@New York Knicks

Jalen Brunson CEMENTED Himself As The King Of New York

Jalen Brunson CEMENTED Himself As The King Of New York

what do y’all think about Jaylen Brunson securing the bag now with the Knicks on a team friendly extension oh you talking about friendly oh my godo that was friendly cuz if he just played the end of the year that would have been at least 270 yeah you could have got the 270 and then they wouldn’t be able to ass nobody else up no like just any if you look at any franchise if you look at any Dynasty um it’s off of contracts like this right it’s usually not a player that’s designed it is just circumstances happen they low balled somebody someone got hurt got him for a cheap deal so the fact that he did sacrifice as a healthy player this much money to to keep building um shows you know what type of commitment he has to to winning itself so I mean I commend him I I mean I wouldn’t have I wouldn’t have did it they’re going to have to they was going to have to have another contract waiting for me under I mean this is the NBA this is the business and you can’t trust anybody so I would have signed it you if I would have signed that that deal he just did there would be another one in four years that I already already put already some building some something I would have had some something okay you talk about daddy got a foure deal or something there’s going to be some writing in there that just helps like you know can’t fire my pops you know what I mean there going to be some [ __ ] but you know I mean just you got to commend them for for just even thinking about the the rest of the team and just the future of the franchise yeah and you talk using that situation talk about like Steph Curry taking that fouryear $44 million deal back in the day to help set up the warriors with ankle injury yeah don’t do that that’s why but that’s different situation yeah yeah no that’s that’s all he could sign for at that time that’s what he was worth at that time at that point but helped Elevate and Propel that roster in hindsight jayen Brunson now coming off a season where he finished fifth in MVP voting like he’s taking he is one of the people that’s taking an actual pain cut yeah this is not like they got you for a cheap deal you’re taking a pay cut for willingly like and already had that that foure $100 million deal which he outperformed thought he was going to get his big payday but here we are shout out see you looking yeah my thing he got his team like his college teammates on the team man so I think that’s play a big factor in it that is right like they got to get paid they got to get paid so they yeah they won together before they here now so it’s I can get this and still I think I played a big part let’s talk about Mel Bridges taking a discount too down the road just kind of seeing what this is and be able to have your college crew together I I know you love your teammates but yeah that’s that’s big love what did Jaylen do la last year what you mean Jaylen Brunson far as what what did he do what was his numbers 29 points per game seven no not this season last season 26 probably like 26 and something 25 26 got he wasn’t he wasn’t considered he a 24 four six assists Reb wasn’t all NBA or nothing like that no 24 points six rebounds four assists last year he was on the verge he was he was like uh like de dear Fox and that he was one of those guys that you could have made if you would have made it nobody would have said anything because his first year from Dallas that was the first year last year yeah so 24 and then this year he went to 29 so last year in his last season at Dallas he averaged 16 points four rebounds five assists and how much is he how much how much per year is he getting with this deal discount how much close to close to 40 40 a year close to around 40 a little bit under shade under $4 million a year yeah jayen Brunson I mean you’re saying that oh yeah I mean $4 million a year as a player getting $40 million a year off of two years of production right now of course you know like Gil saying I would love to go ahead and get my 55 go up in in salary whatever but jayen Brunson I believe him and his dad in the integrity and the things that they look and expect from themselves I think we can all look and say y’all did the Knicks of service and did yourselves a disservice but I think that they look at it through another lens like money is money but winning is a whole different caliber of energy especially with the Knicks especially I mean think about with the credit yeah the credit he’ll get to Reviving that but if they go get some other pieces that can really push them towards championship for the Nicks he’ll be cemented forever with them above everybody that’s ever been there I don’t want to frown upon the move because it’s money based but I see if the Knicks don’t capitalize on him doing this then it’s a failure then it’s like you should have got the money but I feel like with their front office and what they’ve been doing throughout this whole last two seasons they can make something happen Happ pick up somebody good with this contract they’ve showed a commitment to want to put together a winning franchise winning organization now but like you gentleman always say you’re not cutting it’s a business you’re not cutting the team no discounts because you don’t know what the future hold and it’s very possible that he he reaches 2028 he’s healthy he gets that extension gets that big payday but that’s also a lot of ifs and butts in Hope can you like to say it’s reality it’s it’s reality like what what’s the and I don’t want to put anything negative on on the situation itself is you know um what he did what he did right now is is a beautiful thing for the organization because I don’t think they would have been in a Championship win though if if this didn’t happen yeah facts right uh because what they can do with the money he saved is they can go get franchise players but is he not the franchise player what I’m saying is just like Steph was a franchise player right and they went and got Kevin Durant mm this is they can do that this franchise can actually go out and they can go sign the ID they can go out and sign a Luca because they have that much money they have franchise money um now now the problem is this when four years is up what’s the chances of them giving him yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] what his numbers is what’s the chances of giving him that 300 and that $400 million they got to have a championship you think it even if they have a championship do you they if they have a championship absolutely you give him half a bil Absolut because he’s the reason why the reason he’s the reason why but butan thaty loyal oh he’s okay okay no one thing he gonna do now he might don’t know [ __ ] about basketball uhuh but he gonna spin you’re right [ __ ] listen ni do spendy that is hands down the best organization I [ __ ] play for bro like far as taking care of players and everything oh they don’t spare a penny they listen they they don’t cut no corners with taking care of the guys that was the first place I went we had multiple like medical staff we had [ __ ] three trainers four like PT guy like this the first I where they was looking after guys wellbeing like they was pricking our ears and [ __ ] checking the blood all kind of [ __ ] dogs yeah like I mean you see you see on paper that they did spend money you just you just be trying to figure out why not transl wi so okay so they do take care of their players absolutely trying to find the right fit upstairs okay so it was a front office it was Dolan it was a front office see that’s why I said you know Dolan gets all the blame because everything sucks but he actually spends his money and cares yeah basketball [ __ ] but now he got the right people there now so this I don’t now calling people out but D we ar certain places was certain people in place for a long time with the organization uhuh that people say was handicapping Dolan yeah right all the information wasn’t being relayed the right way at times and you know how you know you got the middleman and this I’mma feature what I want you to know and and that’s all you getting then you like you looking like the bad guy yeah but it was [ __ ] that was going on um but no he gonna spend it bro for damn sure yo they got to get rid of uh Randolph no no no no they don’t have to now yeah why why keep him why keep who y’all think R I think Julius Rand mean you get two max players why would you get rid of an allar why would you get rid of an allar all NBA players either five because the city the city don’t like him NE five the city don’t like nobody they was booing him they don’t they don’t show be fine if he ain’t beefing with the guys he show up they want train the camp season he’ll be fine but they need another fivem man dog yeah they do we’ll see can’t because you can’t depend on Mitch Robertson and B might be out of Philly if they don’t win it in two years you go get V vukovich I’ve been say I I didn’t put him on every team in the NBA for sure I didn’t put V on every [ __ ] team that need a five for sure right I every team that need a big he is my go-to cuz he listen 20 and 10 consistently consistently stuck in Orlando man then go to [ __ ] you just go just consistently put up 20 and 10 and don’t nobody know it bad team def defensively he don’t play no defense who cares 20 and 10 that’s you saying about Randle Randle 20 and 10 oh so what 24 and 12 24 and got add up a little bit more hold on hold on but can he get 20 and 10 in New York with that with that Nick uniform yeah yes different type of pressure different typ a lot different type of pressure he will not be a 20 and 10 player with the Knicks 15 and 10 for sure whatever he you whatever it is it’s a double double A Double Double Damn might not be for sure might be too much pressure might be too much pressure in that Knicks no all right you know play he play on them trash ass teams parkstein he played on trashin Harkin got 84 putting him with the Knicks when it count we’ll see nine and eight damn what’s N I think they going to be I think they going be that damn long Island kicked in quick didn’t it quick right damn quick triple Long Island man you don’t waste no time I told you this is fourth one you look what that Nicks roster was able to do last year when Randall was healthy with with OG and noi and Brunson how solid they play we got fans snapping photos we are turned up here at the wind you can see yeah it’s it’s it’s um what they did I guess I guess it’s like any team when you when you when you play so well with little right with little Talent then you get all the talent back and you’re like we should be able to fact it it usually don’t translate like that right um most of those guys know their roles and they’re playing under they’re playing under like one movement now when those stars come back those Stars got their own movement so it’s going to be training camp is going to be very important this summer is going to be very important like I I’m Randall all they should be hanging out right now got that ain’t happening I know but you know what I mean I got I got a question with the way the the core guys played Without Julius R there and then add OG to that right and then him just getting paid I’m really like where does Julius Randle fit what you mean before he Gott when they were all together they lost 11 they was 11 and two but now you at Mel Bridges I think they were 12 and two that I know but now you add Mel Bridges to that that’s what that’s what but that’s what I’m saying like we got a good bench we got a good Court who’s the bench the bench is chinzo and Josh Hart off the Ben so Josh Hart and de chinzo go to the bench yeah I would Julius R start you got me BR still there like right now right now but that’s what I’m saying right now we already know if this was if this was Cole MJ I’m with yeah like young but my thing is but them guys play well though young I I will this is like where they should be actually hanging out playing with each other right now yeah I think they like just going playing pickup as as a unit right just so they can get from you can’t wait for training camp with now yeah you know what I mean you can’t wait for training camp to try to get to know each other yeah jul right it’s different ele so many different things happened so far that’s why I was telling y’all earlier when we talking about Julius I was like his leadership understanding what he watched yeah it’ll work and he couldn’t do he’s like I’m watching my team play without me and now they can say we can get here without you so for him he got to come back into it like I got to do whatever it takes to fit into this circle now whatever that is means I’m the anchor now I’m the I’m the guy that I put it on my back I saw him bro I saw him walking huh or the three Mel Bridges is the two if Mitchell starting at the five no I’m saying Mel Bridges is the two cuz OG at the three OG at the three J at one that’s a great lineup bro Julius at the four at the five great they got better bro they got better wom I’m rolling with just need one they just need another five man like you get vich I’m rolling with that five he a starter though he is a starter and then off the and then Off the Bench I mean not Off the Bench but Josh har D are off the bench and McBride no I’m just saying when they go small and they have Julie Juliet at the five and they have either Josh hot or Divino whoever’s playing better at the shooting guard and everybody just y like move to the four to the I’m rolling they got good flexibility but do you think all those guys are going to be happy with those rolls no they’re winners winning listen if they Ain learn if they ain’t learn anything from Boston right it can be done yes right yes it can be done you just got to hoop that’s it and put the [ __ ] to the side it can be done he go bridg was bridges on any of the championships with him so he won colge college championship with them all of them that’s what I’m saying that’s brought in thee that whole cre NOA it’s four so all of them actually were part of the winning Championship yes me oh yeah they already know what to do they understand how to play together already so I’m rolling with that five that’s College this is the League this think nobody scared ain’t nobody scared of that [ __ ] colge because the head the head of thisn the snake head already second yeah yeah the snake had already sacrific and said this is what it’s about so so now Julius R got to come in and has to come in got come in and fit in he has no choice1 million quit I’ve seen him quit on his team I seen him walk up and down the floor jul I got 100 yeah he can watch out that’s he going to do the same [ __ ] when he not getting the ball this year and he ain’t going he going to be walking and p man hey man you take pay for $100 million your word is your word is your word now see put my Sameer we saw walking he going to be walking up the court when he ain’t getting the huh why was he walking up the court I don’t know hey last year last man there was reasons for everything there reasons for everything he was you go have you ever been on a losing team before I guess everybody have you ever been pouting because you was losing no h we was 5 and 23 five and 23 do you like losing no I was 5 and 23 and then we end up being two eight two spots out eth but I got hurt do you like losing no of course don’t feel good do it oh of course yeah okay what that mean it mean that that [ __ ] was going through the losing pain oh okay okay but then when you went and sat down though we start winning so no we were winning before I sat down before got hurt we’re better though we’re better I think he can move around I think they go find something else so Julius r two years left on his deal uh he’s making 29 million this year then he’s got a player option for 31 million I believe he’s eligible for an extension in August uh next month the the next month coming up Lakers got rid of Lakers got rid of him for a reason he’s extension eligible MO oh yeah the MoveOn did that for him yeah Brunson did that for him we will see Julius we will see huh he up in oh he up in a month he can get an extension mon he’s got one more four year in this deal than a player option 2025 summer I think they wait out of year start thank you for them cuz I with him I’m him I’m I’m like I’m looking around like I can be the odd I could be the odd man out so let me go ahead and secure let me go ahead and secure three more years do you already feel like the OD man out now with that Nova Knick crew though I fit perfect for them okay 24 and 12 I fit perfect y’all needed me harken Stein for real man he can’t do what I do arenstein can’t do what I do 24 and 12 all NBA allar do 249 rebounds year he can he can he can pretend to be white get a lot of benefits he can do that that’s so Julius Julius Rand 46 games last year average 24 n rebounds five assists want to put that out there and five assists stop yeah so what does that 24 go to where add Mel Bridges and the question for you guys also n 21 I it’s some starters remember you remember Josh Harden but you know what I mean that it’s their point it’s Julius Jay 22 12 I mean 222 scor Jaylen Julius Mel no hell no won’t be required to get that our energy defensive guy I don’t think Jaylen Brunson I don’t think Jaylen Brunson shoots for 29 because he don’t have to no he don’t have to at all right so I think he’s going to be around 25 and at least at least eight of those seven of those coming in the fourth quarter last five minutes yep and we talked before Julius Randle number one option at points now is he going to be comfortable relinquishing that role to jayen Bruns and obviously he don’t have a choice now he don’t got no choice cuz if the offense don’t run like that it’s about how like their pick and roll offense is going to be like who’s going to be able to take those shots given the defense how the defense respond so I think JW can get 21 Brunson can get his 25 but through the flow the offense you got Mel Bridges coming off pin Downs you got OG being wide open spacing the floor it’s just going to be and and they play fast so it’s a fast-paced Nick Squad that can go out there and get you 120 points but Julius can’t be the ball stoer that he’s been in pass right he can’t be got he got to make quick decision they need a post my thing what you was just saying right Joe like about the like would he be okay being the number two options he really don’t have a choice because if the roles were different if he was the main ball handler different because jayen can dictate if [ __ ] Julius get a shot or not yeah absolutely but we saying he’s a number two option but in reality when the whole team is there yeah isn’t wouldn’t he be the number one number one option is that’s what I’m saying it wouldn’t be Brunson Brunson became the number one option because he needed to be out of necessity right right it’s like oh [ __ ] we’re losing everybody let me take on all these characters let me what’s what’s [ __ ] he took a lot of bad [ __ ] shots that’s call it what it is who jayen Bruns took a lot of horrible [ __ ] shots last and he had no choice had no choice he didn’t facts but they were he would take just because he he won’t take those shots there was a lot of forces that he won’t have to take now and knowing that he’s a champion he knows like those shots don’t feel good because I’m forcing it so think about how J Julius Rand will open the floor up for that where it’s not gonna be no bad shot you say he know wait he know what a champion is no I think I think Julie you say he know yeah two years two years on what what do you mean College year champ he know he knows what this NBA he knows what winning feels like know win feels don’t care about that college [ __ ] when you win something you know what it feels like no you’re a champion when you’re in the NBA you’re Champion you’re in NBA care about that college [ __ ] when you win an award it all feels the same bro no it don’t like when beat you in 2K it feels the same feel the same as different C when when I beat feels the same he know what it feel like to be a champion in college same no it’s not I don’t know I didn’t win me either you came close I haven’t won on no level know what it like be colle a big three Champion big three Champion hey and I wasn’t even there let you know you’re Aura you’re aura [ __ ] no only time I win is if I’m not dead Championship or does exist my G okay yeah no that’s fine I mean you are talking about a dude who got sweat I mean so I mean it ain’t he don’t know the feeling

Jalen Brunson CEMENTED Himself As The King Of New York as Gilbert Arenas & The Gil’s Arena Crew react to Brunson signing a team friendly contract extension with the New York Knicks and break down his decision to give up over $100 Million to allow the team to build a championship roster around him. They discuss the impact this move has on the future of the league and what moves the Knicks will make to reward Brunson, debating if the team will move guys like Julius Randle & Mikal Bridges in favor of an MVP caliber player.

Gil’s Arena premieres every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET.

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  1. Beloved sure.. king is ridiculous.. nobody is king of anything.. not Jordan, Bron, Kobe, none of em.. the pedestal of humans is hella weird.. I untaguht myself these things and it was the best thing ever

  2. I’ve seen Jennings hate on so many players on this show and dude was never a winner!! Like bro stop acting like u was that dude in the league😂😂 smh

  3. It seems like Brandon is there to serve hate !!! Ju ju is loved in ny and with this team he will be a monster!!! Can’t double anyone and ju a beast with the bully ball

  4. Randle has the talent but not the heart. He's another Amari that pouts when he doesn't get enough offense. He can fit in if he chooses to, but i don't think he will.

  5. He’s basically another Isaiah Thomas. He can score at a high volume but a liability on defense. Only difference is Brunson got money and Celtics didn’t budge

  6. Why is Brandon Jennings arguing what winning feels like😭 Bro just sounding mad as hell that he didn’t go to college

  7. I fucks with Kenyon since New Jersey but “Jalen took a lotta bad shots last year!”

    Bruh! He shot 52% from the field and 42% from 3!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️😂🤣😂🤣

  8. Is Gil slow? They can’t add an Embiid he did it to RETAIN the roster OG is MAX lol wtf they don’t have the $ to add a superstar lol I swear Gil slow sometimes 😂

  9. The dumb ass of NY! He's a small guard, he's not leading them to no title, thibs runs his players 40+ minutes, NY doesn't really get big time free agents. Leaving 113m on the table is absolutely ABSURD

  10. If you think he took this discount without the team making sure to help him get taken care of in terms of endorsement deals, you're bugging. Jalen will be good!!!

  11. Why jennings hating so hard ? 😂 dam my boy you dont even know the headaches i put up with defending you being worth a lottery pick and you gonna trash my team like this 😒 🤦🏾‍♂️ father god i been betrayed 😂😂😂

  12. nah keep randle we love him he just wears his heart on his sleeve its tough to play in NY everyone trying to ball out here too love the bully ball he plays

  13. So he takes a massive extension pay cut but the guy who was there for a cup of coffee, OGA gets paid nearly a hundred million more. How is that fair? It sets a bad precedent where stars who refuse to do likewise will be cast as villains.

  14. Look at brandon hating on the Knicks because we only gave him 58 games. He wanted to be drafted by the Knicks. Glad we ain't do that.

  15. Maybe its just me but Brandon Jennings been giving coke energy over the past couple weeks. He act like he bout to crash out

  16. B Jennings gets it, LA got rid of him for a reason. There’s a difference between losing pains, and not winning the way I wanna win pains. And as a Knicks fan, as well as a MELO fan, I don’t wanna hear no excuses for Jules walking up and down the court after a turnover or a “no call”

  17. My god Brandon STOP HATING cuz it is hate. No matter what u say your tone, body language and your rebuttals come off as hate why are so bitter?

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