@Phoenix Suns

Did Suns Learn Anything About Dunn and Ighodaro in Game 1?

Did Suns Learn Anything About Dunn and Ighodaro in Game 1?

[Music] MCO welcome in to cira Las Vegas the beautiful sports book that we’re out here in uh they’re presenting the phck Suns road trip here at Vegas summer league on mpo that is flex that is Saul that is Gerald and Gerald and flexx it’s time to pay the piper because yesterday you told everybody if they got to 100 likes before the end of the show Gerald you do a double shot and flex was going to partake in a single shot there’s a double there Gerald thank you very much thank you kindly for the audio listeners Saul has just passed over the double shot of Hennessy in a beautiful Circa cup uh Gerald proceed real pain Behind These Eyes let me tell you chug chug chug chug chug oh god that hurt my soul right there it’s flex’s turn here oh boy Flex oo got off the Henny honestly I don’t know what’s more exciting the giant screens of soccer in front of me or these shots being taken right now actually I do with the shot this is kind of a a breaking news right here cuz we don’t our in Flex doesn’t drink good luck brother that looks like a big shot hey man this this just for the fan base pH the next stand up baby let’s go got it get it now okay now I can give you flexus analysis you know what dog I I like the taste of that I like everything that I saw from I think you did that pristine it was just it Wasing you have potential do I have to fix the elbow on the shot the form was good look I am a little concerned about your shots still but I think the first one went down smooth so we’ll be all right all right nice J all right guys let’s get into what we’re actually here to talk about uh USA soccer uh no uh let’s talk about Phoenix Suns game one of Summer League in the books last night a 90 to 73 loss to the Golden State Warriors uh let me sum it up nobody cares when you lose in summer league that’s not what you’re here for it’s all about uh the development of young guys obviously uh Ryan dun Oso vidaro the big things but what are the initial takeaways from game one of Summer League Gerald why why don’t we start with you yeah I I think it’s I think people are going to look at the box score and be like well Oso and Ryan Dunn didn’t really do much they didn’t score much they didn’t shoot the ball well um and I I think it’s one of those things where this is not the environment for that especially with their particular skill set so um I was impressed with what I saw from dun defensively I think there were flashes from Oso as well and I think we just saw like the Warriors have two legit NBA players like Brandon psky has no business be out in an NBA Summer League game which felt unfair um and they just have they had more continuity this sun summer league team it’s a lot of guys from different places we kind of saw that and uh it’s kind of funny though cuz the Phoenix Suns once again need a point guard for their well you you buried the lead too Golden State’s been playing together for a week and already won a summer league these guys put got thrown together what 3 4 days ago so there’s that as well I you know I I it it’s exactly what we thought you know like their strengths were highlighted and you could see why the Suns like their strengths yeah uh their weaknesses were also highlighted and you can see what their what concern there will there is going to be for these guys uh Ryan Dunn shot mechanically looks really solid yeah but he couldn’t hit any of them uh and and so that’s going to be a little bit problematic but you know you’re hoping that that that development is going to come in defensively I loved what I saw from him and and also Oso uh but man Ryan Dunn defensively this is the reason why the Suns loved him so much his ability to fight through screens his anticipation skills um his helps side defense everything was as advertised um so as long as he can get find some ways to be able to score at a at a a respectable rate he’s going to be fine and Oso in person Oso is far more impressive physically than I expected yeah um when I saw him he just athletically he he matches exactly what you want from him he can jump he’s he’s strong he’s athletic uh he can handle the ball he brought the ball up as kind of a point Center multiple times you loved what you saw from there the biggest biggest biggest thing that you’re really concerned about is just that shot man it is not pretty and I don’t know where you go in terms of development for that but everything else you you really listen if he had a jump shot he’d have been a top 10 pitch well I I wanted to say that that’s how good he is yeah I wanted to say that this is how you get Ryan done at 28 and and how you get also at 40 if those issues we’re talking about were cleaned up these are probably two lottery picks maybe right so so listen with Ryan done everything I anticip ated in regards to his strengths he stamped it yeah I I’m 100% certain this guy is a defensive demon that can guard damn near every every position point of attack uh very high IQ as far as Oso being able to bring up the ball some of the stuff off the ball the leadership qualities the constant communication the Gathering of the group yeah you know just he shows he’s a leader uh his playm making abilities impressive his ability to handle the ball his ability to see the court diagnose things being in the right spot love all that yeah they got to put the they got to throw the rocking ocean that that’ll come you know uh I I’ll go back to a quote a quote that Jared Dudley said uh a week ago he said we’re going to see guys in summer league that are going to score 30 and never play an NBA game and we’re going to see guys that score four points and will have 10year careers with a row on an NBA team so the plat form in a stage is a little different you got guys out there auditioning and fighting for their lives it’s a little hard for Oso and dun to be uh utiliz the way I think they want to be utilized when you got guys trying to go out there and get jobs so I was okay uh Optimus Flex is here yeah we’re okay I like what I saw from these guys we yeah we’ll build on it as we go for me it’s simple right we need the big three of of Oso Dunn and bridges to have at least 60 games together before we can judge him here right right go right I mean that’s that’s the only way we can judge him I I do think though Flex to your point like there’s a lot that when we look at Summer League again we’re going to look at box scores a lot of people do that um but I think you look at a box score for summer league you’re just they they do because people are like you know you’re looking at shooting numbers you’re looking at all that and I get it to a certain extent but Vince larza actually did talk about this after the game in terms of these rookie specific skill sets maybe not being you know they’re not going to stand out at Summer League here’s what he had to say yeah no I think the the best thing for for our guys you know specifically Ryan and Oso being rookies this is just an opportunity to get better you know they’re here you know they’re getting their feet wet with stuff you know I think Oso is someone that’s going to be a real connector for for our team that can play with other players at a high level and um and Ryan’s a guy that’s going to come in and be able to guard and sometimes those things aren’t valued or seen in summer league but are really important in summer league and during the regular season yeah I think that’s a a huge thing right you got to take into consideration is the little things aren’t as important in summer league and what gets noticed is you know at least from a fan perspective is the guys that go out there and try to score in bunches especially in a game one where you have limited playing time and I think you saw that in this game it was a lot of guys that were trying to prove themselves trying to score the bucket you know trying to score the The Rock Early in this game not a lot of system ball here in summer again like if if you understand what summer League’s intended purpose is then you’re not freaking out at a box score you you have to look at these guys and think about okay how do they project onto your team and in what ways are they being able to Showcase those skills that they can translate to the next level and when when we were watching these guys yesterday defense was not a problem like we loved what we saw on defense and actually uh psky had struggled when dun was there at the beginning of the game could not get around him could not get by him dun was doing a fantastic job fighting over screens what I sorry this obviously the the the soccer games going on it’s pretty crazy but um so I I liked I loved that part but again it was about the other things and because listen there was too many times where Dunn was open couldn’t get the ball because you know weather spoon had his head down and was tunnel vision and going to the basket to try and get his that’s going to change a little bit as you get to the next level um either KD de Devin Booker or Bradley Beal will be in place of weather spoon trying to get the bucket or they’re going to find him in the corner for the wide openen shot so you like that and then also I will say this man I don’t want to I don’t want to harp too much on the on the the shot because I I know that that is a little bit problematic but everything else that he brought to the table I just really really loved I really liked the fact that he’s he’s he’s agile he’s quick he can bring the ball up the floor with no problem it looks fluid it looks easy that’s what you want to see from him and hell to get to the NBA like Flex and I were talking about earlier to get to the NBA with that shot yeah with all the other skill sets is the reason why he’s in the NBA is because of all those other skill sets right and there there are Rim running bigs in the NBA that can’t shoot like we we have two of them honestly already ahead of them so there there is an archetype for that and we saw that one dunk that he had Baseline the athleticism the finishing ability there so that’s encouraging but yeah it’s not not even just about box score watching for me it’s like people expect good players to go out in summer league and dominate it’s more of a red flag for me if players go out and just suck and neither one of these guys sucked they showed the skill set that you want them to show in the context of the Suns um and so we actually got a hold of Mike buen holer at halftime and we were able to ask him about you know how rookies look in summer league and this is kind of what he had to say excited about Ryan and Oso um you know everything they’ve done since we’ve drafted everything they did uh in the draft process so um to get them in the program and work with them and watch them grow and develop uh we couldn’t be uh more excited about their future yeah I mean I and I think that there’s reason to be excited after that game yeah you again I the only cause for concern I would have had is if the things that they were good at they didn’t really look good and they they struggled and you’re like wait did they get this wrong in that regard but they did like everything that they said they were good at they were good at I’m happy with that now it’s about development moving forward um and and I hope that this organization has kind of rectified some of those issues in terms of development to get the most out of these players as we move forward because there’s some small little tweaks we talked about Ryan Dunn shot there’s a couple little things that he could tweak that I think will make him a better shooter overall um so you’re hoping that that’s going to come to fruition and with Oso I just think it’s time and development and then obviously getting in that lab and just working on that shot yeah we’ll get into specifically Ryan Dunn in his first game but I want to take a second to shout out Leo Marco Amelia Shantel uh Daniel Ashley who’s watching us at 5:00 a.m. in Australia on Monday morning from the future we appreciate you uh Erica in the chat as well as Ted and Marco thanks so much for being here I’d like to give a shout out to my man Nolan from yesterday noan Nolan came comes out here for summer league he’s been traveling to go see the Suns all over the country uh he was really cool he came up to us uh so shout out to Nolan thank you for hanging out with us yesterday sum League we met Jose at Summer League yesterday a couple people came up to us said they were fans of the show that you know that just warms our hearts and reminds us why we do this so thank you guys that was really cool I I turned to Gerald I said this is exactly why we do it so we get recognized on a concourse at an arena it’s good for the ego so I told him you were so close to a heartfelt moment and then you just steer clear you know obviously uh Ryan Dunn has been playing basketball for a moment like yesterday for a long time his first taste of professional basketball obviously not the league but he uh he said that it was an exciting experience but uh some nerves for sure I loved it um I’m not going to lie the first the first half pounding Jitters you saw I was slipping the ball turn turnovers but um I think I settled down a little bit in the second half um you know just took some shots I needed to take you know defensively I feel like I did pretty well hold my own so the big thing for me is find the positives and everything um don’t try to be hard on yourself I feel like I did a lot of my younger age so just being positive whatever I can do and just you know work on whatever I can next couple games have a day off so get to watch the film and see what we can do I love Ryan Dunn he’s going to be a pain to transcribe because he’s just so like excited and he talks so fast like you could such first world problems from the beat writer over here it is but like no I I’m I’m touching on it because he was talking about his heart pounding and you could like sense it when he was talking about it just because of how fast he was like getting his words out like he was legitimately excited and I think that’s one of the things that the sons love about him from the people that I’ve talked to is just like his genuine passion and excitement and Devotion to the game like we saw it in that clip that the sun social posted where he was like I thank you I I’m I’m going to live in the gym like it was so sincere and that’s good to see because as much as we’re going to talk about the jump shot and the offensive concerns defensively that dude plays with passion he plays with fire he has a long ass 7′ one Wings ban which doesn’t hurt when they played him at the top of the zone that whole section of the [ __ ] Court was shut down it was it was nuts you saw that joh no pun intend oh you intended that one you saw him dis up the pick and roll you saw him play defense from 90 ft at certain times in this game that part there was no doubt that that that was it came as advertised I get it you’re still playing in summer league but defense is something in those moments that you look at and you go okay that translates I don’t care if it’s if it’s a star standing up there or these guys who did I say he he remind me of like Scotty 3 minutes in yeah Scotty I mean the way he moved his physical abilities his length I just was like holy crap yeah I it looks just like him it it it looks like him you nailed it the things that they said he was good at he stamped yeah emphatically manto man 94 ft in the pick and row in the zone defense help defense weak side defense I mean I believe this guy is one of the rare basketball players that you see come around every now and then that actually uh just loves defense like you could just tell and and that’s why I think you know when you look at this Suns team and you say what do they need what were they trying to accomplish in this draft what were they trying to accomplish this off season it was to fill gaps and in in a sense they hit a home run in regards to filling gaps with a guy like Ryan dun and alsoo because of the playmaking yeah um I watched alsoo we were watching Oso warm up yeah and he’s going sideline to sideline m and he’s sitting here putting dribble you know Point Combos and packages that look like a 62 point guard and you just can’t teach that and I know that’s going to translate and this is the type of stuff that’ll keep you in the league for 8 to 10 years right um so I’m happy to see it dun’s defense there was a moment in the second half I don’t know it it wasn’t really a block because they called it a jump ball but it was a hell of a defensive play right in front of where we were sitting and then he he came over like he went to the Baseline and he’s screaming the first guy to get over there is Oso like you can tell how passionate he is about the defensive side of that game and that was probably the Highlight for me uh was because that was where you went okay yeah this kid this kid loves this side of the game and is putting in the effort and has the passion and there’s a chemistry with him and Oso on it but I I loved seeing that and if you wanted you know box score watch like three steals two blocks defensively everything that you want to see out of a box score and better especially with the defense on psky but uh obviously the offensive end is what we’re going to talk about with him 0 for three from three saw you touched on it a little bit they look good but that doesn’t that only gets you so far until they start to fall um but we did ask Ryan Dunn about continuing to take threes and getting those reps this is what he had to say yeah obviously um you know just taking the shots I need to take you know off the three make or Miss um continue to shooting I think I shot it pretty well today if you didn’t know it didn’t go in my shots felt good um just keep shooting them now um off the ball you know catching shoots whenever I’m open or contested but also making the right plays don’t try to be shot heavy but you know keep doing what I was doing but keep being aggressive that way just getting reps it’s the same thing that everyone everyone’s been telling me to do just continue get reps so you know I got a lot of reps in the pre-draft got a lot of reps in the draft um got l in practice I’m now in game in summer league right now just keeping getting them up if I don’t hit one I’m going to keep shooting them um also make the right play as much as I can yeah he was 0 for three he I’d like to see him get up a few more and game two where we can see okay you know I I want to see four five six uh in in the next few games from him just to see what it looks like and if you can get any kind of Rhythm it was a little all over the place offensively in general with this team in game one uh mechanically seems sound but I I’m going to be concerned until I see it like you know it the the game was Herky jerky for the on the sun’s end there was no flow and you could see the distinct difference between the Warriors and the Suns in terms of offensive flow the the Warriors push the ball to get the three right and so guys were sprinting getting to their spots and as as a player is penetrating they know like okay boom boom boom right whereas the Suns it didn’t feel like they had any Rhyme or Reason because they didn’t they don’t have good chemistry right now they haven’t been playing together and they’re trying to figure everybody else out everybody else has their own individual agenda in game one and so it’s a little bit tough so I’m not going to put a lot of stock into that but yes the the consistent thing has always been like good form not good maker and so can he improve that I think he can over uh over time it’s just logic tells you there’s no way a guy with that nice of a form can be that bad for that long right I mean they looked good yesterday like the first one that he took was right on line just a little bit long off the back iron uh the second one wasn’t great but the third one like it kind of just rimmed out it looked good lipped out you can live with that and I and I think they are confident as much as like we’re going to continue to question it until we actually see the shots fall it was one Summer League game we talked about this yesterday Flex like don’t overreact one way or another if he goes one for three if he goes three for three if he goes 0 for three like don’t overreact it’s one Summer League game um but I we actually there was a question for Ryan Dunn about or for Vince larza the coach of the Summers Suns about Ryan Dunn’s shooting and just his overall performance is what he had to say yeah I thought it was defense was great I thought he competed again his ability to change shots at The Rim um his effort you know and his competiveness showed for his entire time out there shots look good shots are going to fall shots are not going to fall he’s working on it we believe in him so I was really pleased with how he played look I I’m not going to I’m not going to judge on one one game performance but if we leave summer league and he’s like two of 15 I’m going to I’m going to say the question remains very loudly about about the shooting you know like I well I think it’s going to remain no matter what until we get to the regular season he shows that he can hit it one you know three out of every 10 here’s what I don’t want if he’s two for 15 and you say that that’s fine but if he’s 6 for 15 or 7 for 15 uh does it really matter well I think that’s the pro hold on well I would say you see you’ve seen it in Improvement and you’ve seen him be able to do it in some Rel l and that’s encouraging that’s I think it’s as simple as that it’s encouraging because we saw him do it in live action now you obviously have to build on it that would be my simple answer I love what legarza said yeah I can mimic everything he said I could not agree more right is he’s going to take the shot some are going to go in some aren’t we’re working on it it’s a work in progress we knew this coming in yes we told y’all coming in like it’s going to take time right um but again to saw Gerald’s Point even even yours when you see him take it my main thing is how does it look because like you said I I’ve been around basketball long enough to know that a shot that looks like that at some point in time is going to start you’re going to start converting on it there was a real mechanical hitch or something I’d be saying a whole different story i’ say we got to rebuild the whole thing and this is going to be a project that may take a while do not see that with this I think he’s just psychological and he needs rest but that’s why I think it’s important to see him have some success here from a psychological standpoint because you get more confident even even though it’s just summer league action if he shoots 40 35 40% in summer league in his head he look I I I did it against you know a potential NBA talent and it builds it starts to build that shot as a rookie what Sean what did he shoot as a rookie was 18% 18% yeah that worked out fine that was a year forget summer league right it’s it’s summer league he’s 21 this is going to take time we knew this coming in it’s fine if he like yes it would be great for his confidence if he comes in shoots you know 35 40% whatever uh but we knew this was going to take time and and again like we not to use am manism but reps were moved out he took like8 threes a game at Virginia like now he’s going to be in a place where maybe he’s taken two to three a game that matters um but for what it’s worth when we did speak to Bud he was very high on what Ryan Dunn brings to the table yeah I mean obviously his ability to impact the game defensively we think is uh he’s got a chance to be elite on that end of the court and um you know I think uh his length and his athleticism and then uh you know growing into a two-way player um you know with his size uh you know we think he can be somebody that’s going to be good for us for a long time I think the only reason why anybody would would logically freak out about Ryan Dunn’s offensive abilities you okay bud yeah I’m good okay uh [ __ ] I’m good baby way veg don’t blow into the mic he’s transforming into a dragon so it is just because we have a little bit of PTSD with like Josh shogi specifically in terms of his inability to hit three-point shots when they they needed them most because teams were scheming to cover book and KD double him and so I think there’s that’s the only cause for concern is because we’ve seen this movie before a little bit Dunn’s a different player we’re going to give him the opportunity to try and improve because Josh aogi honestly form wise there’s nothing really terrible with his shot he should be a better shooter than he is so we’re hoping that history is not repeating itself again time and development will tell um and I’m not really going to worry about summer league I don’t really care if he doesn’t make a single shot in summer league it once we get to the season you got to prove it and that to your point real quick that is the part that’s tough for dun because we’re looking at this from the context of like this coming year if KD or Bradley beer book gets doubled and he has an open three can he knock it down but within the context of like this guy shot 20% from three in college he’s going to need more time it’s tough because he’s in a situation where we’re going to need it from him sooner than maybe his trajectory allows for it but we always knew that that’s the thing with this team if you have draft picks if you have young guys there’s not there’s not time to develop it’s learn on the job and that’s the way it’s going to be for him uh shout out to Oso Blanco in the chat who says nuggets fan but came here to say my new AI DJ feature on my Spotify sounds like Flex that’s pretty dope I love that I love this person is probably watching the Nugget show also which is like 2 and2 ft over here to to our left so uh so they’re over there uh look we’re going to take a quick break here but when we get back we’re going to talk about how to look oh so sexy uh in Las Vegas uh I’m I’m learning how to do these transitions to these it’s a little different uh but you know what’s always different and in a good way cira Resorts and casinos were here in their sports book right now uh in on free monster Street I actually love the Freemont Street uh experience more than the strip I love being out here uh this is a beautiful uh venue here and then you never know what you’re going to see out on pre mon Street oh yeah 4:00 in the morning you’re seeing kids walk around you’re like what the [ __ ] is here and they’re they’re trying to sell you [ __ ] you’re like not at Circa on free cir is it’s actually nice C 21 and over nobody nobody that is is younger than 21 can get in they check your ID before you walk in the building it is beautiful that’s not all though we’re going to go I think uh at least a few of us are going to go out to Stadium swim today we got no game and it isor we will actually we’ll be doing the show out there the next two days but it it’s seats 4,000 people in the in these pools a 143 FTX 40t LED screen that you can watch any and all sporting events on that are going on six pool two Spas uh it’s just insane and the Cabanas which you’ll see tomorrow on the program are second to none I love it out here at cira and I think you will as well the rooms are spectacular and you can experience it by coming out here uh and getting a room at Circa experience Stadium swim and watch your favorite teams at Circa Resort and casinos and uh also our friends over at Desert Financial Credit Union want to hook you up with $200 imagine done all the things you could do with $2200 uh I’ll give you guys a second all right it’s Los it at the blackjack table but uh three sodas oh oh it’s actually it’s actually win Shane did win Shane’s Shane’s winning sa won what 35 Shane 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that simple get started by visiting sl200 all right guys uh we we have talked about Ryan Dunn the other big name out here at least from a rookie perspective is alsoo uh igodo he had a stat line that was okay he finished with six points uh and five rebounds I think the Highlight for everybody was that uh cut on the Baseline for that massive dunk uh but what were your initial takeaways with osen i i again this is going to change as we get to the season and the more comfortable the Suns get with his skill set I would have liked to see him be put into positions to be able to playmake a little bit more I thought basically the only thing he did was bring the ball up and set the offense and then just kind of go about the way um I think there’s going to be a lot of opportunities obviously when you bring in the superstars that we have uh for him to be a little bit more diverse and show off those skills because I do believe that I just I just know that they’re there like you you you can feel it you can see it and so um but when you have guys that you know you don’t know when they’re going to make a back door cut you don’t know can’t anticipate a lot it’s it’s tough It’s really tough so that’s the thing that I I wish I would have been able to see a little bit yesterday that I hope I get to see before summer league ends because I do think it’s there outside of that again I thought he was he was solid the offensive uh you know ability to score the basket especially when you’re in the paint it’s got to be better you got to score at a higher clip and and it can’t look as you know kind of halfhazard as it did yesterday there was a couple times it just didn’t even look like it was close from 8 ft out and so I’m sure it’s going to shore itself up and clean up uh but there’s a there’s a lot of room to improve there on that side of the ball because he he’s got a long way to go on on on the scoring well to to your point I feel like this summer league roster is not going to be suited to especially in terms of the finishing around the rim like he went from Tyler KCT to some really questionable guard play yesterday and I do think the Warriors like they were switching a lot on defense which kind of takes away the playmaking element for him so I think hopefully the next matchup we get a team that is not going to be switching as much so maybe we can see more of that playmaking but to that to that point and and this is where you know Flex his optimism up in the upper deck when we were sitting would kind of hit me a little bit cuz he was like you know just give us some time just give us some time then sure enough when they switched he took advantage of the mismatch and then he went low post and hit the nice little left floer I was like okay there’s an example of him kind of improving as the game goes on and understanding what the Warriors are trying to do to him that’s the cerebral that we really like out of him right and that dunk that just the cut that he made the how ferocious the dunk was I loved watching that uh but the push shot Lex I I I think people will eventually fall in love with with that little shop because I think he’s going to hit it consistently do this though if he push through this if he push shots from three and makes it then I’ll be impressed well Flex said if he takes him in the gym he can hit 35 out of 100 of those with that push shot so listen I I I looked at this game first of all again the playmaking I loved the leadership the talking the communicating I loved you saw the athleticism you saw the potential to to attack mismatch mismatches and score with both hands here’s what I will say um and it was harder because like I didn’t have the opportunity to go back into the room and watch the game over again but I kind of was making mental notes on dun and Oso and I counted up to about seven between the two of them of plays that didn’t get the ball never got to them yeah but with the big team I think it will like there were some backo Cuts there were some positions where Oso got a good switch had his guy sealed or maybe set the screen rolled out and maybe could have got a lobed that it just didn’t materialize yeah but when I looking at it I’m saying okay how much different is that when you got the talent of Devin Kevin and Brad how much does that Gap open how many times do they see Ryan on that back cut and does that change anything and I think it does so I I was I was pleasantly surprised by some of the actions and then in my mind I’m trying to say I like to think that Devin at the elbow when that second guy comes up and Ryan back Cuts you in the corner looks a lot like Mel yeah when we used to do it at with the big team so I like I said I counted about seven and that to me is a stat to me I look at that as a stat and I say okay that’s a area of improvement that organically is just going to happen by playing with better players and that’s Flex allytics for you also is a l threat too he is he’s a I did not expect to see that kind of athleticism out of him I know on paper but watching him at marquad I was just like I don’t really I don’t know if I see that so much in person I was like oh yeah no it’s there for sure no and and that’s the thing like legarza said off the top his skill set might not look as good here but when you put him with the players that the Suns have that connecting piece might stand out a little bit more for me the biggest concern was mostly the rebounding like the whole the sun summer league team struggled on the boards in general um but that’s the one thing we knew he wasn’t a great rebounder that’s something that he’ll need to improve over time if he wants to be out there as a small ball five as opposed to maybe a four with a rim protecting bit yeah it wasn’t just his fault though cuz there was there was there was times where the Warriors had three guys at the rim and there wasn’t a sun to be seen yeah yeah I I think goo as he adds a little bit to the to the body that that change it too a little easier box out some NBA guys as well but he seemed to have some pretty good positioning at times just didn’t and again going to practice with big big nerk and Mason oh you’ll learn quick you you ain’t going to have any afternoons off in the gym there but I you know Vince Laro uh talked about Oso’s or larza I was like we got a different video here I I was with Vince Garo out of out of the bars last L’s performance yeah I think you know that’s a good opportunity for him going against um Jackson Davis from the Warriors a guy that’s played a lot of rotational minutes um you know again the switching didn’t let Oso probably create as much as we’d like and then we tried to get the ball in his hands some other stuff um I thought he did a good job defensively you know they beat us up on the boards a little bit early but that’s you know that’s on all five guys getting there and rebounding so you know a also did a great job okay igodo Laro Ah that’s combine the two names Laro Laro now we got hey it’s Laro hey also isar yeah shout out to the shout out to the great Al McCoy when when Da was a rookie for like the first 30 games he kept saying Leandro e oh yeah so he come by my boy Leandro Barbosa DeAndre you just did what the great Al McCoy did for a l well I mean that’s how I roll uh look Vince can earn my respect when he wins a sober League game all right this [ __ ] guy oh man okay can we we’ve talked about the the things that we felt somewhat positive about sure can we get to the elephant in the room can we get to big body David Rody who uh that was not a that was not a pretty performance for a guy that I still feel like is fighting for at least on this squad his NBA life sure if you’re just box score watching you don’t look at the actual facts behind you go well 12 points seven rebounds all right then you go four of 14 and two of eight from three it was not a pretty night for David R I’m okay with you know the Miss shots and stuff like that I thought he was trying to force some things a little too much and more importantly the most egregious thing to me was he fell asleep way too many times on defense three straight back door cuts for dunks two of them I’m back to back plays like you can’t do that if you’re a veteran in the NBA trying to make a roster like that just that’s inexcusable and so um again hey we all have bad days and David Rody would I’m sure positively say that he had a bad day um you just you got to improve and you got to come back cuz you’re right ESO he is fa he is fighting for his his NBA life right now because what’s the alternative Here If he if he looks this bad in the summer league there’s not going to be very many teams that are like okay sign me up for a trade so we can get this guy you’re going to you’re going to end up waving him and then you’re going to take that salary and he’s going to end up playing probably overseas so he’s got to be much much better again the veteran point he’s a veteran he’s been in the league for a couple years he’s got to do better he does but I will point out like he has played 130 games in his career like he I I wanted him to play better obviously I wanted him to look the part of a third-year player in summer league because you kind of have to at this point in your career and it’s worrisome that he didn’t in this one game um but I do again just like we stress with Dunn and igodo it’s one game if he comes out and shoots you know five for six from three or some [ __ ] next game we won’t be talking about this if he doesn’t we will definitely continue to talk about this but uh we did ask Vince Laro about it after the game here’s what he had to say no I I think overall Rod you know did a really good job of going out there and competing um you know I’m sure he liked some of his shots to fall um you know and you know we’re as a group guys we trying to play fast again they’re switching we didn’t get to the multiple actions and I think Rody’s a guy that can start maybe handling on second and third actions and we didn’t get a lot of that tonight so hopefully you know later summer league goes on we get more of that he gets more opportunity to do that okay guys St with me larza he got in my head got in my head I I give jald I give Gerald a pass because as you know that great American quote blame it on the AL alcohol it’s it’s the two shots that he took at the beginning of gone off the no but I do think like to Lara’s Point um they they were doing one action stuff the warriors were switching everything and they don’t have like a true point guard on this summer league roster so as much as they wanted Rody to handle the ball a little bit more and do things that he normally will not do on the team like that’s a tough spot to put him in to be like hey handle the ball more against the switching defense in the first game I think that kind of showed in his performance a little bit again I wasn’t I’m not I wasn’t too concerned about the offensive side it’s just you got to be you got to be solid in your Technique and your fundamentals especially defensively like and that you you can’t have those egregious errors to that point where it’s so obvious to the entire gym that you were the one that made a mistake also every single time it happened like he did that it was like bro yeah we know we know like you got to be better than that so again not freaking out after one game but defensively you got to be much much shorted up I don’t I I understand you know that he’s only played 150 games in the OR 130 you go look at it though and you go most of these guys out here will never play 13 n it’s a very fair point and it’s one thing if you looked at it and you went okay talent wise I can tell that this is a third-year NBA veteran he had a bad night shooting last year yeah okay uh PJ Tucker when he used to come out here it wasn’t always he wasn’t always stuffing the but you okay yeah that’s an NBA guy out here working on something specific I didn’t feel that way with Rody last night and and I hate to pile on the guy but the the thing is and the reports were that he chose to come out here not that they forced him to whether you believe it or not but he’s got a new coaching staff that he’s playing for he has to prove something to to them there’s nothing guaranteed here right now after game one he bet on himself and he didn’t make it make make the best bet right now if you didn’t know anything about the Suns and you just a casual Observer and you’re like one of these guys is actually an MBA player you would have never known which one it was you probably would have said it was either Ryan Don or Oso to be honest with you or Michael dvo or Micha um but yeah I I it was tough it’s tough asking a guy questions after a performance like that um but this is what David Rody had to say about what he how he’s approaching summer league yeah I look at it as another opport to grow uh grow in my leadership grow in my game as a whole uh and you know again just try to piece these guys together get these Rooks along uh you know again we have a very talented team so we just got to you know bring them up to speed as fast as possible and you know make a run I I know people are going to focus on how he actually performed uh Ryan Dunn and Oso and Vince larza have all pinpointed him as like being good for the rookies in terms of helping them keep their heads on straight um you know just walking them through this process so I know that like we want David Rody to play better if he doesn’t people are going to be clamoring for him to get cut so they can sign someone else I totally understand that and I think that’s fair but I do want to point out before we move on like as much as he did not play well in this game the two rookies that we are clamoring forward to continue to improve have both pinpointed him as like this guy has really helped me out um and I do think there is something to that leadership even if it’s coming from a guy that maybe might not even be on the roster or might not be what we were hoping he’ be I’m not I’m not going to beat him up it’s one game to sa’s point um if you didn’t follow basketball and you didn’t know who the suns were right and I said you know tell me the guy who’s an NBA player that’s on the rosters got a guaranteed contract I think you could have named three four or five people before you got the riding is that alarming ah you know it’s one game is it alarming yeah you know he he shot 28 4 for 14 but again it’s summer league it’s a weird stage it’s a weird environment there’s a lot of things going on um he’s got some time he’s got to he’s got to put some work in he’s got to end this summer league the right way when you go to watch Au or college players and a player stands out it’s because it’s not necessarily because of like they’re doing all these amazing things on the court it’s just like they feel like they’re above everybody else like in terms of their their approach um like their their their presence out there you know what I’m saying like that I never got that feeling last night that’s the concern I have when I saw ish last year in summer league like it felt like like he was in control of himself you know he wasn’t trying to do anything more than he was supposed to be doing he was out there to work on his stuff and proove and prove a point that he could be on this team and and with with David Rody I felt like he was playing too fast for himself way too many times and so hopefully listen it’s it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he was nervous as well because he knows what’s on the line and so maybe next next game we’ll we’ll see him slow things down and Cal down can I just can I just piggy back on that I want to see David Rody simplify things next game and when I mean simplify just go out there and keep it simple do the easy things I think he played a little too fast for what we’re normally used of David R I don’t know that they did him any favors they’re asking him to play point guard he’s going to get sped up right so so I don’t know that exactly my point let let oo play the point and let David focus on the other yeah I I don’t know that they did them many favor as soon as I seen him come out and he’s playing a point I naturally knew I’m like okay uh either Rody is going to show me something I didn’t know about him or he’s probably going to have a [ __ ] game uh because they put him in a they didn’t put him in a great position so now we you know you got hindsight now let’s see what the next game looks like I’m rooting for the kid he’s still very young 130 games in the NBA right uh he’s got he’s got work to do that’s why he’s here we’re going we’re going to take a break but real quick but the the problem with David Rody is it’s like what position is he yeah you know what I mean he he’s got the size of a shooting guard game of a power forward and he should probably be playing the three to bridge the gap exactly and when you have a player like that and you can’t really say like okay I know I could do this with him it makes it very difficult to keep him on a roster when you have other guys that have better skill sets or better attributes in certain areas than he does so does he to theable that’s for David what do you bring to the table for this team right now I even before we got to Summer League I was this guy I don’t really know what he brings yeah if it’s summer league leadership that’s not what you need no I mean if that’s the one uh thing he brings we’re going to take a break but on the other side we’re going to tell you about how we got that good bud last night here in Vegas uh so you know what there’s there’s a lot of things that are ordinary but one thing that isn’t ever is our friends over a bet 365 whatever the sport whatever the moment it’s never ordinary with them in part because they have the early payoff this unbelievable I love this uh because you know it gives you a chance even if you 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out how to get them to to play uh you know at a high level on both ends of the court I’m very excited about I I don’t know I I always love these kind of questions because what’s the coach going to say no I think we did a [ __ ] job this offseason we didn’t get the guys I was hoping for I mean of course he’s going to say that but you can you can parse little things like if he was if he were to say yeah we you know we’ve got some shooting things to work on or something like that then you’re like not that’s a and and we are still concerned about some of the bench shooting for sure um but no he had a lot of positive things to say about Monte Morris about the rookies uh we actually posted that full interview with Mike bu holer on our YouTube channel so go make sure to check that out we have a ton of interviews that are going to be posted over the next few days uh we collectively set our single day record for interviews yesterday we were way over the over of 9.5 so make sure you check those out as we schedule those out the mustache behind the Mac was fantastic with the camera jald was good with the mic and I just kind of hung around I mean hey we walked around The Concourse 89,000 times and didn’t find a single person that we wanted to talk to so that’s you got EJ you got EJ I get EJ anytime I want EJ was in rare form though let’s be honest he was cantankerous and then then he yelled at me down in the tunnel and I flipped him off so he then he yelled at some poor old lady oh man uh you know there’s on a on a slightly more serious note uh coach buen hoser was asked about Kevin Durant and the calf injury that’s going on with Team USA didn’t seem so concerned he had this to say our medical uh staff has done a great job of um supporting him USA Basketball has been great supporting him uh you know Kevin’s a veteran he knows himself well so um you know we we feel confident that he’s in a good place um he’s being well taken care of and you know hopeful that uh he’ll be back healthy and and uh ready to play for USA yeah yeah I mean I think that’s the way we’ve seen the reporting everything we’ve heard what you know what Steve Cur said yeah it’s minor why why rushing back you’re playing in Abu Dhabi and in games that don’t matter in this whole thing as long as he’s back at you know maybe one or two games before uh that that group play in uh in the Olympics fine you don’t you don’t mess with it no you don’t mess with it I I think maybe we’re a little bit you know scared just because of the last time he had a calf injury it ended up you know the next game he played he tore his AES right so um so you know me saying is not going to stop it from happening if it happens C it though yeah wait it just happened come on so like he you know obviously we want to be careful as we proceed forward but he’s going to be because I think he learned from history right so that’s actually a benefit for us right now because he tried to go before and he didn’t understand what could possibly happen and then the worst thing possibly happened I think now he’s going to be like no I’m not coming back until I am 100% confident that I’m good to go so yeah I think this they’re doing good I want to make one point too before we go coach Bud um I think what the Suns saw on Coach bud is a guy that is going to do everything he can and has the passion for basketball and to to make sure that everything they they exhaust every single resource they have to make their franchise and their team better right because what I keep noticing from this franchise is like everybody’s all in everybody’s working tirelessly to try and make sure that everything is shorted up and and they’re all moving in the right direction and they want to embrace people that have that same passion for the organization and I when every time I hear coach bud I feel like he’s he’s got to be that guy and I I don’t know if they necessarily felt like that with Frank vogle like he was just going to work tirelessly to make sure that we got everything right with Coach but I feel like it’s going to be a little bit different when we heard a lot of people talk about how personal he is but we saw it firsthand because Grayson Allen was sitting right in front of us with with his wife who’s pregnant uh and and Bud came over in the second half and spent almost a full quarter just sitting there genuinely talking like it wasn’t like I’m watching the game just sitting with them but he wasn’t talking to them D he was talking to you what I mean D Grace is good to see you Cong it was all about his wife right to see how she’s doing how she’s like that is such a personal touch and we were noticing that up there we like look at coach Bud right there that’s [ __ ] awesome yeah and in the interview that we shared as well with Josh AI he mentioned that he’s very welcoming he’s very personable um those are good qualities we did say something similar about Frank V so we want to see the basketball stuff too and we will see it last thing before we go on the injury update like I did get to talk to Damen Lee um obviously he told Cassidy hubber on the on broadcast that he’s about 85% should be good to go for training camp he verified that with me as well so that’s positive news I know people are wondering why he’s still not 100% look up what injury he specifically had it was not just a normal miniscus everything bral right so hopefully he’s back and good to go by the time training camp like he says so uh one thing Leo in the chat says if the Suns lose the second game on Tuesday is Vince larza on the hot seat yes Vince Laro will be taking over if Vince lar loses that second game that is it uh another show in the books tomorrow we’ll be talking about the Team USA a warm-up game in Abu Dhabi as well as uh we catch up with Frank kameny it’s Josh get invited Abu Dhabi I’m not flying out there I’m good in Vegas right here to I would love to AB you guys can still go uh you can go right now because we’re leaving uh you can follow sa _ Bookman you can follow Flex at Flex from Jersey you can follow Gerald atal unusually quiet today I think that hen a little you can follow flex’s Henny at flex’s Henny uh you can follow the show at phnx Suns you can follow me at sbone remember there’s not a game for the next two days so we have to go recuperate before we go out tonight oh Hoy Hoy we all sitting like the May

The Phoenix Suns 2024 NBA Summer League squad played their first game last night. What did we like from the rookies and what do they need to continue to improve upon? PLUS! We’ll hear from Suns head coach Mike Budenholzer and get his thoughts on the Suns roster and how he’s feeling with this squad heading into the 2024-25 NBA Season. Join the PHNX Suns Podcast for the latest around the Suns and don’t forget to follow the show on social @PHNX_Suns.

0:00 – Intro
3:00 – Summer League Game 1 takeaways
11:00 – Head Coach Mike Budenholzer on the rookies
13:00 – Dunn on first NBA experience
18:00 – Dunn on his shooting stroke and threes
23:00 – Bud on Ryan Dunn
28:30 – Oso Ighodaro talk
35:50 – David Roddy, yikes…
48:45 – Coach Bud on the whole roster
50:25 – Kevin Durant injury update

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Surprised to see Kevin Knox play in SL. Don't remember a many year nba veteran play in SL. What was the reasoning for this?

  2. It's the first Summer League Game and they haven't got to Preseason yet. They will progressively get better. Go with their strengths. The players should do what coaches are telling them to do and asking them to do. Nothing extra. I don't care about their loss to a Warriors team that's far more experienced than they are even in Summer League. Plus the Warriors have a head start above the Suns and other teams winning the California league before they came to Vegas Summer League.

  3. You all are bringing great coverage, feedback, facts and opinions. Thank you for your passion and efforts for bringing us Phoenix Suns basketball and Vegas Summer League. Thank you for showcasing the Casino Hotel where you're at as well. I never heard of it. I found out it was downtown Vegas. It must be new.

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