@Atlanta Hawks

Number 1 pick Risacher impresses in Summer League debut – Ep. 80

Number 1 pick Risacher impresses in Summer League debut – Ep. 80

welcome in Hawks fans your boy R back at it again for another believe in Hawks episode the first game of the summer league for the Atlanta Hawks has concluded and so I’ll give you a full breakdown of my thoughts on the rookies tonight pressing in some spots but obviously once again it is the summer league so there was some sloppy play also as well so definitely G to give my thoughts on that plus other Hawks news going on right now before we get into that don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at brycey or2k can catch from my Hawk takes over there uh listen before we started I need to ask y’all something I came up with a name for re you know how every player gets like a name or some type of I guess a fandom name right so I came up with something on the flly I just say where I said in a tweet I said where are my uh Risha what is it it’s Risha Elites yeah where are my Risha Elites listen I don’t know how y’all feel about it so y’all let me know how y’all feel about that Risha Elites that’s what I went with tonight uh maybe we can get the name going if y’all if y’all really like it out there if you do comment down below so uh yeah so you know I just want to have a little fun with it today because you know everybody comes up with a name if you were a Falcons fan last year obviously we know about the r r is in in the desian so you know you always got to find those uh new names for players that you uh I guess want to get some fanom behind I guess but anyway anyway get off top getting off topic let’s get in the summer league play Hawks tonight lose in the summer league open ER to the Washington Wizards 94 to 88 in a game where re shet the first overall draft pick in this year’s NBA draft debuted in this game and he had and he kind of showed you what you needed to see from him in game one tonight finished the game with 18 points in his debut five rebounds two assists shot 43% from the field hit three threes in the game as well so let’s start with r Sha first in this situation um I I like Ray I mean one thing about him is that he isn’t he doesn’t do anything Elite he won’t blow you away he won’t do anything that just makes you be like wow but one thing about re rishe is that he plays the game very steady you could tell it’s not a lot of wasted motion you can also tell that it’s just a very it’s a very steady type of way that he plays like I said there’s no explosiveness to his game but you can see that he’s played in a pro league one thing we like we underrate with Pro leagues for these guys especially coming from overseas is when you’re playing in a pro league you’re kind of learning how to play basketball at a mature level like I said one of the big criticisms you hear in America’s game at the at our high school level aaou level and even college level is that it’s it’s kind of stagnant it’s a lot more athleticism it’s a lot more just just it’s not a mature game it’s it’s using your athletes are better than my athletes or my athletes are better than your athletes and I just put my athletes in position to show that where I think in obviously overseas leagues or the French pro league like he was in obviously you’re playing more you’re learning how to cut which you saw tonight really good on his Cuts uh you could see the fact that he was able to did create separation at times with the step back dribble for threes a couple of times even something that he missed got good looks that’s what you want to see and obviously you always try to project what you’re seeing tonight in an actual NBA game you’re going to be playing with Trey young obviously tonight buffkin did not play and won’t play in the summer league because of an injury so you know he didn’t have the most natural point guard playing tonight with him and so you know that’s something that you can maybe say okay this is what he’s doing right now with what he has you know obviously yes when he get when he’s playing on the main roster he’ll play against NBA players Stars things of that nature but you have an elite passer like Trey young there to help get you some easy looks and help and help you know just you you get into a rhythm offensively especially from three-point line so that’s something that you really can look at R sha for sure and so with that mature game you can see like I said with the way he cuts the way he helps on defense he is very eager to help on defense now one issue that could come from that and you saw it a little bit tonight if you did watch the summer league game is that he will overh help at times because he’s eager to help because the thing about Rish shet and it makes sense R is like 6869 he he could he could help on the boards which you saw tonight he had a lot of tip rebounds tonight uh he’s a guy who can also defend like I said multiple positions a guy who like I said who with long arms can you know get in there be be a really good help Defender and I think the big thing for him in that area is just learning how to know when to help when to be aggressive with help defense and when not to I think one thing uh they have to look at is that you know obviously he did it in France but obviously in France it’s a little bit different the athletes are different in the NBA they always say you give guys just the teeniest a space and they’ll take it Steph Curry is one of the greatest examples of that how people just say if you give Curry any breathing room he will take that shot and will knock it now like it’s an open shot you know obviously in the French pro league maybe there aren’t the same players like that over there so he was able to get away with that more in the NBA I’m sure Quinn and them are GNA talk to him about that and just say hey stay on your guy unless it’s like you know unless or if you gonna cheat cheat quit get back do not stay on it get back to your guy so that way we’re not giving up open shots because you saw the wizard get some open shots especially when the Hawks at times in the summer league played a little sloppy so obviously that’s something to look at there with ret but overall like I said R did like I said was able to create some separation with the shot looked really good even the shots he was missing looked good and I think that’s one thing when you evaluate a summer league guy especially a high draft pick sometimes we like to look at the stat line and say that is going to be representative of what I think I saw tonight which he had 18 points so from that perspective okay that’s a pretty good debut for a first overall pick but sometimes it’s the type of shots you’re taking are are you are you moving are you moving you know without thinking are you are you seeing a guy who seems like yeah I could see this this this this way he’s playing and adapt it to where when he’s playing with the actual Atlanta Hawks this could be really effective there’s a reason why they feel like this type of game a guy who really doesn’t need the ball isn’t ball dominant can work with a guy like Trey and a guy like Jaylen Johnson because they can kind of control the ball more and then Ray can just you know like I said cut get open get off screens and that’s where he can be effective but you also saw at times there was a pass he had to muhamad gay in the corner where he can also create a little bit and that’s something I think Hawks uh the Hawks front office has been also wanting to get into the room is guys who hey can you play make a little bit can you read defense a little bit are you willing to make the extra pass you know obviously it’s to someone Le so some guys are going to show off a little bit more be a little bit more aggressive you know try to make a highlight obviously like I said you’re trying to you make an um an impression on on the guys not just only Landry fields and and and Quinn which are also other GMS especially for the guys who are on the bubble or maybe not projected to make the roster you’re trying to show hey I can bring this to it on to to the table and so overall tonight I think ret really did some good things like I said uh I think one example what I mean by he’s not explosive if you’ve seen the play when he went Coast to Coast off you know you you could see there was no explosiveness there but like I said it was just a smoothness to his game he kept it no waste of motion and got to the rim so I think that’s going to be something for him that I think will continue to develop um obviously you saw some of the things he struggled with obviously you could tell skinny kid gotta grow into his body he will have some issues at the next level when he’s when he’s going against bigger players off screens and defending because some guys are just like I could overpower you and so that’s just something that you’re going to have to you know he’s going to have to like you know grow through he’s going to have to use his L early in his career to kind of help him in those situations because he just doesn’t have the strength as of now and we have to remember he’s a 19-year-old kid he’s still learning he’s still growing so there’s no reason to look at that and think that’s a bad thing obviously I’m sure some people would like him to make a little bit more shots uh that will come you know that’s GNA come with consistency getting in in in in the gym getting up a lot of shots he’s he’s a really good shooter that’s something we can tell right off he has a really good release really good uh stroke no homo and so um you know all those things so I think that is is really what we’re going to you know continue to see obviously he has a game now where he can look at and I’m sure they’ll look at the coaches will look at okay what did you do well what can you improve how can we get you you know where we want you to go because every game for him in this Slimmer league is just ability to get more reps get the ability to play Within the offense uh develop good habits and learn and have some film before going in the training camp camp where he could say okay we can kind of have a better idea now playing against a little bit different competition than the than the French leagues of where he is in his development right as of right now but overall I think ret has a really good chance to be a good player in this league and I know a lot of people were looking at tonight’s game especially because we were going against Alex SAR and the Washington Wizards oh this was a game for him to show that he was the right choice and I think a lot of hawks fans feel like all right I feel better about this pick because I mean s had moments tonight block shots that was the big thing for him defensively but you know offensively you saw some of the the work that needs to be done and like I said all these players have something that needs to improve and and that’s part of it like I said Ray knows a lot of his size and experience and strength that’s gonna be big for him to make sure he improves that uh and overh helping at times and things of that nature but he can help you in rebounding he can help you in help defense he can help you defensively just in general he can help you in shooting he can even playmake a little bit and I think those are things you can build off of the Hawks can look at and say we can develop this we can improve this we can coach this and when you have that that’s what makes him I think a very valuable player to Landry fields in the front office in that situation so really good I think really good debut for ret tonight I’m excited to see how he comes out Sunday in game two of the summer league and as he continues his growth and seeing if we can get something if we get something similar tonight does he have a worse game does he have a better game and continuing to see where he goes from there I also want to talk about again I don’t know I say his last name so Nicola Nicola we we’ll talk about Nicola obviously with Kobe buffin going down um they had to you know find a point guard they allowed Nicola to play point guard tonight uh Nicola obviously had a highlight play Early in the game with a dunk on SAR in between two wizards Defenders and SAR was one of them uh really aggressive guy you could you could tell that immediately with him very very um aggressive uh he’s a guy who you can tell when you watch him just a really raw player I I when I look at him I think he’s a guy who you see good things you see flashes that’s why people liked him one thing about hawks is if you notice especially these last two draft classes even with players in the second round they get players who have skills that you can look at and say you know that that could translate like that that’s a good skill like I I could see something here with you you know what I’m saying and I think you’re getting that with Nicola and that’s you saw tonight and obviously this is also getting him reps at playing the point guard position that’s something that you know we we don’t know if they ever viewed him as a point guard but they said hey let’s let you play point guard and he played aggressive he attacked um you know he made some good passes but the thing with him is you can tell sometimes he he tries to do a little too much and that when that was a theme for multiple players and that’s what you’ll see in the summer league at times it’s just guys trying to do too much because that’s just naturally how I think it goes uh maybe made maybe too much of an extra pass there were times where he could have went for a layup and he made an extra pass and you’re kind of like I really rather of you just took that shot there uh there were times where you know obviously when he gets into the paint because he there may be a confidence in his ability he got stripped a few times uh lost the ball a few times so that’s something that obviously needs to be worked on and maybe that’s just him developing another move another way of ripping through things of that nature so I think that in and of itself is something else to look at when you talk about uh Nicola and what he can do but overall I mean you you kind of saw some good things from him tonight that make you feel like okay there is something you could work because one of the big questions with him is is he going back overseas for another year or is he G to stay in Atlanta and go to the Skyhawks that’s the big question with him he hasn’t officially signed yet with the Atlanta Hawks so this summer league is going to help them get an idea of do we does he need to be over there another year does he need to be able to come to the Skyhawks and let him develop here that’s gonna be an interesting question for Hawks front office to figure out he had seven points tonight two rebounds two assists a steal and a block tonight also needs to work on a three throw shooting three of seven from the field tonight so definitely definitely needs to improve that if possible I also want to touch on Mohamed gay uh he’s the big name from the last year rookie class that played in this game obviously was Seth Lundy out and Cody buffkin out as well moay had a very um up and down game I’d say toight um he the the one thing about Mo G and as much as excited I am about him tonight is just a reiteration a little bit to me of some of the concerns that you could have going with him is that like like we’ve said multiple times he doesn’t have a lot of experience to playing basketball like he hasn’t playing basketball since he was six I want to say he has like five six years of like basketball experience or something maybe a little bit more but like obviously not a lot and so I feel like when you watch him play you can still see the erratic how erratic he plays uh and I think you saw that tonight he was on the ground a lot tonight now obviously he got some foul calls you know I’m saying that helped him out but you you can kind of see the up and down this you see some really good things and then you see some really bad things you’ll see an airball here and it’ll hit a three here then he’ll block a shot here and then he’ll he’ll just he’ll just lose the ball and not finish plays and and I think that’s that’s the thing I think with Mo gay that’s going to be interesting for the Atlanta Hawks I know some people and I’ve said that there’s definitely a possibility he could crack the rotation but there’s a chance again especially with acquiring a guy like Larry Dan Jr a veteran that you know can play a veteran that you know can do things that you want him to do the Hawks may go with Larry Nance Jr to start the year at that backup four instead of moay just because he is a very up and down player moay can come in there and do what he did last year against the Naf Pacers but he also can have moments where he just loses the ball seems out of control seems like he’s doing too much and it’s just like that something that Quinn has to weigh when he’s making that decision with him is that do we think can can we can we play him because he brings enough where we can just let him learn through it do we do we go with the veteran because he’s trusted and we know that he can play Within the scheme better than maybe Mo can play right now just because of the experience Factor these are things that you have to consider now like I said moay tonight did some good things he was the second leading scorer he at 17 points in this game he was aggressive offensively talked very vocal defensively which is very big for him he definitely seems like someone who could be a very big defensive mouthpiece for the team obviously this is summer league but maybe in the NBA as well and you know 17 points tonight four rebounds three steals so active hands an assist a block I mean like I said he just didn’t have a great because he only went four 13 from the field now I will say one of the key things you also had he had 13 free throw attempts tonight so he was getting to the line uh tonight made nine of 13 that’s about 70 69% 70% free throws uh percentage and then he also had four rebounds in the game but he had s fouls you get 10 in summer league so obviously if this was a regular regular season game he he are he would be he would foul out but overall I think like I said moay up and down game but you saw you saw something you saw some good stuff from moay tonight so it’s just one of those things where again second you you you’ve played how do you come back in the second game of Summer League do you play still out of control are you still aggressive you saw him active on breaks you saw him bringing up the ball at times so that kind of tells you the Hawks have a lot of confidence in his ability and skill set and what he brings to the table it’s just a matter like I said it’s just getting the Reps getting the experience and he still has to grow into his body he’s still looking like a stick out there and he’s put on weight so I mean that I mean that that is a very big part of his development and multiple guys develop on this team it’s just it’s just the size and just getting growing into your body because you’re in the league so young and you’re trying to get to that point so I think overall I think those are the three main guys tonight that people were looking at but and I think they all had their their highs and they had their lows tonight but it’s part of it it’s summer league you’re going to see sty play you’re going to see some really good play as well it’s just letting things grow letting things continue to go up and and see what happens so nothing to be really too worried about overall I think with the team also want to give some love Dylan Windler had 12 points eight rebounds tonight went four or nine from three shot 44% obviously a guy who they believe in his shooting um don’t know what his future is with his team but a guy who I can see why he’s valuable to continue to put keep in your development system whether with that’s with the Skyhawks or on the actual Main roster uh Baker had some good minutes tonight M hey miles Norris man um a guy who he shows some flashes like again I don’t I don’t know what his his ceiling here on the team is but he showed some good flashes nine points four rebounds tonight three block shots uh you could kind of see his impact defensively he was second and plus minus with plus 11 in the game so again someone I think they like in their development system someone they’re going to continue to work with um you know and like I said he showed some good things tonight so really someone that I think you we can continue look at Keaton now Keaton Wallace a guy who has really uh uh got got some some legs under him um I’ve seen some people in the timeline tonight talking about get Keaton a two-way contract and you know it’s it’s it’s interesting with him he’s the younger brother of K Wallace if you didn’t know um actually reverse that my bad Keaton is the younger brother of K Wallace my fault I think I just said that whatever so Keaton you you can see the defensive tenacity that he brings um did some good things offensively he is definitely a guy I can see why somebody would want to say hey put him one of two way he we we can do something with him he he’s it’s tenacious guy he was with he was on a two-way with the Clippers and I think he he did well over there u a guy who again the Hawks have to make a decision they only have one two-way player right now which is Seth Lundy they get two more I think you get three total two-way guys so you gotta decide who that’s going to be uh you got Dylan wiler fighting for that spot miles Norris could be fighting for that spot obviously Keaton is fighting for that spot and then you know like I said Nicholas also fighting for that spot so you got four four guys I just name right there from from Summer League that are fighting for that two-way spot so for those two two-way spots so it’ll be interesting again to see you know how the summer league goes how these guys continue to develop how these guys continue to get better and try to figure out what’s best for them as they continue to grow um in in in trying to you know get get to where they want to be and like I said try to at least be on the two-way because at least on a two-way you have that direct line to being called up to an NBA roster instead of maybe getting a 10-day contract or even an expedition 10 you know for for certain situations as well so um overall tonight you know I think some people may get caught up into the wins and losses and of course you’re going to see some overreactions summer league basketball I mean that’s that’s kind of how things go but overall tonight uh or whenever you’re watching this because you’ll probably watch this tomorrow um in the summer league game the first one um like I said we saw some really good things one thing also I want to point out is that the Rooks and a lot of the guys they’re coachable that that is such I think a big thing and I think that adds into this Hawks DNA that you hear about a lot is the coachability um I I think that they they really want guys who can be coached uh Obe coachable player go gay coachable player I think Seth is a very coachable player I feel like R very coachable player and you may think well isn’t every coach coachable some players takes a little bit more to get them to buy into what a coach wants these guys seem like they buy in from day one because they know they want to get better and they know that this this coaching staff is invested in their development and their Improvement as players in this league so they can make it and so I think that’s going to be something that you know could really suit them and and I think that’s going to be the fun part if you’re really into the development side of things in the NBA is seeing the growth of guys like Ray seeing the growth of guys like Kobe seeing the growth of guys like gay you know and just seeing how they continue to to to get better um I think that’s something that’s going to be really um fun to watch you know and like I said we just got a taste tonight of some of the guys what they can do um some guys that you maybe never even thought could make the roster listen at the end of the day even the guys who aren’t on an actual contract for the roster they’re playing for other teams as well other teams are scouting these games trying to see if there’s a team player off the Hawks they may want to poach so you know these guys are all playing for something and so I think tonight was a good start um obviously you know in general as competitors you would like to have a win but overall I mean I think the Hawks did some really good things tonight and their players did really good things tonight and I think I said it’s just another day of development another day of getting better so really really happy and excited to see what we saw tonight and hopefully they’ll continue to continue to improve develop and move forward I believe their next game is Sunday against the Spurs and summer league action so um that’ll be the next time we’ll be able to watch these guys play I think overall the Hawks feel pretty I feel like the Hawks probably would say they feel pretty good about how things have gone tonight I don’t know how you guys feel tell me how you guys feel what are your impressions of rishe uh Nicola gay even anybody else miles Norris Keat and Wallace all of them um let me know in the comments section what y’all thought about them tonight in their in in their in in the game tonight um talk about some things you may think they need to improve some things that you may be liked uh I want to hear all that I think this summer league I think is a big evaluation and discussion for him I believe no reason to judge guys you could be honest I don’t really like this but I did like this and I I felt like when I asked that question about the first half that’s what I got on my my Twitter was a lot of well I like this but I didn’t really like this but I did like this and this makes me feel good about him because like I said I think a lot of people were coming around to the Risha sha pick and a lot of people are feeling good about the Risha sha pick and don’t forget what I said at the beginning of the Pod Arisha Elites let me know if that is something y’all can get behind or do I need to kill it and never say it again y’all can be honest don’t it won’t hurt my feelings at all so definitely got to see about that but I think we’re going to go ahead now and wrap up this podcast it’s midnight here um haven’t done a late pot like this since the season so but luckily I have some I have a lot of energy right now so that’s definitely good but before I go guys like I said if you’re watching this on YouTube definitely subscribe to the channel we’re almost to 1 th000 subscribers so appreciate you guys for tuning in and getting showing your boy some love also if you’re listening to audio definitely leave a rating and a review on the podcast so more Hawks fans can watch this or just hands of hoop can watch the Pod or listen to the Pod as well and like I said guys we’ll see what happens after the next game on Sunday against the San Antonio Spurs with the Atlanta Hawks play in their second summer league game but overall it’s your boy Bryce Lewis see you next time

Zaccharie Risacher makes his Summer League Debut and looks good, plus full break down of different players and overall first impressions. As Hawks lose summer league opener to the Wizards

Follow me on Twitter – Bricey_2k

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00:00 – Intro
1:30 – Risacher impresses
10:30 – Nikola shows flashes
13:30 – Gueye up and down
18:00 – Other players stepping up

#risacher #numberonepick #nbasummerleague #nbadraft #atlantahawks #hawksbasketball #nba #nbanews


  1. I think some Hawks fans and media aren't looking at Zacc through the proper lens.

    You have to look at what Quinn ask Hunter and Bey to do on offense and defense.  The types of shots they get and are asked to take within the flow of the offense that Hunter and Bey and Bogi get.

    Now, think about how Hunter always hesitated on if he should take the kick out three 3, drive against close-out, or swing the ball. How many times a game does Hunter drive on the close-out defender and fumble the ball while driving into the lane, or settle for a mid range jumper or struggle to finish at the rim?!?

    Think about the struggles that Bey had due to his size and athleticism as the help defender on the strong or weak side.

    Think about crashing the boards. Or just being able to stop the ball on a fast break. Or the ability to stay in front of your man when playing on ball defense.

    Zacc showed you all of that in one game. And he did it at an elite level.

    Hunter and Bey took about 12 to 15 shot attempts every game and Quinn would always say after the game you have to take your shots.

    Zacc scored and easy18pts..went 7 for 16 44% 3 for 9 33% from 3 5 rebs 2 assist. They played most of the game without a true PG on the floo4. Think about that for a moment. That's was an avg shooting night no forced shots no wide open shot but he still got 18pts.

    People Zacc is going to get better looks than that with Trae and JJ on the floor taking all the attention.

    He can easily score 18 to 25pts a game just on the attempt that Hunter and Bey get within the flow of the offense every game.
    Zacc is just a better player than Hunter ans Bey are, a perfect fit and is exactly what they Hawks needed and wanted to pair with JJ, Trae, and Okungwu and Daniels. In the starting line-up moving forward. He checks all the boxes.

  2. French dudes are gonna take over the NBA. Wembanyama, Risacher, Sarr, and many more to come. Americans are gonna be pissed lol.

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