@Detroit Pistons

Big D Energy | Monday, July 15th, 2024

Big D Energy | Monday, July 15th, 2024

with Calvin Johnson uh he’s a receiver you’re the lineman how did that happen how did you and him kind of hook up you know I mean you know me and Calvin have very similar backgrounds um you know our parents are very similar when I really look back on it and uh it just when I came to Detroit I didn’t know anybody Calvin was one of those people I gravitated towards just because of um how he carried himself and his family and where he wanted to be and I saw a lot of those attributes on myself and and you know things really just took off from there you know we just had uh we just had some Synergy and and we just built upon that now we’ve been we’ve been longer entrepreneurs outside of the Lions than we were actually teammates playing for the Lions so it’s just pretty crazy to see that yeah that is crazy yeah 100% yeah and there’s and for those of you who are just uh joining us right now we are joined live by former Detroit Lions guard Rob Sims I’m going to ask you one more time for the people who didn’t get a chance to hear the response earlier tell me what an event like this means to you with all of these people ausu of Detroit sports the foundation tell me what it means to you I mean it it just means a lot I mean you know like I said people having the the scholarship piece of it and giving back to the kids is is is huge and big and know there’s a need there but just being at a golf out like this and and and seeing the Darren mccardy and the Charles Haley and and uh you know the Justin Reeds of the world wearing the Super Bowl ring you know things like that man it’s just cool for those guys to be around and for you to be around with it I just think I’m blessed to be able to kind of you know rub shoulders with those guys now speaking of of expectations and Super Bowls and stuff the Detroit line in a position they’ve never been in before people are talking about them possibly going to the first Super Bowl and I want want you to speak as a former professional athlete with expectations like that and there’s pressure can you melt under that pressure and what keeps you focused so you could reach that goal you know I think I think some people can melt I mean obviously the pressure is high I I don’t see that in this team man I you know last year coming off the playoffs um you know just kind of being around them their Swagger was way different man and they they believe on a whole different level and when you’re able to do that you know it doesn’t matter what you know what they what they’re writing about you what they’re saying about you those guys were just laser focused and I know I know the coach will keep them um doing that so I think uh know I think they just got a they got a great opportunity man it’s time to seize it yeah you’re somebody who played on a couple of lions playoff teams and unfortunately weren’t able to get a playoff win what did it mean to you to watch this team last year and what they were able to do in the regular season what they were able to do to go all the way to the NFC Championship Game by winning and I look back on that year if we’ have got past Dallas what we would have done to Seattle and what would have happened um a lot of would have could have should us and I just hope this uh this team doesn’t have any of those man they just got to go seize it yeah I tell you what when he first came here Dan Campbell a lot of us thought the dude was just crazy yeah but obviously he is a motivator um how important is motivation as opposed to ex’s and O’s because I I always thought the Lions need someone to push them more than they needed the X’s and O’s but I mean do you I mean obviously these guys are foll him and oh yeah oh yeah I mean they’ve all they’ve all believed man I think you get those coaches that come along every once in a while that can just get all 53 guys headed in the right direction I think Coach Campbell is that you know I think he’s done a great job of of of of of getting all not just the players but the coaches man you a lot of the players a lot of coaches are former players and um you know that that means something to people and um you can see the way they play he’s empowered them to go out there and have a certain swagger like I said before and that’s that’s what wins man you know everybody in the league is good but when you just got that belief and you’ve got that coach that is always in your corner and is going to ride with you no matter what win or lose I mean you you got something big there yeah um I want to ask you this I know you played with a lot of great teammates in your career but watching this team what would a prime Rob Sims have been able to do in between Frank ragnow and Pen Su oh man me and pan Su would have ran the roofs man I’m telling you man pan is you know I’ve seen people compare him to Trent Williams and and I I think Trent is one of the the one of the great tackles left in the game past the Walter Jones and the and the uh you know the the folks like that so um pan is the next guy you know to me period I’ve seen a lot of offensive line play I haven’t seen a guy like that right and you know and I was the guy when we drafted him that high like man that’s a high pick for for for an offensive lineman but he is as advertised and he uh you know every single game he goes out there and just puts on the show from offensive line standpoint so he great player let’s say you play next to him what would be some of the keys that you would talk to him about is cuz he’s a younger guy obviously about keeping the the right side of the line intact yeah I mean well pan you know like I said generational talent I don’t have to tell him much I just got to tell him I’ll be there for him you know what I mean like I’m like his backup man go out there and do your thing when I’m free I’m coming I’m head hunting and I’m going make sure I’m going to make sure that guy stays off you but like I said man he is one of those guys he can be he could be singled up he could you know obviously on on a run block if I had a chance to do a double team with him man we would Maul him so um you know man I’m tell you he’s one of those guys I I wish I could have had the opportunity to play with but he’s a joy to watch is there anything you saw from this team last year that I know they were close I know they had a 17-point halftime lead the NFC championship game that still still hurts to this day but is there anything that you see that maybe they can improve upon going into next year so that they get over the hump and get to the Super Bowl and once you’re there you can win it yeah I mean I think there’s you know like there’s always room to improve um you know I will say this team you know especially what they got better in the off season um I think they’ll be able to put teams away quick quicker um I think the offense is going to rock and roll and I think you I said the defense I think they got a lot better and I think they’re going to be real stingy this year so um you know you know like I said all all around can they get better but I think they did get better with the draft and offseason they just got deep yeah oh yeah yeah I I I think one of the differences between when you guys played I thought in the front office they just selected players who they claim were the best on the board I think Brad Holmes is trying to build units and he’s trying to build get players to build cohesiveness um how critical is that I mean it’s critical and I mean I mean when he first came over I mean I just knew that we you know you had somebody special he was well talked about in the league people that I knew in the in in the Rams organization was were were talking about him and his picks and how he makes picks but I mean you can tell the way you say he’s very intentional about what he does right he’s not picking just the best guy on the on the on the board you know he is very intentional about what he does and and it’s showing up I mean the the biggest thing between our group in this group is they’re winning in the draft you know we had the javet bass Mela Shores that you know unfortunately javet got hurt and couldn’t play but I look back on that if we just had jav what him Calvin and Matthew would have done with a with a with a goon squad up front offensive line I mean who knows man so um you know those are the things I kind of think about but they’re they’re winning in the draft and that’s the biggest thing yeah so I’ve had the pleasure since being here over for the the Dolphins so I saw the good and the Bad and the Ugly what it was to be in and out of the league my whole life and there was an intentional plan about what I want to do when I was done and I’m you know like I’m saying I’ve be entrepreneur now for 10 years um this is what I’ve done the last 10 years this my 10th season out of the NFL coming up man I just can’t even believe it but it it’s uh it it’s great that it it’s happened it’s been a lot of hard work anybody’s transition no matter if they’re ready for it or not man it’s tough um but uh you know we’ve been able to we’ve been able to sustain and and things are things are looking up things are looking great one of the complaints I’ve heard from former Lions is that they’re not asked back to help out M and you know I thought I was on a real quick deal and I’ve been here a long time and you know put put my flag in the ground and now my kids are coming up through through Michigan and they and their teen years so um it’s it’s been cool it’s been a good experience for me and my family to be here yeah one I I got to ask this because I’m curious to how it is with former Lions do you ever wish that you were you had some of the foundational things that the Detroit Lions have like a great head coach a great front office some of the draft picks that they’ve had do you ever have that feeling or is it just kind of No Regrets you had your career and now you’re enjoying what the lions are doing yeah I don’t think I have any regrets for the people I’ve worked with uh if anything right I think the ball bounced uh the opposite way I thought it was going to bounce you know at the end of the day when I was there I was a True Believer in what we were doing do um and where we were going and you know you said I was playing with one of the best receivers ever to play um we had a quarterback who was a gunslinger that could do anything so I thought we were always headed in the right direction and just you know like I said you know you pick up a flag at Dallas things change you know you you uh you know you catch a ball in Chicago and they determine it’s not a catch things change so um those are the things that I that I regret or wish I could have back but the team and the guys I played with still very dear friends of mine and and what we built here was a stepping stone to what this is now right you know we didn’t get to do it but it’s fun to get to watch these guys do it and who are your favorite lineman to work with um Dominic Rola is my all-time favorite even though he’s crazy and everybody knows that but he’s a legit crazy person U but you know he was one I short story I walked into the facility the first time and um I was walking in my locker and our equipment guide Josh Brown says Hey I’m going put you next to rayola and walks out the room and says good luck cuz you know what I mean Dom is just that guy bro he’s he’s something else but um had great time man me and Jeff beis uh Riley Reef we had some good years together um you know Travis Swanson was really young but I thought he was definitely an upand comom he was on his way and uh know we we had a lot of fun guys reris who was here today is also our partner and primitive um you know I didn’t get to play next to guys but man he was a he was a great player as well so we had some good times right funny you should mention Dominic Roa um you know he lost Calvin Johnson on Union Lake thought he had drowned and said oh shoot I’m in big I’ve been out there on them Lakes a couple times I can see how that could happen but you know what I mean we had some good times out there on that Lake man we had some really really good times but he found Calvin Calvin was with one of his neighbors and ordered pizza so he wasn’t even on the lake so he was like I gu good times good times he’s good time dude yeah yeah speaking of good times thank you so much Rob for joining us it was a true pleasure thank you guys enjoy the rest of the event and when we come back we got another interview with Randy Wise with the uh what is he the one of the head of Randy Wise and the winner from the Randy Wise competition but first I have to tell you about dispo dispo dispensary dispos your local cannabis plug where you can go to get all of your cannabis needs pre-rolls blunts whatever you could possibly want Edibles I don’t partake but some people do and everybody tells me that dispo is the place to go dispos your local cannabis plug get a shot up this is for the win all of Detroit sports teams live on Woodward all of Detroit sports coverage lives on Woodward Sports driving the best in Detroit sports coverage congratulations to the real they go right on the were talking to one another Woodward Sports hey whether it’s the Stoke not scared or any type of Woodward Sports merch you could possibly want whether it’s shirts hoodies hat hat t-shirts whatever you could possibly want Stoke not scare Jack Campbell theme meat missile the boo them kid shirt go to go to the Woodward Sports merch shop and just click on anything and be the best dressed person in Detroit sports go to the Woodward Sports merch store today welcome back to Big D energy live on the Woodward Sports Network I am flannel Sam filling in for Neil Rule and the man to my left is Terry Foster filling in for Darren mccardy part two of the uh flannel V Terry I know the last Monday was a little contentious but today I’m in well I want to know you still married that’s all I care about I am still married all right I am 100% still married yes but of course joining us right now is Tim Stein with Randy Wise who is uh sponsoring today’s event how you how you feeling today what is it like to have an event like this with the Randy Wise name on it well I’ll tell you it’s been a great two years since we hooked up with Woodward Sports uh Tim and I go way back from our kids playing High School together so to finally see this kind of take shape and be at Detroit golf club with such a great event with Calvin and all the celebrities uh we’re really thrilled and appreciate you guys having us out here so I expect you’re going to golf really well you say you’re not golfing but you look like a young time Weiss cough yeah well sometimes we got to let the the new blood come in and uh I’m going to head back to the office get some work done we’re going to have my uh counterpart my prot J Brody white out here today and uh again we thank Randy Wise really uh they’ve given me the means to come out and work with you guys Randy and Chris and Larry white all the team over there uh give us the avenue to come out here and play golf raise money have some fun and we love it yeah tell tell us more about the Celebrity Golf Tour as a whole well yeah it’s a a creation that kind of you know there’s a lot of podcast out there on the golf course now and Tim and I talked when uh he first started up Woodward uh over at lady Jan’s uh we got to do something together and we have and last year was our first Big Year we’re expanding upon it this year and we’re actually uh doing two different drawings each month now the first one is to play in the Celebrity Golf event with us and we did do a drawing for that we have a gentleman here today that won that drawing we’ll get to him in a second and then we’re also doing a drawing once a month to play one guy will bring three buddies we have a VIP bus we’re going to go out and record them and feed them and play golf at a country club it’s going to be great so just a a lot of fun selling cars and uh trying to make a difference and I guess you guys will be so serious about the golf that there won’t be any drinking either no we do not uh uh yeah there will be some drinking stu okay maybe one or two but that’s it we get nervous out there yeah so it sounds like it’s something that has grown a lot from when you first started it like what are the type of things that have facilitated it to where it is now to where it seems like there’s a tour almost or a stop on the tour like almost every week of the summer yeah well there is and and that’s really what is happening it’s not just us doing it there’s a lot of other uh podcasts out there because it’s a way to reach a bigger viewing audience Woodward has put together such a great program out here and we get to come out here and talk with your viewers and it just expands from there and then again with these great foundations we get to play for raise a lot of money for good causes I know you’re a sports fan too are you excited about the tigers or you saying H I want to see more well I I I happen to be at uh in Vegas recently for a Nascar event made a bet on the Tigers to win the Central Division wow uh it’s in my pocket it’s a sizable amount and I’m still holding out hope because I’m a big Tigers fan and uh got the honor of playing with Kurt Gibson in one of our last podcast event so okay I just hope you’re not taking uh bread and uh meat from the kids though yeah no way to make that bet never never never all right and our winner I think yes go go go on ahead so we we did again uh thanks to Tim mccullum’s great idea and Larry white uh we’re going to pick one drawing for every podcast we do this summer and they’re going to play in our celebrity podcast and I’d like to introduced John sheer who is a friend of mine but filled out a form and we pulled out his name and uh welcome to the podcast well thank you Tim just wanted to thank I’m going to pass these headsets so we can hear him there you go well thank you Tim uh just a big thanks to Randy Wise and Tim Stein and all the guys and what a special event uh happy to be the inaugural winner hopefully we can hit some good golf shots and have a lot of fun yeah so uh I I I see that you were the winner to play the uh golf with the forsome today including Darren mccardy tell me what that feels like for you what kind of an honor that that that it is oh it’s amazing uh you know I met Darren before and uh look forward to playing with him uh understand he’s uh quite the putter I’ll get a few lessons hopefully from him and uh see what we can do out there now he hits the ball bro you you got bad information he hits the ball well I’m sure he does yeah so we we’ll just try to keep up with him the question are you are you going to be able to hang with those guys out there are you pretty good or are you kind of nervous well I am I am what they call an elite net golfer oh so you know I use the handicap to my full you know full capabilities so yes I I’m going to hang with Darren well that’s that’s huge and if you can hang with him man you’re gonna have a good day yeah so you know thanks again to everybody it’s an amazing opportunity and uh look forward to having a lot of fun yeah thank you so much and a thank you to uh Tim Stein and John Sher thank you for joining us it was a true pleasure and uh enjoy the dayes Shir day that was Tim Stein with Randy Wise and John shear the winner of the uh gets to play golf with the four Su today including Darren mccardy thank we can’t thank them enough for joining us and we can’t thank this event enough for having us let’s uh let’s let’s go to break a little early when we come back the Detroit Tigers some people have a case of tiger fever and some people wait well will not but we’re going to talk about that a little bit when we get back but first I have to tell you about the morning show wake up Woodward that went on live from the Detroit golf club before us today kg was on the desk Matt broer was on the desk you had Justin you had JB and you have Kool-Aid Brandon Dent of the Pistons beat reporter he is with them usually he is now in Vegas for Summer League please join in every single morning 8 to 10 a.m. watch the newest Morning Show in the city of Detroit and enjoy it’s the wake up Woodward crew at work and at home we’re there with smarter Security Solutions featuring complete automation with customized alerts and more for over 90 years we’ve been the company that’s been counted on to protect what matters most all with personalized service and care right now for limited time receive a free video device plus free installation with a new home system Guardian Alarm we protect Michigan how about that rookie he is something else how big is that all ofro sports teams live on Woodward all of Detroit sports coverage lives on Woodward Sports driving the best in Detroit sports coverage give your pet the best at Premier Pet Supply they’ve got locations all around Detroit they’ve got a nice uh Hometown feel while being a chain store and you know what if you want to give your pet the best do what I do give your pet the best like I give my pet the best I don’t settle for anything other than Premier pet when it comes to my golden retriever Jak Jake and my orange cat Milo give all the best food toys treats anything that they could possibly want visit any of the many stores around Metro Detroit or visit their website at premere pets welcome back to bigd energy live on the Woodward Sports Network I am flannel Sam joined by Terry Foster and we have another special guest one of the greatest Detroit Lions of all time no he’s not special it’s just lus man hey hey I’m not a legend like you T so when we get Rob Sims and Lis Brown out I’m pretty excited come on all right you can be excited if you want one of these things is probably a little bit less of a legend than the others but that’s okay it’s obviously TS I’m kidding but no lus thank you so much for joining us today hey thanks for having me yes I’ll just leave it that that with you all right yes so uh what does it mean to you to be a part of an event like this where there’s so many people it’s a it’s a great cause Detroit sports legends every single place you look including yourself what what does this day mean to you oh I mean it’s awesome it really is and you know the great thing is how the community how the support that comes out and it’s really great to see all the different guys that have flown in all like you say the legends that are here you know the dignitaries the organizations that have supported the Calvin Johnson Foundation uh for the years and you know I’m not a golfer so I just go out here I just ride around hang out you know shake B you know shake hands kiss baby yeah oh yeah you know I don’t want to shake babies out there don’t do that you you should be serving drinks out there man I should be you I might telling people jokes absolutely now I think I talked to you about this I had a conversation about you with Emanuel Stewart who is the the great boxing uh and your name came up and he said what makes Lis Brown good so good I said you know what he’s a puncher he’s got those long arms and he’s like punch you and say you know get out of here you ain’t getting to my quarterback he said if I could work with lus brown some other dudes some they the next great heavyweight champion is an offensive lineman or a left tackle and I think I brought up to you said no T I’m not going to fight nobody look man I’m not trying to get punched in the face man at least in football I got equipment on and I’m protected man those boxers man what they go through and I actually had a neighbor of mine when I was 12 years old man took a look at my hands and he asked my dad why don’t you get him into boxing and I’m like man are you crazy I’m not trying to go in there and trying to let nobody beat me in the face or the body for 10 15 rounds it was 15 rounds back in the day 15 rounds no oh man that’s uh that that’s absolutely brutal so uh obviously you were a part of some incredibly talented offensive lines back in your playing days but how does this one that the Lions currently have is this the best offensive line in Detroit Lions history I I think so is it’s hard to you know it’s hard to go against that and you know I thought our line was probably one of the best lines especially before you know the unfortunate injury with uh mik Utley and the passing of Eric andc I thought we had a chance for our line to be compared to Dallas’s line um but you have to say that with pan Su and teror Decker and you know with Frank rack now and what those guys have been doing consist consistently and that’s the key you have to be consistent with it you have some lines that come in and they do it for a year or two these guys as a group they’ve been doing it over the last four or five maybe six years so I like what they’ve done and I like what they’re going to do for this this season because we all know that’s where it starts and stops at up front with the o d line now that that is true that that is the backbone of this team but you you guys you’re part of the group that made the last NFC champ championship game and it never went beyond that why not I mean again that’s a great question but it was a it was a lot of unfortunate things that happen again I talk we talked about losing two starting offensive linemen within months of each other uh we talk about some of the inconsistencies in quarterback play which we now know and we see is the most important position on the football field you know we talk about some of the inconsistencies and our coaching staff as you remember man we went from the running shoot to the silver stretch to this to that you know so we kept and and you had a weapon like Barry and just to kind of see how football has evolved now compared to how it was with these offensive Geniuses that you have calling plays and creating plays it’s just a whole different world now Barry Sanders argued could be the greatest running back in history here’s my problem with what happened Happ with Barry when y’all got to the 10 yd line you took him out the game mine too right how I I didn’t like it either I I didn’t like it I it it didn’t make any sense to me because again Barry was small enough to where you know you really couldn’t see him until he you know popped out or whatever and when you get on the goal line that’s actually an advantage and you know and of course we know his legendary leap ability so a lot of those he could just lead so I didn’t like it either Terry we didn’t I don’t think we like that I could speak for the offensive line we didn’t like it either because again we felt that Barry would have so many more career touchdowns if we would left him in there and he could have been a weapon I think a greater weapon inside that red zone now uh you had so much respect for Barry that if he ran 30 40 even 50 60 70 yard you tried to run down there and help him up oh yeah why why was that the case because again we always say men ke the great Kevin Glover always said that as hard as Barry works for us he should never have to pick himself up off the ground and we meant that and that was part of our pack that we were going to get there plus if you let guys lay on top of them you know guys were dirty back in the day man it’d be cheap shots you know again sometime that zaps the energy out the guys but but we felt that as hard as he worked for us that was the least we could do is get down field and make sure he didn’t have to help himself up yes um I I I love that and that just shows what a what a great teammate you were man I I appreciate that and uh speaking speaking of yourself you have a unique perspective that not a lot of former Lions have because you’ve had yourself an incredibly successful act after your playing career being the color commentator alongside Dan Miller on the radio broadcast what was it like watching this team this from your perspective it was so awesome man it really was I mean it was really awesome and everything to see this team and just how it grew especially over the last two years and just to be a part of that and just to see how these young kids they didn’t care they didn’t care man they didn’t carry none of the baggage of the you know that we had back in the 90s they didn’t worry about that they didn’t worri about the only thing they worried about was setting their own Trend and kudos to Dan Campbell that hold coaching staff Brad Holmes you know Mike disner all the guys man that makes this happen man cuz I was a machine and that’s the one thing and Terry can attested this CU he dealt with the top office man back in the day man I think this is the best front office one of the best front offices in the league and I think how they run things I think makes them one of the top teams and makes Detroit one of the top teams we had great players we had had pretty good coaches I think their coaching staff is a lot better than ours but the top the front office the you know the communication between top all the way down to the players I think it’s probably better than it’s ever been here for the Detroit Lions no it is the best in fact um at that time the reason I didn’t believe in you guys long term is because you were run by clowns am I right or wrong yeah I can’t answer that you can’t but you’re run by clowns yeah well and uh kind of along the same lines what player from this current team the 2023 team do you think could have helped the 91 team get over the top the most wow oh easy well the 91 team okay I wouldn’t say cuz any other team it would be quarterback but um that’s a great great question there we were pretty stacked um maybe some more help in the secondary you know maybe the maybe well a better secondary coach how about that okay I cuz I’ll tell you the story it would be the secondary I was uh dogging the secondary and I always used to get in trouble with you guys so some of the secondary guys grabbed me pulled me into a room and said watch this they had a freeze frame that they were playing 13 yards off the receivers and they said what we supposed to do now wow yeah and you know who’s the secondary coach is Wayne’s brother so yeah I would I would say secondary I would agree I think if we had more help or you know you had a I mean Benny blades was awesome but if you could have a like a versatile Brian Branch back there that you could play you know in different positions he could cover the slot for you you know almost like a nickel I think a guy like that could have made a difference on our team that is a great seg way because what can we expect to see from Brian branch in year 2 after an incredible rookie season man I’m telling you man the the so I’ll ask this who who I’m most interested in watching going into this set is Jack Campbell okay cuz again cuz it kind of reminds me of Chris Spielman you know his first year how Chris kind of struggled kind of you know it was almost like that dog in the the meat market you just chasing everything and that’s because the game moves so fast I tell everybody it’s a learning curve I don’t care who you are you get in the NFL there is a learning curve you go through all the great ones Barry Sanders any of the great ones Robert Porsche all the great ones go through this learning curve I went through a learning curve coming into the NFL so you know but I just think Jack Campbell is going to make the stride he’s physically there I think the experience he got last year so he’s one of the guys that I’m really really looking forward to meeting you know if you were playing today if if you’re were a young man you would probably be going up against Aiden Hutchinson how do you combat what he does effort I mean that that’s it I mean that was that would be the one thing I would pack my lunch I would have me a good pregame meal cuz I know I’m going be in for a fight each and every play to the end he’s a I’m telling you that’s the thing that’s the trait that he has is his effort and I think it’s infectious with the team and it rubs off on the other defensive lineman and you see them John Kaminsky the guys like that trying to give the same effort that Aiden Hutchinson gives but the guy he’s going to work you from the beginning of that whistle to the end of that whistle he’s going to work you for the 60 minutes so you know you’re going to have to pack of lunch and be ready I love that I’m definitely known as the biggest Aiden hudon Slappy on the network so that definitely uh is a great to hear everybody here can attest to that uh I wanted to ask you about uh Giovani Manu and Christian mahogany I want to see that yes I want to see 67 no 68 357 in real life I want to see I want to see that in real life what that looks like like a man that size I just want to see that that is a big human being man so I’m interested in seeing how they going to play him cuz I even heard some guard and I’m like wait a minute if he had if he could dip that had that type of Hip Flex flexibility he would be a killer in there at guard it’s just hard for me to imagine that his hips are that flexible where he could get up under some of these three techniques that he would have to block but if he could oh my gosh that would be an Ultimate Weapon in there and actually you should be in all cuz this is the greatest left tackle in Lions history oh yeah we we got into the argument about it cuz he’s no it’s Luke cckm yeah I said D weigh 180 lbs come on he’s not as good as you well actually that leads me to this that I know you’re a you’re I know you’re you’re a very humble man well Mr Brown you’re clearly the best left tackle in Lions history I’m going to say it too what would if you if somehow someway a prime Lis Brown could teleport into this Lions team and play opposite pen Su are you giving up any sacks the whole season oh my gosh that would be that you know what I’m telling you why it would be so fun cuz I got a coordinate like Ben Johnson I mean the dude man I would have love to play thank you I would have love to play for Ben Johnson man cuz I know I they got got me a couple of passes which in 18 years I didn’t get he probably had the big fell on the reverse or two probably a screenplay for the big fella you know so I know I would have had something been would have worked up for me man so just the creativity again that’s what I talked about and Terry knows you know with our coaching staff back in the 90s it just wasn’t there that creativity just you know the Innovation that you see with the how the these guys uh call plays now it just wasn’t there back there for us so yes man I don’t think we give up any sacks I’m going go on record to say that none during the whole season I know Dam I I could believe it yeah I I want to ask you this too as a former player as somebody who experienced some success at least team success but not quite what we saw last year or what we expect to see from the Lions is there a part of you that has any wishes that maybe in the early ’90s and the mid 9s that the Lions could have been a little bit better of an organization and maybe you would have experienced this kind of team success or are you just Happ FL he didn’t want to win a Super Bowl come on now come on what we talk about it’s just a little bit of a conflict because you’re you’re you’re the color commentator I know you’re excited but is there any fear of missing out or is it just happy for what they have now no no just happy for them but because again like Terry said you know I I’ve gotten to the Pinnacle I was able to win the Super Bowl with Tampa Bay I lost the Super Bowl with the Giants too so I know what it feels like you know to get there twice and there’s nothing like it in the world so you know I the first things I thought about when I won my Super Bowl the guys I thought about were Kevin Glover Barry Sanders you know guys like Herman Moore guys that didn’t get the opportunity to you know get a Super Bowl to go to a Super Bowl so I thought about that more than anything else so man if the Lions get there man I feel like I’m part of it be by being on the broadcast but man this something that man we they’ve been I mean 30 something years since the last NFC Championship game till we got there this year I mean that’s crazy but hopefully they’re there for the next four or five years because I think that window could be open that long and you know you’ll get a ring you’ll get a tiny one but you’ll get a ring and you know what I’ll take it show Tak it you know you get a ring for losing the Super Bowl I didn’t know that yeah they call it the NFC or AFC Championship oh yeah I know about that okay but that’s what I’m saying but T every time you look at it you know you lost the Super Bowl it’s nothing fashional but fashionable about that nothing yes and I got to respond to this from uh John macaroon in the chat man Sam forgot Brown got to the NFC Championship with the lions in 1991 no I I remember it was just it wasn’t as you guys obviously got blown out unfortunately it was close at halftime but you ended up getting blown out and even even Terry Foster said that he didn’t believe in the organization back then like he does now with with with this team so I I knew that I knew that but you guys didn’t have a 17-point halftime lead but uh to to kind of piggyback off of that what do you think of what the lions were able to do in the off season and did they do enough to get over the hump to maybe where they go to the NFC championship game maybe they play it at home at Ford Field and they win it that to me that’s the key to to me the key is is everything to run through uh run through Detroit and that means getting the number one seed you have to and I think the Lions realize that I think the players realize that too so you know every game will be taken on with importance because every game’s going to count so they know if it runs through Detroit it’s the likelihood the next game we play it be in New Orleans in the Super Bowl so to me I’ve had fans I mean what they did last year I mean the away games man it was something special every away game man and even though the Baltimore game didn’t turn out the way we wanted to and the uh San Francisco game didn’t end the way we wanted it too man the fans showed up and showed out at every game all right we want to thank you for joining us but just show us how what these people in Detroit think about the Detroit Lions yes sir they all in Go Lions Go Lions even when the Lions were bad they were all in yeah yeah thank you so much l it was an absolute pleasure absolutely team what’s up hey do you know what hey do you know what else is an absolute pleasure getting a haircut at lady Jan’s of course I got one fairly recently it’s got mixed reviews amongst the chat but you know you guys are all haters my wife likes it so that’s all that matters but go into lady Jan’s get your haircut get the hot towel massage anything that you could possibly want from the very talented stylus you could walk in 7even days a week it’s open from 10: to 8 Lady Jane’s haircuts for men is it is wicked awesome ra that here Premier Pet Supply man just looking around who’s got it better than Pets Come on a baby stroller parota Chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets nobody especially here at Premier pet suppli for over 30 years in more than 13 locations Premier pet supplies has everything that your pet can dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operated and PR to call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pets or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets nobody Guardian Alarm offers you customized solutions from real experts their professional technicians take the time to recommend security and automation Solutions specific to your needs they also have 24/7 professional monitoring you can call them anytime day or night and know a Guardian Alarm team member will stay on the phone as long as needed and of course they have technology backed by people your safety and security deserves Technologies by proven work and people who have been proven to care so call them at 1 1800 St out that’s 1800 stay out and let them know wward Sports s you hey welcome back to Big D energy live on the wward sports network we are live from the Calvin Johnson Foundation second annual Celebrity Golf Classic at the Detroit Golf Club I am flannel Sam filling in for Neil rule the man to my left is Terry Foster I feel like I’m going through a this is my life cuz these are all the dudes I used to battle with Rob Sims lus Brown Terry’s greatest hits yes right no it’s a it’s again again as I said when uh Rob Sims was up here and it could definitely apply to Lis brown one of these things is less of a legend than the others but you know what it just makes it all the more gratifying that I am here today with my brothers at Woodward sports with all of these Legends before we get into the Detroit Tigers I know it’s all over the chat and I just have to address it before we get into it we’re not going to spend very much time on this yes unfortunately our uh former president Donald Trump was the victim of a assassination attempt at a rally I think we can all agree that we don’t want that to happen we don’t want it’s it’s unfortunate if you want Donald Trump to not win beat him at the ballot don’t shoot him yes obviously that’s a that that that goes without saying I don’t want to I don’t want to talk about it for too long because I don’t want it to get political but it was something that I think anybody who saw it was a little shooken or taken back at least for a little bit and we all know that this country could not handle the assassination of a former president it would just no good no bueno no but but you know I I grew up in at a time where a president was assassinated every 20 years so um I don’t it just it didn’t affect me because I’ve seen it way too many times and and so I’m I’m glad it hasn’t happened in many many many decades and um I’m glad the dude is fine and but you know once again somebody else got killed messed up but you know the thing about this is we always think the secret service has got everything on down they didn’t this time no they did not they they screwed up and there’s going to be some heads are going to probably roll because of this yeah and probably rightfully so at this point because nobody should be able to even be able to take that shot but you know what that’s we addressed it it’s all it’s all well and good thank thank goodness that uh Donald Trump is okay and uh obviously somebody has tragically passed away who is attending the rally that is that’s very very tragic and very very unfortunate and hopefully you know what it might change him we’ll see it it I you know supposedly he’s going he tore up his speech for the Republican convention he’s got other things he’s going to try to talk about healing the country which is something he did not talk about before so it might change him we’ll see to uh to change topics pretty pretty hard cut on this um I so I had to put the headset on after we were done interviewing lus to do the uh the ad read and I had to make it bigger so I have a bigger head than lus brown that’s uh and I wow yeah how crazy is that he you got a bucket I have a I got a noggin off me ter that’s for sure no we we all knew that you have a uh a a well-sized head but but still putting it into perspective of a former greatest left tackle of Detroit Lions you have a bigger head than him that’s oddly I’m sure a flex for you as it should be I mean yeah kind of but also makes me like do I have the biggest head in the world like what is going on right now well let me say this you have a big hit but you’re not bigheaded that’s fair I app I appreciate that Terry thank you very much I try to keep it humble you know you are talking to broadcaster number six now though on uh Netflix’s receiver oh okay yeah they used one of my quotes I made it big time Terry you’re gonna have to hook me up with your agent I my agent is me oh okay so I guess uh I’ll represent you there I appreciate that Terry yes and uh to digress a little bit from there but thank you so much Spencer rexter for uh for letting the world know as as you should how about the Detroit Tigers I know a week ago today me and you did a show together where I was maybe a little more optimistic than you following the sweep of the Cincinnati Reds and I said that in order for them to have any hope of dreaming in order for me to get back in to any extent they needed to win at least four of seven on that very difficult home stand against Cleveland and Los Angeles but they did they won up they won five out of seven and now they sit seven games out of the wild card after finishing the month of July on an eight eight out of 10 run and finishing the month of July with a 9 and4 record so Terry Foster I have to ask you are the tigers back the tigers are not back but before they got on this role they were seven games back in the Wild Card they’s still seven games back it shows how difficult this is now what they are is they are exciting what they are is if you have TV which I don’t have they’re worth watching on TV um but you know what I if I were in charge of the Tigers which I’m not I would change my mindset I’m not trading scoble I’m not trading flarity what I would do is say okay these young guys are starting to produce here’s my thinking I’m going for it next year I’m bringing a couple more bats you’re still going to have to bolster this offense I’m keeping my starting pitching because if you do get in the playoffs with these guys oh yeah you are a dangerous dangerous team yeah so I don’t understand about selling I don’t understand none of that talk right now that’s not my mindset and plus the Tigers owe it to their damn fan base to at least one time say you know what we’re going to be major players we’re not going to be this [ __ ] team that’s always selling we’re not going to talk about small market and keeping the payroll you know within you know the certain confines it’s time to show that you are a major league team yeah and to piggyback off of that what I’m happy that I’ve seen through the entire month of July is that you can kind of see a core building in the month of July I mean Colt Keith has an Ops of over 12200 Riley green over a thousand you’ve got reys Olen and Terk scoel being undefeated in pit well even a guy like Justin Henry Malloy has an Ops of over 900 in July even one of your best Bullpen pieces Tyler Holton has an erra of 0.0 that to me sounds like a core and then of course you’ve had veteran piece or complimentary pieces stepping up like Ryan Val and Andy Aban is back-to-back home run you just said a four-letter word was that core yes which means if the core is in place that means Chris illich talking to you brother is ready to spend he willing you know that’s what we kept hearing well you know if we got a core then we would spend more money if we had a core we would really go for it you’re saying they got a court there’s no excuses anymore yeah I mean you could argue about Justin Henry Malloy you could say that Tyler Holton really isn’t part of the core or I don’t even think there’s any argument about ree solson anymore but Terk scoble Colt Keith with how he’s been playing with how Riley green making an Allstar and of course Terk scoel making one as well and possibly being the Sai Young you’ve got a pretty good base and one of the things that I think we were all impressed with with this Dodgers series is they were resilient they let one slip away on Friday but they came back on Saturday down 9 to4 and they just they kept coming to the bottom of the night and it was contributions all across the board it was Wy El Perez with a single Justin Henry Malloy Matt verling doubled them home and then Carson Kelly got a single and that was all before Colt Keith was able to tie the game up and even in the game yesterday I’m not saying that Zach mckinstry should be part of this team moving forward but he got a big triple Justin Henry Malloy hit him in and then I had to eat a little bit of crow with one Matt broer from wake up Woodward because he’s always Pro Bunting and I’m very much anti- buun on almost every circumstance but it worked it so you don’t want to bunt or steal bases I do not all right that’s all right but you know brother but you know what I will acknowledge that this time it worked it did bunting did what broer believes and a lot of people are pro bunting believe that it can do which is put pressure on the defense which uh obviously the Dodgers pitcher couldn’t field his position worth a damn and that was and that and that cost the Dodgers and it allowed the the Tigers to get a win so for this one broer you got me but one thing I will say I don’t like to Victory let because I just like to eat my crow in these situations and I had and it’s the first time I’m saying it you know one thing that I’ve been on for a very long time now put Carson Kelly and Andy Aban is in the lineup together and they did it the last couple of games and look what happened I’m not saying that they were the stars of the game or anything like that but they got some hits Andy Aban had a home run they got on base so at this point right now I’m seeing the makings of what could actually be a pretty good lineup I’ve been on that case for a long time that there’s some undervalued Diamonds in the Rough on this Tigers team that may be more valuable to a potential run I I I run than we think maybe I mean seven games out is seven games out yeah but you know you dug yourself this hole and now you you’re back close to 500 but um this shows one thing we saw sellouts this this weekend didn’t we yes we did and part of it was because of Otani part of it was because of the Dodgers but a lot of it had to do with the Tigers this in this town once again krilich I’m talking to you you don’t have to give them much yeah give them above 500 team give them a team that’s exciting and guess what it doesn’t matter how much you spend cuz people going to show up they’re going to buy you hot dogs they’re going to buy you ham Burgers they’re going to buy you overpriced uh beer and mega slic piz yeah those big old drinks and yeah $50 pizzas they’ll buy that give the people something exciting add two more bats b of your Bullpen a little bit and keep this starting pitch and don’t trade anybody away yeah I mean you sell out all next year hey Jack flarity is somebody that there have been conversations about but in his last game I mean he bitched really really well he’s he’s had a phenomenal season and Terk scoble I think we’re both in agreement that and most of people in this town are don’t don’t trade him hey and I know that Chris illich that’s another discussion for another day he’s got a couple years left another four-letter word yeah another another fourl word unfort unfortunately but yeah this was this was a good week this was a good I would say month stretch I mean not month stretch the month of July stretch for the Tigers they the Guardians and the Dodgers I’m not calling for it or anything but it may well end up being the World Series matchup in baseball you got the Guardians who still have the best record in the American League and the Dodgers who are probably the most talented team in the in in in in the National League they were missing mookie bets and Tyler glasow but still taking five out of seven that’s the type of thing that to me it validated that sweep over Cincinnati because we know Cincinnati’s not a playoff team but the fact they were able to do that they’re Triple A I wouldn’t say they’re Triple A but you know what the Guardians may not be ready for prime time because they’re start pitching is yeah is that really going to get you through critical series when other teams are going to probably have better pitching better starting pitching I think most times if you have better starting pitching you’re going to win the series I don’t that’s why I don’t think Cleveland’s going to go to the World Series and I would probably agree with you on that one they lost Shane Bieber their ace at the beginning of the year they’ve had a lot of people step up who you didn’t expect to like a Steven Quan like a Josh Naylor like a David fry maybe they come back down to Earth a little bit we all know Jose Ramirez is great but with the Tigers and I don’t want to look too far ahead because we’ve got all All-Star break to do that but when they come back they’ve got three at Toronto and then they’ve got 13 straight divisional games including four at home against Kansas City who are who is a team that they need to pass up eventually if they want to if they want to get the Wild Card the Kansas City as currently constructed is not in the wild card it’s Boston and Kansas City’s a couple games out but if you have those 16 games if you take 10 out of 16 if you go 10 and six maybe we revisit from there maybe by then they will have shaved some games off of the deficit CU unfortunately like you said we haven’t they haven’t done a whole lot of that in baseball that’s how you find out if you’re for real it’s not if you win the sexy series like the Dodgers yeah it’s if you win those divisional games yes and they have the opportunity to pass these teams Kansas City and uh Minnesota Cleveland they they have an opportunity and I the white socks is so far back that they they’re not even on the list they don’t even list them in the division anymore but uh you have that opportunity that and I I can’t say this team is back until I start seeing what they’re going to do with division opponents back to back to back to back I’m tired of talking about the oh look at the Tigers did over the last five games I want to see what they’ve done over a month I want to see what they do over 30 and 40 game stretches before I’m like okay got something here and that’s 100% Fair because we all know that when you get down too much when you play as poorly as the Tigers did in the month of June in the month of May you get to a point where you’ve lost it before you even before The Season’s even over when it’s the end of May and you’re already eight games out of the wild card I don’t know if they were eight games out at that point but you you know what I’m trying to say where you kind of lost it before you even have a chance maybe the Tigers did that maybe all this is is creating some excitement sh see letting the fans see that colt Keith actually is a good baseball player which Terry I know we had a discussion the other day we’re going to get more into Colt Keith in in in a second but he’s a fine player he certainly is and you know what that is a great transition because when we get back we have toh talk about Mr Colt Keith and the heater that he has been on but first Swiss insurance of course if you want let me tell you about Swiss insurance cuz these Tigers hitters might not need it right now but you should hit up our guy Mark at Swiss ins if you need the best insurance in the game or Call 313 5301 1698 it’s Swiss insurance ra now with your Premier Pet Supply man just looking around who’s got it better than Pets Come on a baby stroller parota a chef for Lola really you don’t have to tell me who the real boss here is who’s got it better than pets nobody especially here at Premier pet suppli for over 30 years in more than 13 locations Premier pet supplies has everything that your pet and dream of and guess what it’s all Under One Roof Premier Pet Supply familyowned operated and PR to call Metro Detroit home check out Premier pet or scan the QR code today who’s got it better than pets nobody Woodward Avenue the first paved Road in America Woodward the first sports network born in Detroit and made for Detroit Boys and Girls Club is offering leagues for football and cheerleading youth football leagues all around Metro Detroit Detroit Highland Park East Point Belleville if you want to get your kids started early in great great things like that to get the value of team building and just get some exercise and get them around people and get good mentors in life have them sign them up they’ve got it’s only $175 I believe for for for the camp which isn’t too bad at this point so yeah visit Boys and Girls Club today and uh get your kids in a great organization hey welcome back to Big D energy live on the Woodward Sports Network I am flannel Sam filling in for Neil rule the man to my left is Terry Foster we’ve got easy in the house he just walked in we got Spen Mo Rax on the ones and twos and we’ve got kg running the sound so Spenny you posted a a tweet the other day or or a post on X whatever you want to call it that basically said January February March April June Colt Keith yeah because he’s been on such a heater in the month of July and Terry I know on Monday we got into this past this last Monday a week ago from today we got into a little bit of an argument because you said discussion it was a discussion you said that colt Keith by the end of the season could have better numbers than Ry green he could turn out to be the better player could be at the time I dismissed this as blasphemy however however Terry not that I’m worried or anything because Colt Keith success is good for the Tigers but you’re starting to develop more of a leg to stand on at this point because he’s been on he’s been on absolute Terr he’s the best player in baseball in the month of July yeah I mean I believe in the young man yes and um I think Riley green is a fine player I just don’t think he’s as much as great as we make him out out to be but Co Keith is there’s just something about him and you know what and what if he has better numbers than Riley green would that really upset your world no because I think it would mean that colt Keith somehow got that season on Ops over 800 I don’t think Riley green is going to slump or anything it would mean that colt Keith continued this hot streak for the rest of the season which we all know he’s not going to have multiple months of having an a th000 Ops but he’s got himself back from that start which was so difficult to where right now you’re looking at his season numbers and thinking man he’s having a damn good rookie year I never thought I’d see that out of Colt Keith this year I know that a lot of his struggles at the beginning of the Season weren’t his fault but the numbers that he was putting up were just so bad and now with how well he’s been playing he’s having himself a nice year Spencer rexter Colt Keith I know that you’ve been on that train for a while you were never as down on him as I was at the beginning how does it feel to watch this guy just be on an absolute tear through the month of July feels good I’m kind of devastated right now cuz I wanted to go talk to K Adams but she left cuz thanks flannel yeah what I do I had to do my job yeah you know it’s all right uh maybe next time she’s in Michigan I’ll get to talk to her but uh yeah Colt Keith it’s it’s amazing to see what he’s been doing the guy’s hitting he’s got like a 1350 Ops in July he’s got five home runs he’s got 13 RB eight based on balls as well I know you like he ATL so uh it’s just awesome to watch Colt Keith and what he’s been doing I’ve had faith in the kids as I saw him take his first you know couple of bats with the Tigers obviously it was going to be a little learning curve coming you know right into the major leagues and getting him that contract right away but I love to see what Colt Key’s doing the kid’s a stallion up on the plate like he is a big dude and uh if they can keep him at Short that would be one of the best bats at Short Stop in the MB going forward so yeah and even better than jav Bas but uh or yeah second base second base not short but yeah I mean if we can play short we could put him there too I’m pretty sure he has a higher Ops than Marcus Simeon talk about a fraudulent All-Star this year but that’s uh neither here nor there I’ll have that discussion with uh broer another day probably on on wake up Woodward but uh you know what sometimes this guy actually comes with with good takes Brandon Katz agrees with me about Riley green we all should by the way because he is having an All-Star SE but but with Colt Keith I was too dismissive at the beginning I will admit it I didn’t believe and now we saw on Saturday it’s not just the numbers that he’s putting up he had maybe the moment of the season for the Detroit Tigers up to this point tying that game with two outs after the Dodgers had actually brought in their closer like a a a high fast ball from a lefty it was absolutely unbelievable I mean they don’t win that game without C BR bro you got to believe in somebody whose name is Colt yes come on now he’s got a basb name for sure right it’s not like Bill or Bob or Boo Boo or Bobo it’s cold that pitch that he hit that two-run game tying home run on that was a high and tight you know 94 M hour fast ball that he just mled out of the ballpark you love to see that you do love to see it it was like I said the best moment of the year for the for the Detroit Tigers and he’s having himself a hell of of a season and yeah Brandon cats Keith is not in the conversation with green I actually agree with you on this I understand that no I understand that kid I like the kid man he he swings a hot bat he’s been the hottest player in the MLB in July and I I I hope he can continue that going forward yes and uh Steven cyr to bring up some other Tigers who maybe aren’t getting the love or having quite the production as others Malloy is not putting up numbers but he’s clutch to so is when seal I’ll tell you what not to digress from Colt Keith but Justin Henry Malloy is showing me some things he showed some pop he had a huge clutch hit he’s bigger than I thought he was too yeah he had a huge clutch hit on Sunday he kept the line moving in that 9 to4 comeback rally in the bottom of the 9th on Saturday Justin Henry ly is another one he had some struggles at the beginning of the year but the fact that he showed some pop the fact that he’s been on a hot streak his Ops is over 900 in the month of July as well he’s gotten himself to the point where he’s putting up good numbers not the best I know his batting average looks a little low but his Ops is pretty good his on based percentage is over 300 I’ll take that for now I will take that and that’s why when I talk about the core I include potentially Justin Henry Malloy in it along with a Riley green and a and a Colt Keith although obviously he’s not as far along as those two all right fellas I need to challenge you now all right what’s here uh one of the narrativ that we talked about and a lot of people did is can the Tigers develop bats is that where you know the the whole hitting coach thing is that something that the Tigers just don’t do well they don’t develop their players Maybe it just takes a little bit longer maybe they had a system where it takes longer for you to to develop to become what you we want you to do maybe it take him longer to create That Base well it’s taking a a long damn time for Spencer torlon if that’s the fact I don’t know what’s going on with him I don’t even want to put that on the Tigers hitting coaches what’s happened to torlon so hopefully we see more of the Colt Keith effect and and the wiel Perez effect than Spencer tlon going forward but we the jury’s still out as right now there’s got to be something between the years because this dude hit 30 home runs last year I know it took him forever to get hot but he broke bar Bond’s college record like right something there it’s mental am I it’s not physical it’s a mental blockage that he has to go through yeah and I know we’re feeling really good and leis per perlaky in the chat I was at the game Saturday legendary yeah that that was great game to go to yeah obvious I wasn’t able to make it but it was at least the atmosphere it was probably one of the top moments at camerica Park in years and then they did you get your Negro League Jersey where while you were there I did not go oh you didn’t I did not go unfortunately but just just from what I hear just from the broadcast you saw it on Saturday and you saw it on Sunday 100% but yeah just imagine where this team would be if Spencer Tolson just didn’t completely fall off a cliff yeah if if instead of continuing to play so poorly that he got sent to the miners maybe he would have had the hot streak that colt Keith had sooner so that maybe all of them could be playing well at the same time and maybe they would be fighting for a wild card spot maybe they would be three or four games imagine if they scored three runs a game they’d be undefeated right they would no I I understand that it’s just with with Spencer torlon and I’ve been one who was and I’m not trying to Victory LA or anything like that I noticed some things that I didn’t like last year even through the 30 home run 90 RBI season but I still thought that he was going to be good that he would at least duplicate what he did last year but that’s why and this is where I have to give some credit a guy like w Perez who some people think is just not really part of the core moving forward it’s guys like him that prevented you from being like the Oakland A’s or the Chicago White sock when times were bad he’s had himself a damn good year guys like Andy Aban or even people who we thought thought were maybe trade trade pieces like uh like at Carson Kelly for example orella the walk had the walk yeah I keep hearing how Perez is not going to be anything for the future yeah is he 40 years old no is he 35 years is I don’t he’s a young fella he is a young guy yeah and this is so why do we keep oh he can’t be can’t be member well and this isn’t even meant to disparage Colt Keith but still at this point wal Perez has a higher Ops and on base percentage than Colt Keith and col Keith is closing the gap flannel just got to throw those shots had to get your lick you know what proez let’s stop calling him flannel Sam start call him analytic analytic Sam yeah stat Sam an Sam guys anal yeah let’s call him anal for sure well that’s well come on I Sam Ann I don’t endorse that one but no my point wasn’t to disparage Colt Keith my point was to highlight just how important he was you can highlight someone without tearing down somebody else flannel no it’s not tearing down it’s giving a gage you you know I’m going to step in for my pal here with being unfair to him he’s not dogging other people he’s just you know making his point which he’s entitled to do this is America yeah Steve wild flat stop being so negative hey a lot of you hey and I will say this and don’t get me wrong I’ve Had My Moments with this team I’m not going to act like I’m not Matt broer who actually was positive on this team pretty much from from the jump and he probably feels Vindicated right now I declared them dead after they got swept in that series at Kansas City I declared them dead after they lost three out of four at at Los Angeles to the angels 100% I’m not going to say I knew all along but one thing you’ve never heard me say is that they don’t have I’ve never been somebody who opined as much for guys like Matt Chapman and Wyatt Lanford as some I’ve always said that they have more people on this team that are good that are capable than you think and you’re seeing it from guys like Wy opz you’re seeing it from a hot streak from Andy aan from Carson Kelly even I know Mark Hanah has struggled as of late but Mark canah helped you win a lot of games in April I’ll just say that and his on base percentage is still pretty damn good so I am I would say the least of people’s problems when it comes to negativity to the tigers that that title belongs to somebody like you know I I’m tired of the whole negative maybe you’re speaking the truth maybe you’re speaking the truth sometimes last time I checked the tigers are still 47 and 50 right absolutely okay it’s not like they’re 50 and 47 maybe we could get a little more excited they still are seven games back from the wild card they still got what is that five teams between them that’s a long haul come on guys they’re coming back and you know what I’m going to say something that’s old and tired and you don’t want to hear it baseball season is a marathon not a Sprint that’s true AB absolutely it’s it’s it’s a g it’s a game unlike any other and this is why and and to get back to the to the series really quick before we go to break this is why it was so impressive what the Tigers were able to do in this series against the Dodgers because losses are going to happen the best teams in Major League Baseball lose like 60 games yep the fact that they were able to shake off the one on Friday which was heartbroken which was the TK scoel start where they spotted on a 3 nothing lead lead and committed way too many base running blunders they were able to come back from that and win the last two with comebacks in the ninth inning that’s impressive because it is a long season you can’t let losses turn into multiple losses and they didn’t do maybe the Dodgers are broken they lost four in a row coming in yeah no and they’re they’ve got some injuries fortunately I I believe they’re not really being threatened in the division quite yet but the Dodgers they’re a team that has had a lot of regular season success but does a lot of uh this in the playoffs I’ll just say that but you know who never chokes it’s Mark White absolutely cuz Mark White’s going to do you right Mark right’s going to change your life you just got to hit up Mark White Terry hit up Mark White and you’ll save up to five grand on your new home hit up Mark White at markit if you’re looking to buy or sell your new home or call him at 24829 8242 cuz who’s going to change your life Terry Mar White’s going to change your life oh yeah scares me say I love Planet Fitness trying out Planet Fitness and dang they got lots of equipment not me getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk listen the pf black card is worth every penny for this hydro massage I’m a new man did y’all know that the PF app has workouts you can do at home cheapest therapy I can find is Planet Fitness all the benefits All For Less Planet Fitness big Fitness energy for all we don’t like to brag that we are the toughest Sports Network in Detroit but we do have a guy named Darren mccardy on her side you and mccardy who’ve had a good knock down drag out there they go right on the W they were talking to one another Woodward Sports hey cruising on in the second hour of Big D energy live on the Woodward Sports Network I am flannel Sam filling in for Neil rule the man to my left is Terry Foster we got EAS in the house we’ve got kg we’ve got Spencer rexer and last Monday we didn’t really get a chance to talk about the Pistons and we all know that they made a lot of moves this off season they seem like a pretty revamp team I would say they had they got a new head coach they got a new president of basketball operations they had a draft they had a free agency period where they made some moves they made a trade got some assets so Terry Foster how do you feel about what the Pistons have done this off season so far I like it and um not in love with it but there’s there’s New Direction um my problem with the Pistons is I think there’s um they hired a good guy in tran langing my fear though do you remember the movie Arthur yeah yeah that Arthur owns the team and that Arthur hasn’t let go of having Armon tell him mhm get you know in the mix and he trying to do stuff and he trying to Mentor a dude who knows more about basketball than he does that’s my fear if they stay out the way I’ll be down with the Pistons was any of that fear and I know it’s early I know they haven’t played a game yet in this in this era but was any of that fear somewhat alleviated when you saw the making the Tobias Harris move the Malik Beasley move the uh Tim Hardaway Jr trade in which they got some assets for it are those moves that you like and maybe lead you to believe that tran Lan is the man in charge and there’s not too many cooks in the kitchen so far yes okay but that that doesn’t last forever sometimes but I’m hoping this does that they just give it to him um and I tell you another thing is uh that’s going to be critical is bicker staff yeah developing players now I know I know we all want to see the Pistons and the playoffs and and sometimes we might say outrage just things like oh can they win 45 or 50 games no but what you need to do here’s what piston fans need to look are these players getting better are they developing or they just running up and down the court uh you know one guy that I really think we need to watch is is Duren and not if he can pick and pop which he’s not going to do or if he can roll to the basket I want to see his defense because the Pistons are embarrassing defensively and I want to see what bigger staff does with them defensively I’m glad that you mentioned that because that was that’s bigger staff’s calling card in Cleveland they were always a good defensive team and I know and we’ve talked about it Evan Mobley and Jared Allen those are defensive big men men that I don’t think Jaylen Duran will ever quite achieve that level of defensive prowess but it’s something don’t say never he’s got the body he’s got the frame he’s got the athleticism so do you think that a coach like JB bicker staff with his defensive prowess and his pedigree is that is Jaylen Duren somebody that he can work with do you think Jaylen Duran can ever become a I don’t want to say a top defensive Center but somebody who is worthy of being on this team long term somebody who can be an Allstar no no no stop stop selling yourself short he needs to become a top defensive Center and I’m not talking about number two or number three in the league but top top five can we can we do that at some point would love it cuz he’s an athlete he’s got that NBA he’s had that NBA ble body since he was 12 yes he has so um if and bicker staff has done it before why can’t he do it in Detroit there’s no reason to say no it can happen not saying it’s gonna but it can happen and it should so does that mean that you like the hire of JB bicker staff do you think they brought in the right guy for the job at least from what you know so far we haven’t seen him play a game at with him as coach yeah uh I remember his dad is a coach I like yeah um so you know I wouldn’t mind if they had his dad his dad’s old now but yeah they I always thought they need somebody young who got identified with younger players but trying to teach them some old school skills and I’m not saying let’s go to the bad boy Pistons or the going to work Pistons but you can’t be a Civ defensively no you got to have at least there was no effort that’s true there that’s that’s what always bothered me about the whole Troy Weaver regime because I’m bullish on Kade Cunningham like when we talk about athletes in Detroit that I have no objectivity over that I Fanboy over Kade C there’s Kade Cunningham there’s Riley green and there’s Aiden Hutchinson so that I I’m giving I’m giving I’m giving my qualifier there but one thing that always bothered me was it seems as if and I know I’m not an NBA GM and I don’t I don’t claim to be one I’m not an NBA coach I don’t claim to be one it’s seems like Kate Cunningham is the archetype of player that is fairly easy to build around if they got him some three-point shooting if they became better defensively this could really be expedited to where this Pistons team looks unrecognizable from the year before but with Troy Weaver it was just get a bunch of big men draft a bunch of people who can’t shoot and it just it it it bothered me so I’m happy that there at least seems to be a Direction with those things being emphasized no that that is correct now I spoke with someone in the Pistons front office and they said that Kate Cunningham can’t make other players better I disagreed I said the players around him can’t take advantage of what Kate Cunningham is providing for him K Cunningham is a facilitator let’s say this team becomes good let’s say they become great K cam is not going to be Michael Jordan he’s going to be more like Magic Johnson if they become great and from the standpoint of I think magic if you average eight points a game in the league and you play with magic you you average 12 to 14 points a game yep when Kate Cunningham brings the ball down the floor you got five set of eyes on him because there’s no fear anywhere else um so yeah you can lock in on him and then he’s going to turn the ball over at times he’s going to make some great plays at times but when you game plan for one player that one player is going to be tough for him oh so now you bringing your three-point Shooters and uh Jaylen Duram gets better and stuff like that then all of a sudden Kate Cunningham all of a sudden looks better yeah he was fighting for his life out there a lot of the time he just looking depressed and exhausted when he’d be at the at the podium following those law is and I want to get your thoughts on this cuz right back to back in the chat you see and I don’t know if he’s being serious DNC ENT 42 wins incoming and then right below him it says real Cream of Wheat just get to 20 wins what do you foresee from this Pistons team what would what would look like a success to you Terry Foster 32 I’m going to say that would be a success the 32 now I know they won 14 games you probably say well if they won 25 that’d be good no but I’m I’m I’m going to say 32 from the from this standpoint this team once again like the Tigers have been pathetic for almost a decade so you need to try to get out of that they’re not in the basement man they’re below the basement I don’t know what the they’re in the crawl space below the basement so you’ve got to do better than that um I am not going to jump up and down but if they do 32 I’m going to say all right bravo bravo Cheerio that’s a wildly successful season I think given what they what they did last year it’s not sure what what what has happened is our expectations have been thrashed I I had a conversation with Kool-Aid and he thought like this year said oh they’re GNA be good they’re GNA win 32 games I said bro winning 32 games is not good no come on now unfortunately it’s not it it it’s about it speaks more to hopefully getting some linear and incremental Improvement that and I know I’m looking way to too far into the future that my prediction was 28 which 28 32 28 could turn into 32 32 could turn into 28 based off of Many Many Factors how about this don’t lose 28 games in a row yeah how about that don’t lose 28 games in a row don’t start the season with Killian Hayes and assar Thompson and your starting lineup how about that that that’s Improvement right there if you got rid of Killian Hayes which they did and didn’t add anybody to the roster your team is automatically better they are he was he should started another career as a brick layer there were many you you know killing Hayes was so bad it would be like putting me my old ass out there and playing with them how’s that going to work out it’s not but for some reason uh Monty Williams thought better to start him over jayen Ivy at the beginning of the season I want to get your take really quick before we move on to uh teams that have had a little more recent success jayen Ivy do you think a jayen ivy Kade Cunningham combination in a starting lineup can work for this team moving forward it can work but here’s what they need to do is through the course of the game start those two together finish together but during the course of the game they need to stagger their minutes Kate should be out there Jay Navy should come out um and and provide a different Tempo surprise the other teams so I I would say the first five minutes the last five minutes play them together but in between they’re not going to play together all right under my scenario I don’t hate it obviously it would be great if both of those draft picks worked out and they could be part of a core moving forward but at least we know with Kate Cunningham he’s locked up he signed as a long-term long-term deal and I think that he’s I think he’s going to be the guy that leads the Pistons back to the promised land but we shall see it should be fun I’m just glad that we have some positiv what’s your definition of the promised land 40 wins that’s a great question no no obviously not 40 wins but even though I pick them to win 28 it’s weird I feel like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth because I’m picking them to win 28 because I’ve been hurt so many times but at the same time I’m talking about how you can make moves like even a Malik Beasley and it will look better being around Cade than Malik Beasley on another team and maybe things can be expedited a little bit I don’t know you can’t here’s another great concept how about having a head coach that actually wants to be here hey how about that they got that too JB bicker sta wants to be here and Monty Williams never did and Monty Williams did one of the worst head coaching jobs I’ve ever seen it was just it was it was shameful honestly but at the same time he never wanted to be there and he probably shouldn’t have ever got that much money in the first place but that that goes back to Arthur who’s running the team that just let me just bring in a name yeah that’s what they did and honestly I’ll I’ll Stand Up In AD minute I thought that it was was a good I thought it was a good hire I was along the same route I don’t know if I want any you know Charles Lee or Kevin Oly they haven’t done it like Monty Williams but as I’ve said before Monty Williams when you really look back at his coaching career was he more of a Chris Paul Merchant than anyone than a good coach I don’t know I don’t know but who’s who’s the best coach in NBA history in your opinion probably Greg papovich okay you bring in papovich they probably win 24 games so what’s that get you you still one of the worst teams yes in the NBA yes but maybe if they won more games they would have gotten the number one pick cuz it seems like the worst record in the NBA doesn’t get the number one pick no it does not but uh do you know what always gets the number one pick with unfortunate circumstances KD K law it should be your number one pick if you’re going through a divorce or anything like that as kg says don’t let that woman do you wrong they are open they are available 24/7 they will get you your best deal out of it during a very I did not call them I did not call them I am a happily married man and you know what the best part she didn’t watch but she probably watched this right now as I said that so I incriminated myself in another degree I was trying to be funny but it did it worked out terribly but KD K law for all of your divorce needs go visit them they will not let you get done wrong come to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men and claim your throne for a king’s treatment from one of our talented stylists open 7 days a week walk in anytime just get to a lady James today and receive a Precision haircut scalp massage hot lather neck shave and a hot towel treatment a haircut should not be a chore it should be an experience and that’s exactly what lady James has to offer open seven days a week walk-ins are always welcome there’s always a location near you Lady Jane’s haircuts for men it’s wicked awesome we don’t like to brag that we are the toughest Sports Network in Detroit but we do have a guy named Darren mccardy on our side love you and mccardy had a good knock down drag out there they go right on the wood they were talking to one another Woodward [Applause] Sports welcome back to bigd energy live on the Woodward Sports Network we are live from the Calvin Johnson charity golf event at Detroit Golf Club sponsored by Randy Wise lot it was a very very fun event now people are out golfing and we kind of got this room to ourselves but for a while there it was uh there were it was a who’s who of Detroit athletes in here and Randy Moss even made an appearance I didn’t get to meet him unfortunately but I need to get Randy Moss on this show I would love to get ready because I got I got a scenario I need to talk to him about something he doesn’t know about that I got into an argument with the Detroit Lions over him is that something you want to share or I’ll share it okay I would uh at the silver Dome they had a kitchen where the coaches and the media used to you know inter mingle so Ron Hughes who was player Personnel director then he came in there and I I L Bas it I said dude why didn’t you guys take Randy Moss and I said I’m sick and tired of the oh the character thing oh he doesn’t have character I said just bring some dudes in who can play he looked at me straight in the eye and said the reason we didn’t pick Randy Moss had nothing to do with character and whenever NFL people talk to they talk down to you cuz I’m in the media like you don’t know anything he said what you didn’t notice about Randy Moss is he had he has alligator arms oh boy and I said this dude looks like uh an all pro player in warm-ups I don’t want to hear that stuff the alligator arms that’s baloney and there’s never been a more man amongst boys than Randy Moss at Marshall unfortunately he had some issues which didn’t allow him to play at Florida State or Notre Dame but he landed at Marshall and he could have won that Heisman that Charles Woodson won he was just it was stupid just watching him he was bigger he was faster he put up better numbers than everybody it was just I got to see it firsthand because I am a Chipawa man he used to come at this Mount Pleasant man and just own the stadium they should just called a Randy Moss Stadium yep if and and I know I’m sure a lot of you guys have seen this he had there was a 30 for30 Rand University if you want to see some Randy Moss Marshall highlights why watch that documentary absolutely amazing SP Mo rexter got a little bit of breaking news here it happened a little earlier per John Haymon of the New York Post uh orial starter Corbin Burns is expected to be the All-Star starter for the AL over Tariq scoel oh boo his boo so it looks like Tariq scoel is not going to be the All-Star starter so the last time we saw Corbin burns on a mound I think they lost to the Cubs I think the the Baltimore or got shut out he wasn’t terrible or anything like that but I was you know the wheels were were turning in my head when I was thinking about who was going to start the AL All-Star team I think it should be scoble I’m not going to yell and scream I’m not going to pound the table I thought that maybe because Corbin Burns is the Ace on one of the best teams in the American League and was and seems to be that missing piece for a team that was good last year but needed to get over the top this year I don’t necessarily hate it I would have rather it been scoble but Corbin Burns I think I would have been a little bit more upset if it were somebody like Seth Lugo I can stomach Corbin Burns you you seem to not be that bothered about it yeah I think part of this has to do with the fact the Tigers were not a factor um until maybe recently and they’re still not a factory but they they’re at least hot now but I I think part of it has to do with the team and uh that’s why Corbin is in there yeah it’s it’s unfortunate but we’re probably going to see him oh Mr stat man pull up everybody’s stats let us know what’s going on here all right Corbin Burns what did he do in his last game I I I think I think scoble probably Faire a little bit more favorably than Corbin Burns Corbin Burns 943 erra his last start 943 or two did I say 943 you said 943 I what to say whoa 243 9 and4 record 243 erra let me let me look up school what’s his whip what’s his Whip and strikeouts I know sco’s got more strikeouts 110 strikeouts 10 sco got like 150 I think yeah I I think I think it’s probably just a product of it’s the Baltimore Orioles Bo kg I know you yelled who cares I agree because when you’re a pitcher you only affect the game one out of every five days yes and if T and if somehow they could make a TK scoble that could pitch for the Tigers every day if there were no injuries or fatigue obviously this team would be great when he when he pitches generally they win so I don’t love it but like I said I’m not going to get too outraged about you think if you would have got that win against the Dodgers he would be the starter now I if here’s the Dirty Little Secret in sports a lot of times All Stars or starters of things are pick based partly based on team success MVPs are picked upon team success I think this one this was part part of because the tigers they just weren’t anything for a long long time yeah and uh LMS 31m I gotta read this because it’s actually funny when when I accidentally said 943 for uh Corbin birds’ set he goes like that’s my adus page Sam that’s funny right but I will say I will say this getting back my Mya turned to Nolan Johnson or Nolan Ryan when he was coming out of the bullpen like what was that bro you don’t have that pressure on him yeah that’s true Ken ma was the MVP of game he was lights out I can’t believe he he was the MVP of that game he was lights out it was awesome like obviously at the beginning Bo brisy started and it was a little shaky you don’t take my MVP away from Colt Keith all right of the game Colt Keith is the MVP of July Colt Keith is the MVP of the last game put respect on his name FL he is not MVP of the last game he is not would they have won without him no he is you could wa You could argue he was MVP Saturday Sunday he was not MVP of that game he was like Saturday 100% like that that game tying home run that’s that’s a ice water in the I think we’re getting our comebacks mixed up yeah yeah it’s true yeah but it’s weird though if we’re talking about because you guys brought it up it’s interesting you want to talk about Sunday’s game a couple of who who had this on their bingo card a couple of the unsung heroes of that game were kentay and Zack mckinstry you know sometimes you get it baseball is a long season for a reason you need you need guys to step up did not think Kent Mao was going to step up not going to lie but like I said you look like Mariano Rivera coming out of that Bullpen so you like to see that mckinstry he can run into one every now and then so he good to see him get that knock um you need these guys to step up if you’re going to play 162 games you need guys like that to step up every now and then yeah and Kevin Donaldson maybe MAA will have a Resurgence in the bullpen where guys only see him once through the order I’m not I’m not counting on Ken to give you much of anything but hey in a I’m not going to say it was a turning point win but getting both Series wins in this home that was huge and kenaya stabilized things after at the beginning it was uh a little shaky primarily due to and this is where people are going to dunk on me a little bit some defensive ineptitude dunk on him because uh I’m not as high thought you’re so worried I thought defense doesn’t matter win the Kansas City series and maybe we can talk I will say this I don’t think defense doesn’t matter matter I think if you are only a good defensive player and can’t hit I don’t have much room for you you said defense don’t matter I did not say that hey Terry flanel doesn’t care about defense bunting or stealing B wow I care about and he don’t care about winning either obviously just remember I have the ultimate trump card when it comes to this which is ironic given what happened Saturday but anywh who I should have said hey let’s just put out a nice little ball club and let him try hard I don’t care what happens I shouldn’t he wants he wants walks or home runs that’s all he car I will say this I will say this if defense mattered as much as offense if you could be then Parker Meadows would have been in the MLB this entire season he was a gold glove L level centerfielder he just couldn’t hit worth the dam he couldn’t hit his weight you know if the Dodgers made one more defensive play they would have won the game Sun Saturday true oh yeah what 100% whatever was thought defense doesn’t matter though flannel see it it it matters but you don’t have to me you don’t have any place on my team if you’re one of those Li hitting catchers who play defense like at this point I’m ready to launch Jake Rogers to the sun rake Rogers oh rake Rogers I I understand that he’s TK sco’s personal catcher and everything but uh he ain’t hitting he’s he’s awful at least he’s pretty bad he’s got a cool mustache though flannel that means something right it means nothing it means less to me than anybody and you know that wow I want to ask you guys right now now Terry and flannel if you if you had to pick one okay for the rest of their career are you taking Tariq scoel or Paul SK Paul skin I’d probably go on skes too yeah SK is better it’s insane he’s just magic yeah but you know tell me he’s gonna have a Tommy John injury but you can’t predict that but SK have you seen all his warm-ups Terry he does he’s got like a big neck roll that he wears and he does little throws with to get his arm warmed up yeah when somebody does crazy stuff like that they’ve got everything figured out hulkin is the best pitcher on Earth he is he really is he came right into Major League Baseball and he’s dating done like and as uh I was talking to our to our one of our behind the scenes guys in the back um Noah wreck great job by the way he does a great job here no he mentioned this and when you look at it it’s true Paul skes has not had a bad game not one not a single one a bad game for him is like a six inning three earned run quality start at this point given his last few starts a subar game for him is like six Innings two runs could he actually win the uh nlsa young there’s a guy on Atlanta isn’t it like raldo Lopez or somebody Chris s’s doing having a damn good year too I think I think he can I really do if Paul skines continues this run for the second half of the Year especially if somehow the Pirates can claw their way into a wild card spot which they’re alive for by the way the Pittsburgh Pirates are alive and well for the wild card I think there’s a very good chance that paulines could win it he could do what like Fernando Valenzuela did in 1981 where it was like Fernando Mania I think that’s probably the last time we’ve seen anything like this although I believe the Dodgers won the World Series that year which the which the Pittsburgh will not do but no they will not it’s just been a but hey if you get Paul skins in the playoff series that’s a game probably two games that you’re probably going to win so you’re going had more going for him from the standpoint it was a Hispanic player in La doing really well and he stirred up that fan base there oh yeah absolutely it was a and he was really good he was the best pitcher in the world as a rookie and last time I checked Paulk is in Pittsburgh he is in Pittsburgh and I’m from Pittsburgh big difference there there certainly is a big difference but you know there’s no difference when it comes to Great Celebrity Golf Tour and other great Celebrity Golf Tour and you get that from Randy Wise of course we went to we went to Oakland Hills Golf Club we did one of the one of Randy wise’s Celebrity Golf tours we’re doing one today with the Calvin Johnson Foundation charity golf event for the Randy Wise Celebrity Golf Tour we had a winner right here who’s playing in a for sub with Darren mccardy right now what could you want more than that Randy Wise Automotive team Randy Wise at work and at home we’re there with smarter Security Solutions featuring complete automation with customized alerts and more for over 90 years we’ve been the company that’s been counted on to protect what matters most all with personalized service and care right now for limited time receive a free video device plus free installation with a new home system Guardian Alarm we protect Michigan how about that rookie he is something else how big is that all of Detroit sport live on Woodward all of Detroit sports coverage lives on Woodward Sports driving the best in Detroit sports coverage Woodward Avenue the first paved Road in America Woodward Sports the first sports network born in Detroit and made for Detroit soki’s crispy chicken and Pizza is taking over Michigan locations are popping up all over Metro Detroit known for their quality hand battered hand breaded chicken tenders delicious chicken sandwiches New York style pizza and the best biscuits in the biscuit game I’m telling you like don’t care about Popeyes don’t care about churches go to srois if you want some good biscuits they just open a location in Madison Heights you can find a store near you at srois now that’s crispy hey welcome back big dgy live on the Woodward Sports Network I am flannel Sam the man to my left is Terry Foster and all that talk about srois is getting me pretty hungry and I’m probably going to smash this Buffet at about 1:01 p.m. shout out to the Detroit Golf Club golf club for putting on the buffet they got Burgers they got some some fit glizzies over there it’s it’s some good food absolutely I I cannot wait for that Dante 151 with a uh $10 Super Chat thank you apparently you can bet the All-Star Game the AL team is favored at minus 118 and the over under is 7 and a half and you can bet on who wins the Derby if people bet on that should they call the BET helpl line yes 100% if if you bet on baseball you need help man yes that’s fair It’s So Random as I said the best teams will lose 60 games the worst teams will win 60 games you you never see you rarely see a team even double their win total to their losses it’s it’s there’s too much variance when it comes to it there’s 162 of them but yeah betting an All-Star game is a pretty degenerate I I would say that but uh do you know what probably is not degenerate we shall see the Detroit Red Wings I want to get to them really quickly before we get to mailbag because we talked Lions a lot in the first hour with lus brown with Lis Brown and Rob Sims and those are some people that you want to hear from on the subject but the Detroit Red Wings they’ve had their off season it looks like everything has slowed down and they’re may just be what they are at this point so Terry Foster for this next upcoming season yes sir who is the Red Wings most important player uh I think it’s Patrick K from this standpoint is he a one hit wonder he’s if he’s a one- hit wonder and they bring him back and he’s not doing much that’s that’s going to really bring the team down but if he comes back he plays at a high level they’re going to be really dangerous absolutely you know Pete spyc just entered the building Pete’s looking like a dad on vacation right now I love it he does hey hey you can certainly get a good look at him today on herani and Edward right now not you’re not not only looks like a dad on vacation he looks like a drunk dad on Pete is what’s up buddy boy hey what up yeah Pete Pete is the absolute man you’ll see him later on at 2 pm on Armani and Edwards with MZ but uh I want to go to you Spenny I know we’ve talked a lot of Red Wings on our times on Big D energy but I want to ask you who is the most important red wi in this upcoming season I had a um I had a a tough time picking one person honest can I do two absolutely can I do two Red Wings okay I think I think the two Red Wings that are most important for them going into next season are number one cam talbat him being in net him being the goenda playoff push to improve their goal tending from last year and I think he is an important part of that and the other guy I think it’s Ben shurat now since you didn’t go out there and get a solidified top four defenseman to add to your top two pairings I think Ben shurat needs to step up play how he played down the stretch last year where he was arguably the second best defenseman on the Red Wings uh roster last year down the stretch if Ben shurat can play a whole season like he did in the last handful of games last year I think the Red Wings have a very good chance of making the playoffs all right Mr analytics you going to argue with him no I I look at it a little bit differently but the Ben shat one is interesting and cam talot of course cuz we all know the Red Wings need better goal tending but I’m going to go a similar route but I’m going to go with the star I think that it’s mider and it’s along some of the same routes as Spenny said when it comes to Ben sherat I think there is a possibility that there’s going to be some concern with this defense moving forward I know that Albert Johansson is gonna come up I know that we’re gonna have an entire season of Simon Edinson I’m happy that they held down to Ben sherat because I think he’s been actually one of the better Steve Eiserman signings over his tenure with the Detroit Red Wings but there’s some concern um I’m thinking we might see a little too much Petri and O Ma on this defense so we’re going to need a guy like Mo mider to take an even bigger lead than he did last season and I know mider is the least of the Red Wings problems at this point so I don’t want to put too much pressure on him if he does relative to what he did last year plus a little Improvement I would probably take that but we’re going to need him to be that guy we’re going to need him at some point to be that one who contends for uh the Norris Trophy I’m not saying he’s going to win it this year he’s going to be in true contention this year but if he does if he really pops and becomes one of the top defensemen in the NHL undisputedly that will Maybe cover up some holes that they weren’t able to fill in free agency and to your point young man at some point in NHL your stars have to be Stars so I like the most cider one and uh that’s why I actually agree and I like what Brandon Catz said in the wri sports chat about about Lucas Raymond he said Lucas Raymond is the most important Redwing and it’s it’s he’s up there for sure Lucas Raymond I expect him to take the jump to superstardom next year I expect a 40-goal season out of Lucas Raymond next year him to be that first line guy him to be that first Power Play guy and I expect him to go out there and put a ton of pressure on opposing teams he showed his physicality as part of his game last year where he was getting to the boards taking the puck away from people in the four check we need Lucas Raymond to really Step Up and to continue his hot play last year that really started when Ben shro roughed him up a little bit at practice then you saw Lucas Raven go out there and be that guy on this team we saw him be the assistant Captain for team uh Team Sweden in in the in the games earlier in the world uh World majors and I I expect Lucas Raymond to to take that leap next year and to be that guy going forward and I think the pressure is off of Lucas Raymond from this standpoint they wanted to look at him last year to see if he was worth being part of the long-term future where he would get paid a lot of money yeah and I think he proved that and so obviously you have to repeat yourself but I just thought last year was the year he really had to show them yeah Lucas Raymond is an excellent one and I don’t think anybody would be surprised if he leads the team in scoring in goals I actually think that would probably be good for the team it would be certainly good for him the only reason that I would say cider over Raymond is because with L with Lucas Raymond he’s I would say he’s a little bit more insulated I’m not saying that you know you you want to see him be on lines or or not have any help but they do have teraso they do have Kane they’ve got de Brink they’ve got Lin they’ve got better players offensively for Lucas Raymond to work with defensively with cider I’m worried I’m a little worried because I think the Jake wman loss that people are dismissing as nothing could come back to haunt I mean not be the worst thing in the world but he’s a piece that could have played on this team even a guy like Shane Gaspar who on a previous show I was okay with letting walk but in my flannel offseason plan they would have made they made a bigger move in defensively in the off season so I’m a little bit worried I think you got gust of sit to replace GPH I think that’s a pretty linear move and the the Wallman I like the Wallman pairing with cider but you needed to free up that money to get these deals done and hopefully they get them done pretty soon here starting to get a little itchy without cider and Raymond getting paid yet but I I think they’ll get those two deals deal done I think both of those guys are going to be in Detroit for a long time and that’s a good thing to hear you know you know what I’m doing up here I’m being really really really bad I got a new name name for flannel Sam what’s that the contradictor no you’ll say uh I think uh Lucas Raymond is under the gun I I kind of worry about him but I’m not saying he’s going to be bad yeah but you know but he could be good but I’m worried about him being bad I never said that I never said those words about Raven what you said about everybody else I well well you said you were worried about Mo now I’m not saying he’s going to be bad but I’m worried I’m not worried about mider by himself I just with the a lot of people aren’t going to like this with somewhat of the inaction W with free agency they brought in Guston you’re going to have Edinson for the whole year they lost wman they lost gosip spear I think that there’s a chance that Mo cider in order for this team to reach its peak will have to make a bigger leap than he’s even capable at this point do I think that there’s a Norris cider a Norris a noris cider a Norris Trophy in MO cider’s future absolutely do I think he’s going to make that leap this season time will tell he’s going to be better that’s what I mean because there’s a lot of pressure on him I think there’s more pressure on him than there is on Lucas Raymond although Lucas Raymond there’s there’s he’s got a what’s up this is flannel you know the lions are not going to make the Super Bowl next year I’m not saying it can’t happen and it probably will happen but they’re not going to the Super Bowl this is what this man does I’m not I’m not fit I’m not fit he’s F he’s special if if you want 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ride and they didn’t break my budget he could you pass me the sugar how never mind he made the wise choice yep make the wise choice at Randy Wise Buick thank you to the Detroit Lions and Sheila Hamp for the best season in Lion’s history now it’s time to let Brad Holmes cook Woodward sports for expert Sports Injury Insight don’t miss our injury Insider Dr Jeff Pierce of Michigan Sports and Spine he’s live on Big D energy on Tuesdays and Armani and Edwards with Maz on Thursdays make sure you trust the guy that dmac trust do Jeff Pierce has been keeping people in the game and at their best for a long time now so make sure you T step in when he’s on the shows it’s Dr Jeff Pierce of Michigan Sports and spot hey last segment of the day energy I wanted we done already hey we are almost done we got eight minutes left in show I got I got a great stat flannel is going to love it it’s this this Tigers offense in July and where they rank amongst other teams in the MLB this is pretty wild they are first in Ops with 847 they are second in win percentage fourth in home runs and first in triples that makes sense when you really look at it when I gave you the numbers of the guys who were really on fire in the month of July I I mentioned the Colt Keith the Riley greens the Justin Henry malloys even a Carson Kelly Andy aan even Gio orella that’s a big part of your team and you’ve seen it and I believe in the home stand they average 5.7 runs per game which on this which is Elite on this Tigers team you’re going to win most of your games if if you do that so maybe this off offense is a little bit better than any of us ever thought that some of those pieces that people think are bums are actually decent we shall see they might have to still make a move if they want to make a run but I’ve always said there’s something romantic about money balling money balling it a little bit getting value out of players who people dismiss like Andy banz and Carson Kelly I never forgot about you guys AJ hinch shout out to you shout out shout out to AJ hinch I gave him a lot of flack and by a lot of flack I called for his job I will say this he must be listening welcome to the show AJ welcome to the show Mr hinch because I’ve seen him play Carson Kelly and Andy Aban in the same lineup back-to-back days as he should as any manager should Terry how do you feel about the offense I mean right now I’m I’m stunned um I you know I I was sick and tired of oh the Tigers they got three hits and seven in this is their offensive output and they’re looking really good score some runs score some damn runs I you know I’m I’m very I’m very uh appreciative what I see how long is this going to last because the thing about baseball you talk about you’re going to uh win at least 60 games or lose at least 60 games every team in major league baseball has a run mhm is that run going to last 10 games is it going to last 15 games or is it going to last the whole season everybody’s going to have have a run at some point it’s like everybody’s going to reach a slump maybe this is just their run uh the the allstar break came at the wrong time cuz these guys are feeling good about themselves I know AJ hinch said that well you know they’re they’re tired and they’re worn out because of the way they’ve been winning but you know when you can walk in that Clubhouse and you’re feeling good about yourself you’re going to win more games you’re going to lose but now all that’s out of the way the allar break comes let’s see what they are when they come back you know what else I’d like to see the Tigers do down the stretch get more wins when Rees Olsen starts because you mention it that feeling in the clubhouse of getting a win Rees Olsen deserved to experience that this first half a lot more than he did but to be fair in the month of July the Tigers did win both starts of ree Olsen’s which makes sense because in the there he goes Terry there he goes saying one thing and then saying the other right after wait a minute wait a minute over the totality of the season the Tigers record when Reese Olsen starts is morbid and the Tigers over the totality of the Season should be jailed of what they’ve done to Reese Olsen that’s true what is also true is in the month of July the tigers are 2 and0 when Reese Olson starts maybe they’re turning it around maybe it’s a sign of things to come maybe some of their core pieces like is it a coincidence that when cult Keith and Riley green are on a tear that the tigers are good no he cleaned it up well yeah he did I’m just I’m just I’m just saying and uh spy I I I know you’re going to love this I saw this in the chat and I instantly thought of you Colt Keith for MVP that was not it it’s uh something that you probably won’t like the uh we’re you’re a fan of the song Dear Prudence by The Beatles correct yes I am Mike O put the lyrics uh the Sun is up the sky is blue it’s beautiful and so is you at Lorena Rios oh God why would anybody do that right get a room you bums yeah that’s that’s and if you guys have any mailbag questions drop them in I know I I forgot to I think I need to apologize to flannel Sam because a few weeks ago I asked him have you even heard of The Beatles he said of course I have why would you even ask me something like that that’s disrespectful but I asked him that it’s okay no it’s fine a lot of people in my demographic haven’t heard of them they’ve just they’ve been my favorite band for a long time and they they they still are I’d say that the greatest and I also like to watch that documentary The Beatles Anthology I watch it religiously it’s it’s a lot of fun and you know what thank you guys in the chat by the way I see a lot of great shows Greg Greg a thank you very much I see seeing lots of people thank you so much for tuning in and you know what I think that’ll do it for today we’ve had a great time it was fun having a show with Terry Foster where there was a little bit more civility but that’s all well and good because even even when we did a show that was a little contentious we hugged it out afterwards and I’m glad that your marriage is no longer threatened I’m excited about that it is not threatened but for for the Detroit golf club for all of you in the in the chat Randy Moss in the house oh man maybe I’ll have to go get a chance to beat him but for everybody in the chat for all of you watching for kg for Spencer rexer for Terry Foster for James AKA power deck in the chat for easy thank you so much for watching Pete spyc as well tune in to armanian Edwards with Maz at 2 p.m. live from this location we will see you tomorrow on Big D energy well see you later

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