for them guys that’s why you see him in because he speak all the different languages yeah he speak he speak a little he speak French what’s good L what’s going on Salute everybody on the panel in in the chat also man if you in this chat you enjoying this good conversation man hit the like button don’t be that d do that come man something people subscribe guys please hit that like button man come on man stop that all right y’all be not tipping yall waiters either come on man all right um since I didn’t get I got to see the game in Clips every in between any and stuff like that so the beginning of the game I saw Zach score the uh first five out of seven um points that left hand over two people was impressive driveing to the basket looking confident left hand over two people was impressive um every time I came back um he was the way he plays defense I know people were um saying I went back and look at highlights he wasn’t out of place and he was on somebody hip even if they blew by him so that’s what I need you to do I need you to be able to use your limp to dissuade people to going up on you like when he went out it seemed like they went on runs when he went out because we got shorter you know what I’m saying like our perimeter defense got short it just became the regular Hawks you know what I’m saying so uh Zack and mo outplay S I don’t know who I mean maybe I need to see the entire game from start the beginning I saw that he had those blocks and that’s all esmen um focus on when they did it I saw this morning one of the first highlights I saw they was showing all second halfes um things from SAR and they said Ray they were like well Zachary R he got a long way to go uh he had a very inconsistent game uh and I go back and look at the stats I’m like okay he’s one off from 50% from the field why cuz he was three for nine from three he make one he 50% so I just like okay man so y’all narrative is is that alexar was the best potential actually um Wasington had somebody on their team that was better than S you know what I’m saying so again uh that’s why I was upset that was the first thing I saw and then I started going and looking up stuff myself me and Mike was talking on the um CH like man I don’t pay no attention to them dudes you know what I’m saying I just went and looked myself Zack had a good game Mo was out there playing like dude they need your ass I’m here what and he was up chest to chest when he going there like it don’t seem like s wants to be a big man for real for real like just like Mike was saying he wants to be a small forward he literally wants to be a small not how people say that uh windy want to be a small forward he got the skill of a small forward you know what I’m saying but he got aggression s didn’t look aggressive at all except for when he was like on the blocks yes but then again you would expect that chase down block he was he was in front of Zack and Zach dusted him and got a a uncontested dunk on that fast break like what Theon was saying sneaky fast you know what I’m saying like s was step for step for him I thought that was gonna be a chase down block it was a clean dunk so yeah you saw Z smile on that play look at the replay you oh yeah he knew it on his head so I just like it wasn’t even cont it was like once he got show to shower with Zack was gone and it looked like s gave up on it but at the same time Larry I thought it was almost like a respect thing they you know they both French boys I’m not no that’s that’s how the door man think about it not even on the French select team yeah wasn’t even a got a lot who ESPN Marion what you what’s that mean think about this guys Zack after the game they was on team I was asking are they playing now yeah after Jam shout out to Jamila Jay man she lost all her um she lost her license and stuff there but still got in Access and got the uh got the videos out you know what I’m saying but yeah whoever helped out appreciate it champagne champagne was the reason for for them winning man eight for nine that dude went eight for nine that’s what I’m saying like play well was their star and was our star s was not was not myami star champagne was their star yeah it was team Rich Shay was our star well I I’ll say Ricochet and uh Rich shet and mo to be honest oh yeah yeah Rich I just put one to one that’s all I will I will argue anyone that man had two points in the first half I’ll argue anyone and then going back I didn’t see the context of all Emoji fouls so I can’t say if they were Tick Tac fouls or not but again if you want to say well he had seven fouls he would have fouled out the game okay that’s fair enough but Moji going to the line 13 times making nine that’s your aggression yeah that’s your aggression you know I’m saying so again I need to see more Mo this season um at the power for position I don’t want to see him at the center position that’s going to wear him down he’s going to get injured just like the man said but but uh the two guys since Kobe went down the two guys I wanted to see I said I needed uh Zack give me 20 he got me 18 I’m good with that you know what I’m saying long as it was no 12 or something like that and look lost he didn’t look lost at all so I’m good with it I’m good yeah I I didn’t want Zack so I can admit that also know what I’m saying yeah I mean Hey listen everybody know on the I was on the SAR B so N I wanted Clingan after after what he said I was just like no I’ll take Clingan but mean z looked good man go ahead Mike about say something about Zach that I I like that I didn’t see previously um it was two times that he attempted post play one time he didn’t get the ball I think it was like in the first half or he had a good seal off um where he basically had the defender like on his back in a sense where basically Defender was in the wrong spot it was Zack and nobody between the goal I think Mo had the ball on Perimeter and mold it and throw it down to him they missed but I like that I’m like okay this young man even knows you know what I’m saying to go down here post he sealed them off all the you know at 19 years old again this is what was part of his Scout report like he know how to move without the ball like if you pay attention like the dude knows when and how to move without the ball just simple slot simple did and everything like that stuff like that is going to be just just so awesome for the team and Trey but then also too he got it one time later on he actually did get it in post I felt like he should have shot it after his like little first little pivot or whatever but he kind of did little extra pivots and everything and wind up getting fouled or whatnot though hold on man but he wind up getting fouled or whatnot I think we still had the ball though but that was just encouraging to me I like I like that you know what I’m saying that he is willing and he know how to get down there oh yeah go ahead go ahead Mar one thing I would say about that is that summer league is usually a very unstructured type of game because you got guys trying to make the team so to see to see Ricochet uh to see Zack playing in that unstructured game and still look good it just it just uh wets my appetite to see what he what he’s going to do when he’s in a structured game playing with the with the team I mean you know and something I wanted to add I know people saw um you see him three for nine from three that’s a good percentage by the way almost you’re one away from 40 that’s right below NBA average but what I saw was couple of those threes I was thinking to myself don’t he ain’t taking those doing a game a real game because I think he did one he did like a turnaround fade away three from the corner I was like he ain’t shooting that [ __ ] in no real game at all and I think some of the thre he took I know de he might say he might yeah I don’t know Quin likes when they get him up a little more G play a little bit more structur what what you say Larry did you see his interview after the game I advise everybody to go and check out um no I tried I saw his interview before the game I saw it before the game what what he say what did he say after the game basically was like it was good to get out there and play with the guys um we wanted to win you know but cuz they were asking you know hey you got 18 points you know I’m saying five rebounds blah blah blah how did you feel about your first game it’s was like well you know first thing he was thinking about was not getting the win so I like that you know he said gaining more chemistry with his um teammates and stuff like that so I wanty back on what some of y’all said man uh about Mo uh leadership and I saw I think it was Mar who said yeah I saw him like talking to Zach constantly you know what I’m saying encouraging him and uh I thought that was a good stuff for me I think Mo G Le by example out there um uh uh miles nor um with uh you know he did his thing out there I would have liked to seen little bit more of Miles nor I think he should have stood out a little bit more but once again since it’s so unstructured like Marian said I mean I don’t know what the Hawks and the coaching staff was telling the players you know what I’m saying when they go on the court I want you to do ABC I want you I want you to do this go ahead Mario I’m G pick back off of what you was saying uh I see Mo too uh you know getting that you know trying to tell everybody you know on the leadership side also uh with Zack Zack played well and I want to give Mike Mike you know props bro uh Mike and M I say yeah I was wrong y’all was right about Zack Zack showed his ass out there only thing I ain’t like when he had a chance to take somebody to the basket he shot away from that yeah you know what I’m saying right now he’s 100 that’s that’s gonna come though that will come fight uh and a a lot of times I saw him lost on on defense that’s only thing I saw that I probably would have an issue with but he was lost on defense a couple times um to me he looked better than S to me that look the same I mean like I said man like I said I think s yeah I thought s play much better settled down s look good on defense offense he would look pretty good I’m telling you coll in the second half S I think s was right basketball play man yeah he was special he was making he was doing stuff that’s not going to show up in the stat sheet exactly he made good he did you listen like I said when I we lost the ball we lost the game because uh they stopped playing defense and those guys who uh I don’t know who it was with the with the small afro who was the point guard maybe that was um what for us Jo yeah that’s join yeah yeah he he started playing herob ball in the third quarter but see you got to remember this this another thing about summer league those guys it is those guys yeah they’re trying to get Contract they trying to get they trying to get tways but also they they they also auditioning for other teams man it’s so many it was so many Scouts for other teams in there man um so those players are looking for opportunities you know know to show their thing and like hey I need to be on somebody’s NBA roster you feel me now who sh who shine on the washingt car scoring what you what you guys think about wler will was NBA player he’s an NBA player that’s why I say I thought he would do better man we should have win I mean he he doesn’t have a summer league game though he’s not I’m with I’m with Y man I didn’t see he looked the same to me from last year like I he play pretty decent defense though some guys just don’t have a game for summer league like if you’re not really able to do things off the jribble will seem like he’s more of those guys if you put him in a system in a roll yeah yeah I like I like Nicola Nikola though n keep it real I’m G keep it real he’s gonna be in Europe though he’s gonna be he going to the G League or he going back to Europe bro yeah now I wouldn’t even take why would you take less money to play in the G league if you can just go play because the G League the G leue if anything that gets you 50 games in Atlanta true yeah true guess what uh what if what if last year prime example injuries boom yeah true and maybe that’s another reason why they took why they gave Wallace the contract because Wallace is already an established uh member of College Park he been there two years yeah so he already know the plays the defense so maybe that’s keep keeping him on a two-way that’s gonna give you 50 games at the at the NBA level if somebody get hurt uh and you ain’t got to coach him up on nothing as far as the schemes and is n 19 yeah he’s 20 years old so the Mind thing about that is though for him he’s playing he’s playing extremely like Mega is like one of those Powerhouse European clubs so he’s going to play Euro league they put their their NBA prospects in a good position so like Nicola yish played for that team T like they’ve had a long history of producing NBA players and developing them and they’re G to pay him more money and get him you know he’ll play 50 plus games of high level basketball in Euro league if he goes back and he’s not on the Hawks book so it’s either he’s gonna get stash or he’s gonna make the I hey look got a question got a question for y’all who is the better outside of tra who is the best dribbler on the teamin Kobe buffkin is [Music] n it’s try and Vic with yeah Vic viig no Nola is is a a great ball handler that you gonna a better ball handler than Dyson I’m be I’m G be honest Mario about D the thing is the Hawks have a lot of guys they have too many guys they don’t really have a rostler spot for nias so it’s either he’s gonna or he’s going back my guy ikb what’s good my guy so I don’t know I think it makes more sense for him to go to Europe though go back what’s up everybody who was saying don’t over react for summer league don’t overreact for summer league overreact now they got the chest poked out because they were worried about Zack not fitting in the summer league system man let me tell you something yeah I didn’t think he had a summer league game though but let tell you something man I over I ain’t gonna lie I ain’t gonna lie to you bro everything with the Hawks I overreact so I know I will I’m just putting want them to keep the same energy I’m just putting that disclaimer out now Larry Larry can I add something to that right quick I tweeted I’m overreacting yeah to that though y’all know I’m the M naris guy right so I’m looking at thing wler wiler had 29 minutes he had 29 minutes M naris got 18 minutes that need to switch man if they would have switch the game would have been better we probably could have won that game what Bas that start Center koola you know what the problem is you need to find out you need to find out why did they take miles Norris two way from him I don’t even know man I don’t know why they Koolaid because he didn’t he didn’t play Bad in the G leagues I don’t know I don’t understand why they they fav they like the Trent farest better but what’s funny is and it’s funny that you mention those two they took M no’s two-way contract right then they gave it to then they gave that to Vic kie okay correct but then when it was time to um when it was time to sign a guy to an NBA deal they give the deal to Tren Force but instead of giving that two-way back to miles they went and got whitler and they cut Petty M so I don’t I I don’t understand it cause I’m looking right here mil Nar played 18 minutes he went three for six one for three from the three he had nine points so I don’t know we the play 29 minutes four for 10 four for nine I mean whitler looked pretty good but he but he only you know 12 points with 29 minutes what what did Willer shoot from three and what did uh M north shoot from three well mil on the shot three times he shot one for three whitler shot four for nine oh there you go that four for nine for three 49 four for nine is that’s that’s almost 50% he right there if you look at the game when M Nar was on the floor it was a Plus on the floor we took the lead every time M Nar was on the floor M need his his minutes I mean like miles I mean it said Whitley was a Ford miles a Ford no who was the starting center who was the starting center yeah for who for us I thought Mo started with at the center spot because I mean we didn’t really out C we only had one Center that was listed as a center on on on the S League team it was Baker what’s his name but uh no but but they mostly played the forwards so Mo G mostly played that Center Spot no it was another guy it was another guy that that started off the game with without starting five is we had we had Moji Moi the one who actually jump did the jump ball okay so so it’s Moji Zack yeah it was uh um damn my mind went blank UHD I who Lidell yeah EJ Liddell no no not not Lidell uh EJ didn’t start yeah started n started in the first beginning of the game no no no he came he start it was um they game the most in the first quarter well I just thought that you know everybody was kind of hunting for I think I think I think it would Mo that that played the center spot in the beginning of the game chat saying Rob Baker it’s Baker yep yep yep yate you and look the pictures I took it was Baker II Mo Ray whitler and uh and n and ni Nico and they was like it was like an interchangeable thing neither one of them is is real centers every all of them is listed as fors I don’t know but to get back into the lab yeah yeah I think should take take Baker take some of Baker time exactly but he did 19 minutes he he he need to be back in the lab because he was terrible yeah hey hey hey chat the link is I just put the link back back up I know some people was asking for it link how many minutes do you guys can I cut in real quick about over reactions yeah go ahead so when we talk about over reaction so Zack yeah he showed you what you need to to see um but I just need every we talk about keeping the same energy on this by the time the season comes around this is very important for Hawks fans because there’s still those always gonna be those SAR contingents SAR is going to be put in a position by the Washington Wizards to be showcased uh this year and so that’s likely gonna mean is he GNA be like you know they’ve signed bat Tunis they Bing the veteran Point guarding brogon everything they’ve done is kind of geared to kind of get him the ball let him play through his mistakes yesterday he made really good decisions in the short row uh I get it he don’t want to bang around but neither does jiren Jackson and those are the kind of guy all the guys he project to none of those guys are good rebounders none of them like to play Down Low but I just tell Hawks fans please remember this so when we get to this time next year and it’s very possible that s or you know because he’s probably the most likely to start and be able to put up the numbers and the playing time and the attention to win a rookie of the year I just would hate for this to get a year a year down the road and like oh well we got the worst player because we’re playing Zach in a specific role trying to be competitive and he’s getting on a bad team getting to do whatever I don’t think I don’t think chasing a ward yeah I don’t think I don’t think HW fans gonna be man you be surprised I mean we had you know what we had the same thing with uh when it was try and Luca when Trey started heting up in the second half of the season and you get to the end of the year and when and when Luka W rookie of the year I Hawk fans wasn’t uh upset with Trey young they was probably more most of uh most of them was upset with um with the media and the way the voting went but I’ll say this and then uh I pass it the mic um I don’t believe SAR is going to get the touches people think he’s going to get in Washington due to you have Jordan P who’s still on the roster you still have uh uh what’s the what’s on the but guess what guess who they guess who they on Talon is kabali ah yeah yeah K Kali in my opinion is gonna be the one who get the Touches for for the Wizards now I’m not saying that obviously I’m on the outside looking in so they could SW who knows what they think they could switch it up and do like you said and run a lot through the uh but this what I I expect I expect what I saw tonight I expect Zack Richard say the start and I’mma tell you bro he he if Trey Young’s out there he get 25 points I gonna lie to you dog if Trey young was playing out there last night he prob Z probably would have had 25 I’m not gonna there’s no argum I’m not going right the reason why I say that right we didn’t get mad at Trey because he finished second and it was clear he was going to be a star player I’m just saying that because it’s a it’s a real possibility that not because not for any reason of him not being good or anything like that it’s just because he’s gonna come into a team where he’s gonna play a system because the Hawks are trying to be competitive it’s a very real world where Zack Reet doesn’t finish top three or four and Rook year voting but I’m just telling you guys temp expectations wins it’s not oh we got I think Richard I think Rich should say um the way he played his ability to shoot from almost anyone at the court Falls right into what qu qu Snider want to do bro he I think he’s gonna get so many uh now I think it’s it’s a difference between between being showcased right and being and being put in a position being in being put in the best position for each player I think Richard hay is going to be in the best position to get the shots due to Trey young e e even though we’re not really showcasing a rich should say if that makes sense I might be I might be babbling right now no I got you no I got you I got you I I know what you’re saying I know what you’re saying I’m just again tempering everybody we I love I love what I love his game like you know was H and hey but I’m G let y’all talk I’m listening I’m G be packing I’m gonna be listening though y’all go ahead chop it up I person mik Mike’s gotta make his point go ahead Mike ahead Mike yeah because I mean I mean I understand Jay you want tempor expectations and stuff like that though but uh me personally listening to The Wizard and I get it it’s like they that’s again that’s why s wanted to go to the Washington because he thinks that he’s a small forward darn near shooting guard or some crap like that’s what he wants to be that’s what him his Camp obviously think that he is and and wants to be and they want to push him forward the best opportunity for him in this that is with the Washington wi in my opinion if we looking at that I don’t think at this state I don’t think he’s as talented as JJ JJ at this stage abely all that so with that said that’s again why I’m perfectly fine with s gone somewhere else bro because that’s the way you want to play we got jayen Johnson here and then we got Mo backing him up after that which is like we we ain’t missing what you supposedly can offer and stuff like you know I’m exactly and then on top of that like Zack is 161 and 19 and possibly can grow another in two before the yeah I saw him standing next to uh Alex on the when they were shooting free throws and they they close like side by side by Mo I saw it earlier in the week some know film on Twitter or whatever it was they showing the H stuff they need but then on the court saw him walk past M like yeah no like Zach Z not 68 man I don’t I don’t think he is I don’t know what it is maybe my eyes somebody L he’s a solid 69 69 69ine like a and yeah you got you just gota hope that he develop into like a into like a KD type of player where he can he can pop hang on hang on hang on hey he just play he just played his first game just play his first game we can’t compare him he’s only played one Summer League game we can’t compare him to KD yet you hope he developing 2kd this great guy like he I’m not I’m not making it’s that logic right there somebody in this class somebody in this class is going to become a star and I it’s we have to remember that we love Zach’s game but Zach is not projected to Bear player so once you say hopefully he turns into a k if he turns in my op why I have stop because I don’t think anybody can say that for sure that Zack is not going to be a star like I’m sorry that’s why I before the draft because people kept saying oh he can’t dribble he can’t shoot or or other players got higher ceilings I’m like how are y’all coming to this conclusion but Mike we also got we gotta be realistic bro we gota be realistic no no okay out I’m asking y’all again I’m asking you how is it realistic truly that Zack does not have the same equal opportunity to be a star in this league is guys who’ve been picked after him I do not get that narrative at that that talk get that’s not what we’re saying though no no it’s it’s the it’s the comparison to KD it’s it’s the expectations that you he’s a 192 year-old kid who has not even played in the league yet Mario again people taking what I said out of context no hang on if he turns into KD Mario iio if he turns into that and don’t have expectations to them happen if anything if anything Zack is benefiting from the fact that the expectations probably only coming from crazy fans no media expect anything radar that that’s my problem that’s my problem because again this is and no not this is what Atlanta fans we tend to do like it was the same thing with Hunter coming out of at four he was only projected to be a three and D role player and every time they were comparing him to it was oh he’s a fourman he’s a bus he hasn’t been doing that because he’s the fourth pick in the draft and this what it’s again let’s temper the expectations remember I hear all of that hre Hunter was an American kid that everybody knew he was an American kid that everybody knew and won here in college one here and was with the player of the tournament and all that crap we see how that basically got Ed on the map everybody know Ed they know Ed more than they even know Zack like like you listen to Jeff podcast they talking about like man this probably the first time don’t nobody even know the number one pick name like it’s just a different time right now to an extent though but literally you looking at yesterday’s game I personally said it before actually watching yesterday’s game like before the draft pick y’all looked at yesterday’s game you cannot tell me that young man at the age of 19 foundational skill set based is not better than DeAndre Hunter is already it is period he’s he’s better than DeAndre he has more potential he’s got he’s got a higher potential yes he has a higher potential my biggest thing is that he doesn’t become so let me say this bro I don’t get why you have you as a fan should not have expectation of the number one pick in the draft bro to be high as anybody else below him you speak on and I’m not talking about you J J I’m talking about the league itself everybody around the league speak on everybody else even the 55th pick of this draft and make them bigger than anything in the draft and then say the number one pick can’t nothing but a role player Mario that’s what the media does bro media will do that they do it to get views expectations should you have with a player that that is of the caliber like you can’t say you I can’t say my expectation is for him to be as great as a KD without somebody jumping down my throat like why well Mario hang on MAR go let me Mario I don’t I don’t I don’t at all fault you for saying that uh we we look forward to R Shay and hopefully one day he could be as good as KD because I know I know that in Houston they’re saying Reed Shepard we hope that one day he could be as good as Steph Curry you should have some type of a want your players to be really good that’s that’s cool I think that one thing that we as fans have to recognize and we saw it last night um the media is gonna prop up everybody else but Rich sh uh they had a halim a halim promo for SAR on SAR getting drafted and he was the number two pick and and Rich was right there Rich Shay was right there they didn’t they didn’t have that that same uh V vignette for Rich sh they they had that for SAR so and now and now and now to me and now to me D conet is the r can I say something old man say something I want to old man say something let the old man say something look young bro let finish his thought bro go ahead and finish man I just want to come after marry him that’s all all right we already see it we already see that they they propped up they propped up bronny they propped up uh SAR and they’ll prop up Reed Shepard Dalton connect and everybody else and that’s just based on the fact that they hate the Hawks the media hate the Hawks and they always have so richet he he’s not gonna get a fair [ __ ] but I believe that he’s gonna be a great player can I say you know why I don’t mind all right young people let me say this young people I’ve been a Hawks fan for a long time and I’ve been a fan for baseball football and and and the Hawks okay what about the nobody like like Atlanta media is not going to give nothing a edge to Atlanta we have to earn all of that every player we get we have to earn that so I’m just preparing y’all that it’s not going to happen now as for Rich sh the coach have to believe in him that he is the number one pick that he is going to be that guy in this draft class to to rise to the top and the coach have to play him like that and I’m saying that for a reason because from my opinion if kach Nate would have had that that that that thought mindset when we had JJ I felt that JJ could have won the uh the uh the uh Rookie of the Year C if he would have had that mindset and play JJ because JJ in the in in the in in the summer league in the G League show more potential than your boy in Toronto who got the rookie of the year but coach did not have that confidence now what gonna happen y’all say is Rich Shay gonna start that what we argue about will Rich Shay start no he’s the number one pick he must start day one and he must play his 30 minutes a and let me say this before I go we said this man had the potential to look like a M mpj Michael Porter Jr Trey young with with Michael Porter Jr made Michael Porter Jr MVP he got MVP playing with Trey young it’s a possibility if coach have that mindset that Trey young can put Richard Shay in the position to get Rookie of the Year and y’all go hey hey I ain’t going to lie I like what I seen from bro yesterday and to be honest with you he should be hey day one star two guard I think he fit right in I think he should go and play M the two man because from what I seen out there he he hey with Jaylen Johnson and Tryon really with the ball in the hand I think he’ll be a great knock down kiing shoot quick decision making one move dribble pull up you know quick passes I think that’s it made the shots get NBA game but he’s not he most definitely not a three right now reason I say two he got a better shot at the two man small just from what I seen yesterday and I don’t know man they did start him at the two last night they did start and then then I think yall down exp explain I’m explain it then I think y’all down on him in his chances rookie of the year I really feel like they gonna start this man right out the gate if they were smar the reason I say I feel him better at the two is his frame right now he is still kind of slight I get his height but then I think it’ll make the team even more Dynamic with a two guard their size and they can play the two and guard the two I ain’t gonna lie I’m okay I’m okay with keeping DeAndre Hunter at the staring three if you start Ricochet at the two with jayen Johnson OKO and capella I’m cool with that I like that lineup defensive I think we’ll be better and you got you got Shooters all around them I actually I’m not yeah I’m actually hoping that’s what they roll with so let let’s so most NBA players gain probably about 25 to what’s up my bad I just saying let Larry roll after you RT yeah um like most NBA players gain about 25 25 pounds you know muscle or weight throughout the season so you know who’s to say that’s uh ret doesn’t fill into his body like and not to sound you know weird or anything but like to um you know get some like size get some weight and get some repetition you know get some trying to make this sound like not weird um but like I think with more reps and more playing time and you know Star by the two star by three as long as he’s like developing because he’s still young he’s still 20 if he develops his you know his whole game out I think he could either started the two or three and I mean it goes back to what we’ve all been saying we have a lot of guys on this team that can play multiple positions there’s not a problem with that it makes us Dynamic makes us you know very non matchup like we can put a DeAndre Hunter at the four if we need to we can put zachar a 610 guy at the two if we need to um anatomy and phys okay my bad my bad Stephen my bad um so you know and that that’s my biggest thing you know if he develops and grows I you know I I certainly hope he becomes Rookie of the Year you know I think what saw last night is what he could probably average on The Daily and those are Rookie of the Year numbers all right I’m good go ahead Larry yeah um coming into this um like I said I want to see 20 from him but I think there were opportunities he could have got the ball uh just looking at highlights I didn’t see the whole floor of the game because I was doing the Braves on commentary but go race one back and looking at it yeah we won too so that’s good uh going back and thinking about it man I wanted ret since we picked him I wanted to play the two but seeing the highlights of that game just reaffirm I want him at the two he don’t need to be the three especially his first year and actually it’s opposite um RT normally guys lose weight during the season you know what I’m saying so because like they’re not as active and the season is so long but they can develop the muscle mass though yeah I think that’s going to have to come in the offseason I think having him against twos with his length but the guys not as strong uh yeah he’s gonna have trouble with Derek white or something like that but a lot of teams Ain got Derek white so if if you know or a Jaylen Brown you know what I’m saying he’s gonna have trouble with that but a lot of guys don’t have that gonna the Dante de chenzo or something like that who I don’t want him going against Mel Bridges I don’t want him going against KD I don’t want him you know what I’m saying like those type of players that’s playing you know Hybrid Power Forward small forward no that’s barbecue chicken but if I put him at the two I can insulate him from that also DeAndre Hunter can still play or Dyson down either one you know what I’m saying the only reason the only reason why I would say put Dyson Daniels at the three instead of U DeAndre Hunter uh is because I think the balance on offense from second team to first team would be better if we let Dre rock out with the second team that way he has Freedom um to be the main option or at the very least be uh number two after bogy I think him and bogy have better chemistry than him and Trey young I think that’s been proven over the four years five years he’s been here so with me I know he makes 20 million but I think the money is well spent if he’s getting us 16 Off the Bench if he’s getting us a hot 16 Off the Bench the rebound is all always trash so but if you got Mo G next to him you know what I’m saying uh I think that’s a different story like to be honest like team off and defense could be a lot better if you had Trey Rich Shay Dyson Daniels JJ and then oble o and then you have coming out I don’t want uh Mo playing the center I want him being the back four ain’t gonna lie after after after Mo last night I I kind of rather keep NS at that back up power forward because I said way he played last night I ra keep a little bit I’m just saying Mo Mo just looked he still got a grow some more man seven fouls yeah yeah come on bro he got like four fouls in the first six I think that was all because of s man they wanted s you know yeah they did that he score first half a lot those officials were rookie officials they never really officiated a game before I watch from start to finish though Mo looked at sloppy mo mo kind of looked at sloppy he still need a little bit more development I I mean hopefully he come out there game two and look better but judging off the first one watch it was kind of rough I’ll say this for you D comparing him to all right compar than hang on hang on hang on let M make his point compare him to Star compare him to SAR for what you saying you saying he’s slopp all right technically speaking SAR has been playing and having a basketball in his hand longer than Mo G consider the fact that Mo G did not start playing basketball until what age his late teen like 16 16 17 years I think y’all not being honest though s s is ahead of that man way ahead again playing game for five years he just started playing basketball D no I get it I get it notice what I’m saying I would rather keep I would rather keep n still and make him my backup power forward as right now I don’t think right got be so hey damn if he if he if Mo balls out next game like because I mean I think it just match so match up Bas he got destroyed by SAR that what you telling me somebody yes well you know he dominated him [ __ ] yeah heit yeah that was SAR specializ Moji had one block and three steals SAR had four blocks and one steal I looking at defense right all right kind of look better offensively offensively his jump shot looked better than moay no no shade I said in my opinion no shade I just feel like he need a little bit more development before him as the definely need more development you know what I’m saying I mean offensively he definitely do but I’m just saying like if I’m taking stats for defense if I can get three steals one block or four blocks and one steel that’s almost a watch defensively if you’re looking at get now what I will say is Mo G get to the free throw line 13 times so more aggressiveness in his game than that’s true I mean I think that’s also due to the fact that’s also due to the fact that the guards wasn’t the ball I’m saying they wasn’t they wasn’t looking to get S the ball though that’s hang on D you guys see how Mo like played star get Mo don’t the post really Mo Opera in the outside too I think next game they’re GNA show not that I care turns out I think you guys see how Mo like alterate alter shots though you watch the G the way from front to end he said in the game he said in the game that he was trying to get to the hole he said that I said Mo I said listen wait let me finish let me finish let me finish I said Mo was also operating on the outside dribbling too I said s didn’t get as much potential with the Wizards let Opera with the ball that’s all I said bro I kind of that but let me say this then let me say I personally kind of disagree with that it’s because of his skill set ain’t what people think it is okay it’s a couple times and the wizards they gonna find it out but they trying to put him in that mode star when people was trying to tell this to me oh star got handle he got handle no he don’t he got one hand that he can dribble straight so yes as a seven foot one guy that’s very impressive I get it that is impressive to go straight with one hand dribble with some speed but he cannot switch hands he cannot switch hands whatsoever so when he’s guarded by actual Wings because he ain’t no big man and they basically Le gonna put Wings on him he ain’t gonna be dribbling nowhere so what I’m saying is that Mo G picking up a ball from five years ago only for five years now attacking when he get the ball on the perimeter the dude literally would switch hands and cross SAR and get to the hole now credit to SAR the to recover BL shot but you can’t take away Mo skill and ability to cross him up and get there what it is is that Mo let let me finish let me finish like you did what it is that yes Mo has to develop because the develop players like Mo that’s his side that SAR gonna be on would have did this once they crossed him up they would have slowed down bodied him and then laid it or once they crossed him up they would have went up left and came other side right that where Mo has to develop but the [ __ ] cross saw with no problem went to the hole and he just picked up a basketball not too long ago I like Mo skill and where it could possibly go he still have to develop but I’m just saying he can do more than just straight line dribble he can actually Swit hand I agre I agree I agree nobody’s taking that away from I just said as the backup power forward behind Jaylen Johnson right now the game one I’m not confident saying he should be him and we not I’m you can different all you want but if you comparing saring Mo moay right now bro who’s the better player B 100 you going to lean at least that one game bro look like the better player right now okay again you want me to be 100 you want me to be 100 everybody know I was not for drafting s and the reason why is because I believe we already have it and JJ and mo so to keep it 100 if anything it’s a push for me it’s a push between Moi and SAR SAR just seven one we already got Mo cheaper being second round one man I don’t even think he one hise he looks really I mean don’t get me wrong I’m happy with the pick we got I like I like Ricochet so don’t get me wrong like I’m over here advoca for sarry what I’m just saying is what he showed that one game I see the upside with it too like now hit that face twice yeah two threes and that fade away jump shot like it just seemed natural that’s what I’m saying it all looked natural it didn’t look like a he trying something out that he shouldn’t be trying so with that looking natural at this age everything did don’t look natural and he just trying L I never said it no I never said it didn’t it just still like you said he P up a ball five years ago it shows shows a little bit still even just without the ball with the rot the r you would think he just started playing basketball in my opinion if you looked at Mo you would not think that he just started playing basketball that that’s Mo work basketball in that’s all he got think about it he went to college he barely played in high school you know what I’m saying he played something in college not here in the pros so I mean for someone who literally played ball for five years your high school had the Middle School in it too so basically that’s no he good I’m just saying right now after that first game he can’t be my backup power forward like maybe third on the death chart just unless he show you got to show the rest of the summer league and preseason maybe I a’t leaning on that right now that’s fair that’s fair I mean I think I think Larry n should be cuz the way they got it structure on the team as for double o Larry Nance Cody and Clint those four guys now we don’t know what they gonna do I don’t know what they gonna do with Bruno Bruno might be gone okay I don’t I’m not sure but Bruno might yeah Bruno gone Man Bruno gone so Bruno so we not gonna count Bruno in so we got these four guys double O right we got Larry n Cody and Clint so N is a p is a p he’s a he’s a four or five yeah dou basically basically basically is a center but he actually working toward being a 4 five itself yeah okay we know Clint is a p pure 100% Center you know Cod is a pure 100% Center okay so so so like he’s saying like Mo G with JJ being being a starting four Larry Nance can possibly be pushing Mo into into another place as being on the bench again for another year I mean unless they unless they make a deal with Larry Nar contract coming up right so he so so he could make be making preparation for moi to be coming up because we could be trading Lance next year no no no no no Lance is on the expiring contract what I’m saying Lance on the expiring contract so he won’t be here next year yeah yeah exactly that’s why I think say that’s why I’m saying that he probably would end up getting more time this year than Mo no no no no no if he’s the aspiring contract you would play mo more and look to trade that dude you know what I’m saying you’ll look to trade um Larry n because aspiring contracts I mean he’s a pretty good backup power for the center and aspiring contracts are valuable that’s why I don’t think Clint capella is going anywhere because that’s going to be the easiest way you’re going to resign JJ yeah I think they’re gonna keep everybody wants you know what I’m saying contracts because once they come out the books it’s easy money if you bring back a contract with it it’s goingon to make it that much harder to sign JJ so in a perfect world you know what I’m saying you probably would keep Lance and Clint capella but we got too many cers to do that two of them guys gonna be gone what I’m saying com I’m saying that is from my point of view laress is a better player player than Mo from my okay right now yes I mean if you trying to win if you trying to win now you always play the better player I mean you I know that well I know my point understand what you’re saying I understand what you’re saying about it but I’m saying if you trying to win right now this year and you try to win they are Koolaid Koolaid I’m I’m debating if this is not a development year why did we bring the head coach of the Skyhawk up to be the head of development um on the regular Hawks team try to get San Antonio Larry betterer we have just agreed that Larry N is a better player than than Mo no no no no no we don’t disagree I think Larry n right now his um career that’s what he is he’s better than Mo right now but I’m thinking that this year is a we got to get these young guys ready something that you always something you’re always advocating for I don’t think that I don’t think that you know what I’m saying we’re trying to win when Landry field said yo the young guys development is key to this team success going into next year he meant that well well I understand really I really think Mo G is gonna be the backup I really he should then he should be looking to to trade LaRon Nance as soon as possible to get well that’s why I heard that lar n is on the trade block you know what I’m saying I think they’re GNA keep C and I think they’re going to trade Larry N I don’t think they’re going to keep two expiring contracts on on here and give up somebody who possibly you can’t waste Mo G you lost a year last year with Mo G if you feel good about Mo he’s goingon to play at least 17 minutes for this team as a backup um Power for he hey I get what you saying I can see that I can see that Dan Jay he’s gonna eat a lot of those minutes he’s gonna eat a lot of those minutes cuz he’s your star for so yeah but I mean like he do need to get in the weight room he do need to you know U get some more coordination with his footwork but again like Mike said I see the raw skill and I take I take back what I said because now now that you now now I’m thinking about it it’s more game it’s more actual game speed and game play that he needs because when I watched him yesterday a lot of those F A lot of those fouls and stuff was because he didn’t play enough minutes so those are growing pains you just got to get through exact I get what y’all saying I see I see it yeah that’s I’m saying like really I think I think I think next game Zack G I don’t know I think his because I know the uh European three-point line is a little shorter and a lot of his jumpers I seen was kind of short I think this game hey gon be come out there knocking him down now Zach shot some 26 Footers know I think I think it’s going to be a lot better because you’re getting adjusted you know to that three-point line yeah yeah yeah get that D he talked about that before the game they asked him about that he said it’ll take a little bit with the little distance off you know he put AIT more in Mario Mario you ain’t by yourself man I’m over here telling myself too hey boy he got KD potential so I’m just saying you know I’m just saying like Dixon like last year the coach the coach played veterans man we they always have a tendency to play veterans you I mean Patty Mel played last year Wesley Matthew played last year you know what I’m saying so sometime the coach had all most majority a lot of coaches we seen with Nate and and and with this coach right here we be saying like give them some burn and they go toward those veterans man I’m just saying that we know L Larry n’s been that what I’m just saying in so so you he might get that favoritism from the coach because coaches love veterans you see what I’m saying I mean and you know you got you can’t you ain’t gonna force a court coach to not play a decent veteran and then just go all out young bars but he know he gotta play Rich sh he know he he gotta play Rich sh there no answer and but about this coach getting this number one draft piit regardless he gotta play Rich shake it you see what I’m saying he got to give Rich Shake 25 to 30 minutes a game at least at least 25 you see what I’m Mario when I was talking about I didn’t really think that uh R Shay could be a KD type uh I watched KD in high school and at Texas you see him when you see KD and when you saw him in the McDonald’s allstar game they were talking about like this kid was 61 had no offers you know what I’m saying and um what’s the coach who’s now in Tennessee uh he was with the Longhorns I forget his name but uh he went and saw him as a point guard when he was 61 and talked to him and then he had that grow spurk and went up to 69ine you know what I’m saying 68 so back has always been a tall kid he didn’t Sprout up he didn’t have those point guard skills handling the ball and all that you know what I’m saying so when I when I say yo he ain’t no KD that’s what I’m looking at like when I looked at KD I was like they don’t make kids like this you know what I’m saying who Sprout up he playing Center but got small forward skills you know what I’m saying we playing Center at at um UT you feel me so I look I like I look at Z what I said before like a D npj and D mpj is g to be the third option on your team do we have you know Allstar Talent you know what I’m saying could he make an All-Star AR or something like that yes but I don’t think anyone in this draft was a superstar now you can have maybe somebody that be up to a number two on the NBA championship team that’s that’s my personal opinion but I look at him like npj and that wouldn’t be a bad thing at all just saying that he’s a A npj or just like you know what I’m saying as a j I didn’t look at anyone in this draft being a superstar not Nam soul but it’s a got a lot of good intrical role players they could be number threes on a championship team and that’s not a bad thing you know what I’m saying I don’t look at I don’t look at Reed Shepard as a number one because if it’s taking this long to build a team around Trey young who’s a much better talent but same height as Reed Shepard is the only thing that Reed Shepard does better than try is actually shoot the ball but driving to the basket attacking it and well he’s a better Defender too but he’s still 61 you know what I’m saying he’s still 61 so he has those deficiencies just because he’s little you know what I’m saying so again uh I’m not saying anyone in this draft is just a mega Superstar gonna be someone you can build a around but there are good pieces in this raft that can help round out a championship team that’s my so basically what I was saying was you would hope that he could develop I just gave him that okay I got you I got you I got feeling I said you will hope he could develop into a KD not saying KD I get I get what what Mario saying I get I get what you’re saying Mario person a type player in the league as a KD get to that point not be a KD correct Mario not be a KD but be to that level of of of noticing like a KD and in his talent yeah what I want to say I want to say this as another old guy in the bunch okay uh this thing start comparisons when Michael Jordan came around oh he’s the next Michael Jordan because before then the league was not comparison everybody was their s b was Beller uh do Dr Jay was Dr J uh they Wen comparison Dr J and nobody else before him you see what I’m saying uh Jabar was Jabar wh with wh you see what I’m saying so this stuff started with Michael Jordan when they start trying to emulate and get that that Force into into the league as a marketing thing of say oh he’s the next Michael Jordan or he’s the Kobe gonna be the next Michael Jordan when he come in leag it always was starting that up until now so I’m saying all of that just to get to my point okay all this stuff about trying to say Trey young and and uh and uh your boy at golden state no Trey young is Trey young he has a unique way of being himself in his game he’s not he’s never going to be Curry no and Curry has a very unique game in his game and he’s not gonna be a Trey young so what I’m saying is that what I’m saying is that every player has their own unique way of being themselves to be either grow into a superstar be Associated player or whatever but that stuff where we always comparison this person that person this person got that person and I know the leag and got locked into that but from my point of view from the old days look these guys are uniquely themselves and they bring uniquely gang like Kyrie Irving is Kyrie Irving period he ain’t no none of this he ain’t none of that Kyrie Irving brings a unique thing to the game and that’s what he is just like Luca he brings a unique he is not a Larry Bird and y’all can say oh hey car he never will be a Larry Bird CU Larry Bird was Larry Bird Larry Bird was not compared to nobody else so so so my thing as for Rich Shay my point I’m making is as for Rich Shay Rich Shay has is look when I looked at his game last night he bring a very unique game and Rich shet is Rich shet Rich shet gonna be rich shet off of what he does I seen Rich Shay show several different phases in his game I saw him turn around as for his height That’s Unique within itself I saw him post from his height he can post I saw him I saw him dribble take a man off the dribble I saw him catch and shoot you see what I’m saying and then as for his height as his frame get better he G to even grow it more into his unique Ness or how he going to play defense so rich shet is richet and my that’s my point I’m making and I think he could be a he could and by him being a number one draft pick he can from I’m looking at a unique game in all those three phases he has the possibility to be a star or a superstar in this league that’s just from from what I’m saying and I’m just saying I don’t want to do no comparison I want to say Rich Shake is Rich Shake that’s it real quick though um I just want to say y’all know I ain’t that high on Michael Porter Jr you know when y’all be trying to get him in here and stuff like that but lar man in my opinion yeah that that I I didn’t like that whole like oh he can be Mar like yeah no that not helping my case in saying draft kid my opinion but but like for me in my opinion he already showing more than Michael Porter Jr like you heard me debate that with Matt I’m Matt was like no it’s Denver system I’m like no go look at Michael Porter Jr in high school and in College Micha Porter Jun don’t dri d n drible all dri not that type of player Zack already and like I saying like bro like Mich por J W show you no no TW leg step back threes you know what I’m saying that I’ve seen glimpses of when I was digging and seeing highlights from Zach and then you saw it you know what I’m saying in the game stuff like the only thing close to like I said M FL Jr skin tone and and his shot release Point that’s about it movement shooting he on the move too yeah he can shoot on the move too Michael Porter J that’s it though that’s literally pass and I for the other phase of his game that behind the back that behind the back pass was off the chain man that behind the back pass was off the chain i a’t g Li that behind the back pass was was was a showing for me I was like okay Zack I see you I see you so he show he show all the phases of a game and hisself as as a Zachariah as a basketball player and he did all that being the start at shooting guard day one day one day one yes all right so Mario saying Mike Mike what about you Mike start day one at shooting guard yeah I’m I’m with it yeah yeah all right Mario said no not yet he needs some more cooking in in the I got you what about you I seen twice he hold on I seen twice he had a chance to uh to take to take it to the basket and he didn’t do that he only passed the ball and uh I think what you were saying uh um Larry when he got you know he maybe should have been like a point guard or a two guard wherever he came from but he don’t have the ball handling skills to be yeah yeah he not not yet that’s what I’m saying like he didn’t grow he was always a tall kid you know what I’m saying like he didn’t have that grow spurt like KD hey Klay thps was a two guard that can’t dribble D ball at all he played two it is true you got two Ballers and J young you got Jaylen Johnson and Trey Young on the court to handle the ball run that man off screens catch and shoot bro that R what you got say what you got Chase two yeah re two I I’d be I’m fine with re the two I like I mean like uh the height height differenti that i’ have with the rest of the league at the two is obviously beneficial um right I mean his size obviously isn’t going to be worrying his defense better especially since I think his def his defensive IQ is is good not not extremely high level but it’s it’s good enough for the NBA at least so I’d be happy with them other two but if then I would probably I’d still want to play Dyson Daniels with re okay what’s up Dan what you think you think you gonna start him or he need a little bit more cooking come off the bench just think about the options we got on that team right now no I’m starting to M the two and everybody gonna hate this but hunter gonna be my staring three I have to keep it like that okay I don’t hate it but I just I just prefer Dyson Daniels as a defense a defense offense attack defend in a way he’s going to be better I with chess I’m not mad at it either way I wouldn’t be mad at it you know what I’m saying the only thing I would worry about is my balance offensively and defensively between the first um Squad and the second Squad I think DeAndre Hunter would balance it out better right being on the second Squad but I mean I ain’t gonna bead take take somebody at the three better than sh take somebody at the two that’s my just my opinion about it because he he not going to slash or that play at least on the slash you think he I don’t think he need the slash I think he need to be coming off off those pin Downs ready to shoot when Trey Drive I don’t think I don’t think he need to go down there like Dyson D go down one person driving the ball I think he I mean the ball with either Trey or JJ initia the offense with his Elite possible Elite jump shooting you know what I’m saying if he can shoot 40% from the NBA you know what I’m saying that’s gonna be huge that that’s up to Kevin herder we ain’t had that since Kevin herder to be honest was hell of great yeah but I mean he’s a better Defender though but he still need to he he need he still need to slash and get to the ho and like yeah he can slash man but I think that’s gonna mess up like if Zach is a part of any kind of dive into the basket I think that’s gonna mess up the uh the flow of I mean he can of course he can pump fake you know what I’m saying attack the close out I understand that of course I’m just saying spacing if if he does like you know in that practice thing when he didn’t miss one for a whole minute and the HS put out all right so Trey drivve pick and roll with Clint or yuck Kung he rolls obviously what you’re going to have him do if you have like JJ or someone else on the back door set of pick with Zack on the other side you know what I’m saying so it’s within Trey Young’s eyesight basically he gonna pop out from the corner and hit that elbow jumper that’s what that practice um thing was that’s exactly what it was pop out right there to the wing bang either I’mma throw the L I’m a no look pass Zach bang that’s shot off that pick and Rose um JJ also roll right there he’s in the corner now you know what I’m saying that’s an easier three for JJ like I don’t know and then the back flow of it coming on the backside I don’t know I think I the way the play it would actually be pretty deadly you know what I’m saying for that I mean I’m not trying to limit him just to be Kevin her or something like like that but definitely attack close outs and stuff like that we definitely need team to to respect your ability to get to the basket okay okay old me Dixon man di the starting five Trey young I’m just gonna say names these are not positions okay these are not positions Trey young uh Dyson Daniel Zack JJ Clint starting five okay I ain’t saying no about no position now my thing is that with that when we the question is about the two the two other one for Zach it don’t matter between Dyson Daniel and Zach being on the floor together either though y’all want to give a put a put a position on them but them on the floor together gonna be interchangeable throughout the game anyway because you could you they going be switching I’m telling you right now that interchangeable you might see Dyson take the ball up the floor you might see Zack grab the ball up the floor you might see Trey come down and set up and get into a trap coming up the floor and pass it off to Dyson or Zach to bring the ball up the floor you might see the same thing you might see jayen Johnson snatch the rebound and bring the ball up the floor so this team being interchange you might see jayen johns or Zack or Dyson set up the pick can roll and put Trey over in the corner for for for a popping shoot that ain’t I’m I’m just I’m just telling you all the different scenarios that can happen I ain’t saying what will and what would not I’m just saying what allow that happening yeah well I’m just saying what can you got a coach with those imaginations with those I say I ain’t saying what would happen or what not I’m just saying if you got a good coach with the right ination he would take advantage of all the talent that He has on the floor that’s all I’m saying now how he would do it I don’t know he might do he might just stay he might just stay until just a pick and R now he’d be stupid if he stay on the concept to go back to a Nate mcmiller offense and stay on a pick and roll with Clint capella Clint capella let me tell you something the worst thing you can do is to go into a go into a pick and roll with this offense with the guys around you with a with a z with a Dyson and with a JJ on the floor with a Clint capella and and to go into a pick and roll offense you will be you only thing only thing what what what what what Clint on the floor need to do he need to get back into his post game cause we need to run a different offense from just a just a pick and roll we need to run more a pick and pop and kickout type basketball offense we can’t just get stuck in a pick and roll offense and and and and and and that going to slow down the movement we need to move move move slash slash slash and pick and pop offense if the coach cannot do that and when I mean about that I mean when Jaylen Johnson come down the floor and bring the ball down the floor it got to be a time where he and he I have seen him do this pick up Trey on a pass for Trey to shoot a ball in the corner or or from the top of the key and I have seen them do this so we cannot get stuck in a Clint capella pick and roll because we still have a Clint capella Clint capella gonna have to have the mindset of being a defense go go back to the old Clint capella being that Clint capella going to get rebounds play defense in the post and then post up for his for for and don’t worry about KO just old ain’t gonna go back no damn what I’m saying about keep send PS and rolling hey let’s hey let’s get everybody last thoughts man I’m about to check out this hotel room and bust these moves back to Texas man salute everybody tapped in man appreciate everybody tapping in on the panel everybody in the chat getting involved we appreciate the support man let’s go around the room so we can go ahead uh end the stream don’t forget tomorrow we will be doing watch along um with the haulk second summer league game which is tomorrow so y’all make sure y’all tuned in Tapped in with the boys you feel me let’s go ahead start with de Mario and then we’ll go down to chase koola Larry and then uh Dan all right zachar should not be the two but he should start um also uh we need somebody else who can score and hen The Rock and I’m done with that all right what’s good Chase um I mean I’m definitely more Dyson Daniels and Reay a k i i play a conu center over capella even though I don’t think they’re GNA do it me but um yeah that’s it for me Koolaid well I said what my five was Trey young Dyson Daniel Zack JJ Clint I don’t want to play small I don’t want to play small I want play as big as possible I want to stay big I want to stay big on the floor and then when we rotate out when we rotate Clint out I want Cody Zella to come out the bench and bag up Clint all right I don’t want to play small I don’t want I don’t want to play small now did double o double O gonna play center is when we play small but other than that N I don’t want to play small I don’t want to go back to being small all right Larry uh how I’m looking at it is um Trey Zack Dyson JJ and double O I think that gives us the best balance offensively and defensively for the first team and the second team uh I’m thinking about overall when the team get real stagnant because they just sitting there watching bogey dribble around for U 15 seconds because he’s the only option I need Dre on that second team to balance set out uh and I think with Clint that would Supply the rebounding that they sely miss when DeAndre and Hunter in there because he can’t rebound never has never will so so yeah I I just think that’ll be the best balance U looking forward to seeing Zachary uh you know and I don’t want to rest him you know what I’m saying unlike what Mark said shout out to mark uh I don’t want to rest him or Mo because I need them to get they wind up because we need them this year they not going just sit there and get 15 12 minutes like they did Kobe buffkin I need to see them guys getting 20 minutes this year plain and simple and uh yeah uh check us out on the Dixon way for the watch party for the bravs and then also um look at the M on your laptop then look at me on the phone we doing the double hitter on Sunday we got the um Hulks and the bravs watch party appreciate the demand as always man salute my guy then we go Dane then we go Mike uh don’t forget we got also um well before I forget Atlanta Hawks home court on uh Facebook they’re starting to do the pregame pregame shows for uh the Hawks summer league don’t know if it’s gonna continue in the regular season but they starting that up so tap in with them boys too go ahead Dan oh uh starting line up hey I’m cool with Dyson Daniels Ricochet I don’t care uh I think we gonna have a good year this year and uh I think next I think they’re gonna end up probably moving net and bringing in probably a veteran guard like a point guard just to sh up the rest I don’t that’s what I think they might possibly need to do but other than that I ain’t got nothing else Mike um as far as the start lineup man I don’t I don’t know man I don’t too much mind or care or whatever U I don’t know and your final thoughts just start Z yeah about say yeah just start Zack that’s all I I I care final thoughts this man I think uh I think Zach is um is a pretty good player gonna continue to surprise folks uh I don’t even really think that he was I don’t know like trying hard in a sense you know what I’m saying I feel like that was a benefit as me watching it too I think in my opinion that first game came kind of effortless you know what I’m saying it’s just kind of a smooth fill out type process and I mean that’s that’s encouraging to me man it’s very encouraging to me I think that uh yeah Zachary is gonna turn out to be a pretty pretty good player for for us and fans GNA be happy man just we just gonna have to deal with um him not getting any type of attention this season y’all like just be prepared for All Season we gonna be like man Zach just had had 23 last night and they ain’t talking about watch bro it’s gonna happen it’s G happen yeah well gang hey thanks for tapping in man Zach my final thought Zack he did pretty good um it’s uh I would say it’s a good time to be a Hawks fan but we got some other stuff we need to sh up but I will say this I will say this at least it looks like we’re trending in the right direction if any if nothing else looks like we’re trending in the right direction it looks like the Hawks have a plan and I can tell they have a plan because it seem like all of us are starting to figure out hey we see what what we see the vision we see what the the team that they trying to build uh and that’s a positive thing so thanks for tapping in guys make sure y’all hit that like button on the way out if you didn’t and we up out of here we catch y’all tomorrow I’m streaming the game Larry streaming the game tap in and we out peace [Music] [Music]

#risachere #atlantahawks #summerleague


  1. You gotta watch his game. He so smooth with it. To me he’s look like a young Gallernai but smoother. He can play mins right now

  2. Sarr out rebounded had more assists had more steals, blocked more shots and he shot better from 3, zacc had more TO than assists 😂

  3. Who plays the best defensive. Sarr does. Three block shots in one possession. Hawks missed out Big. Sarr has what we need most

  4. Dude go clock in at Walmart. You don’t know what you are talking about. Zac’s game will translate nicely to the nba. He just has to get stronger.

  5. Sorry zacc ain't it he ain't athletic can't create. his shot is ok but that ain't what a number 1 pick supposed to look like smh

  6. Atlanta Hawks 2024-25 Roster :

    [C] 6'10 Clint Capela
             6'10 Onyeka Okongwu,
                 & 6'11 Cody Zeller [2WP] ;

    [PF] 6'8 Larry Nance Jr,
                6'10 Mouhamed Gueye,
                   6'9 Zaccharie Risacher
                        & 6'9 Bruno Fernando;

    [SF] 6'8 De'Andre Hunter,
               6'8 Jalen Johnson,
                  6'6 E.J. Liddell
                     & 6'7 Nikola Djurisic;

    [SG]  6'5 Bogdan Bogdanovic,
                 6'7 Dyson Daniels
                    6'6 Garrison Mathews
                       & 6'7  Vit Krejci [2WP] ;

    [PG] 6'1 Trae Young,
                 & 6'5 Kobe Bufkin.

    NBA teams is 15 players max. Cody Zeller & Vit Krejci on a 2 Way Player (2WP) Contract.

    Current outgoing/departing Hawks player due to  free agency :

    SF – Saddiq Bey (Restricted): Signed with the Washington Wizards;

    SG – Wesley Matthews;

    G [2WP] – Seth Lundy (Restricted);

    G [2WP] Trent Forrest (Restricted);

    G [2WP] Dylan Windler (Restricted).

    The Atlanta Hawks can't just let the team revolve around Trae Young, Jalen Johnson and Zaccharie Risacher. There needs also to be observations on the improvements of both Mouhamed Gueye and Nikola Djurisic, with more playing time next for Mouhamed Gueye at the 4 (PF), and more playing time from Vit Krejci at the 2 (SG). Then the Hawks has Dyson Daniels at the 2 (SG), with the Atlanta Hawks still having SG(s) Bogdan Bogdanovic and Garrison Mathews.

    Wondering what will the Atlanta Hawks management do with [1] their starting Center Clint Capela, [2] their SF De'Andre Hunter, [3] their PF Bruno Fernando, [4] their recent aquired Center Cody Zeller, [5] their recent aquired SF E.J. Liddell and [6] their currently injured combo guard Kobe Bufkin???

  7. Looks like a taller slender Klay Thompson needs to add some weight but he will be nasty!!!!!!

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