@Phoenix Suns

Former Phoenix Sun Frank Kaminsky Catches Up With His BIGGEST Fan

Former Phoenix Sun Frank Kaminsky Catches Up With His BIGGEST Fan

I found Frank Kaminsky I told you I would uh here in Vegas you go from talking to Tom Ken a well-respected college basketball coach and analyst to having to deal with a guy that gave you a stupid nickname in your time in Phoenix how are you Frank I’m fantastic there’s no one else I’d rather be talking to that’s a boldfaced lie but we’ll take it I what’s life been like I know you got married last year you were playing overseas how you been I’m good um yeah I got married a little over a year ago last July um um almost shortly thereafter took a deal to go play in partisan and Serbia um felt like I had a good season played well got through a season healthy which has been a little bit of a struggle for me the last couple years but I feel great and it was a good good year over there so excited to be back in America though are you officially the most popular big man in Serbia no not even close second most I wouldn’t even say I’m in the top 2000 well you are you’re number one in the hearts of Phoenix Suns fan so don’t forget that so are are you looking at playing like is is that kind of the hope are you looking at maybe what’s next what’s what’s on the horizon for you I mean yeah I definitely want to continue to keep playing um you know an NBA opportunity would be amazing um you know that’s that’s really the hard part about my whole situation is I felt like I was in a great spot in Phoenix um playing for a really good team and I just got hurt at a bad time it felt like twice uh two times there I got hurt at bad times and you know that’s unfortunately part of the sport injuries happen happen and they suck every single time and uh it’s taken me a while to feel comfortable and healthy and everything again and I’d like to be able to have another shot another opportunity but um you know kind of once you leave and go over there it’s hard to make it back but you know I like the challenge of hopefully potentially being able to do that did you know that if you had scored 35 points in that last year with the Suns in a game I was going to have to get a tattoo of you I mean if Chris would have passed me the ball a couple more times I almost made that happen I know I was very scared that game I’m not going to lie uh so summer league what do you like about being out here it’s basically Comic-Con for basketball what’s your favorite part I mean like I told you guys walking over here uh you kind of forget how many people you know you know people you played with are now coaches coaches that coached for you now head coaches it’s it’s kind of crazy the the web and how far it goes so just being out here especially living close uh LA and Phoenix Phoenix is my hometown now I say um it’s it’s it’s easy to get over here and just see people you know former teammates coaches everybody it’s just it’s really nice to just have like a Gathering Spot to see everyone we will allow you to call Phoenix home uh did you know that we won or me personally basically won the uh best podcast in in the valley do you want to congratulate me for my Championship congratulations no one’s earned it more than you uh you always love catching up with Frank Kaminsky appreciate it man yep thank you for having me as always

Former Phoenix Sun Frank Kaminsky catches up with PHNX Suns’ Espo at 2024 NBA Summer League to talk about his basketball career, Phoenix being home and more Kaminsky Kove shenanigans.

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