@Charlotte Hornets

Tidjane Salaun & Brandon Miller observations in their 2024 Charlotte Hornets Summer League debuts

Tidjane Salaun & Brandon Miller observations in their 2024 Charlotte Hornets Summer League debuts

we finally got to see ton Salon in action in summer league how did he Fair Plus Brandon Miller shows up as well we’ll talk all about it today plus this and ish Smith doesn’t count with all due respect to ish Smith he was literally about to retire and I don’t that doesn’t count you are locked on Hornets your daily Charlotte Hornets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day in a minute cuz we live it’s locked on hornets part of the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your pods and that includes YouTube check us out there subscribe hit like do all the YouTube stuff that all your favorite YouTubers would tell you to do in the past there’s Doug Branson find his substack every Hornets listen to me on WFNZ Walker mail every weekday from 12: to 300 p.m. West Walker sports radio 927 FM got another win Hornets just don’t lose in the summer league anymore I don’t know what that’s like if if you aren’t undefeated in the 2024 summer league sesh then I cannot relate the Hornets beat the Knicks 94 to 90 got a little close at the end thank God they smoked a bunny but still still they win 94-90 and there’s lots to get to but the most anticipated question question there were two when would ton Salon make his debut and how much time how much run would he get any run Brandon Miller would he show up in this Vegas session both happened we got to see both here Doug let’s start with the rookie it’s the first time we’ve ever seen him in a Hornets uniform how do you think he fared his first ever action Dawning the purple and the teal I’m really curious uh your thoughts on this because I didn’t see you tweeting a ton um I I thought he impressed me a lot um I was surprised rised that he didn’t start I was surprised that he only got 14 minutes I think the the the former makes a little bit of sense when you think about all right you lose Bryce McGaw from your starting lineup from the Cali classic and you’re gaining Brandon Miller so Brandon Miller is going to be automatically in the starting lineup and Brandon Miller is probably only going to be around for one game and so there’s plenty of time to start to Jean Salon moving forward but the more surprising thing was that he only got 14 minutes minutes the more surprising thing that that is that he was able to do so much in those 14 minutes scoring eight points getting seven rebounds running the floor extremely hard um you know I think it’s one game so I’m really trying to like hold back as summer is for feelings but I am trying to you know keep from going off the deep end you know and saying that he’s like Giannis light but I mean the way the guy runs the floor hits H the Euro so aggressive um offensively um you know he’s I would say it’s he’s not The Greek Freak yet but there are echoes of freakiness yeah I did see that tweet from you I did not watch this live so I watched this back earlier this morning and and went through it so that’s why I wasn’t tweeting for the people I apologize to the people if you were at the edge of your seat for my Hey listen man I love it make people wait anticipation anticipation Edwin Kan and just your own little song I I’ve love that wasn’t my own song I’ll look up who the artist was that’s not that not my own song I can’t take credit for that so first about the 14 minutes and not starting in the interview I had with Charles Lee he said that he was going to come off of the bench so it wasn’t or basically said he was gonna was going to make his debut but that they were gonna have to be real choosy with his minutes because he’s coming off of an injury and Doug in that interview I don’t know if anybody else caught this or if it was you know big to any body else but had the laceration and then also he got banged up twice getting drafted and then even after he was selected there was a little bit of an injury there from tajon Salon Charles Lee said he got banged up so just a couple of minor things in tone according to Charles Lee that he was enduring but does go out there and they said they were just gonna have to be careful with his minutes so I’m I’m not shocked at all in fact this is what I anticipated if he was going to play it wasn’t going to be very much I think that’s what that’s the answer to that question as far as how I think he played I do think like offensively trying extreme I both ends of the floor trying really hard great 110% effort we knew that he was going to do this gets out and runs extremely well that’s also something we knew if I were to take one thing offensively that I thought he did the best it was just hitting the gas and the one transition bucket where Xavier Simpson finds him just a beautiful dime by the way like that Simpson pass was on the money and I’m growing to love Simpson more and more but just a beautiful pass for Salon who calls for it and hits it running right it’s almost like a wide receiver calling for the ball on a go route I know I’m gonna beat my man I haven’t beat him yet but I have enough momentum I’m gonna beat him if you hit me here I’ll finish just hit the target and that’s exactly what happened crashing for an offensive board love to see the activity Doug I do think defensively if we’re to take something away it does feel like he doesn’t know where to be a lot of the times and so if you’re taking the first performance from salon and saying what are some of the things that will get salon on an NBA court in the regular season and what are some of the things that will keep him from seeing the NBA court in the regular season the the defense and knowing where to be I think that’s something that I’m still going to need to see improve throughout plenty of time in summer league plenty of time through preseason and honestly plenty of time in the regular season right nobody expects him to start once we get to the opener but maybe the second half we’ll see exactly how much time he gets and maybe even a little before but getting out and running crashing boards um defensive activity maybe not knowing where to be all of the time in position but is there right it’s paying attention one time you could see him trying to find his guy and just didn’t have the greatest Vision loses him in the corner and then I think the defense starts to break down but yeah like overall thumbs up for me really like what I saw from a young Prospect well then he’s look if he’s losing guys in the corner then he’s ready to start for this team last season right uh yeah look the game was moving quickly for him on defense I thought his footwork on defense though was solid when he got one-on-one M matchups there was one particular one at the end of the first quarter where he hung with a guy and forced a mid-range jump shot that that went begging for for New York so yeah I mean you know and then there was another instance where he did lose a guy on a cut from the corner but he was able to recover that guy missed the layup and he was able to recover and use those long arms and big paws uh to knock out a defensive rebound that the Hornets were able to gather um a couple of things to clean up anticipation was a song in 1971 by the great Carly Simon um that’s that’s one okay yeah you mentioned uh gas he can hit the gas deance is uh gasoline in French deance and he was deance all over the court I loved it he wait he got that sounds like yeah de L Salon de L Salon that’s what I’m saying man and it was exciting to watch him play he only played 14 minutes yet like some of the biggest memories I have of that game of him calling for the ball getting ahead of everyone on the fast break and by the way he ran well on both ends of that like he was getting back in transition on defense filling the Gap well there too so that that was great to see one thing that surprised me about Salon was awareness off ball on offense I mean he cuts really well and he was open for several baskets under the rim in this game but the passes there was one from Brandon Miller that zipped in there and was off there were a couple that either they just didn’t find him there but he was cutting and he was open open under the basket um so I think his I think his awareness and his IQ like there’s there’s a lot to grow there but there there’s some things here’s the thing like this is all about expectations if you expected him to be uh sort of Noah Von leay or Kai Jones he wasn’t that like I I think he’s he’s more prepared than I thought he was and yet yes like as you said there are there are lots of there’s a lot of room to go before he’s like ready to start for the Hornets oh for sure lot lots of time um also before we get to that but yeah I picture Salon Doug like a bunch of corner setups whether it’s drive and kick to Salon in the corner Corner whether it’s you have the ball at the top of the key and then he just snakes his way on a back cut and somebody finds him and he’s big enough to catch the lob like I just feel like the Baseline is going to be where he lives man that’s where he’s looking for property Corner Baseline you know not extending much further than what like five feet out from the Baseline towards the top of the key and then if we’re running in transition of course he’s going to be you know all over the place I think that’s fair to see and the other thing I’ll take away real quickly big man like so we knew it watching France but he is a tank he and Brandon Miller who also the things I took away like just writing in my head mental notes be beep holy hell there’s a lot of size out there Brandon Miller and Salon together dou I don’t know if you took that away like Brandon at one point felt like the tallest dude on the court Stevens and Banks even so being right there like it it looked like Brandon and Salon where every bit is tall as the centers whether it was Banks or Stevens out there well yeah I mean summer league is there a lot of tiny folks out there like it’s said you know it’s going to be a different thing when when we get into preseason but yeah I agree Salon looked big out there Josh Lloyd hosted the locked on Fantasy Basketball podcast who was actually in Vegas saw salon and said you know basically he was calling BS on the on the 69 evaluation of Salon he said he looked more like he was 6 611 and the thing is like if you’re Salon you know you probably do because he is so skinny you probably do want to be more thinking oh I’m 69 you know having draft Scouts think you’re 69 rather than 611 because I even think he looked skinny though Doug am I wrong in that like I thought he was well he would be skinny if you were thinking he were like you know he were like Center Height like he would so would you rather be evaluated that’s what I’m saying would you rather be evaluated as like a properly sized three if you’re trying to get your draft stock up right I mean would you rather be evaluated as a properly sized three or but I I don’t think he’s a three I think he’s a four um and he’s got to put some weight on yeah that some strength will come but overall overall thumbs up on Salon I think better than I expected to be honest with you or like above it and I’m happy with what we got from his summer league debut there’s a there are a lot of games to play Man I mean there there’s going to be some ups and downs there’s going to be some bumps in the road but good debut aggressive looked like he belonged out there and when you’re talking about a guy who we didn’t know a ton about and is a guy that’s viewed as a major project you know I I think it was it was a great debut I think that’s all you can really say uh and I think you’re right the team has to be focused in year one on putting him in situations where he where he can be successful because like there’s going to be a transition for him right because he was with his team in France he had a lot of free reign and you saw that in the tape he was taking some wild shots for cholet basket and he took a couple of wild shots in this one some step back threes that were airballs that that I knew were coming like his shot selection is wild at times um and so you know I think it’s going to be a little bit of of push and pull of like you want him to be aggressive but at the same time you want him to do things that because like that’s the thing that killed Kai Jones it wasn’t that Kai Jones like oh well if he had just done this a little bit more he would have been okay or if he had just done that a little bit more he would have been okay it was the fact that they were asking him to do things that played to his strengths and he was like nah I don’t want to do that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s a difference there there’s a difference all right coming up next on the lock on Hornets podcast get to Brandon Miller’s game how did uh now the sophomore in the league look plus we’ll get some other observations and the first game happening in Las Vegas it’s all still to come here on lockdown Hornets Brandon goes for 23 points in this one seven of 16 from the field took 10 three-pointers made half of them five of 10 four of four from the free throw line eight rebounds two assists did have seven turnovers so you know not taking care of the basketball as well but overall very positive game from Brandon Miller what were some of your takeaways from besides the size you I I thought he looked huge out there just as a a testament to how big he is I mean I don’t know about muscle watch for me but I I I do know the height the height is there uh clearly a good game for Brandon uh yeah for sure I think the 10 three-point attempts very important uh Charles Lee was doing a sideline interview and said that he’s already talked to Brandon Miller about converting some of the mid-range looks that he took last year into three-point opportunities because we love hearing that right because his percentage is already good it can get even better but he needs to take more attempts the team needed to take more attempts last season and so Brandon Miller’s conversion of those mid-range looks like the mid-range is something that’s great to have and and is great in playoff time there’s so many like we we demonized the mid-range game some but like all the best stars in this league have some element of that to their game so Brandon can can access that really probably anytime he wants he’s got it mastered and so now it’s about like all right regular season we need to throw up some three-point shots and get out into the transition and and try to you know while we build this defense up it’s going to take some time to build this defense up we’ve got to shock some teams offensively like they did a couple of years ago and so it was nice to see him throw up 10 it was nice to see him hit five and some of those were you know very quick into the offense I mean you’re barely in your set and you’re getting a quick screen from Banks or Stevens and Bam three-point shot goes up in the air and he drains it I mean that’s money um I can’t wait to see that in action with you know Mark Williams or Nick Richards at the helm yeah I mean a couple things too you’re talking about him going to the mid-range so he he made five of 10 three only two other field goals two of them inside the three-point Arc tough mid-rangers that he settled for one that he hit and then one that he didn’t I believe the Hornet still scored on that possession with an offensive rebound that that might have been the tajon salon offensive rebound I could be mistaken on that but uh yeah Brandon couple times you know just forcing some tough shots but all all that to say it it I love hearing that from Charles Lee we discussed that a lot with Brandon’s game and something for him to you know work on as his career goes on and it looks like that’s already happening but you also of course as you mentioned want that to still be a part of his repertoire because if you do not even get to the postseason but just the last six seconds of the shot clock and the offense is stagnant and you just need to go get a bucket like Brandon Miller is still hey it doesn’t have to be the best shot in the world we don’t have enough time for that we just need like some kind of shot making do you have it you do cool here’s the basketball let’s see what you can do with it so Brandon yeah clearly good game from him and I expect to see him like what couple games and then he’s gone you know I I I asked Lee about that too just what what kind of timeline we’d be on with him and he said yeah look this is important for our culture Brandon wants to be here he’s not pleased with the work that he’s done this offseason he wants to or he as far as a volume goes he wants to continue that and we all love it right all of it goes towards the the right culture uh you know there’s clearly a fine line here and maybe couple more games and then he’s done we’ll see but good game from him in the debut of this year for sure oh for sure I think it’s absolutely a great culture thing to just have him around the young guys you know you and I I think we should mention it you and I were both scoot guys and Scoot isn’t playing for Portland and I don’t know how much of that is Portland and how much of that is scoot uh but scoots you know scoot’s in the street close watching his team play and and Brandon had a significantly better year than scoot did um so yeah man it’s it’s nice to see that’s a weird one it’s nice to see Brandon out there um and and I’m all I was all for it game one but now game two I think if as particularly if if Salon is healthy um and and can start you know and Brandon gets in the way of that you know I think um then then let’s you know let’s keep Brandon healthy let’s say Hey you know you got your tune up you know I’d like to I’d like to move on and and look at some of the prospects that are going to need to fight for time because Brandon’s time you know and I thought he did a good job of like being involved in the game dominating when he needed to and then sort of stepping aside like you know he wasn’t he he wasn’t he didn’t try to score 40 out there 23 points was active rebounding early in the game uh you mentioned the seven turnovers look you know I I wrote about this in every Hornet box score like he it’s obvious he wasn’t taking it 100% seriously uh there was some shots of him on the side line being goofy and and and I think too like particularly at at the beginning of the game I thought there were some possessions where I was like okay he’s not like totally locked in here like he would be in a regular season NBA game like I saw him locked in so many times yelling at veteran teammates to get back on defense right it just wasn’t the same atmosphere it wasn’t the same thing and I and I decided look I’m just going to enjoy youth because there will come a time uh Walker when he takes everything thing too seriously when you know that he is helping the Hornets uh through playoff series wins and you know he’s going to be ultra serious about everything and there’s going to be no more fun to be had and so I’m just going to enjoy these times of youthful exuberance and enjoy uh I want to get through some rapid fire observations because I want the next segment to be for the most part about the new signing that they have rapid observation number one um we had the debate or we had the debate about whether I would remember the 3 and0 California classic put put this on a Post-It note if you want I will absolutely remember what Xavier Simpson did for this summer league session dude he was what a good game from him like even just attacking Closeouts uh making sure that he’s chopping his feet 10 dimes on a dime creating like oh my God yes thank you Xavier Simpson it when we get to the 40th anniversary he might crack the top 40 on my alltime Hornets list I’ve I’ve appreciated this so much with how many bad point guards that we had and we came into this as Debbie downers because KJ Simpson was going to be out and we thought he’d be a good point guard I just all the love in the world to what Xavier Simpson means for this team and how everybody else can go and eat like Brandon doesn’t have to worry about the facilitating all that much can do him Salon like yeah I tip of the cap man thank you I I don’t expect it to go into a two-way or anything like that but just all the love in the world for what Xavier Simpson did yeah unfortunately I I I think he’s played so well that I’m a little worried that another team is going to gobble him up on a two-way or bring them into their organization because I would love for Xavier Simpson to land in Greensboro where I think some of these young players in their system will play and so to have talent the point guard position like Xavier Simpson would be good just for their development program overall but I’m afraid he’s playing a little well for that so I fingers crossed that cuz I I’m with you I don’t think he’s going to get one of the other two two-way slots um so but we’ll have to see you know we’ve we’ve been wrong on those things before uh my rapid fire thoughts for me no mgee in this one as well um and you know I’ve been on Jake Stevens Island I was trying to set up some real estate it looks like that bubble the bubble burst a little bit uh you know we’ll have to see how he continues to play the two of six 0 of three he looked really slow really unathletic couldn’t play him much I mean that’s what I took away too like just yeah lot lots of seemed a little fast for him out there so like I think at this point even if if Moi is hurt to the point where he can’t play if you think he’s gonna be okay like by the time the preseason or whatever I think you still throw m a two-way you know um yeah so we’ll we’ll we’ll see how we’ll see how it all shakes out and and Stevens may have some time but look if if you’re Stevens you got a hit I mean he took three three-pointers you got hit every single one of them like like your your your defense is such that you’ve really just got to uh hit your shots and and he didn’t in this one Nick Smith Jr best game of Summer League so far and he needed it that’s the other one yeah nine of 17 53% from the field four three-pointers made 24 points four assists five rebounds uh did have three turnovers and a particular uh H him and Brandon Miller both had the you know it’s funny the guys the leading scorers were also the two that made the biggest boners the end of the game that almost cost him that game um his was the high elbow that he gave to Dwayne Johnson Dwayne Washington Jr uh that uh was a turnover and so look you know uh still some issues to iron out there but God he found a shot and I’m so thankful for that and also yeah actually a little bit on the incline with the playmaking had some plays drove hit Brandon Miller in the corner thought that was good recognition so on the incline with the playmaking could absolutely go in the decline the next game but at least we inconsistent rather than where we were last year where it just wasn’t very good and that was the consistent part also another shout out Banks thought this was a good Banks game Off the Bench he was good man athletic three blocks getting nasty down there really like what we saw from him so fun game got got to see the guys that we’ve been waiting for got to see some dudes step up when needed like Nick Smith Jr good point guard game from Simpson that thought this was a fun watch as far as the summer league game goes and getting to see some talented players out there all right one more thing one more segment to go one more thing to talk about coming up next on the lock down hornets podcast the Hornets went back for more in free agency how about signing Taj Gibson yes the Taj Gibson from your childhood days he is now on the Hornets roster we’ll talk about that acquisition coming up next lock on Hornets so you had more thoughts real quickly on Salon before we go to a very not NBA rookie and Taj Gibson what you got and just one more thought Salon which is that I kind of glazed over his seven rebounds that he had in in 14 minutes but uh one of those rebounds was an offensive rebound that he got from the standing position like he didn’t even he didn’t jump for it and he it was a contested rebound that he got from the standing position he put on the floor and yammed it down so like that’s the kind of thing that if he can contain his game in year one to like that and what you were talking about cutting from the corner being available for wide what are going to be wideopen three-point attempts because I don’t think uh uh defenses won’t Scout that they won’t have that on their radar early on if he can contain his game to that he can be so effective for this team because this team I think even if you add Mark Williams back this team is traditionally has struggled to rebound and so like I think he can be an impact player just in that one particular area and we call his rookie year of success if he’s a guy that you can call on to get some tough rebounds in in particular points in the game Taj Gibson uh now your newest member of the Charlotte Hornets after signing a deal trying to get all of the details here pulled up real quickly but what do you think about the Taj Gibson acquisition to bring some Center depth to the equation here douc yeah so this is something we didn’t speculate on the name Taj Gibson but I think we did talk about how free agency might not be over for the hornets and it might be just sort of a name kind of out of nowhere um that we haven’t been thinking about and so you get Taj Gibson on a one-year Deal $3.3 million this and this was made clear both in the uh the pr statement that came out about it and also like W’s initial initial tweet that this was about veteran leadership in the locker room folks I just I can’t believe it all of these things that we’ve been talking about for years uh going out and and getting a hot commodity coach actually getting that coach to sign the paperwork and and be part of your organization and then going out and getting players that fit a particular like identity that you want to create that that coach is a part of and then going out and getting veteran leadership to to help you particularly in a position where you just drafted a guy in tan salon who is who’s going to need mentorship he’s going to need help is going to need help transitioning from the Euro game to the NBA game Taj Gibson the perfect kind of guy to bring into this situation I just can’t it’s like it’s like somebody pinched me I am dreaming like all of these things happening at once Walker I don’t know what to do with myself yeah so he’s 38 years old he’s been in the league for a long time he came into the league in the 2009 NBA draft so it was a while ago I like this tweet from uh Steph no on Twitter he says Taj Gibson has never averaged more than 13 points per game was the 26th pick in that 2009 NBA draft Yep this will be his 14th contract that’s a lot a lot of deals 14th contract that he signed in the NBA but we know what wait wait Bobcat’s pick that year you remember did you look it up no I didn’t but if that’s 2009 then I would expect that to be uh I’m not going to be able to remember it in time just tell me it’s hendo Gerald Henderson okay went 12 and then one pick after that Tyler hansbro went 13 to your favorite team the Indiana Pacers no don’t you do that to me we thought we were past that yeah Taj Gibson been in the league a very long time so yeah old right all for leadership as you mentioned as far as what he can do on the court these days you go back to last year only appeared in 20 games played for the Knicks because he is a Tom Tibido disciple if you’re to put the Tom Tibido players on a uh Mount Rushmore Taj Gibson’s face is probably carved out in that mountain Joe Kim Noah’s face is probably carved out we’ll see what some of these other Knicks guys do as they you know maybe make a Deep Run in the postseason but only 20 games 16 with the Knicks four for Detroit you go back a year ago or before that I should say played with Washington similar role right the big guy with veteran leadership for a team that wasn’t going to be very good and also pretty damn young peered 49 games for them and played not even 10 minutes per contest still is really active like tries to be really active but of course can’t hold up like he used to more of a defensive presence than he is offensive although there is some mid-range game to his offensive Arsenal again just an older guy but yeah you mentioned it like we could do the leadership thing and call it that on analysis right but but see it’s you just said that as if it’s like yeah this is this is a simple thing this is what you do and it is this is what teams like Washington and Charlotte should be doing it is not what they’ve done the past couple of years and this is what drove me crazy because this was an obvious move to make and not make it like right before training camp but it’s an obvious move to make now and uh they they weren’t doing it because this was an organization that for some reason was trying to Gaslight us into thinking that they were some like veteran team ready to compete in the playoffs and they didn’t need any veteran leadership what are you talking about we we’ve drafted all these great young players and they’re going to go out and win playoff games it was it was utterly absurd how how they were how they were treating the situation and I’m so glad that they finally have somebody making sense in there and Jeff Peterson and this new ownership group that understand you know when you have a young team it’s so important to surround them with the this type of mentorship and and not wait until the very last second and ish Smith doesn’t count with all due respect to ish Smith he was literally about to retire and I don’t that doesn’t count um so I’m sorry it was too late in the game so I’m sorry that sounds like ish Smith slandered it’s not I I enjoyed the ish Smith experience but um I think this is this is way different and I’m I’m just I’m so happy yeah no it’s it’s a good time to be a Hornets fan uh at least at the beginning of what you hope is a massive shift that’ll do it for lockdown Hornets thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your pods including YouTube there’s Doug Branson find him on his substack every horns box you can listen to me Walker mail WFNZ every weekday from 12: to 300 p.m. on 927 FM we’ll com over some Charles Lee sound bites in the next episode and preview some more summer league action coming up next uh or not next you have to wait a little bit sorry but coming up the next day un lock on hornets have a great rest of yours anticipation [Music] no

Finally, we got to see Charlotte Hornets rookie Tidjane Salaun make his Summer League debut. How well did he play? Walker and Doug share their notes on Salaun, Brandon Miller’s first appearance in Vegas, and other observations from Charlotte’s game against the Knicks. The guys close things out with a conversation on Taj Gibson after agreeing to a one year deal with the Hornets.

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  1. I’ve been waiting for this one! I’m trusting the process with Tidjanes. It seem like many of the top picks have been balling out during summer league but I’m not going to compare, I’m going to have faith that the new leadership has a plan and knows how to get him to max out his potential.

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