@Orlando Magic

Tristan Da Silva is as advertised: A Winning Player | AB learning to control the pace

Tristan Da Silva is as advertised: A Winning Player | AB learning to control the pace

two games into summer league and it sure feels like Tristan D Silva is as advertised what it means to be someone who’s in the right place at the right time every single time plus how Anthony black is learning to slow things down and other observations from a second summer league win it’s time for locked on Magic you are locked on Magic your daily Orlando Magic podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and you are indeed locked on Magic today is July 15th 2024 my name is Philip Roser andik I’m the senior writer over at Orlando magic you follow me on Twitter Philip rrd on today’s episode of lockon magic we heard it said so many times that Tristan D Silva is just wherever you need him to play we heard it from our friends that locked on Buffs how we’re seeing that actually play out during summer league why trist de Silva is as advertised will break down his big performance coming up here in just a moment but first we want to thank you again for making lock on Magic part of your day every day no matter what when you listen to us whether it’s firstday in the morning whether it’s right when we upload we truly appreciate you making lock on Magic part of your day every day remember there’s a great lock on podcast covering every single team in the NBA to search for lockon and the team you’re looking for the lockon podcast Network it’s your team every day today’s episode of lockon magic is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the summer begins to pick up we’ve hit the official kind of dead spot of the calendar uh the soccer tournaments are ending allar MLB allstar game is here everything’s kind of taking a Hiatus but guess what FanDuel is still hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started we had uh the host of locked on Buffs the Colorado Buffalo podcast on here a couple weeks ago and and we were still trying to get a feel for who Tristan D Silva was was we were still trying to get an understanding okay this is who this player that the magic picked was when we looked at the draft process we saw a six foot eight kind of do everything forward a veteran a senior who kind of knew where he was and and and and just every scouting report that I read and and everything that I analyzed said this is a guy that just plugs and plays but something more than that everyone said this is a guy that is just always in the right spot at the right time just makes winning plays plays that don’t show up in a stat sheet necessarily but do show up when it counts when things matter Tristan D Silva felt very much like a magic player through and through like a player that that just screams I am the kind of guy the Orlando Magic like um it is it was something hard to say get get a handle on and you’d watch it say okay I could see where all these pieces of the puzzle fit but there are all these intangibles that you just didn’t know because we don’t watch him play every game or watch how he moved on the court you know maybe we’re were just looking at highlights maybe we weren’t watching a full game but everybody who did watch those full games told us no this guy just makes everything work even if he’s not scoring he’s in in the right spot even if you’re not running plays for him the ball will find him that’s been the continued message about Tren the Silva that’s been the continued notion of who this player is and why it felt like he would be successful especially on a team like the magic because Tristan D Silva everything just works around them he makes the whole machine go by just being available by flashing or moving to the open spot by hitting that that open three but being there as an outlet by attacking the glass at the right moment by understanding when to pull back out off a drive or when to attack off the dribble look it’s summer league I get it I’m the first one to tell you that in summer league you find out who can’t play more than who can play uh we’ll get to Anthony black here in a minute but I’m not overly concerned concerned about Anthony black stuff but it you know I’d rather see someone do something than not because at this point you just want to know can you hold your own on the court you’re working on things you’ll make some mistakes whatever it’s a really rough team it’s every summer league team is rough that you got a week to figure out how to play together at a high enough level to learn something but Tristan DVA has looked like a natural and Sunday’s win over the New Orleans Pelicans where the magic came back from a 15-point second half deficit Sunday’s win continue to just prove that the Silva makes sense because everything that he did felt completely replicable when he gets to the regular season and everything that he did was not about necessarily his skill or his ability to get a shot off against tough defense although there was that I’m GNA I I will make sure we talk about that but the majority of his shots the majority of his looks came from moving into the passing pocket moving into an open space the most important play that he made all game was Jared Culver taking a three and to Silva finding the sliver of space to cut to the basket be in position for the offensive rebound and score a put back it’s knowing when to fill a lane and in transition and having yes the skill because I don’t want to discredit his skill he’s a skilled player to make a step through in transition to take a hit and make a layup in a critical juncture of the game in all Tristan D Silva led the magic with 23 points on eight for 13 shooting made three of six from three four rebounds two assists two steals for the second straight game after scoring 13 in Friday’s when D Silva filled the box score and he did it seemingly in a way that wasn’t about him if that makes sense it was about him being present and available for others to find him what does it mean to be in the right right place at the right time what does it mean to have the basketball IQ and the second sense that everybody seems to be talking about because Lionel chmer the magic summer league head coach also talked about Greg Anthony on the NBA TV broadcast for both games someone who watches a lot of Magic Basketball because of his son Cole um is commenting on it too saying he’s just where he needs to be at all times it’s like that play Friday if you remember Friday’s game d Silva got a rebound kicked it to Anthony black in the corner DVA vacated the corner went to the top of the key his man stayed and black fired a pass to Silva for three he made the three at the top of the key it’s little plays like that that stand out about D Silva because yes he had a really nice turnaround jumper yes he had that harm in that that bump in basket late in the game that was a huge basket for the magic uh in this win yes he has those plays in him but nothing to Silva’s done in these two Summer League games feels forced I would agree and I would I would definitely argue he looked more confident and comfortable in Sunday’s game compared to Friday’s game Friday’s game it definitely felt like he was a feeling out and Sunday I think he’s a little bit more assertive and and looking to generate a little bit more points for himself and a little more opportunity for himself but still none of it felt outside of the flow and at the end of the day this is the thing the ball found him because he put himself in the right positions he kept himself open put himself in the passing line of sight and then executed and gained the trust of like if I pass this guy the ball he’s going to make the shot this is what the magic drafted in Tristan Dila this is what everyone told us he would be and yes it is a big step to go from Summer League to the NBA we are going to find out a lot about Tristan D Silva in a couple months and in three months we will know more about this kid than we know now but at least as a proof of concept here in summer league Tristan D Silva is showing us who he is Tristan D Silva is showing us what He is capable of doing and how he can contri tribute to this magic team Tristan da Silva is showing us all the kind of draft pick the magic made the high IQ that goes beyond just what you see on a box score and in summer league that has meant a pretty heavy box score contribution it is safe to say that at least or two Summer League games the magic are really happy with what they selected I think magic fans are too we’re all really excited about about what he can be and now we’ll see how it plays out in October because through two Summer League games Tristan the Silva has been exactly as advertised smart humble willing to do what’s necessary for the team what’s right for the team available to contribute when the ball swings to him all the things that the magic love in their role players Sunday was not a great night for everyone and we’ll break down more about Sunday’s game but we’re going to focus on Anthony black how Anthony black is learning to slow things down and how New Orleans sped him up we’ll get to that coming up here in just a moment but first today’s episode of lockdown magic is brought to you by our friends over at FanDuel look I love sports as much as anybody I got my gator shirt on live life in the dome we all love basketball and summer league just gives us that little hit of basketball that we need don’t forget Team USA is playing Monday at noon get good some good afternoon basketball but afternoon basketball is always good but summer and especially this week is when the sports start to slow down a little bit too much a lot of the leagues are maybe taking an Olympic break the WNBA is getting ready to slow down we’re going to be thirsting for sports until the Olympics begin but FanDuel lets you keep the sports going whenever you want all you have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime you in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with 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247 streaming channel uh for all the latest in sport in the Sports World the locked on sports day channel is a free 247 streaming Channel programmed for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming and nonsense you get from the national shows instead you get the local analysts talking about the teams they follow religiously I’m the magic guy there’s a Lakers guy there’s a Sixers guy there’s a Nicks guy there’s a Pelicans guy all great people I’m sure I met I’ve met a lot of them um they’re all great people and they give Their audience the best analysis of their teams and the lock on sports today 247 streaming Channel brings you the best of the lockon podcast Network find it streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of lockon podcast Network your team every day obviously we have a lot of focus uh when we when we get to Summer League here on the key roster players um we care about what Tristan D Silva is doing what jet Howard’s doing and what Anthony black are is doing um how those players play you know and we’ll talk Jay Huff here probably tomorrow we’ll talk some Xavier Moon here in a bit there there are a lot of interesting players on this summer leing The Magic unlike last year when they didn’t kind of when they went into summer league without a center and it was clear they didn’t have a center this year’s summer league roster is really well put together again I want to give a major shout out to Lionel Chalmers he has his team playing hard he has his team playing together uh they’re really bought into who the magic are as an identity uh and you will there is not much difference between what the stuff the magic would run and stuff the summer league team is running and including how the bench is reacting to things and how engaged everybody is like Sunday was a rougher game we’ll talk about it here in a minute um but I got to give a shout out to Lionel chers he has he has done an incredible job with the summer league team um and again it’s just it’s vibe as much as execution on the court like and The Vibes are good right now we’re winning um but obviously we’re focused on the progression of the rookies of the young players and the roster players and I said on Friday show that Anthony black has a lot of eyes and attention on him that this is a major opportunity for black to make his name to kind of say okay this is I’m staking my claim to I’m a comfortable rotation player and he had a great game Friday Sunday not a good game I I will I will flat out say it I think I even I I tweeted it out flat out not a good game for Anthony black in a lot of ways finish a game with just Five Points two for seven shooting 0 for two from three not so concerned about that two rebounds six assists three turnovers and six fouls and a lot of those fouls were kind of late lazy fouls just not a particularly engaged game you know not a particularly engaged game for for black I felt like he was overplaying on defense and and usually defense is the thing you can count on and he still made some good defensive plays and at the end of the day when the game was on the line in the fourth quarter black made his first field goal to tie the game but bring the magic all the way back into the game and then he had another tough basket as well late that helped the magic maintain their lead he made a really nice deflection on a on a transition pass on a transition push ahead pass that set up a basket for Orlando in a critical moment in the fourth quarter Anthony black showed up uh and look the assists were there um you know he was kind of throwing the ball around a little bit too much I thought the the the pace of the game was a little too hectic um and he got sucked into that and to me this is where I’m focusing on Anthony black and I know I mentioned this after Friday’s game because it really impressed me how he slowed the game down how he looked like he was playing at his speed and was able to manipulate the defense because of it this to and I I’ll say I’ll go ahead and say this I think all three of these players should play one more game I think they should all play Wednesday Thursday I’m fine with them sitting I don’t think back-to-backs are necessary in summer league but I absolutely think Anthony black should play Wednesday because I need to see how he responds to this game because unlike Friday when he seemed to play at his own pace and play under control and dictate when things sped up or not the Pelicans did a really good job speeding him up throughout and so the thing I want to get out of this summer league for Anthony black it’s the shot looks better I know the defense is going to be there Anthony black said he wants to be more aggressive and assertive I like that do that to me what I want to see from Anthony black in Wednesday’s game is I want to see him control and regulate his pace and have and and dictate the tempo of the game and I know I’m interchanging a lot of words that kind of mean the same thing but I’m using them to mean something different I want Anthony black to control the game I think he is good enough to do so he showed us he was good enough to do so Friday and on Sunday New Orleans did a really good job blitzing and pressing him was something the Pelicans did very well they played a very high press they played a very energetic game um they put a lot of pressure on the magic guards and it took them a little while to adjust and they made a lot of mistakes because they were just going super fast again black had three turnovers he had three turnovers in the last game as well um but the the tempo and the speed of the game was just too quick not that I think Orlando should play at a snail’s pace or necessarily slow but the magic I felt like were out of control they weren’t the ones dictating how fast or slow the game went and that starts with Anthony black controlling that pace and New Orleans to the credit did a good job getting the ball out of his hands you know not letting him be the one to bring the ball up not keeping him uninvolved in that sense that’s how New Orleans wanted to play so now I need to see Anthony black respond because where he needs learnning and the biggest skill he’s going to have as the Magic’s point guard next year as a backup point guard or whatever role the magic ultimately have him play the biggest thing he’s gonna have to learn is how to play at his speed how to play at a speed that he is comfortable with to not let others speed him up and I felt like that’s what went wrong Sunday for him and again I didn’t not think it was a good game through three quarters the fourth quarter AB showed up made some big humongous plays and was a big reason why the magic ended up winning the game so I got to give props where props are due um he showed up at the end of the game and and delivered in the clutch moments but again a second-year player in summer league we expecting a little bit more now look it’s not the end of the world Jordan Hawkins I thought had a really solid game he was six for 18 like he didn’t shoot the ball well it’s summer league you’re gonna the stats aren’t really what I’m thinking I I care about like I’m not I’m not drilled AB didn’t shoot great but again it’s about this little thing this thing that’s going to translate to the regular season because we know he’s going to play in the regular season we know he’s going to play on this team and so ab’s got to learn this point guard skill of controlling his Pace his Tempo the speed at which he and his team play at and that’s going to be the big thing he’s going to have to learn that’s going to be the big thing that that the magic need to see from him still in summer leue Friday night against the the the Cavs he was excellent at it he controlled the tempo Cleveland was completely knocked off off course because Anthony BL decided how fast the game was going to be played and was comfortable at any speed and made that defense look silly frankly with how under control he was Sunday he did not look under control Sunday it looked like New Orleans was able to speed him up speed up his decision-making force him into kind of falling back into patterns rather than reading what the defense is playing and playing in that flow and so now and look ab’s 1920 like give him let him let him make M this is the place to make that mistake to learn this lesson to kind of understand okay this is what I have to do better it’s okay to make that mistake but now I do need to see I want to see him recover from it and play better on Wednesday the magic I believe are in first place in summer league we’re going to check those standings uh in a bit but what else happened in the orando Magic game how they pulled off a comeback to remember maybe not at Summer League we’ll talk about that coming up here in just the moment but first today’s episode of lock on Magic is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the 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Summer League game through three quarters for the magic and then a really Sublime strong performance a really really good closing kick when the magic needed to buckle buckle down and and focus in on this game they look like the far better team the far more talented team and again it’s summer league there were a lot of mistakes from both sides a lot of turnovers a lot of fouling that was the biggest thing for the Magic in the first half I I felt like in the first half after they took their their brief 11-point lead um or eight-point lead whatever it was um I felt like the magic got stagnant on offense again pressure a lot of pressure defense a lot of quick threes a lot of guys kind of gunning for threes including jet Howard um and then just not a lot of ball movement and again that’s you know a that’s the bread and butter of the Magic’s offense get downhill spray out get the ball moving around the horn that’s kind of the Magic’s uh that’s kind of the Magic’s Mo in general but a lot of again a lot of turnovers Orlando finished a game with 19 turnovers sorry that’s 19 foul 19 turnovers 22 fouls a lot of fouling defensively which is not the way the magic want to play either um this and a lot of mistakes Destin transition you know again just it’s just a weird Breakneck pieced game um we talked about Tran D Silva we talked about Anthony black jet Howard with 14 points six for 11 shooting two for five from three three assists three turnovers for him um look jet like I would criticize Jed Howard’s shot selection I thought he took a couple quick shots that’s that’s what he’s in there to do I’m not going to be freaking out about that um jet Howard had followed up his game on Friday with another really solid game though um it you know he is smart on the ball a much better playmaker and dribbler like you could see why okay this is why the magic believed in him or thought about him is he does have this playmaking potential and you know can give you a little bit more than just being a spot up shooter like I said I think that he was a little quick on on the trigger a lot of times in this game or are very quick to to to take shots in this game um but uh you know just generally like like like you could see it like you know uh this is the big thing I think a lot of people didn’t really know what the magic had jet Howard because he spent that year in the G League um now it’s like okay I see the vision I see what he can do let’s get him in training camp let’s see how he you know shakes out with this roster but you could like again this is what’s important about summer league can you see an NBA player there you could Anthony black as much as I think he struggled in this game you can see an NBA player there and we know he’s an NBA player Tristan the Silva you can absolutely see an NBA player there you can absolutely see oh this guy’s an NBA player uh and then you know Jed Jed Howard absolutely we can see this guy’s an NBA player this guy’s a lot better than he was last summer league number one um so clearly made some improvements he’s made the most of this opportunity and again not the strongest effort not the best game certainly if if the bar was set on Friday he did not meet it but continues to do the things that we expect him to do and is not taking things away defensively I think he’s holding his own defensively I wouldn’t call him a positive on defense um but he is holding his own defensively and generally trying to do the right things this game though Was Won by some bit players or won by players uh who you may not have known before this week um who continued to impress um got to give a shout out to Xavier Moon the magic cut down a 15-point lead in the third quarter down to seven um at the end of the quarter Xavier Moon a big reason why 10 points four for five shooting two for two from three three rebounds did have three turnovers as well uh moon was an all summer league player last year great player in the G League really showing it he’s a little bit undersized for what the magic typically like but this is this guy like is smart knows when to take his shots you know kind of versatile in that way can play on the ball can play off the ball n have used him a little bit with that starting group uh on occasion playing alongside Anthony black um he’s he’s really delivered he was one of my guys to watch coming into summer league he was huge made made a bunch of big shots in the late third early fourth quarter to get the magic back in the game got to give shout out then to Jared Rhoden Off the Bench as well seven points three for three shooting two rebounds made a three um Rhoden is a and played really good defense I have to say he he was really solid defensively um really really great great game from him only did this in eight minutes um you know he’s he’s kind of on the on the edges of the NBA um definitely definitely a really strong effort from him and again just like you love his size you love his def his defensive tenacity um great game from him let’s talk about the man of the hour the man of the day jay Hof 13 points five for 11 shootings six rebounds had had the play of the game when he got a I think it was a steel I don’t remember if was a steel or a block got the ball at the free throw line drove the length of the court and had this big monster jam had several big Monster Jams he’s got some interesting touch around the basket um a really big effort um you know screens really well like that’s the stuff that doesn’t show up on a box score so much of what the magic are doing offensively with that starting group works because Jay Hoff is really doing a good job setting them free setting them up to to to get Space um really like the effort that he brings um I will say this for those that are like oh sign him now put him on the regular roster he still struggles defensively um really struggle to deal with evees Missy and and E Miss is a lot you know playing a lot better than I anticipated he would play um just flying around blocking shots great end to end guy J Huff could not keep up with e Missy in this game um so let’s you know Temper Temper things like it’s not you know J Huff is playing well you know he was a two-way for Denver last year I I don’t see a reason why the magic wouldn’t try and bring him back on a two a this year either um but he he looks really solid just there’s there’s still some things to be concerned about made a three too like I really I I like that about him as well um eight fouls though you know this was a rough game for fouls black had eight had six fouls Huff had eight you know just a rough game for fouling for the magic just just kind of caught um a little bit late uh I also want to give a special shout out to Jarrett Culver nine points seven rebounds five assists two Steals and a block only two for six shooting four for six from the foul line jerck Culver’s come a long way um his defense and his defensive Acumen is really clear um I think he’s played really well and has really completed that magic starting lineup for them uh in this summer league run I I really I really like the way that Culver’s played the scoring may not be there completely but it’s it’s certainly better than it’s been in the past for him um the defense we know is there just has great size he’s playing really hard uh I I really like what I’ve seen from jerk over he is not too eligible as a reminder um but again someone to to keep an eye on here uh he’s obviously getting opportunity with this team the Orlando Magic defeat the New Orleans Pelicans they Trail by 15 in the third quarter rallied to take to take the lead late in the fourth quarter and pulled away for the win that puts them in very good position in the standings the Orlando Magic are two and 0 there are seven teams in the summer league standings that are two and 0 your first tiebreaker is head-to-head obviously it’s a seven-way tie so that doesn’t do us very good your second tie breaker is point differential the magic are currently second in the in the standings in point differential with a plus 32 um you know plus plus or minus 16 points per game um that puts them in second place the top four teams after the five F five Summer League games will go to the playoffs go to the semi-finals play two extra games instead of just one extra game um so the magic have a back-to-back left Wednesday Thursday uh for their back-to-back but the magic are sitting very very pretty um you know clear by two and a half points per game over the Golden State Warriors in the summer league standings uh they’ve had a very very good summer league run this team’s played very very well again they locked down in that fourth quarter played an excellent fourth quarter to make sure they got the win here against the Pelicans a really nice win learning a lot about these players learning a lot about what what we’re see Gonna See from them but a good good effort uh good good effort I I I never thought the effort was bad for the magic um you know they got sped up a little bit they weren’t always in control but I felt like the intensity was there and obviously that turned around they started making some shots which helps a lot Xavier moon hit a bunch of Threes um making shots helps um once the magic started hitting shots they started to they were able to easily defeat the Pelicans that again this game wasn’t easy but they they pulled away and got the win that’s going to do it for me today though I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of Locked on Magic just follow me on Twitter Philip rror OMD subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcast you’re tuned in himay Google Spotify Odyssey and all the F podcast to your podcast en able listen to device you can also check us out on YouTube to search for locked on magic on YouTube appreciate all the subscribers there for the latest on the orlandoo magic be sure to check out orlandomagic you can find us there on Twitter om Magic daily and for even more Orlando Magic content be sure to check out my patreon page your Orlando Magic Hub all my game recaps all my game analysis stories are being posted immediately to my patreon page and then posted in the morning on Orlando Magic daily so if you want my immediate reaction to anything check out my patreon page orlandomagic Hub and of course thank you for your support now that you’re done listening to me be sure to check out the lockdown sports today 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app lockdown Sports STS here for you 247 covering uh covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every League find lockon sports say now available on the free Fire TV channels app that’s going to do it for me today though I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of lock on Magic tomorrow we will chat a little bit more about Jay Huff perhaps we’ll chat uh we we’ll see what else pops up maybe some USA basketball as well but until then for Orlando Magic daily and lockon Magic this has been Philip Rossman right we’ll see you again next time for another episode of lockon magic

Everyone told Orlando Magic fans Tristan Da Silva was someone who ended up in the right place at the right time over and over again. He was a player who made winning plays. The Magic are learning what that means pretty quickly as Da Silva shines in his first two Summer League games, including a standout showing Sunday.

Anthony Black had a strong effort in his Summer League debut. But his game Sunday was a struggle. What he is learning and trying to show in this Summer League run is learning how to control his tempo and speed.

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  1. It's really impressive just how comfortable Da Silva already. He really does have flashes of Franz. The FO got it right. AGAIN!

  2. dasilva is a major hit this guy is gonna be legit… since the magic struggle attracting free agents they gotta hit on the draft picks.

  3. AB stops his dribble so much. He's not fluid and very slow. Unfortunately, he is not an NBA starter now, and probably won't be. Can't hit on them all though.

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