@Minnesota Timberwolves

“I Thought [Jaylen] Won Us The Game.” | Chris Hines Summer League Sound | 07.14.24

“I Thought [Jaylen] Won Us The Game.” | Chris Hines Summer League Sound | 07.14.24

Rob came out took a lot of shots early was that was that intentional but but you guys try to get yeah for sure we want to get him going you know you want to get him confident um but at the same time you know rob you know Rob’s a natural score he’s going to do that um you know regardless if I tell him to do it or not to do it so you know I just you know I just want to put him in a position to you know succeed Jaylen uh had I think six steals today he seemed like he was getting his feet under him the other day but what did you see from him today I thought I thought I thought he won us the game I thought he won us the game just with his energy and effort and intensity on the ball off the ball anticipating um you know where the balls going to go you know he has a gift to do that everybody that telling me about it but now I am a believer I’m a Believer he he’s really good at it and um I see why you know you know we got him Chris you’ve had uh D in the program uh for a year what are you seeing from him in this and like what what can he uh apply to the NBA game as he be part of the team I’m really impressed by his on ball defense right now he’s really really handsy um especially when guys are handling the ball um he’s he’s playing with the ball handler he used to have the ball in his hands and actually you know playing and controlling stuff he’s learning how to play off ball and do the little small things rebounds um guarding on ball understand how to uh play off Chase guys and stuff like that so you know he’s growing it looked like uh he played Edwards a little bit more he was getting in pick and roll with Rob some more in this game was that like a kind of wanted to was that for Rob get him going a little bit more ed super talented too man big body I mean he he was Monster at The Rim just you know protecting the rim um but you know yeah we we wanted him to you know you know setting hold for Rob a lot you know cuz Rob needs some space right now he’s not as strong enough to get himself open um like most guards but you know overall I was I was impressed by by J as well you those first two games Rob has 13 assists and two turnovers what stood up most about his playmaking well he’s he’s he’s trying to find it still you know and I think he can be even better like in terms of getting more assists you know he’s uh he’s understanding he has so much wiggle in his game um and he understands these dump off passes right now once he starts to understanding how to read the floor and pick and roll he’s going to be a beast in terms of just you know having everybody involved getting guys involved what do you think was overall the kind of the physicality you’re playing with a lot of fouls today but defense and physicality Su League gave us 10 I use all of them I use all of them and you guys going have to take the ball out you going to have to fill us every time you know that’s that’s what we want to do uh as a Minnesota timber wolves that organization you know I said it last interview like when we come into the gym we want them to fill us like damn it’s going to be a long game it’s going to be a hard game yeah so um I’m I’m okay with that


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