@Oklahoma City Thunder

What if Giddey becomes an MVP for the Bulls like Harden was for the Rockets?

What if Giddey becomes an MVP for the Bulls like Harden was for the Rockets?

by WallStreetDoesntBet


  1. RoboticBirdLaw

    Good for him if it happens. His role was such that it could never happen here.


    Probably not but I still think he’s one of the only traditional point guards left and has value in this league

  3. Over_Mulberry_1735

    Don’t disrespect my man James like that


  4. FuckingLoveArborDay

    No offense, OP, but I don’t think Josh can grow that kind of beard.

  5. Harden was a much better player by the time he left OKC than Giddey is right now. I’m not worried about Giddey becoming an MVP

  6. batler_forever

    If 2k is accurate that’s what always happens when Josh gets away from the thunder. 🤣

  7. BucketsBrooks

    I don’t think it would be viewed the same by fans and media. They could have paid Harden and his role on the team fit. No one knew he would develop into the player he is but they decided not to pay him.

    Giddey is a good player but his role doesn’t mesh with this team. He’s young, has good size and elite court vision. His shot is just not there (yet…possibly). They aren’t in a situation to pay someone whose role clashes with the other people on the team.

    So if he wins MVP, it means that the Bulls allowed him to play his style of play and his shot developed. Nothing that would have happened in OKC. So I hope he does honestly, but I don’t think the two would be viewed the same way.

  8. PreachitPerk

    I will be thrilled for him as his talents would fit a better roster construction, it would continue to show that Presti can see hidden value in the draft, and that the OKC Thunder FO are not beholden to the sunk costs fallacy.

  9. Big_Lou1108

    Let’s remove the variables of skill health, his role on the team etc and it does happen. Honestly I’d be happy for him, any former thunder that succeeds after their time with OKC would make me happy for them. Except maybe for KD – yeah I still think his move to gsw is kinda weak.

  10. blacksoxing

    OK, jumbled take aside, this would mean that Josh would have to raise his scoring average to nearly 2.5X his norm off top. He’s at slightly 14. He gotta get to 35 in the same vein that most MVPs do, if not at least 30. OP, you know that shit ain’t happening.

    He also gotta take a Bulls squad who is now trying to tank deep the East in the same vein of SGA. That ain’t happening.

    What I’m typing is that James Harden was a scorer who got fucked on his contract. Josh Giddey is a facilitator who got fucked on defense and got benched in key moments in games. Worlds apart. If he though became a world beater than I’m clapping for him every night as he has never personally wronged me in any fashion

  11. Flat-Drag-5267

    Not a good analogy because everyone knew Harden’s value.

  12. Anyone who thinks Giddey (2021-2024) was skill wise in the same room as Harden (2009-2012) is 14 years old or stupid.

  13. IF it does happen and IF OKC doesn’t win a championship in the next 10 years, unfortunately it will haunt us similarly to Harden.

    It made total sense to move Giddey based on the offensive fit, defensive struggles, and accelerated development of Chet and Dub as our 2/3 options. BUT as time goes on people will wonder if OKC should’ve stuck with him, gave him more control, allowed time for his shot to develop, etc.

    At the time it also made sense to move Harden! OKC was committed to paying KD, Russ, Serge. Harden would eventually demand more money, a larger role, and a starting spot which OKC did not want to give him. They were able to trade him for KMart who replaced his bench scoring, but because their title window closed so suddenly in 2016, people will always look back on the what ifs of the Harden trade.

  14. reddogisdumb

    Josh Freaking Giddey is never going to win the MVP. Cmon.

    He’s good enough to be the primary ball handler for a team that doesn’t have someone else who really is contending for the MVP as a primary ball handler already on the team.

    The idea that Josh Giddey is going to transform into the next James Harden is frankly ridiculous. His last season in OKC, Harden scored 16.8 PPG with .582 EFG. Giddey was 12.3 PPG with .523 EFG. So a lot fewer points, with much lower efficiency. The difference is even more glaring when you look at threes. If Giddey had been able to shoot like 2011-2012 Harden, the Thunder would have gone to the Finals last year and Giddey would never have been traded.

  15. LeCharliusJones

    If Josh Giddey and Alex Caruso were going to play a televised game of 1-on-1 today, who would you bet on?


  16. thebrodie925

    Would be really happy for him honestly, he was never ever going to become anymore than an awkward fitting role player here. He gets to go to his own team and show his true talents

  17. TPFRecoil

    I think Thunder fans are really afraid of repeating what happened with the Russ-KD-Harden team collapse, and are looking for echoes of that collapse where there isn’t any.

    Giddey isn’t Harden. He wasn’t a seamless fit on the team that we cut due to greed, and got very little back in return. He’s a promising player who couldn’t find a place on the team, and needs to be somewhere else. And unless Caruso has an unpredictable collapse or a season/career ending injury (God forbid), then I’m fairly certain in saying we got more in return in terms of team fit and current talent.

    If Giddey became an MVP, great. Doesn’t change anything from our standpoint.

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