@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Stephon Castle Is Balling Out

Spurs Stephon Castle Is Balling Out

what’s going on everyone so Stefan Castle has been absolutely balling out in summer league I mean even in his debut he gave you 12 points six rebounds three assists zero turnovers um you know shooting could be better we’ll touch on that here more in a moment um but you know follow that up gives you 18 and then you go and you play the Portland Trailblazers in the Las Vegas summer league and he comes out gives you 22 points five rebounds and uh four assists and again he’s just looked very good very comfortable out there getting to his spots getting to the rim uh creating contact finishing through contact know knocking down the three ball hitting the mid-range getting the little floater going um you know making plays for various people and it’s just it’s really nice to see him just kind of play with some level of confidence out there right because that’s what you want to see you want to see him out there competing obviously he’s going to have his good moments he’s going to have his bad moments he’s going to have his struggles right particularly in his shooting right his vision definitely needs some working on right the the way he looks for guys like right now look it’s summer right everyone’s trying to ball out everyone’s trying to show out everyone’s trying to prove that they can you know just take a bunch of shots and and make a roster and score the basketball and you know it’s not super organized it’s a little chaotic it’s a little crazy and yet you’re still seeing Castle stand out uh amongst everybody right and know you look at the Blazers game played 29 minutes he was 8 of 21 from the field which again isn’t great um you know 38% he was two of six from three-point range 33 percent uh he was four or five from the foul line what you want to see and be able to knock down his free throws uh with consistency and regularity uh he gave you five total rebounds two of which were offensive rebounds four assists a steal um five turnovers again areas that need to be improved on but that’s the beauty of him with the Spurs and him playing alongside Chris Paul right you know I I’m trying to watch him as you know he’s playing in summer league and trying to watch his playmaking kind of the way he sees the floor right obviously you’re not playing with the the talent that he’d be playing with on the Spurs and just the NBA in general right like you’re playing with guys that 90% of the roster isn’t even going to make the NBA right most of the guys are going to end up being playing over C’s or G League or go various places right so you know you can’t judge him too much in the sense of like his playmaking ability but he has been aggressive which I do like he has been looking for his shot but I also want to see him as the point guard right and I’d like to see him kind of which it’ll come right it’s not like a major criticism but it is something he needs to work on his handles he needs to work on his vision you know kind of not getting tunnel vision right but I do think Chris Paul is going to help tremendously in all those areas and I mean you look at the NBA now period right the days of those Chris Pauls the days of the guys that are the true point guards they kind of don’t exist anymore right in today’s NBA it’s all they’re all basically hybrids they’re all really shooting guards that can make the occasional play but I’d like to see Stefan Castle have that nice balance you know especially like when your shots not falling or things aren’t going the way you want it to right you can kind of default and get into your defense set or your defensive intensity as well as getting into you know just being the the playmaker being able to set guys up right so far in summer league he’s been more of like that aggressive basically you know SGA type right make the occasional play kick it out get to the open man but mostly just looking to be aggressive be in attack mode which is good right again you want to be able to see those elements you want to be able to see him uh be able to score and he has he’s been able to get to his spots even in games where he hasn’t really been a just lights out like even in the previous game again he didn’t shoot excellent but he was comfortable he got to his spots he he was able to show you that array and that versatility on the offensive side as well as just being able to to put the defender in these compromised positions and those are the kind of things you want to continue to see and I’m really hoping that Chris Paul will be able to one kind of hone that and focus his gifts and abilities and his ability to kind of get to a spot be aggressive and get to the rim kind of use his size to absorb the contact finish at The Rim right and and kind of but also mold him into just kind of seeing the court in a specific way right there are sequences even like throughout some of these games which again you’re you’re you’re looking at these games through the the eyes of summer league right a lot that happens in summer league isn’t necessarily going to happen in the NBA but there are these moments where there are key Advantage points that he’s not capitalizing on and which I would like to see that eventually become something once he actually gets in the league and kind of is mentored and brought up by Chris Paul you know um recognizing uh mismatches recognizing you know and seeing the floor in ways that he just currently isn’t seeing it right I love that he shown the ability to knock down the three ball it’s important right especially if you’re going to be playing the guard particularly the point guard position right you need to be able to have the floater you need to be able ideally hit the mid-range and need to be able to to knock down the three ball basically be a three-level scorer and Stefan Castle has shown thus far in summer league he is capable and has the ability to be a legit three-level scorer that’s great right and once he gets to the roster or to the actual team and I and he starts working with Chris Paul I really do think you’ll see the progression as the season begins right also I’m curious to see what the Spurs do with him in this first year do they do they want him to be aggressive in the sense that he has been in summer league I mean one of the reasons he’s been so aggressive could I don’t know this but could be because they told them like hey go get your shot get comfortable kind of get a feel you know play loose go out there just ball out you got the shot taken right Summer League you know air it out right so you know I’m curious to see with Chris Paul and you have like Trey Jones and stuff like that on on the Spurs do the Spurs kind of let him be aggressive this year do they tell him like Hey go just get your buckets right and kind of let Chris Paul do the playmaking obviously again you’re still going to Mentor him you’re still going to have him learn and develop or do they kind of play him in that that like backup point guard role and have him basically be the the the lead initiator and the guy that’s making the play and I don’t necessarily mean in the sense of like him backing up Chris Paul I mean in the sense like you could even start him right like let’s say know whatever your starting five is like Chris Paul vasel Castle Zohan and and and Victor wom young right okay cool just whatever however you want starting five but let’s say castle is the starting five right like I imagine pop will be conservative with Chris Paul in his minutes because you want him as healthy as possible so I could see after the five minute Mark Chris Paul moving to the bench maybe you bring in like a Kellin Johnson right and then move Stefon Castle over to the point and allow him like Hey now’s your time to run and initiate the offense right so when Chris Paul’s on the court hey go get your buckets right be aggressive look for your shot be that offensive scorer because you also want him to to learn develop and be able to play off ball also because the better he is off ball the better and more versatile he becomes right because if he can be good off ball then when Victor has the ball he can you know be constantly moving and be a threat or if um you know like say you you do run at times say you know vel’s getting rest on the bench you could just slide castle over to the two right because he does have size right so you can slide him over to the two boom run Trey Jones and now let Castle kind of play off Ball but you want again you want to get him as balanced as possible so I’m curious to see if they kind of just let him have the green light when Chris Paul’s on the court and then shift him over to like hey now we need you to basically be playmaker like yeah still get your shots still you know if you you got it take it but keep in mind you know you’re you’re you’re playing the playmaker role now and kind of let him get that in his in his system and allow him to kind of be able to to have that balance or do they just kind of this year go hey it’s his first year it’s not put a ton of pressure on him right let’s let him basically just air it out alongside Victor wanyama and let the two of them just kind of play their game do their thing right you got Chris Paul Trey J can kind of be the backup point guard this year um you know cuz look I know a lot of people I’ve seen the comments where people are like oh but we only got Chris Paul for a year you only sign for a year that doesn’t mean you necessarily only have him for a year right if it goes well and it works out great why wouldn’t you keep him right especially if he’s willing to stick around right like you know if you can kind of use this year as kind of the the hey just get your feet wet just go out there you know enjoy yourself get get a feel for the game I mean they did that with Victor wiama a lot early on right they managed his minutes they kind of just let him go out there and play free kind of let him go out there play a little loose right like hey just just do your thing just play just play your game like get comfortable obviously within reason and within the the schemes of the the Spurs but you know it was very loose early on and then you saw as the season progressed tightened up a little more a little more all of a sudden his minutes get a little more extended right and then you get towards the back half of the season and it was just like is the Victor wh minyama show right but before that it was just kind of like hey let’s kind of protect him let’s kind of let him you know kind of get a feel for the game understand the pace understand the speed all of that do they kind of do the same thing with castle where it’s like you know hey let him go out there let him just play like hey don’t worry too much don’t think it too much just go out there play your game you got the ball do do what you do and then slow as the season progresses kind of get him more focused get him more locked in uh once he kind of gets the again the pace the speed the the the NBA game a little better then you start trying to kind of reel him in and and finding that better balance curious see how it goes but some real positive signs from Stefan Castle man he is he’s balling out I love what I’m seeing from him but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts um do you like what uh what you’re seeing from Stefan Castle so far uh in summer league do you think no we need to see more he needs to be better uh again have you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot we enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs rookie Stephon Castle has been balling out in NBA Summer League. Spurs young star has shown flashes of everything you wanna see from the ability to make plays and also be able score at all 3 levels. Victor Wembanyama may have his second star in Castle.

#spurs #victorwembanyama #stephoncastle


  1. Y’all glazers don’t talk about his turnovers or FG or how he doesn’t process the defense fast enough especially not ready for nba quickness . Casuals are everywhere

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