@Phoenix Suns

Ranking HATED NBA players

Ranking HATED NBA players

okay I’d like to be 10 Grayson Allen so I have to say something positive about everyone on the list cuz I don’t want this to be an entirely negative list right cuz it would I would turn the video off if I were watching this and it was just someone saying how much they didn’t like people because this is kind of my list right Grayson Allen is on my list for guys that I find what do I say most hated I think that’s what I’m going to title it or most annoying uh there’s a lot of my own personal opinion but hey we can all agree on Grayson Allen being the 10 most hated players in the league even though let’s be honest he isn’t what he used to be at Duke at Duke he was a menace okay he was tripping guys he was like bumping them with uh bumping them with his ass he was hitting dudes in the balls and he cried a lot too he would cry and he would scream he would just get angry all the time thing was he was really good that was kind of the interesting thing I also wonder cuz Coach K kind of the you know I want these guys to be pillars of their Community a lot L of them aren’t going to play you know that’s most coaches in college right A lot of them aren’t going to play professional ball they’re going to go on to do other things I want them to be I want to train them as men not just that’s most coaches so you have Grayson Allen who’s sort of Behaving despicably not saying he’s a despicable person not saying that he hasn’t changed or that he could change but at the time despicable just a really nasty player so I do wonder I wasn’t watching Duke basketball at the time what did coach okay think of this did he suspend him for these pretty egregious basketball acts cuz his natural his natural thing at the time was oh I got beat I’m on the ground I’m going to trip him I’m going to trip this guy I’m going to make it look like an accident um and he still does it sometimes obviously there was the Caruso uh when Caruso was going up for a layup finishing at The Rim he clobbers him he really takes out his hands so Caruso goes up and he basically grabs his arm okay he grabs his arm pulls his arm down and then that obviously takes his momentum and he lands on his wrist breaks his wrisk I believe he was out for what two months something like that kuso was pissed kuso was so mad cuz you could tell he called it BS he said I don’t want to I don’t know he called it BS and he said that in like an interview where he shouldn’t be swearing uh and chus was not like that type of guy and you could tell that he had talked to grayon Allen and Grayson Allen had said something to the effect of oh yeah sorry man you were coming up and I was kind of doing this and then you came this way and I was like you know when someone’s not as remorseful and they sort of make it seem more like an accident than it was and less of a malicious thing to sort of sidestep responsibility you could tell Caruso was like okay I guess that’s an apology but you’re not as remorseful as I believe you should be which I respected cuz someone asked him about it and he just said this is how I feel feel about it we’ve talked and we are not cool um but what’s the good thing I can say about Grayson Allen he’s good man is he good is he the third best player on the Phoenix Suns yeah I would I would have to say so you know is he the third leading scorer I don’t think so but in terms of fit and how well he performs in that role I think he got extended I think he got an extension or he got resigned by the Suns um he’s good that’s my nice thing to say he doesn’t get in as much trouble anymore but he does like there’s a clip of him when he was on the Bucks just smacking Jaylen McDaniel in the face uh in a game against the Hornets so he still he still has that inclination of oh the guy beat me wow well he’s on the ground now so he didn’t score maybe he did score though that’s a he still has the I’m going to get into this later I need to save the things I talk about for guys later why does it say eight I apologize says Kevin Durant eight I’m not sure why he is nine I think Kevin Durant is hated still it’s so funny to me because I remember when I sort of started getting back into basketball Kevin Durant was beloved there was that during the lockout he was playing flag football with some dudes at I believe University of te I don’t know Texas I think that’s where they were but it was some frat had organized the flag football game and he was out there just like juking dudes I loved it he just wanted to compete but the Kevin Durant we have now I think you get you get so into the ad adoli or the Adoration of other people and you start thinking of yourself as this something else something bigger than yourself and you get addicted to being uh adored you know and I think that was the case with him and then I think when he went to Golden State how many times have I talked about this I think when he went to Golden State he thought oh this is people will be happy for me they’ll be proud even though on the Bill Simmons podcast he said he left so he could feel what it felt like to be hated that’s what he said might be true might not be could be one of those things where you think that you did make the decision consciously when you made it subconsciously when you actually didn’t make it consciously at all I have a feeling cuz he said this before he just left cuz he thought this is a better team this is a better situation he also said on his burner account if you remember the burner account he tweeted from his burner account responding to a guy as a different person but ended up being not his burner account and saying yeah my team wasn’t good Billy Donovan wasn’t a good coach it was just me and Russ that what are we supposed to do that’s why I left he said it from his real account he meant to say it from burner so he tried to speak his mind without being accountable for saying what he said and I think people didn’t like that they thought it was cowardly dude and he tried to get Bobby or Sean marks fire not Bobby Steve Nash and do you remember he was like okay I went out of here [ __ ] sai’s like uh yeah well we’re not trading you we uh you know that’s not we’re not respect cuz everyone Demands a trade and then every manager or president of basketball operations is like okay I guess guess we have to trade him uh Shawn marks and Joe Sai the owner were like um we don’t want to I respect it KD came back and play he said well maybe you’ll fire Shawn marks you’ll fire Steve Nash which they eventually did but they didn’t do it right away um so demanding someone lose their job it’s not cool you know even though these guys make a lot of money and they’ll be fine financially but to say hey I want this guy tenure at this place to end uh and leveraging your power that way h I don’t know I don’t like it that’s me I don’t know uh he got Kenny Atkins fired remember that like we want to start DeAndre Jordan over Jared Allen they traded Jared Allen and they got rid of Kenny Atkinson I’m so glad he’s getting another opportunity with Cleveland he was actually he’s been in demand because he was actually supposed to coach the Hornets then Steve Clifford took the job because he didn’t want to do it he backed out he was like I think I’m going to be an assistant at Golden State I don’t want to be a part of that mess that is the Charlotte Hornets I respect that Kenny Atkinson I’m excited to see the Cleveland Cavs do I like they’re kind of retaining their team and they’re just I like JB bicker staff too though I like both dudes they seem nice that’s all I really I you know I’m not the guy that’s going to say the adjustments man his adjustments can you believe the adjustments can you believe he didn’t call a timeout then I guess I don’t know I don’t coach basketball so um who there are Kevin Durant fans out there but like I feel like they’re getting fewer and far between at the same time where are the step Steph fan there’s like Steph fans now but I feel like they’re younger kids let me know if you’re a Kevin Durant fan if you’re just like no Kevin Durant’s my guy I’m still a Stan of him but you understand what I’m saying there is definitely like a negative sentiment toward him and uh he’s the guy that people like to clown the most in the league right cuz he reacts to it you can you can message him and criticize him and you know he’ll respond he’ll say by the way you got to me emotionally isn’t that funny you got to me emotionally Stranger in Idaho you emotionally affected me you know one of the greatest basketball players of all time you got me you got my number I’m the same way I get it now here’s the real number eight is Chris Paul and I never really understood why people don’t like Chris Paul and then I was doing research for this video and I realized oh he’s just like the dirtiest player of all time he punches guys in the balls he trips guys he uh you know he pushes guys while they’re in the air uh I was watching a video cuz I wanted to know why JJ I saw JJ reic hated Chris Paul I saw that in like an artic so I tried to find a video on it and they talked about the communication style Matt Barnes talked about this too he said Chris Paul will tell you how it is and he and his approach to people can rub them the wrong way and I understand that I understand how I’ve listened to Chris Paul do interviews I watched him on the Ryan rilla Show and I did get a feel for like this guy is cool and he’s very passionate about the game but if he has any sort of bitterness and resentment if he has any negative energy whatever his message is the negative is going to come out and it’s going to be on you and you’re not going to like it so I understood that Matt Barnes said that he’s like and you know Matt Barnes was like pretty mature about it but I think Chris Paul does well I think he’s more mature now and I think he does well with a younger team cuz you know let’s face it like the younger guys are like yeah this has kind of been my time playing basketball there’s always been someone older than me telling me what I’m doing wrong so I think it works better but he is dirty he’s a dirty player I mean he uh I watched a clip of him he’s going LeBron’s going up for a rebound of course Chris Paul’s way shorter pulls his arm down and I think guys like this get good at doing it in a sneaky way I think it’s the same thing with Grace and Allen they get good at being bad in a like sneaky no one’s going to see it way um I think they also save their fouls cuz they know hey I might need them down the road I might need to roll the dice with a dirty foul you know what I’m saying I think that’s all I yeah there it is it’s all in there so uh and he complains a lot dude remember him like complaining about Scott Foster just like going on about like Scott Foster’s intentions for drawing you know attention to himself he’s like oh yeah people they want to come out and see Scott I thought that was funny um it’s a just such a it’s rather than criticizing the call you’re saying you know what I’m in the mind of Chris Foster he’s an attention [ __ ] I know which hey probably got to Scott Foster mind I don’t think he cared he’s like all right whatever I’m doing my job sorry refs are surprisingly mature um I think you have to be Rudy the thing about Rudy is so I do the videos on the other channel and I did a video called is like Rudy goar the most unlikable player some click baity title and there were so many it had a lot of dislikes and there were so many people that reached out and were like or comment and saying dude Rudy’s awesome we love Rudy you know saying I had yellow teeth or whatever it was anything personal to attack me and uh I was surprised I was like okay like I’m good to know there are a lot of Rudy stands out there I think just sort of like polarizing right I think it’s just polarizing you either really like him or you hate him obviously you’ve I mean the the Kyle Anderson punch I’m kind of glad he’s out of there that has to be awkward right you ever think they got past that he punches them in the chest apparently Kyle Anderson you can see it right here Kyle Anderson says something to the effect of dude you got to get rebounds and Rudy goar says like oh my back hurts he’s like I don’t care you got to do something and then he just punches him in the chest um got to control your emotions I think that’s the biggest thing about being an adult right you can’t just uh haul off and get violent if you have an inclination to get violent if that’s where your mind goes if that’s what your impulse is you got to figure that out otherwise you’re going to go to jail that’s how it is uh crying about making an All-Star team you can’t cry you can cry you got to cry in private that’s how I feel otherwise people are going to think it’s a bit performative I don’t know if it was performative I’m not saying it was I’m just saying people are going to assume if you cry in public that you’re doing it for uh everyone else cry in private I cry all the time I watched uh I watched a movie recently I cried a lot and I enjoyed it enjoyed the cry but you can’t do it in public I’m not also not going to tell people you know I watch this movie and it made me cry uh neat players don’t like him because he wins DPI too I think there are a lot of players that think other people deserve it they also don’t think he’s very good at offense so him making Allstar games making all NBA teams sort of the opposite of the guy who is really good offense and doesn’t play defense and gets a lot of accolades like a LCA donich or something he’s sort of the opposite it’s like all this guy does is play defense stay in front of the rim block shots get the get rebounds there’s more to life there’s more to basketball than rebounds and blocks I think people get frustrated with that I also think he has a weird sense of humor apparently apparently allegedly I don’t know if this is true but I’m going to spread the rumor he was uh trying to kiss Donovan it was like a gag that he did and uh while he was trying to kiss Donovan Mitchell he uh gave him Co Legend has it of course he touched all the mics during the press conference which you know if Co never happened no one says anything about this it’s let’s say it was a you know what was the one before that SARS it was SARS there SARS going around which never really amounted to anything in North America and he touched all the mics people would have been like oh silly Rudy they thought they would have thought it was funny and apparently he did it to say like I’m not afraid of you like I’m going to touch your germs not like I’m going to leave all my germs you know so I can’t hold it against him I know a lot of people still do uh I don’t know what draymond’s draymond’s got against him but he does not like that guy he I don’t even know it just like it’s funny because the fight was between Jaden McDaniels and Clay Rudy goes in there to break it up and Klay just like chokes or Draymond just chokes just chokes him he’s like I’ve been waiting for this any sort of like oh Rudy is in the scuffle he’s involved in some way I’m going to use this as an opportunity to kick his ass we’ll get to him later Luca people don’t I don’t think Luca just complains a lot that’s really it I have all these notes Here I have all these uh you know like oh yeah he’s uh efficient scorer C like people celebrate him a lot doesn’t really play defense doesn’t switch um flopping is a major part of his game remember the Luca special remember Deon Booker falling down crying getting up saying that’s the Luca special saying Luca falls down flops all the time that’s how it’s done of course LCA got the last laugh on that cuz they beat the Phoenix Suns that one year in the semi-finals Western Conference semi-finals I think so um yeah he’s good too I think people get frustrated with that but the real reason is he just complains so much even in the I think it was the FBA World Cup last year remember he was just like he did a press conference and he was just complaining about the refs the whole time and that was also the reason why Slovenia didn’t beat Lithuania I think I think that was who they played but he just got so wrapped up in like complaining and he’s always leading the league in technical fouls he’s such a great player and then off the court you know later or before the game when he’s cooled off before a game he’s ready to play he’s all smiles seems like a really cool guy but in the moment he cannot keep his emotions under control and it’s become a huge problem for that team right cuz he’s such an incredible player such an incredible Talent has you know he has the potential to get the most First Team all NBAs of all time or have the longest streak of being First Team all NBA this is a uh once in a-lifetime player but he he can’t control his emotions and it’s not good for the team and it’s also kind of like selfish in a way especially if you’re only complaining about your own calls um it’s just a little bit self- involved all right it’s like a lack of perspective it’s also self- involved from the fact that when you’re getting teexs the other team getting a free throw they’re getting the ball back it’s not good it’s hurting your team uh because you have this ego as if you can do nothing wrong so pray for Luca Pat Bev I actually and you know oh I haven’t I hope I’ve been saying positive things about these guys somehow I forgot to do that I like Pat Bev’s game he is one of my favorite games in the league I think he has the most confident and uh I think he’s the most confident game in the league and he seems like he knows what he’s doing I think he’s a natural basketball player I think he’s one of the and it’s I mean he’s not tall right he’s had to work very hard I think he was in a documentary I think he was in hoop dreams that documentary from a while back I never saw it but um the dude wants to play I mean he worked really hard he was over in overseas had to buy his way out of his contract to get back to the NBA really an incredible story and he plays really hard and I think part of the reason why he’s annoying you know he knows how to get under guy skin and that is part of his game so would he would we talk about him would we know him if he wasn’t so annoying I don’t think we would I think it’s all part of it one thing I have to say though is he does gas up he gases up other players on his podcast and I find it so funny cuz he’s such a you know he’s a [ __ ] talker but then when the guy like you know uh tangelo Russell on his contract he’s like man people don’t really appreciate your game like that man people don’t really see what you can do they don’t like you’re you’re such an incredible player and but people don’t really see it of course DLo is like yeah man I’ve been saying that I’ve been saying how good I am but nobody understands I’ve been saying that people’s perception of me is wrong and I’m actually really good when people think I’m a ISO scorer that can’t score you understand Pat you understand my talent uh and I think Pat beb does it so he can get guests if you look at his show it clearly gets more views when he has a big guest on did the same thing with Draymond back when Draymond got his new contract I think it was like 20 million a year however many uh years it was he was like man you taking a pay C bro and Draymond thank you thank man I am taking a p like people don’t appreciate that I’m like dude would you say that maybe he would maybe these guys are cool but it is funny he just gasses them up and those dudes will eat the BS that Pat bebs gives and I respect it also him calling Chris Paul Con on ESPN got him a bar stool podcast that’s why you know he’s like oh this guy’s uh you know Barcelo knows what they’re doing they’re like this guy’s divisive he’s goingon to say stuff he’s going to be Stephen A right he can be our Stephen A and um I think that show is pretty successful he is obnoxious though remember when he told that reporter I forget her name but he’s like you didn’t subscribe to the Pod well you can’t and it was after a loss bad look he’s suspend I don’t know if he’s going to get picked up for another contract he’s a free agent right now no one’s picked him up I got to be honest they should cuz also He’s a good teammate uh he rides with his dogs remember when JJ reck was criticizing doc openly he defended Doc and basically unfairly criticized JJ that’s what you do you sort of like frame an insult in a way that makes it look like you know what you’re talking about cuz he was saying oh doc saved your career he like gave you a starting job of course JJ R’s like no that’s not really true but you kind of look like a [ __ ] if you’re defending yourself hey I’m just saying B knows what he’s doing and I respect it and I hope he is in the league to serve those two game suspensions next season because I like Pat Bev I like it like I said I like his game I like his personality too Trey young another player I really like I actually think I think he’s underrated I think he’s dare I say I think he’s as good as Jaylen Brunson I think he’s as good as johnar he’s inefficient though and that’s the problem he just like Chucks he likes to Chuck he likes to shoot uh but he definitely he’s like led the league in assists I believe in total assists um and he plays I know he had surgery last year he plays a lot I do like his game he’s great he can get to the basket and dish out he’s awesome he is an awesome player and yeah sure he doesn’t play defense he’s getting better at it he was doing that thing where he shoot threes and he’d W he’d hang out watch and then meanwhile the guy that was guarding him was hustling down the court shot misses that guy’s wide open um he’s one of these players that it didn’t they just didn’t learn defense they’re incredible offenders but like they just never learned it they were like I don’t that’s not what I do cuz I think in college and in uh high school it’s you can be that score and people are like he’s our best player and you’re not really considering defense cuz the thing is when a less skilled the higher the skill level goes the higher the offensive level goes you don’t need to be as good at defense when you’re younger because the thing is it’s hard to put the ball in the hoop most of the time the size of the rim is doing a lot of the defense for you so it was just something that Trey young never learned and I think that’s the problem he also likes the taunt and he’s been through a lot of coaches I stole this from am Hoops because I was doing research for this video I stumbled upon an AM Hoops video so I have to give Casey Kieran a shout out and he showed a clip of Lloyd Pierce when when uh uh he didn’t make the US national team in 2020 Lloyd Pierce was like I guess the quote was like oh yeah where they like should Trey have made the team this is his this is his player he’s the coach and he’s like no I respect the decision you know I respect the nation the NBA or whatever the US national team I respect their decision like n he should be like hey it’s my starting point guard yeah you should had him on the team you know he was Allstar all NBA whatever he was I don’t know why he wasn’t at at least given the opportunity that’s what you say you support your guy you don’t say like you know I support the US national team’s decision they know what they’re doing over there right well unless you just don’t like Trey so oh we also didn’t get a lot of All-Star votes from the players and coaches something’s up man he’s tough to work with I don’t know why I don’t know what would lead anyone to feel that way but players and coaches don’t like the guy they just don’t Marie this is a personal one uh okay Mark who pushed him Mark Kei Morris pushing yic granted yic pushing him from behind and like he like H his spine or something yic shouldn’t have done that yic is like probably my favorite player now but I have to say jokic was more in the wrong than Marie Morris Marie Morris shoved him like that and then you know yog get retaliated which hey and then Marcus Morris called him a big fat boy and I thought it was interesting cuz Marcus Morris and Marie morrris ended up on the opposite side of joic in this when most of the entire league loves Nicola yic I don’t think anyone really has a bad thing to say about the guy so for these two um but I really don’t like them it seems like they’re always breaking out in a fight in every game and they always like to get in guys faces and like do that I’m like dude just swing just swing do it cuz it’s just or make out like just kiss him but this like you you think think yeah like dude just just grope each other do you know do something don’t tease us um but he started to fight with anobi dude he threw down uh Davis Berton instead of like boxing him out just threw him down like that he does it all the time so it’s frustrating when I’m watching these games and it’s like oh we have to like we have to stop the game we have to stop the game and wait for a Morris brother to you know get ejected I’m not into it and then what’s this guy Justin what’s his name Justin Anderson I think who bashes the ball on his head he did it twice in this G he does it twice I don’t okay I have to say something nice about Marcus Morris marke Morris I just felt the negativity in in my solar plexus and I Dark Cloud they’re in the league I believe one of them’s on the Cavs now one of them’s a free agent maybe he’ll sign the deal I think they’re 34 35 and they’re still in the league they must be providing some value all right so good for them good for them you know I that’s impressive a lot of the guys from the draft class are gone so um they’re finding a way to provide value so they’re not my favorite players this is a personal one so thank you for letting me do that I’m not a Draymond guy either okay stomping on sabonis and then just flaming his arm hitting use of nkic I don’t even think that was like a retaliation okay um he did Apologize he also did apologize for the Jordan pool thing I watched Pablo t tor’s uh T Pablo T’s find out whatever that show is finds out pablor finds out great show you haven’t watched that show if you like this show you’d like that show it’s a better version of this show dude he apparently what P said was you’re an expensive backpack for 30 30 being Steph Curry which is uh kind of it’s good it’s not bad um but I think it was an accumulation with other things Draymond like I’m punch this guy in the face also watch the kick I should have put it on here watch the kick watch when he punches he like swings back he like kicks his leg it’s kind of funny it’s kind of [ __ ] check it out um but yeah he also brags about oh they won’t eject me from games he just has this sort of you know attitude about him which is it earned you know four championships the guy has skill everyone calls him a basketball genius everyone every player they know more about basketball than you or I do Draymond Green is good and he provides a lot of value to the Golden State Warriors they’re keeping him around I thought they might trade him actually you know what’s funny Draymond Green didn’t think he was going to get another contract he thought his last year I believe he thought last year was his last year after the punch I believe I’m confused I’m confused but I know that he thought he was not going to get another contract with the Warriors which does showcase that he does have a little bit of humility and why he doesn’t like Rudy goar I don’t know why he’ll find any reason to take a shot at Rudy goar when he has all this basketball knowledge in his head that he could share on TNT he’ll be like yeah that’s all that’s great Chuck that’s good Sha but I know Rudy goar’s not in this game but I wouldn’t like to criticize him I don’t know if he actually did that I think he I think he was doing it was a game with Minnesota so maybe it was fair maybe it was not also Daniel Gafford was on the show after after the Mavs had won I believe it must have been that game against Minnesota but Draymond gives him tips like very uh like lowlevel tips in terms lowl meaning like very detailed tips in certain game situations and dude gaffard was cool about it D Gafford was like oh like thanks man that’s actually really helpful and I respect that from Gafford because I have the ego and the insecurity to be like well hey if I took tips from you maybe I wouldn’t have even made the playoffs I would have been that [ __ ] so good for Daniel gaffard I don’t know pray for Draymond pray for Draymond man that was y I’m getting negative well here’s a guy Dylan Brooks who actually I like him he does he hit LeBron James in the balls there’s a Nast this was back when I forget what te where did he play I don’t remember Canadian dude people I don’t know I don’t I like the Canadian guys I’m kind of rooting for Canada in the Olympics just cuz I think this states are too jacked jacked stacked way too stacked so and I think it’s better for basketball if a different team wins other than the United States do you feel me and I don’t you know in the World Cup I’m there I got my jersey on you know I got my Uncle Sam hat I’m all I’m all about it I’m proud to be American but when it comes to basketball in the Olympics I’m like probably better for basketball if Spain Serbia wins I feel was that treat reason um but yeah Dylan Brook’s leg locks players he flails his arms and hits people in the face that’s very common amongst all these guys this sort of like this guy beat me smack hit him in the face can uh can’t make a basket if I scratched your retina U pretty common move he I mean he teab bagged LeBron tried to do in a sneaky way remember his quote I I poke Bears uh even when he’s getting cooked he’s still talking mess which I like I like his outfits too I like that he just leans into it he’s like yeah I’m going to get cooked I’m going to get beat but I’m just going to lean into this idea of myself I’m going to be like wildly arogant and talk a lot of crap and wear these cool outfits and even if I’m getting beat I’m still just going to be this character and be consistent and I do like that I actually really do like that from him dude he clobbered remember gp2 when he just clobbered gp2 I think that broke his wrist too same s situation as uh Caruso Grayson Allen man it was prettyy brutal that was a flagrant yeah two yeah that was a flagrant 2 I’m pretty sure if I remember correctly is the camera focused but I do like him I I don’t know why the Grizzlies publicly stated we are not bringing back Dylan Brook something happened with him but he was a Vibe dude he would you know he led the dance circles and stuff looks like he’s still doing it for the Rockets I think that’s very important um um I like that he got that big deal cuz I mean JJ reic brought this up but he’s like yeah y’all y’all were making jokes about him playing in China next year that guy just signed like a you know whatever $25 million contract like 25 a year I think it was like four years 225 million every year so I like that JJ reck was like yeah you can laugh but he’s laughing all the way to the bank he’s on a team he’s getting paid well and he had a great season he’s a good Defender I believe he’s been on an all defensive team um you need Dylan Brooks in the league granted I don’t like the dirty plays I don’t like you know gp2 breaking his wrist obviously not but um you do need a guy with Attitude like that it’s good for the league you need a heal you need someone so how about that positivity you know D Dylan Brooks I’m here for it I like that he’s playing for Canada I like that he played for Canada in FBA I like that he took his shirt off spun it around I think he did that I I have a weird maybe it’s a false memory of him taking a shirt off spinning around after Canada beat the US I didn’t like that by the way I didn’t like that at all so that’s it but um hope you have a good day I hope it’s not too you know I I don’t want to start your day on like a negative note the the Hate’s in the title but it’s done I’m uploading the video thanks for being here because you’re mothers


Dillon Brooks, known for his tenacious defense and gritty playing style, has made a significant impact since entering the NBA. Drafted by the Memphis Grizzlies in 2017, Brooks quickly established himself as a formidable two-way player. His aggressive defense often disrupts opponents’ offensive flow, and his scoring ability, particularly from beyond the arc, makes him a key contributor on the offensive end. Brooks’ intensity and toughness have become hallmarks of his game, earning him respect and recognition as a pivotal player in Memphis’ rising young core.

Draymond Green, a cornerstone of the Golden State Warriors’ dynasty, is celebrated for his versatility and defensive prowess. A three-time NBA champion and Defensive Player of the Year, Green’s ability to guard multiple positions and his high basketball IQ make him invaluable. His playmaking skills and leadership on and off the court have been instrumental in the Warriors’ success. Often the emotional leader of the team, Green’s fiery competitiveness and exceptional court vision contribute to his reputation as one of the league’s most unique and impactful players.

Grayson Allen, known for his sharpshooting and hustle, has carved out a niche in the NBA with his relentless work ethic. A former standout at Duke University, Allen was drafted by the Utah Jazz in 2018 before finding a home with the Milwaukee Bucks. His ability to stretch the floor with his three-point shooting and his pesky defense make him a valuable role player. Despite controversies over his aggressive playing style, Allen’s dedication to his craft and his contributions to team success cannot be overlooked.

Kevin Durant, one of the most prolific scorers in NBA history, combines a rare blend of size, skill, and agility. Standing at 6’10”, Durant’s ability to shoot over defenders, handle the ball, and finish at the rim makes him virtually unguardable. A two-time NBA champion and Finals MVP with the Golden State Warriors, Durant has also excelled with the Oklahoma City Thunder, Brooklyn Nets, and now the Phoenix Suns. His scoring prowess, clutch performances, and versatility have solidified his legacy as one of the greatest players of all time.

Luka Dončić, the Slovenian sensation, has taken the NBA by storm since being drafted by the Dallas Mavericks in 2018. Known for his exceptional playmaking, scoring ability, and court vision, Dončić has drawn comparisons to legends like Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.

Trae Young, the dynamic point guard for the Atlanta Hawks, is known for his deep shooting range and exceptional playmaking ability. Drafted in 2018, Young has quickly become one of the league’s most electrifying players, often drawing comparisons to Stephen Curry for his shooting prowess. His ability to score from virtually anywhere on the court and his knack for creating opportunities for his teammates have made him a cornerstone of the Hawks’ future.

Chris Paul, often referred to as the “Point God,” is renowned for his elite playmaking, leadership, and defensive tenacity. Over his illustrious career with teams like the New Orleans Hornets, Los Angeles Clippers, Houston Rockets, Oklahoma City Thunder, Phoenix Suns, and now the Golden State Warriors, Paul has consistently demonstrated his ability to elevate those around him.

### Rudy Gobert

Rudy Gobert, the French center known as the “Stifle Tower,” is a dominant force in the paint. A three-time Defensive Player of the Year, Gobert’s shot-blocking ability, rebounding, and overall defensive presence make him one of the most impactful big men in the league.

### Patrick Beverley

Patrick Beverley, renowned for his defensive intensity and relentless energy, has built a career on being one of the league’s premier perimeter defenders. Known for his gritty and physical style of play, Beverley’s tenacity often gets under opponents’ skin. His journey from playing overseas to becoming a key player for teams like the Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Clippers, Minnesota Timberwolves, Chicago Bulls, and now the Philadelphia 76ers is a testament to his perseverance and work ethic.

### Marcus Morris

Marcus Morris, a versatile forward known for his scoring and toughness, has been a consistent contributor throughout his NBA career. With stints at the Phoenix Suns, Boston Celtics, New York Knicks, and Los Angeles Clippers, Morris has showcased his ability to score both inside and out.
### Markieff Morris

Markieff Morris, the twin brother of Marcus, is known for his physicality and versatility on the court. A reliable scorer and defender, Markieff has played for several NBA teams, including the Phoenix Suns, Washington Wizards, Detroit Pistons, Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat, and Dallas Mavericks. His ability to stretch the floor with his shooting and his toughness in the paint make him a valuable role player.


  1. No booker? And grayson allen didnt seem as hated while he was in the suns they loved him there
    Also cutest nba youtuber

  2. I have a deep resentment for every player that left the Lakers and went on to be amazing elsewhere (Randle, Ingram, etc)

    Maybe that’s the Lakers fault and my hatred is misplaced. Go figure

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