@Sacramento Kings

Eddie Gonzalez, The Boardroom – The Kings Have Had A Great Offseason

Eddie Gonzalez, The Boardroom – The Kings Have Had A Great Offseason

I got I got my my guy with me Sacramento native Sacramento Legend from the etas and maybe I sometimes I say like I’m a oneman wolf pack I think we locked in right here because I think we might be the only two guys that still show love and appreciation for Drake and we enjoy boss man Dow’s music I think we might be the only two that brother man I don’t look he be Gam boy if you partake in the outside life here and there or even just have a few adult beverages that boss man dolo he gonna get you right hey man he going crazy right now one of the other things that uh I realized when I was I was I was out I was at a wedding and stuff like that and I I knew the the the gravity of um what she’s doing right now but man the ladies the ladies love glorilla right now they loving glow right now they some glorilla come on they turn up look you know how they talk about oh what they playing outside all of that is moot it’s boss man it’s glow it’s sexy red it’s great oh they gonna crazy for sex don’t don’t lie that’s what’s going on out there it’s fine different music for different places it’s cool that’s it that’s all is Eddie Gonzalez of the etet rocking with me here on DLo and KC man and uh you know this is there’s a bunch of different things uh that I want to talk to you about man just it’s just me and you so we we can talk a little boxing before you get out of here you know that we gotta talk a little box before you get out of here but I gotta start with hope I gotta start with the hometown man and I know you you talk uh to to all NBA circles man and I just want to get your thoughts on Demar de roosen coming to the Kings and then after that like what are the streets saying about Demar de rzan coming to the Kings yo first of all I love that move for them shout out to Damian for being right there breaking the news I see why he’s on vacation he put his he put his one little he earned his vacation yeah yeah uh but no I love that move for them I think uh some of the criticism of dear is oh he doesn’t shootting enough threes but uh you got floor spacers on this team you’ll be fine like you you you need some of those buckets uh when you look at this team last year their issue wasn’t shooting more threes you know what I mean um they needed a secondary uh Creator and they had that now they have a dude who’s a pure bucket he he won what was he second clutch Player of the Year behind AR guy Fox and then was second this year so you got your late game covered um you got him for half the price of Paul George which is great you got him at Great market rate kept them away from your your rival down south I love to pick up I think if you talk around the league whether it’s media whether it’s players it’s a good fit for them they get another vet in that locker room and they just taking another step um so I’m I’m happy for them I’m happy that they won that out I think when I look at the marketplace doesn’t look like Lor’s going to anywhere I know it’s really loud but it doesn’t look like he’s going anywhere as of right now Ingram who knows and and maybe I would have wanted Ingram more depending on the price but this is a great offseason for the Kings you keep your guy Malik Mon and then you get a guy who adds to what you guys are doing with Demar de rozan that’s an underrated aspect that that you just mentioned is you know the teams that were that were trying to potentially get him as well the Clippers and the and the Lakers even though I don’t know if that’s media driven or not but the and the Lakers um potentially uh getting Demar de rozan you were able not only to get him for your team but keep them keep him away from them and and they they both of those teams they needed somebody like Demar bad like the Lakers and the Clippers I’m not gonna jump out the window and say they not top 10 especially the Lakers because you got LeBron and AD but they I don’t know I think I think those are two playing teams look this is a conference what 10 to six was one game last year two games uh you got the Grizzlies coming back with you know their their IDE be healthy and and they’re getting their Mega star back is tight up top in the conference like this is every one of those moves matters every one of those moves so for people to say something like oh the Clippers had a great off season they did but they also lost their second best player that’s incremental but and it matters you know they did have great guys but all of that stuff matters in a conference where you’re deciding five seeds by one game and by tiebreakers and then and then if you’re not on the top side of that you have to play an extra game or two to keep going and you you know as a Kings fan and out there in sack a late season injury whatever may have you the playing game could go left or right it’s too much there so yes keep not only add to to your to your coffers but keep out of theirs it’s it’s a win-win for me like I don’t there’s no downside to that they got him at a great price it’s a position of need he fits with what they’re doing let’s cook up yes sir one of the one of the things that everybody’s talking about as well with this is and I don’t want to I don’t want to sound like too well as me because I’ve heard a lot of the same things that you have like people are like it’s a good move like they they I’ll tell you how high I am on it in just a little bit I don’t know if they’re as high as I am on it but they’re like no it’s a good move like it’s a good look it improves d d so I don’t want to make it like people are just like like just hating on it because it’s the Kings necess there are some people who do that but it hasn’t been the majority right um but one of the things they do say and people are worried about is all right well what does this do defensively like they didn’t improve on the defensive end and all this other stuff and you know Eddie I don’t I don’t want to be like defense don’t matter because it does matter or whatever the case may be but I’m I’m I lean more towards I want guys that can get you buckets and and a group of guys and a team of guys that can get you buckets and we figure out the defense later as opposed to let’s get a bunch of defensive guys and we’ll figure out the offense later like I don’t think that works at all you know what I’m saying so I I just say number one I don’t think the Kings defense was that bad last year after you kind of looked at some stuff they improved as the season went on and also I’ll get Demar in here get another bucket getter another shot Creator which is kind of what they were really missing once Malik went down now you know if any injury happens you’re not you know just just kind of in in a in a in a bad spot and no shot creators you’re add in depth there and you get a guy like Demar d r Roan I’ll take my chances with that and figure out the defense later what you think about the people who just like kind of say like a I didn’t address defense so they’re still in the same spot well I mean you look at last year you look at a team like the Mavericks who everybody said can’t play defense and they have supposed liabilities and Kyrie and Luca but when a team locks in and finds chemistry in the playoffs you play tough enough defense if your offense is great enough your defense can be enough you know it doesn’t you don’t have to lead with defense and in this era of basketball you’re pretty much not going to lead with defense it just is what it is so dear’s a vet I think his defensive issues are super overstated it’s not like he’s gonna guard the number one option every night you’re asking him to hustle on the back end and close out you know what I mean play Team defense you got Keegan Murray there to throw on everybody you want and that’s kind of the point of him Daren Fox is no slouch on defense he he comes with energy uh you know he’s good for a steel or two and he’s going to try hard on defense I think look for them it will always be about domas in the middle and like you said there was incremental improvements last year you you you made that commitment to Mike Brown that’s his specialty you got a trust that he’ll figure that out and you look at the teams that went to the finals last year you got the Mavericks and they put all those pieces together in the middle of the season and so if you’re if you’re the Kings you sit there and say look we’re adding here we have flexibility going forward who knows what’s out there in January and February and maybe you do get that defensive Wing that you need and you feel like you need and maybe you do get that backup center this is exactly what the mavick did so again we’re talking about a conference that separated by a game or two and these playoff series they go deep and it gets tough and you got to make those buckets late and who better to do that for you than this Duo that you gonna have in your back court now that’s facts man you’re listening to ESPN 1320 kfm West Sacramento and station D and Casey brought to you by Sky River Casino lucky enough to be joined by my guy man Sacramento native Eddie Gonzalez of the etas man he he everywhere you ain’t never there right now man he It’s gotta be making moves he you know you know Travis Scotts were on the hardwood last night you know I saw that I ain’t tripping you know what I’m saying I see I see how he working man I saw the Travis Scotts on the hardwood you know what I’m saying I see I see how he gets down man for for for only like the the second biggest draw in the WNBA on right now it wasn’t like they was playing the mystics you know what I’m saying it was Ang on I see how it is shout out to my peoples at the W man they they take care of your boy man I’ll say that no no doubt but uh we we we talking about Demar D Rose and the Kings and the Western Conference and all this other stuff man and you know I was talking earlier where I I’ve been standing on business all week with this I look at this King this king’s team as is and maybe I’m maybe I’m just maybe I’m I don’t think I’m being no type of Homer maybe I’m being a little too aggressive with it but I I believe I’m standing on business I believe this I think the floor for this team as is 52 wins 52 wins with thear de rozan and I say that because two years ago everything went well with health and everything else like that they won 48 they took the last three games off because they were kind of locked into their spot they could have been 50 at that point they started off 0 and four maybe they 50 51 at that point or whatever the case may be uh last year they dealt with some injuries whatever case may be nothing debilitating but you know monk was out the final month of the season um there was some injuries they still got the 46 I think they’ve improved at that Harrison Barn spot by getting Demar d r roen um Malik Monk Is back another year of Keegan Murray I I think I think everybody’s locked in I think 52 52 is the floor I think they could probably get as high as 55 as is right now so when when you talk about like wins totals you’re looking at the rest of the league too right so you’re looking at the Clippers who you feel like gota touch worse and you have no clue with Kawai you have no clue what that is and if they lose I think I think we got a clue and I hate to say that because I like Kawai but we we got a clue we know what’s gonna happen it’s tough because he played what 70 games this year tried and he and he tried he gave it a go and he just says at the Team USA camp like look I I I do what I can and and sometimes my body can’t you know um so you look at that team as a team on the slide you look at the Lakers as a team may be on the slide they’ve added almost nothing this off season they added kect who I think can help but he’s a rookie right and he’s going to be you know Off the Bench rooll and he’s going to be limited as it is they barely play Max Christie as it is and they have a new rookie coach and I love JJ that’s my guy we have no clue what that will be even if we trust him to the utmost so that’s a team that is is is looking that way the Warriors you know they lost their second lead scorer that’s a team that’s they’ve struck out on every move they’ve tried this summer and and it’s like Steph we we we feel like Steph can give us 50 every year no matter what he didn’t give us 50 last year so that’s another team that’s on the slot so these are wins that are piling up right these are wins we can get now maybe you feel like the Rockets will be better sangon will improve but they struck out on their big moves this off season too so all that stuff starts to stack up and it does start to look like they’re gonna add some wins this year I could see them in the 50 range again what was the one seed last year 58 so I think this is a this is a tight conference and each one of those wins gonna matter so you can’t start 0 and four that matters in in April you know what I mean um I could see that you got to pray for health but that’s a team that’s gonna win a lot of regular season games team that’s gonna win a lot of close games that’s a team that’s gonna be competitive every night and that’s one of those regular season things too I look at the Thunder last year like the Thunder were just the team they just seem to care more on night in and night out they’re the young upstart team and they got a leader who wants to win games you know so sometimes that also is part of it too and I think we’re going to see that from some of the older teams that are just not as pressed and then the Eastern Conference is what it is and you got to beat up on them over there and they should so I can see it in that range 50 52 54 it’s just going to be a tough conference out there that’s that’s all that top six out there is gonna be tough but ideally you’re part of it so so the the the thing about it and I was thinking about this today as well is the West the West is tough and it’s like like years as a whole better than the Eastern Conference but one of the things that I’ve heard a lot as well that I agree with is I like the Kings just getting after it and going for it seeing what you can do and and one of the reasons why I say that is while the while the West is tough and you’ve got your OKC’s your Minnesota’s um Dallas now and all this other Phoenix possibly be in there as well Memphis might be back you don’t have no Boston you don’t I don’t even know I don’t even even know if you have a Knicks in the Western Conference and I mean what I mean by that is with the right matchup all these teams are kind of getable right like you look at how the playoffs played out yep I don’t know if um like OK like Denver how how do we do this Denver probably beats Dallas but they probably can’t beat Minnesota yeah OKC probably loses to Minnesota but they can’t get P you know I mean it’s it’s over there it’s tough like you know it’s it’s hard to remember now we’re two months out but Denver went to game seven with Min they were up three2 you know I mean if they win at six they BL blown out if they win six or seven at home they probably beat Dallas right and then you have a whole different conference and you’re looking at Dallas different like what does Dallas have and they lost a starter and they added a old Klay Thompson and is it the same but it’s funny what winning does you go to June and yeah they they they kind of got wiped out against Boston but now it’s no longer oh we lost drik Jones Jr it’s like oh we added clay you know and we then we this and we’re that um I think they had a good off season I don’t know what Clay is for that team he’s spacing for sure but I don’t know that he’s the utility guy on defense that they need and and again their margins were super close last year they they played a tough series with the Clippers without Kawai and then played a tough series with the Thunder as well and and you know that goes left or right either way uh Kyrie had a tough playoffs after the first round Luca had his struggles here and there obviously stepped up when they needed to but he had struggles here and there as well and so all the margins are super thin and that also works like you said for the Kings incremental improvements mean they hop right in that race and you get the right matchup you get a matchup that’s a little soft in the interior like Okay C and who knows what domas does against them and yes they added hartenstein but they now they have to play hartenstein and that makes that gives somebody doas guard and right on and on so like it’s goingon to be it’s gonna be a season of match ups for sure and you want to get that home court too yeah absolutely there was there were people here in Sacramento I was I was one of them I wasn’t gonna say like oh they’re going to beat them but there were a lot of people in Sacramento who were like let’s just get there because I think if we can get there we can get OKC like they they believed that at the time whether it was true or not they believe like I think we can get them like they would be like if we had to play Denver that’d be tough or if we had that’d be tough but OKC’s the one and we could get that AC let’s get there we could get him so like it’s it’s it’s heavy on matchups it’s heavy on matchups in the Western Conference and we we’ll we’ll just see uh how that plays out I got my man Eddie Gonzalez other ex etceteras uh with me here on D KC and I got about I got about seven minutes we gonna break the rules G rules they don’t like to talk they don’t like when you talk about boxing but how can I have on here not talk a little boxing you know while he’s on here where do I start let’s see Shakur Stevenson oh man to him he’s a unbelievable skill Fighter um unbelievable defensively skill fighter and he’s got offensive skills as well like it’s it’s not just all defense but I he go we talking about we talking about the the the CRM Dela Crim in the in 130 to 135 to 140 to me is tank Davis I don’t think I think the only person that and because I bring up Shakur because people are like no Shakur might get him Shakur not beating tank we we talked about it on Twitter he he tank will he will eat those punches to get his punches off and nobody stands up to his punches right now that’s what that’s what history has shown us so far nobody stands up to a tank Davis punch the only person that I would I think has the the the best shot and I don’t even like this dude is I don’t like I think he might have the power to get tank to to to back up off of him he’s naturally a bigger guy than tank so I think that’s the only one I don’t think hany can I don’t think Shakur can I don’t think LMA can I don’t think I don’t think none of them dudes mess with tank I think uh I want to talk about Shakur a little bit but as far as tank goes um it’s funny because Frank Martin fought a great six rounds he did and had the right idea and you know I think he was on the back foot a little bit too much but you kind of got to versus tank um I’m with you I think TI’s the guy but he’s bigger and he’s already talking welterweight and we’ll probably never see tank at 147 there’s just a size difference but sakur like he’s he’s never gonna be active enough to win that fight you know he was Never Gonna Keep tank off him to win that fight So eventually he’s gon to get hit or he’s just going to be backing up and it’s gonna just he’s gonna lose like that but Shakur man I don’t like when people do this oh well Floyd was defensive and all this stuff that’s a disrespect to Floyd like that’s disrespect to Pretty Boy Floyd before he broke his hands who like look he wasn’t a thumper he wasn’t Chico corales like you know rest in peace sack Legend but he was he could hit you hard he could get you off him he he wasn’t getting in firefights either but he was stopping guys look not doing that Legend what did he do to Chico cor yeah so it’s like T I think he knocked Chico caral down again just now so look it’s you’re disregarding all of that part of it too and then even the older money Floyd who was a character and was fighting a little more conservative he was still thumping guys that were bigger than him and he was coming forward and he was active and on top of that he’s probably the most abrasive personality we’ve seen in the sport since Muhammad Ali dare I say that far back so Shakur is neither one of those don’t compare him to Floyd just because he’s defensive and fights on the back foot sometimes no he doesn’t hit hard he he doesn’t make for exciting fights yes he sells out the arena n and all due respect to him for that for having the hometown crowd and yes he did great ESPN numbers but Floyd was doing a million pay-per-view buys against whoever they brought we don’t we don’t do that we don’t compare nobody to that like leave that alone it’s night and day it’s absolutely night and day and and once again I like Shakur as a fighter his personality and stuff I’m not I’m not crazy about his personality or nothing like but he’s doing himself no favors and and I respect the talent like I’m not saying what he doing is not skilled but this is the business of prize fighting this is the prize fighting so we are making money for fighting and yes you can be a great tactician you can be guo riondo and you can be an Olympian you can be all that but that doesn’t mean we showing up to pay pay-per-views nor should you be at the bargaining table telling the biggest fighter in the world I need more yeah stop so I can confirm he turned down that tank deal I mean that that that that uh Devon Haney deal I’ve heard it from people who were at the table that’s on him like if he wanted to be the guy take the short money there beat Devin then make him come to New Jersey and beat him again and then you’re the man well look and anybody listening do a little quick research do a little go somebody was talking to Devon Haney so you know whatever somebody was talking to Devon Haney it’s out there on YouTube it’s out you know so check the sources if you want to it’s right there for you um real quick I got a I gotta it’s a hot take okay my main man Geron boots in his fights uh on Saturday I think I’ve said this for a while now I think in I’ll give it five years I said five years like a year and a half ago but I’ll still say five years you gonna be top five pound for pound maybe number one I think I think boots he’s as talented as any boxer in the world right now right now today boots is about to have to do with bud did and just beat the hell out of everybody and make you watch He’s gotta find a he’s gotta find a natural fo too which is what got but over the hump and which is why we haven’t seen he’s trying to make it Terence yeah but there’s no at another spot I don’t blame Terrence he’s at another spot in his career where he don’t have to he’s almost like Floyd when they they would be like Floyd why don’t you fight Keith Thurman or what bro I’m I’m almost I don’t blame butd at all like you know he he obviously wanted twin and that’s probably not gonna happen but look he he thugged it out in the trans for a long time and then kept telling everybody I’m the best on the best on the best and finally got there so I don’t blame him but boots is gonna have to find that natural F which is kind of like what tank did and and then got that money with Ryan and then went from there um the problem is he’s just not there yet we don’t know who that fighter is and [ __ ] there’s a couple guys who it could be but it’s not there yet but yeah I’m with you he’s he’s one of my favorites to watch I’ll be locked in this weekend come on I’m excited to see that dude hey hey we need we need we need we need to start a boxing po man man they got a boxing podcast man get me on there man we you make that happen man come on now we just might have to man look let’s get on the phone hey let’s do this man let’s do this Eddie Gonzalez the exas hey sack is going up bro you need to get out here this it’s about to be on fire at the golden one Center this year bro I’m I’m coming to a game for sure this a couple games I might be out there for an event at the fair at the end of the month maybe waiting to find out uh but if not I’ll be out there soon and man we we owe each other round or two for sure absolutely absolutely my dog I appreciate you pulling up on me today dog yes sir you already know hit me up man and tell D Man Damian I know you out there being a mega star Insider but come back to work man waiting on you that’s facts man that’s facts man Eddie gonz

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