@Minnesota Timberwolves

“I Just Let The Game Come To Me.” | Terrence Shannon Jr. Summer League Sound | 07.14.24

“I Just Let The Game Come To Me.” | Terrence Shannon Jr. Summer League Sound | 07.14.24

Terrence looked like you had a little bit of a rough first half you didn’t really get out in transition much but that seemed to flip in the second half uh what changed for you was your mentality or just what you doing on the court um I mean to me that’s not really a rough first half it’s just the game letting the game come to me I’m not the type to force anything uh we were winning um I was playing playing defense um that’s how I come in the game defense are minded and then it translates to offense so just letting the game come to me uh I don’t think Score first is always defense to offense so I just I just feel like I let the game come to me and I just happen to scor the uh in the second half that’s probably the way you think about playing with the the big Squad right like the ball’s not going to be in your hand necessarily every single time you kind of got to embrace your spots when they come and play right is that kind of the way you’re pursuing what your role would be like on the timber wolves Timber wol yes um just just playing basketball honestly like like I know like when you get with when I get with the big team it’s an Carl they they’re shooting all the shots like I I understand that my role is gonna be is to play defense run to the corner and go out and transition and and attack uh when I can uh so you know just just letting the game come to me playing playing good basketball just kicking it when two’s on me um and just let the game come to me what do you feel like your strengths are defensively where do you do you feel like you shine the most in that end of the I feel like I shine the most on the ball um I need to I need to work on some of my off ball habits um but feel like I’m I’m really a lead on the B you had that off ball block you came over kind of timed that one up nice when Josh’s guy at The Rim there I mean is that kind of what you’re talking about of reading when to when to help when to jump in the yeah when to help uh not getting back door uh not losing my man um it’s a lot that goes into it but you know uh I’m a defensive rounded person so I’m always trying to get better on that end like seeing Jaylen Clark play oh really he he had a lot of man he he’s everywhere I remember playing him at UCLA and watching him there he’s he’s a really good Defender um he he just played that today uh with six steals I was really happy for him got out got a couple dunks very happy for him some guys seem to shy away from physicality you seem to just love it and have a smile on your face like is that just always been a part of your game just being really physical it grew it grew to be a part of my game um I didn’t always go downhill like I like I like I do now um but yeah I love contact and I’m I’m going to seek it um I’m aggressive on De on both sides of the floor um and I’m going Embrace that uh cuz I’m I got the body to do it what said you you get 10 fouls in summer league and so you could be as aggressive as you actually I knew I had 10 fouls but I was playing I was I when I when I picked on my third foul I’m like I’m not about to be the one that get over six fouls I’m I’mma play it like I’mma play it like it’s a real game and I’mma foul out at six but you know just just being a coach H he preached being aggressive and he was okay with it uh a little little little mistakes on my end but you know just got to watch him and fix it I know you said that you know you focus on defense defense comes first but next two or three Summer League games what’s the focus for you besides defense are you focusing on impr anything from from the last two games um probably just being shot ready shot ready more um let letting the ball fly when it come to me instead of just driving every time just knowing cuz I’m bigger and stronger than everybody uh but just being shot ready um but yeah I mean every game I go into even at Illinois uh I was Defensive minded and just happen to have most of my points in transition it’s been like in any conversations youve had with Finch uh I mean I guess since you’ve been drafted or since you’ve been out here about you know what it what it is uh that you could do on the on the T um he just told me do do what got me here um be myself um shoot open shots attack get in the paint and just do what got me here and and don’t change how do you Cipher between wanting to show them you know maybe something specific about your game but you still stay within the team in the game you know like I said just letting the game come to me playing my game uh not not getting outside myself uh forcing bad shots or over dribbling you know making quick decisions uh letting the game come to me and playing really good defense that’s what’s going to get me on the floor


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  1. I love these guys. Im a milwaukee fan cause i live there, but oh my gosh rob dillingham and terrance shannon are just insane players. Love em

  2. Bro this dude says all the right things and plays the right way. Plus he has so much talent and size already. His confidence is just oozing, yet somehow seems humble.

    I can’t believe he fell that far in the draft.

    This is gonna put us over the top. Go wolves.

  3. I love his bag already. Great on ball defense. Great pride in his defense. Commented how other players doing well makes him feel good. Shoots it well, creates his own, bodies people, and has passion to compete. He said he always focused on defense first, and never worried about scoring, yet he was the second leading scorer in all of college basketball.

    This kid is an absolute monster of a player.

  4. Last game I saw him kinda just take off from the wing then stop and fade super hard towards baseline and hit a jumper over some defenders. Multiple times.

    And he dunks it like he’s a scorer.

    Seems really smart too.
    Like everyone else already said: I’m liking this kid too.

  5. Watch the tape, He is absolutely playing the best out of any rookie in the nba right now. He is that good. His athleticism and strength is incredible

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