@Philadelphia 76ers

Major Leap INCOMING for Tyrese Maxey…

Major Leap INCOMING for Tyrese Maxey…

there has been so much talk this offseason about the upgrade of Paul George the addition of players like Caleb Martin resigning Kelly UB Joel embiid playing in the Olympics for Team USA we should not forget about our homegrown Superstar who continues to flourish right in front of our very eyes that being tyes Maxi now Maxi was rewarded this offseason with that fullscale Max contract that he has earned every penny of and should be noted that he did wait out his time not accepting the contract offer last off season to even make it possible for Paul George to come to Philadelphia but in this I want to break down why I think he’s still only scratching the surface of who he is as a player as well as what was revealed in this awesome just experience in museum that was built for Tyrese Maxi to honor him ahead of signing that contract now to pull up the first little clip here you can see Tyrese Maxi holding up that black Jersey the AI themed Jersey which you all remember and have fine memories of and it does seem like these Sixers did reveal something in that video and confirmed by Sixers Adam of uh Philly voice here who writes can confirm as first reported by CBS the Sixers in the process of planning to bring back the black throwback jersey seen in last night’s Tyrese Maxi tribute video but they will not be in the mix for the 2425 season so unfortunate that it won’t be this year coming in but it is still good to see the ball working there this has been something that Sixers fans have hoped for for years we all have those fine memories of alen Iverson in them now I hate to be this guy here to give the hot take I do think the jerseys are a little bit overrated and I would even go as far as to say from the Allen Iverson era that this blue jersey right here is my personal favorite and my take on the black Jersey as a whole is I think Allen Iverson can make absolutely anything look cool and we remember it finally because of that not specifically because of the jerseys are that slick design but the thing that I will say here is I like leaning into a little bit of a Rebrand with the Vibes really being at the highest point that they have been in this era of Sixers basketball with true Hope on the table here it would be cool to have a little something different to roll out and embrace that in a way and tyres Maxi is the absolute poster boy who you would want to represent that that he is the closest thing to Allen Iverson that we have seen since that man has stepped on the floor and that is really one of the points that I did want to hammer home today that I know there’s been a lot said about the addition of Paul George and we know what he brings to the table 22.6 points per game 5.2 rebounds 3.5 assists 41.3% three-point shooter there 45.7% from the corner we also know what Joel embiid brings to the table the guy who is won MVP who’s representing the Philadelphia 76ers and Team USA on the Olympic level for how impressive he is in the Elite Talent that he is but I don’t want to get it twisted that this is Paul George overstepping Tyrese Maxi this is still Maxi and embiid with Paul George as the third star and I do want that to be clear and to talk about kind of the growth of Tyrese Maxi here I just wanted to put this on the full scale looking at his stats and the year-by-year growth that he has shown he was sixth in the league and most improved going from his first season to his second season obviously just 15.3 minutes per game as a rookie Doc Rivers having him in the handcuffs as far as opportunities go he stepped up with the Ben Simmons hold out situation forced into the starting lineup and produce 17.5 points per game 4.3 assists 3.2 rebounds and look at that three-point percentage going from 30.1% as a rookie to 42.7% in his second year which ranked top five in the NBA and just take a second to think about how ridiculous that is that the the criticism of Tyrese Maxi coming out of college is that he wasn’t a good enough shooter well it took him less than two years into his NBA career to become a top five three-point shooter in the NBA and by the way he only improved on this number further the following year upgrading that to 43.4% now he did slip a little bit in that category this year shooting 37.3% on 8.1 attempts per game that’s still above average and the the slippage I will acknowledge I think directly has to do with joeel embiid missing the extent of time that he had that level of gravity and shock creation that embiid possesses is pretty key for opening up opening things up for Tyrese Maxi and I think that’s only going to be further expanded with Paul George on the floor this year but look at those stats as a whole 25.9 points per game there 6.2 assists taking that massive leap and the assist the playmaking there he also has recorded one steal a game which is a career high form I think his defensive growth is definitely worth noting and that’s an area that really stood out to me through the process of last year that there were moments there was one game specifically against the Boston Celtics I remember where he was taking Jaylen Brown’s lunch money and going at him oneon-one in a way that was really impressive to me and Prov something with Tyrese Maxi and I think that’s super intriguing for the future and Maxi is well aware of the piece of the puzzle that he plays I had a chance to sit down and interview with him over Zoom to talk a little bit through a partnership he did with turo and he gave me a little bit of the rundown of a lot that was going on and I asked him about delaying the contract because as much as he obviously still got paid and this worked out fine that is a situation that where simply put not every NBA player would buy into that that to delay a full off season and put that at risk and obviously we know how things went down that things played out as clearly and as best as possible Tyrese Maxi was recognized with his first All-Star appearance did take those next steps in into evolving into his game and improving as a basketball player but what if it didn’t what if he had suffered an injury this year or did not play up to the level all of a sudden those con conversations become a little bit more difficult now Tyrese Maxi is exactly who we thought he was so this ultimately did not prove out to be the case but I did ask him of his thoughts on delaying the contract and loved his response here Maxi just said quote the biggest thing for me was I understood it I understood what the long term was we’re trying to go win a championship and that really was a theme that he hit home I also asked him if there was anything in particular that he was working on specifically for this off season that I know his 1% get 1% better everyday type mindset and he just hit me with I would love to tell you my secret Sean but I can’t can’t be putting that fully out there but you will see so a lot to be excited about there but I also wanted to bring up this concept of the trio of stars when you think about this era of the NBA that it’s become such a copycat league for what the blueprint is to win that we did know there was this super team era where every team wanted to lean in having the most Allstars in the top end talent and forgetting about depth pieces then there’s been kind of a swing back on that pendulum with Team like the teams like the Denver Nuggets having their two superstars in Jamal Murray and Nicole yic and finding guys to optimize their skill set and ultimately I think both there’s pros and cons to both and you can do either successfully and you can also fail either way but we understand that darl m is wired for this Superstar mindset and there is some honest Credence in his opinion there so I want to pull up this article from Jake Fischer that I know I’ve referenced on here before but did just give some stats on what the difference is when there is three stars is pretty pretty uh impressive here so Fisher writes that is the same path the Philadelphia 76ers plan to pursue this Summer according to League sources there has been a strategy of lead executive Daryl Mory dating back to his days piloting the Houston Rockets and it was the same guiding principal Sam hanky at first Mor’s Lieutenant with the Rockets utilized when spearheading the Sixers process that produced Joel embiid Decades of data so th so the thinking goes is unequivocal the history of NBA champions is littered with teams that rostered at least three All-Star caliber players the odds of winning a championship are not typically swung by role players or veteran minimum signings but the game’s greatest since 2012 and 2013 the chance a team reaches the Conference Finals nearly doubles goes from 18.5% to 30.8% win a roster boasts three top players compared the two top players according to team building reviewed by Yahoo sports this defines top players as being those who made an All-Star or all NBA team within two years of the current season and played 29 plus minutes per game the championship BS for teams with two top players stand at just 0.9% compared to 14% with teams featuring three every title winner since 2013 has rostered at least a trio of Alphas aside from two teams the Denver Nuggets which I mentioned and then the 2020 Lakers which of course was that bubble run with only LeBron James and Anthony Davis uh reaching that criteria there now with this Sixers team to add on to that when you think about designing a basketball team or what a big three could possibly look like this is the exact ideal way you want it that you do truly have a dominating interior presence in Joel embiid who’s still Elite at the mid-range and a guy who can score in a variety of ways he’s not just a put him on the post Center and we’ve seen that on full display you have a true All-Star guard guard in Tyrese Maxi who only is getting better and is only going to continue improving from here he’s going to be entering next season at just 24 years old there’s still hasn’t even hit his professional Prime and then you have a true two-way Wing in Paul George and I also think for all the critic isms of Paul George him not being a number one option or him being inconsistent this all helps out by him having a more minimized role here in Philadelphia it’s one thing when you’re shooting inconsistently with that Clippers team when you’re looked at as the true number two when you got jell embiid and Tyrese Maxi playing next to you there’s a little more leniency and once again I love to Circle it back to this point of conversation here if you want to compare Paul George to Tobias Harris I cannot explain the miles and gap of of a basketball player that those two are we’re talking about a guy who is a likely Hall of Famer nine-time Allstar former all NBA and all-nba caliber Defender compared to Tyrese or Tobias Harris who essentially ended up being just a guy and while that’s unfortunate for what this is meant for the direction of the Sixers the truth is they have fixed it they have realigned things and they do have this core that they believe is Championship quality now we still have plenty to see on the floor but I don’t want to get misconstrued that this is still Joel embiid and Tyrese Maxi’s team and Paul George could be that missing piece to get them over that hump so still a lot to break down as the season is approaching still plenty of moves to round out the bottom of this roster while I know it was mentioned in this that the veteran minimums and the role players don’t typically swing a playoff series I think that’s a little bit strong in that take there as there’s certainly guys that will make an impact and a player on these Sixers that I want to bring up that I think will absolutely make his presence felt is Caleb Martin and when you think about what he can bring to this team from a toughness standpoint the mentality the winning habits that he does have in the playoff experience as a riser those are all great traits to add to the Sixers team so I’m very excited about what this could possibly be so to Tyrese Maxi keep exactly on the path that you were on he’s become everything this franchise could possibly hope for and more and is being rewarded as such and also in the long run I don’t want to look past the season but there will be an era in which this is Tyrese Maxi’s team and that’s not going to be a bad one to live through right there so we’ll see what happens from here but very excited about the direction of the Sixers team and shout out to Daryl Mo for trusting his own process and making this possible also shout out to you guys for tuning into this video here here appreciate all the support as always make sure you are dropping a like on this video if you have not already drop any comments that you have for me below and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t just yet got plenty more content coming out here on Sixers diges on The Daily so make sure to keep it locked to it and talk with you next time peace

Major Leap INCOMING for Tyrese Maxey…

There is plenty to be excited about surrounding the Philadelphia 76ers amid the successful offseason. However, do not let it get lost in the process the continued development of Tyrese Maxey and his role within this Sixers team. Sean Barnard breaks down his expectations for why Maxey will remain the number two option and the MASSIVE jersey change that is expected to take place.

#nba #sixers #philadelphia76ers


  1. Ahhh I’m biased cuz that is the branding I fell in love with lol the branding was just better during that time lol but I agree the blue jersey was the best look.

  2. Fan of both black and blue jersey but the black jersey is the one that pops in my head when I think of AI doing his thing 😁

  3. From the footage I have saw Maxey is working on different ways to get his shot off from 3 which involves a lot of off beat and off platform shooting such as shooting over the person setting the pick instead of taking the extra step to get to the other side of him.

  4. Excellent video but you said 1 thing that people at jobs across the world do all the time. Everybody on this team regardless of tenure… it's their team. A team is a group of individuals pressing towards a common goal. PG just getting here doesn't make it any more or less his team. Same as RC4 or McCain. All the points and defense count towards the team's goals. Teams that realize this win championships.

  5. Don't want Kyle Lowry back at all because not only does he suck but Nick nurse is going to play in 40 minutes. Give the playing time to Ricky Council or Jared or anybody else😢

  6. You tripping them black and white jerseys old style jerseys were way better. the sixers logo now is ugly

  7. Black and blue design rebrand to changing the style of workout and the superteam wants to optimize on their own skillsets

  8. Yall sleeping on the white jersey. The black jawn my favorite, but theyre overall all FIIIIIIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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