@Brooklyn Nets

Keon Johnson shines, Dariq Whitehead struggles in Brooklyn Nets Summer League

Keon Johnson shines, Dariq Whitehead struggles in Brooklyn Nets Summer League

coming up as summer league unfolds for the Brooklyn Nets one Keon Johnson continues to make a claim for a potential roster spot in the NBA regular season plus the recovery from injury for DQ Whitehead can we see the possibility the potential of a player that we can get excited about we dive on it all coming up [Music] next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day ah yes my friends it is locked on Nets podcast right here in locked on podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day he’s Doug Nory I’m Adam arre we thank you as always for making us your first list of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more even though all those playoffs are over around the Sports World we know that you’re going to have FanDuel covering customers all summer long with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit locked on to get started today and Doug oh baby summer league when when when Hope Springs Eternal and dreams come to life we’re going to talk about Noah Clowney obviously doing what you expect him to do talk about Jaylen Wilson his perimeter shooting and yes DQ Whitehead as well but Keon Johnson the man with a plan drafted in the same year as one cam Thomas wants n demands to be a part of the Brooklyn Net’s future in the 2024 2025 season time to overreact baby both the good and the bad that’s what summer league is all about you go to Vegas and you just and you have some you just completely overreact to two games worth of basketball now I think there’s a bunch of takeaways here I think for the Nets who go into obviously a period of just you know you know transition for the team in terms of like you know going from you know wanting to win to trying to see what maybe some young guys you can hit on and maybe some guys you can find that are going to increase their value over the next couple years Keon Johnson at least starting to look like a guy that should break through with the team and while summer league isn’t for everybody there are ways that you can really stand out from the crowd and one is to be just like look more athletic and be an efficient scorer when you’re given the time and the chance to actually do it and Keon Johnson in the first two games of summer league has flashed you know the skills that had him as a first round pick back in the day he bounced around a lot here he’s somewhat of a journeyman which is crazy when you got consider the guy’s only 22 years old but it’s sometimes you just need those extra couple years I mean he came out really really young and now it looks like he’s starting to put it together in a way that probably should just have him be on the team this year um with a roster spot with the way that he sort of showcases ability which we can talk about a little more in depth here as we go yeah I think listen again it matters the Nets are in the rebuild that there are roster spots available here and why wouldn’t you right I we’ve talked about this already this off season that this should be a year when you look at young players and you say it’s your opportunity to develop and we know at the highest level the Noah Clowny of the world we’ll talk about DQ Whitehead but bringing back trendon Watford it’s like great now give big minutes to these players and let’s continue to develop them or see what they can be Keon Johnson at least right now it feels like should fall into that category and you mentioned you know from a summer league perspective only two games in but shot 57% from the field overall in those two games seven of 12 and nine of 16 respectively didn’t take many shots from Beyond The Arc in game one did it in game two and looked good doing that and then filled out the stats in the rest of the categories rebounds assists like he’s done a little bit of everything that first game on Friday night which we didn’t come in and talk about had a couple of steals had a few blocks just for fun out of out of a guard position the the overreaction piece is oh my God this guy looks he looks better than a lot of players in summer league which we’ve always said is the barometer look better than a lot of these guys and that means you deserve a shot at the NBA level the flip side of that coin would be showing it summer league doesn’t always translate and and I I still want to be excited about Keon Johnson even though when you go and look at his NBA sample size it’s not great shooting percentages from the field it’s a little bit of struggle from Beyond The Arc although he spiked with the Nets in very very very limited sample size five games last season it just comes down to that the question just comes down to will we see Keon Johnson capable of repeating this type of statline even on a smaller scale at the NBA level because right now it hasn’t been able to translate right yeah so okay so here’s the good news when it comes to Summer League I will say is if you can’t Crush summer league you are almost for sure going to do nothing at the NBA level as an on ball guard or win I’m gonna give a caveat to say The Bigs get a little bit of a pass here because you’re more reliant on like sort of who your point guard and floor General kind of stuff is the pace is way faster so I’m going to give a pass to like as you kind of get bigger the less you can do sort of for yourself even though it’s going to work in an NBA environment it’s not it’s gonna not going to translate so the first step is always can you dominate like sort of what’s going on here and I think for him that is clearly yes I said this yesterday I watching the game I was like some of the stuff that he’s doing here is not going to work in the NBA level like he’s trying like he’s turning the corner on some Defenders he’s getting to the rim against bigger like not guys that aren’t huge those guys are all going to get bigger at the NBA level they’re going to get stronger they’re going to get smarter around Rim protection and some of the times where he’s finishing around the rim it’s just not going to work like you can see it you can just see it’s like okay that looked cool that’s not that’s never happened when you’re playing look cool now won’t look cool yeah when is Jo embiid you know at Center or it’s like the c or it’s the Celtics defense or something like that which is going to switch to some guy on you he’s gonna clamp you they’re bigger than their guards are all bigger than you drew holiday between you and the basket it’s like oh it’s like oh should I take on Drew holiday or drick white or Tatum or Jaylen brown or me staps in the drop it’s like not going to work right but but you do have to show that you can like sort of like dominate here as this guy to be able to even progress because if you don’t we don’t even need to have a conversation really like if you can’t beat your guys consistent and we’re gonna talk about DQ Whitehead here in a little bit even though it’s like a little probably still too early but if you can’t beat your guys very consistently here you have no chance no chance at the next level and we can just know it’s like okay good we saw it it’s not there all good but let’s call it a day and one final thing very quickly on the three-point shooting you’re right that it like hasn’t been with him for like most of his career he did spike it in the with the Nets last year he also kind of spiked it in the g-league too at 38% right he shot 38% from three on more than five attempts and you’re like oh maybe he just kind of has figured this starting to figure this part out and that’s pretty important I think so I think we look at both samples NBA and G League you’re like this is not just two games a run hot it’s we might have something clicking here and we saw the little sample size as I said end the last season with the Nets that got to fan base as soon as summer league was starting this year it was oh okay let’s see what Keon Johnson is capable of it looks like he’s checking the boxes to make him deserving of an opportunity and by the way just like trendon Watford who got brought back now this is the same thing and even even more important now when you’re in a full rebuild it’s you’ve identified this player you had him here a year ago you brought him back into summer league go ahead and get him on the roster because you can end up if every year even when you have a thousand picks going forward every year if you can identify one young player specifically young talent that looks like they have some upside it never hurts to bring him into the fold and be able to use them going forward so good for Keon Johnson this is great for Keon Johnson we’re talking about both sides of the coin but so far he’s done nothing but impress over these two games coming up here in a second DQ Whitehead the injury the comeback from the injury and what has been certainly a less than exciting sample size should it be a concern or do we give the young man a little bit more run coming up here in a second we dive in all right before we get to that tell you about our friends over at FanDuel look it’s the middle of the summer sometimes uh you feel like supports is just kind of stopping especially during this week if sometimes it feels like it grind to hold that’s not the case over at FanDuel fandel keeps it going all summer long NBA Summer League they got going over here they got baseball it’s headed into the All-Star break maybe you want to get a little in on the Home Run Derby Pete Alonzo plus 300 over there to win the Home Run Derby that’s a HomeTown guy you can get into that with your you know when you get over on FanDuel they got you covered all all all summer long this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily there’s something for everyone every day even kind of like when there’s no major games going on which is pretty impressive head on over to start making the most out of your summer fuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball all right as we continue today’s lock on Net’s episode we of course ask you are you watching Fox Sports or ESPN all day are they making two much noise with all the shouting well then switch over to lockon sports today it’s a free 247 sports streaming Channel and it’s programmed for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming locked on sports today brings you that can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube and free on the Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lockon podcast Network and you know it it’s your team and it’s every single day now we jump to DQ Whitehead the other young player who is two years removed from playing any meaningful basketball who was injured at Duke and injured when he came into the league with the Nets and you come to summer league and we talked about it and I I drove the hype train coming in Doug it has not been what you would call great for DQ Whitehead however because you got the second game if we talked about it after the Friday night game I said I’m not going to worry about it he’s coming back from injury like give it another game but in my darkest moments I was very concerned game number two at least showed you and by there were things in game number one which we’ll talk about defensively but couple of step back threes in game number two it looked like he was just getting a little bit more comfortable none of the shooting percentages are are the way you want them to be he is in a hard spot here at least from from analyzing him because of the injuries like you say you do want to be able to beat people at the summer league level in order to make your case for the NBA level but I just feel like it’s going to take the entire summer league to understand if his legs are back underneath him he talked about it after the first couple of games too trying to get comfortable out there this is very much still like a okay let’s wait and see I’m not going to make any real judgments about DQ Whitehead after two Summer League games I’m not gonna make any long-term judgments because he’s 19 years old so I want to be really careful about what I’m gonna say here I not making some prediction about his career I’m only going to evaluate the Here and Now of what has happened and it’s was really it’s it was bad um like there’s just no other word for it so I’m not saying he’s bad going to be bad forever I’m not say saying the career’s over those are not things if we’re just evaluating the first two Summer League games with all the caveats you gave he’s had an extensive injury history he’s been out alive basketball pretty much for years there’s a lot of speed stuff that comes along with that and like there’s just lots and lots and lots that comes along with so I I because I know people are gonna say like well they’re gonna they’re gonna I’m identifying and dealing with the objections right now okay in the sales world like I’ve okay I’ve let you know what the ejections are I get it that being so now if we just rewind it back and say what have we seen at Summer League it’s been bad it’s bad there’s there’s no other way around it it looks really uncomfortable that’s to be expected it the bigger concern to me is that while it looks like he’s probably healthy there’s like no burst like there’s no real speed at all he can’t he look he looked really uncomfortable and even times where it was like okay here’s where maybe the athleticism could take over there was none of that he’s not able to turn the corners on on much weaker Defenders he had basically one good stretch like one 30 second stretch in the two games which was where he attacked a close out step back three although I’ll say a little bit on that step back three it was mostly because I don’t think he could beat the guy and and he ended up hitting a step back three he had steal he had a he had a steal the pass was telegraphed but he was in the lane nice job uh because he was beating the guy to the weak side corner and then he finished in transition uh on getting down the court like ran the court and finished and I was like okay that was that was pretty nice but this he’s a long way to go I like this is probably a whole season in the g-league would be my guess based on like this first look and that’s fine 19 years old season in the g- league it was a it was a you know a flyer because of the injury stuff anyway where he got drafted but you can’t look at this sum you can’t look at these first two games and think like he can break camp with the with the main team I don’t think like I like I that would be my I mean unless something really significant happens I don’t see why you would even bother and it’s not like there’s been any there’s barely been flashes that it would translate even even a little bit to me right now no and there and there’s no pressure to to do that right there’s no pressure to bring him up to the to the NBA roster you can say hey we we we know it we we could we could write the script right now right obviously DQ’s coming back from the injury we want him to take his time we want the recovery to be done properly and we want him to go ahead and develop and build himself back up until he’s ready and by the way even 100% healthy Noah Clowney when they drafted him a year ago spent the entire year there now different scenario in terms of the team and what they were trying to accomplish but it took all the way until the end of the year and we frankly you know pounded our fist on the table about why he should have been up on this team sooner a year ago but we’ve seen it organizationally they are not going to rush guys ahead of schedule so from that standpoint I agree with you too and obviously Friday night you watch that game you see him have the the Breakaway and he can’t seemingly cannot Elevate to put one down when he had a clear path going at the basket like all of those things are true I’ll paraphrase some of the stuff that he had mentioned after I think maybe after the Friday game could have been after the Sunday game where he basically said he’s like it’s still about trusting my body like getting back to the point where I trust my body to do those things so if I want to look at it from a positive standpoint it’s like hey he’s out there it looks like he’s getting healthier he probably looks like he is healthy but now it’s about trusting yourself in those moments the things you mentioned which something we talked about when we were when we were looking at his tape going back to again limited stuff at Duke foot injury there as well is that does he have he’s regarded as being an athletic Prospect but does he have that get the corner ability that that we talk about right and sometimes when you look at him from Co any player from college to the pros what looks good at college or even we talk about Keon Johnson like what looks good in summer league doesn’t quite get there when you get to the NBA level that’s kind of the part of his game that I’m that I’m curious ious about and it’s one of the things that I mentioned if he’s going to be successful at the NBA level I thought it was going to be about everything else and less about if he can be a guy that drives the basket that takes guys off the dribble it’s going to be about ball handling and a little bit of vision and the outside shooting like all these other things need to come together for him so while I’m not while I’m not going to be any lower on him than I was coming in I also clearly am not going to get any higher and I think I think a good a nice start in the G league with no pressure as of right now looks like the path forward for him and that’s fine you said it like the age is right it’s all good there’s no pressure on him here defensively I will say just quickly um I think defensively he showed he’s shown some things in the summer league that are least exciting from that standpoint stays in front of guys nice canest perimeter shots without fouling like there’s some things there on the defensive end that if you want to pull on a few extra positive threads he’s definitely shown it on that side but that’s not going to be his story at the NBA level yeah look and I think the Clowny comp is good in the sense that not as a player comp and an archetype but as a hey it came into Summer League last year was super raw it looked all over the place you saw flashes with him at least you saw like flashes of athleticism but he just like didn’t know where to be on the court kind of didn’t like look comfortable when he got the ball and then a season in the G League later and he gets to the the end of the season and he has like seven games of just like sick NBA stats and looks totally comfortable right and and so I I think that like no one’s pouring dirt on D Whitehead’s grave here I think he’s in an incredible spot for his age and like this team’s timeline that there is just no pressure here like go to the G League play a whole season show that you can stay a whole season worth of Health right that you can get comfortable that you feel fully comfortable with like the foot and and and his legs and everything and then at that point let’s like re-evaluate it I’m only just saying like we got to look at what happened here and it was just the the it just there’s there’s no other side to it it’s just like this is it this is what it is it just did not look great and at the same time it’s totally understandable yeah no 100% the only I can’t call this push back but I’ll just I’m going to continue to wait and see because I don’t I I won’t be shocked if it’s he starts in G league but midseason he he gets the call up and you start seeing it it’s going to come down to being productive we didn’t even mention that he was what 07 from Beyond the arc on Friday night one for 12 in the first game got a little bit better in the second game knockdown some shots so the shooting has to come around here but I I just I’ll I’ll stop short of I’ll give everybody including myself the optimism that like there will be a time during this season that we will see see him a little bit soon and I think it’ll come down to timeline around when you bring up a young player relative to what this team’s doing my with the where the Nets are right now one final thought on that I generally agree with you only because he’s still so young and the Nets just don’t it just doesn’t matter really here to me it goes both ways it doesn’t matter you don’t have to bring him up you could but you don’t have to right like I probably would only do it if he was absolutely crushing so hard that it just made there was like no further development to be had right right and that to me is probably a little hard to see right now it’s not out of the realm of it’s not out of the um range of outcomes I don’t think but I would even if it was like middling I’m not sure how how quickly how quick I would go on that one I think I need to be like hey he’s killing it here so hard that it just like doesn’t make sense to keep him otherwise just like why apply the pressure if he was 23 24 and he just had to know that’s different but that’s just not the case speaking of a 23 24 year old one jayen Wilson also taking part in the summer league and then of course the other young Draft pick from a year ago in Noah clany we talk about what we’ve seen from both of these players and the one in Jaylen Wilson who has been around the NBA level a year ago what are our takeaways from these two players as we continue our way through the summer league close out the show coming up here in just one moment all right before we get to that tell you about our friends over at eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning Championship it’s also what keeps your r or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle level it up the 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case it’s probably not going to happen here against the Clippers but we talk about the young players obviously Keon Johnson and we talk about DQ Whitehead but Le let’s let’s start with Noah Clowney because the the the footnote on Jaylen Wilson I think is Something That We’re Not really surprised by at least for me coming out of Summer League for Noah Clowney this is an awkward spot where there’s no other real big bodies on the Nets roster so they’re getting to use him kind of in in different ways on a possession to possession basis these games are totally Helter Skelter so the ball’s all over the place that’s not conducive for for forwards or for centers and that being said he’s done everything you want him to do he showcased all the things on both ends of the floor no concerns here for for Noah Clowney like just good Reps for him I think this is like every positive that you want to have for him coming out of just getting some run here in summer league yeah yeah I think that for me even if the honestly even if summer leag had just gone off the rails for him I actually wouldn’t even have cared just because he showed a sample size at the NBA level that’s already good enough and so even if like this got dialed back some or the roster wasn’t set up perfectly to maximize his skills or whatever I I just it w that actually you know sort of the opposite of what we said about these other guys I actually didn’t even care what happened with him here because he just showed that he is ready it’s nice that it you know nine nine fouls in the first game aside calmal it is nice listen Doug they give you 10 they give you 10 you want to use most of them and and I think he’s been fine here defensively he’s shown some you know I mean some some at some points except some of these these these fouls were rough ones too like they probably weren’t they were a little Ticky Tack and one even got called back but he showed like you know great recovery skills on ball stuff’s really good six blocks in the two games and you know he’s working basically without a real point guard which is always going to be tough for him because he’s not like he’s an on ball Creator at all and so he you know what’s he gonna do he’s gonna have to rely on getting into space and making sure people can find him right Rim running stuff is gonna be out of here when you have like Jacob Gillard running the point so like it’s just hard it’s just gonna be hard for him all that said to me no The Firm takeaways here are the things we already knew it’s like the athleticism clearly plays he’s so much more comfortable he understands sort of where to be now at least and I think that like there’s just really aren’t many more questions at this level for him to answer it’s the next level about like you know where does he e a four or a five you know is he going to be able to continue to floor space like those are the bigger questions NBA level defense like he’s already getting there yeah and I yeah so I don’t think summer league was gonna answer it wasn’t gonna answer a lot of questions for no Clowny but it wasn’t going to oppose any either no that’s probably Fair yeah that’s that’s probably right again because just because some of the disjointed nature of these games and possessions right it’s not like you you feel like even the nine fouls you go oh well where what’s he responsible for like who knows probably nothing and the other one of the things at a high level before we talk J Jaylen Wilson is it’s one of those things because of how young the team is I’m like well there’s no world where trendon Watford or Cam Thomas are playing in summer league but I wish they were just because because because I want to see them with Noah Clowney I want to see them with Jaylen Wilson because you know these are guys that are going to be getting run together at the NBA level so there is just that part of it where like when you look over the g-league roster the summer league roster I should say and you go yeah a lot of these guys are g-league destined so how much can you can you get from these other players that are out there on the court with them one of the other guys though in Jaylen Wilson so okay the overwhelmingly positive thing for Jaylen Wilson is the perimeter shooting the guy did it he was a part of the rally on Friday night he continued to be successful on Sunday knocking down outside shots this isn’t a concern this is why he’s a second round pick and why he’s an older player coming into the NBA but what I will say is Jaylen Wilson’s at the basket game leaves a lot to be desired and I mean a lot to be Desires in he’ll never be able to do that like hardcore consistently successful at the NBA level it looks like right so you’re a perimeter guy that’s your role and that’s what I’m getting out of this is like hey lean more into the thing that you’re going to be at the NBA level and that’s knocking down these outside shots it’s not a bad thing just a reality yeah again this is something we already knew like this was not going to be answered he’s is what he is it’s fine they got something here they got an NBA rotation guy in the second round like near the end of the second round and he can play at the NBA level too he’s not a he’s not a career starter he’s not gonna be a guy that’s probably even like top seven off on a team that’s really really good but is he a guy that can play like NBA rotation minutes yeah the shooting is there 47% from three in in the summer league yeah carrying over like him you know going through a pretty nice shooting stretch you know at the NBA level already like he has an NBA level body in terms of like overall strength he’s not fast he’s not super bounc like there’s no like on ball bounce but it’s okay like that like on any real team you’re not handing him the ball and letting him cook anyway you’re hoping that he can attack a few Closeouts here and there in like the most optimal of situations and for the most part make the threes when the opportunity is presented to him and he’s been able to do that and so summer league gives you a little more chance for those other opportunities right because you just are a better basketball player than a lot of the other guys that’s why you’ve got real NBA minutes and these other guys haven’t right so like you are just better at basketball RIT large than most of the other guys that are on your team and so it makes sense that you would take those opportunities to actually try getting past the guy attacking at The Rim you know there’s a little more transition stuff so you’re GNA have a few more opport opportunities but it’s not going to be a part of his game I don’t think that’s a part of his game that ever really grows and it’s just like totally fine it like can he make threes can he defend three SL fours like three and a halfs like yeah he pretty much can and he’s he’s like a good he’s like a decent NBA rotation he’s an NBA I don’t said he’s an NBA rotation player and that’s probably where he caps out and that’s good for like where they drafted him and remember they had abson flows to his season last year he the reason why we we we felt like okay the three-point shooting is going to be there in the end CU he had a very large sample size where it went went very well he also had a long stretch where it went absolutely ice cold so when you look back and he played in 43 games last season but only shot 32% from Beyond The Arc we think that you know that number was already a little bit stronger than what the final stat tells you but that’s the best take you can have too it’s like go to go to summer league absolutely light it up and let everybody know that when you come into the NBA this season that’s going to be that’s going to be 100% what your role is going to carve out to be and by the way if you’re going to get a bigger a bigger role and a larger sample size that’s what you need to be if you’re complimenting a cam Thomas going forward a guy that spaces the floor a guy that punishes defenses when they throw double teams in his Direction and you’re wide open in the corner like that is a real question that needs to get answered even if there isn’t pressure on result in the upcoming season overall then as we close out the first two games few more to go here for the Brooklyn Nets in summer league this week is there any did anybody else on this roster right jump out to you or give you because I asked the fan base you know it’s like who else are you interested in they threw out some names like Jaylen Martin KJ Jones and the like but it really does come down to these core set of players are the only ones as of now that have taken anything away of substance outside of saying Gillard we obviously knew it was too small that that’s never going to be a real possibility and Mark Armstrong hasn’t shown anything of substance to make you go oh okay maybe we need to look at him too so we’re we’re still talking about this core four of examined players here in summer league no I don’t think so I like the guys like you know even Martin it’s been kind of been like you know did fine in his opportunity and yeah like it’s just nothing like really jumps off the page at you at all I wonder actually how much like I actually was curious I was wondering if Clowney would even play like another one of these games like if he would just to be two and done or something like that right like and because it’s like ah we’ve seen enough like there’s no reason he got he got up to game speed there’s no reason to risk injury he’s going to have a real role like let’s call it a I I wouldn’t be shocked if like he got really dialed back over these next couple games of him specifically I think everyone else is probably out there and going to going to roll but I was just I was wondering a little bit about him but otherwise not no no no no one really jumped off the page here and sorry I lumped in KJ Jones with everybody else here he hasn’t he has not gotten into a game yet but to your point about some guys not seeing the court over the remainder of this potentially I expect him to get some run he’s obviously the D2 product who like if some of those things can translate you could start to say oh what a nice flyer to take a chance on here for the brok by the way to I wonder if like we see like Clowney and Jay and Jaylen Wilson maybe dial it back a little bit here like I like just to so they can get longer look some of these other guys like everyone else you maybe want to see sort of what they can do but I wonder the NBA these are the guys that have their roles like we know they have contracts like they’re just kind of set right here it’s like it’s there’s no you know it’s you they just have their they’re getting paid for the next couple years right and so you got them back with the game speed you got other guys be able to play with NBA guys now let’s kind of turn it over to see what we have at the end of the roster I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a little more run for some of these other guys in the next couple games all right we’re going to get out of here uh much appreciate everyone rocking with us through the offseason seen really incredible numbers and it’s really just a testament to everyone out there that wants to talk Nets and I think that like the idea that the net chose a direction and there’s like sort of a direction to talk about now uh that’s what we’re doing over the next couple years obviously but still five days a week all through the summer make sure you subscribe to lockon Nets on YouTube make sure you subscribe to lockon Nets wherever you’re listen to the podcast he who learns but does not think is lost he who thinks but does not learn is in great danger that my friends is confusious oh one of the alltime great poets a bit overrated we’ll be back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn Nets basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball yeah

The Brooklyn Nets are two games into Summer League with some stories emerging for this squad. Keon Johnson has been a standout so far, scoring 16 and 27 points, respectively. Is he a candidate to now earn more NBA minutes this season after a strong showing?

Then there is a Dariq Whitehead who has struggled in his first Summer League games after sitting out most of last season with another foot surgery. Is there cause for concern or is it still much too early? They also talk Noah Clowney, Jalen Wilson and more.

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  1. Keon Johnson is essentially doing what Brooklyn fans want Ben Simmons to do as far as impacting the game offensively and doing some defensive things as well in summer league. Plus Brooklyn doesn't have to pay him $40 million to do that 😮😂…..

  2. Brooklyn Nets: Georges Niang Emoni Bates and 3 second round draft picks

    Cavs: Dorian Finney Smith

    Brooklyn Nets: Jett Howard Gary Harris and a 2025 Nuggets first round draft pick

    Orlando Magic: Cam Johnson

    These are the kind of return value trades Brooklyn should be looking for as far as getting draft capital back, some potential rookie prospects and maintaining cap space flexibility for future seasons 😎 👍….

  3. Dariq needs time. He's coming off of 2 surgeries and not playing consistently for 18 months. He will likely need until the All Star Break.

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