@Milwaukee Bucks

Is this the Summer of MarJon and other Summer League thoughts after an ugly loss to the Cavs

Is this the Summer of MarJon and other Summer League thoughts after an ugly loss to the Cavs

today’s lockdown bucks is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs have wound Down Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started on today’s show we recap the second game in summer league a lot of ugly moments as the Bucks lose by 30 plus to the Cleveland Cavaliers so we dig into the good and bad from game two of summer league and more importantly carry over some of that conversation on Marjan Bo champ some interesting things that came out of that interview he did with Eric name and some of the things cight said oh you know that’s a good point some big things to touch on with Marjan as he enters his third summer league we get into that conversation coming up next un locked on bucks you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into lock on bucks I’m Justin Garcia joined by Camille Davis we thank you as always for making locked on your first listen every day free in available wherever you get your podcasts and you can find us on YouTube as well it is all part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day uh Camille as uh we talked about summer league for the bucks and uh game number two came backtack games for this team so you had the excitement of hey summer league is back and I think very early into that second game well I’m ready to take a pause from Summer leag the final score bucks lose 112 to 81 against the Cavaliers who played just as poorly as we saw the Bucks play in their summer league opener so they were looking to redeem themselves and boy did they ever in this one all five of their starters scored in double figures for the bucks again I think the two positive takeaways from A 31-point Loss were two names that we talked about a little bit just the other day Maran bamp who once again led the Bucks in scoring with 19 points and Chris Livingston who had 17 points seven rebounds very similar stat lines at least in terms of the rebounding is what he posted in game number one so I’m going to punt this one to you where do you want to begin with game number two of Summer League where do you begin in a game like that where you just see a team get beat down from beginning to end no um I think that’s the actually the perfect place to start which is again a reminder it’s summerly y’all like don’t get too high from one game don’t get too low from another just focus on what you’re seeing from guys doing on the court um if there’s flashes whether for good or for bad and then go from there so I think I think your boy Chris Livingston deserves some some love to start out here because um again it was a game where you saw Maran taking on I to say the heaviest offensive load but Chris Livingston was the guy who it seems like third quarters in the Bucks are just summer bucks uh have just been a thing because you saw Chris lingon in the third quarter against the the Cavaliers come to life a bit as well just kind of steady scoring steady scoring and the Bucs went really small in this particular game with their starting lineup not having a traditional Center in it and Chris Livingston just really trying to guard up uh which bit them in the butt quite a few different ways but seeing if Chris can guard up um and just seeing his ability to do that was I think really interesting I wouldn’t put him on uh you know bigs in the NBA but uh just again summer Le let’s see what you can do if this is a possibility for us to do and I think that what we saw from Chris Livington today uh in the second game was was encouraging I would say yeah um efficient from the floor went six of 11 three of five on threes you you obviously don’t expect that or anticipate that in every game but he’s another one of those guys where we talked about just show me some signs especially given some of those comments that we heard what about a week ago getting ready for the season when the Bucks were talking about their roster construction more than a week ago when Tyler Smith and AJ Johnson were introduced and we heard from Doc Rivers and John hor a couple of the young guys Chris livon was one of them and I think it was John Horus that said he’s been working his butt off and we think he’s ready to contribute this season so just setting those foundational pieces building on it and again I I don’t care if we don’t notice that Chris Livingston is on the floor because that to me is a good thing as we talked about on the show the other day or yesterday of look as as long as your assignment’s sure you’re probably not going to notice him because nobody’s blown by him maybe he’s not putting out any highlight re defensive plays or offensive plays but if you just do your job that should be good enough with the makeup of this team assuming it staying as is with those key vets like obviously Giannis and Dame and Chris Middleton and and Brook Lopez do your job right to borrow from Bill bich and the Patriots if you do that everything behind you should be good enough you hear the Buck Say it too you hear Yiannis be a star in your role whatever your role is be a star at it um and again we mentioned how summer league the environment is different because you have guys playing in roles that you might not see them play in the regular season when they’re playing on the main roster uh but for Chris Livingston it’s the defensive interest because of all the different wings that the Bucs have of the young Wings nobody’s built quite like Chris Livingston when it comes to the actual like strength that he has like he is built really really solid uh where you think like how can he can he guard up can he guard down and he looked really assignment Shore for the most part uh throughout summer league again a lot of switching for the bucks something that they’ve been talking about doing uh throughout the summer league run here and you’ve been seeing them doing that uh so Chris Livingston definitely stood out to me in the three-point shooting it’s second game in a row where it’s just been he’s not putting up a lot of them but he’s knocking him down like he’s opening knocking the shot down and there were a few times with Livingston throughout this game where I mean the Bucks were floundering and then he just hits a shot again they lost by like 30 points so it’s not as if at any point it like helped the Busia back into the game but uh he was adding offense at a time where they really needed some especially with uh Maran Bo champ like I mentioned he had the the green light the offense is running through you and as it should uh with him being like the the vet quote unquote coming back on this particular Squad but uh just seeing Chris Livingston be consistent was really cool especially after like a Ryan Rollins somebody who isn’t necessarily even looking at he’s been a two-way guy for the bucks but he shined in the first game didn’t have as good of a second game um so like those Chris meston Chris meston Chris Livingston minutes of him just looking solid uh mean a lot and you mentioned the build of Chris Livingston too for the uh the I think you should leave fans out there I think Chris Livingston’s a graduate from Little buff boys when you just look at the frame that he brings with him that was what drew me to him when we talk about hey you need guys that can defend bigger wings and take on some of those assignments when you see him it’s like you’re a casting director and you say that guy gets the part all right oh he can’t actually we’re doing a musical oh he can’t sing all right we’ll figure some out we’ll find somebody that can but that’s what draws you to a Chris Livingston so I think going forward definitely very curious to see what he can build on in these next couple games similar story from Maron Bo champ I know we talked about him quite AIT during our our post gamer of game one of summer league but we didn’t get really into the weeds with uh some of those pieces from the story that Eric n had the on the athletic Visa Maran his previous two years and some of the expectations and what the Bucks vocalize to him they are looking for from him in this summer league campaign so we’ll get into the Maran Bo champ chatter next on lock on bucks well I love sports so much that I never want them to stop you probably feel the same way that I do and now we’ve kind of hit that point on the calendar well that’s just not the case but as the playoffs have wound down even though we’re getting fewer games and the sports aren’t sporting like we want them to FanDuel keeps you and sports going whenever you want all you have to do is open up the app and dream up bets anytime you’re in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and for those of you that are watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day but have to turn down the volume every so often because of all the shouting well just means it’s time to make the Swit to lock on sports today it is a free 247 sports streaming channel programed for you every day bringing you the biggest stories without all of the screaming lock on sports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news and it streams 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day we uh spent quite a bit of time after summer league game one talking about Maran Bo champ Camille but it was mostly kept it to what we saw in that game so I I wanted to get a little bit more off into expectations and everything else and it pairs up with uh the interview that he had with Eric name of the athletic just as a summer league was starting for the bucks and going over some things is as simple as expectations what he was told coming into this and as we mentioned uh after game one of you need to look like you’re the best player on the floor it may not have been worded that way but that’s essentially what Maran had said was the message relate to him as well from Doc Rivers and and John horse but I’m gonna start with this he uh basically started the story when talking about summer league and and we’ll get into this being his third but saying you know Doc Rivers said I want you to play in two games after that whatever happens happens it’s kind of up to you and that’s something that I wondered as well like is he if he shows out in a game or two like do they pull him after that like what is the the Mandate going to be for Maran and hearing that doc was like I just need two and then after that like we’ll see what it is but um one other thing that the article pointed out that kind of shoted me okay like the hearing how many games they’re expecting play like that’s really interesting but also just pointing out the fact that Maran has had three new coaches in 12 months yeah and I was just like that is a lot of transition to try to get underneath you when you’re a young guy like not having that stability is hard for vets in itself but when you’re a younger guy in the league and you’re learning how to play ball and you’re trying to figure out what your role is how you’re going to be used and then you have to go through three coaches in 12 months like that can be overwhelming um and a lot to go through so for Marjan seeing him and getting on the court and green like yeah okay I know I’m going into my third year there’s only eight guys from my class from the first round who are also in this position so I’m going to try to make the most of it and him just attacking it and going out there and being like I want it so I’m going to show that I want this I’m going to try uh I applaud him for that eight guys uh in his draft class that you just pointed out who are playing in their third summer league only eight one of them is his teammates in Tai Tai Washington but um yeah so going back to the the two games thing that was interesting because there’s a couple of ways to look at it you can look at it as Doc Rivers told him that as in we just need to see two games of game footage and and whatnot and if you want to play more or you feel like you have some things to build on yourself then play more by all means you could also look at it the other way of I need two games if you need more than two games to show me this then I think we may not necessarily have a problem but like I need you to show me this in two games so it’s up to you as in be solid in those two games because if this stretches out then those questions start to pop up you mentioned the coaching piece and that is big you cannot discount that three separate coaches two of them I know the knocks are already out there they don’t play young guys right there’s a lot of coaches I hate to break it to you that are in that category of well they don’t really lean on young guys one of them especially Mike buen holer he was a rookie and I know there was Dante dienzo show me the other rookies that have really played under bud and under a lot of coaches like Bud coaching a team in the case of Maran coming off of a championship but competing for championships so that’s obviously a big piece of it then you go into the coaching change with Adrien Griffin where I think we talked about this before too you kind of feel like okay the way that Griff is talking what he wants to see defensively from his team I would assume this a big opportunity for Maran you saw flashes of it flash is a word that we’ve used a lot here recently but you saw flashes of it nothing really consistent then you had the coaching change the other piece is he’s gone through three coaches in 12 months and dealt with a lot of injuries now all of a sudden now not major injury so that’s the good piece is I know there’s that you know portion of Bucs fans that’ll Chris Middleton’s this and that and that and and injury-prone it’s nothing serious like that but even stuff as small as it is the shoulder issue and other things that he dealt with last season it’s the worst possible time for that to come up when again Doc Rivers pointed out several times last season we don’t have practice right we had three days from the time that I took over as head coach of the Bucks three days where we could actually schedule practice so my opportunity to see these young guys is in games and Maran was behind the eightball in that sense just because he wasn’t able to play in those games we saw after the first game where he was coming up he looked like he was HT at the end of the first game we come to find out it was cramps luckily it wasn’t anything really serious but as soon as I saw that too I was just like come on like the the injury like has to change for Maran because two-year point he finished last season U dealing with some things which is also part of the reason why he wasn’t able to get as familiar or doc wasn’t able to get as familiar with his game because when they were able to have practices and whatnot he wasn’t able to really go um so this is really important for him and I do Wonder as you mentioned if I wonder if we see him after uh game too I feel like with the outcomes that we’ve had uh that we might see some more Maran and just kind of like I just kind of want to get back out there because again he was the main offensive go-to for the bucks throughout the first two games you saw it again in game two against the Cavs he was what six of 16 from the field the three ball you know he’s three of eight so like there were flashes of good for sure you also saw some of the questionable decision- making which is something that uh doc has emphasized of like this is what the summer is really about for you we want to see the decision making be better pass shoot do something but do it quick and make it the right decision um so him being able to kind of practice the decision- making is a big piece of it and again I saw some times in the game against the Cavs where the it was just like was this really the best shot to take in this moment or was this the right decision to make so that’s something I think he still has to work on and if summer league doesn’t Propel him ahead um it’s just going to make training camp when those doors open assuming he’s on the roster and everything is how it is now um they’re going to be a lot of bodies to be competing with um for him in that playing time and you would hope that summer league gives him a boost heading into that situation uh but right now it’s been kind of a mixed bag of again the first game that third quarter where he like the best player on the floor it’s like if we can get that consistently you feel really good about it um but it’s been up and down a bit but I love the fact that on defense he has been really trying to go out there he had a possession against the Cavs where he caused the 8sec violation against immani Bates back court where it’s like I love those flashes um but you also see the decision making has to improve for him yeah and it’s not you you mentioned it I was going to point out but you you added that second piece too it’s not just improve your decision- making as doc said quick right we need you to either when you get it take the shot pass it dribble and attack the basket because we’ve seen maybe not so much indecision but just hesitation a lot from Marjan and you can get away with it a lot of times in the minutes where we’ve seen him primarily play the last two years especially um but again there are no major changes that this team is facing at this point you have to assume they’re going in the season as is basically maybe somebody else will be added to the roster but I think we both feel like if it’s not the guy that it seems to be very polarizing of why does everybody keep mentioning Gary Trent he’s not going to come here because of the money look there’s not money out there so I think we do have to keep bringing up that name but if it’s not going to be Gary Trent Jr I think we both feel like well you’d probably like another point guard type somebody that can handle the ball initiate facilitate offense or a big so that to me seems to open the door even more for Maran for Chris Livingston for Andre Jackson Jr to say okay guys who’s gonna win this job maybe it’s just one maybe it’s two but who’s going to take the ball and run with it here because I think the last thing to point out with Marjan in his first three years are we mentioned the coaching changes we mentioned being dinged up in some of the injuries but the positional depth chart too when you think about some of the guys that have been placed in front of him with where he situated Pat Conan another polarizing name but Pat Conan is higher than Maran Bo champ on the depth chart and look the first two years of Maran Bo Champ’s career you could see why with the way that Pat conon was playing you have Chris Middleton who essentially plays that same spot you’ve had other guys come and go I mean you traded five second rounders for Jay Crowder so I think that was another piece of it is he’s not a two guard he’s not really a three he’s kind of a tweener he is certainly not a point guard and that was what kind of cracked the door open for on for for Andre Jackson Jr was obviously the defensive intensity that he brings but he could also handle the ball and bring it up so Maron is just kind of lum into whatever Pat and Chris and most of the guys we’ve had on this team play you play that too and I think that was the other challenge for him yeah it absolutely was and to the point of of the ball handling and bringing the ball up we did see a little bit of Maran bringing the ball up throughout summer league as well where he’s initiating the offense which was a piece of this particular summer league team where I was like I’m going to be curious to see who’s initiating the offense on this team um we saw Tai Tai get the start in this particular game but you did still see Andre Jackson Jr initiating you saw Aj Johnson initiating you saw Maron every soften initiating and that’s not something for Maran where I’m thinking oh yeah for maran’s role um that’s not a piece of what I’ve thought about although he can be slid in as a guard um so seeing him just get the opportunity to do that as well was interesting to me and just seeing how he dealt with that pressure of like okay I’m bringing the ball up I’m going to initiate can I make the right decision um here to start the offense off for the team um not a whole lot else to get into from a game where you trailed by 35 at the half and ended up losing by uh 31 but there were some more odds and ends to catch you up on in terms of news that came out over the weekend for the bucks uh we know who they’re in the group with now in the uh Emirates cup no longer the inseason tournament and uh we think a former member of the Bucks moving on potentially overseas we’ll get into that conversation coming up after the break here unlocked on bucks passion drive and patience that is the formula for winning championships that is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers all right Camille I I said we should catch the uh the folks up on some news for the bucks uh the league announced the draw for the Emirates cup it’s going to be a challenge to kind of break that uh that memory and not call it the inseason tournament anymore but the Emirates cup we got our draws and uh some carryovers for the bucks in terms of who they have in their group it is not the group of death that we’ve seen elsewhere I think really what was it Group C in the west when you look up and down that is gonna be tough but um similar format to last year where it is going to be Tuesdays and Fridays where you have your group play games November 12th through December 3rd so same weeks on the NBA calendar the one tweak was it’s going to basically be a week in Las Vegas so it’s not just hey your team is going to be uh playing for the cup you got two days to get out there so it’s it’s gonna start Tuesday in Vegas and wrap up throughout the week so this isn’t a Thursday afternoon into Saturday thing that we’re looking at um but the Bucks group in the uh the group that they are in here the Pacers Indiana Pacers in their bracket Toronto rap Miami Heat once again and the Detroit Pistons so the heat are the carryover team from their group last year and the home games are going to be with the Pacers and the Raptors Road games with Miami and uh Detroit um look the Pistons they’re not going to be a playoff team they’re going to be better than they were last year just because they brought in more vets made a coaching change the Bucks in the heat in Miami is always an adventure regardless of who’s on either team the Raptors are going to be an interesting team to watch this season and then the Intrigue the Indiana Pacers and a game that’ll be played in Milwaukee for the Emirates cup um I don’t know if you were watching when ESPN unveiled the groupings but Miles Turner was one of the three guys that they used to read them off and uh as soon as that group was read I believe he was the one that read it too he immediately said when somebody mentioned like hey that’s going to be interesting the first round series what seems like a budding rivalry that you have with the Bucks and you’re going to Milwaukee to play that game and Miles Turner quickly pointed out we did not take that ball ball gate will live on forever clearly uh even based on his reaction there but I mean listen when you’re looking at the East as you said about the West some of the grouping there where like grouping of death uh you don’t necessarily have that in the in the East over here so the bugs were still a one seed technically because they finished third in the East um and then you got the Pacers the heat the Raptors and the the Pistons so it’s not necessarily a difficult group to your point about the Pistons I don’t think they’re gonna be as bad as they were with 14 wins last year really going out on LM there you know what I’m saying good good analysis right here good analysis here um so I mean you got that you got the Raptors who should be interesting I would say in the heat you can never really know what to make of them uh I can’t wait to see KH wear in the regular season as well see what he develops into as well but it’s the Pacers like that’s that’s the draw of this particular grouping I know the NBA says this is random doesn’t feel random to me feels like feels like good advertisement like you’ve seen what’s been happening with the Bucks and with the Pacers they had a first round playoff series they played what was it 11 times last year between having five regular season games and then the playoffs so um a lot of history developing really quickly between these two teams and it should be good TV for uh the NBA well and look the league wants to eliminate any of that ambiguity just televis the actual draws don’t just show me here’s the groups like televis pulling the envelopes and whatnot because if you are the conspiracy theorist type I think you would point to oh the Bucks and the Pacers that’s that’s interesting and also oh the Mavs and the Warriors are in the same group and the league also announces Klay Thompson’s return to the Bay is going to be in that game so okay I see how this works if if you buy into the conspiracies I think those are two things that would certainly push you down that path um the last piece of potential news I guess we should say to wrap things up on is I know a lot of people asked hey what’s the deal with Pat Beverly is Pat Beverly going to be back with the Bucks and we talked about this early in the offseason didn’t really seem like it right you thought towards the end of the season yeah they’d love to keep him maybe it was the way things ended in Indiana knowing it’s it’s what a four game suspension I think that he has to serve um maybe it was that maybe it was just again the recognition of we need to get younger we need to get more athletic Pat Beverly solid Defender not the guy that he was in Houston or with the Clippers anymore uh but Pat Beverly and also as as you mentioned a number of times early in the offseason kind of indicating look I’m looking for money right I’m I’m looking to get paid more I’m not so into the Vet minimum and then as we pointed out a number of times you saw the market start to collapse on itself and all that money whether or not we should maybe Loop Franken for this and do a show towards the end of the offseason on the impact that Paul George signing with one of the teams that had money to spend had on the rest of the market and free agents that were out there because there’s money that you thought guys would get that just isn’t happening and that brings us to Pat well brings us to Gary Trent Jr that will continue to mention look don’t rule out a vet minimum there there’s just no money out there but um it also brings us to Pat Beverly who over the weekend via the pat Beverly podcast Twitter account X news made the announcement that he’s looking at one of two places to play next season considering an NBA vetman or considering it what was a historical contract historic contract so play over in Europe which to your point we heard Pat be come out himself and say like I think I’ve played to get a little bit of a raise off of a vet men this upcoming year uh the way the market has shaken out uh all that’s available to Pat be at the moment is vet men um so it’s a decision for him do I want to continue to play in the NBA or do I want to go and Chase that paper and get a contract that is apparently going to be just something that we haven’t seen before um and I am somebody who is always very go get your money uh because an athlete’s career is only so long your earning potential is only as long in regards to playing on court it’s only as long as your body can hold up of course you can have the sponsorships to offc court things but when it comes to playing the game that you love uh your time is going to be short doing that so try to maximize it as much as possible uh so Pat Bev if he takes that contract overseas I get it for sure and also that just takes off one of those vet men that could have gone could go to Philly could go to Miami could go to any other team in the east as well where while he might not be who he was in Houston and who he was and and with the Clippers he can still be a useful guy in small minutes as we saw with the bucks so like if we don’t deal that irritation at all especially a year after he played with guys I know he’s gonna talk even more if he played against the bucks after spending some time with him I think that’s cool as well but more so than anything I just hope for Pat Bev uh that he can go ahead get that check be happy uh with whatever it comes next in this next stage for his career tyus Jones is is still out there um and that’s another one of those guys that at this point tyus Jones and Gary Trent Jr are the two guys you would look at and say man Market really did a number on you guys with Paul George taking money from one of those teams that that had the money to spend um but I would assume he’s certainly going to be the primary target for even teams with a vet minimum for the same reason that we pointed out of the Bucks kicking the tires on Gary Trent Jr of hey I know it’s not what you anticipate you would get but you can rebuild your value here you can compete and maybe even we can pay you more next season um he’s I would assume going to sign first and then it would be Pat Beverly but very curious to uh to see and I I would assume knowing Pat Beverly the way that we do know him if he does take that um historic contract overseas I wouldn’t rule out finding out who that team was that he was weighing the options of taking a vet minimum from before uh signing that so I I think that’s going to be the very intriguing thing of who are the teams out there that we know could use a backup point guard a veteran point guard to help him out and who are the teams that are willing to or or only have a vet minimum to kick in um for that so we may know in the next day or so where Pat Beverly is going to be playing this uh next season this upcoming season whether that’s the NBA or overseas um we have a couple other topics to get to throughout the week here I mentioned one of them we’re not quite sure how to frame it yet but basically under the watch of John H what are the moves that stand out the most of man I wish we could have that back we’ve started to compile some that make the most sense to us so we’re going to devote an episode to that a little bit later in the week we mentioned again the mailbag still time to get your mailbag questions in there I think we may have Frank join us for that one as well uh so you can tweet your questions into any of the three of us or uh send them to that email as well I’ve retweeted the email address and pinned it to my account so use that for your questions but we’ll get to that at some point this week and we got two more games during the week for the bucks so we’ll have a post game Tuesday night for that late night game and then either a post game or a preview of the Bucks game on Friday we will get to uh this week so still a lot coming up this week on lock on bucks is we’ll see the last few dominoes fall in free agency and then shift towards what we think is probably a couple weeks of things starting to lay low and teams getting ready for their training camps and the regular season to begin man we are already what probably three weeks away three to four weeks away from finding the schedule for the bucks and the rest of the NBA it’s always right around the 10th to 15th of August so it’s coming up sooner than you would think for Camille I’m Justin we’ll talk to you once again tomorrow I’m locked on bucks

Justin and Camille look back at an ugly loss to the Cavs as the Bucks open up Summer League 0-2. What – if anything – were the takeaways from this one? More importantly is this summer the last shot for MarJon Beauchamp? We dig into his play so far and his interview with Eric Nehm on the latest Locked on Bucks

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  1. Any chance Horst is fired after this season? Fans yelled for the Bucks to draft Terrance Shannon Jr.. He debuts with 25 and looking great..Egg all over Horst face.

  2. Staying positive because we’re only two games in, but these early results are not inspiring confidence. The only people I would feel comfortable joining our regulars would be our two draft picks and maybe Ajax (although his game doesn’t appear improved either). That’s it. Hoping these guys show me differently, especially the the guards, because there’s a need, & I don’t see us getting Gary Trent Jr. (the latest desired piece to the puzzle).

  3. Marjon is very disappointing. Looks to have but zero effort into making himself a role player. Seems to be training towards being a primary scorer which, why? Never gonna happen. You werent even the guy on your high school teams young fella. He should have added 20 lbs ar this point and every once of his efforts should have been to become a fantastic defender, work his off ball game in the corner. Idk who is training and developing but they either suck or are robbing Marjon blind. This will be his last season in the NBA

  4. Every year me and many other bucks fans get excited about the idea of marjon, but he just has not progressed. He should be developing his game into a 3 and D player but the defense just isn’t quite where it should be, he makes a lot of bad decisions offensively. And it’s only summer league. Our young guys should be dominating summer league. They are supposed to be rotational pieces that are in their second/third year and we’re getting our ass kicked. Might be time to trade marjon

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